Rechargeable spinal cord stimulator system

A spinal cord stimulation (SCS) system provides multiple stimulation channels, each capable of producing up to 10 mA of current into a 1 KΩ load. The SCS system further includes a replenishable power source, e.g., a rechargeable battery, that requires only an occasional recharge, and offers a life of at least 10 years at typical settings. Each of the multiple stimulus channels of the system may be combined with other channels to deliver more than 10 mA of current. Additionally, the SCS system has the capability to stimulate simultaneously on all available channels. Each channel has at least two outputs (one positive and one negative) that can be mapped via a low impedance switching matrix to any electrode contact or the system case, thereby allowing a clinician to provide unique electrical stimulation fields for each current channel. Moreover, this feature, combined with multi-contact electrodes arranged in two or three dimensional arrays, allows “virtual electrodes” to be realized. When the system's replenishable power source is fully charged, the user may operate the SCS system independent of external controllers or power sources. The replenishable power source may be replenished using non-invasive means. The SCS system monitors the state of charge of the internal power source and controls the charging process by monitoring the amount of energy used by the SCS system, and hence the state of charge of the power source. A suitable bidirectional telemetry link allows the SCS system to inform the patient or clinician regarding the status of the system, including the state of charge, and makes requests to initiate an external charge process. Processing circuitry within the implanted portions of the system automatically controls the applied stimulation pulses as a new burst of pulses begins in order to gradually ramp up the amplitude of the pulses to a desired level. Other processing circuitry allows electrode impedance measurements to be regularly made.


The present invention relates to a Spinal Cord Stimulation System. A spinal cord stimulation system is a programmable implantable pulse generating system used to treat chronic pain by providing electrical stimulation pulses from an electrode array placed epidurally near a patient's spine. The present invention emphasizes the following specific features included within a spinal cord stimulation system: (1) a recharging system, (2) a system for mapping current fields, (3) optional pulse ramping control, and (4) electrode impedance measurements.

Spinal cord stimulation (SCS) is a well accepted clinical method for reducing pain in certain populations of patients. SCS systems typically include an implanted pulse generator, lead wires, and electrodes connected to the lead wires. The pulse generator generates electrical pulses that are delivered to the dorsal column fibers within the spinal cord through the electrodes which are implanted along the dura of the spinal cord. In a typical situation, the attached lead wires exit the spinal cord and are tunneled around the torso of the patient to a sub-cutaneous pocket where the pulse generator is implanted.

Spinal cord and other stimulation systems are known in the art. For example, in U.S. Pat. No. 3,646,940, there is disclosed an implantable electronic stimulator that provides timed sequenced electrical impulses to a plurality of electrodes so that only one electrode has a voltage applied to it at any given time. Thus, the electrical stimuli provided by the apparatus taught in the '940 patent comprise sequential, or non-overlapping, stimuli.

In U.S. Pat. No. 3,724,467, an electrode implant is disclosed for the neuro-stimulation of the spinal cord. A relatively thin and flexible strip of physiologically inert plastic is provided with a plurality of electrodes formed thereon. The electrodes are connected by leads to an RF receiver, which is also implanted, and which is controlled by an external controller. The implanted RF receiver has no power storage means, and must be coupled to the external controller in order for neuro-stimulation to occur.

In U.S. Pat. No. 3,822,708, another type of electrical spinal cord stimulating device is shown. The device has five aligned electrodes which are positioned longitudinally on the spinal cord and transversely to the nerves entering the spinal cord. Current pulses applied to the electrodes are said to block sensed intractable pain, while allowing passage of other sensations. The stimulation pulses applied to the electrodes are approximately 250 microseconds in width with a repetition rate of from 5 to 200 pulses per second. A patient-operable switch allows the patient to change which electrodes are activated, i.e., which electrodes receive the current stimulus, so that the area between the activated electrodes on the spinal cord can be adjusted, as required, to better block the pain.

Other representative patents that show spinal cord stimulation systems or electrodes include U.S. Pat. Nos. 4,338,945; 4,379,462; 5,121,754; 5,417,719 and 5,501,703.

The dominant SCS products that are presently commercially available attempt to respond to three basic requirements for such systems: (1) providing multiple stimulation channels to address variable stimulation parameter requirements and multiple sites of electrical stimulation signal delivery; (2) allowing modest to high stimulation currents for those patients who need it; and (3) incorporating an internal power source with sufficient energy storage capacity to provide years of reliable service to the patient.

Unfortunately, not all of the above-described features are available in any one device. For example, one well-known device has a limited battery life at only modest current outputs, and has only a single voltage source, and hence only a single stimulation channel, which must be multiplexed in a fixed pattern to up to four electrode contacts. Another well-known device offers higher currents that can be delivered to the patient, but does not have a battery, and thus requires the patient to wear an external power source and controller. Even then, such device still has only one voltage source, and hence only a single stimulation channel, for delivery of the current stimulus to multiple electrodes through a multiplexer. Yet a third known device provides multiple channels of modest current capability, but does not have an internal power source, and thus also forces the patient to wear an external power source and controller.

It is thus seen that each of the systems, or components, disclosed or described above suffers from one or more shortcomings, e.g., no internal power storage capability, a short operating life, none or limited programming features, large physical size, the need to always wear an external power source and controller, the need to use difficult or unwieldy surgical techniques and/or tools, unreliable connections, and the like. What is clearly needed, therefore, is a spinal cord stimulation (SCS) system that is superior to existing systems by providing longer life, easier programming and more stimulating features in a smaller package without compromising reliability. Moreover, the surgical tools and interconnections used with such SCS system need to be easier and faster to manipulate. Further, the stimulating features available with the system need to be programmable using programming systems which are easy to understand and use, and which introduce novel programming methods that better address the patient's needs.


The present invention addresses the above and other needs by providing an SCS system that is designed to be superior to existing systems. More particularly, the SCS system of the present invention provides a stimulus to a selected pair or group of a multiplicity of electrodes, e.g., 16 electrodes, grouped into multiple channels, e.g., four channels. Advantageously, each electrode is able to produce a programmable constant output current of at least 10 mA over a range of output voltages that may go as high as 16 volts. Further, in a preferred embodiment, the implant portion of the SCS system includes a rechargeable power source, e.g., a rechargeable battery, that allows the patient to go about his or her daily business unfettered by an external power source and controller. The SCS system herein described requires only an occasional recharge; the implanted portion is smaller than existing implant systems, e.g., having a rounded case with a 45 mm diameter and 10 mm thickness; the SCS system has a life of at least 10 years at typical settings; the SCS system offers a simple connection scheme for detachably connecting a lead system thereto; and the SCS system is extremely reliable.

As a feature of the invention, each of the electrodes included within the stimulus channels may not only deliver up to 12.7 mA of current over the entire range of output voltages, but also may be combined with other electrodes to deliver even more current. Additionally, the SCS system provides the ability to stimulate simultaneously on all available electrodes. That is, in operation, each electrode is grouped with at least one additional electrode. In one embodiment, such grouping is achieved by a low impedance switching matrix that allows any electrode contact or the system case (which may be used as a common, or indifferent, electrode) to be connected to any other electrode. In another embodiment, programmable output current DAC's (digital-to-analog converters) are connected to each electrode node, so that, when enabled, any electrode node can be grouped with any other electrode node that is enabled at the same time, thereby eliminating the need for the low impedance switching matrix. This advantageous feature thus allows the clinician to provide unique electrical stimulation fields for each current channel, heretofore unavailable with other “multichannel” stimulation systems (which “multichannel” stimulation systems are really multiplexed single channel stimulation systems). Moreover, this feature, combined with multi-contact electrodes arranged in two or three dimensional arrays, allows “virtual electrodes” to be realized, where a “virtual” electrode comprises an electrode that appears to be at a certain physical location, but really is not physically located at the apparent location. Rather, the virtual electrode results from the vector combination of electrical fields from two or more electrodes that are activated simultaneously.

As an additional feature of the invention, the SCS system includes an implantable pulse generator (IPG) that is powered by a rechargeable internal battery, e.g., a rechargeable Lithium Ion battery providing an output voltage that varies from about 4.1 volts, when fully charged, to about 3.5 volts, when ready to be recharged. When charged, the patient can thus operate the IPG independent of external controllers or power sources. Further, the power source is rechargeable using non-invasive means, meaning that the IPG battery (or other power source) can be recharged by the patient as needed when depleted with minimal inconvenience. A full recharge of the rechargeable battery may occur in less than two hours. In operation, the SCS system monitors the state of charge of the internal battery of the IPG and controls the charging process. It does this by monitoring the amount of energy used by the SCS system, and hence the state of charge of the IPG battery. Then, through a suitable bidirectional telemetry link, the SCS system is able to inform the patient or clinician regarding the status of the system, including the state of charge, and makes requests to initiate an external charge process. In this manner, the acceptance of energy from the external charger may be entirely under the control of the SCS implanted system, and several layers of physical and software control may be used to ensure reliable and safe operation of the charging process. The use of such a rechargeable power source thus greatly extends the useful life of the IPG portion of the SCS system, and means once implanted, the IPG can operate for many, many years without having to be explanted.

Additionally, the SCS system of the present invention is more easily programmed and provides more stimulating features than have been available with prior art devices. The programming systems used with the invention are designed to be very user friendly, and provide novel programming methods that greatly enhance the ability of the patient, or medical personnel, to identify a pattern and location of applied stimulation that is effective for treating (minimizing or removing) pain.

The SCS system of the present invention further offers a device that is in a smaller package, without compromising reliability, than has heretofore been available. Moreover, the surgical tools and interconnections used with the SCS system are designed to be significantly easier and faster to manipulate than the tools and interconnections used with prior art systems.

All of the above and other features advantageously combine to provide an SCS system that is markedly improved over what has heretofore been available. One embodiment of the invention may be characterized as an SCS system that includes implantable components and external components. The implantable components comprise a multichannel implantable pulse generator (IPG) having a power source and an electrode array detachably connected to the IPG. The electrode array has n electrodes thereon, where n is an integer of at least eight (in a preferred embodiment, n is sixteen). The external components comprise a handheld programmer (HHP) that may be selectively placed in telecommunicative contact with the IPG, and a clinician programmer that may be selectively coupled with the HHP.

Another embodiment of the invention may be characterized as an implantable pulse generator (IPG) system for use with a spinal cord stimulation system. Such IPG system includes an implantable pulse generator and an external portable charger. The IPG comprises: (a) an hermetically sealed case; (b) electronically circuitry, including memory circuits, housed within the hermetically sealed case, wherein the electronic circuitry includes a multiplicity of independent bi-directional output current sources, and wherein each output current source is connected to an electrode node; (c) a multiplicity of coupling capacitors, wherein each coupling capacitor is connected to a respective one of the electrode nodes; (d) a header connecter attached to the sealed case, the header connecter having a multiplicity of feedthrough pins that pass therethrough, wherein each of the multiplicity of coupling capacitors is connected on the sealed side of the case to one of the feedthrough pins; (e) an electrode array having a multiplicity of electrodes thereon external to said sealed case, wherein each electrode is detachably electrically connected to one of the feedthrough pins on a nonsealed side of said sealed case, wherein each output current source generates an output stimulus current having a selected amplitude and polarity that, when the output current source is enabled, is directed to the electrode connected thereto through its respective feedthrough pin and coupling capacitor; (f) a rechargeable battery that provides operating power for the electronic circuitry; (g) a secondary coil; (h) a rectifier circuit; and (i) battery charger and protection circuitry that receives externally generated energy through the secondary coil and rectifier circuit, and uses the externally generated energy to charge the rechargeable battery. Advantageously, the rectifier circuit may be modulated between a full-wave rectifier circuit and a half-way rectifier circuit, which modulation allows the external portable charger to detect, by monitoring reflected impedance looking into the secondary coil, when the IPG battery has been fully charged.

The external portable charger of the IPG system includes: (a) a second rechargeable battery; (b) a recharging base station that recharges the second rechargeable battery from energy obtained from line ac power; (c) a primary coil; (d) a power amplifier for applying ac power derived from the second rechargeable battery to the primary coil; (e) a back telemetry receiver for monitoring the magnitude of the ac power at the primary coil as applied by the power amplifier, thereby monitoring reflected impedance associated with energy magnetically coupled through the primary coil; and (f) an alarm generator that generates an audible alarm signal in response to changes sensed in the reflected impedance monitored by the back telemetry receiver. In a preferred embodiment, the back telemetry receiver included within the external portable charger includes alignment detection circuitry that detects when the primary coil is properly aligned with the secondary coil included within the IPG for maximum power transfer; and charge complete detection circuitry that detects when the battery within the IPG is fully charged.

Yet another embodiment of the invention may be viewed as an SCS system that includes: (a) implantable components; (b) external components; and (c) surgical components. The implantable components include a multichannel implantable pulse generator (IPG) having a replenishable power source and an electrode array detachably connected to the IPG. The surgical components include tools that assist a surgeon in positioning the IPG and electrode array. Additionally, the external components include a handheld programmer (HHP) that may be selectively placed in telecommunicative contact with the IPG. Also included is a clinician programmer that may be selectively placed in telecommunicative contact with the handheld programmer. A portable charger is also provided that may be inductively coupled with the IPG in order to recharge the IPG power source.

The SCS system of the present invention may further be characterized as including the following system components, all of which cooperatively function together to effectively treat intractable chronic pain: (1) an implantable pulse generator (IPG); (2) a hand held programmer (HHP); (3) a clinician's programming system (CP); (4) an external trial stimulator (ETS); (5) a charging station (CHR); (6) surgical tools (ST); (7) a lead extension (LEX) and an electrode array (EA); and (8) a lead anchor (LA) and suture sleeve (SS).

The implantable pulse generator (IPG) is realized using a low power pulse generator design housed in an hermetically-sealed Titanium 6-4 case. The IPG communicates with the hand held programmer (HHP) via a telemetry link. The IPG contains the necessary electronics to decode commands and provide a current stimulus to sixteen electrodes in groups of up to four channels. Features of the IPG include: (a) a rechargeable Lithium Ion battery that is used as the main power source, thereby greatly extending the life of the system compared to devices on the market, (b) user control over stimulus parameters, and (c) safety circuits and back telemetry communication to reduce risk.

The hand held programmer (HHP) comprises an external programmer that may be used by the patient or clinician to change the stimulus parameters of the IPG or external trial stimulator (ETS) via a telemetry link. The HHP thus comprises an integral part of the clinician's programming environment. The HHP includes a belt clip or other form of convenient carrying to enable the patient to easily carry the HHP with him or her. Features of the HHP include: (a) a small size that will fit in the user's palm with an easy to read LCD screen, (b) a software architecture that provides ease of programming and user interface, and (C) a field replaceable primary battery with sufficient energy for approximately one year of operation.

The clinician's programming (CP) system is used to optimize the programming of the IPG or ETS for the patient. The CP system comprises a computer, an infra-red (IR) interface, and a mouse and a joystick (or equivalent directional-pointing devices). Features of the CP system include: (a) a database of the patient, (b) the ability to take stimulus threshold measurements. (c) the ability to program all features available within the IPG, and (d) directional programming of multiple electrode contacts with the electrode array(s).

The external trial stimulator (ETS) is an externally-worn pulse generator that is used for seven to ten days for evaluation purposes before implantation of the IPG. The ETS is typically applied with an adhesive patch to the skin of the patient, but may also be carried by the patient through the use of a belt clip or other form of convenient carrying pouch. Features of the ETS include: (a) usability in the operating room (OR) to test the electrode array during placement, (b) a full bi-directional communication capability with the clinician's programming (CP) system, and (c) the ability to allow the patient or clinician to evaluate the stimulus levels.

The charging station (CHR) is comprised of two parts: (1) an IPG recharger and (2) a base unit. The IPG recharger uses magnetic coupling to restore the capacity of the implanted battery housed within the IPG. The IPG recharger is powered by a lithium ion cell. The base unit holds and IPG recharger when not being used to recharge the IPG battery and allows the lithium ion cell of the IPG recharger to regain its capacity after operation. The base unit is powered via a standard wall outlet. Features of the charging station (CHR) include: (a) allows full recharging of the IPG battery in a time of less than two hours, (b) provides a user interface to indicate that charging is successfully operating, and (c) may be recharged from any outlet using the base unit.

The surgical tools (ST) include an insertion needle, a tunneling device, a lead blank, an operating room (OR) cable, a set screw driver, and a sterile bag (to hold the ETS or HHP within the sterile field of the OR). Advantageously, the ST allows streamlined implantation of the electrode, tunneling of an intermediate leadwire from the electrode to the IPG, and the securing of the electrode position, once such position has been determined in surgery.

The lead extension (LEX) and electrode array (EA) comprises an electrode array having up to sixteen electrode contacts that may be independently activated by the IPG. The lead extension provides the connection between the IPG and the electrode array. In a preferred embodiment, up to two electrode arrays may be connected to the IPG. Features of the LEX and EA include: (a) the electrode array and lead extension provide the clinician with many options, e.g., one or two electrode arrays with only a single lead extension, (b) the lead bodies are soft and flexible to provide patient comfort, and (c) the electrode array is designed to be inserted through an insertion needle.

The lead anchor (LA) and/or suture sleeve (SS) are used after insertion of the electrode array into the spinal canal to secure and maintain the position of the electrode and prevent dislodgement due to axial loads placed upon the lead. Advantageously, the lead anchors or suture sleeves are very small and easy to implement by the surgeon, providing a reliable electrode/spinal cord relationship.

Each of the above system components of the SCS system are described in more detail below as part of the detailed description of the invention. In such description, additional emphasis is given relative to the following important features of the invention: (1) the recharging system, (2) the system used to map current fields, (3) pulse ramping control, and (4) automatic electrode impedance measurements.


The above and other aspects, features and advantages of the present invention will be more apparent from the following more particular description thereof, presented in conjunction with the following drawings wherein:

FIG. 1

is a block diagram that identifies the various implantable, external, and surgical components of the invention;


illustrates examples of various types of electrode arrays that may be used with the present invention;


shows the various components of the invention that interface with the implantable electrode arrays of


, or other arrays;


is a timing waveform diagram that depicts representative current waveforms that may be applied to various ones of the electrode contacts of the electrode arrays through one or more stimulus channels;


is a timing waveform diagram that illustrates operation of multiple channels so as to prevent overlap between channels and/or to temporarily shut down a channel during passive recharge phases;


is a timing diagram that illustrates the use of an active recharge phase to allow waveforms, e.g., symmetrical biphasic waveforms, which allow higher rates of stimulation;


is a functional block diagram that illustrates the main components of an implantable pulse generator (IPG) in accordance with a first IPG embodiment of the invention;


shows an IPG hybrid block diagram that illustrates the architecture of an IPG made in accordance with a second IPG embodiment of the invention;


is a block diagram of the analog integrated circuit (AIC) used, intra alia, to provide the output of the stimulus generators within the IPG hybrid architecture shown in




is a flow chart illustrating a representative IPG power-up reset sequence;


is a flow chart illustrating a representative low battery shutdown and recovery sequence;


is a flow chart that illustrates the boot sequence used within the processor chip of the IPG shown in




is a block diagram of the digital application specific integrated circuit (Digital ASIC) used within the IPG hybrid architecture shown in



FIG. 5

illustrates a type of external trial stimulator (ETS) that may be used as a component of the invention;


is a block diagram of the software architecture utilized in the clinician's programmer;


depicts a representative programming screen that may be used as part of the programming system features of the invention;


shows a representative screen on a handheld programmer (HHP) that may be used as a user interface between the HHP and the IPG implanted in a patient/user;

FIGS. 7B and 7C

illustrate other types of representative selection screens that may be used as part of the user interface with the handheld programmer of




is a block diagram of a preferred embodiment of the handheld programmer;


depicts a preferred data format for data communications sent from the hand held programmer (HHP) to the IPG;

FIG. 8

illustrates two variations of external components of a representative portable charging station (CHR) that may be used with the invention;


shows a block diagram of the battery charging system used with the invention;


is a state diagram illustrating the various states that may be assumed by the implant battery charging circuitry during operation of the charging system;


shows a block diagram of the battery charger/protection circuitry utilized within the external charging station of the invention;

FIG. 10

is a flow diagram illustrating a preferred pulse ramping control technique that may be used with the invention;

FIG. 11A

depicts electronic circuitry used to make an electrode impedance measurement in accordance with the invention; and

FIG. 11B

is a flow diagram that depicts a preferred technique used by the invention to make electrode impedance measurements; and

FIG. 11C

is a flow diagram that depicts an alternate technique that may be used by the invention to make electrode impedance measurements.


