The invention relates generally to digital data communication systems and more particularly to coding techniques for addressing transmission errors in such systems.
There are basically two approaches to controlling transmission errors in digital data communication systems: automatic repeat request (ARQ) and forward error correction (FEC). Although ARQ schemes offer high system reliability, they also are subject to poor throughput with increasing channel error rates, such as in a wireless communication channel. FEC schemes offer the possibility of constant throughput but with less reliability than ARQ schemes. Various schemes have been proposed which combine the two approaches, typically referred to as “hybrid” ARQ techniques, in which some form of coding technique is utilized at the transmitter and receiver, and decoding errors trigger retransmission requests.
An advantageous coding technique which proves to be very useful when utilized with hybrid ARQ is what is referred to in the art as “rate compatible” coding. Rate compatible codes are a family of nested error correction codes where the codeword bits from higher rate codes are embedded in the lower-rate codes. Thus, a hybrid ARQ scheme can achieve incremental redundancy by having a transmitter send the higher-rate coded bits first and send additional parity bits later if required from the receiver. There are two basic approaches to obtaining rate compatible codes—one is by “puncturing” code bits in a low-rate mother code to obtain a higher rate code; the other is by “extending” a high-rate mother code to lower-rate codes by appending more parity bits. Rate compatible codes were first introduced using puncturing on convolutional codes. See J. Hagenauer, “Rate Compatible Punctured Convolutional Codes (RCPC codes) and their Applications,” IEEE Trans. Commun., Vol. 36, No. 4, pp. 389-400 (April 1988). Recently, attempts have been made to design rate compatible codes for what are known in the art as low density parity check (LDPC) codes. See, e.g., J. Li and K. Narayanan, “Rate-Compatible Low-Density Parity Check Codes for Capacity-Approaching ARQ Schemes in Packet Data Communications,” in Proc. Int. Conf. Commun., Internet, and Inform. Techn. (CIIT) (Nov. 2002). LDPC codes are attractive because they offer good performance while enjoying lower decoding complexity. A puncturing approach for irregular LDPC codes has been proposed which optimizes the degree profiles of an LDPC code ensemble based on density evolution analysis. See J. Ha and S. McLoughlin, “Optimal Puncturing of Irregular Low-Density Parity-Check Codes,” in Proc. IEEE Int. Conf. Commun. (ICC), pp. 3110-14 (May 2003). While showing good puncturing profiles that approach capacity, the results presume an infinite codeword length, which might not be suitable for design of rate compatible LDPC with short block length. Recently, a new puncturing approach has been proposed specifically for finite-length LDPC which is based on grouping nodes with different recoverable steps. See J. Ha and S. McLaughlin, “Puncturing for Finite Length Low-Density Parity-Check Codes,” in Proc. IEEE Int. Symp. Inform. Theory (ISIT), p. 151 (June 2004).
A new rate compatible coding approach is disclosed herein which takes advantage of the structure of irregular repeat accumulate (IRA) type codes, a special class of low density parity check codes. A wide effective code rate range is achieved by using a hybrid approach of generating high-rate codes with a novel puncturing technique and generating low-rate codes with a novel extending technique. In accordance with an aspect of the invention, higher-rate codes are generated by deliberately puncturing the parity nodes in an advantageous mother code up to the highest desired code rate. The other higher code rates are obtained by “unpuncturing” these parity nodes, preferably in a gradual controlled manner that takes into account the number of recoverable steps for the parity nodes. The parity nodes can be grouped based on recoverable steps, and parity nodes with a maximum recoverable step can be unpunctured first with priority given to those consecutive parity nodes with a maximum recoverable step. In accordance with another aspect of the invention, the lower-rate codes can be generated by extending the mother code with mixed degree-1 and degree-2 parity nodes. An arrangement which optimizes the proportion between degree-1 and degree-2 parity nodes is also disclosed.
The rate compatible codes generated by the above techniques provide good error correction performance over a wide effective range of code rates. The codes also can achieve high throughput with a hybrid ARQ scheme in a large region of signal-to-noise ratios. Moreover, the coding techniques can be implemented with a simple encoder and a low-complexity decoder. These and other advantages of the invention will be apparent to those of ordinary skill in the art by reference to the following detailed description and the accompanying drawings.
As depicted in
The encoder 115 and the decoder 125 preferably use rate compatible codes based on irregular repeat accumulate (IRA) coding.
where xm represents parity nodes with initial setting x0=0; a is the grouping factor. The length of the parity bits is M=n/a, where n=Σk=1Krk. The final coded bits {bi}i=1N are the collection of the information bits {dk}k=1K 204 and the parity bits {xm}m=1N−K 205.
