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F. Vahid et al., A Transformation for Integrating VHDL Behavioral Specification With Synthesis and Software Generation, European Design Automation Conference, pp. 552-557, Sep. 1994.* |
A. Raghunathan, S. Dey and N.K. Jha, Register-transfer-level power Optimization Techniques With Emphasis on Glitch Analysis and Optimization, Tech. Rep., NEC C&C Research Labs, Princeton, N.J., Oct. 1995.* |
A. P. Chandrakasan et al., “Low-Power CMOS Digital Design”, 1992 IEEE. |
S. Devadas and S. Malik, “A Survey of Optimization Techniques Targeting Low Power VLSI Circuits”, Desing Automation Conference, 1995. |
H. Vaishnav and M. Pedram, “A Performance Driven Placement Algorithm for Low Power Designs”, 1993 IEEE. |
P. Landman and J. Rabaey, “Power Estimation for High Level Synthesis”, 1993 IEEE. |
P. Landman and J. Rabaey, “Black-Box Capacitance Models for Architectural Power Analysis”, International Workshop on Low Power Designs, 1994. |
D. Marculescu et al., “Information Theoretic Measures of Energy Comsumption at Register Transfer Level”, International Symposium on Low Power Design, 1995. |
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A. Chatterjee and R. K. Roy, “Synthesis of Low Power Linear DSP Circuits Using Activity Metrics”; 1994 IEEE. |
S. Wuytack et al., “Global Communication and Memory Optimizing Transformations for Low Power Systems”, International Workshop on Low Power Design, 1994. |
R. Mehra and J. Rabaey, “Behavioral Level Power Estimation and Exploration”; International Workshop on Low Power Design, 1994. |
L. Goodby et al., “Microarchitectural Synthesis of Performance-Constrained, Low-Power VLSI Designs”, 1994 IEEE. |
A. Raghunathan and N. K. Jha, “Behavioral Synthesis for Low Power”; 1994 IEEE. |
A. Raghunathan and N. K. Jha, “An ILP Formulation for Low Power Based on Minimizing Switched Capacitance During Data Path Allocation”, 1995 IEEE. |
J. Chang and M. Pedram, “Register Allocation and Binding for Low Power”, Design Automation Conference, 1995. |
A. Dasgupta and R. Karri, “Simultaneous Scheduling and Binding for Power Minimization During Microarchitecture Synthesis”, International Symposium on Low Power Design, 1995. |
M. Stan and W. W. Burleson, “Limited-Weight Codes for Low-Power I/O”, International Workshop on Low Power Design, 1994. |
E. Musoll and J. Cortadella, “High-Level Synthesis Techniques for Reducing the Activity of Functional Units”, International Symposium on Low Power Design, 1995. |
C. Papachristou et al., “A Multiple Clocking Scheme for Low Power RTL Design”, International Symposium on Low Power Design, 1995. |
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M. Favalli and L. Benini, “Analysis of Glitch Power Dissipation in CMOS Ics”, International Symposium on Low Power Design, 1995. |
S. Rajgopal and G. Mehta, “Experiences with Simulation-Based Schematic-Level Current Estimation”, International Workshop on Low Power Design, 1994. |
F. Najm and M. Zhang, “Extreme Delay Sensitivity and the Worst-Case Switching Activity in VLSI Circuits”, Design Automation Conference, 1995. |
C. Lemonds and S. Shetti, “A Low Power 16 by 16 Multiplier Using Transition Reduction Circuitry”, International Workshop on Low Power Design, 1994. |
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