An application reconciliation to improve flow-based applications. Generating a first application source graph based on first discovery information. Generating a second application graph based on first discovery information. Clustering the applications generated in the second graph of connected components. Performing a reconciliation of the connected components to cluster applications with similar members to obtain a reduced output of clustered applications.

Benefit is claimed under 35 U.S.C. 119(a)-(d) to Foreign Application Serial No. 202141060780 filed in India entitled “REALTIME APPLICATION RECONCILIATION WITHIN COMPUTING ENVIRONMENTS”, on Dec. 25, 2021, by VMware, Inc., which is herein incorporated in its entirety by reference for all purposes.


Distributed computing platforms, such as in networking products (NP) provided by VMware, Inc., of Palo Alto, California (VMware) include software that allocates computing tasks across group or cluster of distributed software components executed by a plurality of computing devices, enabling large data sets to be processed more quickly than is generally feasible with a single software instance or a single device. Such platforms typically utilize a distributed file system that can support input/output intensive distributed software component running on a large quantity (e.g., thousands) of computing devices to access large quantity of data. For example, the NP distributed file system (HDFS) is typically used in conjunction with NP - a data set to be analyzed by NP may be stored in as a large file on HDFS which enables various computing devices running NP software to simultaneously process different portions of the file.

Typically, distributed computing platforms such as NP are configured and provisioned in a “native” environment, where each “node” of the cluster corresponds to a physical computing device. In such native environment, where each “node” of the cluster corresponds to a physical computing device. In such native environments, administrators typically need to manually configure the settings for the distributed computing platform by generating and editing configuration or metadata files that, for example, specify the names and network addresses of the nodes in the cluster, as well as whether any such nodes perform specific functions for the distributed computing platform. More recently, service providers that offer cloud-based Infrastructure-as-a-Service (LaaS) offerings have begun to provide customers with NP frameworks as a “Platform-as-a-Service” (PaaS).

Such PaaS based NP frameworks however are limited, for example, in their configuration flexibility, reliability and robustness, scalability, quality of service (QoS) and security. These platforms also have the further problem of being able to handle disparate computing endpoints with huge volume of application is a very efficient discoverable manner.

Accurate and comprehensive application awareness (boundary, components, dependencies) is a pre-requisite for effectively driving many data-center operations workflows, including micro-segmentation security planning network troubleshooting, applications performance optimization, application migration.

Manual classification of endpoints (e.g., virtual machines) to applications and tiers is a cumbersome and error-prone process and its quality depends on many factors including proper assignment of attributes (name, tag, etc.) to an endpoint. Besides, to validate such classification, one needs to analyze the network communication pattern among these groups. Also, with the regular influx of new endpoints in the data center, the classification needs to be continually updated. This process is not practical for an environment with thousands of applications.

Automated and continuous discovery of applications (and tiers) addresses these concerns as it requires fewer manual efforts and can dynamically adapt.

The complexity of application discovery increases with the diversity of applications that can exist in a data center. A data center can comprise of simple as well as relatively complex applications that co-exist and interact with each other. The existence of common services like AD, DNS, etc., complicates the task of identifying application boundaries. FIG. 1 is an example of a topology with applications and common services. In FIG. 1, each circle represents a virtual or physical endpoint. Different applications and common services groups have been grouped differently to demarcate them properly. As can be seen from the topology shown in FIG. 1, it appears very difficult to track, monitor and trace where applications exist and what their boundaries are.

Current conventional discoveries to automated discovery suffer from the following drawbacks: (a) any agent-based solution that requires the installation of agents at the hypervisor or operating system level is quite intrusive in nature and can pose security challenges, (b) some of the agentless solutions require pervasive access to all servers in order to execute appropriate commands to collect information related to processes, connections, etc. This is not ideal from a security or performance perspective.

It should also be noted that most computing environments, including virtual network environments are not static. That is, various machines or components are constantly being added to, or removed from, the computer environment. As such changes are made to the computing environment, it is frequently necessary to amend or change which of the various machines or components (virtual and/or physical) are registered with the security system. And even in a perfectly laid out network environment the introduction of components and machines is bound to introduce segmentations and hairpins which affect the performance of the network. These performance problems are more exacerbated in the virtual computing environment with heavy network traffic between them.

In conventional approaches to discovery and monitoring of services and applications in a computing environment, constant and difficult upgrading of agents is often required. Thus, conventional approaches for application and service discovery and monitoring are not acceptable in complex and frequently revised computing environments.

Additionally, many conventional security systems require every machine or component within a computing environment be assigned to a particular scope and service group so that the intended states can be derived from the service type. As the size and complexity of computing environments increases, such a requirement may require a high-level system administrator to manually register as many as thousands (or many more) of the machines or components (such as, for example, virtual machines) with the security system.

Thus, such conventionally mandated registration of the machines or components is not a trivial job. This burden of manual registration is made even more burdensome considering that the target users of many security systems are often experienced or very high-level personnel such as, for example, Chief Information Security Officers (CISOs) and their teams who already have heavy demands on their time.

Furthermore, even such high-level personnel may not have full knowledge of the network topology of the computing environment or understanding of the functionality of every machine or component within the computing environment. Hence, even when possible, the time and/or person-hours necessary to perform and complete such a conventionally required configuration for a computing system can extend to days, weeks, months or even longer.

Moreover, even when such conventionally required manual registration of the various machines or components is completed, it is not uncommon that entities, including the aforementioned very high-level personnel, have failed to properly assign the proper scopes and services to the various machines or components of the computing environment. Furthermore, in conventional computing systems, it not uncommon to find such improper assignment of scopes and services to the various machines or components of the computing environment even after a conventional computing system has been operational for years since its initial deployment. As a result, such improper assignment of the scopes and services to the various machines or components of the computing environment may have significantly and deleteriously impacted the accessibility by applications and the overall performance of conventional computing systems even for a prolonged duration.

Furthermore, as stated above, most computing environments, including machine learning environments are not static. That is, various machines or components are constantly being added to, or removed from, the computing environment. As such changes are made to the computing environment, it is necessary to review the changed computing environment and once again assign the proper scopes and services to the various machines or components of the newly changed computing environment. Hence, the aforementioned overhead associated with the assignment of scopes and services to the various machines or components of the computing environment will not only occur at the initial phase when deploying a conventional security system, but such aforementioned overhead may also occur each time the computing environment is expanded, updated, or otherwise altered. This includes instances in which the computing environment is altered, for example, by expanding, updating, or otherwise altering, for example, the roles of machine or components including, but not limited to, virtual machines of the computing environment.

Thus, conventional approaches for providing application discovery in a distributed computing platform with a large number of disparate components and applications of a computing environment, including a machine learning environment, are highly dependent upon the skill and knowledge of a system administrator. Also, conventional approaches for providing learning to machines or components of a computing environment, are not acceptable in complex and frequently revised computing environments.

Additionally, current enterprises and virtual infrastructure (VI) and network administrators prefer to plan and troubleshoot, for example, but not limited to, datacenters using business Applications and Tiers. Utilizing Applications and Tiers advantageously provides an abstraction level to manage infrastructure, resources and security planning.

Although many of the embodiments provided herein describe various auto discovery of Applications and Tiers it has now become important to have an appropriate and meaningful business name provided and assigned to the auto discovered Applications and Tiers.

Additionally, it is very well known in the industry that any data-based analytics/machine learning solution generally uses all data to learn the intrinsic behavior of the system being analyzed. Almost all unsupervised machine learning models are transductive learning models. As a result, many conventional solutions run periodically (e.g., with a period of hours or days) as they are computationally quite expensive. Embodiments provided and described herein provide a methodology to make unsupervised machine learning-based solutions inductive so that such machine learning models can be run to identify changes in application topology and boundaries are autonomously inferred on the basis of the properties of the applications in near real-time to augment applications obtained from Flow Based Application Discovery and Cloud Management Data Bases.

In the discovered applications described above, the discovered applications are typically from different sources and are generally kept separate from each other in vRNI currently. The user can go to the Discovered Application page and they will see various sub-categories of discovered applications, all independent of each other which they can subsequently modify and save. The desparate nature of the discovered applications makes it difficult for users to reconcile applications discovered from various sources.

To simplify access to discovered information from various sources, a method of reconciliation of discovered applications to improve flow-based application discovery accuracy using a different sources of application membership is needed.


The accompanying drawings, which are incorporated in and form a part of this specification, illustrate embodiments of the present technology and, together with the description, serve to explain the principles of the present technology.

FIG. 1 shows an example of a conventional data center application topology with common services;

FIG. 2 shows an example computer system upon which embodiments of the present invention can be implemented, in accordance with an embodiment of the present invention

FIG. 3 is a block diagram of an exemplary virtual computing network environment, in accordance with an embodiment of the present invention

FIG. 4A is a high-level block diagram showing an example of work-flow approach of one embodiment of the present invention.

FIG. 4B is a high-level block diagram of a software-defined network in accordance with one embodiment of the present invention.

FIG. 5 is a block diagram showing an example of different functions of the machine learning based application discovery method of one embodiment, in accordance with an embodiment of the present invention.

FIG. 6 is a flow diagram of an embodiment of an application discovery method.

FIG. 7 is a topology diagram of an example of an application cluster detected in applying the application discovery method, in accordance with an embodiment of the present invention.

FIG. 8 is a topology diagram of an exemplary multi-tiered application discovery for a virtual computing network environment, in accordance with an embodiment of the present invention.

FIG. 9 is a workflow diagram of actions performed to assign meaningful business names to auto discovered Applications and Tiers, in accordance with an embodiment of the present invention.

FIG. 10 is a table of use cases and datacenter operations corresponding to an inductive flow-based application discovery process, in accordance with an embodiment of the present invention.

FIG. 11 is a graphical depiction of results of an inductive flow-based application discovery process, in accordance with an embodiment of the present invention.

FIG. 12 is a graphical depiction of results of an inductive flow-based application discovery process, in accordance with an embodiment of the present invention.

FIG. 13 is a schematic diagram of a process flow corresponding to an inductive flow-based application discovery process, in accordance with an embodiment of the present invention.

FIG. 14 is a graphical depiction of an inductive flow-based application discovery process, in accordance with an embodiment of the present invention.

FIG. 15 is a flow chart reciting operations to achieve a final output of an inductive flow-based application discovery process, in accordance with an embodiment of the present invention.

FIG. 16 is a workflow diagram of actions performed to cluster auto discovered Applications and Tiers using a density-based spatial clustering of applications with noise (DBSCAN), in accordance with an embodiment of the present invention.

FIGS. 17A-17C are graphical depictions of exemplary near neighbor distance determinations in accordance with an embodiment of the present invention.

FIGS. 18, 18A, and 18B are a graphical depiction of an exemplary comparison of application clustering in accordance with the present invention and other traditional clustering methodology.

FIG. 19 is an exemplary flow diagram of one embodiment of end to end cases using an application reconciliation according to the present invention.

FIG. 20 is an exemplary flow diagram of the reconciliation process in accordance to one embodiment of the present invention.

FIGS. 21A-D are graphical representation of inputs of applications from various sources used in constructing a reconciliation graph of one embodiment according to the present invention.

FIGS. 22A-B are graphical representations of reconciled applications performed in one embodiment in accordance to the present invention.

FIGS. 23A and 23B are a graphical representation of a clustered reconciled applications performed in one embodiment in accordance to the present invention

FIGS. 24A-B are graphical representation of the Eigen values of input matrix of application in one embodiment in accordance to the present invention.

FIG. 25 is a graphical representation of clustered applications reconciled using a Louvain approach of one embodiment in accordance to the present invention.

FIG. 26 is a graphical representations of clustered applications evaluated after the performance of the reconciliation operation of one embodiment in accordance to the present invention.

The drawings referred to in this description should not be understood as being drawn to scale except if specifically noted.


Reference will now be made in detail to various embodiments of the present technology, examples of which are illustrated in the accompanying drawings. While the present technology will be described in conjunction with these embodiments, it will be understood that they are not intended to limit the present technology to these embodiments. On the contrary, the present technology is intended to cover alternatives, modifications and equivalents, which may be included within the spirit and scope of the present technology as defined by the appended Claims. Furthermore, in the following description of the present technology, numerous specific details are set forth in order to provide a thorough understanding of the present technology. In other instances, well-known methods, procedures, components, and circuits have not been described in detail as not to unnecessarily obscure aspects of the present technology.

Notation and Nomenclature

Some portions of the detailed descriptions which follow are presented in terms of procedures, logic blocks, processing and other symbolic representations of operations on data bits within a computer memory. These descriptions and representations are the means used by those skilled in the data processing arts to most effectively convey the substance of their work to others skilled in the art. In the present application, a procedure, logic block, process, or the like, is conceived to be one or more self-consistent procedures or instructions leading to a desired result. The procedures are those requiring physical manipulations of physical quantities. Usually, although not necessarily, these quantities take the form of electrical or magnetic signals capable of being stored, transferred, combined, compared, and otherwise manipulated in an electronic device.