The following description is of the best mode presently contemplated for carrying out the invention. This description is not to be taken in a limiting sense, but is made merely for the purpose of describing the general principles of the invention. The scope of the invention should be determined with reference to the claims.

Turning first to

FIG. 1

, there is shown a block diagram that illustrates the various components of a spinal cord stimulation (SCS) system. These components may be subdivided into three broad categories: (1) implantable components


, (2) external components


, and (3) surgical components


. As seen in

FIG. 1

, the implantable components


include an implantable pulse generator (IPG)


, an electrode array


, and (as needed) an extension


. The extension


is used to electrically connect the electrode array


to the IPG


. In a preferred embodiment, the IPG


, described more fully below in connection with




B and


C, comprises a rechargeable, multichannel, sixteen-contact, telemetry-controlled, pulse generator housed in a rounded titanium case. A novel tool-less connector that forms an integral part of the IPG


allows the electrode array


or extension


to be detachably secured, i.e., electrically connected, to the IPG


. This connector may be of the type described in U.S. patent application Ser. No. 09/239,926, filed Jan. 28, 1999, now U.S. Pat. No. 6,198,969, or any other suitable design.



contains stimulating electrical circuitry (“stimulating electronics”), a power source, e.g.,a rechargeable battery, and a telemetry system. Typically, the IPG


is placed in a surgically-made pocket either in the abdomen, or just at the top of the buttocks. It may, of course, also be implanted in other locations of the patient's body. It is noted that while the preferred embodiment of the IPG


includes a rechargeable battery as its power source, and while such a rechargeable power source is described herein, any power source may be used with the IPG, including non-rechargeable power sources, e.g., an implantable battery of the type commonly used in implantable pacemakers.

Once implanted, the IPG


is connected to a lead system. The lead system comprises the lead extension


, if needed, and the electrode array


. The lead extension


, for example, may be tunneled up to the spinal column. Once implanted, the electrode array


and lead extension


are intended to be permanent. In contrast, the IPG


may be replaced when its power source fails or is no longer rechargeable.

Advantageously, the IPG


provides electrical stimulation through a multiplicity of electrodes, e.g., sixteen electrodes, included within the electrode array


. Different types of electrode arrays


that may be used with the invention are depicted in

FIG. 2A. A

common type of electrode array


, for example, is the “in-line” lead, as shown at (A), (B), and (C) in FIG.


A. An in-line lead includes individual electrode contacts


spread longitudinally along a small diameter flexible cable or carrier


. The flexible cable or carrier


has respective small wires embedded (or otherwise carried therein) for electrically contacting each of the individual electrode contacts. The advantage of an in-line lead relates to its ease of implantation, i.e., it can be inserted into the spinal canal through a small locally-anesthetized incision while the patient is kept awake. When the patient is awake, he or she can provide valuable feedback as to the effectiveness of stimulation applied to a given electrode contact or contacts


for a given positioning of the array


. One of the disadvantages of the in-line lead is that it is prone to migrating in the epidural space, either over time or as a result of a sudden flexion movement. Such migration can disadvantageously change the location and nature of the paresthesia and the required stimulation level. Either or both of the these conditions may require reprogramming of the IPG


and/or surgical correction (repositioning) of the electrode array


. Note, as used herein, the term “paresthesia” refers to that area or volume of the patient's tissue that is affected by the electrical stimuli applied through the electrode array. The patient may typically describe or characterize the paresthesia as an area where a tingling sensation is felt.

To overcome the migration problems associated with an in-line electrode, the present invention provides a lead anchor (LA) and/or suture sleeve (SS) that may be used after insertion of the electrode array into the spinal canal in order to secure and maintain the position of the electrode and prevent is dislodgement due to axial loads that are placed upon the lead. Any suitable lead anchor and/or suture sleeve may be used for this purpose. A preferred type of lead anchor that may be used for this purpose is described in U.S. Patent Application Serial No. 60/187,674, filed Mar. 8, 2000, incorporated herein by reference.

To further overcome the migration problems associated with an in-line electrode, a different type of electrode array


may be used, known as a paddle lead. Various types of paddle leads are illustrated at (D), (E), (F) and (G) of FIG.


A. In general, each type of paddle lead is shaped with a wide platform


on which a variety of electrode contact configurations or arrays are situated. For example, the paddle lead shown at (D) in


has two columns of four rectangular-shaped electrode contacts


carried on a wide platform


, with the electrode contacts in one column being offset from the electrode contacts in the other column. (Here, the term “offset” refers to the vertical position of the electrode contacts, as the leads are oriented in

FIG. 2A.

) The flexible cable or carrier


carries wires from each electrode contact to a proximal end of the paddle lead (not shown), where such wires may be connected to the IPG


(or to a lead extension


, which in turn connects to the IPG


). The paddle lead shown at (E) in


similarly has two columns of eight electrode contacts


in each row, with the electrode contacts in one column being offset from the electrode contacts in the other column, and with each electrode contact being connected to one or more wires carried in the flexible cable or carrier


. It should be noted that two eight-contact in-line electrodes, placed side by side, may achieve the same overall array configuration as does the paddle electrode shown at (E) in FIG.



Still referring to


, other types of paddle leads are illustrated. As seen at (F) in


, one type of paddle lead has its carrier or cable


branch into two separate branches






with a wide platform






being located at a distal end of each branch. Within each wide platform






an array of at least two circular-shaped electrode contacts


′ is situated. As seen in (G) in


, another type of paddle lead has a wide platform


at its distal end on which a single column of circular-shaped electrode contacts


′ is situated.

Still other types of leads may be used with the IPG



FIG. 1

) in addition to the representative leads shown in FIG.


A. For example, the deployable electrode array disclosed in U.S. patent application Ser. No. 09/239,927, filed Jan. 28, 1999, now U.S. Pat. No. 6,205,361, represents a type of lead and electrode array that may be used with the invention.

Whichever type of lead and electrode array is used, an important feature of the SCS system of the present invention is the ability to support more than one lead with two or more channels. Here, a “channel” is defined as a specified electrode, or group of electrodes, that receive a specified pattern or sequence of stimulus pulses. Thus, where more than one “channel” is available, each channel may be programmed to provide its own specified pattern or sequence of stimulus pulses to its defined electrode or group of electrodes. In operation, all of the stimulus patterns applied through all of the channels of such multi-channel system thus combine to provide an overall stimulation pattern that is applied to the tissue exposed to the individual electrodes of the electrode array(s).

There are many instances when it is advantageous to have multiple channels. For example, left and right sides, or upper and lower extremities, may require different stimulus parameter settings. Low back pain typically requires a different stimulation site and stimulation parameters than any of the extremities. Moreover, many patients exhibit conditions better suited to horizontal stimulation paths, while other patients may have conditions better suited to vertical stimulation paths. Therefore, having multiple channels that may be connected to multiple electrodes, positioned within one or more electrode arrays, so as to cover more tissue/nerve area, greatly facilitates providing the type of stimulation pattern and stimulation parameters needed to treat a particular patient.

One type of preferred electrode configuration uses a multiple lead system, e.g., two or four leads, with the leads placed side by side, or at different vertical locations. The individual electrodes on each vertical lead of such multiple lead system effectively create a desired electrode array that covers a large, or relatively large, tissue area. The respective electrodes of each vertical lead may be aligned horizontally, offset horizontally, or randomly or systematically arranged in some other pattern.

As seen best in


, and as also illustrated in

FIG. 1

, the electrode array


and its associated lead system typically interface with the implantable pulse generator (IPG)


via a lead extension system


. As needed, e.g., for testing and/or fitting purposes, the electrode array


may also interface with an external trial stimulator (ETS)


through one or more percutaneous lead extensions


, connected to the trial stimulator


through an external cable


. In this manner, the individual electrodes included within the electrode array


may receive an electrical stimulus from either the trial stimulator


or the IPG



As suggested in the block diagram of

FIG. 1

, the lead extension(s)


, as well as the percutaneous extension(s)


are inserted through the patient's tissue through the use of appropriate surgical tools (ST)


, and in particular through the use of tunneling tools


, as are known in the art, or as are especially developed for purposes of spinal cord stimulation systems. In a similar manner, the electrode array


is implanted in its desired position, e.g., adjacent the spinal column of the patient, through the use of an insertion needle


and a guide wire


. The insertion needle, for example, may be a 15 gauge Touchy needle. Additionally, as required, a lead blank may be used to aid in the insertion process. A lead blank is a somewhat flexible wire that approximates the lead diameter of the lead that is to eventually be implanted. The clinician uses the lead blank to clear the path through the insertion needle and into the epidural space before inserting the epidural electrode array. Use of the lead blank prevents damage to the electrode array when tissue is obstructing its insertion path.

One manner of using surgical tools


during an implant operation is described in the referenced deployable electrode patent application Ser. No. 09/239,927, filed Jan. 28, 1999, now U.S. Pat. No. 6,205,361, previously referenced.

Another manner of using surgical tools



FIG. 1

) during an implant operation of an in-line electrode array may be summarized as follows: A fifteen gauge hollow needle is used to create an opening in the spinal canal to insert the in-line array, e.g., an in-line array of the type shown in FIG.


A(A), (B), or (C). The hollow needle includes a removable stylet (solid core) for use during the needle insertion, as explained above. After the needle has been situated, the stylet is removed to create a hollow opening. A 3-5 ml syringe is inserted in the needle to inject saline (3-5 cc) to ensure the needle tip has entered the epidural space. The in-line electrode array is then passed through the needle into the epidural space. The size of the needle must be capable of entering the epidural space through small vertebral openings at less than a forty-five degree angel to the spine. After the electrode array is inserted, the needle must be pulled out. Hence, if the connector at the end of the lead is larger than the fifteen gauge needle tube, a split needle, or some other mechanism, must be used to allow removal of the needle over the over-sized connector.

One type of surgical tool that may be used to help implant an electrode array, and lead extension, if needed, for use with the present invention is described in U.S. Patent Application Serial No. 60/166,560, filed Nov. 19, 1999, entitled “Integrated Subcutaneous Tunneling and Carrying Tool”, incorporated herein by reference. Another type of surgical tool that may be used with the invention is described in U.S. Patent Application Serial No. 60/182,392, filed Feb. 14, 2000, entitled “Versatile Implantable Lead System with Pull-Through Connector and Retainer”, also incorporated herein by reference.

Once the electrode array


has been located in the spinal canal and the insertion needle is removed, an anchor is placed around the lead at the exit site. The anchor is then sutured in place to prevent movement of the electrode array and its lead. Advantageously, such suturing is performed so as not to damage the delicate wires that are carried within the lead body




A). The anchor is slid over the lead body, much like a collar, or is placed over the lead body through other simple means. It is positioned along the length of the lead body at a desired position and then tightened around the lead body using a tightening method other than suturing. In a preferred embodiment, the lead anchor is relatively soft and pliable, is about 5 to 10 mm in length, and has easy-to-use suturing holes, or other means, to allow it to be sutured in its desired location. Such a lead anchor is described in U.S. Patent Application Serial No. 60/187,674, filed Mar. 8, 2000, previously referenced.

When one or more lead extensions


are employed, a suitable multiple in-line contact connector may be used to electrically connect the electrode array


with the lead extension


. One type of lead connector that may be used for this purpose is shown in U.S. Patent Application Serial No. 60/202,259, filed May 5, 2000, entitled “Multiple In-Line Contact Connector”, incorporated herein by reference.

The operation of multiple channels used to provide a stimulus pattern through multiple electrodes is illustrated in FIG.




assumes the use of an electrode array


having sixteen electrodes connected to the implantable pulse generator (IPG)


. In addition to these sixteen electrodes, which are numbered E


through E


, a case electrode (or return electrode) is also available. In


, the horizontal axis is time, divided into increments of 1 millisecond (ms), while the vertical axis represents the amplitude of a current pulse, if any, applied to one of the sixteen electrodes. Thus, for example, at time t=0 ms,


illustrates that a current pulse of 4 mA (milliamps) appears on channel


at electrode E


and E




further shows that this current pulse is negative (−4 mA) on electrode E


and positive (+4 mA) on electrode E


. Additionally,

FIG. 3

shows that the stimulation parameters associated with this current pulse are set at a rate of 60 pulses per second (pps), and that the width of the pulse is about 300 microseconds (μs).

Still with reference to


, it is seen that at time t=2 ms, channel


of the IPG


is set to generate and apply a 6 mA pulse, having a repetition rate of 50 pps and a width of 300 μs, between electrode E


(+6 mA) and electrodes E


and E


(−4 mA and −2 mA, respectively). That is, channel


of the IPG supplies a current pulse through electrode E


(+6 mA) that is shared on its return path through electrode E


(−4 mA) and electrode E


(−2 mA).

As further seen in


, at time t=4 ms, channel


of the IPG


is set to generate and supply a 5 mA pulse to electrode E


(+5 mA) which is returned through electrode E


(−5 mA). This pulse has a rate of 60 pps, and a width of 400 μs. Similarly, it is seen that at time t=6 ms, channel


of the IPG is set to generate and supply a 4 mA pulse to electrode E


(+4 mA) which is returned through electrode E


(−4 mA). This channel


pulse has a rate of 60 pps and a width of 300 μs.

The particular electrodes that are used with each of the four channels of the IPG


illustrated in


are only exemplary of many different combinations of electrode pairing and electrode sharing that could be used. That is, any channel of the IPG may be programmably connected to any grouping of the electrodes, including the reference (or case) electrode. While it is typical that only two electrodes be paired together for use by a given channel of the IPG, as is the case with channels






in the example of

FIG. 3

, it is to be noted that any number of electrodes may be grouped and used by a given channel. When more than two electrodes are used with a given channel, the sum of the current sourced from the positive electrodes should be equal to the sum of the current sunk (returned) through the negative electrodes, as is the case with channel


in the example of


(+6 mA sourced from electrode E


, and a total of −6 mA sunk to electrodes E


[−4 mA] and E


[−2 mA]).

As described above, it is thus seen that the IPG has, in a preferred embodiment, sixteen electrode contacts, each of which is independently programmable relative to stimulus polarity and amplitude for each of up to four different programmable channel assignments (groups or phase generators). In operation, each channel identifies which electrodes among the sixteen electrodes, E


, E


, E


, . . . E


and the IPG case electrode (reference electrode), are to output stimulation pulses in order to create an electric current field. All electrodes assigned to a given channel deliver their stimulation pulses simultaneously with the same pulse width and at the same pulse rate. For each channel, the IPG case electrode is programmable either as a Positive (passive anode) or OFF. Thus, monopolar stimulation is provided when the only electrode contact programmed to Positive is the IPG case electrode, and at least one other electrode is programmed to Negative. For each of the other electrodes, E


, E


, E


, . . . E


, on each channel, the polarity is programmable to Negative (cathode) with associated negative current amplitude, Positive (anode) with an associated positive current limit amplitude, or Off. The amplitude is programmable from −12.7 mA to +12.7 mA in 0.1 mA steps. The total simultaneous current capability from all of the anodes to all of the cathodes is at least 20 mA when operating at 120 Hz and with a 0.5 millisecond pulse width into an equivalent 500 ohms load. (Equivalent load means all cathodes ganged through a single 500 ohm load into all anodes ganged.) The programming of the total current capability into all cathodes while a given channel pulse is active is limited to the maximum IPG channel current capability.

Because of power limitations, it is not possible to program the average stimulus current delivered by the IPG during all active phase periods to exceed 2 mA. An “active” phase period is a phase period of the stimulus current during which the stimulus current is being provided by one or more of the turned ON current sources. In contrast, a “passive” phase period (also sometimes referred to as a “recharge” phase period) is a phase period of the stimulus current during which the current sources are turned OFF, and the stimulus current results from a recharge or redistribution of the charge flowing from the coupling capacitance present in the stimulus circuit. (Note: the average stimulus current is determined as the sum of the average stimulus currents for all channels (groups). For a channel, the average stimulus current is determined as the stimulus rate times the sum of all phase one cathodic current amplitudes times the channel first phase period [pulse width] plus the sum of all active second phase anodic current amplitudes times the channel second phase (recharge) period.)

Net dc charge transfer is prevented during stimulation through the use of coupling capacitors C


, C


, C


, . . . C






C) between the electrodes E


, E


, E


, . . . E


and the IPG output. Voltage build-up on the output coupling capacitors is prevented by applying a biphasic stimulus waveform with a 500 Kohm trickle recharge through the case electrode between application of the stimulus pulses.

As described in more detail below, to prevent patient discomfort due to rapidly increasing or decreasing amplitudes of stimulus current, a slow start/end feature is employed wherein changes in amplitude are limitable to occur slowly and smoothly over a transition period. The transition period is programmable from 1 to 10 seconds in 1 second increments. To ensure smoothness, individual amplitude step changes during the transition period are maintained at less than 5% of the programmed amplitude, or 0.1 mA, whichever is greater.

For each channel, the first phase period (pulse width) is programable from 10 to 1000 microseconds (μs) in 10 μs steps. The inter-phase period between the First (Pulse Width) and Second (Recharge) phases is 100 μs. The Second (Recharge) phase period is programmable from 10 to 1500 μs in 10 μs increments. The Second (Recharge) phase type is programmable as either Passive or Active. The pulse rate is programmable in either a Normal or a High rate range. In the Normal Rate range, which covers 2 to 150 pulses per second (pps) in 1 pps steps, all channels are available. In the High Rate range, which covers 150 pps to 350 pps in 10 pps steps, 400 pps to 500 pps in 50 pps steps, and 600 pps to 1200 pps in 100 pps steps, only one channel may be available.

To prevent more than one channel from producing a stimulus current at the same time, i.e., to prevent current pulses from different channels that overlap, an overlap arbitration circuit may be employed (that is, the arbitration feature may be programmed ON or OFF for each channel) that determines which channel has priority. The sum of the next current for all channels with overlap arbitration (jitter) programmed OFF plus the maximum channel current of channels with overlap arbitration programmed ON should be programmed to be less than the maximum IPG current capability.

The arbitration circuit (shown in


as element


), in a preferred embodiment, functions in accordance with the following principles. Once a non-overlapping channel begins a pulse, the start of pulses from any other non-overlapping channel is delayed until the ongoing pulse phase one is completed and a Hold-Off has been completed. The Hold-Off period is timed from the end of the first phase of the pulse. If the start of two or more non-overlapping channels are delayed by an ongoing pulse and Hold-Off, the pending channels are started in the order they would have occurred without arbitration. If two non-overlapping channels are scheduled to start simultaneously, the lower number channel takes priority and starts first (i.e., channel


before channel


, channel


before channel


, and channel


before channel


). The Hold-Off period is programmable from 1 to 64 milliseconds in 1 millisecond increments. Current from any stimulus pulse (First phase) or active recharge (active second phase) is prevented from passing through any electrode undergoing passive recharge the delivery of an active first phase or active second phase on any electrode takes precedence over all ongoing passive recharge phases. Electrodes undergoing passive recharge have their passive recharge phases temporarily interrupted during the active phase(s). If the electrode is not part of the active phase, it remains in a high impedance state (i.e., turned OFF) until the active phase is completed. The interpulse interval (1/Rate) is programmed such that it is greater than the sum of the first phase period plus the inter-phase period plus the second phase period for each channel. When passive recharge is programmed, the total second phase period available to complete recharge (not including interruptions for active phases) is at least 7 milliseconds for every pulse delivered.

The above arbitration circuit operating principles are illustrated, at least in part, in the timing waveform diagram of FIG.




shows the current stimulus waveforms associated with electrodes E




, E


and the case. As seen in


, and recognizing that a channel comprises those electrodes that provide a stimulus current of the same pulse width at the same time, Channel


comprises the group of electrodes E


, E


, E


, and E


; Channel


comprises the group of electrodes E


and the case electrode; Channel


comprises the group of electrodes E


, E


and E


; and Channel


comprises the group of electrodes E


and E


. For purposes of


, Channels






have arbitration (a hold-off period) programmed ON, while Channel


does not.

