Resampling technology is becoming increasingly critical, as different frequency components are required to be measured in one device.
A resampling algorithm based on window function method is described which can satisfy the requirements of different sampling rates. The frequency responses of the filter in the resampling model based on the Farrow structure are analyzed, and the design criterion of the filter in resampling model is considered. A fractional delay filter design model based on window function method is described. A fractional delay filter matrix, which is expressed by polynomial form, is constructed. Then the expression related to subfilter coefficients is obtained and subfilter coefficients are solved for by the least square method. The simulation results reveal that the presented method can flexibly adjust the frequency responses of the filter compared with the existing design methods, ensuring that frequency aliasing does not occur during resampling. The presented model can design the expected filter, the frequency responses of which change with the sampling rate and the delay. Therefore, the presented algorithm meets the conditions for application to existing measurement devices.
In order to facilitate a fuller understanding of the present invention, reference is now made to the attached drawings. The drawings should not be construed as limiting the present invention, but are intended only to illustrate different aspects and embodiments of the invention.
Exemplary embodiments of the invention will now be described in order to illustrate various features of the invention. The embodiments described herein are not intended to be limiting as to the scope of the invention, but rather are intended to provide examples of the components, use, and operation of the invention.
With the increasing development of renewables and DC transmission, a large number of electronic devices are applied to power systems, which complicate the calculation of the electrical quantity. Therefore, the measurement devices are required to monitor the components within a wide frequency bandwidth, instead of just the fundamental one, such as the broadband frequency measurement devices in China and the Universal Grid Analyzer in the United States. Taking the broadband frequency measurement device as an example, besides the fundamental component, it needs to measure harmonics up to 50th order and inter-harmonics from 0 to 300 Hz.
To measure the signals distributed within such a wide range, it is necessary to use different sampling frequencies for the calculation of different frequency components to decrease the computational burden. Therefore, the resampling process after the original sampling is critical. The resampling algorithm applied in the measurement devices requires the function of arbitrary sampling rate conversion and the prevention of frequency aliasing. In recent decades, certain resampling technologies have been widely used in radio, audio, digital signal processing, asynchronous sampling, and frequency estimation, among others.
The existing methods for the implementation of resampling algorithms can be categorized into three types. The first is a direct method of decimation, interpolation and combination, the second is based on a polyphase filter structure, and the third is based on polynomial interpolation. The first method is simple. However, once the sampling rate is changed, the filter needs to be redesigned; therefore, this method has poor flexibility. The second method uses a polyphase filter-bank to achieve synchronization and interpolation. The polyphase filter structure needs to design multiple different filter units to achieve the parallel filtering function. Compared with the first method, it can realize arbitrary rational sampling rate conversion; however, it requires multiple filter units, which creates a large calculational burden.
The principle of the third type of method is to implement interpolation via polynomial function, which can be further divided into Lagrange polynomials, spline interpolation polynomials and methods based on Farrow structure. The filters designed based on the Lagrange and spline interpolation polynomials have stable magnitude responses in the low-frequency band, but poor magnitude responses in the high-frequency band; thus, the performance of these filters is not great. An interpolation filter has been proposed, the impulse response of which is composed of a piecewise polynomial form that has good flexibility. When resampling by this method, the Farrow structure subfilter coefficients do not need to be changed, and the interpolation filter coefficients can be calculated according to different fractional delay parameters. This method can achieve efficient calculation and arbitrary sampling rate conversion, and has low calculational burden.