IRA codes are a special class of what are referred to as low density parity check (LDPC) codes. An LDPC code is a linear block code specified by a very sparse parity check matrix H, such as the one depicted in
where λi is the fraction of edges in the bipartite graph that are connected to variable nodes of degree i, and ρi is the fraction of edges that are connected to check nodes of degree i. The degree profiles {λi, ρi} of LDPC codes can be optimized to have capacity approaching performance for long codes. A general bipartite graph for an LDPC code is depicted in
Similar to LDPC codes, one can represent the IRA codes by a Tanner graph, shown in
We use a polynomial to represent the repetition profile of an IRA code ensemble, i.e.,
As shown in the Tanner graph of an IRA code in
In accordance with a preferred embodiment of the invention, rate compatible LDPC codes are obtained by using puncturing and extending in a hybrid-approach. The puncturing approach is used to obtain the medium to high-rate codes while the extending approach is used to obtain the medium to low-rate codes. The specific details of the puncturing approach and the extending approach are described below. When generating an initial LDPC code, it is advantageous to use the design technique disclosed in co-pending commonly-assigned U.S. patent application Ser. No. 11/095,160, entitled “METHOD FOR CONSTRUCTING FINITE-LENGTH LOW DENSITY PARITY CHECK CODES,” filed on Mar. 31, 2005, the contents of which are incorporated by reference herein. One can obtain good finite LDPC codes with medium rate, for instance, R=0.5, and use it as the mother code with which we consider the design of RC-LDPC codes next.
PUNCTURING. Puncturing has been widely used in convolutional, BCH, and turbo codes to obtain rate compatibility. With puncturing, the encoder generates all the parity bits (whole codeword), but only partial bits are transmitted. The parity coordinates that are not transmitted can be viewed as punctured. With proper puncturing, a set of higher rate codes are obtained from a low-rate mother code. In the decoder, the punctured bits are inserted as erasures and the decoding algorithm is performed as in a non-punctured codeword, i.e., the mother code. For LDPC codes, puncturing can be viewed as the deletion of the columns in the parity check matrix.
At step 501, the maximum number of puncture nodes, Np
where N0 is block length of the mother code.
The puncture nodes can be grouped into different groups. If a check node has only one punctured node, the check node can be referred to as a “survived” check node (or a one-step survived check node), and the punctured node which has at least one survived check node connected is referred to as a “one step recoverable” (1SR) node. This is depicted in
represents a constraint on puncturing.
At step 502, the Np
At step 503, the punctured nodes of recoverable step k are assigned to group Gk, k=1, . . . , KG. Also, assign the label-1 to two consecutive nodes with maximal recoverable step, KG, and label-0 to other nodes with step KG.
At step 504, the punctured nodes are then “unpunctured” to obtain the lower code rate gradually. We first unpuncture the punctured node with the maximum recoverable step, KG, and label-1 first. After using all the label-1 nodes in the group GK
At step 505, after all the nodes with step KG un-punctured, set step KG=KG−1 and assign the labels to the punctured nodes currently with KG.
Processing continues by unpuncturing the punctured nodes at steps 504 and 505 until, at step 506, all the desired lower code rate are obtained.
The puncturing approach depicted in
With this feature, it can be shown that any parity nodes punctured can be recovered during a certain number of iterations if there is at least one unpunctured parity node and all the information nodes are not punctured. This can be readily verified. Consider
Next, consider the recoverable steps of the punctured parity nodes.
With deliberate puncturing, one can puncture any Np nodes to obtain optimal punctured IRA codes. However, they are are not rate-compatible. In order to get rate-compatibility, the puncturing approach illustrated by
It can be shown that the above puncturing approach provides rate compatible IRA-type LDPC codes which provide good performance from medium to very high code rates. It should be noted that with the above puncturing approach, one can obtain the codes with continuous rates by unpuncturing the node one by one. One can pick any rates to form a set of RC-LDPC codes. One can also modify the unpuncture strategy above slightly for fixed discrete Ris. The performance of resulting RC-LDPC codes, however, would not be much different.
It is useful to compare the above approach with the prior art puncturing approach disclosed in See J. Ha and S. McLaughlin, “Puncturing for Finite Length low density parity check Codes,” in Proc. IEEE Int. Symp. Inform. Theory (ISIT), p. 151 (June 2004). While this prior art puncturing approach is also based on grouping nodes with different recoverable steps, it is focused on handling regular LDPC codes rather than irregular IRA-type LDPC codes. A greedy search algorithm is therein proposed to find the optimal set of groups {Gk}k=1K
EXTENDING. The rate compatible code disclosed above can be extended to lower rates by adding extra redundancy bits, as further described below. An advantage of extending is the reduction of complexity. Unlike puncturing, additional parity bits can be appended only when needed, and decoding is only performed for the bits transmitted. Therefore, unnecessary computations are avoided at the encoder and decoder. Since it is difficult to obtain a good high rate LDPC code due to the small size of the code graph, the mother code for extending is preferably of moderate rate.