Still with reference to


, the normal sequence of Channel firings without arbitration, would be as follows: Channel


firing at time T


, Channel


firing at time T


, and Channels




both firing at time T


. However, with arbitration ON, the respective channel firings are ordered as follows: The First phase period for Channel






, comprises the time when electrode E


and E


function as anodes, and electrodes E


and E


function as cathodes, with most of the current being provided through electrodes E


(anode) and E


(cathode). Immediately after the First phase period




, two events begin: (1) an inter-phase period




, and (2) a hold-off period




. The inter-phase period




(at least for the time scale represented in


) appears as a very narrow sliver of time. As soon as the inter-phase period




concludes, the Channel


Second Phase Period




begins, which Channel


Second Phase period is a fixed recharge period, e.g., a fixed period of 7 milliseconds (ms). The Hold-Off period




is a programmable delay, ranging from 1 to 64 ms. The Channel


Hold-Off period




shown in


is about 3 ms. During the Hold-Off Period




, no other channel is permitted to generate a stimulus pulse. Thus, at time T


, when Channel


would normally fire, it is prevented from doing so. Rather, it must wait a time period Td


until the Channel


Hold-Off Period




concludes. Similarly, at time T


, when Channels




would normally fire, they are prevented from doing so because the Channel Hold-Off period




has not yet concluded, and even if it had, they would have to wait for Channel


to fire first.

Still with reference to


, at the conclusion of the Channel


Hold-Off period




, Channel


fires, which means a First Phase period




for Channel


begins. At this time, which is still during the Channel


Second Phase Period





, the passive recharge which is taking place in electrodes E


, E


and E


is interrupted temporarily (e.g., for the duration of the active first phase period





At the conclusion of the Channel


First Phase period




, a Channel


Inter-Phase period




begins, as does a Channel


Hold-Off period




. At the conclusion of the Inter-Phase period




, the Channel


Second Phase begins, which is fixed at about 7 ms. The Channel


Hold-Off period




is programmed to be about 15 ms. Neither Channel


nor Channel


is allowed to fire during the Channel


hold-off period. As soon as the Channel


hold-off period




concludes, both Channel


and Channel


are past due for firing. Channel


fires first because it has a lower channel number than does Channel


. Thus, at the conclusion of the Channel


hold-off period




, a Channel


First Phase period




begins, followed by the commencement of both a Channel


inter-phase period




and a Channel


Hold-Off period




. A Channel


Second Phase period




begins at the conclusion of the Channel


inter-phase period





At the conclusion of the Channel


hold-off period




, as seen in


, two events occur: (1) Channel


fires, which means a channel


First Phase period




begins; and (2) Channel


fires, which means a Channel


First Phase period




begins. Recall that Channel


does not have its arbitration feature programmed ON, hence, it fires just as soon as it can after the preceding Hold-Off period




terminates, which just happens to be at the same time that Channel


fires. Note that no electrodes are shared between Channels




, and thus simultaneous firing is permitted if the timing is such that simultaneous firing is called for. During the firing of channels




, Channel


is still experiencing a Second Phase passive recharge




. Hence, this passive recharge is temporarily interrupted for electrodes E


and the common (case) electrode during the active phase of Channels





Continuing with


, the next channel to fire is Channel


, which channel fires at its programmed rate, f


, as determined from its last firing (i.e., at a time interval 1/f


from its prior firing).

It should be noted that the second phase period for each channel or group need not be a passive recharge period. Rather, as shown in


, the second phase can also be an active phase, i.e., a phase when one or more current sources are turned ON. In a preferred embodiment, the second phase period and amplitude shall be programmed to create a symmetrical biphasic waveform when a channel is programmed to active recharge. For each electrode on channels programmed to an active Second Phase (Recharge) type, the recharge amplitude shall be programmed to the opposite polarity and amplitude as the first phase. Using active recharge in this manner allows faster recharge while avoiding the charge imbalance that could otherwise occur.

Thus, as seen in


, beginning at 0 ms, electrode E


is programmed to produce a first phase current of +2 ma (anode) at the same time that electrode E


is programmed to produce first phase current of −2 ma (cathode). The first phase (pulse width) is programmed to last about 0.6 ms. At the conclusion of the first phase, an active second phase begins. During this active second phase, which is also programmed to last about 0.6 ms, the amplitude of electrode E


is programmed to −2 mA, while the amplitude of electrode E


is programmed to +2 mA, thereby creating a symmetrical biphasic current pulse and a balanced charge condition. (It should also be noted that a balanced charge condition could also be obtained without having a symmetrical biphasic pulse, if desired, by simply assuring that the total charge during the first phase of the biphasic pulse, i.e., amplitude×duration, is equal to the total charge during the second phase.)

As further seen in


, beginning at about 2.6 ms from the 0 reference point, electrode E


is programmed to produce a first phase current of +4 ma (anode) at the same time that electrode E


is programmed to produce first phase current of −4 ma (cathode). The first phase (pulse width) is programmed to last about 0.4 ms. At the conclusion of the first phase, an active second phase begins. During this active second phase, which is also programmed to last about 0.4 ms, the amplitude of electrode E


is programmed to −4 mA, while the amplitude of electrode E


is programmed to +4 mA, thereby creating a symmetrical biphasic current pulse and a balanced charge condition.

Turning next to


, a block diagram is shown that illustrates the main components of one embodiment of an implantable pulse generator, or IPG


, that may be used with the invention. As seen in


, the IPG includes a microcontroller (μC)


connected to memory circuitry


, The μC


typically comprises a microprocessor and associated logic circuitry, which in combination with control logic circuits


, timer logic


, and an oscillator and clock circuit


, generate the necessary control and status signals which allow the μC to control the operation of the IPG in accordance with a selected operating program and stimulation parameters. The operating program and stimulation parameters are typically programmably stored within the memory


by transmitting an appropriate modulated carrier signal through a receiving coil


and charging and forward telemetry circuitry


from an external programing unit, e.g., a handheld programmer (HHP)


and/or a clinician programmer (CP)


, assisted as required through the use of a directional device


(see FIG.


). (The handheld programmer is thus considered to be in “telecommunicative” contact with the IPG; and the clinician programmer is likewise considered to be in telecommunicative contact with the handheld programmer, and through the handheld programmer, with the IPG.) The charging and forward telemetry circuitry


demodulates the carrier signal it receives through the coil


to recover the programming data, e.g, the operating program and/or the stimulation parameters, which programming data is then stored within the memory


, or within other memory elements (not shown) distributed throughout the IPG



Still with reference to


, the microcontroller


is further coupled to monitoring circuits


via bus


. The monitoring circuits


monitor the status of various nodes or other points


throughout the IPG


, e.g., power supply voltages, current values, temperature, the impedance of electrodes attached to the various electrodes E


. . . En, and the like. Informational data sensed through the monitoring circuit


may be sent to a remote location external the IPG (e.g., a non-implanted location) through back telemetry circuitry


, including a transmission coil



The operating power for the IPG


is derived from a replenishable power source


, e.g., a rechargeable battery and/or a supercapacitor. Such power source


provides an unregulated voltage to power circuits


. The power circuits


, in turn, generate the various voltages


, some of which are regulated and some of which are not, as needed by the various circuits located within the IPG. The power circuits


further selectively direct energy contained within the carrier signal, obtained through the charging and forward telemetry circuit


, to the replenishable power source


during a charging mode of operation. In this way, the power source


may be recharged when needed. A particular feature of the present invention is the manner in which such recharging occurs, on an as-needed basis.

In a preferred embodiment, the power source


of the IPG


comprises a rechargeable battery, and more particularly a rechargeable Lithium Ion battery. Recharging occurs inductively from an external charging station (shown below in

FIG. 8

) to an implant depth of approximately 2-3 cm. Because the SCS IPG


could accept or receive a charge from an unauthorized source, internal battery protection circuitry is employed, for safety reasons, to protect the battery (e.g., to prevent the battery from being overcharged and/or to accept a charge only from an authorized charging device). The battery is chargeable to 80% of its capacity within about an hour, and is chargeable to its full capacity within about two hours. Moreover, at an 80% charge, a single battery discharge is able to support stimulation at typical parameter settings on one channel (electrode group) for approximately three weeks; and on 4 channels for approximately one week, after 10 years of cycling. Thus, it is seen that the IPG


truly offers a long life.

Additionally, the IPG


is able to monitor and telemeter the status of its replenishable power source


(e.g., rechargeable battery) each time a communication link is established with the external patient programmer


. Such monitoring not only identifies how much charge is left, but also charge capacity. Typically, a telecommunicative link is established, and hence battery monitoring may occur, each time a programming event occurs, i.e., each time the patient or medical personnel change a stimulus parameter, or initiate a charging operation.

Still referring to


, the power circuits


advantageously include protection circuitry that protects the replenishable power source


from overcharging. Also, safeguarding features are incorporated that assure that the power source is always operated in a safe mode upon approaching a charge depletion. Potentially endangering failure modes are avoided and prevented through appropriate logic control that is hard-wired into the device, or otherwise set in the device in such a way that the patient cannot override them.

Still with reference to


, it is seen that a plurality m of independent current source pairs,
























, . . .




−lm are coupled to the control logic


via control bus


. One current source of each pair of current sources functions as a positive (+) current source, while the other current source of each pair functions as a negative (−) current source. The output of the positive current source and the negative current source of each pair of current sources


is connected to a common node


. This common node


, in turn, is connected through a low impedance switching matrix


to any of n electrode nodes E


, E


, E


, . . . En, through respective coupling capacitors C


, C


, C


, . . . Cn. (Note: a second embodiment of the IPG, see

FIGS. 4B and 4C

, discussed below, does not use a low impedance switching matrix


. Rather, there is an independent bi-directional current source for each of the sixteen electrodes.) Through appropriate control of the switching matrix


, when used (FIG.


A), or through operation of the independent bi-directional current sources, when used (FIGS.


B and


C), any of the m current source nodes


may be connected to any of the electrode nodes E


, E


, E


, . . . En. Thus, for example, it is possible to program the current source




to produce a pulse of +4 mA (at a specified rate and for a specified duration), and to synchronously program the current source




to similarly produce a pulse of −4 mA (at the same rate and pulse width), and then connect the






to electrode node E


and the




node to electrode node E


at relative time t=0 ms (and at a recurring rate thereafter) in order to realize the operation of channel


depicted, e.g., in the timing diagram of FIG.


A. In a similar manner, the operation of channels






shown in


may likewise be realized.

As described, it is thus seen that any of the n electrodes may be assigned to up to k possible groups (where k is an integer corresponding to the number of channels, and in a preferred embodiment is equal to 4). Moreover, any of the n electrodes can operate, or be included in, any of the k channels. The channel identifies which electrodes are selected to synchronously source or sink current in order to create an electric field. Amplitudes and polarities of electrodes on a channel may vary, e.g., as controlled by the patient hand held programmer


. External programming software in the clinician programmer


is typically used to assign a pulse rate and pulse width for the electrodes of a given channel.

Hence, it is seen that each of the n programmable electrode contacts can be programmed to have a positive (sourcing current), negative (sinking current), or off (no current) polarity in any of the k channels.

Moreover, it is seen that each of the n electrode contacts can operate in a bipolar mode or multipolar mode, e.g., where two or more electrode contacts are grouped to source/sink current at the same time. Alternatively, each of the n electrode contacts can operate in a monopolar mode where, e.g., the electrode contacts associated with a channel are configured as cathodes (negative), and the case electrode, on the IPG case, is configured as an anode (positive).

Further, the amplitude of the current pulse being sourced or sunk from a given electrode contact may be programmed to one of several discrete levels. In one embodiment, the currents can be individually set from ±0 to ±10 mA, in steps of 0.1 mA, within the output voltage/current requirements of the device. Additionally, in one embodiment, at least one channel of electrodes is capable of an output of at least ±20 mA (distributed among the electrodes included in the channel group). The current output capacity of individual electrodes are limited when operating with more than one other electrode of the same polarity in a given channel in order to assure that the maximum current values are maintained. Additionally, in order to prevent “jolts”, current amplitude changes are always gradually changed, e.g., in a ramping fashion, from one value to another within the range of values available between the settings. Such ramping feature is also used when initially powering on the IPG, thereby preventing full magnitude stimulus pulses from being delivered to the patient during a ramping-up time period. The ramping-up time period may vary, depending upon the channel and programmed amplitude, between about 1 and 10 seconds. This pulse ramping feature is explained more fully below in conjunction with FIG.



Also, in one embodiment, the pulse width of the current pulses is adjustable in convenient increments. For example, the pulse width range is preferably at least 0 to 1 ms in increments of 10 μs. Generally, it is preferred that the pulse width be equal for all electrodes in the same channel.

Similarly, in one embodiment, the pulse rate is adjustable within acceptable limits. For example, the pulse rate preferably spans at least two ranges: (1) a normal rate; and (2) a high rate. The normal rate range covers 0-150 pps per channel in approximately 1 pps increments. The high rate range covers 100-1200 pps with appropriate restrictions on pulse width, and need only be available on one or two channels. When used, the high rate range limits operation of the additional channels at the normal rates when stimulation and/or power conflicts are determined to be present.

Because the IPG


is typically only capable of delivering current pulses up to ±20 mA in amplitude at any instant in time, the SCS system also regulates the channel rates to prevent overlap (i.e., to prevent two or more pulses from different channels from occurring at the same time). Such channel rate regulation is transparent to the patient.

The stimulation pulses generated by the IPG


must also be charged balanced. This means that the amount of positive charge associated with a given stimulus pulse must be offset with an equal and opposite negative charge. Charge balance may be achieved through a coupling capacitor, which provides a passive capacitor discharge that achieves the desired charge balanced condition. Such passive capacitor discharge is evident in the waveforms depicted in


as the slowly decaying waveform following the short trailing edge of each pulse. Alternatively, active biphasic or multiphasic pulses with positive and negative phases that are balanced may be used to achieve the needed charge balanced condition.

In some embodiments of the invention, a real-time clock is also incorporated within the timing circuits of the IPG


. Such real-time clock advantageously allows a run schedule to be programmed. That is, the patient can schedule auto-run times for IPG operation at certain times of the day. When an auto-run time begins, all channels are enabled and provide a previously-programmed pattern of stimulus currents, i.e., current pulses having a programmed width, rate, and amplitude are generated and delivered through each channel. The auto-run time continues for a set time period, e.g., several hours, or for only a few minutes. When a programming change is made by the patient or other medical personnel, the auto-run time, when enabled at the programmed time of day, invokes the most recent programming changes made to each channel.

An important feature included within the IPG


is its ability to measure electrode impedance, and to transfer the impedance thus measured back to a remote programmer, or other processor, through the back telemetry circuits


. Also, the microcontroller


, in combination with the other logic circuits, may also be programmed to use the electrode impedance measurements to adjust compliance voltages and to thereby better maintain low battery consumption. In one embodiment of the IPG


, electrode impedance is measured for each electrode contact by sourcing or sinking a 1 mA current pulse from the electrode contact to the case electrode, measuring the voltage at the electrode contact, and computing the resulting impedance. (Impedance is equal to voltage/current.) For a spinal cord implantation, the electrode impedance will typically range between about 400 ohms and 1000 ohms. The impedance measuring feature is described in more detail below in conjunction with the description of

FIGS. 11A and 11B


The type of current sources depicted in


may be realized by those of skill in the art using the teachings of International Patent Application Serial Number PCT/US99/14190, filed Jun. 23, 1999, entitled “Programmable Current Output Stimulus Stage for Implantable Device”, published as International Publication No. WO-00/00251, on Jan. 6, 2000, and claiming priority to U.S. Patent Application Serial No. 60/090,833, filed Jun. 26, 1998, which international publication is incorporated herein by reference.

Advantageously, by using current sources of the type disclosed in the referenced international patent application, or equivalent, the IPG


is able to individually control the n electrode contacts associated with the n electrode nodes E


, E


, E


, . . . En. Controlling the current sources and switching matrix


using the microcontroller


, in combination with the control logic


and timer logic


, thereby allows each electrode contact to be paired or grouped with other electrode contacts, including the monopolar case electrode, in order to control the polarity, amplitude, rate, pulse width and channel through which the current stimulus pulses are provided.

As shown in


, much of circuitry included within the embodiment of the IPG


illustrated in


may be realized on a single application specific integrated circuit (ASIC)


. This allows the overall size of the IPG


to be quite small, and readily housed within a suitable hermetically-sealed case. The IPG


includes n feedthroughs to allow electrical contact to be individually made from inside of the hermetically-sealed case with the n electrodes that form part of the lead system outside of the case. The IPG case is preferably made from titanium and is shaped in a rounded case, as illustrated, e.g., in FIG.


B. The rounded IPG case has a maximum circular diameter D of about 50 mm, and preferably only about 45 mm. The implant case has smooth curved transitions that minimize or eliminate edges or sharp corners. The maximum thickness W of the case is about 10 mm, and preferably only about 8 mm.

Turning next to


, a hybrid block diagram of an alternative embodiment of an IPG


′ that may be used with the invention is illustrated. The IPG


′ includes both analog and digital dies, or integrated circuits (IC's), housed in a single hermetically-sealed rounded case having a diameter of about 45 mm and a maximum thickness of about 10 mm. Many of the circuits contained within the IPG


′ are identical or similar to the circuits contained within the IPG


, shown in FIG.


A. The IPG


′ includes a processor die, or chip,


′, an RF telemetry circuit


′ (typically realized with discrete components), a charger coil


′, a lithium ion battery


′, a battery charger and protection circuits


′, memory circuits


′ (SEEROM) and


′ (SRAM), a digital IC


′, an analog IC


′, and a capacitor array and header connector



The capacitor array and header connector


′ includes


output decoupling capacitors, as well as respective feed-through connectors for connecting one side of each decoupling capacitor through the hermetically-sealed case to a connector to which the electrode array


, or lead extension


, may be detachably connected.

The processor


′ is realized with an application specific integrated circuit (ASIC) that comprises the main device for full bi-directional communication and programming. The processor


′ utilizes a 8086 core (the 8086 is a commercially-available microprocessor available from, e.g., Intel, or a low power equivalent thereof, 16 kilobytes of SRAM memory, two synchronous serial interface circuits, a serial EEPROM interface, and a ROM boot loader


. The ROM boot loader


is described in more detail below in conjunction with FIG.


F. The processor die


′ further includes an efficient clock oscillator circuit


′ and a mixer and modulator/demodulator circuit implementing the QFAST RF telemetry method supporting bi-directional telemetry at 8 Kbits/second. QFAST stands for “Quadrature Fast Acquisition Spread Spectrum Technique”, and represents a known and viable approach for modulating and demodulating data. The QFAST RF telemetry method is further disclosed in U.S. Pat. No. 5,559,828, incorporated herein by reference. An analog-to-digital converter (A/D) circuit


is also resident on the processor


′ to allow monitoring of various system level analog signals, impedances, regulator status and battery voltage. In the preferred embodiment, the A/D converter circuit


comprises a twelve-bit A/D converter. The processor


′ further includes the necessary communication links to other individual ASIC's utilized within the IPG



The processor


′, like all similar processors, operates in accordance with a program that is stored within its memory circuits. In this instance, such program control is properly referred to as “firmware” (as opposed to software) because the program is digitally stored in a read only memory, or a programmable read only memory, and is not easily altered or changed (even though control parameters used with such program are readily changed).

The analog IC (AIC)


′ comprises an ASIC that functions as the main integrated circuit that performs several tasks necessary for the functionality of the IPG


′, including providing power regulation, stimulus output, and impedance measurement and monitoring. Electronic circuitry


′ performs the impedance measurement and monitoring function. The main area of the analog


′ is devoted to the current stimulus generators


′. These generators


′ may be realized using the circuitry described in the previously-referenced PCT application, Serial No. PCT/US99/14190, or similar circuitry. These generators


′ are designed to deliver up to 20 mA aggregate and up to 12.7 mA on a single channel in 0.1 mA steps, which resolution requires that a seven (7) bit digital-to-analog (DAC) circuit be employed at the output current DAC


′. Regulators for the IPG


′ supply the processor and the digital sequencer with a voltage of 2.7 V±10%. Digital interface circuits residing on the AIC


′ are similarly supplied with a voltage of 2.7 V±10%. A regulator programmable from 5V to 18V supplies the operating voltage for the output current DACs



A block diagram of the output stimulus generators


′ included within the AIC


′ is shown in FIG.


