This invention relates to a remote sensor device, and in particular to an electrical sensor remotely connected with driver electronics via one or more electrical transmission lines forming a delay-line.
As the control and diagnostic requirements of modern plant, scientific instruments and analytical apparatus become ever more demanding, so too does the requirement for high-performance, high-resolution sensors. Sensor technologies in common usage exploit a wide range of techniques and effects but the majority operate in the electrical domain i.e. the raw sensor signal is an electrical change or signature. Such an electrical sensor signal may arise as a direct result of interaction between an electrical sensor element and a system that is being measured, for example, the location or motion of a metallic component may be sensed by measuring a change in the inductance of an electrically excited coil brought about by its presence in the vicinity of the coil's magnetic field. Alternatively, the signal may be derived from an electrical change that occurs as an indirect consequence of interaction between a sensor element and an arrangement of local control circuitry, for example—an optical sensor may produce a signal that brings about a change in the impedance of a local, coupled electrical system which is itself measured. Whilst techniques for optimizing electrical sensor arrangements in conjunction with local driving and measurement electronics—i.e. driving and measurement electronics that are connected to the sensor element by negligibly short pieces of electrical signal cable—are numerous and accessible, severe difficulties are associated with the realization of systems in which the raw signal from the sensitive element is received by the measurement and control electronics via a length of transmission line that is comparable to, long, or very long in comparison with its wavelength (say, several metres or tens of metres in the case of an RF signal); for example: where there is a requirement to make a measurement in a hostile or high temperature environment remote from the nearest signal processing node of an integrated measurement and control system. The present state-of-the-art in sensor instrumentation is incompatible with sensor systems that necessitate long raw signal paths. This incompatibility presents a significant barrier to successful or enhanced monitoring and control of many high-performance scientific and engineering systems. Thus there is required an improved means to operate electrical sensors in conjunction with long raw-signal transmission cables.
In the following, the term ‘electrical’ is used in the most general sense and encompasses—unless otherwise stated—phenomena related to or connected with any region of the electromagnetic spectrum.
Against this background, and in accordance with a first aspect of the present invention, there is provided a remote sensor device as set out in claim 1. Such a device permits successful interaction between electrical sensors and controlling (driving) electronics over long distances without the problems normally encountered when a delay-line is presented between an electrical sensor and its driver electronics.
The invention also extends to a combination of a remote sensor device as set out herein with a first conductive object and, optionally, a second object as well. Further aspects reside in a closed loop arrangement. Other features and advantages of the present invention will be apparent from the appended claims and the following description.
In a most general sense, embodiments of the present invention comprise a remote sensor device (RSD) incorporating a positive feedback electrical delay-line self oscillator. The RSD is formed of (as a minimum) a lumped or distributed-parameter electrical sensor element or elements from which it is desirable to make a measurement, at least one delay-line, and an RSD control circuitry. The or each delay-line carries the raw signal from the sensor element(s) to the RSD control circuitry.
Many possible arrangements of sensor element(s) and delay-line(s) are contemplated in the present context. For generality the combination of the delay-line(s) and sensor element(s) will henceforth be referred to as a ‘delay-line sensor system’. A simple example of a delay-line sensor system possible in the present context is a single length of transmission line, length l, characteristic impedance Z0(jω) terminated by a sensor element with some complex impedance
L(jω)=r+jX(ω). (1)
The impedance ZL(jω) varies in response to the stimulus which it is desirable to measure. Such an arrangement is illustrated in
The control circuitry 30 comprises a driver 50, an amplifier 60 and an amplitude regulator 70, these may or may not be realized by a single electronic circuit but are the minimum functional blocks required for the control circuitry 30. For example, the amplifier 60 may be a non-inverting pre-amplifier realized in discrete or surface mount electronic components and incorporating a low noise, high input impedance operational amplifier. The characteristics of the amplitude regulator 70, together with some examples of circuits providing these characteristics, are set out in further detail below. In general terms, however, it may be noted that the non-linear characteristics of the amplitude regulator 70 might be obtained using a variety of instrumentation techniques: the element may comprise or incorporate an active device with a negative differential conductance by virtue of a physical positive-feedback process. Alternatively, the desired non-linear characteristic may be achieved via a positive-feedback amplifier configuration.
The control circuitry 30 may additionally comprise or incorporate functionality for signal processing/capture: for example, a frequency counter 80 may be included to provide a frequency output and/or a peak detector or demodulator 90 can be employed to provide an output indicative of the level of oscillation of the delay-line sensor system 20.
