Reinforcing tire bead for a radial tire

A tire, designed to carry heavy loads, having a radial carcass reinforcement formed of at least one ply of inelastic reinforcing elements and anchored in each bead to a bead wire so as to form a turn-up whose end is a radial distance HRNC away from the base of the bead, each bead being reinforced by at least two additional reinforcement armatures, at least one first armature being formed of radial reinforcement elements and at least one second armature being formed of elements that make with the circumferential direction an angle α such that 0°≦α≦45°, the first reinforcement armature being formed of radial elements and being wrapped around the bead wire outside the carcass reinforcement while the second armature is not wrapped around the said bead wire.


The present invention concerns a tire with radial carcass reinforcement, more particularly a “Heavy Duty” tire designed for mounting on vehicles such as trucks, road tractors, buses, trailers and others, and in which a new reinforcement structure of the beads is adopted with a view to improving the endurance of the said beads.

In general a tire of the type considered comprises a carcass reinforcement formed of at least one ply of metallic cables anchored in each bead to at least one bead wire with a turn-up. Radially above the carcass reinforcement is a crown reinforcement consisting of at lest two plies of metallic cables crossed from one ply to the next and forming angles between 10° and 45° relative to the circumferential direction. The turn-ups of the carcass reinforcement are generally reinforced by at least one ply of metallic cables orientated at a slight angle relative to the circumferential direction.

If only one bead reinforcement ply is present, this can be located along the carcass reinforcement turn-up with a radially upper end over or under the radially upper end of the turn-up of the carcass reinforcement. As for the radially lower end of such a ply, this is generally located either on a line parallel to the rotation axis and passing approximately through the center of gravity of the median section of the anchoring bead wire of the carcass reinforcement, in the case of a tire having beads designed to be mounted on rim seats inclined at 15°±2°, or on a line parallel to the rotation axis passing through a point located between the center of gravity of the median section of the anchoring bead wire and the point where the axial width of the carcass reinforcement is widest, in the case of a tire having beads designed to be mounted on rim seats inclined at 0° or at 5°±1°. In this second case the bead reinforcement ply is then wrapped around the bead wire so that it has an axially outer part and an axially inner part, the radially upper end of the axially inner part generally being located below the radially upper end of the axially outer part.

The aim of the known solution is to avoid de-radialization of the carcass reinforcement turn-up cables and to minimize the radial and circumferential deformations undergone by the end of the said turn-up and by the layer of rubber outside which covers the bead and ensures its contact with the rim.

In other cases the metallic reinforcing ply has been replaced by several plies, for example made of textiles, located axially either on the same side as the turn-up or on either side thereof, or again partly along the turn-up and partly along the carcass reinforcement. Another variant consists in positioning two reinforcement plies along the turn-up on either side thereof, and a third ply along the carcass reinforcement axially on the outside.

The endurance of tire beads can also be improved by arranging along the carcass reinforcement two reinforcing plies, while the turn-up of the said reinforcement is not reinforced.

Due to the progress achieved and to the fact that certain types of rolling surfaces have been made less harsh where tire tread is concerned, the life of “Heavy Duty” tires has become such that it is again necessary to improve the bead endurance, more especially in tires subjected to prolonged rolling which often results in high bead temperatures by virtue of the temperatures reached by the rims to which they are fitted.

According to French patent application FR 2 730 190 the said improvement can be achieved by the presence in the beads of at least one reinforcement ply formed of circumferential metallic elements wrapped around the bead wire outside the rolled-up part of the carcass reinforcement, such that the ends, respectively, of the axially outer and axially inner parts are radially located above a line parallel to the rotation axis and passing through the point of the bead wire furthest from the said rotation axis. As is known, the carcass reinforcement, formed of radial wires or cables is therefore at the level of its contact surface with the bead wire formed of essentially circumferential elements which are generally metallic in the form of wires, cables, ribbons or rolled-up strips inserted between the said elements with essentially circumferential orientation and the additional ply of metallic elements, they too being circumferential. This structure therefore enables the tensile forces undergone by the carcass reinforcement to be absorbed and so minimizes all the deformations at the ends of the carcass reinforcement turn-up regardless of the rolling conditions.