C. As seen in


, a data bus




from the digital IC


′ couples data received from the digital IC to AIC sequencer circuits




. Such data includes odd and even amplitude data, odd and even mode data, and odd and even change data, where “odd” and “even” refer to the electrode number (with electrodes E


, E


, E


, etc. being “odd” electrodes; and electrodes E


, E


, E


, etc., comprising “even” electrodes). A multiplicity of latch circuits




are connected to the AIC sequencer




, one latch circuit for each electrode. Hence, where there are sixteen electrodes, E


, E


, . . . E


, there are sixteen identical latch circuits




. Each latch circuit includes an amplitude bus




on which the amplitude data is placed, an S


line for designating a positive amplitude, an S


line for designating a negative amplitude, and an S


line for designating a recharge state. A PDAC circuit




is enabled by a signal on the S


line when a current having the amplitude specified on the amplitude bus




is to be sourced from a current source




through a coupling capacitor Cn, where n is an integer from 1 to 16. Similarly, an NDAC circuit




is enabled by a signal on the S


line when a current having the amplitude specified on the amplitude bus




is to be sunk into the current source




through the coupling capacitor Cn. A recharge switch




is enabled by the signal on the S


line when it is desired to remove the charge from the coupling capacitor Cn. Another switch




allows an indifferent electrode




, e.g., the case of the IPG, to be turned on upon receipt of an SC


signal. Similarly, a recharge switch




allows the indifferent electrode




to be selectively connected to ground, or another voltage source, upon receipt of an SC





, it is seen that the analog IC


′ includes a multiplicity of output current sources




, e.g., sixteen bi-directional output current sources, each configured to operate as a DAC current source. Each DAC output current source




may source or sink current, i.e., each DAC output current source is bidirectional. Each DAC output current source is connected to an electrode node




. Each electrode node




, in turn, is connected to a coupling capacitor Cn. The coupling capacitors Cn and electrode nodes, as well as the remaining circuitry on the analog IC


′, are all housed within the hermetically sealed case of the IPG


. The dashed-dotted line




represents the boundary between the sealed portion of the IPG case and the unsealed portion. A feedthrough pin




, which is included as part of the header connector


′ (FIG.


B), allows electrical connection to be made between each of the coupling capacitors Cn and the respective electrodes E


, E


, E


, . . . , or E


, to which the DAC output current source is associated.

Returning again to


, the digital IC (DigIC)


′ functions as the primary interface between the processor


′ and the AIC output circuits


′. The main function of the DigIC


′ is to provide stimulus information to the output current generator register banks. The DigIC


′ thus controls and changes the stimulus levels and sequences when prompted by the processor


′. In a preferred embodiment, the DigIC


′ comprises a digital application specific integrated circuit (digital ASIC). A block diagram of the DigIC


′ is shown in FIG.



As seen in


, the digital ASIC


′ receives signals from the processor IC (CPU)


′ through an interface and register map circuit


. The interface and register map circuit


implements a standard 8086 memory map interface between the processor IC


′ and the digital ASIC


′. All read and write transactions are done in 16 bit words. Included as part of the digital ASIC


′ is a matrix of counters


that function as a digital pulse generator. This matrix of counters


include four delay and burst counters


, four slow start/stop counters


, and four phase counters


. There is thus one counter of each type for each channel. In combination, the counters


define the parameters (timing and amplitude) associated with the stimulation pulses that are generated by the output current DACs


′ included within the analog ASIC chip


′ (see FIGS.


B and


C). Any combination of timing generators can drive any electrode through the analog ASIC chip


′. An arbitrator circuit


monitors the various pulses being defined by the counters


in order to control overlap between pulses.

An output formatter circuit


, which may also be referred to as a double buffer circuit, receives the pulse-defining data from the counters


and converts the output signals into two high-speed data buses




. A first bus


contains the amplitude, mode and change data for the odd-numbered electrodes, e.g., electrodes E


, E


, E


, . . . E


. A second bus


contains the amplitude, mode and change data for the even-numbered electrodes, e.g., electrodes E


, E


, E


, . . . E


. (Note, these two buses




are shown in


as a single bus




.) The data carried on the buses




is applied to appropriate electrode latch circuits that define the control signals S


, S


and S


referenced in the block diagram of the analog ASIC


′ shown in FIG.


B. Sync and clock signals, as well as a reset signal, are also sent from the digital ASIC


′ to the analog ASIC



A serial control circuit


also included as part of the digital ASIC


′ provides serial communications with the analog ASIC


′, and in the process provides additional timing and control information. Like all serial data transmissions, data bits are transmitted serially, one bit at a time, as enabled on a bit by bit basis. The data transmission rate is 1 million bits per second. Sample pulses, for use by the sample and hold circuitry


′ within the analog ASIC


′ are also sent to the analog ASIC via the serial control circuit


. For example, a sample pulse may begin coincident with the start of a first phase on any of the four timing generators (counters)


. The selection of the trigger source and time delay for the sample pulse may be based on the setting off internal control registers. At the completion of the sampling pulse, an interrupt signal is generated for use by the processor IC



Returning again to


, the RF circuitry


′ includes antennas and preamplifiers that receive signals from the HHP


and provide an interface at adequate levels for the demodulation/modulation of the communication frames used in the processor


′. Any suitable carrier frequency may be used for such communications. In a preferred embodiment, the frequency of the RF carrier signal used for such communications is 262.144 KHz, or approximately 262 KHz. A transmitter section receives digital transmit signals from the quadrature components, Txl and TxQ, of the data as generated on the 262 KHz carrier. The Txl and TxQ signals are coupled directly into the antenna during transmit. Additionally, the transmit section couples the antenna to the receiver during a receive mode. The transmitter section is responsible for antenna tunning and coupling while minimizing the processor noise to the RF signal.

A receiver portion of the RF circuitry


′ receives an incoming RF signal through a coupling circuit, amplifies the signal, and delivers it to a mixer located inside of the processor



The RF circuitry


′ also includes an antenna. The antenna, in a preferred embodiment, comprises a ferrite rod located in an epoxy header of the IPG case. The antenna makes electrical connection to the IPG circuitry via two feedthrough pins included within the header connector


′ (the other pins providing electrical connection to the individual electrodes located in the electrode array



Still with reference to


, the Battery Charger and Protection Circuits


′ provide battery charging and protection functions for the Lithium Ion battery


′. A charger coil


′ inductively (i.e., electromagnetically) receives rf energy from the external charging station. The battery


′ preferably has a 720 mWHr capacity. The preferred battery


′ has a life of 500 cycles over 10 years with no more than 80% loss in capacity. The battery charger circuits perform three main functions: (1) during normal operation, they continually monitor the battery voltage and provide charge status information to the patient at the onset of a communication link, (2) they ensure that the battery is not over-discharged, and (3) they monitor the battery voltage during a charging cycle to ensure that the battery does not experience overcharging. These functions are explained in more detail below in conjunction with




B and





′ has three main modes that can initiate either a reset sequence or a hibernation state. The first mode is a hard power up reset that occurs at initial turn on. The second mode is a state where a fully functional IPG experiences battery depletion that may result in erroneous communication between the modules, thereby necessitating that the system power down in order to protect the patient. The third mode is a re-awake mode triggered from the depletion or hibernation state, which re-awake mode requires that the system perform self check and validation states.

A representative power-up reset sequence for the IPG


′ is illustrated in the flow diagram of FIG.


D. As seen in


, and also with reference to the IPG elements shown in


, the process starts when an external charger is placed over the IPG (block




). As the battery voltage rises above 2.5 or 2.6 volts, a charging current is detected (block




). At this point, i.e., upon detection of the charging current, the battery protection circuit allows the battery to be connected to the analog IC


′ (block




). Upon receipt of the battery voltage at the analog IC, the analog IC asserts the HEXTRESET line (high), starts generation of the supply voltage VDD, and starts a time delay for the HEXTRESET hold time (block




). The voltage VDD tracks the battery voltage minus the regulator dropout. The HEXTRESET remains asserted until VBAT rises above 3.0 V and VDD is 2.7 V (block




). Next, the digital IC


′ resets all internal registers affected by the HEXTRESET signal (block




). Then, the analog IC


′ similarly resets all registers affected by the HEXTRESET signal (block




). When the battery voltage rises above 3.0 volts, the battery monitor circuit releases the HEXTRESET signal, allowing it to go low (block




). At this point, the digital IC


′ is ready for commands from the processor IC


′ (block




). Also, the analog IC


′ is ready from commands from the processor IC


′ via the digital IC


′ (block




). The processor


′ next starts the reset sequence by fetching a RESET vector and jumping to the RESET routine (block




). The boot loader routine then reads the data from the external SEEROM memory


′ and stores the program and data section in the processor RAM (block




). The processor, in response to such RAM-stored data, jumps to the internal program space and starts the system application code (block




). The processor next initializes all the registers in the digital IC


′ and indirectly in the analog IC


′ to a safe state (block




). The process then verifies the system resources, including the battery status, the memory integrity, and all diagnostics (block




). After such verification, the processor then sets the digital IC


′ and the analog IC a


′ to default conditions (block




). Next, the processor sets the remaining hardware resources to normal operating conditions (block




). Finally, the processor executes the commands in the main idle and diagnostic loops (block





The battery voltage of the IPG is monitored and, when it drops below a prescribed level, the IPG is taken through a slow shut down to a shutdown state via a series of intermediate steps as shown in FIG.


E. Advantageously, in one embodiment, the IPG is capable of properly recharging a lithium-ion battery cell that has been completely discharged to zero volts. As indicated in


, the battery voltage is measured at a prescribed time interval, e.g., once every 4 hours, sixteen samples are taken, averaged, the value stored, so as to provide an indication of the normal operation of the system (block




). The battery voltage and state are reported to the HHP


if the IPG is interrogated (block




). Should the battery voltage fall below a minimum level, e.g., 3.6 V (block




), then all parameter programming is disabled, and telemetry is limited to status and ID responses only (block




). The IPG processor issues commands to halt all stimulation, updates the status register, and reports to the HHP when the IPG is interrogated (block




). The IPG processor then makes a copy of the working registers, current stimulation parameters, digital IC settings, and CRC (error correction codes) in an appropriate memory location, e.g., in a SEEPROM memory (block




). The battery voltage is then measured once every 10 minutes by taking sixteen samples, which are averaged, and the voltage is reported to the HHP if the IPG is interrogated (block




). If the battery voltage falls below a first prescribed level, designated as VBAT (3.0±0.1 V), and if HEXTRESET is asserted, then all systems in the IPG are halted (block




). Should the battery voltage fall below a second prescribed level, designated as the battery protection cutoff (2.5 V) (block




), then the battery protection circuitry disconnects the battery from the main circuit (block




). Note that the battery is not disconnected from the battery protection circuit, just from the main circuit. Although there may be a temporary battery voltage increase when the battery is first disconnected from the main IPG circuitry, the battery voltage will eventually continue to decrease at a slower rate. (Note: battery voltage decrease continues due to the small current needed to power the battery protection circuitry and battery self discharge.) When the battery voltage rises above 2.6 V, the protection circuitry reconnects the battery, and HEXTRESET is asserted (block




). When the battery voltage rises above the VBAT threshold (3.0±0.1 V) (block




), then HEXTRESET is released, and the process goes through the power-on-reset process (block




). After the Power-On-Reset process, the battery voltage continues to be monitored every 10 minutes (block




). When the battery voltage rises above the level to restore stimulation (3.8 V)(block




), the stimulation is re-enabled, normal operation resumes, and telemetry is re-established for all command types (block




). If the battery


′ comprises a non zero volt battery, and if the battery voltage falls below a third prescribed level, designated as the battery protection circuit minimum value (1.2 V) (block




), then the battery is permanently disabled from the circuit, and the protection FET switches cannot be re-activated (block





As indicated above, the processor IC


′ includes a ROM boot loader


(see FIG.


B). A 1 Kbyte section of the Boot ROM


is organized as 512 words, located at FFC00 (HEX), consistent with the Intel specification for reset vectors used with an 8086 microprocessor. When a reset occurs, the processor begins execution at memory location FFFF0 (HEX). The instruction at this location causes a jump to the starting address within the boot space for the boot code. The boot code contains a program that loads further code from the serial boot SEEROM


′ located off-chip. The processor Boot ROM flow chart is shown in FIG.




shows that the following steps are performed during a ROM boot load: the CPU starts or is rebooted (block




); the segment registers are reinitialized and power is shut off to unnecessary areas, and the watchdog circuit operation is acknowledged (block




); a transaction begins with the offchip SEEPROM


′ to set the initial page address of a dummy write cycle (block




); a determination is made as to whether the SEEPROM acknowledged (block




); if acknowledgment occurred, then a transaction begins with the SEEPROM to begin a read transaction (block




); a determination is made as to whether the SEEPROM acknowledged (block




); if acknowledgment occurred, then a transaction begins with the SEEPROM wherein eight bits of data are read and placed in the offchip SRAM


′ (block




). The first four bytes of data are used to specify the location in SRAM as well as the length of the program; a determination is made as to whether the SEEPROM acknowledged (block




); a determination is made as to whether the code being read from the SEEPROM is finished (block




) and if not, the code continues to be read 8 bits at a time (block




); and then when all of the code has been loaded, a vector is formed that indicates where the code is loaded, and the processor jumps there to begin execution of the code (block





As described above, it is thus seen that the implant portion


of the SCS system of the present invention (see

FIG. 1

) includes an implantable pulse generator (IPG)


as described in


. Such IPG includes stimulating electronics (comprising programmable current sources and associated control logic), a power source, and a telemetry system. Advantageously, the power source may be recharged over and over again, as needed, and may thus provide a long life, as well as a high current output capacity.

It is further seen that an important feature of the present invention is its ability to map current fields through selective control of the current sources which are attached to each electrode node. In one preferred embodiment, the invention achieves its desired function of being able to independently map a desired current to each electrode node through the use of a processor


′, one or more ASIC's


′ or


′, sixteen independent bidirectional output current DACs (


, elements








), and timers and control registers, configured to operate in a state machine architecture. The ASIC has a standard bus interface to the microcontroller allowing simple, direct and efficient access to all of its control and stimulation parameter registers. Triggering and timing control circuitry allow the simultaneous activation of any of the channels. In one embodiment (FIG.


A), a low impedance switching matrix advantageously allows the mapping of each current generator's two outputs to be assigned to any of the pulse generator electrode nodes (or leadwires, which are attached to the electrode nodes) or to the case. In a preferred embodiment (FIGS.


B and


C), there is no need for a low impedance switching matrix. Rather, independent bidirectional current sources for each of the sixteen electrodes (independently operable output current DACs) allow the output currents to be mapped to any of the output electrode nodes or to the case. In this manner, one or more current generators may be attached to any one or more electrode nodes (leadwires) and thus electrodes, and conversely, any electrode node (leadwire) may be attached to one or more current generator outputs, grounded, or left open. The significance of the biphasic, or (in some instances) multiphasic, nature of the stimulation pulses is that currents may be actively driven in either the anodic or cathodic direction to the output electrode nodes of the current generators. This feature, along with the matrix switching of output leads, or independently operable output current DACs, depending upon the embodiment used, allows the creation of “virtual” electrodes and stimulation current field control, not possible with other known designs. This feature thus provides an important advance in the ability to direct the stimulation pulses to pools of target neurons in the spinal cord.

In use, the IPG


is typically placed in a surgically-made pocket either in the abdomen, or just at the top of the buttocks, and detachably connected to the lead system (comprising lead extension


and electrode array


). While the lead system is intended to be permanent, the IPG may be replaced should its power source fail, or for other reasons. Thus, a suitable connector, e.g., the snap-on tool-less connector disclosed in U.S. patent application Ser. No. 09/239,926, filed Jan. 28, 1999, now U.S. Pat. No. 6,198,969, or other suitable connectors, may advantageously be used to make the connection between the lead system and the IPG



Once the IPG


has been implanted, and the implant system


is in place, the system is programmed to provide a desired stimulation pattern at desired times of the day. The stimulation parameters that can be programmed include the number of channels (defined by the selection of electrodes with synchronized stimulation), the stimulation rate and the stimulation pulse width. The current output from each electrode is defined by polarity and amplitude. Additionally, as indicated above, a run schedule may be downloaded and stored in the memory of the IPG


, which when used enables the IPG only at programmed times of the day.

The back telemetry features of the IPG


allow the status of the IPG to be checked. For example, when the external hand-held programmer


(and/or the clinician programmer


) initiates a programming session with the implant system




), the capacity of the battery is telemetered so that the external programmer can calculate the estimated time to recharge. Additionally, electrode impedance measurements are telemetered at the beginning of each programming session, or as requested. Any changes made to the current stimulus parameters are confirmed through back telemetry, thereby assuring that such changes have been correctly received and implemented within the implant system. Moreover, upon interrogation by the external programmer, all programmable settings stored within the implant system


may be uploaded to one or more external programmers.

Turning next to

FIG. 5

, one type of external trial stimulator (ETS)


that may be used as a component of the invention is illustrated. As explained previously in connection with FIG.




, the ETS


connects to the electrode array


through a percutaneous extension


and an external cable


. Because of this percutaneous, or “through-the-skin” connection, the trial stimulator


is also referred to as a “percutaneous stimulator”


. The main purpose of the ETS


is to provide a 2-7 day stimulation trial with the surgically placed electrode array


before implanting the IPG



As seen in

FIG. 5

, the ETS


is housed within a hand-held case


. Displayed on the case


are a set of intuitive control buttons




that control the operation of the device. Advantageously, these control buttons are the same as, or very similar to, the types of buttons found on the patient hand held programmer, or HHP, (explained below). A cable contact port


having a multiplicity of contacts, e.g., 16 contacts, is provided on one side of the device into which the external cable


and/or percutaneous extension


may be detachably connected. Typically, during implant of the electrode array, when the ETS


is under control of a surgeon, the ETS


is connected to the electrode array


through the external cable



FIG. 1

) and the percutaneous extension


. Then, after implant, during a trial period when the stimulator


is under control of the patient, the trial stimulator


is connected to the electrode array


directly through the percutaneous extension


. In other words, once the patient leaves the operating room (OR), there is generally no need for the external cable



As seen in

FIGS. 1 and 2B

, the percutaneous extension


is a temporary lead extension that is used to connect the electrode array


to the external trial stimulator


and/or external cable


during the trial period. This lead is positioned by the surgeon using suitable tunneling tools


to create a tunnel between the array


and the percutaneous exit site. Once the tunnel is made, the percutaneous extension is pulled through for connecting to the array. The exiting end of the percutaneous extension may then be connected to either the trial stimulator port


or the external cable



The percutaneous extension


is typically 30 cm in length and no greater than 3 mm in diameter (when it connects with a single-8 electrode array, e.g., an in-line electrode having 8 electrode contacts, or an electrode of the type shown in FIG.


A(G)), or no greater than 4 mm in diameter (when it connects with a dual-8 electrode array, e.g., an electrode of the type shown in FIG.



The external connectors used on the external cable


and the percutaneous extension


are easy to connect and disconnect into their mating connectors or plugs. More than one external cable


may be provided, as needed, e.g., of differing lengths, in order to allow the trial stimulator to be moved around the operating table. Such cables, of course, must be sterilized for use within the OR.

The external trial stimulator (ETS)


has circuitry that allows it to perform the same stimulation functions as does the IPG


. Further, the circuitry within the external trial stimulator


allows it to receive and store programs that control its operation through a suitable telecommunicative link



FIG. 1

) established with the clinician programmer


. Thus, with such link


established, the clinician programmer


may be used to program the external trial stimulator


in much the same way that the clinician programmer is used to program the IPG


, once the IPG


is implanted. Advantageously, the link


is bi-directional, thereby allowing programming data sent to the stimulator


from the clinician programmer


to be verified by sending the data, as stored in the stimulator


, back to the programmer


from the ETS


. In one embodiment, the link


comprises an infra-red (IR) link; in another embodiment, the link


comprises a cable link. The link


is preferably functional over a distance of at least 7 feet, thereby allowing the trial stimulator to be easily used in an operating room (OR) environment.

The external trial stimulator


further includes limited programming functions that allow some modification of some of the programmable values using the control buttons




. A flat display screen


on which programming or other information may be displayed is also provided. Typically, the screen


is used to show programmable values as they are selected and/or modified. A hidden physician access screen may also be displayed on the stimulator screen


when enabled. This allows the physician to verify programming and patient data, as well as to check the status of the operating condition of the stimulator.

Advantageously, the external trial stimulator


is compact in size, and can be easily held in one hand. To make it even easier to carry, especially by the patient, a belt clip is placed on its back side, thereby allowing it to be worn on a patient belt, much like a pager or cell-phone. The device case includes an accessible battery compartment wherein replaceable (and/or rechargeable) batteries may be carried having sufficient capacity to provide operating power to both its internal pulse generator circuitry and programming electronics for at least one week.

The external trial stimulator


, or ETS, is first used in the operating room (OR) to test the electrodes of the electrode array


during placement of the electrode array. During such OR use, it is critical for the surgeon to quickly access and adjust amplitude, pulse width, rate, channel and electrode selection without having to switch back and forth between screens or scroll through each parameter. Immediate access to the pulse amplitude and the electrode to which the pulse is applied are most important. The communication link


established between the stimulator


and programmer


greatly facilitate such quick access.