During a transient start-up period, the RSD 10 commences oscillation. Noise initiated oscillations are received by the amplifier 60, amplified, amplitude regulated by the amplitude regulator 70 and fed back to the delay-line sensor system 20 via the frequency selection impedance 40 Z(jω). Once the start-up period has passed, constant amplitude oscillation of the RSD 10 is established. The combination of the delay-line sensor system 20, the frequency selection impedance 40 Z(jω) and the control circuitry 30 are arranged in such a way as to promote stable, robust oscillation of the closed-loop RSD 10. Particularly, the frequency selection impedance 40 Z(jω) has a certain frequency-dependent magnitude and/or phase shift that provides modal selectivity as explained below.
Thus it will be seen that the RSD 10 comprises a closed-loop positive feedback controlled oscillator, the operating frequency of which is partly or wholly determined by the delay-line sensor system 20. The positive feedback circuitry is arranged in such a way that the resonant system comprising or incorporating the delay-line sensor system 20 is self-excited at one of its resonance frequencies by a driving signal. The frequency of the driving signal (i.e. the operating frequency of the oscillator) is dependent on the imaginary component of the sensor impedance (ℑ{ZL(jω)}=X(ω) in the example of {ZL(jω)}=r in the example above)—manifests itself as a reduction in the quality factor Q of the resonance:
which may be measured as a change in the amplitude (level) of oscillation by, for example, the peak detector 90. Advantageously, the RSD 10 described herein may be designed such that the operating frequency is maximally sensitive to changes in the imaginary part of the sensor impedance (δℑ{ZL(jω)} in the example above) and/or the quality factor Q is maximally sensitive to changes in the real part of the sensor impedance (δ{ZL(jω)} in the example above). Thus either or both of two outputs related to the sensor element(s) of the delay-line sensor system 20 are provided by the RSD: a frequency output related to the imaginary part of the sensor impedance and a level (amplitude) output related to the per-cycle loss in the sensor element. Making a measurement with an RSD 10 in accordance with an embodiment of the present invention involves monitoring changes in the values of one or more of these outputs, by for example monitoring the outputs of the frequency counter 80 and/or the peak detector 90.
The delay-line or delay-lines employed in the context of embodiments of the present invention comprise a length or lengths of electrical transmission line. Many possible arrangements of delay-line sensor systems 20 comprising a combination of at least one sensor element 24 and at least one electrical delay-line 22 are possible, but in the present context the term “remote” is employed to signify that the raw signal produced by the sensor element 24 has to travel some distance that is at least a substantial fraction of the wavelength of that signal (or the carrier signal upon which the signal appears) to be received by the control circuitry 30. Equivalently, a signal originating from the control circuitry 30 must propagate some distance that is at least a substantial fraction of the wavelength of the signal (or the carrier signal upon which the signal appears) to be received at the sensor 24.
Delay-line sensor systems 20 embodying the present invention are examples of distributed-parameter electrical systems and as such, typically exhibit an input/output phase response that varies continuously with frequency over some finite bandwidth. A given delay-line sensor system 20 has a frequency dependent input impedance Zin(jω). The magnitude of the frequency response of the input impedance |Zin(jω)| features a series of minima and maxima. Minima correspond to resonance frequencies, maxima to anti-resonance frequencies of the delay-line sensor system 20. The exact form of the input impedance of the delay-line sensor system 20 is dependent on the detail of the arrangement (i.e. multiplicity, type and arrangement of sensor(s) 24 and delay-line(s) 22 incorporated). As will be apparent to the skilled reader, many possible arrangements of delay-line sensor systems 20 may be contemplated. In order to better describe the functioning of the RSD 10 embodying the present invention the example of a delay-line sensor system 20 comprising a single transmission line terminated by a sensor element is considered (i.e., the arrangement illustrated in
Here, γ is a propagation coefficient of the form
where νp is the phase velocity along the transmission line, ω the frequency of excitation and α a loss coefficient. The characteristic impedance of the transmission line) Z0(jω) is specified in the usual way as
where R0, L0, G0 and C0 are respectively the per-unit length resistance, inductance, shunt conductance and shunt capacitance of the line. In many (though not all) delay-line sensor systems realized in the context the RSD invention, the resistance R0 and conductance G0 are sufficiently small as to be negligible and thus the characteristic impedance is approximately
which is purely real and frequency independent. Additionally, when these conditions are met, the loss coefficient α in equation (4) is approximately zero (i.e. γ=jβ) and thus (3) may be approximated by
For clarity and brevity in the analysis that follows the approximations (6) and (7) are assumed valid but note that the treatment is easily extended to the case of ‘lossy’ delay-lines. Furthermore, the particular example of a delay-line sensor system 20, comprising a lossless delay-line 22 of length l terminated by an inductive sensor 24 with impedance ZL(jω), is considered. Such an inductive sensor 24 may, for example take the form of a wire-wound coil of inductance L and resistance r. Additionally, associated with such a coil there may be a non-negligible per-winding parasitic capacitance which may be represented by an effective total parasitic capacitance C. Such an arrangement is shown in
For a delay-line sensor system 20, comprising a lossless delay-line 22 of length l terminated by an inductive sensor 24 with impedance ZL(jω)), and with the parameter values shown in Table 1,
It is appropriate here to set out in brief the operating principles of an RSD in accordance with embodiments of the present invention, with reference to a general noise-initiated self-oscillating system.
