The semiconductor industry has significant ramifications for the national security, economy, and society of the United States. The ongoing shortage of semiconductor chips has been impacting different sectors throughout the country, resulting in significant consequences for both the domestic semiconductor industry and the downstream sectors that rely on these chips. To address this issue and to advance and sustain U.S. leadership in the semiconductor industry, various initiatives have been undertaken at the federal, state, and industry levels to support and facilitate the expansion of domestic chip manufacturing capacity. Notably, these efforts have gained momentum in the Midwest, where the semiconductor industry substantially contributes to the gross regional product, and recent investments have been made to establish a regional semiconductor technology ecosystem. In light of the ongoing semiconductor chip shortage, creation of a Midwest Semiconductor Collaborative Network for Workforce Training is proposed, comprising members from various institutions of higher education (including R-1s, 4-year colleges, and regional community colleges), industry leaders, associations, and research center partners. MSN Force intends to establish a collaborative network that addresses the increasing need for highly skilled workers in the semiconductor industry within the Midwest. Our ultimate goal is to create a replicable model that can be implemented nationwide, meeting the growing national demand and ensuring continued U.S. leadership in this critical field.<br/><br/>MSN Force aims to address the growing demand for skilled semiconductor professionals and research in the Midwest region. The distinguishing feature of MSN Force lies in its collaborative approach, bringing together six institutes of higher education (IHEs) and five non-academic partners. While planning to scale up with the involvement of other notable Midwest IHEs in the short term, this consortium will work in synergy to develop and execute a curriculum that emphasizes experiential learning and strong industry engagement. By pooling resources and expertise, MSN Force seeks to ensure equitable access to workforce training resources for its students. Over the course of a 5-year program, MSN Force will conduct bi-annual workshops, steering committee meetings, and pilot training programs. The project intends to physically train up to 100 students while providing virtual training opportunities to promote broader participation. MSN Force seeks to develop a comprehensive and cutting-edge workforce training program that builds on the principles of experiential learning. These principles will be integrated into the training modules focusing on consecutive stages of the semiconductor production cycle, from device simulation to chip design, packaging, assembly, and testing. The program's design prioritizes an equitable workforce target and will serve as a blueprint for semiconductor workforce training networks and experiential learning initiatives. The proposed workforce training programs will follow a continuous improvement model, incorporating feedback from various stakeholders, including students, educators, industry experts, non-profits, and IHEs. By regularly updating and coordinating training activities, MSN Force aims to have a measurable impact on existing workforce training strategies applied in IHEs and the semiconductor industry. Overall, MSN Force's collaborative and experiential learning approach is set to meet the workforce demands of the semiconductor industry while promoting inclusivity and sustainability in the Midwest region and beyond.<br/><br/>This award reflects NSF's statutory mission and has been deemed worthy of support through evaluation using the Foundation's intellectual merit and broader impacts review criteria.