It should be borne in mind, however, that all of these and similar terms are to be associated with the appropriate physical quantities and are merely convenient labels applied to these quantities. Unless specifically stated otherwise as apparent from the following discussions, it is appreciated that throughout the description of embodiments, discussions utilizing terms such as “displaying”, “identifying”, “generating”, “deriving”, “providing,” “utilizing”, “determining,” or the like, refer to the actions and processes of an electronic computing device or system such as: a host processor, a processor, a memory, a virtual storage area network (VSAN), virtual local area networks (VLANS), a virtualization management server or a virtual machine (VM), among others, of a virtualization infrastructure or a computer system of a distributed computing system, or the like, or a combination thereof. The electronic device manipulates and transforms data, represented as physical (electronic and/or magnetic) quantities within the electronic device’s registers and memories, into other data similarly represented as physical quantities within the electronic device’s memories or registers or other such information storage, transmission, processing, or display components.

Embodiments described herein may be discussed in the general context of processor-executable instructions residing on some form of non-transitory processor-readable medium, such as program modules, executed by one or more computers or other devices. Generally, program modules include routines, programs, objects, components, data structures, etc., that perform particular tasks or implement particular abstract data types. The functionality of the program modules may be combined or distributed as desired in various embodiments.

In the Figures, a single block may be described as performing a function or functions; however, in actual practice, the function or functions performed by that block may be performed in a single component or across multiple components, and/or may be performed using hardware, using software, or using a combination of hardware and software. To clearly illustrate this interchangeability of hardware and software, various illustrative components, blocks, modules, circuits, and steps have been described generally in terms of their functionality. Whether such functionality is implemented as hardware or software depends upon the particular application and design constraints imposed on the overall system. Skilled artisans may implement the described functionality in varying ways for each particular application, but such implementation decisions should not be interpreted as causing a departure from the scope of the present disclosure. Also, the example mobile electronic device described herein may include components other than those shown, including well-known components.

The techniques described herein may be implemented in hardware, software, firmware, or any combination thereof, unless specifically described as being implemented in a specific manner. Any features described as modules or components may also be implemented together in an integrated logic device or separately as discrete but interoperable logic devices. If implemented in software, the techniques may be realized at least in part by a non-transitory processor-readable storage medium comprising instructions that, when executed, perform one or more of the methods described herein. The non-transitory processor-readable data storage medium may form part of a computer program product, which may include packaging materials.

The non-transitory processor-readable storage medium may comprise random access memory (RAM) such as synchronous dynamic random access memory (SDRAM), read only memory (ROM), non-volatile random access memory (NVRAM), electrically erasable programmable read-only memory (EEPROM), FLASH memory, other known storage media, and the like. The techniques additionally, or alternatively, may be realized at least in part by a processor-readable communication medium that carries or communicates code in the form of instructions or data structures and that can be accessed, read, and/or executed by a computer or other processor.

The various illustrative logical blocks, modules, circuits and instructions described in connection with the embodiments disclosed herein may be executed by one or more processors, such as one or more motion processing units (MPUs), sensor processing units (SPUs), host processor(s) or core(s) thereof, digital signal processors (DSPs), general purpose microprocessors, application specific integrated circuits (ASICs), application specific instruction set processors (ASIPs), field programmable gate arrays (FPGAs), or other equivalent integrated or discrete logic circuitry. The term “processor,” as used herein may refer to any of the foregoing structures or any other structure suitable for implementation of the techniques described herein. In addition, in some embodiments, the functionality described herein may be provided within dedicated software modules or hardware modules configured as described herein. Also, the techniques could be fully implemented in one or more circuits or logic elements. A general-purpose processor may be a microprocessor, but in the alternative, the processor may be any conventional processor, controller, microcontroller, or state machine. A processor may also be implemented as a combination of computing devices, e.g., a combination of an SPU/MPU and a microprocessor, a plurality of microprocessors, one or more microprocessors in conjunction with an SPU core, MPU core, or any other such configuration.

The following terms will be frequently used throughout the application

  • (a) Tier: A tier is a collection of endpoints based on a certain role (e.g., a tier comprising of database endpoints.
  • (b) Application: An application is a collection of tiers, e.g., a simple application comprising web, app and database tiers;
  • (c) Hosted Port: It is a port exposed by an endpoint by the virtue of hosting a service, e.g., port 443 exposed by endpoints of web tier;
  • (d) Accessed Port: It is the port accessed by an endpoint consuming a service hosted on a server in the datacenter. e.g., port 389 accessed by endpoints consuming LDAP services;
  • (e) Communication Profile: Communication profile of an endpoint is the snapshot of incoming and outgoing connections (including endpoints at other ends) with respect to the endpoint; and
  • (f) Communication Density: For a group of endpoints, the communication density is directly proportional to the degree of connectivity among the nodes of the group.

Example Computer System Environment

With reference now to FIG. 2, all or portions of some embodiments described herein are composed of computer-readable and computer-executable instructions that reside, for example, in computer-usable/computer-readable storage media of a computer system. That is, FIG. 2 illustrates one example of a type of computer (computer system 200) that can be used in accordance with or to implement various embodiments which are discussed herein. It is appreciated that computer system 200 of FIG. 2 is only an example and that embodiments as described herein can operate on or within a number of different computer systems including, but not limited to, general purpose networked computer systems, embedded computer systems, routers, switches, server devices, client devices, various intermediate devices/nodes, standalone computer systems, media centers, handheld computer systems, multi-media devices, virtual machines, virtualization management servers, and the like. Computer system 200 of FIG. 3 is well adapted to having peripheral tangible computer-readable storage media 202 such as, for example, an electronic flash memory data storage device, a floppy disc, a compact disc, digital versatile disc, other disc based storage, universal serial bus “thumb” drive, removable memory card, and the like coupled thereto. The tangible computer-readable storage media is non-transitory in nature.

System 200 of FIG. 2 includes an address/data bus 204 for communicating information, and a plurality of processor 206 coupled with bus 204 for processing information and instructions. As depicted in FIG. 2, system 200 is also well suited to a multi-processor environment in which a plurality of processors 206 are present. Conversely, system 200 is also well suited to having a single processor such as, for example, processor 206. Processor 206 may be any of various types of microprocessors. System 200 also includes data storage features such as a computer usable volatile memory 208, e.g., random access memory (RAM), coupled with bus 204 for storing information and instructions for processor 206.

System 200 also includes computer usable non-volatile memory 210, e.g., read only memory (ROM), coupled with bus 204 for storing static information and instructions for processor 206. Also present in system 100 is a data storage unit 212 (e.g., a magnetic or optical disc and disc drive) coupled with bus 204 for storing information and instructions. System 200 also includes an alphanumeric input device 214 including alphanumeric and function keys coupled with bus 204 for communicating information and command selections to one or more of processor 206. System 200 also includes a cursor control device 216 coupled with bus 204 for communicating user input information and command selections to one or more of processor 206. In one embodiment, system 200 also includes a display device 218 coupled with bus 204 for displaying information.

Referring still to FIG. 2, display device 218 of FIG. 2 may be a liquid crystal device (LCD), light emitting diode display (LED) device, cathode ray tube (CRT), plasma display device, a touch screen device, or other display device suitable for creating graphic images and alphanumeric characters recognizable to a user. Cursor control device 216 allows the computer user to dynamically signal the movement of a visible symbol (cursor) on a display screen of display device 218 and indicate user selections of selectable items displayed on display device 218.

Many implementations of cursor control device 216 are known in the art including a trackball, mouse, touch pad, touch screen, joystick or special keys on alphanumeric input device 214 capable of signaling movement of a given direction or manner of displacement. Alternatively, it will be appreciated that a cursor can be directed and/or activated via input from alphanumeric input device 214 using special keys and key sequence commands. System 200 is also well suited to having a cursor directed by other means such as, for example, voice commands. In various embodiments, alpha-numeric input device 214, cursor control device 216, and display device 218, or any combination thereof (e.g., user interface selection devices), may collectively operate to provide a graphical user interface (GUI) 230 under the direction of a processor (e.g., processor 206). GUI 230 allows user to interact with system 200 through graphical representations presented on display device 218 by interacting with alpha-numeric input device 214 and/or cursor control device 216.

System 200 also includes an I/O device 220 for coupling system 200 with external entities. For example, in one embodiment, I/O device 220 is a modem for enabling wired or wireless communications between system 200 and an external network such as, but not limited to, the Internet.

Referring still to FIG. 2, various other components are depicted for system 200. Specifically, when present, an operating system 222, applications 224, modules 226, and data 228 are shown as typically residing in one or some combination of computer usable volatile memory 208 (e.g., RAM), computer usable non-volatile memory 210 (e.g., ROM), and data storage unit 212. In some embodiments, all or portions of various embodiments described herein are stored, for example, as an application 224 and/or module 226 in memory locations within RAM 208, computer-readable storage media within data storage unit 212, peripheral computer-readable storage media 202, and/or other tangible computer-readable storage media.

Brief Overview

First, a brief overview of an embodiment of the present machine learning based application discovery using application boundaries autonomously inferred on the basis of the properties of the applications invention, is provided below. Various embodiments of the present invention provide a method and system for automated feature selection within a machine learning within a virtual machine computing network environment.

More specifically, the various embodiments of the present invention provide a novel approach for automatically providing identifying communication patterns between virtual machines (VMs) of different instantiations in a virtual computing network environment to discover applications and tiers of the applications with similar properties across various components in order to improve access and optimize network traffic by clustering application with a common host in the computing environment. In one embodiment, an IT administrator (or other entity such as, but not limited to, a user/company/organization etc.) registers multiple number of machines or components, such as, for example, virtual machines onto a network system platform, such as, for example, virtual networking products from VMware, Inc. of Palo Alto.

In the present embodiment, the IT administrator is not required to generate agent-based application discovery through any extraneous operating system intrusions of the virtual machines with the corresponding service type or indicate the importance of the particular machine or component. Further, the IT administrator is not required to manually list only those machines or components which the IT administrator feels warrant protection from excessive network traffic utilization. Instead, and as will be described below in detail, in various embodiments, the present invention, will automatically determine which applications and tiers with the associated machines or components are to be monitored by machine learning.

As will also be described below, in various embodiments, the present invention is a computing module which integrated within an application discovery monitoring and optimization system. In various embodiments, the present application discovery and optimization invention, will itself identify application span across multiple diverse virtual machines and determines the associations of these application and clusters the application so that that the application being hosted by a common host are grouped together for easy access and identification after observing the activity by each of the machines or components for a period of time in the computing environment thereby enabling the machines to automatically learn where and how to access these applications and the iterations thereof.

Additionally, for purposes of brevity and clarity, the present application will refer to “machines or components” of a computing environment. It should be noted that for purposes of the present application, the terms “machines or components” is intended to encompass physical (e.g., hardware and software based) computing machines, physical components (such as, for example, physical modules or portions of physical computing machines) which comprise such physical computing machines, aggregations or combination of various physical computing machines, aggregations or combinations or various physical components and the like. Further, it should be noted that for purposes of the present application, the terms “machines or components” is also intended to encompass virtualized (e.g., virtual and software based) computing machines, virtual components (such as, for example, virtual modules or portions of virtual computing machines) which comprise such virtual computing machines, aggregations or combination of various virtual computing machines, aggregations or combinations or various virtual components and the like.

Additionally, for purposes of brevity and clarity, the present application will refer to machines or components of a computing environment. It should be noted that for purposes of the present application, the term “computing environment” is intended to encompass any computing environment (e.g., a plurality of coupled computing machines or components including, but not limited to, a networked plurality of computing devices, a neural network, a machine learning environment, and the like). Further, in the present application, the computing environment may be comprised of only physical computing machines, only virtualized computing machines, or, more likely, some combination of physical and virtualized computing machines.

Furthermore, again for purposes and brevity and clarity, the following description of the various embodiments of the present invention, will be described as integrated within a machine learning based applications discovery system. Importantly, although the description and examples herein refer to embodiments of the present invention integrated within a machine learning based applications discovery system with, for example, its corresponding set of functions, it should be understood that the embodiments of the present invention are well suited to not being integrated into a machine learning based applications discovery system and operating separately from a machine learning based applications discovery system. Specifically, embodiments of the present invention can be integrated into a system other than a machine learning based applications discovery system.

Embodiments of the present invention can operate as a stand-alone module without requiring integration into another system. In such an embodiment, results from the present invention regarding feature selection and/or the importance of various machines or components of a computing environment can then be provided as desired to a separate system or to an end user such as, for example, an IT administrator.