S(jω0)HS(jω0)=1, (8a)
is satisfied at and only at this frequency. The condition of (8a) implies
|GS(jω0)HS(jω0)|=1, (8b)
i.e. unity gain around the closed-loop system, and that the phase of the signal arriving at the input of GS(jω) coincides with the phase of the oscillation sustained in GS(jω) by the control signal's previous trip i.e.
∠GS(jω0)+∠HS(jω0)=2πn n=1, 2, 3 (8c)
Accordingly, a noise-initiated, stable, positive-feedback oscillator may be realized operating at some frequency ω1 in conjunction with a delay-line system, transfer function G(jω) if it can be arranged that some element H(jω) is provided that at and only at the operating frequency ω1 satisfies the requirements described with reference to the general system of
|G(jω1)H(jω1)|=1, (8d)
∠G(jω1)+∠H(jω1)=2πn n=1, 2, 3 (8e)
and meets the requirements of oscillator start-up and amplitude stabilization (
Such a system may be referred to as a ‘negative conductance oscillator’ since the function of H(jω) is equivalent to providing an impedance −Zin(jω1) in the closed loop system (
In order to discuss the features and characteristics of the RSD invention in the most general sense, it is useful to describe the RSD in terms of a simplified two-terminal ‘equivalent circuit’.
Any delay-line sensor system may be represented by an equivalent two-terminal electrical circuit comprising three shunt elements: an effective inductance LE, capacitance CE and conductance GE. This concept is illustrated in
In this representation, the control circuitry 30 incorporating the non-linear amplitude control element (N-LACE) 70 may be modelled by a shunt conductance GC as depicted in
For the purposes of analysis, it is useful to consider functionality of the non-linear amplitude control element (N-LACE) 70 separately from that of the rest of the control circuitry 30. The model of
The function of the non-linear amplitude control element (N-LACE) 70 is to provide an amplitude regulated feedback signal i(t) to drive the delay-line sensor system 20. In general terms, the N-LACE 70 provides gain and non-linearity. There are several ways in which this can be achieved, although as will be seen, some of these are more preferred than others since they provide for optimized performance of the RSD 10.
The output of the delay-line sensor system 20—ν1(t) (FIG. 8)—is a continuous periodic energy signal. The signal ν1(t) has a spectral component s(t) at the operating frequency ω0 of the RSD 10. The time-period T characteristic of s(t) is given accordingly by:
The signal s(t) is isolated from ν1(t) (e.g. by filtering and subsequent phase-compensation) so that the signal arriving at the input to the N-LACE 70 is of the form
ν(t)=As(t−τ1), (10)
where A is a constant and τ1 a time-constant to account for inherent or imposed time delay and/or phase shift in the signal path. The feedback signal generated by the N-LACE 70 in response to ν(t) is of the form:
i(t)=aNL(ν(t−τ2)). (11)
τ2=τ1+τ. (12)
and τ is a time delay characteristic of the input-output conversion in the N-LACE 70 which may or may not be frequency dependent. The instantaneous dynamic gain of the N-LACE 70 is defined for any instantaneous signal input ν(t1):
In the most general implementation of the RSD 10, the function aNL(v(t)) which describes the N-LACE 70 is an arbitrary non-linear function. However, in preferred embodiments of the N-LACE 70, the function aNL(v(t)) has particular advantageous characteristics. From henceforth, a non-linear amplitude control element with such particular advantageous characteristics will be referred to as an optimal non-linear amplitude control element or oN-LACE. The characteristics of such an oN-LACE will now be described.
When at time τ1 the instantaneous amplitude of the oN-LACE input signal ν(t1) is between certain preset fixed ‘positive’ and ‘negative’ thresholds the corresponding output i(t1+τ) of the oN-LACE 70 is approximately equivalent to a linear amplifier with a gain that is—in the most general case—dependent on the polarity of the signal. For a given oN-LACE implementation, the ‘positive’ and ‘negative’ thresholds are respectively
where B1, B2 are any real, non-negative integers (so long as in a given realization either B1 or B2 is non-zero) and K01 and K02 are real non-zero positive integers equal to the small-signal (SS) dynamic gains for positive and negative ν(t) respectively:
In this signal regime, the output of the oN-LACE 70 is described by
i(t1+τ)=K01ν(t1) for sgn{ν(t1)}=1,
i(t1+τ)=K02ν(t1) for sgn{ν(t1)}=−1. (15)
Note that the relative polarities of the oN-LACE input and output signals are arbitrarily defined. In the most preferred embodiment of the oN-LACE 70, at least one of K01 and K02 is a large, positive, real constant. Equations (14-15) describe the ‘quasi-linear amplification regime’ or ‘small-signal amplification regime’ of the oN-LACE 70.