The key to design the Farrow structure interpolation filter is the determination of the subfilter coefficients. The existing coefficients design methods include weighted least squares (WLS), minimax methods, and intelligent algorithms. Among them, intelligent algorithms represented by particle swarm optimization (PSO) are only applicable to the cases of low-dimension coefficients; when the dimension of coefficients is high, the algorithm cannot be further optimized. The minimax method and WLS method are both designed to minimize the design error. During the design process, the matrix inversion and integration operations increase the calculation complexity, resulting in a long design time and the complicated adjustment of weight parameters. In addition, a matrix-based conjugate gradient (CG) algorithm has been considered, and this method can effectively solve the problems of large amounts of calculation and weight adjustment in optimal algorithms. However, the focus of these methods is on the design of the filter in the passband range, and they do not consider the transition band or stopband. Therefore, whether the performance of the filters designed by these methods can meet the actual requirements needs to be further investigated.
In this disclosure, a resampling algorithm based on window function is described, which can realize arbitrary sampling rate conversion and adjust the filter characteristics according to the demand. According to the resampling model based on Farrow structure, the change principles of the filter characteristics are investigated, namely the larger the filter order, the shorter the frequency band in the spectrum, and the design criterion that requires the stopband cutoff frequency of the filter in the resampling model less than π is described. Then a method based on window function is described to obtain multiple fractional delay filter coefficients, subfilter coefficients matrix is solved by least square method, and the characteristics of window spectrum are described. Simulation results show that resampling based on the presented method can achieve arbitrary sampling rate conversion, and resampling satisfies the Nyquist theorem.
A. Principle of Resampling Based on Farrow Structure
The process of arbitrary sampling rate conversion can be viewed as first reconstructing the original signal with the sampling points, then resampling the reconstructed signal at the required time and sampling rate.
The expression of resampling sample y(kTr) is
where k is the number of resampling sequence, Tr is the resampling cycle, m is the number of sampling sequence, Ts is the sampling cycle, x(mTs) is the sampling sequence, ha(t) is the impulse response of the ideal analog low-pass filter, and ha(kTr−mTs) represents the sample of ha(t). Hence, the resampling result (1) can be considered the convolution of x(mTs) with the impulse response hd(m) of digital filter.
To ensure that frequency aliasing does not occur during resampling, the frequency responses Hd(ω) of the digital filter hd(m) should be
where ω is the normalized angular frequency and fr is the resampling frequency. However, it is impossible to realize the impulse response ha(t) of the ideal analog low-pass filter in practical applications.
Simple piecewise polynomials are generally used instead of the impulse response ha(t). Given the degree I of the polynomial and the length Δ, ha(t) can be divided into equal-length piecewise polynomials
where N is the number of polynomials and an(t) is the n-th segment polynomial. an(t) is expressed as
where c(n,i) is the i-th coefficient of the n-th segment polynomial, and t/Δ−0.5 is the polynomial variable with a range of [−0.5, 0.5]. After taking n=[t/Δ], and substituting (4) into (3),
where [⋅] indicates the largest integer not exceeding (⋅). Equation (5) is the expression of replacing ha(t) with piecewise polynomials.
After substituting (5) into (1) and taking Δ=Ts, the expression becomes
where pk is the delay between the input sample and the output sample. As pk has nothing to do with m, (6) can be simplified to
where {tilde over (x)}i(mTr) is the representation of the sum of x(mTs) and c([kTr−mTs)/Ts,i]). Equation (7) can be implemented by the Farrow structure.
After substituting (5) into (1) and taking Δ=Tr, the expression becomes
As pm is associated with m, (8) can be simplified to
where {tilde over (x)}i(mTs) is the representation of the sum of x(mTs) and pmi. Equation (9) can be implemented by the Transposed Farrow structure. Equations (6) and (8) can both be denoted as the resampling model based on Farrow structure. Because the segment length is different, the filter in (6) has better de-mirror properties, and (6) is suitable for interpolation. The filter in (8) has relatively better de-aliasing properties, and (8) is suitable for decimation. In Farrow structure, c(n,i) are called the subfilter coefficients.
Because there are delay variables pk and pm in (6) and (8), the group delay responses of the filter in the resampling model can be changed with adjustable delay.