The same application FR 2 730 190 describes an advantageous variant for reinforcing the bead, in which the end of the axially inner part of the ply of circumferential elements is covered by a reinforcing ply


consisting of radial metallic cables.

To obtain more effective stiffening of the beads and the low parts of the side-walls of a tire with radial carcass reinforcement, the patent FR 1 594 780 proposes that the bead reinforcement armatures, located axially outside the main part of the carcass reinforcement and axially inside the turn-up of the said reinforcement, should consist of radial reinforcement elements.

To improve the endurance of the beads of radial tires for heavy vehicles, application EP 0 202 925 also proposes the use of two additional bead reinforcement armatures, a first consisting of metallic elements and a second armature of elements inclined relative to the median direction, such that the radial positions of the radial ends of the said armatures are specified.


This invention proposes another solution, which is technically and industrially optimum for tires with beads designed to be mounted on rims of the type called flat or whose rim seats are inclined at 5°.

To improve the endurance of a tire designed to carry heavy loads, according to the invention the said tire comprises at lest one radial carcass reinforcement formed of at least one ply of inelastic reinforcing elements anchored in each bead to a bead wire to form a turn-up whose end is located at a radial distance H


from the base of the bead, and each bead is reinforced by at least two additional reinforcement armatures, at least one first armature formed of a single ply of radial inelastic metallic reinforcing elements wrapped around the anchoring bead wire of the carcass reinforcement outside the said carcass reinforcement and forming two parts such that the radially upper end of the axially outer part is located radially a distance H


from the base of the bead equal to at least 65% of the distance H


, and at least one second armature formed of elements which make an angle a with the circumferential direction such that 0°≦α≦45°, characterized in that when viewed in median section, the second additional bead reinforcement armature, which is not wrapped around the said anchoring bead wire, is formed of at least one ply of circumferential metallic reinforcement elements, which are sections or bundles of sections of metallic cables whose circumferential length is smaller than the circumferential length of the median axis of the bead wire.

Reinforcement elements are considered radial if the angle they make with the tire's circumferential direction is within the range 80°-100°.

The term ‘armature wrapped around the bead wire’ means an armature forming two parts, an axially inner and an axially outer part, whose respective ends are radially above a line parallel to the rotation axis and passing through the center of gravity of the cross-section of the anchoring bead wire.

Similarly, in the context of the invention, the radially upper end of the part of a bead reinforcement armature which can consist of one or more plies is understood to mean the end of the armature ply furthest from the rotation axis, and the armature plies can have upper ends within a radial distance range of at most 20 mm. Likewise, the radially lower end of a bead reinforcement armature is the lower end of the ply least distant from the rotation axis.

The first armature of radial reinforcing elements preferably has the end of its axially inner part located between the line parallel to the rotation axis and passing through the center of gravity of the cross-section of the bead wire and the line parallel to the said rotation axis and passing through the point where the carcass reinforcement is axially widest. The radially upper end of the axially outer part is then preferably located a radial distance from the base of the bead between 65% and 95% of the distance H


separating the turn-up end of the carcass reinforcement from the said base.

According to a second aspect of the invention, the second armature is formed of two plies of reinforcing elements parallel to one another within each ply, crossed from one ply to the next, and making an angle of 45° with the circumferential direction, as measured at the radially lower edges of the said two plies. The reinforcing elements are advantageously wires or textile cables, and the said structure of the second armature is particularly advantageous in the case when the first bead reinforcement armature consists of textile reinforcing elements. The end of the axially outer part can be located a radial distance from the base of the bead greater than the distance H


, while remaining smaller than the radial distance separating the said base from the end of the axially inner part.

Whether made of textile or metal, the second armature is advantageously arranged either axially inside or axially outside the part of the carcass reinforcement not turned up, with a radially upper end closer to the rotation axis than is the upper end of the axially inner part of the armature of radial elements.