If at time t1 the instantaneous amplitude of ν(t1) is positive and its magnitude equals or exceeds the threshold
and/or the instantaneous amplitude of ν(t1) is negative and its magnitude equals or exceeds the threshold
the oN-LACE 70 operates in a ‘strongly non-linear’ or ‘large-signal’ regime. In the most preferred embodiment of the oN-LACE 70, the dynamic gain in the large-signal (LS) regime is zero regardless of the polarity of the signal ν(t1):
In a general embodiment of the oN-LACE, the large-signal dynamic gain gdLS(t) is approximately zero regardless of the polarity of the signal ν(t1) i.e:
The most preferred embodiment of the optimal non-linear amplitude control element features a large-signal regime in which the amplitude of the oN-LACE output i(t1+τ) takes a constant value +B1 if at time t1 the instantaneous amplitude of ν(t1) is positive and a constant value −B2 if the converse is true. This behaviour is summarized by:
In the special case that B1=B2=B and K01=K02=K0, (17) becomes:
and a symmetrical oN-LACE input signal ν(t1) results in a symmetrical output function i(t1+τ).
Between the quasi-linear and strongly non-linear signal regimes of the oN-LACE there is a ‘transitional’ signal region or ‘transition region’ (T). In this region, the behaviour of the non-linear amplitude control element is neither quasi-linear nor strongly non-linear. In the most preferred embodiment of the oN-LACE the transition region is negligibly wide.
Three key features of the oN-LACE are: Feature 1: a sharp transition between the quasi-linear (small-signal) and strongly non-linear (large-signal) regimes effected by the instantaneous signal magnitude |ν(t1)| exceeding a pre-determined threshold the value of which may or may not be dependent on the polarity of the signal (c.f. (17), (18)); Feature 2: a narrow and preferably negligibly wide transitional signal regime; Feature 3: approximately instantaneous transition between quasi-linear and strongly non-linear regimes. Feature 3 is equivalent to the oN-LACE 70 having capacity to respond to changes in the amplitude (and frequency) of the instantaneous input signal ν(t1) on a timescale typically significantly shorter than the characteristic signal period T i.e. the oN-LACE 70 has a certain amplitude temporal resolution Δτ<<T. Furthermore, with a particular implementation of the oN-LACE described in the context of the present invention, it may be arranged that the instantaneous amplitude of the oN-LACE output) i(t1) corresponds approximately instantaneously to that of the input i.e. if desirable, it may be arranged that the time-constant τ defined in (12) is negligibly small. Alternatively and more generally, the oN-LACE 70 is designed such that a certain known time-delay τ (which may or may not be frequency dependent) exists between oN-LACE input and corresponding output; in such a system an oN-LACE input ν(t1) gives rise to an output i(t1+τ) with amplitude temporal resolution Δτ independent of τ. It is an important and particular feature of the present invention that the amplitude control achieved via the oN-LACE 70 is not of a slow-acting ‘averaging’ type. Moreover, changes in the centre frequency or dominant frequency component of the input signal ν(t1) may be resolved on a time-scale comparable with the amplitude temporal resolution Δτ; i.e. the frequency content of a general output signal i(t1+τ) corresponds to the instantaneous frequency content of the input ν(t1).
The input-output signal characteristics of the oN-LACE 70 are now considered, for the special case that the input is a symmetrical, sinusoidal waveform with frequency ω0 and period of oscillation T (9). Asymmetrical input signals are described subsequently. With reference to (11) and (12) and the analysis there, it is assumed that the oN-LACE input signal ν(t+τ1) is a time-shifted, linearly amplified derivative of an electrical signal s(t): a monochromatic signal at the operating frequency of the RSD 10, ω0. For clarity in this section all signals are referenced relative to time t defined by s(t):
s(t)=a sin ω0t (19a)
ν(t+τ1)=A sin ω0t (19b)
The oN-LACE input signal (19b) is depicted in
In the quasi-linear amplification regime, the output signal from the oN-LACE 70 is given by a time-shifted, linearly amplified version of the input signal:
i(t+τ2)=AK0 sin ω0t. (20)
i.e. the oN-LACE 70 operates continuously in the quasi-linear amplification regime.