In resampling models (6) and (8), the key is to determine the subfilter coefficients c(n,i). Additionally, to ensure that resampling meets the Nyquist theorem, the digital filtering fitted by c(n,i) is required to filter out signals above fr/2.
B. Frequency Responses Analysis of the Filter in Resampling Model
Because the resampling model must have the function of arbitrary sampling rate conversion, the frequency responses of the filter in the model should change with the resampling frequency fr as shown in (2).
Because (3) specifies the range of t in hd(t), the range of m in (1) is specified correspondingly as
0≤kTr−mTs≤NΔ, (10)
and the following can be obtained:
As m is an integer, the order K of the digital filter is determined as
K=[NΔ/Ts]−1. (12)
When Δ=Ts, K is a fixed value. Equation (6) is suitable for interpolation, that is, the case in which Ts≥Tr. If the digital filter satisfies (2) when Ts=Tr, then resampling can satisfy the Nyquist theorem when Ts>Tr.
When Δ=Tr, K varies with Tr/Ts. Equation (8) is suitable for decimation, that is, the case in which Ts≤Tr. If Ts is specified as a fixed value, then the frequency responses of the filter need to change with Tr to satisfy (2). Therefore, the frequency responses of the filter in (8) are analyzed as follows.
According to (5), hp(n) is defined as the impulse response of the digital filter corresponding to ha(t). hp(n) can be simply expressed as
Because the group delay responses of hp(h) vary with delay p, (13) represents the impulse response of variable fractional delay (VFD) filter. When p is fixed, hp(n) is the impulse response of a fractional delay (FD) filter.
Equation (1) shows that hp(h) can be regarded as the result of sampling ha(t). Take the sampling period as T1, then
To determine the relationship between hp(n) and ha(t) in the frequency domain, an ideal sample signal ha′(t) is introduced. The expression of ha′(t) is
where δ(t) is the impulse function. Take the Fourier transforms corresponding to ha(t), hp(n), and ha′(t) as Ha(Ω), Hp(ω) and Ha′(Ω), there are
where Ω is the analog angular frequency, Ω=ωT1. Therefore, the relationship between Hp(ω) and Ha′(Ω) is
Hp(ω)=Ha′(Ω). (18)
The relationship between Ha′(Ω) and Ha(Ω) is
where FT[⋅] is Fourier transform. By combining (18) and (19), the relationship between Hp(ω) and Ha(Ω) is obtained:
Equation (20) shows that Hp(ω) is obtained by expanding Ha(Ω) by T1 times, multiplying it by 1/T1, and then shifting it by 2πn/T1.
To reflect the frequency domain characteristics of filters with different orders, another sampling period T2 (T2>T1) is used to sample ha(t) to obtain hp′(n′). Its Fourier transform form is Hp′(ω′). According to (20), the expression of Hp′(ω′) is
where ω′=ΩT2. By taking D=T2/T1, then ω′=Dω. By contrasting (20) and (21), it can be found that the larger the sampling period, the wider the frequency band.
According to (20) and
Thus, the design criterion requires that in resampling models (6) and (8), the stopband cutoff frequency φs of the filter should be ωs<π when Ts=Tr, then for cases in which Tr≠Ts, frequency aliasing does not occur in resampling. Therefore, for the determination of the subfilter coefficients c(n,i) in (6) and (8), only the situation in which Ts=Tr needs to be considered.
The key to the resampling model is the solution of the subfilter coefficients. In this section, a method based on window function is described to design subfilter coefficients. To ensure the characteristics of the filter, the window function is then discussed.
A. The Solution of Subfilter Coefficients in Farrow Structure
The analysis in the previous section demonstrated that the design of the subfilter coefficients only needs to consider the case in which Ts=Tr in the resampling model; therefore, the filter order is specified as N. The frequency response corresponding to hp(n) is
According to the requirement of (2), the desired variable frequency response is
Ha(ω,p)=e−jω((N−1)/2+p), ω∈[0,ππ], (23)
where 0<α<1, [0, απ] is the passband of the filter. The traditional methods for the design of the subfilter coefficients c(n,i) are taking c(n,i) as variable, and taking the difference between Hp(ω, p) and Hd(ω, p) as the objective function. The objective function is then optimized, and the coefficients are finally solved. Hence, the traditional methods only focus on the difference of the passband without considering the stopband, and there are defects in these methods.