When it is positioned axially inside the carcass reinforcement, the second armature is preferably between the said part of the carcass reinforcement not turned up and the first armature of radial reinforcement elements.


The characteristics of the invention will be better understood with the help of the description below, which refers to the drawings illustrating examples of embodiments in a non-limiting way, in which:

FIG. 1

is a schematic representation of a first variant of a tire bead according to the invention; and

FIG. 2

is a schematic representation of a second variant of a bead according to the invention, the bead wires being braided and the bead being thinner.


The tire bead shown in

FIG. 1

is that of a 10.00-20× tire for mounting on a rim with rim seats inclined at 5°. The said bead is reinforced by a bead wire


. Around the said bead wire


is anchored a carcass reinforcement


consisting of a single ply of metallic cables. Anchoring is effected by a turn-up


around the layer


of rubber mix covering the bead wire


, with a distance H


separating the radially upper end of the said tun-up


from the base of the bead, the said base being conventionally represented by the line parallel to the rotation axis and passing through the point of the bead wire


closest to the said rotation axis. In the example of a size 10.00-20× tire considered, H


is equal to 0.25 times the height H of the tire on its rim, the said height being the radial distance separating the tire point radially furthest away from the rotation axis from the measurement line of the nominal diameter of the mounting rim, and equal to 270 mm. Between the carcass reinforcement


and its turn-up


, and radially above the bead wire


, is positioned a first bead wire packing


made of a rubber mix generally with high Shore hardness, the said first packing


being extended radially by a second packing


made of a rubber mix with lower hardness than the first, the radially upper end of the said packing


being essentially located at the level of the tire's maximum axial width.

Axially inside the non turned-up part of the carcass ply


and, after turning up around the bead wire


, axially outside the turn-up


of the ply


, is arranged a first bead reinforcement armature consisting in the example described of a single ply


, such as to form two parts, an axially inner part


and an axially outer part


. The radially upper ends of the two respective parts




are located relative to the base of the bead at heights H


and H


, respectively, equal to 80 mm and 58 mm, the height H


being 85% of the height H


. The ply of the said first armature is formed of metallic wires of cables orientated at 90° relative to the circumferential direction. Axially on the outside, the two respective ends of the carcass reinforcement turn-up and the axially outer part of the reinforcement ply


are covered by a third packing


, known as the filler, which is in contact on one side with the second bead wire packing


and with parts of the plies




. Between the axially inside part


of the bead reinforcement ply


and the non turned-up part of the carcass ply


is arranged a second bead reinforcement armature


, consisting in the example described of two plies




of textile cables made from aliphatic polyamide, parallel to one another within each ply and crossed from one ply


to the next


, and forming with the circumferential direction an angle of 45°, measured in the vulcanized tire at the radially lower edges of the plies




, to within manufacturing tolerances, i.e. an angles in the range 45°±1.5°. The radially upper end of the armature


, which is conventionally taken as the radially upper end of the ply


, the ply whose end is furthest from the rotation axis, is located a radial distance H


from the base of the bead equal to 55 mm, i.e. smaller than the distance H


of the radially upper end of the axially inner part of the bead reinforcement ply


by at least 33% of H


. The upper end of the second ply


of the armature


is radially below the end of the ply


by 6 mm. As for the radially lower ends of the two plies




, these are essentially the same distance away from the rotation axis and distances away from the base of the bead respectively equal to 11 mm and 8 mm, i.e. very close to the bead base.

The ply


of the said first bead reinforcement armature may be formed of cables made of a textile material, for example aliphatic polyamide, and are orientated at 90° relative to the circumferential direction. The said ply


also has two parts, an axially inner part


and an axially outer part


. The radially upper end of the part


is then located relative to the bead base at a height H


equal to 75 mm.

