FIG. 1 is a front view of a replica housing the dispenser of the invention as stored.
FIG. 2 is a front view of the replica of FIG. 1 with the upper piece of the replica separated from the lower piece of the replica for use.
FIG. 3 is a side view of a second replica, partially in section, showing the dispenser components within the replica.
The invention 1 is shown in FIG. 1 as the replica, that can be in the form of any desired real or imaginary animate, inanimate or plant form, appears in its storage configuration. The replica upper body piece is shown as a head 2 on top of a replica lower body piece 3. The only part of the dispenser that is visible is the lower portion knob base 4 that serves as a support for the applicator and as a rotor knob for turning the thread that advances the stick out of the upper end of the dispenser. The stick advancing beyond the dispenser upper end enables application or removal of a portion of the protruding stick when the cap is removed.
The upper piece 2 of the replica 1 is shown separated from the lower piece 3 in FIG. 2. With the upper piece of the replica separated, the upper edge 5 of the dispenser is exposed as well as a portion of the stick 6. In this configuration the stick material can be applied to any desired surface.
The embodiment depicted in FIG. 3 is of a replica 10 in the general shape of a dog. The head 12 of the replica houses a dispenser cap 17 with the replica upper piece firmly held to the cap by an adhesive 22. The replica lower body piece 13 houses the main dispenser body 15. The lower body piece is firmly held on the dispenser 15 lower end by an adhesive 21 and the lower body piece upper end is firmly held to the dispenser by an adhesive 24. The lower replica piece 13 is shown with a partial front leg 23 and a tail 19. The dispenser upper end 15 protrudes above the replica lower piece 13 upper extent, to accommodate application of the cosmetic stick 16. The dispenser lower end, turn knob 14, protrudes below the replica lower piece 13 lower extent. The knob is turned 26 to feed the stick 16 from the dispenser 15 upper end. The feeding of the stick from the dispenser is accomplished by turning the knob 14 having the feed screw 18 firmly attached to it. The knob outermost surface provides a flat sturdy support for the applicator. The feed screw 18 is attached through a threaded push plate 25. Turning 26 the knob 14 causes the push plate 25 to raise and the stick to advance upward. This is one common stick feed device but other types could be employed.
While the character is shown fixed by adhesive, the character can be molded around a dispenser or attached by any other common joining material.
It is preferred that plush material be used but it could be a foam or plastic or a fabric in the shape of any animate, inanimate, object, or creature.
It is believed that the construction, operation and advantages of this invention will be apparent to those skilled in the art. It is to be understood that the present disclosure is illustrative only and that changes, variations, substitutions, modifications and equivalents will be readily apparent to one skilled in the art and that such may be made without departing from the spirit of the invention as defined by the following claims.