Importantly, the embodiments of the present machine learning based application discovery invention significantly extend what was previously possible with respect to providing applications monitoring tools for machines or components of a computing environment. Various embodiments of the present machine learning based application discovery invention enable the improved capabilities while reducing reliance upon, for example, an IT administrator, to manually monitor and register various machines or components of a computing environment for applications monitoring and tracking. This contrasts with conventional approaches for providing applications discovery tools to various machines or components of a computing environment which highly dependent upon the skill and knowledge of a system administrator. Thus, embodiments of present network topology optimization invention provide a methodology which extends well beyond what was previously known.

Also, although certain components are depicted in, for example, embodiments of the machine learning based applications discovery invention, it should be understood that, for purposes of clarity and brevity, each of the components may themselves be comprised of numerous modules or macros which are not shown.

Procedures of the present machine learning based automated application discovery using network flows information invention are performed in conjunction with various computer software and/or hardware components. It is appreciated that in some embodiments, the procedures may be performed in a different order than described above, and that some of the described procedures may not be performed, and/or that one or more additional procedures to those described may be performed. Further some procedures, in various embodiments, are carried out by one or more processors under the control of computer-readable and computer-executable instructions that are stored on non-transitory computer-readable storage media. It is further appreciated that one or more procedures of the present may be implemented in hardware, or a combination of hardware with firmware and/or software.

Hence, the embodiments of the present machine learning based applications discovery invention greatly extend beyond conventional methods for providing application discovery in machines or components of a computing environment. Moreover, embodiments of the present invention amount to significantly more than merely using a computer to provide conventional applications monitoring measures to machines or components of a computing environment. Instead, embodiments of the present invention specifically recite a novel process, necessarily rooted in computer technology, for improving network communication within a virtual computing environment.

Additionally, as will be described in detail below, embodiments of the present invention provide a machine learning based application discovery system including a novel search feature for machines or components (including, but not limited to, virtual machines) of the computing environment. The novel search feature of the present network optimization system enables ends users to readily assign the proper and scopes and services the machines or components of the computing environment, Moreover, the novel search feature of the present applications discovery system enables end users to identify various machines or components (including, but not limited to, virtual machines) similar to given and/or previously identified machines or components (including, but not limited to, virtual machines) when such machines or component satisfy a particular given criteria and are moved within the computing environment. Hence, as will be described in detail below, in embodiments of the present security system, the novel search feature functions by finding or identifying the “siblings” of various other machines or components (including, but not limited to, virtual machines) within the computing environment.

Furthermore, embodiments of the present invention provide an Inductive Flow Based Application Discovery pipeline (Inductive-FBAD) which provides near real-time application topology change identification. In such an embodiment, the application topology change identification includes information such as classification of new endpoints, identification of splitting of applications due to new/deleted endpoints or new/deleted flows, identification of merging of applications due to new flows/endpoints and classification of previously unclassified endpoints. In the discussion of the various embodiments, the Delta time period refers to the time between the last running of FBAD/Inductive-FBAD and the time of running the latest Inductive-FBAD. The Flows and IPs collected during this time are denoted by Delta Flows and IPs. As will be described below in detail, the present embodiments of an Inductive-FBAD provides a novel approach enabling faster updates compared to many other approaches. Embodiments of the present invention utilize graph embedding techniques to identify the endpoints that are most likely to be affected by the delta flows and IPs. In embodiments of the present invention, the identified endpoints are then used to reduce the diameter of a communication graph. The FBAD approach of the present embodiments is then performed on the reduced communication graph. In embodiments of the present invention, the application discovery output endpoints affected by new flows is merged with application discovery output from a prior run for endpoints not affected by new flows to get the complete application discovery output of the present Inductive-FBAD. Further, in embodiments of the present invention, the diameter reduction of the communication graph leads to a significant reduction in runtime of FBAD on the graph. Therefore, the Inductive-FBAD of the various embodiments can be run in shorter intervals compared to conventional approaches. As an example, in embodiments of the present invention having, for example, an interval duration of 15 minutes, application discovery for delta changes is achieved in near real-time.

Continued Detailed Description of Embodiments After Brief Overview

As stated above, feature selection which is also known as “variable selection”, “attribute selection” and the like, is an import process of machine learning. The process of feature selection helps to determine which features are most relevant or important to use to create a machine learning model (predictive model).

In embodiments of the present invention, a network topology optimization system such as, for example, provided in virtual machines from VMware, Inc. of Palo Alto, California will utilize a network flow identification method to automatically identify application span across computing components and take remediation steps to improve discovery and access in the computing environment. That is, as will be described in detail below, in embodiments of the present network topology optimization invention, a computing module, such as, for example, the application discovery module 299 of FIG. 2, is coupled with a computing environment.

Additionally, it should be understood that in embodiments of the present machine learning based applications discovery module 299 of FIG. 2 may be integrated with one or more of the various components of FIG. 2. Application discovery module 299 then automatically evaluates the various machines or components of the computing environment to determine the importance of various features within the computing environment.

Additionally, in one embodiment, the network optimizer of the present invention, micro-segments the network domain to enhance network traffic.

Several selection methodologies are currently utilized in the art of feature selection. The common selection algorithms include three classes: Filter Methods, Wrapper Methods and Embedded Methods. In Filter Methods, scores are assigned to each feature based on a statistical measurement. The features are then ranked by their scores and are either selected to be kept as relevant features or they are deemed to not be relevant features and are removed from or not included in dataset of those features defined as relevant features. One of the most popular algorithms of the Filter Methods classification is the Chi Squared Test. Algorithms in the Wrapper Methods classification consider the selection of a set of features as a search result from the best combinations. One such example from the Wrapper Methods classification is called the “recursive feature elimination” algorithm. Finally, algorithms in the Embedded Methods classification learn features while the machine learning model is being created, instead of prior to the building of the model. Examples of Embedded Method algorithms include the “LASSO” algorithm and the “Elastic Net” algorithm.

Embodiments of the present application discovery invention utilize a statistic model to determine the importance of a particular feature within, for example, a machine learning environment.

With reference now to FIG. 3, a block diagram of an exemplary virtual network system 300, in accordance with one embodiment of the present invention.

Cluster 310 utilizes a host group 310 with a first host 314A, a second host 314B and a third host 314C. Each host 314A-314C executes one or more VM nodes 312A-312F of a distributed computing environment. For example, in the embodiment in FIG. 3, first host 314A executes a first hypervisor 311A, a first VM node 312A and a second VM node 312B, Second host 314B executes a second hypervisor 311B and VM nodes 312C-312D and third host 314C executes hypervisor 311C and VM nodes 312E-312F. Although FIG. 3 depicts only three hosts in host group, it should be recognized that a host group in alternative embodiments may include any quantity of hosts executing any number of VM nodes and hypervisors. As previously discussed in the context of FIG. 3, VM nodes running in host may execute one or more distributed software components of the distributed computing environment.

VM nodes in hosts 310 communicate with each other via a network 330. For example, the NameNode the functionality of a master VM node may communicate with the Data Node functionality via network 330 to store, delete, and/or copy a data file using a server filesystem. As depicted in the embodiment in FIG. 3, cluster 300 also includes a management device 320 that is also networked with hosts 310 via network 330. Management device 320 executes a virtualization management application (e.g., VMware vCenter Server, etc.) and a cluster management application. Virtualization management application monitors and controls hypervisors executed by host 310, to instruct such hypervisors to initiate and/or to terminate execution of VMs such as VM nodes. In one embodiment, cluster management application communicates with virtualization management application in order to configure and manage VM nodes in hosts 310 for use by the distributed computing environment. It should be recognized that in alternative embodiments, virtualization management application and cluster management application may be implemented as one or more VMs running in a host in the laaS or data center environment or may be a separate computing device.

As further depicted in FIG. 3, user of the distributed computing environment service may utilize a user interface on a remote client device to communicate with cluster management application in management device. For example, client device may communicate with management device using a wide area network (WAN), the internet, and/or any other network. In one embodiment, the user interface is a web page of a web application component of cluster management application that is rendered in a web browser running on a user’s laptop. The user interface may enable a user to provide a cluster size data sets, data processing code and other preferences and configuration information to cluster management in order to launch cluster to perform a data processing job on the provided data sets. It should be recognized, in alternative embodiments, cluster management application may further provide an application programming interface (“API”) in addition supporting the user interface to enable users to programmatically launch or otherwise access clusters to process data sets. It should further be recognized that cluster management application may provide an interface for an administrator. For example, in one embodiment, an administrator may communicate with cluster management application through a client-side application, in order to configure and manage VM nodes in hosts 310 for example.

With reference now to FIG. 4A, a block diagram of an exemplary work-flow approach 400 of one embodiment of the machine learning based application discovery invention is shown. The present invention provides an agent-less, vendor agnostic and secure way to discover applications and tiers thereof in a computing environment automatically. The approach 400.depicted in FIG. 4 only requires a datacenter network flow information and their endpoints (i.e., VMs) in order to affect the machine learning principles of the invention.

Still referring to FIG. 4A, the netflow information is provided 410 to the application discovery engine 420 for processing. In one embodiment, the flow information is sourced from, for example, NetFlow, vDS IPFix and AWS flow logs. The application discovery engine 420 processes the input information to generate communication graphs of the various endpoints (C1 .... Cn) 430. The communication graphs are then presented to the tier detection component 440 where the endpoint communication graph corresponding to a single application are segregated into multiple tiers based on the similarities in the pattern of the hosting and accessed points of the endpoints.

In one embodiment, the machine learning approach is based on the principles that the overlap in terms of communication profile for a pair of endpoints from the same application is greater than that for a pair of endpoints from different application. Also, the communication graph, the degree of connectivity within an application is significantly greater than the degrees of connectivity between two distinct applications. The similarity of the communication profile and degree of connectivity of endpoints can be exploited to perform the effective clustering of endpoints. Based on these principles the discovery engine 420 utilizes a vector encoding of an endpoint based on the communication patterns with the other endpoints. All endpoints are treated as individual dimensions. The component of the vector in the individual dimension is based on the communication pattern with the corresponding endpoint. In one embodiment, the endpoint could also be treated as a point in the multi-dimensional Euclidean space and coordinates of the point is derived from its vector encoding.

In one embodiment, a set of endpoints which belong to the same application would have the same coordinates values in most of the dimensions whereas the same would not be true for two endpoints of different application. This may be represented by the formula















Based on the Euclidean distance metric, the endpoints corresponding to the same application would relatively be in close proximity to each other compared to endpoints of different applications implemented by the present invention. In one embodiment, the identified application endpoints can be coupled to an application by utilizing micro-segmentation rules to exclude other endpoints from the application.

In one embodiment of the invention, the application boundary endpoints locations (but not necessarily requiring knowledge of the corresponding application’s location) are used to define a software defined network to enhance, for example, the security of the application or the computing network environment. As shown in FIG. 4B, the software-defined network comprises an applications layer 470, a control layer 480 and an infrastructure layer 490. The SDN 460 enables dynamic, programmatic efficient network configuration and management in order to improve network performance and monitoring making it more like a cloud computing than a traditional network management, SDN 460 is meant to address the fact that the static architecture of traditional networks is decentralized and complex while current networks require more flexibility and easy troubleshooting. SDN 460 attempts to centralize network intelligence in one network component by disassociating the forwarding process of network packets (data plane) from the routing process (control layer). The control layer consists of one or more controllers which are considered as the brain of SDN 460 network where the whole intelligence is incorporated.

In SDN 460, the network administrator can shape traffic from a centralized control console without having to touch individual switches in the network. The centralized SDN 460 controllers directs the switches to deliver network services wherever they are needed regardless of the specific connections between a server and devices. The SDN 460 architecture decouples the network control and forwarding functions enabling the network control to become directly programmable and the underlying infrastructure to be abstracted for applications and network services.

With reference now to FIG. 5, a block diagram of an exemplary components of one embodiment of the machine learning automated applications discovery 299 in accordance to an embodiment of the present invention is illustrated. As shown in FIG. 5, the computing environment 500 comprises a plurality of private cloud applications source 510, public cloud 520, flow collection component 535, inventory collection component 530, 4 Tuple flow information component 540 and machine learning based applications discovery component 550. As shown in FIG. 5, an embodiment of the present invention goes through multiple processing layers. Each layer has a critical functionality which can be independently implemented and optimized. As shown in FIG. 5, in one embodiment network flow data is generated from private cloud component 510 and together with public cloud flow data from public cloud component 520 and provided to flow collection layer. In one embodiment, the flow collection component 535 resides in the virtual realize network insight component (vRNI) in a host machine.

The flow layer 535 collects flows from the private cloud 510 and public cloud 520 using, for example, NetFlow and Flow Watcher logs respectively. The flow collection component 535 also collects VM inventory snapshots. With the help of inventory details, flow tuple information provided by 4 Tuple flow information component 540 is enriched with workload information. In one embodiment, the vRNI also enriches flows with traffic type information (e.g., for example East-West and North-South based on RFC 1918 Address Allocation for Private Internets).