The function of the oN-LACE 70 is to amplify the received monochromatic energy signal ν(t+τ1) at ω0 (in general an amplified, time-shifted, phase compensated version of a raw electrical signal s(t)), and redistribute its RMS power over harmonics of the signal frequency ω0. The Fourier series describing the oN-LACE input and output signals may be analysed to give an insight into how the distribution of power is affected by the amplitude A of the input signal ν(t+τ1). In particular a Fourier representation of the output signal of the oN-LACE may be derived, which corresponds to a symmetrical sinusoidal input of general amplitude A assuming oN-LACE characteristics as described above.
i.e. for the positive half-cycle
whilst for the negative half-cycle
The constant B and angle α are related by
For all possible values of AK0, the periodicity and symmetry of i(t+τ2) are preserved. Thus the Fourier series describing i(t+τ2) is of the form
with coefficients
For constant B and increasing AK0, the fraction α decreases and i(t+τ2) tends to a square wave with fundamental frequency component ω0.
Whilst the total power is the summation
The summation (25) has a finite limit:
P=2B2. (26)
Thus as AK0→d where d>>B and α→0, the ratio P0/P tends to a finite limit S1:
The Fourier analysis above may be extended to input waveforms of lower symmetry. For the purposes of illustration the simple asymmetric input function depicted in
In the limit of large A1K0 and A2K0—i.e. in the large-signal regime—i(t+τ2) tends to an asymmetric square wave with fundamental frequency component ω0 as depicted in
with coefficients
For the limiting case of large A1K0 and A2K0, the power in the signal i(t+τ2) at the fundamental frequency ω0 is given by
which for B1=B2=B (
To summarize the properties of the optimal non-linear amplitude control element that is preferably employed in the RSD 10 of embodiments of the present invention, it features three distinct signal regimes: a small-signal or quasi-linear regime (SS), a transitional signal regime (T) and a large-signal strongly non-linear regime (LS). In assessing the performance of a general non-linear amplitude control element 70 there are four key parameters to consider:
I. The small-signal dynamic gain at time t1:
where τ is a time delay characteristic of the input-out conversion in the N-LACE 70, which may or may not be frequency dependent.
II. The linearity of the small-signal quasi-linear regime.
III. The width of the transitional regime (T)—i.e. the range of input signal amplitudes for which the oN-LACE response would be described as transitional.
IV. The large-signal dynamic gain at time t1:
where τ is as previously defined.
In the most preferred embodiment of the oN-LACE 70, the small-signal dynamic gain (I) takes a large constant value which may or may not be dependent on the polarity of the input signal (c.f. (17), (18)); the small-signal quasi-linear signal regime is approximately entirely linear (II), the transitional regime (T) (III) is so narrow as to be negligible, and the large-signal dynamic gain (IV) is zero.
The family of non-linear amplitude control element input-output characteristics that fall within the oN-LACE definition are illustrated in
Other oN-LACE input-output characteristics are possible that are less favourable than the ideal characteristic of
In the most general sense, there are two different ways in which non-linear amplitude control functionality may be achieved. The first type of non-linear amplitude control incorporates a discrete active circuit element or an arrangement of discrete active circuit elements which provides a negative differential conductance or transconductance (i.e. gain) and a non-linearity. The non-linearity, and, in the majority of cases part or all of the gain, are each provided by a physical, non-linear process which is an inherent property of one or more of the circuit elements.
The functionality of the second type of non-linear amplitude controller is entirely equivalent to that of the first, but here, the non-linearity is provided not by an inherent physical non-linear process, but by deliberately arranging active elements so that the desired non-linear behaviour is promoted. One way of doing this is, for example, to exploit the gain saturation of an operational amplifier, or to use a transistor pair, as exemplified in
In both types of non-linear amplitude controller, the provision of gain and the provision of non-linearity may be considered as two independent functional requirements, which might accordingly be provided by two distinct functional blocks. In practice, the gain-non-linearity combination is often most readily achieved by exploiting the properties of a single collection of components. In any event, at least conceptually, the non-linearity may be considered as being superimposed on top of a linear gain characteristic, to create the desired set of input-output characteristics.
Considered in this way, the key function of the non-linearity is then to limit the maximum value of the gain (or the transconductance, or simply the output signal) of the overall amplitude regulator circuitry. Overall, the intention is that the combination of the “gain” functionality and the “non-linear” functionality provides a unit which delivers a significant gain for small signals, that has a constant magnitude output once the input exceeds a pre-determined threshold, as explained above.
Looking first at
The collector of the first transistor T1 is capacitively coupled to the delay-line sensor system 20. Thus the circuit of
The collector of the second transistor T2 provides a second circuit output to the peak detector/demodulator 90 (see
In each case of the circuit arrangements of
In each of the circuits of
Having set out the principles underlying embodiments of the present invention, some examples of practical devices employing these principles will now be described.
Any delay-line sensor system may be reduced to an equivalent two-port electrical network (or arrangement of such networks). The voltage and current at any point along a delay-line sensor system 20 comprising at least one delay-line is conveniently described using transfer function matrices. Such transfer function matrices may be manipulated either by hand or by computer using a numerical technique in order to solve for the resonance and anti-resonance frequencies of a given delay-line sensor system 20.