Once the electrodes have been tested with the external trial stimulator


in the OR environment immediately after implant, and the surgeon is satisfied that the trial stimulator has been programmed in an acceptable manner and is functioning properly, the ETS


is then used by the patient during a trial period, e.g., of from 2-7 days. During this time, the patient may perform limited programming of the stimulator


, e.g., to set the channel, amplitude, rate and on/off programming functions.

Next, the clinician programming system will be described. This system includes, as seen in

FIG. 1

, a clinician programmer


coupled to a directional device


. The clinician programmer


typically interfaces with the patient hand-held programmer


in communicating with the implanted pulse generator (IPG)


. As described above, the clinician programmer


may also be selectively coupled to the external trial stimulator



The clinician's programming system is used to optimize the programming of the implant for the patient. In a preferred implementation, such system comprises software, referred to as Clinician's Programmer Software (referred to as “ClinPro” software) with operates on a 32 bit Windows operating system. The function of the ClinPro software is to program the IPG. Programming the IPG involves setting the pulse width, amplitude, and rate through which electrical stimuli are to be applied to the patient through the selected combinations or groups of electrodes on the electrode array




). As such, any software or other programming means could be used to achieve this programming purpose. The description of the ClinPro software that follows is provided solely to provide an overview of the preferred software used for this IPG programming purpose. Further details associated with programming the IPG may be found in U.S. Pat. No. 6,052,624, U.S. patent application Ser. No. 09/550,217, filed Apr. 17, 2000; and U.S. Patent Application Serial No. 60/172,167, filed Dec. 17, 1999, which patent and applications are incorporated herein by reference. The details associated with the ClinPro software are not presented herein because such details are not viewed as a critical part of the invention.

The ClinPro software is used on a conventional personal computer, PC, e.g., a laptop or notebook computer, programmed with a 32-bit Windows operating system, such as Windows98 or Windows2000. The ClinPro software in combination with the hardware on which it is used is referred to as the “ClinPro system.”

A block diagram of the ClinPro system is shown in FIG.


A. As seen in


, The ClinPro system consists of several subsystems (add-ins) that interact with each other. The add-ins are separate and independent of each other. The only way the different add-ins communicate with each other is through well defined base interfaces


. An interface is a protocol that defines properties and methods that can be performed on a component. For one add-in to interact with another add-in, the first add-in must use the interface provided by the second add-in, and vice-versa. Advantageously, this provides the ability to develop new add-ins without affecting the existing add-ins. The add-ins register themselves in the operating system registry when installed.

As shown in


, the ClinPro system contains only one subsystem of the ClinProApp type


, and one or more of other types of subsystems like the User Interface subsystem


, the Hardware subsystems




, and the Port subsystems




. Each subsystem type has a certain basic functionality that it provides to the ClinPro system.

The user interface subsystems


provide access to the user interface (UI), e.g., data-entry forms through which the user provides information to the program, and also encapsulate the data access functionality. The UI subsystem provides an interface that provides access to the patient information maintained in a data manager


. Other subsystems, including the ClinProApp


, must use the user interface


to access the patient information contained in the data manager



The hardware subsystems




provide command generation and interpretation for the specific hardware they encapsulate. The hardware subsystems use the port subsystems




to communicate with the physical hardware. The hardware subsystems expose functionality specific to the hardware (e.g., Set Amplitude, Set Pulse Width, etc.) through the base interface


to the rest of the system. This interface is used by the corresponding UI subsystems


to change the hardware settings.

The port subsystems




provide access to the physical ports on the system, e.g, an RS-232 port or an infrared port. They expose functionality to enumerate available ports, open, read, write and close a specific port. The port subsystems are typically used by the hardware subsystems. Other special subsystems (e.g., a terminal emulator subsystem) may use the port subsystem for diagnostic purposes.

The advantage of using the type of architecture shown in

FIG. 1

is that it provides the system the ability to develop new functionality as a new subsystem and then integrating it into the existing system without modifying the existing subsystems. For example, after the initial software is shipped and installed at a site, a second user interface add-in can be developed independently and shipped to the site and installed without any modification to the existing subsystems. The same holds true for hardware subsystems as well. The existing user interface subsystem will communicate with the new hardware subsystem or as long as the new hardware subsystem implements the previous hardware subsystem's interface.

The ClinPro application




, manages the creation and usage of the different add-in objects. Each add-in implements an interface that provides the add-in name, type, etc. The application uses this interface to get information from an add-in. The application also provides its own interface to the add-ins for getting the active hardware, active port, etc. For example, when the UI interface


add-in wants to send information to the hardware, it first gets the active hardware from the application and then calls the corresponding method exposed by the interface of the hardware add-in.

The user interface add-ins


implement the user interface for taking patient threshold measurements, generating reports and implementing other functionality. The UI also implements a user interface to provide access to the patient information, program information, measurement information, etc. from the database


and the Add-in interface. The UI add-ins reference the application interface to get active hardware, and the hardware interface to set the different parameters.

The hardware add-ins implement the functionality provided by the hardware. This includes setting amplitude, pulse width, rate, etc. The hardware add-ins implement the add-in interface and a hardware interface to expose methods to set the amplitude, pulse width, rate, etc. The hardware add-ins reference the application interface to get available ports to poll for hardware, set the active port, etc. They also reference the port add-in interface to transmit and receive data from the physical hardware.

The port add-ins implement the functionality to access the I/O ports in the system. This includes opening and closing a port, reading and writing to a port, etc. The port add-ins implement the add-in interface and a port interface which exposes methods to change port settings, open a port, close a port, write to a port, read from a port, etc.

The clinician programmer


, including the ClinPro system, is configured to talk to the IPG


via the hand-held programmer


. In a preferred implementation, the ClinPro application is installed on a notebook or laptop computer running the Windows98 operating system. The computer is connected to the HHP


through an IrDA compatible infrared serial port using an infra-red cable extension. The HHP


is then connected to the IPG using radio frequency (RF) communications. While any suitable communications protocol could be used for such RF communications, a preferred communications format is shown in


, described below.

Thus, the ClinPro system, with its various add-in subsystems or modules, maintains a patient data base, and is able to program all features of the implant in a simple and intuitive manner. Additionally, the system allows threshold measurements to be made, operational electrodes to be identified, and is able to interface directly with the patient.

A key feature of the ClinPro system is to include a joystick accessory, or equivalent directional device




). Such device, coupled with appropriate add-in subsystem software, allows the patient to interface with the clinician programmer


, external trial stimulator


, or other processor (e.g., a hand-held computer, such as a PalmPilot® computer, or equivalent) so as to allow the patient, or other medical personnel assisting the patient, to configure electrodes and adjust various stimulation parameters. This directional programming is described in more detail in U.S. Pat. No. 6,052,624, entitled “Directional Programming for Implantable Electrode Arrays”, incorporated herein by reference. As described in the '624 patent, such directional programming may advantageously be performed both in the OR environment and in the doctor's office. The clinician or nurse simply operates the joystick feature, or equivalent directional programming feature, during surgery in conjunction with the trial stimulator so as to configure and select the electrodes that provide stimulation. The patient may then use the joystick feature to finalize the device programming during a post implant adjustment session. Thus, whether communicating with the external trial stimulator


or with the IPG


through the HHP


, the directional programming device


is able to be effectively used to configure which electrodes provide stimuli to the patient.

In the preferred embodiment, the Clinician's programming system is thus designed to operate as windows compatible software. It is user friendly and may provide (in some versions) automated patient fitting and virtual electrode directional programming. It is capable of maintaining a patient data base and graphic reports. It also provides, through calculations based on measurements made, an automatic estimate of the implant battery capacity.

In operation, as seen in

FIG. 1

, the clinician programming system communicates to the patient programmer


over a telecommunicative or other communication link


, which then telemeters the data to the IPG


. Likewise, the clinician's programmer is able to communicate to the external trial stimulator


over the telecommunicative link


. The communication links




are reliable links capable of operating in the busy OR environment. Data speeds to and from the IPG


, through the patient programmer


intermediary link, are fast enough to not noticeably delay programming. A communication link status between devices is always depicted on a screen, or other display device, associated with the programmer



As soon as the clinician programmer is initially connected to the implant system, hardware recognition occurs. That is, the system identifies the stimulator, the patient programmer, and electrode availability (through electrode impedance measurements).

For safety, the patient programmer


is coded to work only with a specific implant system. Should the patient lose his or her programmer


, then the physician, using the clinician programmer, is able to code a new programmer for use with the patient's implant system. The clinician's programmer, in contrast, is able to communicate to any implant through any programmer


by using an overriding universal code. This allows the patient code to be extracted from the IPG


and used to re-code a new programmer



When an IPG


is in contact with a clinician programmer


, the device settings and hardware information (model, serial number, number of electrode by impedance, and the like) are first uploaded to the SCS add-on programming software in the clinician programmer


. All devices in the link with the IPG, e.g., the hand held device


, and/or the trial stimulator


, and clinician programmer


, and the clinician programmer


, are synchronized so that each device receives accurate and current data. Programming changes made to the stimulator(s) are confirmed through back telemetry or other means before the SCS add-on software reflects the change. Advantageously, the physician is able to program the stimulator through either the patient programmer


or the clinician programmer


while linked together through the link


, with all programming changes being mirrored in both devices.

Various programming features of the ClinPro software make the programming system extremely user friendly. In the preferred embodiment, these programming features include at least the features are described below.

A patient information window is accessible through the programming system that allows either a new patient or an existing patient file to be created or opened. Such patient file is presented as a blank or existing window, including a series of tiered sub-windows, including: “patient information,” “appointment,” and “case history”. Selecting a new patient places the “patient information” window at the top tier for data entry. Selecting from patient files places “appointment” window at the top tier. The patient name is automatically written on all patient file windows. When the system detects an implant serial number that matches a patient file, that patient file is automatically opened and displayed as a starting point.

The “patient information” window includes entry fields for last name, first name, birth date, and a patient identification number. A drop down menu provides a list of patient diagnosis that can be entered, i.e., nerve injury, Sciatica, Arachnoiditis, and the like. Also included is a listing of the patient's hardware, which is entered automatically based on the hardware that is detected when the devices are linked.

The “appointment” window displays the patient's name and hardware, and further includes entry fields with drop-down selections for diagnosis, reason for visit (e.g., trial, implant, replacement, programming, and the like), and a notes field.

The “case history” window presents a figure of the human body, or portions of the human body, on which are illustrated the pain sites that have been treated in the past, and a chronology of the patient appointment dates. Selecting a patient appointment date causes the stimulation programs, illustrations and notes that were applied on that date to be displayed. These case history files may not be altered through normal means, but are rather intended to be saved as permanent archived files.

Various patient-specific reports may be generated by the system. These reports when generated may be printed, faxed, saved to a file, or sent via email to a designed location. The reports include, as a header, the logo or other identification of the clinic were created, the patient's name, birth date and implant type. The body of the reports may include: (1) patient information, i.e., the information captured in the patient information windows; (2) the patient visit history, i.e., a list of dates the patient visited the clinic with reasons for the visit, the type of hardware used by the patient, and the implant serial number; (3) the program report, i.e., the details of those programs used by the patient to provide stimulation, the electrode configuration, and the like; (4) the measurement history, i.e., a graphical and/or tabular representation of the measurements (bipolar and/or monopolar threshold and maximum levels) for each electrode. Typically this is done in one or a series of graphs or tables with the electrode being displayed on the x-axis, and the measurement unit on the y=axis; and (5) a stimulation evaluation, i.e., a paresthesia/pain illustrative representation.

The ClinPro programming software further provides a programming window that facilitates programming the stimulator. The programming window, in one embodiment, includes at least three tiered sub-windows, which may be titled, e.g., “measurements”, “programming”, and “advanced”. The programming window is advantageously accessible from both a main menu and a patient information window.

The measurement window, which may also be referred to as a “threshold” window, is used to set maximum and minimum thresholds, and to map pain and paresthesia with implanted electrodes to anatomical sites. A representative measurement window is illustrated in FIG.


B. (In practice, there may be more than one window, each featuring a different measurement or setting.) As seen in


, included in the display of the measurement window is a representation


of the type and orientation of the electrode array(s) that has been selected. Such selection is made from a group of possible electrode choices. Monopolar and bipolar sensitivity (max and min) thresholds may then be determined for each electrode for the displayed electrode array configuration, with the aid of amplitude, rate (frequency), and pulse width settings




F and


P, respectively. In one embodiment, maximum and minimum thresholds map to amplitude levels designated by numbers from 1 to 10 for each electrode (with respect to monopolar or bipolar or multipolar configurations), as described in U.S. Patent Application Serial No. 60/172,167, filed Dec. 17, 1999, incorporated herein by reference. Pain and/or paresthesia mapping is available to identify electrode effects through the threshold testing process. To aid in this process, a human

figure 234

is displayed and divided into sections for selection.

In use, a pain or paresthesia is activated by toggling a color box, i.e., red or blue, that is superimposed over the affected body area. One color, e.g., red, represents pain; while the other color, e.g, blue, represents paresthesia. As the mouse pointer passes over different body segments, such segments change color to the active color and can be locked to the active color by clicking the mouse. The paresthesia color is always transparent (top layered) so that pain segments can be seen. Multiple body segments can be selected individually, or as a group at intersections. By clicking on a segment, the active color is toggled off and on without affecting the alternate color. The object is to match or map the paresthesia segments with the pain segments. Such pain/paresthesia mapping feature may be used with expert algorithms to automate the programming process. Alternatively, the patient and clinician/physician may simply work together and use a trial-and-error procedure in order to best fit the paresthesia segments with the pain segments.

Programming window screen(s) is/are accessible from at least a patient information window and a main menu. The programming screen is used to program electrode configurations and the desired output parameters for each of the available channels. Representative current stimulus waveforms for selected electrodes are displayed in area


of the screen shown in FIG.


B. Once selected, continual clicking of the selected electrode group toggles stimulation between active ON and PAUSED, with a settable slow start/end. The slow start/end feature is explained in more detail below. Selection of another electrode channel does not change any of the settings of a previous channel.

Before electrodes are displayed on the screen for programming, the array type and orientation must be selected. The number of implanted and available electrodes is typically automatically determined by impedance measurements during hardware interrogation. Pointing to the electrode box


provides an electrode array selection, based on the number of detected electrodes, with preset visual forms. Once the array configuration is selected, it is displayed on the screen with point and click selectable electrodes. For example, one click specifies a cathode; two clicks specifies an anode; and a third click specifies a neutral (floating or non-connected) electrode. Cathode, anode and neutral selections are indicated by a color change. By clicking an electrode to a cathode or anode state, the electrode is assigned to the active channel. If desired, a representation of current fields created by electrodes of a channel may also be displayed within this representation.

The amplitude, pulse width and rate are adjustable by mouse or arrow keys for the selected channel, using e.g., the “channel settings” area




F and


P of the programming screen. Amplitude, on this main programming screen, is programmable by channel, and applied as a distribution between maximum and sense thresholds for a group of assigned electrodes. The amplitude for the group may be selected as a level from 1-10, where a “1” represents the sense threshold for each electrode in the group, and a “10” represents the maximum threshold. The pulse width and rate are also selectable for the group, and applied to the group-assigned electrodes. Although the programming software permits a physician to program electrodes by group, each electrode is individually controlled by the implant, and telemetered data is electrode specific. When a group is programmed to stimulation rates over 150 pps, the number of additional groups may be limited (due to battery capacity). A toggle lock/unlock button for each parameter allows the programming physician to set which parameters are available within the hand-held patient programmer (discussed below in conjunction with FIGS.





In one embodiment, the settings for up to four electrode groups are referred to as a “program.” Selectable default parameter settings may thus comprise a program. A store/apply button records all the settings with a program number. Up to twenty programs can be named, stored and selected form a drop-down program list. Thus, programs may be sequentially or selectively tried by the patient so that the patient may compare how one “program” feels compared to another.

Changes in programming are duly considered relative to the estimated effect they will have on a projected battery discharge cycle. Should a programming change fall below a two day recharge and/or less than a three year expected life, or other set times, a pop-up window appears with suitable warnings and possible recommendations. As needed, an emergency off button turns all stimulation OFF, with direct keyboard and mouse click access.

It is thus seen that the programming window(s) allows the output parameters for each channel to be programmed with additional capability and specificity. For example, biphasic verses passive balance pulses, active multipolar driving of cathodes and anodes (field focusing), and amplitude selection for individual electrodes.

Unique programming algorithms may also be employed which provide, e.g., automated and directional programming features. Automated programming may be used, e.g., to use known thresholds and pain/paresthesia mapping to recommend configurations and parameters based on preset rules and database information. Automated programming maps paresthesia sites over pain sites. Directional programming features may be as disclosed in U.S. Pat. No. 6,052,624, previously referenced. Such directional programming uses a joystick, or other means, to configure electrodes within certain limitations for selection, polarity, and amplitude distribution in response to a directional input and in an intuitive and physiologic manner.

Advantageously, as previously indicated, the programming software used within the clinician programmer




), whether the referenced ClinPro software or other suitable software, may run under conventional operating systems commonly used within personal computers (PCs). The preferred clinician programmer is a Pentium-based PC, operating at 100 MHz or more, with at least 32 Mbytes of RAM. Examples of an operating system for use in such a system include Windows98, Windows2000 or Windows NT 4.0/5.0. Such programming software also supports multiple languages, e.g., English, French, German, Spanish, Japanese, etc.

Turning next to




B and


C, a brief description of the patient handheld programmer (HHP)


will be presented. As described previously, the patient HHP


comprises an RF handheld battery-operated device that communicates with the IPG


, the external trial stimulator


, or the clinician programmer


. Advantageously, the electrical circuitry and user interface of the patient handheld programmer


provide limited parameter control that is simple, intuitive and safe. The programmer


is compact in size, includes a lighted flat panel display screen


, and allows a plurality of separate programs to be stored therein. The screen


may display programming information for the patient; or may display a “physician access screen” which is normally hidden to the patient. It operates using replaceable and/or rechargeable batteries, and preferably has an operating range of about one-to-two feet or more with the IPG


, and of at least 7 feet from the clinician's programmer


. All programming systems (those used within the handheld programmer


and within the clinician's programmer


) are always appropriately synchronized (or otherwise coordinated with each other) so that any changes from one are reflected in the other.

A representation of one embodiment of the HHP


is shown in FIG.


A. As seen in


, the HHP includes a lighted display screen


and a button pad


that includes a series of buttons








. (The number of buttons shown in


is exemplary only; any number of buttons may be employed, and in fact in a second preferred embodiment five buttons are employed.) The buttons provided within the button pad


allow the IPG to be tuned ON or OFF, provide for the adjustment or setting of up to three parameters at any given time, and provide for the selection between channels or screens. Some functions or screens may be accessible by pressing particular buttons in combination or for extended periods of time. In a preferred embodiment, the screen


is realized using a dot matrix type graphics display with 55 rows and 128 columns.

The button pad


, in a preferred embodiment, comprises a membrane switch with metal domes positioned over a flex circuit, which bonds to the top housing of the HHP. A keypad connector connects directly a printed circuit board (PCB) of the HHP, and the bonding to the housing seals the connector opening.

In a preferred embodiment, the patient handheld programmer


is turned ON by pressing any button, and is automatically turned OFF after a designated duration of disuse, e.g., 1 minute. One of the buttons, e.g., the IPG button


, functions as an ON-OFF button for immediate access to turn the IPG on and off. When the IPG is turned ON, all channels are turned on to their last settings. If slow start/end is enabled, the stimulation intensity is ramped up gradually when the IPG (or ETS) is first turned ON with the HHP. When the IPG is turned OFF, all channels are turned off. If slow start/end is enabled, the stimulation intensity may be ramped down gradually rather than abruptly turned off. Another of the buttons, e.g., the SEL button


, functions as a “select” button that allows the handheld programmer to switch between screen displays and/or parameters. Up/down buttons




provide immediate access to any of three parameters, e.g., amplitude, pulse width, and rate.

Also included on the screens shown on the display


of the handheld programmer


are status icons or other informational displays. A battery recharge countdown number


shows the estimated time left before the battery of the IPG needs to be recharged. A battery status icon


further shows or displays the estimated implant battery capacity. This icon flashes (or otherwise changes in some fashion) in order to alert the users when a low battery condition is sensed. Every time the patient programmer is activated to program or turn on the IPG, the actual battery status of the implanted pulse generator (IPG) is interrogated and retrieved by telemetry to reconcile actual verses estimated battery capacity. Other status icons


are provided that display the status of the patient-programmer-to-implant link and the patient-programmer-to-clinician-programmer link.