As known in its own right, most of the bead is surrounded by a protective rubber mix


which, axially on the inside, is extended radially on the outside by the usual reinforcing and internal rubber layers


, whereas axially on the outside it is radially extended on the outside by the side-wall layer



The structure of the bead shown in

FIG. 2

differs from that described above in that the second bead reinforcement armature consists of one ply


of metallic elements instead of the two textile plies in the preceding example. The said elements are parallel to one another within the ply


and may be circumferential, i.e. forming an angle with the circumferential direction of a equal to 0° to within manufacturing tolerances, i.e. within the range −1.5°; +1.5°. The elements may be inelastic metal cables but the fabrication of the tire is advantageously facilitated by the use of elastic cables as reinforcing elements, and even more so by the use of sections, or bundles or groups of cables whose circumferential length is between 0.2 and 0.4 times the circumferential length of the reinforcement armature, since this enables the bead reinforcement armature to be positioned on the drum on which the uncured carcass reinforcement blank is made up and the toroidal shaping of the said tire blank without great difficulties, the said mean length being measured after positioning on the said make-up drum. The circumferential gaps or cuts between cut elements are preferably staggered relative to one another. The elements of the ply of the second reinforcement armature


can also form a small angle relative to the circumferential direction, which may for example be 22°; in this case the reinforcing elements are inelastic cables.

The combined presence of a reinforcement armature of radial elements wrapped around the carcass reinforcement anchoring bead wire and a reinforcement armature which minimizes the de-radialization of the radial elements of the carcass reinforcement, leads not only to a considerable reduction of the stresses affecting the rubber mixes that constitute the bead, more particularly at the ends of the plies, but also to an improvement of the fatigue resistance of the carcass reinforcement cables.

  • 1. A tire designed to carry heavy loads, comprising at least one radial carcass reinforcement formed of at least one ply of inelastic reinforcement elements anchored in each bead to a bead wire and forming a turn-up whose end is located a distance HRNC away from the base of the bead, each bead being reinforced by at least two additional reinforcement armatures comprising at least one first bead reinforcing armature and at least one second bead reinforcement armature, the at least one first bead reinforcement armature formed of at least one ply of radial reinforcement elements wrapped around the anchoring bead wire of the carcass reinforcement outside the said carcass reinforcement, and forming two parts such that the radially upper end of the axially outer part is radially located a distance HLE from the base of the bead equal to at least 65% of the distance HRNC, the at least one second bead reinforcement armature formed of textile elements and being arranged axially inside a non turned up part of the carcass reinforcements wherein when viewed in median section, the second bead reinforcement armature, which is not wrapped around the anchoring bead wire, is formed of two plies of reinforcement elements parallel to one another within each ply, crossed from one ply to the next and forming with the circumferential direction an angle of 45°, and having a radially upper end closer to the rotation axis than is the upper end of the axially inner part of the at least one first bead reinforcement armature and a radially lower end close to the base of the bead.
  • 2. A tire according to claim 1, wherein the at least one first bead reinforcement armature is formed of radial inelastic metallic elements.
  • 3. A tire according to claim 1, wherein the at least one first bead reinforcement armature is formed of radial textile elements, said ply having an end of its axially inner part located between a line parallel to the rotation axis and passing through the center of gravity of the cross-section of the bead wire and the line parallel to the said rotation axis and passing through a point where the carcass reinforcement is widest, and the end of the axially outer part is located a radial distance from the base of the bead larger than the distance HRNC separating the end of the carcass reinforcement turn-up from the said base.
Priority Claims (1)
Number Date Country Kind
98 03570 Mar 1998 FR
Parent Case Info

This is a divisional application of U.S. application ser. no. 09/665,468, filed Sep. 20, 2000 now U.S. Pat. 6,622,765 which is a continuation of International Patent Application No. PCT/EP99/01470, filed Mar. 8, 1999, published Sep. 30, 1999 in French as WO99/48709, which claims priority to French Application No. FR98/03570, filed Mar. 20, 1998.

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Non-Patent Literature Citations (2)
Patent Abstracts of Japan vol. 011 No. 360 (M-645) Nov. 25, 1987 & JP 62 137207 A (Bridgestone Corp.) Jun. 20, 1987.
Derwent Abstract for French Patent No. FR 2 730 190.
Continuations (1)
Number Date Country
Parent PCT/EP99/01470 Mar 1999 US
Child 09/665468 US