In the alternative system of
A given implementation of the RSD 10 is designed to exploit the frequency response characteristics (e.g. those shown in
Any combination of delay-line sensor system 20 and frequency selection impedance embodying the present invention may be described in terms of an effective impedance Zin(jω) presented to the control circuitry 30.
Implementations of the RSD 10 divide into two categories: Type A RSDs are designed to operate the delay-line sensor system 20 at one of its characteristic resonance frequencies i.e. one of the frequencies at which the magnitude of the input impedance Zin(jω) is minimum, and thus at a frequency at which there is observed a peak in the inverse magnitude response |Zin(jω)|−1 (
Typically Zin(jω) is characterised by not one but a multiplicity of resonance frequencies. Thus there is required in Type A realizations of the RSD 10 a means to select a ‘strongly-preferred mode’—i.e. to promote robust operation of the RSD 10 at a single particular resonance frequency. In Type B realizations of the RSD 10 there is furthermore required a means to promote operation of the RSD 10 at some single advantageous resonance frequency ωB. In both Type A and Type B RSDs, modal selectivity may be achieved by several techniques. Two such techniques are discussed below.
Modal Selectivity Via Frequency Selection Impedance or Frequency Selection Impedance Stage Design
In this technique modal selectivity is achieved by combining an appropriately designed frequency selection impedance with a given delay-line sensor system 20.
where r is the loss equivalent resistance presented by Zin(jω). Accordingly a figure of merit may be defined:
f(jω)=Z3(jω)(Z3(jω)+Z2(jω)). (33)
By analogy with optical transitions in an homogenously broadened laser, if there are a number of possible RSD operating modes defined by the frequency response characteristics of Zin(jω) which satisfy (29) the modes corresponding to the highest positive value of f(jω) will be favoured. Moreover, since the transconductance gm and r are necessarily positive quantities, certain modes may be excluded entirely by for example, selecting a combination of Z2(jω) and Z3(jω) such that f(jω) has a negative value at these frequencies.
for viable amplitude-stable self-oscillation is
and thus the figure of merit in this case is given by
f(jω)=Z12(jω). (35)
The system of
For the purposes of illustration, the characteristics of a particular implementation of the scheme of
As a further illustration, the characteristics of a particular implementation of the scheme of
The dotted lines in
Modal Selectivity Via Variable Loop Gain
This alternative mode-stabilization technique is illustrated schematically in
As explained above, the particular form of the delay-line sensor system 20, frequency selection impedance and control circuitry 30 may be designed in such a way as to optimize a given RSD 10 for a particular application. Particular properties of a variety of specific RSDs will accordingly now be described.
Design for Microphonic Noise Immunity
RSDs 10 incorporating a delay-line sensor system 20 featuring one or more delay-lines connected to the control circuitry 30 in a ‘loop’ type system (for example FIGS. 18B, 18C, 19A and 19B) have operating frequencies substantially determined by the characteristic length of the incorporated delay-line or lines and thus may be regarded as ‘time-of-flight’ type RSDs. Such time-of-flight arrangements feature excellent immunity to microphonic noise and many such time-of-flight type RSDs are possible.
Design for Optimal Sensitivity and Stability
A RSD may be realized in conjunction with a given delay-line sensor system 20 such that the properties of the RSD are optimally sensitive and stable. The realization of an optimally sensitive RSD 10 (and the extent to which such an optimally sensitive and stable RSD 10 is viable within practical constraints) depends on the requirements and constraints presented by the delay-line sensor system 20 and the control circuitry 30. Here, for the purposes of illustration, the manner in which an optimal arrangement of delay-line 22 and sensor 24 may be determined for a delay-line sensor system 20 of the type presented in FIG. 38A—i.e. a length of transmission line 22 with characteristic impedance Z0(jω), terminated by a sensor element 24 with some complex impedance) ZL(jω)—is described. Further, the general case is considered in which the sensor element comprises three shunt components, a conductance GL, capacitance CL and inductance LL (
For a given small change in the conductance of the sensor element δGL, the biggest absolute increase in the energy dissipated in the delay-line sensor system 20 occurs for the case that the impedance ZL(jω) of the sensor element 24 is matched to the characteristic impedance Z0(jω) of the delay-line 22. Optimal sensitivity may thus be achieved by arranging that, at the operating frequency ω1 of the RSD 10, the magnitude of the impedance of the sensor element 24 is equal to or approximately equal to the magnitude of the characteristic impedance of the line 22
|ZL(jω1)|=|Z0(jω1)|. (37)
The overall sensitivity of such an RSD system is further dependent on two related issues: the impedance relationship between the delay-line 22 and the sensor element 24 and the relationship between the effective quality factor Qe (equation 33) of the delay-line sensor system 20, the quality factor QL of the load (assuming that one can be defined—i.e. that the impedance of the sensor comprises an energy storage element and some dissipative element as is the case for the system of
It has been established above that the impedance Zin(jω) presented by a given delay-line sensor system 20 to a control circuitry 30 having a given circuit arrangement exhibits minima and maxima—i.e. there are featured both resonance and anti-resonance frequencies. In general, an RSD 10 is optimally stable if the delay-line sensor system 20 presents a small impedance to the control circuitry 30. Accordingly, if high sensitivity and high stability are required it is generally advantageous to arrange that the delay-line sensor system 20 is operated at or proximal to one of its resonance frequencies.