As a safety feature, the physician may lock out or set selectable parameter ranges via the fitting station to prevent the patient from accessing undesirable settings (i.e., a lockout range). Typically, locked parameters are dropped from the screen display.

The main screen displayed by default upon activation of the handheld programmer


shows amplitude and rate by channel, as illustrated in FIG.


A. As shown in


, the display is for channel


, the amplitude is 7.2 ma, and the rate is 100 pps. Thus, it is seen that the channel number (or abbreviated channel name as set by the clinician programmer) is displayed on the screen with the parameters. Amplitude is the preferred default selection (i.e., it is the parameter that is displayed when the unit is first turned ON).

Whenever a displayed parameter is changed, the settings of the IPG


are changed via telemetry to reflect the change. However, in order to assure that the IPG has received the telemetry signal and made the corresponding change without a discrepancy between the IPG and the value displayed, a back telemetry response must be received from the IPG before the screen value changes. Only the parameters that have not been locked out from the clinician's programming station are adjustable. Further, only those channels that have electrodes programmed for stimulation are selectable.

In addition to the channel screens (FIG.


A), another screen that may be displayed is a feature screen. A representation of a representative feature screen is shown in FIG.


B. The feature screen may be selected, e.g., by pressing and holding the SEL button


for a predetermined time, e.g., two seconds. The feature screen displays the selected program, e.g., by displaying its number, as shown at location


in FIG.


B. In addition to the program number (or other identification of the program), the screen also displays schedule options, e.g., as shown at location


. These schedule options allow the patient to preset ON and OFF times of the IPG (e.g., turn ON at 6:00 AM and run until 10:00 PM, at which time the IPG automatically turns OFF). Also displayed are the status icons and other informational displays






. For example, up to four programs may be stored in the memory of the handheld programmer


. Programs comprise preset stimulation parameters for the four possible channels, as explained previously. Programs may be named and downloaded from the clinician programmer. Upon selection of a program (




), the stimulation parameters in the IPG are gradually adjusted (to prevent jumps or sudden leaps) to a predetermined set of values. The patient may change the parameters from the main screen at any time, but selection of a pre-defined “program” always causes the IPG to revert to the settings defined for that program. If the patient adjusts parameters so that they do not match a stored program, no program name of number is displayed until the patient scrolls to select one.

The patient may also record or overwrite a program from the patient handheld programmer, i.e., without using the clinician programmer


. In one embodiment, this is done by setting the parameters to their desired value for the new program, and then pressing the up/down buttons




simultaneously (which records the new settings as a new program). The first time the up/down buttons




are pressed simultaneously to record a program (i.e., to record the current settings as a program), the program is assigned as program number


. The second time the up/down buttons are pressed, the existing settings are stored as program number two, and so on. Thus, the first four programs should be recorded sequentially until all four are written. The parameter values associated with each of the new programs are stored in non-volatile memory within the handheld programmer


. Thus, in the event the IPG loses data, it may be easily reset to a desired program by turning ON the handheld programmer and selecting the desired program.

Additionally included within the handheld programmer


is a hidden physician screen. One representation of such a hidden screen, shown in


, is made available so that medical personnel may use the handheld programmer


to set channels and electrodes. Access to the hidden physician screen is made available through a specified coded button combination, e.g., pressing the IPG button


and the up/down buttons




simultaneously, followed by pressing a set sequence of the other buttons, e.g., pressing the SEL button


once, followed by the pressing the down button


twice. Once the hidden physician screen has been activated, not only does the physician's screen appear, but also a telemetered interrogation of the IPG is initiated in order to determine (e.g., through electrode impedance detection) which electrodes are available. The electrodes, which are visibly displayed on the physician's screen at location


, may be tested. The parameter settings for a selected channel are displayed on the physician's screen at location


, and the channel number is likewise displayed at location


. While the physician's screen is activated, the up/down buttons




are used to select individual electrodes for programming, identified on the screen by a highlighting (contrast) change. The associated channel may also be selected. For a highlighted (selected) electrode, the parameters may be adjusted. If the amplitude is set to zero, the electrode is turned OFF. By increasing the amplitude, the electrode is given a cathode polarity, illustrated by a “−” over the highlighted electrode. From zero, if the amplitude is decreased, no numeric value is displayed, but a “+” sign is shown both in the amplitude value location


and over the highlighted electrode, indicating a passive anode. Electrode amplitudes should be set at the sense threshold for use in patient screens as channel level



It is thus seen that the patient handheld programmer


is small enough to hold comfortably in one hand. It has a flat panel display that shows programmable values as they are selected and/or modified. As desired, it may be inserted into a cover-case which protects the buttons from being inadvertently pressed. It further includes an accessible battery compartment which allows its batteries to be replaced, as needed. The buttons or other controls used on the handheld programmer are easy to manipulate, and provide immediate access (without scrolling and selecting) to ON/OFF, amplitude, pulse width and rate settings. A visual display provided as an integral part of the handheld programmer clearly labels each parameter with the associated control button, and displays large characters for easy viewing. The handheld programmer reliably programs the IPG from a distance of at least 2 feet, and actively displays the status of the communication link with the IPG. Further, when used as a relay device between the clinician's programmer


and the IPG


, the handheld programmer


provides a data rate and loop speed that is sufficiently fast so that the patient can make programming selection changes and quickly feel the result. As a safety feature, any given handheld programmer


is able to communicate only with one IPG


when operated by the patient, whereas a physician may (when the hidden physician screen is activated) use the handheld programmer


to communicate universally with any IPG.

From a circuit point of view, the HHP


includes the elements shown in FIG.


D. Such elements include a microprocessor


, or processor IC. A main battery


, e.g., a single AA-sized battery cell providing 3.6 volts dc, provides operating power for the HHP. The voltage from the battery


is regulated by a line regulator circuit


, which line regulator reduces the operating voltage to about 3.3 to 3.0 volts dc. External Power-On Reset circuitry


controls the manner in which the HHP is turned ON. A keypad


, coupled with key debouncer/ESD suppresser circuitry


, key reset circuitry


, key interrupt generator circuitry


, and input port circuitry


, combine to provide one of the primary ways for manually sending control data to the HHP processor IC


. The input port circuitry


, as well as SRAM memory circuitry


, connect with the processor IC


via an I/O bus


. The LCD screen


, including appropriate driver circuitry, interfaces directly with the processor IC


over a dedicated LCD bus


. Control commands for the LCD display


are sent via the I/O bus


through an output port


. Infrared communications with the HHP


occur through an IrDA module


connected through a wired serial communications port


and a UART circuit


. The UART circuit


is connected to the processor IC


via a data and clock bus


. Control for the UART circuit


is obtained via the I/O bus


through another output port


. Another memory circuit


, e.g., a serial EEPROM circuit, is connected to the processor IC


via a serial ROM port



As further seen in


, a crystal


is connected to the processor IC and is connected so as to provide the basic oscillator/clock signal used by the processor as it carries out its various functions. In the preferred embodiment, the crystal


oscillates at a frequency of about 1.049 MHz. Also, a piezo alarm


is connected to the processor IC in order to allow audible alarm tones to be generated.

Additionally, as seen in


, the processor IC


includes an RF module


that connects to an antenna


via an RF Receiver circuit


and an RF transmitter circuit


. It is through this RF module


and related circuitry that the HHP


sends and receives RF command signals.

RF communication between the HHP


and the IPG



FIG. 1

) is achieved data words


having a signal format as shown in

FIG. 7E. A



comprises a bit stream that represents either a string of 10's (normal preamble) or a series of 110's (attention preamble). In each case, the least significant bit (LSB) is transmitted first. The attention preamble is a variable length 110110. Timing synchronization is not maintained by either the IPG or the HHP. Hence, the normal method of opening a communication link between the HHP


and the IPG


is for the HHP to send more than one second of attention preamble bits, followed by a frame sync byte


, a telemetry ID byte


, and then the data packet


. The preamble bits are used to obtain bit synchronization between the transmitter and the receiver. At least eight bits of preamble must be received to ensure bit synchronization.

The frame sync byte


follows the preamble bits


. The frame sync byte, in the preferred embodiment, is “10110000”, and is used to obtain byte synchronization between the transmitter and the receiver.

The telemetry ID


follows the frame sync byte


. The telemetry ID comprises a 3 byte value that is used to ensure that only the intended receiver receives the message being sent. A telemetry ID that is all 1s, e.g., “11111111 . . . ” indicates a broadcast message that is received by all receivers.

The data packet


follows the telemetry ID


. The data packet


comprises an integer number of bytes, and may be formatted in any suitable manner. Command data typically includes amplitude, polarity and pulse width data for each electrode available on the array. Such pulse-defining data may be stored in memory for a plurality of different stimulation programs, in which case the command data may simply comprise a selection of one of the stored programs. Command data may also comprise interrogation data to check the stat us of various IPG components, such as the battery; or instructions to perform an impedance measurement, as described more fully below.

To ensure the integrity of transmitted data, a code such as a checksum or Cyclical Redundancy Code (CRC) is appended to the data. This code is generated from the data itself. If the generated code does not match the received code, a data error is detected. Some codes contain information that allows the received data to be corrected, thereby avoiding retransmission of the data.

Turning next to

FIG. 8

, the external components of a representative portable charging station (CHR) that may be used with the invention are illustrated. The portable charging station provides a recharging system that is used to transcutaneoulsy recharge the battery of the IPG


as needed, via inductive coupling. That is, energy from an external power source is coupled to the battery, or other replenishable power source, within the IPG


via electromagnetic coupling. Once power is induced in the charging coil in the IPG, charge control circuitry within the IPG provides the proper charging protocol to charge the Lithium Ion battery. The charger is designed to charge the IPG battery to 80% capacity in two hours, and to 100% in three hours, at implant depths of up to 2.5 cm. When charging is complete, an audible tone is generated by the charger to alert the user to remove the charger. An alignment indicator also provides audible feedback to the user for location the IPG.

As seen in

FIG. 8

, the charging station includes a two part system comprising a portable charger


and a charging base station


. The charging port


is connected to an AC plug


, and may thus be easily plugged into any standard 110 VAC or 220 VAC outlet. The portable charger


includes recharging circuitry housed within a housing


that may be detachably inserted into the charging port


in order to be recharged. Thus, both the IPG and the portable charger


are rechargeable. The housing


may be returned to the charging port


between uses.

In one embodiment, shown as “Package B” in

FIG. 8

, a charging head


is connected to the recharging circuitry


by way of a suitable flexible cable


. When the IPG battery needs to be recharged, a disposable adhesive pouch


or Velcro® strip may be placed on the patient's skin, over the location where the IPG is implanted. The charging head


is then simply slid into the pouch, or fastened to the strip, so that it is within 2-3 cm of the IPG. In order for efficient transfer of energy to the IPG, it is important that the head


(or more particularly, the coil within the head


) be properly aligned with the IPG. Thus, in a preferred embodiment, an indicator light


placed on the housing


provides a visual indication when proper alignment has been achieved. Once aligned, the recharging function is activated. Backtelemetry with the IPG allows the charging process to be monitored. Typically, charging continues until the implant battery has been charged to at least 80% of capacity.

An alternative embodiment of the portable charger


, shown as “Package A” in

FIG. 8

, includes the recharging circuitry and battery and charging head housed within a single round package


′. Such package is less than three inches in diameter and is comfortable to hold against the skin. The adhesive pouch


need not necessarily comprise a pouch, but may utilize any suitable means for holding the head (coil) of the charger


in proper alignment with the IPG, such as Velcro® strips or patches.

Alternatively, once proper alignment with the IPG has been achieved, as indicated by the visual indicator


′ included on the round package


′, or the indicator


included on the package


, or as otherwise included in the charging station, the charger


may simply be taped in place on the patient's skin using removable medical tape.


illustrates a block diagram of the recharging elements of the invention. As shown in


(and as also evident in FIGS.


A and


B), the IPG


is implanted under the patient's skin


. The IPG includes a replenishable power source


, such as a rechargeable battery. It is this replenishable power source that must be replenished or recharged on a regular basis, or as needed, so that the IPG


can carry out its intended function. To that end, the recharging system of the present invention uses the portable external charger


to couple energy, represented in


by the wavy arrow


, into the IPG's power source


. The portable external charger


, in turn, obtains the energy


that it couples into the power source


from its own battery



The battery


in the charger


, in the preferred embodiment, comprises a rechargeable battery, preferably a Lithium Ion battery. (Alternatively, the battery


may comprise a replaceable battery.) When a recharge is needed, energy


is coupled to the battery


via the charging base station


in conventional manner. The charging base station


, in turn, receives the energy it couples to the battery


from an AC power line


. A power amplifier


, included within the portable charger


, enables the transfer of energy from the battery


to the implant power source


. Such circuitry


essentially comprises DC-to-AC conversion circuitry that converts dc power from the battery


to an ac signal that may be inductively coupled through a coil


located in the external charging head


(or within the round case


′, see

FIG. 8

) with another coil


included within the IPG


, as is known in the art. Upon receipt of such ac signal within the IPG


, it is rectified by rectifier circuitry


and converted back to a dc signal which is used to replenish the power source


of the implant through a charge controller IC


. A battery protection IC


controls a FET switch


to make sure the battery


is charged at the proper rate, and is not overcharged. A fuse


also protects the battery


from being charged with too much current. The fuse


also protects from an excessive discharge in the event of an external short circuit.

Thus, from


, it is seen that the battery charging system consists of external charger circuitry


, used on an as-needed basis, and implantable circuitry contained within the IPG


. In the charger


, the rechargeable Li-ion battery


(recharged through the base station


) provides a voltage source for the power amplifier


to drive the primary coil


at a resonant frequency. The secondary coil


, in the IPG


, is tuned to the same resonant frequency, and the induced AC voltage is converted to a DC voltage by rectifier circuit


. In a preferred embodiment, the rectifier circuit


comprises a bridge rectifier circuit. The charge controller IC


coverts the induced power into the proper charge current and voltage for the battery. The battery protection IC


, with its FET switch


, is in series with the charge controller


, and keeps the battery within safe operating limits. Should an overvoltage, undervoltage, or short-circuit condition be detected, the battery


is disconnected from the fault. The fuse


in series with the battery


provides additional overcurrent protection. Charge completion detection is achieved by a backtelemetry transmitter


, which transmitter modulates the secondary load by changing the full-wave rectifier into a half-wave rectifier/voltage clamp. This modulation is, in turn, sensed in the charger


as a change in the coil voltage due to the change in the reflected impedance. When detected, an audible alarm is generated through a back telemetry receiver


and speaker


. Reflected impedance due to secondary loading is also used to indicate charger/IPG alignment, as explained in more detail below in conjunction with the description of FIG.



In a preferred embodiment, and still with reference to


, the charge coil


comprises a 36 turn, single layer, 30 AWG copper air-core coil, and has a typical inductance of 45 μH and a DC resistance of about 1.15 ohms. The coil


is tuned for resonance at 80 KHz with a parallel capacitor. The rectifier


comprises a full-wave (bridge) rectifier consisting of four Schottky diodes. The charge controller IC


comprises an off-the-shelf, linear regulation battery charger IC available from Linear Technology as part number LTC1731-4.1. Such charger is configured to regulate the battery voltage to 4.1 VDC. When the induced DC voltage is greater than 4.1 VDC (plus a 54 mV dropout voltage), the charge controller


outputs a fixed constant current of up to 80 mA, followed by a constant voltage of 4.1±0.05 V. If insufficient power is received for charging at the maximum rate of 80 mA, the charge controller


reduces the charge current so that charging can continue. Should the battery voltage fall below 2.5 V, the battery is trickled charged at 10 mA. The charge controller


is capable of recharging a battery that has been completely discharged to zero volts. When the charge current drops to 10% of the full-scale charge current, or 8 mA, during the constant voltage phase, an output flag is set to signal that charging has completed. This flag is used to gate the oscillator output for modulating the rectifier configuration (full-wave to half-wave), which change in rectifier configuration is sensed by the external charging circuit to indicate charge completion.

The battery protection IC


, in the preferred embodiment, comprises an off-the-shelf IC available from Motorola as part number MC33349N-3R1. This IC monitors the voltage and current of the implant battery


to ensure safe operation. Should the battery voltage rise above a safe maximum voltage, then the battery protection IC


opens the charge-enabling FET switch


to prevent further charging. Should the battery voltage drop below a safe minimum voltage, or should the charging current exceed a safe maximum charging current, the battery protection IC


prevents further discharge of the battery by turning off the charge-enabling FET switch


. In addition, as an additional safeguard, the fuse


disconnects the battery


if the battery charging current exceeds 500 mA for at least one second.

A state diagram that shows the various charging states that may occur relative to the implant battery


is shown in FIG.


B. As seen in


, and assuming a preferred Li-ion battery is used, a normal state


reflects that the battery voltage and charging current are within appropriate limits. An over voltage state


exists when the battery voltage is greater than 4.25 V and continues until the battery voltage is less than 4.05 V. An undervoltage state


exists when the battery voltage is less than 2.5 volts. The undervoltage state


continues until the battery voltage is greater than 2.5 volts while charging at a prescribed trickle charge current, e.g., 10 mA. An overcurrent (charging) state


exists whenever the charging current exceeds 80 mA. If, while in the overcurrent (charging) state


, the battery voltage is greater than 4.25 volts, then the over voltage state


is entered. If, while in the overcurrent (charging) state


, the charging current exceeds 500 mA for more than one minute, the fuse


opens, and a cell disconnect state


is permanently entered. An overcurrent (discharging) state


is entered whenever the battery charging current is greater than 100 mA, and continues until the battery charging current is less than 100 mA. If, while in the overcurrent (discharging) state


, the battery voltage drops below 2.5 volts, then the under voltage state


is entered. Also, should the battery current exceed 500 mA for more than one minute while in the overcurrent (discharging) state


, the fuse


opens, and the cell disconnect state


is permanently entered.

Turning next to


, a block diagram of the circuitry within the external charging station


is shown. The charging station comprises a portable, non-invasive transcutaneous energy transmission system designed to fully charge the implant battery in under three hours (80% charge in two hours). Energy for charging the IPG battery


initially comes from the main supply line


, and is converted to 5 VDC by an AC-DC transformer


, which 5 VDC proves the proper supply voltage for the charger base station


. When the charger


is placed on the charger base station


, the Li-ion battery


in the charger is fully charged in approximately four hours. Once the battery


is fully charged, it has enough energy to fully recharge the implant battery




A). If the charger


is not used and left on the charger base station


, the battery


will self-discharge at a rate of about 10% per month.

Once the voltage of the battery


falls below a first prescribed limit, e.g., 4.1 VDC, during a standby mode, charging of the battery is automatically reinitiated. In addition, should the external charger battery


be discharged below a second prescribed limit, e.g., 2.5 VDC, the battery


is trickled charged until the voltage is above the second prescribed limit, at which point normal charging resumes.

A battery protection circuit


monitors if an over voltage, under voltage, or overcurrent condition occurs, and disconnects the battery, e.g, through opening at least one of the FET switches




, or from the fault until normal operating conditions exist. Another switch


, e.g., a thermal fuse, will disconnect the battery should the charging or discharging current exceed a prescribed maximum current for more than a prescribed time, e.g., 1.5 A for more than 10 seconds.

The battery


provides a power source for the RF amplifier


. The RF amplifier, in a preferred embodiment, comprises a class E amplifier configured to drive a large alternating current through the coil



Still with reference to


, an alignment detection circuit


detects the presence of the IPG


through changes in the reflected impedance on the coil


. Reflected impedance is a minium when proper alignment has been obtained. This means that the steady-state voltage V


sensed at the coil


is also at a minimum because maximum coupling occurs. When maximum coupling is detected, e.g., when V


is at a minimum, an audible or visual alarm may sound. In a preferred embodiment, a first audible tone is generated whenever alignment is not achieved. Thus, as a charging operation begins, the first audible tone sounds, and the user seeks to position the charger


(or at least to position the coil


) at a location that causes the first audible tone to cease. Similarly, a charge complete detection circuit


alerts the user through generation of a second audible tone (preferably an ON-OFF beeping sound) when the IPG battery


is fully charged. A fully charged condition is also sensed by monitoring the reflected impedance through the coil


. As indicated above, a fully charged condition is signaled from the IPG by switching the rectifier circuit


within the IPG from a full-wave rectifier circuit to a half-wave rectifier circuit. When such rectifier switching occurs, the voltage V


suddenly increases (e.g., a transient or pulsed component appears in the voltage V


) because the amount of reflected energy suddenly increases. This sudden increase in V


is detected by the charge complete detection circuit


, and once detected causes the second audible tone, or tone sequence, to be broadcast via the speaker


in order to signal the user that the implant battery


is fully charged.

