This READERS MATE is a thin and flat device which having a narrow window to see and focus to the reading line in the page by placing the bottom line of the window to the reading line for concentrative and comfortable reading. One of the good materials of the READERS MATE could be a transparent plastic. The sizes are variable according to books or any other reading materials. All of the devices should be colored with dull and comfortable color such as blue, green or black except the window. If the window had a natural sun light color with transparent, it would be the best. The size of the window can be affordable from two to five lines space. So, the window is surrounded by cool and a comfortable color or colors. Readers can concentrate to the reading line without eyes tiring through the window by placing the bottom line of the window to the reading line. Also, whenever line changing, it is free of eyes tiring by pulling down the window simply. This READERS MATES can be used also on the screen of the computer monitor.