Design for Minimal Interaction in Networks of Instruments
In certain applications it is desirable to operate two or more sensor systems in close proximity with minimal interaction. Embodiments of the present invention offer a means by which two or more sensor instruments may be operated such that interaction between them is minimized or avoided.
When operated at or proximal to one of its characteristic resonance frequencies the delay-line sensor system 20 presents a small impedance to the control circuitry 30, whilst if operated at one of its anti-resonance frequencies, the impedance it presents is large or very large. By realizing two RSDs—RSD1 and RSD2—with independent delay-line sensor systems: respectively delay-line sensor systems 1 and 2, such that the operating frequency of RSD 1, ω1 is co-incident with or proximal to a resonance frequency of delay-line sensor system 1 whilst being co-incident with or proximal to an anti-resonance frequency of delay-line sensor system 2 and vice-versa i.e. the operating frequency of RSD 2, ω2 is co-incident with or proximal to a resonance frequency of delay-line sensor system 2 whilst being co-incident with or proximal to an anti-resonance frequency of delay-line sensor system 1, the two RSDs may be made substantially independent. Many possible methods of arranging this condition are possible and the technique may be extended to large networks of ‘switched-mode’ RSDs (see above). A simple illustrative example of such an arrangement is two RSDs both incorporating delay-line sensor systems of the type shown in
An alternative method of interaction minimization in multiple RSD systems realized in embodiments of the present invention involves operating n corresponding delay-line sensor systems 20 at differing frequencies ωn and designing the control circuitry 30 such that for i=1 . . . n the ith RSD 10 rejects all signals apart from those corresponding to n=i. This may be achieved by incorporating a filter element (which may for example take the form of a bandpass or notch filter) in each RSD 10 which filters the signal received from the delay-line sensor system 20 prior to amplitude regulation and feedback. A phase compensating element may also be included to compensate for unwanted signal phase-shifts brought about by the presence of such a filtering element.
Modes of Operation
RSDs embodying the present invention may be operated continuously or in a pulsed or ‘burst’ mode—i.e. for short periods of time whilst a measurement is made. In the case of such pulsed or bust-mode systems, the duration of time for which the RSD system is active must be sufficient for the RSD to commence and stabilize oscillation. Alternatively or additionally “switched mode” RSDs may be realized in which a single set of circuitry representing the control circuitry 30 is used in conjunction with multiple sensor elements 24 or delay-line sensor systems 20. The RSD 10 may be such that a single sensor element 24 or delay-line sensor system 20 is operative at any one time—i.e. one of several delay-line sensor systems 20 or one of several sensor elements 24 in conjunction with a given delay-line 22 or arrangement of delay-lines 22 are switched into operation electrically, mechanically, optically or otherwise at any one time Such switching may involve electrical changes at the control circuitry 30 and/or the delay-line 22 or delay-lines 22 and/or the sensor element or elements and/or the delay-line sensor systems 20. The operating frequencies particular to each delay-line sensor system 20 in such a RSD may be the same or different.
In a further embodiment of the RSD the frequency selection impedance or impedance stage may be locally or remotely controlled. Such local or remote control may be electrical, mechanical, optical, hydraulic etc. and may be such that the behaviour of the RSD 10—for example the operating frequency—is dependent on this control.
In a further implementation of the RSD, the operating mode may be controlled by an element or elements sensitive to some external stimulus such that the operating frequency of the RSD is determined by this stimulus and in response to certain changes in this stimulus a step-wise change in the operating frequency of the RSD is observed. The sensitive element or elements that determine the operating mode may be incorporated into the control circuitry 30 or may form part of the delay-line sensor system 20.
Delay-Lines Defined by Regions of Low Conductivity Media
As established above, the RSDs that embody the present invention may be realized in conjunction with delay-line sensor systems 20 comprising or incorporating a delay-line or delay-lines defined by a region of free space or other low-conductivity transmission medium. This concept is illustrated schematically in the example system of
Such systems may for example be used to realize sensitive distance measuring instruments (i.e. the distance between the control circuitry 30 and an active or passive electrical sensor element or elements may be determined from the characteristics of the resultant RSD 10), or to excite certain electrical sensor elements remotely and determine their characteristics (e.g. the electrical element ZL(jω) 24 in
Although a specific embodiment of the present invention has been described, it is to be understood that various modifications and improvements could be contemplated by the skilled person. For example, although the foregoing description has set out a variety of different delay-line sensor systems, and frequency selection impedances, it will be understood that devices comprising multiple delay-line sensor systems and/or multiple frequency selection impedances could also be envisaged.