Still referring to FIG. 5, machine learner 550 provides an automated machine learning based application discovery of applications and their related tiers across multiple and, sometimes, diverse computing components. In one embodiment, the machine learner 550 implements data normalization 551, generate disconnected component 552, outlier detection of components 553, generate clusters 554 and tier detection 555.

The data normalization layer 551 filters out the flow information provided by flow collection 535. In one embodiment, the filtering of the flow data is based on the exclusion of flow data corresponding to Internet traffic and the exclusion of flow data based on user feedback in terms of subnets and port ranges. The data normalizer 551 optimizes the accuracy and time-complexity of the overall discovery process. Data normalization is important as flow data corresponding to dynamic server port or SSH traffic are not important communications from the perspective of identifying application and tier boundaries. For the user-case of application discovery these communications can be seen as noise data as these don’t reveal any useful information about the application topology in the datacenter.

Disconnected component layer 552 takes normalized flow data as input. A communication graph is built based on the input flow data. In this graph, nodes correspond to endpoints and the directed edges between nodes represent communication between endpoints. Each of the edges in the communication graph can output is annotated with port information as metadata. Construction of the communication graph can output one or more weakly connected components. Each Weakly connected component is considered separately because in general, it would be the case that an application spans across multiple weakly connected components

Still referring to FIG. 5, outlier detection layer 523 detects outlier in the input graph. The outlier detection layer 553 helps determine whether the input communication graph requires further refinement based on the presence of common services. Node representing common services would generally have high in-degree or out-degree in the endpoint communication graph. In one embodiment to detect outlier nodes, a table is created that contains in-degree and out-degree of each node and perform a univariate analysis on in-degree and out-degree of nodes to find outliers using, for example, the MAD algorithm.

The clustering layer 554 takes endpoint communication graph as input and generates clusters of endpoints. An output cluster would contain the endpoints of similar communication patterns. In one embedment, the cluster layer 554 includes a connection matrix generation component, a dimension reduction component and a clustering component. The clustering layer 554 comprise the step of vectorization of endpoints, dimensionality reduction and clusters. In vectoring the endpoints, the adjacency matrix of the endpoint communication graph is created. For N endpoints a N*N adjacency matrix is created. Each row of the matrix corresponding to an endpoint can be seen as the vector representation of that endpoint in N dimension.

In reducing the dimensionality of the endpoints, for large number of endpoints (e.g., N endpoints) a clustering algorithm cannot be performed directly on the N-dimensional representation of endpoints obtained from the vectorization process. So, a PCA based on singular value decomposition to reduce the number of dimensions is used. To choose the optimal number of dimensions the cumulative explained variance ratio is used as a function of the number of dimensions, the optimal number of dimensions should retain 90% of the variance. Using PCA a representation of endpoints in lower dimensional space such that the variance in the reduced dimensional space is maximized.

After the dimensionality reduction, clustering of the datapoints is performed. In one embodiment, two different clustering algorithms may be used. In a first instance, k-means++ algorithm is used to run cluster with random values of initial cluster centers. A Sum of square distances analysis is used to optimize the final set of clusters and the number of iterations to get the final cluster. Even though the running time of k-means++ is better than other clustering algorithms but is does not show good results with noisy data or outliers.

Still with reference to FIG. 5, the tier detection layer 555 takes the endpoints communication graph corresponding to a single application as input and then segregates the endpoints within the application into multiple tiers. In this case, the grouping criterion based on similarities in the pattern of hosted and accessed ports, are considered to be part of the same tier, i.e., vectorization of endpoints works a bit differently.

In one embodiment, all parts of an application are retrieved and two tags for each port is created (e.g., for port 442 two tags are created- Hosted 443, Accessed:443). A matrix with the tags created are matrixed as columns. Each row of the matrix would correspond to an endpoint. If an endpoint is hosting port 443 then the corresponding cell (Hosted:443) in the matrix is marked as 1 (otherwise 0), similarly, if an endpoint is accessing port 443 then the corresponding cell (Accessed: 443) is marked as 1 (otherwise 0). The columns of the above connection matrix represent the multiple dimensions of the endpoint vector. After that, the dimension reduction algorithm and clustering algorithms are applied to group endpoints within an application across multiple tiers.

Referring now to FIG. 6, a flow chart of an applications detection workflow process in accordance to one embodiment of the present invention is depicted. As shown at Step 610 the automated application discovery process starts with the collection of enriched flow data from vRNI and forwards the data to data cleansing step 610. At Step 610, the flow data is filtered and then passed on to the disconnected component generation step 615.

At the disconnected component generation step 615, a network communication graph is created based on the input flow data and then produces multiple weakly connected components as output. In one embodiment, for each weakly connected component, an outlier detection is invoked. At outlier detection step 620, a check of the existence is made at Step 625. If any outliers are detected, processing continues at step 630 where the data flow presented to the outlier is forwarded to clustering layer and processing continues at step 630. If on the other hand, no outliers are detected, processing continues at step 640 where the data flow presented to the outlier at step 630 is classified as an application.

At Step 630, if the cluster layer finds more than one cluster in the input connected component a determination is made at step 635 if more than one cluster component is present. If more than one cluster component is present, the information is forwarded to the disconnected component generation at step 615 for processing. If on the other hand, a single cluster component is detected at step 635, the information is forwarded to step 640 where the connected component information is categorized as an application.

At Step 645 the application component from step 640 is processed to be associated with its corresponding tiers.

FIG. 7 is an exemplary topology diagram showing an exemplary communication pattern of a selected set of applications in an exemplary IT computing environment. The computer environment topology depicted in FIG. 7 is based on an exemplary environment in the VMware Software Defined Data Center (SDDC) computing environment. As shown in FIG. 7, the auto-discovery invention 299 identifies 5 separate clusters- Cluster 1 - Cluster5. Cluster 1 corresponds to Ocpm Staging, Cluster 2 corresponds to Oepm Prod, Cluster3 correspond to BI Tab, Cluster4 corresponds to CP Prod and Cluster5 corresponds to Active Directory application groups. Only one VM of Active Directory (Cluster5) is shown to keep the virtualization simple.

Based on the application defined by the applications administrator in the computing environment (e.g., VMware’s SDDC computing platform), Oepm Staging and Oepm Prod groups should have been part of the same application. However, based on the observed communication patterns, we can see that there are too many communication links within each of these groups but hardly see any communication going across these groups. Hence the present auto-detect component detects Oepm Staging and Oepm Prod groups as two separate applications based on the communication patterns.

Referring now to FIG. 8, an exemplary applications topology of the application of one embodiment of the auto-detect method in accordance to one embodiment of the present invention is shown. The environment 800 shown in FIG. 8 depicts the detection and segregation of endpoints in a computing environment. As shown although the endpoints span across multiple tiers for an identified application (e.g., ChangePoint) in the SDDC environment, the endpoints of each tier have the same hosted ports or accessed ports, for example, SQL-1 and SQL-2 are part of the same tier as they are hosting TCP connection on port 1433. Hence the endpoints are segregated and clustered for automatic discovery.

As will be described below in detail, various embodiments of the present invention also automatically provide and assign appropriate and meaningful names to automatically discovered Applications and Tiers within a virtual infrastructure (VI). In embodiments of the present invention, the automatically provided/assigned names are meaningful to enable a VI and network administrator to refer these Applications and Tiers having the automatically assigned names, for example but not limited to, security and planning, migration, and disaster recovery use cases. In various embodiments, the assigned names also represent the business goal(s) of the Applications and Tiers.

For the purpose of describing embodiments of the present invention, consider the following example. A virtual infrastructure (VI) customer, for example, but not limited to, a datacenter client, wants a product to automate network troubleshooting workflow starting from a support ticket itself which only has business details. For example, the VI customer’s support ticket only states “a VI portal is responding very slowly”, or “VI portal is down”. In embodiments of the present invention, the VI product will automatically point to the exact discovered application and automate a network troubleshooting workflow based merely on the application name or other details provided in the customer’s support ticket. Hence, as will be described below in detail, in embodiments of the present invention, because the discovered application has been provided/assigned a meaningful business name/label, the troubleshooting of various application support tickets can be made completely automated. In various embodiments of the present invention, a customer’s support ticket is received and embodiments of the present invention will understand the underlying business meaning and map the appropriate Application to the customer’s support ticket and automatically execute an appropriate application troubleshooting workflow. Thus, embodiments of the present invention utilize machine learning/text mining and statistical approaches to obtain the above-described objectives and advantages.

As mentioned above, embodiments of the present invention automatically provide and assign names to Applications and Tiers using various properties of the constituent members of the Applications and Tiers and automatically select a relevant property for the naming thereof. Embodiments of the present invention use various text mining approaches to identify the best property which can then be used to name the Application and Tier. Furthermore, embodiments of the present invention, to assign a meaningful name, identify words in the properties which represent the Applications and Tiers uniquely to ensure that the assigned name is appropriate for the Applications and Tiers.

With reference now to FIG. 9, a workflow diagram 900 of actions performed to assign meaningful business names to auto discovered Applications and Tiers, in accordance with an embodiment of the present invention, is shown. As shown in FIG. 9, embodiments of the present invention includes layers of actions including, for example, Property collection layer 902, Tokenization layer 904, Document generation layer 906, Text mining layer 908, Property selection layer 910 and Name generation layer 912.

At 902 of FIG. 9, property collection is performed. The properties of the members under consideration are primarily of 3 types. The three types are namely: Direct properties; Indirect properties, and Properties derived from a third-party or user input. In embodiments of the present invention, Direct properties of the members are inherent to member objects or a data model. Examples of Direct properties are names, tags, etc. assigned to members of a virtual environment, security tags, and the like.

With reference still to 902 of FIG. 9, in embodiments of the present invention, Indirect properties of the members are properties which come from the association of the member object with other objects. These Indirect properties include, but are not limited to Security Groups, Load balancer VIP, geo-location, availability zones, host, datacenter, VPC, VLAN, folder etc. Various embodiments of the present invention may use fewer than all of the above-listed Indirect properties in the present assignment of meaningful business names for auto discovered Applications and Tiers.

Referring still to 902 of FIG. 9, in embodiments of the present invention, Third party properties are the properties which are assigned by the user for manual/automated workflows in IT Service Management (ITSM), and IT Operations Management (ITOM) products. In embodiments of the present invention, typically these properties are used by a customer to logically group the members for various custom use cases. These properties are stored in a configuration management database (CMDB) or other modes such as, but not limited to, a comma separated values (csv) file and databases.

With reference next to 904 of FIG. 9, embodiments of the present invention perform a tokenization operation. Tokenization is a process where an input text or string is broken into smaller words. In embodiments of the present invention, the tokenization operation or process is performed using text mining techniques to extract richer information from constituent words than can be extracted from the text itself. Various embodiments of the present invention extract tokens using commonly used separators such as, but not limited to, ‘_’, ‘-’, ‘.’, ‘/’, ‘:’, ‘;’ and the like. Embodiments of the present invention, also extract token information (i.e., information extracted during the tokenization operation) using regular expression (regex) patterns. Additionally, in various embodiments of the present invention, the tokenizer (i.e., the module(s) performing the tokenization operation) also employ a method which uses combinations of separators and patterns.

With reference still to 904 of FIG. 9, embodiments of the present invention utilize the present tokenization layer 904 to extract more information from a document than is provided by the words themselves. As an example, in most datacenters, admins use various naming conventions. Hence, a property of a data-center object is that the datacenter object may contain various constituent words other than the property value itself. As an example, a Virtual Machine (VM) name such as vrni-dev-web-vm1 may be assigned to a datacenter object. In embodiments of the present invention, when such a name is tokenized, various interesting tokens are obtained which represent important information such as, for example, but not limited to, the org-deployment type-tier-vm name. Hence, in embodiments of the present invention, tokenization layer 904 represents a valuable operation providing beneficial text mining information.

With reference next to 906 of FIG. 9, embodiments of the present invention include document generation layer 906 for performing a document generation operation. In embodiments of the present invention, during the document generation operation, groups of tokens are collected from a sole source of data like string or text which is referred to as a document. The groups of tokens called documents are then stored for further use. Embodiments of the present invention, collect all the tokens from a specific property for an Application/Tier and store the tokens as a document. Hence, in embodiments of the present invention, a document is created for each property for each Application/Tier.

With reference next to 908 of FIG. 9, embodiments of the present invention include text mining layer 908 for performing a text mining operation. In embodiments of the present invention, text mining layer 908 performs functions including the generation of a Term Frequency (TF) Matrix, generating Document Frequency information, obtaining an Inverse Document Frequency (IDF), and generating TF-IDF Matrix of a document. Each of these functions of the various embodiments of the present invention are explained below.

Referring still to 908 of FIG. 9, in various embodiments of the present invention the Term Frequency (TF) Matrix function is performed as follows. The number of times a term occurs in a document is referred to as its term frequency. In various embodiments of the present invention, statistically, the weight of a term that occurs in a document is proportional to the term frequency. Conventional approaches use TF data to remove the most frequent terms as the weight of the corresponding tokens is less. Unlike conventional approaches, various embodiments of the present invention utilize the highest TF tokens as part of the name of the Application.

