PROJECT SUMMARY Invasive candidiasis is a serious and widely recognized fungal infection caused by Candida species. Antifungal resistance is a particular problem with Candida infections. Multidrug-resistant Candida infections have very few remaining treatment options. The type and level of drug resistance is unknown until the causative Candida species is determined via culture methods. A rapid diagnostic test to both identify Candida species and its antifungal drug resistance would help provide timely, appropriate treatment and reduce the spread of these resistant organisms. In response to a research topic that is specified by CDC for a culture-independent platform technology for Candida diagnosis and resistance identification for point-of-care/ low-resource settings, Lynntech proposes to develop a rapid, inexpensive, specific, and sensitive diagnostic that enables point-of-care Candida species and multidrug resistance identification without the need to rely on culture results. The innovation of our diagnostic test is effectively bringing highly sensitive molecular testing to point-of-care. Lynntech?s diagnostic test could potentially represent a significant new paradigm in point-of-care diagnosis to guide accurate therapy for Candida infections and help maximize positive patient outcomes.