Thus, it is seen that a feature of the SCS system described herein is its use of a rechargeable internal battery and the control system used to monitor its state of charge and control the charging process. The system monitors the amount of energy used by the SCS system and hence the state of charge of the battery. Through bidirectional telemetry (forward and back telemetry) with the hand held programmer


and/or the clinician programmer


, the SCS system is able to inform the patient or clinician of the status of the system, including the state of charge, and further make requests to initiate an external charge process when needed. The acceptance of energy from the external charger is entirely under the control of the SCS implanted system. Advantageously, both physical and software control exist to ensure reliable and safe use of the recharging system.

Turning next to

FIG. 10

, a simplified flow chart is shown that illustrates one pulse ramping control technique that may be used with the invention to provide a slow turn-on of the stimulation burst. Such technique is employed because sometimes electrical stimulation may be perceived by the user as having an unpleasant sensation, particularly when a train of stimulations pulses is first started. To overcome this unpleasant sensation, stimulation parameters have traditionally been modulated at the beginning of the pulse train, e.g., by increasing the width of the delivered pulses until the final desired pulse width is achieved. Unfortunately, pulse width (duration) modulation has the undesirable characteristic of applying narrow pules at the beginning of the stimulation burst; yet such narrow pulses have been found in clinical research to be unpleasant in their own right. The present invention thus avoids ramp modulation of pulse width at the beginning of a stimulation burst, and replaces such modulation with pulse amplitude modulation, maintaining the pulse width as wide as possible, e.g., as wide as the final pulse duration.

The automatic pulse ramping control system that may be used with the present invention modulates pulse amplitude rather than pulse duration and does so with hardware dedicated to that function. Advantageously, there is no need for a controller to monitor and perform the modulation task. At the start of a stimulation burst, a group of dedicated hardware registers hold the amplitude start value, the step size values, and the number of steps to add to the starting amplitude before the stimulation reaches its assigned plateau. The registers are loaded by the controller, with the actual start of the stimulation burst being triggered in conventional manner. The hardware circuitry loads the starting value into an accumulator, and then adds the contents of the step value register to the contents held in the accumulator. The result of this addition is then transferred to a digital-to-analog converter (DAC) circuit which is responsible for actually generating the stimulation pulse (see




C). Another counter keeps track of the programmed pulse duration. Yet another counter may be used to track the number of pulses that have been generated. The duration counter, i.e., the counter responsible for setting the pulse width or pulse duration, gates the D/A converter value to the electrode. The step counter, which is loaded prior to or at the trigger point of the stimulation burst with the number of pulses to be included in the ramp-up sequence, is decremented each time a pulse is generated. For each pulse count thus decremented, the amplitude held in the accumulator register is increased by the step value. When the step counter finally reaches zero, the step value is no longer added to the accumulator, and the accumulator value thereafter remains static, and is used every time the cathodic active phase is required, until the burst stops. When a new burst is triggered again, the amplitude ramp-up process repeats to provide a slow turn-on of the stimulation pulses. The same process is reversed at the end of a burst to avoid unpleasant sensations associated with sudden cessation of stimulation.

One process that may be used to modulate the stimulation pulse amplitude in accordance with the preceding paragraph is illustrated in the flow diagram of FIG.


. As seen in

FIG. 10

, when a burst sequence is commenced (block


), a set of hardware registers is loaded with appropriate initial data (block


). These hardware registers and the initial data loaded therein include a starting amplitude register, an amplitude step value register, a pulse width value register, a step number register, and a burst number register. The starting amplitude register is loaded with data that defines the starting amplitude of the first pulse in a burst sequence. The amplitude step value register defines how much the amplitude of the stimulation pulse increases as the burst sequence of pulses is ramped up to its final value. The pulse width (PW) register defines a duration of time T


which sets the programmed pulse width of the current phase of the stimulation pulse. The step number register defines the number of pulses that are included in the ramp-up portion of the stimulation burst. The burst number defines the number of pulses to be included in the stimulation burst. (As one option, when set to a maximum value, the stimulation burst continues indefinitely until the stimulation function is manually turned off.)

Once the initial data is loaded into the hardware registers, the contents of the starting value register are transferred or sent to an accumulator register (block


). Then, the microcontroller (or other control element), triggers a stimulation pulse (block


). Such triggering causes the contents of the accumulator register to be sent to the D/A converter(s) responsible for setting the amplitude of the stimulation pulse (block


). At the same time, the stimulation amplitude defined by the D/A converter(s) is gated to the designated electrode node(s) for the time period T


set by a countdown (at a known clock rate) of the PW register (block


). The result is a stimulation pulse having a pulse width as defined by the pulse width register and an amplitude as defined by the contents of the accumulator register. Next, the step number register is decremented (block


). Then, a check is made to determine is the step number register has decremented to zero (block


). If NO, then the value of the step value register is added to the accumulator register (block


) and the process continues (blocks










) for the next stimulation pulse in the burst sequence. Such next stimulation pulse will have an increased amplitude due to the adding of the step value to the value held in the accumulator register. If the step number register is zero (YES branch of off block


), then no change is made to the value stored in the accumulator register (block


is bypassed) and the amplitude of the stimulation pulses generated thereafter have a constant amplitude as determined by the now static value held in the accumulator register.

After each stimulation pulse is generated, a check is also made to determine the contents of the burst number register (block


). If the burst is complete (YES branch of block


), then the burst sequence stops (block


). Otherwise, the process continues for each pulse in the burst sequence. Note that the burst number register may, in some embodiments, be set to a certain time of day (e.g., 10:00 PM), and the checking of the burst number register (at block


) may comprise comparing the current time of day (obtained from a suitable real-time clock included as part of the stimulator) with the contents of the burst number register. Alternatively, the burst number register may be loaded with a set number of pulses, e.g., 1000, that are to be included in a burst sequence. After the set number of pulses have been generated, the burst sequence automatically ceases, and no further stimulation pulses or burst sequences are provided until the microcontroller, or other control element, indicates that a new burst sequence is to start.

In the manner described above, it is thus seen that the SCS system of the present invention advantageously provides a gradual ramp up, or slow turn-on, of the stimulation pulse amplitude, when first initiated at the commencement of each burst sequence, so as to avoid any unpleasant sensations that might otherwise be perceived by the user, as well as a slow turn-off, or gradual ramp down, at the conclusion of a burst sequence so as to avoid unpleasant sensations associated with sudden cessation of stimulation.

Another important feature of the present invention is the ability of the SCS system to measure the electrode impedance. This is important because implanted electrical stimulation systems depend upon the stability of the devices to be able to convey electrical pulses of known energy to the target tissue to be excited. The target tissue represents a known electrical load into which the electrical energy associated with the stimulation pulse is to be delivered. If the impedance is too high, that suggests the connector and or lead which connects with the electrode may be open or broken. If the impedance is too low, that suggest there may be a short circuit somewhere in the connector/lead system. In either event (too high or too low impedance), the device may be unable to perform its intended function. Hence, the impedance of a connector/lead/electrode interface to the tissue is a general measure of the fitness of the system to perform its required function. The inability of a device to measure such impedance, which unfortunately is the case with many stimulator devices on the market today, means that when changes in the electrode/lead/connector properties occur (as they likely will over time), such changes may go unnoticed until serious deficiencies in the performance of the system are noted. In contrast, the ability to regularly, easily and reliably measure impedance in a consistent manner is critical to the optimal function of such an implanted system.

In order to measure electrode impedance, the present invention has circuitry


′ resident on the analog IC


′ (see


) that is used to measure the voltage at the stimulus outputs. Such measurement circuitry is detailed in FIG.


A. The architecture for the measurement strategy used by the circuit shown in

FIG. 11A

revolves around the selection of signals that are transmitted from the circuit side of the electrode coupling capacitor C through a 16-to-1 multiplexor


into a buffer amplifier


. (In

FIG. 11A

, the current source


represents the output current source




programmed by the NDAC




, assuming monopolar stimulation is applied between one of the sixteen electrodes En and the indifferent electrode




, as shown in

FIG. 4C.

) The voltage signal to be measured is the difference between the voltage on the circuit side of the coupling capacitor C connected to electrode En when VH is applied with no current flowing (I=0), and when a current of I′=1 mA is flowing through the electrode En having a pulse width of 20 microseconds (μs). Advantageously, the narrow pulse width (20 μs) and low current amplitude (1 mA) reduce the chances of undesirable activation of excitable tissue and unpleasant sensations. The current amplitude during an impedance measurement may be increased or decreased as needed to accommodate impedance measurements over larger or smaller ranges. The 1-to-16 multiplexor


allows separate voltage measurements to be made for each electrode En.

The measurement circuitry within the IPG


, as depicted in

FIG. 11A

, thus measures voltages on the internal connection of the electrode coupling capacitors. Using sampling circuitry contained within the analog IC


′, the voltage on these points for each electrode may be selectively captured in a sample and hold circuit and then converted by the analog to digital converter (ADC) circuit


within the processor


′ to a digital value. This digital value may then be sent to the HHP


when a communication link is established, and the processor within the HHP may then compute the impedance from these measurements.

Advantageously, because the voltage measurement performed using the circuitry shown in

FIG. 11A

is of general utility to the HHP, as well as the Clinician's Programming System, several commands may be used to perform various functions of voltage measurement and impedance calculation. Such functions include: (1) read the voltage on a single designated electrode; (2) read the voltage on up to 16 electrodes (defined by an electrode mask value); (3) program sampling parameters; (4) perform an impedance voltage sweep on all electrodes in the mask; and (5) report voltage array values.

The most common of the above functions that is performed is the impedance voltage sweep on all the electrodes indicated by a mask value. (A “mask value” is just a way of defining which electrodes are available for use with a given patient, inasmuch as not all patients will have all sixteen electrodes available for their use.) The method of making such an impedance voltage sweep measurement is illustrated in the flow diagram of FIG.



As seen in

FIG. 11B

, a first step in the impedance voltage sweep measurements is for the HHP to request and save the IPG stimulation parameters (block


). Next, the HHP issues a command for sampling parameters, including the sample delay words, and sampling trigger (block


). Then, the HHP requests that an Impedance Voltage Sweep be performed (block


), which typically includes sending at least the following parameters to the IPG: electrode mask, frequency, current setting, pulse width, number of samples, and ADC gain and offset. When received by the IPG, the IPG saves a copy of all operating parameters and stops stimulation (block


). Additionally, slow (or soft) start is turned off, and all electrode amplitudes are set to zero. Then, the impedance voltage array (the location where the measurements are to be stored within the IPG) is set to zero, and an electrode counter is set to one (block



Next, a decision is made as to whether the electrode indicated by the electrode counter value is present in the mask (block


). If YES, then the amplitude of the stimulus current for the electrode indicated by the electrode counter is set to the measurement amplitude (block


), e.g., 1 mA, and other parameters are appropriately set. That is, the MUX


in the analog IC


′ is set for the electrode being measured, the sample delay is set, the sample interrupt is enabled, the result accumulator is cleared, and a sample counter is set to the sample count. Then, the stimulus current is generated. If NO, then the electrode counter is incremented (block


); and, unless the electrode count equals 17 (block


), the process repeats. That is, a decision is made as to whether the electrode indicated by the electrode counter value, which has now been incremented, is present in the mask (block



After generation of the stimulus current (block


), the system waits for the occurrence of a sample interrupt (block


). When the sample interrupt occurs, the ADC gain and offset are set, the ADC channel is set, and the ADC conversion process is initiated (block


). When the ADC conversion process is complete (block


), the ADC value is read and added to the result accumulator, and the sample counter is decremented (block


). If the sample counter is not equal to zero (block


), then the sampling process (blocks




) repeats until all of the samples specified for the measurement have been taken. Once all of the samples have been taken, the stimulation is stopped, and the value in the result accumulator is divided by the sample count in order to provide an average value of the measurements. The averaged result is then stored in the voltage array and indexed by the electrode number (block



After the averaged result has been stored, the electrode counter is incremented (block


). If the value in the electrode counter is less than seventeen (block


), then the process repeats for other electrodes (blocks




) until all of the electrodes in the mask have been measured. When all electrodes have been measured, the operating parameters are restored and stimulation is restarted, if it was on (block


). Then, when a link is established with the HHP, the averaged results in the voltage array are sent to the HHP (block


). The HHP then uses these values to compute impedance, or for other purposes.

An alternate method that may be used to measure electrode impedance in accordance with the present invention is to automatically sample the voltage applied across a stimulating electrode node and corresponding reference electrode (i.e., across an electrode pair) using a pair of counters, a control register, a sample and hold circuit, an analog-to-digital (A/D) converter, and a result register. In operation, the two counters are loaded with values corresponding to the cathodic pulse duration and ½ that duration. The control register synchronizes the operation of the two counters, and when the ½-duration counter counts down to zero, the control register causes the sample and hold circuit to measure or sample the electrode voltage, after which the A/D converter is instructed to convert the sampled voltage to a digital value which is stored in a result register. A controlling processor, e.g., the microcontroller




′ in the IPG (




B), may then determine the apparent impedance of the electrode by knowing the voltage measured and the amount of current generated for the pulse. Alternatively, the impedance computation may take place in the HHP using the processor within the HHP


. In this manner, changes in the electrode tissue properties, as well as failures in leads, connectors, and electrodes, may readily be recognized by the controlling system.

One technique that may be used to achieve the impedance measuring method described in the previous paragraph is depicted in the flow diagram of FIG.


C. As seen in

FIG. 11C

, once the impedance measuring method has been started, a current pulse of a known amplitude and width is generated (block


). This pulse is applied to the electrode pair whose impedance is to be measured. The value of the pulse width is loaded into a first register (also block


). One half (½) of the value of the first register is then loaded into a second register (block


). Both the first and second registers are then counted down under synchronous control (block


). This count down continues until the contents of the second register are zero (block


). This represents roughly the mid-point of the stimulation pulse that has been generated, and represents a sample time when transients and spikes that might otherwise be present in the measured voltage have settled down. At this mid-point value, or sample time, the voltage across the electrode node(s) of the electrode pair is sampled and measured (block


). The sampled voltage value is held in a sample and hold circuit (block


). From the sample and hold circuit, the sampled and measured voltage value is passed on to an A/D converter, where the voltage measurement is digitized (block


), and held in a result register (block


). The value of the current applied to the electrode while making the voltage measurement is retrieved (block


). A suitable processor, e.g., the microcontroller


, is then used to compute the impedance as the ratio of the sampled voltage over the known current (block


). This impedance may then be stored and/or otherwise processed so that any significant changes in impedance can be immediately noted and communicated (e.g., through back telemetry) to the external programming devices (hand held programmer


and/or clinician programmer


) used by the user or clinician.

While the invention herein disclosed has been described by means of specific embodiments and applications thereof, numerous modifications and variations could be made thereto by those skilled in the art without departing from the scope of the invention set forth in the claims.