With reference again to 908 of FIG. 9, in datacenters, admins use hierarchical naming schemes where the VM properties can have many repeating tokens across the Application and Tiers. In various embodiments of the present invention, such repeated tokens provide very important data such as, but not limited to, location, datacenter, cluster or parent business Application name. Hence, various embodiments of the present invention utilize the generated TF Matrix to obtain the prefix portion of the Application/Tier.

Referring still to 908 of FIG. 9, in various embodiments of the present invention, the TF is computed using the below formula:




count of t in d


number of words in d

Where d is document corpus. For our implementation d contains tokens from all the VMs properties of an application.

With reference again to 908 of FIG. 9, in various embodiments of the present invention, Document Frequency (DF) is utilized to measure the importance of a document in a whole set of corpora (i.e., the plural of corpus). In various embodiments of the present invention DF is very similar to TF, but TF represents a frequency counter for a term t in document d, whereas DF is the count of occurrences of term t in the document set N. Hence, in various embodiments of the present invention, DF is the number of documents in which the term t is present. Various embodiments of the present invention consider an occurrence of the term t to have occurred if the term t exists in a document at least once. That is, in various embodiments of the present invention, the DF determination performed at 908 of FIG. 9 is not required to calculate or determine the exact number of times that the term t is present in each document comprising document set N.

Referring still to 908 of FIG. 9, in various embodiments of the present invention, the TF is computed using the below formula and using the expression df(t) to represent DF of a term t:



occurrence of t in documents

Referring once more to 908 of FIG. 9, in various embodiments of the present invention, the IDF is computed for the following reasons. As stated above, in various embodiments of the present invention, when computing TF, all terms are considered equally important. However, various embodiments of the present invention are aware that certain terms, such as, for example, but not limited to, “is”, “of”, and “that”, may appear in a document numerous times, but such terms often have little importance. Thus, various embodiments of the present invention reduce the weight/value of such frequent terms while increasing the weight of rare (or less frequently occurring) terms, by computing the IDF. In various embodiments of the present invention an inverse document frequency factor is utilized to diminish/reduce the weight of terms that occur very frequently in the document set. Conversely, various embodiments of the present invention increase the weight of terms that occur rarely (less frequently).

Referring still to 908 of FIG. 9, in various embodiments of the present invention, the IDF is computed using the below formula and using the expression idf(t) to represent the IDF of a term t:






With reference again to 908 of FIG. 9A, various embodiments of the present invention explicitly address certain issues with the IDF computation. Specifically, various embodiments of the present invention acknowledge that in case of a large corpus, such as, for example, a corpus 100,000,000, the IDF value can become extremely large. To avoid such an effect, various embodiments of the present invention utilize the log of the IDF value. Furthermore, in various embodiments of the present invention, it is understood that during the query time, when a word/term does not occur or is not in the vocabulary, the DF, or df(t) will have a value of 0. As it is not feasible to utilize a value of 0 as a divisor, various embodiments of the present invention, explicitly account for such a possibility by adding the value 1 to the denominator in the formula used to calculate the IDF.

Referring still to 908 of FIG. 9, hence, in various embodiments of the present invention, the IDF is ultimately computed using the below final formula and using the expression idf(t) to represent the IDF of a term t:






Referring once again to 908 of FIG. 9, in various embodiments of the present invention, TF-IDF is utilized to evaluate the importance of a word/term to a document in a collection or corpus. In various embodiments of the present invention, TF-IDF is computed using the below formula and using the expression tf-idf(t, d) to represent the TF-IDF of a term t to a document in a collection or corpus (it should be understood, however, that the present invention is also well suited to using any of numerous other variations for calculating TF-IDF)


t, d


t, d




Various embodiments of the present invention, then utilize the TF-IDF score to fetch the most relevant tokens from the documents of the Applications. In various embodiments of the present invention, the tokens with highest TF-IDF value are then used in the suffix portion of the Application/Tier name as such tokens and the corresponding suffix uniquely represent the Application/Tier.

With reference next to 910 of FIG. 9, embodiments of the present invention include property layer 910 for selecting the most useful property of the VM for naming an Application/Tier. Embodiments of the present invention fetch all the specified the properties of the VM. Additionally, embodiments of the present invention explicitly address situations in which all of the properties are not available for all the VMs of the Applications/Tiers. That is, various embodiments of the present invention determine the best property for naming in the following manner.

  • 1. Utilize the text-mining layer and compute the TF-IDF score of all of the tokens for all of the properties of all Applications and Tiers.
  • 2. Sort the documents containing TF-IDF score in descending order.
  • 3. Compute mean and standard deviation of top 5 TF-IDF score for each document for all the properties.
  • 4. Select the property having both highest mean values. In case of two properties are having same mean, select the property with lowest standard deviation.
  • 5. Mean is computed using the formula a. Mean (µ) = (tf-idf1 + tf_idf2
  • 6. Standard deviation is calculated using the formula a. Standard deviation = Sqrt((|x-µ|^2)/5)
  • 7. The reason for utilizing mean is to select the property which can provide more unique tokens to name the Application.

With reference next to 912 of FIG. 9, embodiments of the present invention include name generation layer 912 for automatically generating the name for an Application/Tier from the documents. More specifically, in embodiments of the present invention, name generation layer 912 extracts a fixed number of tokens to automatically generate a name for an Application/Tier from the examined documents. In various embodiments of the present invention, the automatically generated name is divided into two parts, the prefix and the suffix. Conventionally, enterprise naming schemes follow the hierarchical model where the naming starts from the organization (org) name, followed by the business function, and then followed by the specific entity name. Unlike such conventional schemes, embodiments of the present invention automatically generate and provide a name for an Application/Tier wherein the name is easier to understand and provides more information about the entity in a more compact naming structure.

As described above, in various embodiments of the present invention, the prefix portion of the automatically generated name is assigned using the tokens with highest TF score. Further, in various embodiments of the present invention, the tokens with highest TF score usually represent the common part of the names of the hierarchical naming scheme such as, but not limited to, org name, BU (Business Unit) name, location, and the like. Further, in various embodiments of the present invention, the suffix portion of the name represents the tokens which correspond to the Application and Tier uniquely. Hence, in various embodiments of the present invention, tokens with highest TF-IDF score are used to automatically assign the suffix portion of the name.


An example operation of an embodiment of the present invention is provided below. Fetch a set of property of the all the VMs in the applications and tiers. The properties can be modified as per customer requirement. The fetched properties should be stored in local store for further use.embedded image

For each property type tokenize the property value of the VMs/members under consideration. Store the tokenized data in as lists. These lists are called documents. Hence, various embodiments of the present invention will have a document for each property type for each Application/Tier. The present example considers, two properties name, security groups. In the example table we have 3 applications where app1, app2 and app3.

Various embodiments of the present invention tokenize the VM name and security groups as mentioned below.

          vmware-jira-prod-web-vm1 tokenized to {vmware, jira, prod, vm}

Various embodiments of the present invention remove the number from the tokens. Each group’s token is called a document (d). For app1 various embodiments of the present invention will obtain two documents as shown below.

Name property document:

{vmware, jira, prod, vm, vmware, jira, prod, app, vm, vmware, jira, prod, db, vm}

Security group property document:

{sg, vmware, jira, prod, vm, vmware, jira, prod, app, vm, vmware, jira, prod, db, vm}

After all the documents are crated, we call the text mining layer and generate the TF and TF-IDF matrix for each document we generated in the previous step.

Sample tokens along with TF-IDF values along with mean and standard deviation values:


tokens: [‘0086e09565e3e092454ced7d8e9c07be’, ‘07a14e8cb49c00750c4dca’,

‘1f866a113f3fcd9938422e895c8ccc’, ‘207c0c0401295c4d19d4559e69c’,

‘20d749eff5d5046750da2bbec94bea1c’, ‘29d8abdf69a1bc90c3da774805c647f’,

‘2cf5c929ff0c91cafceb8a9c844288b’, ‘589d764d701bfe20be93930f86b5c7fa’,

‘596de124a6697bfbe2daabe2ab02728a’, ‘60807706901113bba075873b5555bd’,

‘60cd5ea469f751afbf9d414d0687f’, ‘6235a617c713396d5fda756afc6e’,

‘62d09b6d82308cf1a27538448e2e1e’, ‘63dac75c84fb6015166cf3ee84fafbe’,

‘6a6ffa2dc49760fedb0d7447351f4b’, ‘719bdfb43bcc56f46dc8964c311d072a’,

‘72119688af3cc0391a244bce9d15c’, ‘780ba937bb44d4402b56f465dca9e’,

‘7e48d9577ca7ad6b9275d2db20b449ef’, ‘84088687cebb40093b6d40194caca8a’,

‘8cd3c201a1fd7ab7fd75bdb7e’, ‘91ffb31f2e9e6c56d8e9ff4c61ac’,

‘9ecd711d7d59302f8949408a64a03eff’, ‘a8da9d79f5608c7678f03f56f8e’, ‘connection’,

‘d87bf1af5304459d238202ddca52df’, ‘desktop’, ‘df2bfb2e0e80e7468824ba683714e’,

‘e93b654326096e88b136e59592461adc’, ‘f6e87b25d6e2591e8fe331db9b01af5f’,

‘f7e7a6b4ecd16bb2b304bdalc689e68d’, ‘internal’, ‘ipset’, ‘network’, ‘servers’, ‘vmware’]

0086e09565e3e092454ced7d8e9c07be 0.0

07a14e8cb49c00750c4dca 0.0

8cd3c201a1fd7ab7fd75bdb7e 0.0

91ffb31f2e9e6c56d8e9ff4c61ac 0.0

9ecd711d7d59302f8949408a64a03eff 0.0

a8da9d79f5608c7678f03f56f8e 0.0

connection 0.0

d87bf1af5304459d238202ddca52df 0.0

desktop 0.0

df2bfb2e0e80e7468824ba683714e 0.0

Name: 23, dtype: float64

count 10.0

mean 0.0

std 0.0

min 0.0

25% 0.0

50% 0.0

75% 0.0

max 0.0

Name: 23, dtype: float64




tokens: [‘4x’, ‘blr’, ‘clients’, ‘cloneprepreplicavmfolder’,‘corpit’, ‘dempoc’, ‘discovered’, ‘edge’,

‘eng’, ‘fc’, ‘fcd’, ‘fd’, ‘gen’, ‘gm’, ‘hvm’, ‘ic’, ‘icd’, ‘icf’, ‘instant’, ‘m’, ‘machine’, ‘management’,

‘mgmt’, ‘new’, ‘nsx’, ‘od’, ‘parent’, ‘production’, ‘rds’, ‘rpa’, ‘sc’, ‘sjc’, ‘std’, ‘template’, ‘templates’,

‘test’, ‘uat’, ‘ubu’, ‘vcf’, ‘viewplanner’, ‘virtual’, ‘vm’, ‘vms’, ‘w’, ‘wdc’]

sjc 0.553140

uat 0.505881

ic 0.336694

viewplanner 0.296402

clients 0.269456

rds 0.216446

rpa 0.188619

ubu 0.144297

vcf 0.120248

icf 0.120248

Name: 23, dtype: float64

count 10.000000

mean 0.275143

std 0.153055

min 0.120248

25% 0.155378

50% 0.242951

75% 0.326621

max 0.553140

Name: 23, dtype: float64



-------------------Security Tag--------------------

tokens: [‘mcafee’, ‘move’, ‘unprotected’, ‘yes’]

mcafee 0.0

move 0.0

unprotected 0.0

yes 0.0

Name: 23, dtype: float64

count 4.0

mean 0.0

std 0.0

min 0.0

25% 0.0

50% 0.0

75% 0.0

max 0.0

Name: 23, dtype: float64



-------------------Security Group--------------------

tokens: [‘all’, ‘clus’, ‘cp’, ‘dlb’, ‘dp’, ‘dyn’, ‘external’, ‘harbor’, ‘ingress’, ‘move’, ‘nlb’ ‘od’, ‘ondesk’,

‘poollb’, ‘registry’, ‘sg’, ‘src’, ‘system’, ‘vdi’, ‘vmware’, ‘whitelist’]

all 0.0

od 0.0

vmware 0.0


system 0.0

src 0.0

sg 0.0

registry 0.0

poollb 0.0

ondesk 0.0

Name: 23, dtype: float64

count 10.0

mean 0.0

std 0.0

min 0.0

25% 0.0

50% 0.0

75% 0.0

max 0.0

Name: 23, dtype: float64




tokens: [‘1a’ ‘2a’, ‘4a’, ‘4x’, ‘5a’, ‘a’, ‘admin’, ‘aem’, ‘ag’, ‘agnt’, ‘alm’, ‘apex’, ‘app’, ‘auth’, ‘auth1a’,