Unlike traditional methods, subfilter coefficients are designed from the perspective of designing fractional delay filter in advance. In this disclosure, the window function method is used to design a fractional delay filter. The expression of designing the impulse response of the linear-phase FIR filter via window function method is
hl(n)=hd(n)·w(n), 0≤n≤N−1, (24)
where w(n) is a sequence of the window function of length N, Kaiser window is selected in this disclosure, and hd(n) is the impulse response of the ideal low-pass digital filter. The expression of hd(n) is
where τ and ωc are the group delay and the cutoff frequency of the ideal low-pass digital filter. The relationship between ωc, the passband cutoff frequency ωp and the stopband cutoff frequency ωs of the designed filter is
ωc=(ωp+ωs)/2 (26)
Thus, ωc can indirectly determine cos. The group delay z of the filter obtained by (24) which can be considered a fractional delay filter without delay, is (N−1)/2. To determine the impulse response hp(n) of the fractional delay filter, the sequence n is shifted by −p. Equation (24) then becomes
hp(n)=hd(n−p)·w(n−p), 0≤n≤N−1. (27)
Equation (27) can be seen as the group delay τ of hl(n) shifted by p. Therefore, the group delay of the obtained fractional delay filter is τ+p, and hp(n) is the impulse response of a fractional delay filter with a delay of p. The fractional delay filter obtained by window function method can be regarded as a result in which the magnitude responses of the FIR linear phase filter are unchanged, but the group delay responses are shifted.
Because the fractional delay filter can be designed in advance, it is much easier to design the subfilter coefficients c(n,i). In the interval [−0.5,0.5], take multiple values as p as follows:
p=−0.5+bδ −0.5≤p≤0.5, (28)
where δ is an interval and b is an integer. Substitute p into (27) to obtain multiple fractional delay filter coefficients. A fractional delay filter coefficients matrix can then be constructed:
where hp
Then (30) can be simply to be
H=PC. (31)
Equation (31) can then be used to solve C by least square method as follows:
C=(PTP)−1PTH. (32)
By substituting the transpose of the solution result CT into (6) or (8), the entire model can be completely established.
B. The Window Function Selection
Equation (27) shows that, during the process of designing hp(n), the window function w(n) can be adjusted to change hp(n). The window function can determine the difference between (22) and (23), and adjust the stopband attenuation of the designed filter. Therefore, the anti-aliasing effect of the designed filter is affected by the window function.
Different window functions have different truncation effects. Taking the Hanning and Blackman window as an example, there will be a slightly large leakage factor when truncating; thus, it is difficult to ensure the passband stability of the designed filter. As Kaiser window can adjust its frequency responses by modifying its parameters, Kaiser window with strong adaptability for design is selected in this disclosure.
The expression of the Kaiser window in the time domain is
where I0(⋅) is the zeroth-order modified Bessel function and β is an optional parameter. I0(⋅) can be computed as
This infinite series is usually approximated by the sum of the first 25 terms. In (33), the characteristics of Kaiser window are different for different β, and β can be determined by the desired stopband attenuation As.
Given As and the order of Kaiser window N, the transition bandwidth of the filter Δω can be calculated as
Taking N=67 as an example, the leakage factor, relative sidelobe attenuation and mainlobe width of Kaiser window spectrum for different β are calculated, and the results are exhibited in Table I.
It can be found that when β is small, there will be leakage factors in the window spectrum. The larger the β, the larger the sidelobe attenuation and mainlobe width of the window spectrum. When β is sufficiently large, the passband of the designed filter becomes narrower. Thus, Kaiser window can design different frequency responses according to the required stopband attenuation and transition bandwidth.