Particularly where the device comprises a single control circuitry 30 but multiple delay-line sensor systems 20, 20′ (optionally with multiple frequency selection impedances 40. 40′ as well), the sensor elements 24, 24′ may be, for example, coils. In that case, the coils might be arranged coaxially or side-by-side. The coils may also be of the same or substantially different diameters.
The device described herein finds many practical applications. One particular such application is in compressor or turbine blade monitoring in a jet or steam turbine engine. A brief description of certain such applications will now be set out. In this context—unless otherwise stated—the term ‘turbine blade’ is to be interpreted in the most general sense: i.e. any type of static, rotating or translating blade or blade-like object in piece of turbomachinery including for example, turbine, fan and compressor blades.
Parameters of the turbine blades such as linear or rotational speed, acceleration, profile, position, proximity, and/or temperature may be detected by an arrangement of the RSD 10, as well as blade jitter, timing, and axial shift (e.g. translation parallel to a turbine shaft around which the blades are radially disposed). Furthermore, if required, the sensitivity of the RSD to certain of these parameters may be arranged to be minimized (or compensated by mechanical or electrical design) whilst at the same time the sensitivity to other(s) of the parameters is maximised. For example: an RSD system may be arranged which detects and/or measures the proximity of a set of rotating turbine blade tips to a turbine casing (the blades being radially disposed around a turbine shaft) independently of any axial shift thereof (i.e. shift parallel to the blade shaft).
By way of example,
each full revolution of the shaft 250, where δ is the angular extent of each blade tip 200 in radians and ω the rotational speed of the shaft in radians per second). In accordance with the principles explained above, the control circuitry can be kept well away from the engine 220 by use of a delay-line 22, which may for example, have a length of several metres or several tens of metres. As each turbine blade enters the sensitive volume 260 of the sensor element 24 (which may for example, comprise a coil encapsulated in a temperature resistant material with low electrical loss) a signal is induced in the sensor element (which may for example, comprise a change in the real and/or imaginary component(s) of its electrical impedance). This signal brings about a corresponding change in the operating amplitude and/or frequency of the RSD which may then be processed in one of the manners described previously. As already outlined, such an arrangement allows detection of various parameters such as the relative speed of the turbine blade 210 and the casing 280, the proximity of the turbine blade tip 200 to the casing, and so forth. In an alternative arrangement, a second object 270 mounted on the turbine casing adjacent to the sensor element of the delay-line sensor system of the RSD 10 may be arranged such that its electrical properties are dependent on one or more properties of the first conductive object 200 (e.g. the proximity of the turbine blade tips) and that these electrical properties are interrogated by the sensor element, bringing about for example, a corresponding change in the real and/or imaginary component(s) of the sensor element's electrical impedance, and thus the amplitude and/or frequency of RSD operation.
Other applications can be envisaged in which the first conducting object 200 is formed from for example, a conductive element bonded to a turbine blade or a seal-ring feature thereof. Other applications can also be envisaged, wherein the second object 270 is for example moving or moveable and the sensor element 24 detects a parameter related to the relative properties (e.g. position) of the first 200 and second 270 objects.
The RSD 10 may itself be used in a closed loop feedback arrangement. Alternative closed loop feedback arrangements are illustrated in block diagram form in
For example, if the proximity of a first component forming a part of the System A 300 is to be controlled relative to a second component, also forming part of the System A and upon which the sensor element 24 of the RSD is mounted, to a specified/predetermined distance, this may be set in the system controller 310. The proximity of the first component to the second component may then be continuously measured by the RSD 10, a measurement signal (related to the proximity of the first component) then being output by the RSD 10 to the system controller 310 which in turn sends an adjusting/controlling signal back to, for example a positioning system in the System A to adjust the proximity of the second component to the first component back to the target distance.
It is to be understood that the various features described herein are not mutually exclusive unless the context so requires. For example, the use of coaxial or side-by-side coils, of the same or different diameters, as the, or part of the sensor element(s) can equally be employed in the network of RSDs (that is, a system of multiple control circuitry, frequency selection impedances and delay-line sensor systems) as in the multiplexed/switched arrangements of
Number | Date | Country | Kind |
0900744.4 | Jan 2009 | GB | national |
Filing Document | Filing Date | Country | Kind | 371c Date |
PCT/GB2010/000065 | 1/18/2010 | WO | 00 | 9/13/2011 |