‘av’, ‘avfsl’, ‘avol’, ‘base’, ‘bi’, ‘bip’, ‘blr’, ‘boomi’, ‘c’, ‘cache’, ‘cbr’, ‘cbrpm’, ‘cc’, ‘ccm’, ‘cdb’, ‘cdf’,

‘cf’, ‘cfg’, ‘cilt’, ‘cl’, ‘cm’, ‘com’, ‘con’, ‘controller’, ‘core’, ‘cs’, ‘ctm’, ‘ctrl’, ‘cust’, ‘d’, ‘db’, ‘dbmaster’,

‘dbslave’, ‘dc’, ‘ddns’, ‘dem’, ‘dempoc’, ‘dev’, ‘disp’, ‘dlr’, ‘doc’, ‘dp’, ‘dr’, ‘drm’, ‘drupal’,

‘dynatrace’, ‘ebs’, ‘ebssso’, ‘edg’, ‘elk’, ‘en’, ‘eng’, ‘entl’, ‘eoo’, ‘epms’, ‘es’, ‘esc’, ‘etl’, ‘f’, ‘fcd’, ‘flx’,

‘fnd’, ‘g’, ‘gen’, ‘gfr’, ‘gt’, ‘hfm’, ‘hn’, ‘hppc’, ‘hz’, ‘iam’, ‘ic’, ‘icf’, ‘idm’, ‘idmws’, ‘inc’, ‘inf’, ‘infra’, ‘int’,

‘inta’, ‘ithppc’, ‘jmp’, ‘jscape’, ‘kafka’, ‘kube’, ‘logstash’, ‘lrp’, ‘lstnr’, ‘lt’, ‘lw’, ‘m’, ‘maria’, ‘md’,

‘mgo’, ‘mgr’, ‘ml’,‘mln’, ‘mon’,‘ms’,‘msvcs’, ‘mt’, ‘mtvrops’, ‘mysql’, ‘nfs’, ‘nprd’, ‘nprod’,‘nsx’,

‘nsx01a’, ‘nsx01b’, ‘nsx01c’, ‘nsxt’, ‘nutch’, ‘nw’, ‘oam’ ‘oauth’, ‘od’, ‘odm’, ‘odn’, ‘oel’, ‘oepm’,

‘old’, ‘onedesk’, ‘ora’, ‘oraosb’, ‘orasoa’, ‘os’, ‘patch’, ‘pc’, ‘pd’, ‘pdh’, ‘pds’, ‘pl’, ‘plg’, ‘poc’, ‘portal’,

‘prtlo’, ‘psy’, ‘pub1a’, ‘pub2a’, ‘pub3a’, ‘pub4a’, ‘r’, ‘rac’, ‘rc’, ‘revry’, ‘rds’, ‘redis’,‘repo’, ‘rev’, ‘rm’,

‘rpa’, ‘rtr’, ‘s’, ‘sc’, ‘script’, ‘sfa’, ‘sftp’, ‘sjc’, ‘sjcuat’, ‘soa’, ‘sql’, ‘srdb’, ‘srv’, ‘sso’, ‘std’, ‘stg’, ‘sup’,

‘tab’, ‘tabl’, ‘test’, ‘tsm’, ‘tst’, ‘uat’, ‘ubu’, ‘umaster’, ‘uworker’, ‘vc’, ‘vcf’, ‘vdimon’, ‘vhelp’, ‘visl’,

‘vmtst’, ‘vmw’, ‘vmware’, ‘vmwtest’, ‘vmwtestdc’, ‘vp’, ‘vpl’, ‘w’,‘wep’, ‘wdc’, ‘web’, ‘webapp’,‘wg’,

‘win’, ‘wk’,‘wsvcs’, ‘wwwa’, ‘wwwapps’]

sjc 0.438868

uat 0.400706

vmware 0.319192

com 0.309073

vpl 0.301663

cl 0.301663

sc 0.296165

rpa 0.211164

ubu 0.161545

sjcuat 0.150831

Name: 23, dtype: float64

count 10.000000

mean 0.289087

std 0.093106

min 0.150831

25% 0.232414

50% 0.301663

75% 0.316663

max 0.438868

Name: 23, dtype: float64



-------------------Tag Key--------------------

tokens: [‘application’, ‘creation’, ‘date’, ‘decomannotation’, ‘email’, ‘group’, ‘layer’, ‘name’, ‘os’,

‘owner’, ‘project’, ‘ticket’]

layer 0.607110

os 0.607110

owner 0.512675

application 0.000000

creation 0.000000

date 0.000000

decomannotation 0.000000

email 0.000000

group 0.000000

name 0.000000

Name: 23, dtype: float64

count 10.000000

mean 0.172689

std 0.279242

min 0.000000

25% 0.000000

50% 0.000000

75% 0.384506

max 0.607110

Name: 23, dtype: float64




tokens: [‘agarwal’, ‘as’, ‘ashokraj’, ‘cdf’, ‘cms’, ‘com’, ‘corp’, ‘dba’, ‘dcmetro’, ‘dev’, ‘devaraju’,

‘devportal’, ‘dhurjat’, ‘dhurjati’, ‘grant’, ‘iam’, ‘idm’, ‘it’, ‘jan’, ‘leung’, ‘linux’, ‘meyyappan’, ‘mgr’,

‘nattamai’, ‘net’, ‘nov’, ‘nowell’, ‘off’, ‘oracle’, ‘per’, ‘poc’, ‘powered’, ‘project’, ‘qiu’, ‘rajamanikam’,

‘ramanathan’, ‘ramanathanm’, ‘rfctesting’, ‘sa’, ‘sudheer’, ‘sunil’, ‘task’, ‘team’, ‘thirupati’, ‘tleung’,

‘toby’, ‘upgade’, ‘upgrade’, ‘varsha’, ‘view’, ‘vikram’, ‘vmware’, ‘wayne’, ‘webserver’, ‘windows’,

‘wqiu’, ‘wqui’]

team 0.520427

corp 0.520427

view 0.520427

com 0.306160

vmware 0.306160

agarwal 0.000000

project 0.000000

qiu 0.000000

rajamanikam 0.000000

ramanathan 0.000000

Name: 23, dtype: float64

count 10.000000

mean 0.217360

std 0.242108

min 0.000000

25% 0.000000

50% 0.153080

75% 0.466860

max 0.520427

Name: 23, dtype: float64


After step 3 embodiments of the present invention call the Property selection layer. For each Application/Tier, this layer selects the property to be used for naming of the application tier.

Property Name
Standard deviation

Ignored because there is no standard deviation and mean value


Security Tag
Ignored because there is no standard deviation and mean value

Security Group
Ignored because there is no standard deviation and mean value


Tag Key


From the above it is clear that hostname with highest mean is the best property to name the application.

Embodiments of the present invention then call the Name generation layer which calculates the name of the application using both TF and TF-IDF matrix.

Once again, although various embodiments of the present application discovery invention described herein refer to embodiments of the present invention integrated within a virtual computing system with, for example, its corresponding set of functions, it should be understood that the embodiments of the present invention are well suited to not being integrated into an application discovery system and operating separately from an applications discovery system. Specifically, embodiments of the present invention can be integrated into a system other than a security system. Embodiments of the present invention can operate as a stand-alone module without requiring integration into another system. In such an embodiment, results from the present invention regarding feature selection and/or the importance of various machines or components of a computing environment can then be provided as desired to a separate system or to an end user such as, for example, an IT administrator.

Additionally, embodiments of the present invention provide a machine learning based application discovery system including a novel search feature for machines or components (including, but not limited to, virtual machines) of the computing environment. The novel search feature of the present machine learning based applications discovery system enables ends users to readily assign the proper and scopes and services the machines or components of the computing environment, Moreover, the novel search feature of the present machine learning based application discovery system enables end users to identify various machines or components (including, but not limited to, virtual machines) similar to given and/or previously identified machines or components (including, but not limited to, virtual machines) when such machines or component satisfy a particular given criteria. Hence, in embodiments of the present security system, the novel search feature functions by finding or identifying the “siblings” of various other machines or components (including, but not limited to, virtual machines) within the computing environment.

Inductive Flow-Based Application Discovery (Inductive FBAD)

As will be described below, embodiments of the present invention provide an inductive flow-based application discovery process which enables near real-time application topology change identification. Embodiments of the present invention enable, for example, classification of new endpoints, identification of and corresponding splitting of applications due to new/deleted endpoints or new/deleted flows, identification of merging of applications due to new flows/endpoints and classification of previously unclassified endpoints.

Embodiments of the present inductive-FBAD process provide a novel approach employing graph embedding techniques to identify the endpoints that are most likely to be affected by various delta flows and identified endpoints IPs. In various embodiments of the present invention, the identified endpoints are then used to reduce the diameter of a communication graph. Various embodiments of the present invention then apply the present FBAD process using the reduced communication graph. The application discovery output endpoints which are affected are merged with application discovery output from a prior run for endpoints not affected by new flows to obtain the complete application discovery output provided by the present Inductive-FBAD.

In embodiments of the present invention, the diameter reduction of the communication graph leads to significant reduction in runtime of FBAD on the communication graph. Therefore, in embodiments of the present invention, the present inductive-FBAD can be run in shorter intervals compared to conventional processes. As one specific example, in embodiments of the present invention, with an interval duration of 15 minutes, the present inductive FBAD obtains near real-time application discovery for delta changes.

With reference now to FIG. 10, a table 1000 of various use cases and datacenter operations corresponding to an embodiment of the present inductive flow-based application discovery process is provided. As stated above, embodiments of the present flow-based application discovery process identify near real-time changes in an application topology. Table 1000 of FIG. 10 provides specific examples and use cases well suited for use with the present embodiments.

With reference now to FIGS. 11 and 12, graphical depictions, 1100 and 1200, respectively, illustrating results of an inductive flow-based application discovery process are provided, in accordance with embodiments of the present invention. As shown in 1300 and 1400FIGS. 13 and 14, respectively, and as will be described in detail below, embodiments of the present invention are able to identify changes in application topology. In FIGS. 11 and 12 two instances of delta flows and VM connections are depicted.

Referring now to FIG. 13, a schematic diagram 1300 of a process flow corresponding to embodiments of the present inductive flow-based application discovery process is provided. In embodiments of the present invention, as shown at 1302 of FIG. 13, embodiments of the present invention generate an application graph. In embodiments of the present invention, the application graph layer generates the application communication graph based on flows, endpoints, application and tier discovery information. In various embodiments of the present invention, the inputs to the application graph layer are: a. Flows & Endpoints from last completed FBAD;

b. Application & Tier discovery output from last completed FBAD; c. Inductive Flow Batch; and d. New and Deleted Endpoints.

Referring again to FIG. 13, the application graph is a multi-edged, directed, unweighted graph between the applications identified in the last completed application discovery run. In various embodiments, the application discovery identifies applications at coarse, medium, and fine granularity. In various embodiments, the nodes in the application graph can correspond to fine granularity applications. The multi-edges between the application nodes can correspond to the flows and/or communications between the VMs in the different applications. In various embodiments, the present inductive-FBAD computes two application graphs.

Referring still to FIG. 13, in various embodiments, the Before-Delta-Application graph is constructed based on the flows/IPs and application discovery of last completed run. In various embodiments, the After-Delta-Application graph is constructed by treating the new IPs from delta IPs as new applications node and adding these nodes to the copy of the Before-Delta-Application graph. The delta flows are also added between the nodes of after-delta application graph. Each node on the application graph is given a feature vector. In various embodiments, each ungrouped IP-endpoint is treated as separate application. In various embodiments, the output of the application graph generation layer is the two communication graphs specified above (i.e., Before-Delta-Application Graph and After-Delta-Application Graph).

Referring still to FIG. 13, various operations of the present inductive flow-based discovery process are described in detail. At 1304 of FIG. 13, embodiments of the present inductive flow-based application discovery process then provide input to the Application Flow Profile Vector (AFPV) Embedding layer from the application graphs computed by Application Graph Generation Layer 1302. In various embodiments, the AFPV layers use Graph Neural Network based Embedding methods to compute fixed-dimensional vector for each node of graph. The n-dimensional vector captures neighborhood information of the node. Different embedding methods capture different types of structural information. The cosine product between the vectors gives the similarity between the nodes.

With reference still to FIG. 13, at 1306, in embodiments of the present inductive flow-based application discovery process, the AFPV embeds each application in n-dimension space. The distance (cosine product) between two application embeddings is defined as the similarity between two applications. In various embodiments, the similarity is computed for all pairs of applications and stored in similarity matrix. The higher similarity value between two applications indicates either a direct or indirect relation between the applications. A direct relation implies that two applications have a substantially higher number of flows between them when compared to other neighbors. The indirect relation can be seen as applications not necessarily having direct flows between them but substantially higher number of flows via the neighboring applications.