C. Exemplary Flowchart
In step 310, a fractional delay filter design model based on window function is established. In particular, the expression of designing the impulse response of the linear-phase FIR filter via window function method is
hl(n)=hd(n)·w(n), 0≤n≤N−1, (37)
where w(n) is a sequence of the window function of length N, Kaiser window is selected in this disclosure, and hd(n) is the impulse response of the ideal low-pass digital filter. The expression of hd(n) is
where τ and ωc are the group delay and the cutoff frequency of the ideal low-pass digital filter. The relationship between ωc, the passband cutoff frequency ωp and the stopband cutoff frequency ωs of the designed filter is
ωc=(ωp+ωs)/2. (39)
Thus, ωc can indirectly determine ωs. The group delay τ of the filter obtained by (24) which can be considered a fractional delay filter without delay, is (N−1)/2. To determine the impulse response hp(n) of the fractional delay filter, the sequence n is shifted by −p. Equation (24) then becomes
hp(n)=hd(n−p)·w(n−p), 0≤n≤N−1. (40)
Equation (27) can be seen as the group delay τ of hl(n) shifted by p. Therefore, the group delay of the obtained fractional delay filter is τ+p, and hp(n) is the impulse response of a fractional delay filter with a delay of p.
In step 320, according to the model, fractional delay filter coefficients with different group delay responses are designed, and a filter coefficients matrix is established. In particular, because the fractional delay filter can be designed in advance, it is much easier to design the subfilter coefficients c(n,i). In the interval [−0.5,0.5], take multiple values asp as follows:
p=−0.5+bδ −0.55≤p≤0.5, (41)
where δ is an interval and b is an integer. Substitute p into (27) to obtain multiple fractional delay filter coefficients. A fractional delay filter coefficients matrix can then be constructed:
where hp
Next, in step 330, the polynomial form of the filter coefficients matrix is established, and subfilter coefficients are solved by least square method. In particular, by combining (29) and (13), the coefficients matrix can be expressed in polynomial form:
Then (30) can be simply to be
H=P□C. (44)
Equation (31) can then be used to solve C by least square method as follows:
C=(PTP)−1PTH. (45)
The solution will provide the values for the coefficient matrix.
Next, in step 340, the coefficients solved in step 330 can be used to complete the resampling model. In particular, the coefficients can be substituted in equations (6) or (8). Equation (6) is:
where pk is the delay between the input sample and the output sample. As pk has nothing to do with m, (6) can be simplified to
where {tilde over (x)}i(mTr) is the representation of the sum of x(mTs) and c([kTr−mTs)/Ts,i]). Equation (7) can be implemented by the Farrow structure.
Equation (8) is:
As pm is associated with m, (8) can be simplified to
where {tilde over (x)}i(mTs) is the representation of the sum of x(mTs) and pm′. Equation (9) can be implemented by the Transposed Farrow structure. Equations (6) and (8) can both be denoted as the resampling model based on Farrow structure.
Next, the resampling algorithm based on window function can be used by a broadband frequency measurement device to realize different sampling rate conversions, and provide conditions for the measurement of different frequency components. In addition, the proposed algorithm can flexibly adjust the cutoff frequency of the filter and the window function parameter to prevent interference components in the signals.
A. Comparison with Existing Optimal Design Methods without Considering Frequency Aliasing
Because the characteristics of the filter reflect the applicability of resampling, the VFD filter is designed in this example to reflect the design effect of the presented algorithm. Additionally, the presented algorithm is compared with other algorithms under the same conditions. One such algorithm is called WLS and another is called CG. The parameters are set as N=67, I=7, α=0.9π, β=10.5, ωc=π and δ=0.05. To evaluate the accuracy of the designed VFD filter, some evaluation criteria need to be defined.
