In the not-too-distant future, deliveries will be carried out by flying autonomous machines, or drones. The automation of deliveries, while substantially faster and more efficient, also presents a number of challenges for the industry. A major challenge will be to deliver to apartments above the first floor, or even those on the first floor. This problem is due to population density. A drone could be sent to the same GPS coordinates for multiple individuals. Depending on the number of residents in a given building, huge numbers of drones could even arrive at the same time, creating a dangerous situation. The increased population density also increases the likelihood that people will be in the path of the drone, preventing it from carrying out its mission. These problems will be compounded in the coming years as populations swell and land becomes increasingly scarce. The present invention provides a way for drones to make deliveries to these, or any, building without any of the problems mentioned above.
Imagine a world with no delivery problems, no signatures required, no lazy/clumsy delivery men/women, no picking your delivery up at the lobby, no sticky-note notifications saying you now have to drive 30 minutes to pick up your delivery from a warehouse, and no other hassles whatsoever. The present invention makes that world possible.
The present invention would allow for a future in which deliveries are carried out by drones. Following an order, a delivery drone would be dispatched. When it is close to its destination, it sends out an incoming signal. That signal is picked up by a machine, the present invention, located outside the window of a dwelling that responds by communicating its precise location to the drone and readying itself to receive a delivery. The drone moves to and hovers just above the machine, doing a final check to ensure it is safe to transfer its cargo. Once all safety checks are cleared, the drone gently transfers its cargo to the machine, and signals that the delivery is complete. The machine then responds to that signal by protecting its cargo from any strong winds, from the sun, and from inclement weather. An operator would then receive a notification on his/her smart-device that a delivery has been made and is waiting for him/her to open the window and retrieve it.
Introduced in
101—Window as seen from inside the dwelling.
102—Net seen through the window
103—Sealing and locking mechanism
104—The control panel
Introduced in
201—Window as seen from outside the dwelling
202—Retracted cover
203—The cover's connections to the end of the rods
204—Retracted rods
205—Retracted net
206—Communications with supplier, delivery machine, and/or the operator
207—Counterbalancing supports
Introduced in
301—Aerial delivery machine
302—Object to be delivered
303—Communication between machine and aerial delivery machine
304—Fully extended rods
305—Fully extended net
Introduced in
401—Fully secured delivered object
Introduced in
501—Fully extended cover
It is understood that the present invention is not limited to the described preferred embodiments of it. In the pictured preferred embodiments, the present invention is designed to mount on an existing window. Part of the machine sits on the interior of the window sill, which includes the control panel (104). The machine could be hard-mounted to the interior window sill if needed or desired to provide the appropriate level of security and stability. It could also be shaped in a way that it would be secured by the window itself, such as how an air conditioner is secured to a window. The control panel, or means of operating the machine, is located conveniently for the user on top of this part of the machine, just inside the window (104). While it is shown being placed horizontally across the window sill, it could just as easily be oriented vertically and/or next to the window. While a touch-panel is pictured (104), controls for the machine could be of varying types, such as levers or buttons. The machine interfaces with the window such that the window retains its functionality, including creating a weather-tight seal and locking (103).
On the outside of the opening, in this case a window (
Connected to these retracted rods (204) is a retracted net (205). When the machine is signaled that a delivery is incoming (206), it extends the retracted rods outward away from the window (304), thereby extending the net such that it becomes ideal for receiving an object (305). The machine signals that it is ready to receive a delivery (303). The rods and net extend far enough (304 & 305) that an aerial delivery machine can get close enough to deliver an object into the net (301).
Once the object is delivered, the drone signals the machine again (303), which triggers the rods and net to retract (204 & 205) with the object caught in the net. The rods and net retract until the net supplies sufficient force to the package to keep it in place in the event of heavy winds, but not so much as to damage the package or its contents (401). A cover (202) connected to the ends of the retracting rods (203) then extends to protect the delivered object from the sun, rain, hail, snow, sleet, freezing rain, and small meteorites (501). The owner of the object is notified by the machine that a delivery has arrived and even reminded what was delivered (206). The machine holds the object safely in the net until a user retrieves it.
Additional functionality could be built into the device such that it communicates with delivery companies, and/or delivery drones, (206) to indicate to them if the machine can support additional deliveries. This would prevent wasted trips and/or an overloaded machine in the event the owner of the objects cannot retrieve them for a length of time, such as if he or she went on an extended vacation.