With reference still to FIG. 13, at 1308, embodiments of the present inductive flow-based application discovery process then perform a diameter reduction operation. In various embodiments, the diameter reduction operation identifies the IP-endpoints which are most likely to be affected by the delta flows. The endpoints may be affected directly by new flows such as new flow originating or terminating at the endpoint. The endpoints can also be affected indirectly by a new flow affecting closely related endpoints. The similarity matrix computation part discusses in-depth the direct and indirect effects of flows. Prediction of indirect effect of new flows is not trivial and therefore the diameter reduction operation uses graph embedding methods to identify similarity between nodes. In various embodiments, the diameter reduction algorithm works on the After-Delta-Graph but uses the Before-Delta-Graph for computing the change in application similarity due to delta flows. In various embodiments, the inputs to the diameter reduction component are: a. Before-Delta Application Graph; b. After-Delta Application Graph; c. Flows, IPs for last complete application discovery; d. Delta Flows and Ips; e. Application discovery data of last complete discovery. In various embodiments, the output of the diameter reduction operation is the set of IP-Endpoints that must be considered by the present FBAD. In various embodiments, the components of the diameter reduction operation are: 1. existing applications which are affected primarily by delta change identification; and 2. secondary applications which are affected by delta flows and IPs identification. Secondary applications affected by new flows and IPs (SANF). In embodiments of the present invention, SANF process outputs the subset of applications which are most likely to change due to change in structure of application identified in EAPDC and due to new Ips. As an example, Let A = New IPs + Output of EAPDC. Using the similarity matrix computed in EAPDC step 2, embodiments of the present invention identify all the applications whose similarity value is greater than threshold with respect to set A of applications (e.g., Threshold = 0.9). In various embodiments, Applications identified in step 2 are output of SANF process. Hence, in such embodiments, the output of diameter reduction is IPs in applications identified by EAPDC unioned with SANF.

Referring still to 1308 of FIG. 13, there may be new flows between multiple applications, some of the new flows may affect the application structure, others may not. Various embodiments of the present invention identify the flows and in-result applications whose structure is most likely to change due to new flows. Hence, in various embodiments of the present invention, portions of the operational flow can be described as follows: 1. compute the similarity matrix for the Before-Delta-Application Graph embedding operation as described above; 2. compute the similarity matrix for the After-Delta-Application using same embedding operation as described above; 3. compute the absolute difference of the two-similarity matrices; 4. obtain the sub-matrix from the similarity matrix with applications that have new inter application flows; and 5. in the sub-matrix find the values that are greater than a threshold value (in various embodiments, the threshold value is, for example, 0.4); and 6. the pairs of applications which satisfy the above step 5 comprise the output of the operation. Hence, in various embodiments of the present invention, the output is comprised of the subset of existing applications that have new flows between them.

With reference again to 1308 of FIG. 13, various embodiments of the present invention output the subset of applications which are most likely to change due to a change in the structure of an application identified as described above and due to new IPs. In various embodiments, the IP-Endpoints identified in the diameter reduction operation are passed as the scope to the present FBAD. In various embodiments, the present FBAD generates the communication graph for the IP-endpoints in the discovery scope. As a result, in various embodiments, the reduced scope leads to a faster runtime of the present FBAD compared to prior processes. In various embodiments, the output is the application discovery of FBAD.

Referring still to 1300 of FIG. 13, in various embodiments of the present invention, the output of the FBAD on the reduced scope is merged with the output from the last completed application discovery. The IPs not in the scope are included from the last completed application discovery file. A summary of the final output provided by various embodiments of the present invention is provided in the flowchart 1500 of FIG. 15.

With reference now to FIG. 14 a graphical depiction 1400 of various operations of the present inductive FBAD process is provided.

With reference now to FIG. 16, a workflow diagram 1600 of actions performed to assign meaningful business names to auto discovered Applications and Tiers, in accordance with an embodiment of the present invention, is shown. As shown in FIG. 16, embodiments of the present invention includes layers of actions including, for example, Property collection layer 1602, Feature computation layer 1604, Reduction Dimension layer 1606, Best Range Computation layer 1608, Clustering layer 1609 and Confidence Estimation layer 1610.

At 1602 of FIG. 16, property collection is performed. The properties of the members under consideration include unique identifiers (name) of an application, a hostname of the host hosting the application, a host/hypervisor on which the application resides, the cluster to which the application belongs, the data center to which the application belongs, a folder of the application, tags that are defined on the application, security tags applied on the application (VM/vNIC) and the IPsets that have been defined on the application. In embodiments of the present invention, a density-based spatial clustering of applications with noise (DBSCAN) is utilized to cluster application based on defined similarities of the applications.

With reference still FIG. 16, in embodiments of the present invention, Feature computation layer converts properties of the applications into features. In one embodiment, the features include the properties of the application and a distance/similarity metric. In one embodiment, the distance/similarity metric defines a similarity of a distance metric between the data points that are being clustered. In a lot of cases the points being clustered are coordinates and then a direct distance direct distance definition is used.

Referring to 1603 of FIG. 16, in embodiments of the present invention, computed features of application to subject to a dimension reduction scheme to decrease the number of features required for clustering. In one embodiment, the number of dimensions that are produced by the feature definition has a huge impact on the clustering of the same data. Higherfeature dimensions usually lead to noise, which leads to poor clustering results. In one embodiment, in order to reduce the number of features that are present in the data, a Principal Component Analysis is performed and the number of feature which captures at least 95% of the input variance is retained. In higher scale setups, the Principal Component Analysis performed may get pretty expensive to run computationally and thus an incremental Principal Component Analysis (iPCA) is used.

With reference next to 1608 of FIG. 16, embodiments of the present invention include a best range parameter computing layer 1608 for determining the best range parameter for DBSCAN given the minimum number of points in a cluster. In one embodiment, a K-nearest neighbor graph shown in FIG. 17A from the given input feature matrix where K is the minimum of points in the cluster. For each application, the distance in the farthest point with its cluster. Next, all the distances for each application is sorted in ascending order. And finally, an elbow in the graph is computed and the value of the elbow is taken as the best value.

With reference next to 1609 of FIG. 16, embodiments of the present invention include a clustering layer 1609 for determining the clustering of applications in accordance with the teachings of the present invention. In one embodiment, in order to determine if a particular clustering is good or not, a quantitative measure of a good clustering is defined. In one embodiment this metric is defined by computing two primary values: namely the inter-cluster distances and the intra-cluster distances. In one embodiment, the inter-cluster distances is defined by computing the midpoint of each cluster in the reduced applications feature space. For each application, the distance of a cluster’s midpoint to every other cluster’s midpoint is computed. For the intra-cluster distances, the midpoint of each cluster in the reduced feature space is computed. And for each cluster the average distance of its members to its midpoint is computed. So for example, if we have N clusters, then the inter-cluster distance will be NxN matrix, while the intra-cluster distances will be Nx1 row matrix. The clustering quality of any clustering output is defined by the following equation:

Clustering Quality

























From the above formula we can observe that if the clusters are very small, the numerators in the above equation will be very low, while the denominators will be very high. This will result in a low clustering quality value close to zero (0). On the other hand, if the clusters are very large, the numerators will be high also. Thus leading to a higher clustering score. In one embodiment, the lower the clustering score, the better. But this will lead extremely small clusters and will not generalize. Thus, an elbow in the graph shown in FIG. 17C represents a point of change indicating that the clustering gets worse to the right of the elbow, but stays decently good to the left.

With reference next to 1610 of FIG. 16, embodiments of the present invention include a confidence computing layer 1610 for determining the confidence in the clusters created in accordance to an embodiment of the present invention. In one embodiment, once the clusters have been computed outliers in the data generated are ignored and not considered as part of any application. A holistic confidence in the data is computed to find a more fine-grained metric given an application to find applications with similar members within a cluster. Thus, given an application a graph between its members is computed to determine where the weights of the edges represent a confidence score of that edge. In one embodiment, for each application, the L2 Euclidian distance is computed between members in the original feature space. And for each application normalize this distance between 0 and 1 buy only looking at other applications which belong to its own cluster, Then subtract the value from 1, in order to convert this to a similarly score from distance score. Between each application of the same cluster assign the edge weight as the average weight of the distance between two applications best range parameter for DBSCAN given the minimum number of points in a cluster.

With reference now to FIGS. 17A - 17C a graphical depiction 1700 of various operations of the present DBSCAN process is provided. In one embodiment, FIG. 17A depicts a process where an application with two members, the minimum number of points which is 2. When a nearest neighbor graph is computed and the distances between the farthest distance points are computed as depicted in FIG. 17A for both test data provided to the DBSCAN process. As shown in FIG. 17A it clearly shows that in both cases, lots of applications have almost zero distance to their farthest neighbor i.e., their properties are identical. Thus, depending on the value in the DBSCAN algorithm, the biggest elbow (depicted as A) is always found at a value extremely close to zero which is not helpful, as it means that the clusters that are detected will be extremely small. In order to resolve this, the distances which are very close to zero are ignored in order to compute the biggest elbows (B) and (c) in the remainder of the graph. However, in this scenario, the value of that obtained will be very high, which is not very helpful either, as it means that the clusters that are obtained are extremely large. Both these values for both test data are highlighted in the graph in FIG. 17A. The red line at the top in the graph indicates the best value elbow without the zero values while the green line at the bottom indicates the best elbow with the zero values. Thus, it is clear that the best value of the cluster is somewhere between the green and the red lines. In order to determine this value, the following steps, in one embodiment, is used:

  • 1. Split the range between the green and red lines into steps. The number of steps into which the range is split into depends upon the scale of the network, and ranges between 50 to 1000
  • 2. For each of the steps in 1 above, run DBSCAN on the data and obtain the clusters. Compute a clustering quality for the obtained clusters.
  • 3. Sort all the clustering qualities obtained for each value
  • 4. Pick the best elbow in the series of steps above. This is considered the best value. A plot of the best values run in DBSCAN even on a large is depicted in FIG. 17C.

With reference now to FIG. 18, a staging of a number of application in accordance to one embodiment of the present invention is shown. As shown in FIG. 18, the present invention evaluates the processing of applications using the DBSCAN of the present invention and 2 traditional clustering algorithms.

With reference now to FIG. 19, a workflow diagram 1900 of actions performed to utilize one embodiment of the reconciliation process in accordance with an embodiment of the present invention is shown. As shown in FIG. 19, embodiments of the present invention includes layers of actions including, for example, Reconciliation layer 1902, Discover Applications and Tiers layer 1904, User Saved Application processing layer 1906 and Name generation layer 1908.

With reference now to FIG. 20, a workflow diagram 2000 of actions performed to spectrally cluster reconciled auto discovered Applications and Tiers, in accordance with an embodiment of the present invention is shown. As shown in FIG. 20, embodiments of spectral clustering process of the present invention includes layers of actions including, for example, input layer 2001, graph construction layer 2002, connect components layer 2004, Cluster component layer 2006, split boundary points processing layer 2008, and Confidence Estimation layer 2010.

At 2001 of FIG. 20, property collection is performed. The properties of the members under consideration are collected from various sources. In embodiments of the present invention, the variously sourced applications are input into the Graph Construction layer 2002 for processing.

Still referring to FIG. 20, graph construction 2002 of the collected applications from various sources collection is performed. In one embodiment, for each data source (e.g., FBAD) a loop through each of the applications is performed. Between every pair of members of each application, an edge in the graph is added and the weight of the edge is confidence that that source has in that particular application. If the edge already exist in the graph, the edge weight is added to the existing edge. Hence, after a loop through all the data sources and all the applications in each data source, a graph is generated where the nodes are the VMs, and the edges represent the combined confidence of all the data sources that the two endpoints of that edge belong to the same application. The graphs shown in FIGS. 21A-D depict applications from various sources that are reconciled in one embodiment in accordance to the present invention. In the graphs shown in FIGS. 21A-D, each clump (node) represents an application from a particular source. A zoom into each of the clumps in FIGS. 21A-C will look like the graph depicted in FIG. 21D showing the interactions (matrix) between the various applications. In one embodiment if the applications in the graphs depicted in FIGS. 21A-C are merged, a resulting graph depicted in FIG. 22A with the edges of each clump in the graph indicating which source that edge came from. Zooming on any of the clumps will show the interactions of applications coming from various data sources.

With reference next to 2004 of FIG. 20, embodiments of the present invention perform a component connection operation. Connected components is an operation where parts of the graph constructed of the sourced applications (FIGS. 21A -D) is isolated to determine the presence of a potential application. In one embodiment, each “clump” in the merged graph shown in FIGS. 22A-B of VMs depicted in the graphs in FIGS. 21A-D which have at least some degree of connectivity between themselves potentially belong to the same application. However, between components that have no edges between them, there is no chance of a shared application, because none of the data sources have any applications which have those VMs in them. In essence, each of these components are independent of each other. In one embodiment, the merged applications may be further sub-divided into smaller applications, but at a high level there is no correlation between them. Hence, first a set of connected components in the merged graphs in FIGS. 22A-B and then submit each of those components into a spectral cluster process in accordance to the present invention to obtain a finer grained applications.

