This project replaces obsolete research laboratories and research support facilities at The Jackson Laboratory which cannot be rehabilitated cost-effectively. The new scope of the project affects only Laboratories that are in direct research use, and involves the replacement of 5,408 net square feet located in our Research Laboratory-2, Reserach Laboratory-4 and Research Laboratory-5 buildings (hereafter known as RL-2, RL-4, and RL-5). The research programs at The Jackson Laboratory encompass four areas: Genetics, Developmental Biology, Molecular Biology and Biochemistry and Physiology. Our training programs are designed to meet the needs of high school and college students, postdoctoral trainees, graduate students and established scientists. In addition, this space houses the Transgenic Mouse Service, Flow Cyometry Service, Microchemistry Service and Gene Targeting/Cell Biology Service. The project will provide state-of-the-art facilities to improve the creativity and productivity of research, and enhance the quality of our training programs. The new facilities will correct overcrowded conditions and critical safety and fire code deficiencies; they will also provide mechanical, electrical and ventilation systems required to support our current and future research and research training activities. Accessibility to the new facility by disabled persons will be fully addressed. The modernization of this research space will not only create a healthful and safe work place for the staff, it will also significantly reduce high operating costs associated with the operation and maintenance of outdated research facilities.