(1) The Normalized Error:
ε2 reflects the overall magnitude error of the filter passband.
(2) The Maximum Magnitude Error:
ε∞=20 log10(max {|Hp(ω,p)−Hd(ω,p)|,ω∈[0,απ],p∈[−0.5,0.5]}), (51)
ε∞ reflects the maximum magnitude error of the filter passband.
(3) The Maximum Group-Delay Error:
εg=max {|τ(ω,p)−p|,ω∈[0,απ],p∈[−0.5,0.5]}, (52)
where p is the group delay of the desired VFD filter and εg reflects the maximum group delay error of the filter passband. Simulation tests based on the evaluation criteria are performed, and the design results of three methods are presented in Table II.
As can be seen from Table II, compared with other methods, the overall magnitude error ε2 of the presented method is smaller, but the maximum errors ε∞ and εg are larger.
It is evident from
When the designed filter is used in resampling model, it can only be used in the case in which Ts=Tr. To reflect the filter characteristics of the resampling model for other Tr, take Tr=2×Ts and according to (12), the filter order becomes 135.
It can be seen from
B. Comparison with Existing Optimal Design Methods Considering Frequency Aliasing
Because resampling in example A cannot satisfy the sampling theorem due to the high cutoff frequency, the passband and cutoff frequency of the filter are adjusted in this example, and the VFD filter is redesigned by three algorithms.
In this exemplary simulation, the parameters are set as N=67, I=7, α=0.9π, β=15, ωc=0.85π and δ=0.05. To reflect the filter stopband attenuation effect, a new evaluation criterion is defined:
εs=max {20 log10(|H(π,p)|,p∈[−0.5,0.5])}, (53)
εs reflects the suppression effect of the designed filter on signals near ω=π. The comparison results based on the evaluation criteria are presented in Table III.
The simulation results demonstrate that the method based on WLS cannot design the required filter. The reason for this is that when the passband is narrow, the error between the designed filter and the ideal filter is large, resulting in the failure to converge.
By comparing the four evaluation criteria, it can be found that the characteristics of the VFD filter designed by the proposed method are obviously better than those of the filter designed by CG method. εs reveals that CG method cannot effectively suppress signals around ω=π. In comparison, the proposed method can effectively control the stopband of the filter and adjust it according to the requirements.
As can be seen from
It can be seen from
Therefore, it can be concluded that the proposed method is more adaptable than the traditional optimal method, and the method can flexibly adjust Kaiser window parameter β and cutoff frequency ωc to meet the needs of practical applications.
C. Signal Processing with Resampling Model
To verify the effect of the resampling algorithm when applied to the broadband frequency measurement device, this example applies the designed subfilter coefficients in example B to resampling model (8), uses (8) to resample the signal at different sampling rates, and then analyzes the resampling results.
The original signal with harmonic and inter-harmonic components is considered, let
x(t)=√{square root over (2)}[57.73 cos(100πt)+5.773[cos(200πt)+cos(6190πt)]]. (54)
For the original signal x(t), sampling is performed at the sampling rate of fs=50 kHz. The sampling rate is then converted to fr, the resampling values are output by the resampling model, and the amplitudes of different frequency signals are finally analyzed by Fast Fourier Transform. The results are exhibited in Table IV.
As presented in Table IV, when fr=6 kHz, signals of −2905 Hz and 2905 Hz exist simultaneously in the design results by CG method, resulting in some interference signals after resampling. Compared with CG method, the presented method can effectively suppress the signals around 3000 Hz and prevent the appearance of interference signals. Additionally, the resampling model does not affect the low-frequency signals far away from fr/2, and the filter in the model suppresses the signals near fr/2.
It is also necessary to verify that the resampling has the function of eliminating the deviation of the non-synchronous sampling to achieve synchronous sampling. This example uses the resampling model (8) to sample signals with different delays, and the results are then analyzed.