With reference next to 2006 of FIG. 20, embodiments of the present invention perform a spectral gap and clustering operation. In one embodiment, the spectral gap and clustering operation 2006 determines the applications in each component. For each connected component obtained from the connected component operation 2004 as depicted in FIG. 23A, the eigen values is computed and a graph generated as shown in FIG. 23B of graph laplacian matrix for that component, and look at the eigenvalues at which the gap between consecutive eigenvalues is maximum. An exemplary component and its eigenvalue plot and best eigenvalue pick is depicted in the graphs in FIG. 23B. From the graph shown in FIG. 23B, the difference between consecutive eigenvalues (spectral gaps) is maximum at the eigenvalue index of 8. This implies that for this input graph, the optimal number of clusters for the spectral clustering would be 8. This is a heuristic approach that is used, in one embodiment, to determine the best number of clusters. In one embodiment, once the number of clusters is obtained, it is input into the spectral cluster operation in accordance to the present invention to generate the clusters (applications) that are present within the component as shown in FIG. 24A. In the graphs depicted in FIG. 24B, the workloads are clustered into 8 clusters for the spectral clustering operation.

With reference now to 2008 of FIG. 20, a splitting of cluster boundary points is performed, in accordance with an embodiment of the present invention, is shown. In one embodiment, the splitting of boundary points comprises figuring out VMs which can belong to multiple application. Typically, graph clustering assigns a node only to a single cluster. However, in one embodiment of the present invention, the split boundary points operation 2008 is able to map a particular VM to multiple applications. When the applications graphs are merged and clustered, then by default, the VM is put into one or the other cluster. In cases like this, the splitting cluster boundaries operation 2008 is performed in order to determine if a node should be split into two clusters or not. In one embodiment, the following operations are performed:

  • 1. Computing the cluster boundary points. These are the VMs which are at the edge of any two clusters i.e., that have edges which go to the cluster that they belong to, as well as clusters that they don’t belong to
  • 2. Computing inter and intra edge weight. For each boundary point the summation of the edge weights of the edges that go within its own cluster, and the summation of the edge weights that go outside its cluster
  • 3. Threshold the inter and intra ratio. If the ration of the inter weight to the intra weight of this boundary point is greater than a particular value e.g, 0.9, then split the boundary point into both the clusters.

With reference next to 2009 of FIG. 20 is a confidence estimation operation of one embodiment in accordance to the present invention. In one embodiment, once all the clusters have been computed, the confidence in the clusters is determined. This is useful both from a user point of view, as well as evaluating the results. In order to compute the confidence of each cluster, the following process is performed.

  • 1. An evaluation of how good the overall clustering of the component is. This gives an idea on whether the overall component itself has nay sort of community structure. If the overall component clustering has a good community structure, then each of the individual clusters can also be viewed in a slightly more confident manner In one embodiment, the modularity score of the component is computed after the clustering has been done. A positive modularity score suggests that the component generally has good community structure while a negative score indicates that there is not too much of a structure. As the modularity gets closer to 1, it indicates perfect community.
  • 2. Next, the conductance of each cluster is computed. The conductance of a particular cluster within a group indicates how it is connected within its cluster as compared to outside its cluster. A high value of conductance (closer to 1) indicates that the cluster is connected more to the other clusters, while a conductance value of

closer to 0 indicates that the cluster is better connected within itself. In one embodiment, if the component conductance is denoted as M and each cluster’s conductance as Ci then the confidence of each cluster is given by the psedecode in the following function::

              base_min  =0

              base_max  =1

              If modularity_score > 0;

                 base_min = 0.5 + modularity_score / 2


                 base_max = (1 + modularity_score) / 2

              conductance_confidence = 1 - Ci

    rescaled_confidence = base_min + (base_max - base_min) +


From the function above, in essence if a positive modularity can scale up the confidence obtained from the conductance and if a negative modularity is present, then the scale down in the confidence from the conductance is obtained. A high conductance implies better communication outside a cluster indicating bad clustering and therefore the confidence of the cluster is the negation of the conductance of that cluster. In the function above, both the conductance confidence (2nd value in each row) and the rescaled confidence (3rd value in each row) in the legned of that cluster. Since modularity for that graph is positive, the rescaling of the confidence is incrases the confidence value for that particular cluster as opposed to the raw conductance based confidence.

With reference now to 2010 of FIG. 20 is an input and output evaluation operation of one embodiment in accordance to the present invention. In one embodiment, the evaluation operation evaluates the reconciliation operation to determine how well a given input maps to the corresponding output graphs that is generated. In order to do this, a standard cluster based on comparison scores to evaluate overlaps between the various inputs and the various outputs.. In one embodiment, for each comparison, three measures are applied, including:

  • 1. Using rand index. This index is not very valuable when the number of clusters is high and usually just gives a high value
  • 2. Ajusted Rand index. This index accounts for the number of clusters, but usually gives poorer ratings when the cluster sizesin the data are not too uniform, i.e., if the algorithm output two clusters, one with large number of elements, and another with small number of elements, then the ARI score will reflect poorly.
  • 3. Adjusted Mutual information score. This index accounts for the difference in sizes of the cluster as well, and usally is a good indicator of the overlap between different outputs. However, its much costilier to compute.

The table below shows the results of these three scores compared against all input and output graphs:

Computing the Overlap From SC

To Louvain:

0/820 VMs extra in SC, 0/820 VMs extra in Louvain, 820 overlapping


RI: 0.990, ARI: 0.777, AMI: 0.907


104/820 VMs extra in SC, 0/716 VMs extra in CMDB, 716 overlapping


RI: 0.991, ARI: 0.823, AMI: 0.959


428/820 VMs extra in SC, 0/392 VMs extra in FBAD, 392 overlapping


RI: 0.985, ARI: 0.690, AMI: 0.781


0/820 VMs extra in SC, 18/838 VMs extra in Prop; 820 overlapping VMs

RI: 0.978, ARI: 0.220, AMI: 0.514

Computing the Overlap From Louvain


104/820 VMs extra in Louvain, 0/716 VMs extra in CMDB, 716 overlapping


RI: 0.993, ARI: 0.860, AMI: 0.909


428/820 VMs extra in Louvain, 0/392 VMs extra in FBAD, 392 overlapping


RI: 0.981, ARI: 0.614, AMI: 0.770


0/820 VMs extra in Louvain, 18/838 VMs extra in Prop, 820 overlapping


RI: 0.982, ARI: 0.258, AMI: 0.526

Computing the Overlap From CMDB


427/716 VMs extra in CMDB, 103/392 VMs extra in FBAD, 289 overlapping


RI: 0.970, ARI: 0.447, AMI: 0.664


0/716 VMs extra in CMDB, 122/838 VMs extra in PROP, 716 overlapping


RI: 0.982, ARI: 0.296, AMI: 0.553

Computing the Overlap From FBAD


0/392 VMs extra in FBAD, 446/838 VMs extra in PROP, 392 overlapping VMs

RI: 0.981, ARI: 0.305, AMI: 0.512

From the above table, it is obvious that when the output obtained from Spectral clustering is compared to all the other input graphs, the ARI and AMI scores are pretty good, which indicates that the spectral clustering operation retains a good deal of edges from each of the input sources. It is also clear that when the spectral clustering gap is compared to the Louvain output graph, the AMI score is pretty high, indicating that these algorithms also generally seem to agree to the data set of one embodiment of the present invention.

In one embodiment, an exemplary application of the present invention is depicted in the graphs in FIG. 25 and FIG. 26. In the graph shown in FIG. 25, one connected component of the input graph is shown. In this graph, the edges from FBAD and Property data sources as indicated in the legend. In FIG. 26, one embodiment of the reconciled graph is shown showing the splitting of the reconciled graph into clusters. The input graph in FIG. 26 has 8 separate applications being reconciled into three clusters.


The examples set forth herein were presented in order to best explain, to describe particular applications, and to thereby enable those skilled in the art to make and use embodiments of the described examples. However, those skilled in the art will recognize that the foregoing description and examples have been presented for the purposes of illustration and example only. The description as set forth is not intended to be exhaustive or to limit the embodiments to the precise form disclosed. Rather, the specific features and acts described above are disclosed as example forms of implementing the Claims

Reference throughout this document to “one embodiment,” “certain embodiments,” “an embodiment,” “various embodiments,” “some embodiments,” “various embodiments”, or similar term, means that a particular feature, structure, or characteristic described in connection with that embodiment is included in at least one embodiment. Thus, the appearances of such phrases in various places throughout this specification are not necessarily all referring to the same embodiment. Furthermore, the particular features, structures, or characteristics of any embodiment may be combined in any suitable manner with one or more other features, structures, or characteristics of one or more other embodiments without limitation.

  • 1. A real-time flow-based application reconciliation method in a computing environment, said method comprising: generating a first application communication graph based on a set of properties of the applications from a variety of sources; defining a distance matrix between applications;generating a second application communication graph based on connected components in said applications;generating a second communication graph of a clustering of said connected components from said first communication graph;performing a spectral clustering for each of the connected components to determine the number of clusters in said second communication graph;performing boundary splitting of clusters in said second communication graph of the connected components into multiple clusters; andperforming a confidence operation on the multiple clusters to determine the community structure of each of the multiple clusters.
  • 2. The method of claim 1, wherein said first communication graph is generated using a density-based spatial density clustering of applications with noise.
  • 3. The method of claim 1, wherein said first communication graph is generated using a flow-based application discovered.
  • 4. The method of claim 1, wherein said first communication graph is generated using a cloud management database based application discovery.
  • 5. The method of claim 4, wherein for each of said connected components a eigenvalues of graph laplacian matrix for that component to determine eigenvalues at which gap between consecutive eigenvalues is maximum.
  • 6. The method of claim 1, wherein said splitting cluster boundary points, comprises: computing boundary points at the edges of any two clusters,computing a threshold of the inter and intra weight for each boundary points by computing the summation of edges within and outside each cluster, andcomputing the threshold of the inter and intra edge weight ratios to determine whether to split a cluster into multiple clusters.
  • 7. The method of claim 1, further comprising computing a confidence score for each of the clusters generated.
  • 8. The method of claim 7, wherein said confidence score comprises computing the modularity score of the components after clustering has been performed, wherein if said modularity score is positive, said cluster is deemed to have a good community structure.
  • 9. The method of claim 8, wherein said if said modularity score is negative, said cluster is deemed to have to many structures.
  • 10. The method of claim 8, wherein said computing the confidence in said cluster application graph further comprises computing the conductance of each cluster to determine how well said cluster is connected.
  • 11. The method of claim 10, wherein if said conductance has a high value, said cluster is deemed to be connected more to other clusters and a low value deems the cluster to be connected within itself.
  • 12. A computer-implemented method for performing a real-time property-based application discovery in a virtual environment, said computer-implemented method comprising: generating a first application communication graph based on a set of properties of the applications from a variety of sources; defining a distance matrix between applications;generating a second application communication graph based on connected components in said applications;generating a second communication graph of a clustering of said connected components from said first communication graph;performing a spectral clustering for each of the connected components to determine the number of clusters in said second communication graph;performing boundary splitting of clusters in said second communication graph of the connected components into multiple clusters; andperforming a confidence operation on the multiple clusters to determine the community structure of each of the multiple clusters.
  • 13. The computer-implemented method of claim 12, wherein said first communication graph is generated using a cloud management database based application discovery.
  • 14. The computer-implemented method of claim 12, wherein for each of said connected components a eigenvalues of graph laplacian matrix for that component to determine eigenvalues at which gap between consecutive eigenvalues is maximum.
  • 15. The computer-implemented of claim 12, wherein said splitting cluster boundary points, comprises: computing boundary points at the edges of any two clusters,computing a threshold of the inter and intra weight for each boundary points by computing the summation of edges within and outside each cluster, and computing the threshold of the inter and intra edge weight ratios to determine whether to split a cluster into multiple clusters .
  • 16. The computer-implemented method of claim 12, further comprising computing a confidence score for each of the clusters generated.
  • 17. The computer-implemented method of claim 16, wherein said confidence score comprises computing the modularity score of the components after clustering has been performed, wherein if said modularity score is positive, said cluster is deemed to have a good community structure.
  • 18. The computer-implemented method of claim 17, wherein said if said modularity score is negative, said cluster is deemed to have to many structures.
  • 19. The computer-implemented of claim 18, wherein said computing the confidence in said cluster application graph further comprises computing the conductance of each cluster to determine how well said cluster is connected.
  • 20. The computer-implemented of claim 19, wherein if said conductance has a high value, said cluster is deemed to be connected more to other clusters and a low value deems the cluster to be connected within itself.
Priority Claims (1)
Number Date Country Kind
202141060780 Dec 2021 IN national