where u˜N (x, 2 x), and φ(0)=1. Based on density evolution analysis with Gaussian approximation, the iterative process of IRA decoding from the lth iteration to the (l+1)th iteration can be represented by
where i is the degree of information nodes; h (s, r, {tilde over (r)}) is the function of updating extrinsic messages from the check node to the information nodes, and {tilde over (h)} (s, r, {tilde over (r)}) is the function of updating extrinsic message to the parity nodes; s=4Es/N0; r and {tilde over (r)} are scalars of extrinsic messages passed between the information nodes and parity nodes, respectively. Then, the IRA code optimization for AWGN channel is to find the optimal code ensemble profile {λi, a} which maximizes the code rate R and subject to the error-free decoding constraint, rl+1<rl, i.e.,
where {tilde over (r)}(r) denotes the solution of
{tilde over (r)}=h(s,r,{tilde over (r)}), (11)
for a given r. Note that the function φ(x) is monotonically decreasing. Then, given a fixed s, for all rε[0, 1], the function {tilde over (h)}(s,r,{tilde over (r)}) is monotonically increasing with {tilde over (r)}. Since {tilde over (h)}(s, r, 0)≧0 and {tilde over (h)}(s, r, 1)≦1, (11) has a unique solution in (0,1).
If the group factor a is different for each step of extending, the check nodes may no longer be regular. Therefore, we define the distribution ρa as the degree fraction of group factor a. We then rewrite equations (8) and (9) as
where {tilde over (ρ)}a is the degree distribution from the node perspective. In order to obtain the profiles with rate compatibility, additional constraints are introduced. Given the profiles of the RC code of rate Rq at the qth stage, {λq,i, ρq,a}, the constraints for next extended code ensemble, {λq+1,i, ρq+1,a} of rate Rq+1, where Rq+1<Rq, can be obtained as follows.
Define the scaling factor βq=Mq/Mq+1. We assume that the group factor remains the same in the matrix Cq at the qth extension, denoted by aq, for all q=1, 2, . . . . The RC constraint for ρq+1,a from a node perspective is given by
Since additional SPC constraints imposed for extending can possibly increase the degrees of information nodes, the constraints for the degree profiles from the node perspective are given by
With the above constraints, we can then obtain the optimal extending profiles using differential evolution for LDPC code design.
It has been determined that degree-1 nodes play an important role in designing low-rate codes. In particular, a massive number of degree-1 nodes are extended for an LDPC code in order to design a very low-rate code with capacity-approaching coding gain. Hence, instead of extending solely with degree-2 nodes, we propose a new extending method which includes the degree-1 parity bits to obtain RC-IRA codes at lower rates. The columns of the extended matrix B1 and B2 then have either two or one nonzero entry placed at the diagonal positions, as shown in the right part of
Define πq,a as the proportion of degree-1 nodes connected to the check nodes (including extended nodes) with grouping factor a at the qth extending stage. Hence, function hi and {tilde over (h)} in (8) and (9) can be written as
where r0=φ(s). Here we assume that the check nodes connected to the extended degree-2 and degree-1 parity nodes have the same grouping factor at each extending stage. Define πq* as the proportion of degree-1 parity nodes over the extended nodes (with total equal to Mq−Mq−1) at the qth stage. We have
πq+1,a=πq,a for a≠aq+1, (18)
πq+1,a=βq{tilde over (ρ)}q,aπq,a+(1−βq)πq+1* for a=aq+1. (19)
It is seen that only πq+1* is introduced to the design of the code profile at the (q+1)th extending stage (πq+1,a can be obtained from (18) and (19)). The optimization at the qth extending stage can be summarized as
Again, the above optimization can be solved by differential evolution.
The code profile obtained from the above optimization to achieve the threshold of Eb/N0 is for infinite-length random codes with cycle-free assumption. For practical applications, it might be difficult to build a good finite-length code (i.e., a few thousand bits or less) from the optimized profiles since the cycles are impossible to avoid. Under the iterative decoding, the existence of cycles causes the error-floor. The above-mentioned patent application proposes a finite-length code design method by introducing unequal protection of variable nodes with distinguishing different type of cycles in the bipartite graph representation of IRA codes. Here, we can apply the same design strategy to build an extended code matrix of R<R0. Thus, in order to find the good tradeoff between low threshold decoding and low error-floors, consider the following simplifications.
Define Function
ƒ(s,r,{tilde over (r)},πq*)h(s,r,{tilde over (r)})−r, (23)
where h (s, r, {tilde over (r)}) can be computed by (7), (16) and (17) applying the above simplification results. With error-free decoding constraint, r>h (s, r, {tilde over (r)}), we have ƒ(s, r, {tilde over (r)}, π)<0. Then given aq, the profiles of the RC codes at the (q−1)th stage, and the target rate Rq, the optimal πq* can be obtained by solving
Consider an example of extending to a very low rate, Rq=0.1, q=1, directly from the mother code. The mother code is obtained from finite-length LDPC design strategy with R0=0.5 and profiles {λ5=1, a=5}. The function ƒ(s, r, {tilde over (r)}, πq*) for πq*=0.6, 0.75, . . . , 1 and aq=3 is evaluated and illustrated in
While exemplary drawings and specific embodiments of the present invention have been described and illustrated, it is to be understood that that the scope of the present invention is not limited to the particular embodiments discussed. Thus, the embodiments shall be regarded as illustrative rather than restrictive, and it should be understood that variations may be made in those embodiments by workers skilled in the arts without departing from the scope of the present invention as set forth in the claims that follow and their structural and functional equivalents.
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