  • 1. A spinal cord stimulation (SCS) system comprising implantable components, external components, and surgical components; wherein the implantable components comprise a multichannel implantable pulse generator (IPG) having a rechargeable power source and an electrode array detachably connected to the IPG, the electrode array having a multiplicity of electrodes (En) thereon; and wherein the surgical components comprise tools that assist a surgeon in positioning the IPG and electrode array; and wherein the external components comprise a handheld programmer that may be selectively placed in telecommunicative contact with the IPG, a clinician programmer that is selectively coupled with the handheld programmer (HHP), and a portable charger that may be inductively coupled with the IPG in order to recharge the IPG power source, wherein the implantable components further comprise a lead extension that connects the electrode array to the IPG; and wherein the surgical components further comprise an insertion needle and tunneling tools to aid in implanting the electrode array and lead extension.
  • 2. A spinal cord stimulation (SCS) system comprising implantable components, external components, and surgical components; wherein the implantable components comprise a multichannel implantable pulse generator (IPG) having a rechargeable power source and an electrode array detachably connected to the IPG, the electrode array having a multiplicity of electrodes (En) thereon; and wherein the surgical components comprise tools that assist a surgeon in positioning the IPG and electrode array; and wherein the external components comprise a handheld programmer that may be selectively placed in telecommunicative contact with the IPG, a clinician programmer that is selectively coupled with the handheld programmer (HHP), and a portable charger that may be inductively coupled with the IPG in order to recharge the IPG power source, wherein the external components further comprise:a percutaneous extension for temporarily making an electrical connection with the implantable electrode array when first implanted, an external trial stimulator electrically connected to the percutaneous extension, and means for coupling the clinician programmer with the external trial stimulator.
  • 3. A spinal cord stimulation (SCS) system comprising implantable components, external components, and surgical components; wherein the implantable components comprise a multichannel implantable pulse generator (IPG) having a rechargeable power source and an electrode array detachably connected to the IPG, the electrode array having a multiplicity of electrodes (En) thereon; and wherein the surgical components comprise tools that assist a surgeon in positioning the IPG and electrode array; and wherein the external components comprise a handheld programmer that may be selectively placed in telecommunicative contact with the IPG, a clinician programmer that is selectively coupled with the handheld programmer (HHP), and a portable charger that may be inductively coupled with the IPG in order to recharge the IPG power source, wherein the IPG comprises:an hermetically sealed case wherein the rechargeable power source and electronic circuitry are housed; a processor IC, including memory circuits; a digital IC coupled to the processor IC; an analog IC controlled by the digital IC, the analog IC having a multiplicity of output current DACs, each output current DAC being connected through a coupling capacitor and header connector to a respective electrode on the electrode array, each output current DAC including circuitry that generates an output stimulus current having a selected amplitude and polarity; an RF telemetry circuit within the sealed case that receives externally-generated programming signals that define current stimulation pulse parameters; a rechargeable battery that provides operating power for the electronic circuitry housed within the hermetically sealed case; a secondary coil; a rectifier circuit; and battery charger and protection circuitry that receives externally generated energy through the secondary coil and rectifier circuit, and uses the externally generated energy to charge the rechargeable battery.
  • 4. The SCS system of claim 3 wherein the portable charger comprises:a rechargeable battery; a recharging base station that recharges the rechargeable battery from energy obtained from line ac power; a primary coil; a power amplifier for applying ac power derived from the rechargeable battery to the primary coil; a back telemetry receiver for monitoring the magnitude of the ac power at the primary coil as applied by the power amplifier, thereby monitoring reflected impedance associated with energy magnetically coupled through the primary coil; and an alarm generator that generates an audible alarm signal in response to changes sensed in the reflected impedance monitored by the back telemetry receiver.
  • 5. The SCS system of claim 4 wherein the back telemetry receiver comprises:alignment detection circuitry that detects when the primary coil is properly aligned with the secondary coil included within the IPG for maximum power transfer; and charge complete detection circuitry that detects when the battery within the IPG is fully charged.
  • 6. The SCS system of claim 5 wherein the alignment detection circuitry causes the alarm generator to broadcast a first audible tone when the primary coil is misaligned with the secondary coil, whereby the first audible tone stops being broadcast when the primary coil is properly aligned with the secondary coil.
  • 7. The SCS system of claim 5 wherein the battery charger and protection circuitry within the IPG comprises:monitoring circuitry that monitors the voltage of the battery and the charging current flowing to the battery; and wherein the monitoring circuitry generates a flag signal when the battery voltage and battery charging current reach prescribed levels, which prescribed levels indicate the battery is fully charged; and wherein the rectifier circuit is switchable between a full-wave rectifier circuit and a half-wave rectifier circuit, and wherein the rectifier circuit is switched to operate as a full-wave rectifier circuit during charging of the battery, and wherein the flag signal causes the rectifier circuit to switch to a half-wave rectifier circuit when the battery is fully charged, whereby modulation of the rectifier circuit between a full-wave rectifier circuit and a half-wave rectifier circuit is used to indicate whether the battery is fully charged; and wherein the charge complete detection circuitry within the external charger detects the switching of the rectifier circuit from a full-wave rectifier circuit to a half-wave rectifier circuit by the change in reflected impedance sensed at the primary coil.
  • 8. The SCS system of claim 3 wherein the processing circuitry included within the IPG further comprises means for controlling the output current DACs so that the stimulation pulse magnitude is ramped up at the beginning of a stimulation burst.
  • 9. The SCS system of claim 8 wherein the means for controlling the output current DACs includes means for increasing the current pulse amplitude while maintaining the pulse width at a constant value.
  • 10. The SCS system of claim 3 wherein the processing circuitry included within the IPG further comprises means for controlling the output current DACs so that the stimulation pulse magnitude is ramped down at the ending of a stimulation burst.
  • 11. The SCS system of claim 10 wherein the means for controlling the output current DACs includes means for decreasing the current pulse amplitude while maintaining the pulse width at a constant value.
  • 12. The SCS system of claim 3 wherein the analog IC further includes a measurement circuit that measures the voltage at prescribed conditions on the circuit side of the coupling capacitor associated with any of the multiplicity of electrodes.
  • 13. The SCS system of claim 12 wherein the processor IC further includes an analog-to-digital conversion circuit that converts the voltage measured by the measurement circuit to a digital value, which digital value is thereafter available to compute electrode impedance.
  • 14. The SCS system of claim 12 wherein the analog IC further includes a sample and hold circuit for sampling and holding the voltage appearing across a selected pair of electrodes while a specified current pulse having a known current amplitude is applied thereto, and further wherein the IPG processing circuitry includes means for computing the impedance of the selected pair of electrodes based on the sampled voltage and known current amplitude.
  • 15. The SCS system of claim 14 wherein the sample and hold circuit includes means for sampling the voltage across the selected pair of electrodes at a time that is approximately in the middle of the current pulse width applied to the selected pair of output nodes.
  • 16. A spinal cord stimulation (SCS) system comprising implantable components, external components, and surgical components; wherein the implantable components comprise a multichannel implantable pulse generator (IPG) having a rechargeable power source and an electrode array detachably connected to the IPG, the electrode array having a multiplicity of electrodes (En) thereon; and wherein the surgical components comprise tools that assist a surgeon in positioning the IPG and electrode array; and wherein the external components comprise a handheld programmer that may be selectively placed in telecommunicative contact with the IPG, a clinician programmer that is selectively coupled with the handheld programmer (HHP), and a portable charger that may be inductively coupled with the IPG in order to recharge the IPG power source, wherein the power source included within the IPG comprises a lithium-ion battery having at least a 720 mWHr capacity, said battery exhibiting a life of 500 cycles over 10 years with no more than 80% loss in capacity.
  • 17. A spinal cord stimulation (SCS) system comprising:implantable components; external components; and wherein the implantable components include a multichannel implantable pulse generator (IPG) having a replenishable power source and an electrode array having a plurality of electrodes, wherein the plurality of electrodes are detachably connected to the IPG; and wherein the external components include a handheld programmer (HHP) that may be selectively placed in telecommunicative contact with the IPG, a clinician programmer that may be selectively placed in telecommunicative contact with the HHP, and a portable charger than may be inductively coupled with the IPG in order to replenish the IPG power source, and wherein the implantable components further include a lead extension for electrically connecting the electrode array to the IPG.
  • 18. A spinal cord stimulation (SCS) system comprising:implantable components; external components; and wherein the implantable components include a multichannel implantable pulse generator (IPG) having a replenishable power source and an electrode array having a plurality of electrodes, wherein the plurality of electrodes are detachably connected to the IPG; and wherein the external components include a handheld programmer (HHP) that may be selectively placed in telecommunicative contact with the IPG, a clinician programmer that may be selectively placed in telecommunicative contact with the HHP, and a portable charger than may be inductively coupled with the IPG in order to replenish the IPG power source, and wherein the external components further include a percutaneous extension for temporarily making an electrical connection with the implantable electrode array when first implanted, an external trial stimulator electrically connected to the percutaneous extension, and means for coupling the clinician programmer with the trial stimulator.
  • 19. A spinal cord stimulation (SCS) system comprising:implantable components; external components; and wherein the implantable components include a multichannel implantable pulse generator (IPG) having a replenishable power source and an electrode array having a plurality of electrodes, wherein the plurality of electrodes are detachably connected to the IPG; and wherein the external components include a handheld programmer (HHP) that may be selectively placed in telecommunicative contact with the IPG, a clinician programmer that may be selectively placed in telecommunicative contact with the HHP, and a portable charger than may be inductively coupled with the IPG in order to replenish the IPG power source, and wherein the multichannel IPG comprises: an hermetically sealed case wherein the replenishable power source is housed; a multiplicity of current sources within the sealed case; a low impedance switching matrix within the sealed case having a multiplicity of input ports selectively connected to a multiplicity of output nodes; a connector that provides detachable electrical connection with each of the multiplicity of output nodes of the switching matrix through respective feedthrough connectors, wherein the electrode array may connect with the multiplicity of output nodes of the switching matrix through the connector; telemetry means within the sealed case for receiving externally-generated programming signals that define current stimulation pulse parameters; and processing circuitry within the sealed case coupled to the current sources and switching matrix and responsive to stimulation pulse parameters that generates control signals that define current stimulation pulses.
  • 20. The SCS system of claim 19 wherein the multiplicity of current sources are grouped in pairs, each pair including a positive current source and a negative current source connected to a common current source node, wherein each positive current source is capable of sourcing a current having a specified amplitude through the common current source node and low impedance switching matrix to an output (electrode) node, and wherein each negative current source is capable of sinking a current having a specified amplitude from the output (electrode) node through the low impedance switching matrix and the common current source node; whereby different combinations of the multiplicity of current sources may be activated at different times to source and sink current through selected output (electrode) nodes in order to create stimulation pulses at the selected output (electrode) nodes having specified stimulation parameters.
  • 21. The SCS system of claim 20 wherein the multiplicity of current sources comprises at least eight current sources.
  • 22. The SCS system of claim 20 wherein the IPG processing circuitry comprises control logic, timer logic, a microcontroller circuit, and memory circuitry coupled to the microcontroller, and wherein the control logic, timer logic and microcontroller are responsive to programming signals stored in the memory circuitry so as to generate stimulation current pulses having a specified amplitude, width and repetition rate.
  • 23. The SCS system of claim 22 wherein the IPG processing circuitry further includes means for ramping up the stimulation pulse magnitude at the beginning of a stimulation burst and ramping down the stimulation pulse magnitude at the ending of a stimulation burst.
  • 24. A spinal cord stimulation (SCS) system comprising:implantable components; external components; and wherein the implantable components include a multichannel implantable pulse generator (IPG) having a replenishable power source and an electrode array having a plurality of electrodes, wherein the plurality of electrodes are detachably connected to the IPG; and wherein the external components include a handheld programmer (HHP) that may be selectively placed in telecommunicative contact with the IPG, a clinician programmer that may be selectively placed in telecommunicative contact with the HHP, and a portable charger than may be inductively coupled with the IPG in order to replenish the IPG power source, and wherein the multichannel IPG comprises: an hermetically sealed case wherein the replenishable power source and electronic circuitry are housed; a processor IC, including memory circuits; a digital IC coupled to the processor IC; an analog IC controlled by the digital IC, the analog IC having a multiplicity of independent bi-directional output current DACs, each output current DAC being connected through a coupling capacitor and header connector to a respective electrode on the electrode array, each output current DAC including circuitry that generates an output stimulus current having a selected amplitude and polarity; an RF telemetry circuit within the sealed case that receives externally-generated programming signals that define current stimulation pulse parameters; a secondary coil; a rectifier circuit; and power source replenisher and protection circuitry that receives externally generated energy through the secondary coil and rectifier circuit, and uses the externally generated energy to replenish the replenishable power source.
  • 25. The SCS system of claim 24 wherein the portable charger comprises:a rechargeable battery; a recharging base station that recharges the rechargeable battery from energy obtained from line ac power; a primary coil; a power amplifier for applying ac power derived from the rechargeable battery to the primary coil; a back telemetry receiver for monitoring the magnitude of the ac power at the primary coil as applied by the power amplifier, thereby monitoring reflected impedance associated with energy coupled through the primary coil; and an alarm generator that generates an audible alarm signal in response to changes sensed in the reflected impedance monitored by the back telemetry receiver.
  • 26. The SCS system of claim 25 wherein the back telemetry receiver comprises:alignment detection circuitry that detects when the primary coil is properly aligned with the secondary coil included within the IPG for maximum power transfer; and replenish complete detection circuitry that detects when the power source within the IPG is fully replenished.
  • 27. The SCS system of claim 26 wherein the alignment detection circuitry causes the alarm generator to broadcast a first audible tone when the primary coil is misaligned with the secondary coil, whereby the first audible tone stops being broadcast when the primary coil is properly aligned with the secondary coil.
  • 28. The SCS system of claim 26 wherein the power source replenisher and protection circuitry within the IPG comprises:monitoring circuitry that monitors the voltage of the power source and the replenishing current flowing to the power source; and wherein the monitoring circuitry generates a flag signal when the power source voltage and power source replenishing current reach prescribed levels, which prescribed levels indicate the power source is fully replenished; and wherein the rectifier circuit is switchable between a full-wave rectifier circuit and a half-wave rectifier circuit, and wherein the rectifier circuit is switched to operate as a full-wave rectifier circuit during replenishing of the power source, and wherein the flag signal causes the rectifier circuit to switch to a half-wave rectifier circuit when the power source is fully replenished, whereby modulation of the rectifier circuit between a full-wave rectifier circuit and a half-wave rectifier circuit is used to indicate whether the power source is fully replenished; and wherein the replenish complete detection circuitry within the external charger detects the switching of the rectifier circuit from a full-wave rectifier circuit to a half-wave rectifier circuit by the change in reflected impedance sensed at the primary coil.
  • 29. The SCS system of claim 28 wherein the power source included within the IPG comprises a lithium-ion battery having at least a 720 mWHr capacity.
  • 30. An implantable pulse generator (IPG) system for use with a spinal cord stimulation system, the IPG system comprising an implantable pulse generator and an external portable charger, wherein the IPG comprises:an hermetically sealed case; electronically circuitry including memory circuits, housed within said hermetically sealed case, said electronic circuitry including a multiplicity of independent bi-directional output current sources, each output current source being connected to an electrode node; a multiplicity of coupling capacitors, each coupling capacitor being connected to a respective one of said electrode nodes; a header connecter attached to said sealed case, the header connecter having a multiplicity of feedthrough pins that pass therethrough, wherein each of said multiplicity of coupling capacitors is connected on the sealed side of said case to one of said feedthrough pins; an electrode array having a multiplicity of electrodes thereon external to said sealed case, wherein each electrode of the multiplicity of electrodes is detachably electrically connected to one of said feedthrough pins on a nonsealed side of said sealed case; wherein each output current source generates an output stimulus current having a selected amplitude and polarity that, when the output current source is enabled, is directed to the electrode connected thereto through its respective feedthrough pin and coupling capacitor; a rechargeable battery that provides operating power for the electronic circuitry; a secondary coil; a rectifier circuit; and battery charger and protection circuitry that receives externally generated energy through the secondary coil and rectifier circuit, and uses the externally generated energy to charge the rechargeable battery.
  • 31. The IPG system of claim 30 wherein the portable charger comprises:a second rechargeable battery; a recharging base station that recharges the second rechargeable battery from energy obtained from line ac power; a primary coil; a power amplifier for applying ac power derived from the second rechargeable battery to the primary coil; a back telemetry receiver for monitoring the magnitude of the ac power at the primary coil as applied by the power amplifier, thereby monitoring reflected impedance associated with energy magnetically coupled through the primary coil; and an alarm generator that generates an audible alarm signal in response to changes sensed in the reflected impedance monitored by the back telemetry receiver.
  • 32. The IPG system of claim 31 wherein the back telemetry receiver comprises:alignment detection circuitry that detects when the primary coil is properly aligned with the secondary coil included within the IPG for maximum power transfer; and charge complete detection circuitry that detects when the battery within the IPG is fully charged.
  • 33. The IPG system of claim 32 wherein the alignment detection circuitry causes the alarm generator to broadcast a first audible tone when the primary coil is misaligned with the secondary coil, whereby the first audible tone stops being broadcast when the primary coil is properly aligned with the secondary coil.
  • 34. The IPG system of claim 33 wherein the battery charger and protection circuitry within the IPG comprises:monitoring circuitry that monitors the voltage of the rechargeable battery and the charging current flowing to the rechargeable battery; and wherein the rectifier circuit is switchable between a full-wave rectifier circuit and a half-wave rectifier circuit, and wherein the rectifier circuit is switched to operate as a full-wave rectifier circuit during charging of the rechargeable battery, and wherein the rectifier circuit switches to a half-wave rectifier circuit when the rechargeable battery voltage and rechargeable battery charging current reach prescribed levels, which prescribed levels indicate the rechargeable battery is fully charged, whereby modulation of the rectifier circuit between a full-wave rectifier circuit and a half-wave rectifier circuit is used to indicate whether the rechargeable battery is fully charged; and wherein a change in reflected impedance at the primary coil indicates a switching of the rectifier circuit from a full-wave rectifier circuit to a half-wave rectifier circuit, and hence indicates whether the rechargeable battery is fully charged.
  • 35. The IPG system of claim 30 wherein the rechargeable battery included within the IPG comprises a lithium-ion battery having at least a 720 mWHr capacity.
  • 36. The IPG system of claim 30 wherein the electronic circuit included within the IPG further includes means for controlling the output current sources so that the stimulation pulse magnitude is ramped up at the beginning of a stimulation burst.
  • 37. The IPG system of claim 36 wherein the means for controlling the output current sources includes means for increasing the current pulse amplitude while maintaining the pulse width at a constant value.
  • 38. The IPG system of claim 30 wherein the electronic circuit included within the IPG further includes means for controlling the output current sources so that the stimulation pulse magnitude is ramped down at the ending of a stimulation burst.
  • 39. The IPG system of claim 38 wherein the means for controlling the output current sources includes means for decreasing the current pulse amplitude while maintaining the pulse width at a constant value.
  • 40. The IPG system of claim 30 wherein the electronic circuitry further includes a measurement circuit that measures the voltage at prescribed conditions on the circuit side of the coupling capacitor associated with any of the multiplicity of electrodes.
  • 41. The IPG system of claim 40 wherein the electronic circuitry further includes an analog-to-digital conversion circuit that converts the voltage measured by the measurement circuit to a digital value, which digital value is thereafter available to compute electrode impedance.
  • 42. The IPG system of claim 30 wherein the electronic circuitry further includes a sample and hold circuit for sampling and holding the voltage appearing across a selected pair of electrodes while a specified current pulse having a known current amplitude is applied thereto, and further wherein the electronic circuitry includes means for computing the impedance of the selected pair of electrodes based on the sampled voltage and known current amplitude.
  • 43. The IPG system of claim 42 wherein the sample and hold circuit includes means for sampling the voltage across the selected pair of electrodes at a time that is approximately in the middle of the current pulse width applied to the selected pair of output nodes.
  • 44. The IPG system of claim 43 wherein the specified current pulse comprises a current pulse having a pulse width of approximately 20 μs and a pulse amplitude of about 1 mA.
  • 45. A spinal cord stimulation (SCS) system comprising implantable components and external components, wherein the implantable components comprise a multichannel implantable pulse generator (IPG) having a power source and an electrode array detachably connected to the IPG, the electrode array having n electrodes thereon, where n is an integer of at least eight; and wherein the external components comprise a handheld programmer (HHP) that may be selectively placed in telecommunicative contact with the IPG in order to provide limited control of the IPG, and a clinician programmer that may be selectively coupled with the HHP in order to program operation of the IPG, and wherein the multichannel IPG includes an independent bi-directional current source for each of the n electrodes, and wherein each of the bi-directional current sources is electrically connected through a coupling capacitor to one of said n electrodes, and further wherein each of the current sources may be separately controlled to actively direct a current pulse of a selected amplitude and polarity to its respective electrode.
  • 46. The SCS system of claim 45 wherein the n electrodes may be grouped into m channels, where m is an integer of at least two, and wherein a current pulse is generated for a first channel by actively directing a current pulse of a respective amplitude and polarity for a time period equal to a selected pulse width to a first group of anodic electrodes within the first channel, while actively directing a current pulse of a respective amplitude and opposite polarity for the selected pulse width to a second group of cathodic electrodes within the first channel, the sum of all the anodic amplitude currents in the first channel being equal to the sum of all the cathodic amplitude currents, whereby charge balance is maintained in the first channel; and wherein a current pulse is generated for a second channel by actively directing a second current pulse of a respective amplitude and polarity for a time period equal to a selected second pulse width to a selected group of anodic electrodes within the second channel, while actively directing a second current pulse of a respective amplitude and opposite polarity for the selected second pulse width to a selected group of cathodic electrodes within the second channel, the sum of all the anodic amplitude currents in the second channel being equal to the sum of all the cathodic amplitude currents, whereby charge balance is maintained in the second channel; and so on, for each of the m channels, whereby charge balance is maintained in each of the m channels.
  • 47. The SCS system of claim 46 wherein the number of channels comprises four (m=4).
  • 48. The SCS system of claim 46 wherein, for each channel, after the current pulse is actively directed to the selected group of cathodic and anodic electrodes for the selected pulse width, which selected pulse width comprises a first phase period, the selected electrodes are subjected to a second phase period during which passive discharge occurs.
  • 49. The SCS system of claim 46 wherein, for each channel, after the current pulse is actively directed to the selected group of cathodic and anodic electrodes for the selected pulse width, which selected pulse width comprises a first phase period, the selected electrodes are subjected to an active second phase period during which a current pulse of the opposite polarity is directed to the selected group of cathodic and anodic electrodes with an amplitude and duration that maintains charge balance, thereby creating an active biphasic stimulation pulse.
  • 50. The SCS system of claim 49 wherein the amplitude and duration of the current pulse directed to the selected group of cathodic and anodic electrodes during the second phase period is equal and opposite to that applied during the first phase period, thereby creating an active symmetrical biphasic stimulation pulse.
  • 51. The SCS system of claim 46 further including arbitration means for selectively preventing overlap of current pulses amongst the m channels.
  • 52. The SCS system of claim 51 wherein the arbitration means includes means for selectively defining a programmable hold-over period of time that, when enabled, begins following the first phase period, and during which the start of any pulses from any other non-overlapping channel is delayed until the end of the hold-over period.
  • 53. The SCS system of claim 46 wherein the power source of the IPG comprises a rechargeable battery, and wherein the IPG includes means for non-invasively charging the rechargeable battery.
  • 54. A method of charging a rechargeable battery carried within an implantable pulse generator (IPG), the IPG having a secondary coil antenna through which electromagnetic energy may be coupled to non-invasively transfer energy into the IPG; the method comprising:(a) generating external to the IPG an alternating electromagnetic energy field; (b) broadcasting the electromagnetic energy field from a primary coil external to the IPG; (c) receiving the broadcast electromagnetic energy through the secondary coil, whereby an alternating voltage is induced in the secondary coil; (d) rectifying the induced alternating voltage to produce a dc voltage; (e) recharging the battery with a charging current derived from the dc voltage; (f) monitoring the charging current and a voltage across the battery as the battery is charged; (g) changing the manner in which the rectifying is done in step (d) as soon as the battery voltage and charging current monitored in step (f) reach prescribed levels, which prescribed levels signify that the battery is fully charged; (h) sensing the change in rectifying that occurs in step (g) from a location external to the IPG; and (i) providing an alarm signal at a location external to the IPG upon sensing the change in rectifying in step (h).
  • 55. The method of claim 54 wherein step (g) comprises switching from a full-wave rectifier circuit to a half-wave rectifier circuit.
  • 56. The method of claim 55 wherein step (h) comprises monitoring reflected impedance at the primary coil, which reflected impedance changes when the half-wave rectifier circuit is switched for the full-wave rectifier circuit.
  • 57. A method of transmitting information from an implant device to an external device, the implant device having a secondary coil for receiving electromagnetic energy from an external source, and a rectifier circuit for rectifying the received electromagnetic energy, the method comprising:monitoring from a location within the implant device at least one parameter associated with the implant device indicative of information needed at a location external to the implant device; modulating the rectifier circuit between a full-wave rectifier circuit and a half-wave rectifier circuit as a function of the monitored parameter; and sensing from a location external the implant device the modulation of the rectifier circuit.
  • 58. The method of claim 57 wherein sensing the modulation of the rectifier circuit from a location external the implant device comprises sensing changes in reflected impedance associated with electromagnetic energy being coupled into the implant device from a location external the implant device.
Parent Case Info

The present invention claims the benefit of U.S. Provisional Application Serial No. 60/145,829, filed Jul. 27, 1999, which application is incorporated herein by reference.

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