The original signal with harmonics and delay is considered, let
where t−33.5−p is considered the group delay of the fractional delay filter. For the original signal x(t), sampling is performed at the sampling rate of fs=fr=50 kHz, and the initial phase angles of different frequency signals in the resampling results are analyzed by Fast Fourier Transform. In addition, the indicator pa is used to reflect the phase angle deviation caused by the lack of compensation for p, and the indicators pc and pw respectively represent the phase angle error compensated by the resampling models of CG algorithm and the proposed algorithm. The results are presented in Table V.
−6.1 × 10−10
−6.5 × 10−10
−6.1 × 10−10
−6.8 × 10−10
−6.5 × 10−10
The results in Table V demonstrate that the resampling model can compensate for different delays p. In contrast, the compensation effects of the two methods are similar.
Therefore, the method proposed in this disclosure has sound results in signal processing, and its function meets the conditions for application in broadband frequency measurement device.
This disclosure describes a resampling algorithm based on window function, that can provide conditions for different sampling rates required by existing measurement equipment to measure different component signals. The frequency responses of the filter in resampling model are revealed, and the design conditions of the filter are specified. Then a fractional delay filter design model based on window function is established. According to the model, fractional delay filter coefficients with different group delay responses are designed, and a filter coefficients matrix is established. The polynomial form of the filter coefficients matrix is established, and subfilter coefficients are solved by least square method. As verified by simulation tests, the proposed method can flexibly adjust the cutoff frequency of the filter and the window function parameter to prevent frequency aliasing. When the filter passband requirement is small, the presented method has a better effect than the existing methods. In addition, the presented algorithm can meet the requirements for sampling rate conversion and delay compensation, and can be applied to broadband frequency measurement devices.
Technical Implementation of the Server
The computer system 1000 typically includes a memory 1002, a secondary storage device 1004, and a processor 1006. The computer system 1000 may also include a plurality of processors 1006 and be configured as a plurality of, e.g., bladed servers, or other known server configurations. The computer system 1000 may also include a network connection device 1008, a display device 1010, and an input device 1012.
The memory 1002 may include RAM or similar types of memory, and it may store one or more applications for execution by processor 1006. Secondary storage device 1004 may include a hard disk drive, floppy disk drive, CD-ROM drive, or other types of non-volatile data storage. Processor 1006 executes the application(s), such as those described herein, which are stored in memory 1002 or secondary storage 1004, or received from the Internet or other network 1014. The processing by processor 1006 may be implemented in software, such as software modules, for execution by computers or other machines. These applications preferably include instructions executable to perform the system and subsystem component functions and methods described above and illustrated in the FIGS. herein. The applications preferably provide graphical user interfaces (GUIs) through which users may view and interact with subsystem components.
The computer system 1000 may store one or more database structures in the secondary storage 1004, for example, for storing and maintaining the information necessary to perform the above-described functions. Alternatively, such information may be in storage devices separate from these components.
Also, as noted, processor 1006 may execute one or more software applications to provide the functions described in this specification, specifically to execute and perform the steps and functions in the process flows described above. Such processes may be implemented in software, such as software modules, for execution by computers or other machines. The GUIs may be formatted, for example, as web pages in HyperText Markup Language (HTML), Extensible Markup Language (XML) or in any other suitable form for presentation on a display device depending upon applications used by users to interact with the computer system 1000.
The input device 1012 may include any device for entering information into the computer system 1000, such as a touch-screen, keyboard, mouse, cursor-control device, microphone, digital camera, video recorder or camcorder. The input and output device 1012 may be used to enter information into GUIs during performance of the methods described above. The display device 1010 may include any type of device for presenting visual information such as, for example, a computer monitor or flat-screen display (or mobile device screen). The display device 1010 may display the GUIs and/or output from sub-system components (or software).
Examples of the computer system 1000 include dedicated server computers, such as bladed servers, personal computers, laptop computers, notebook computers, palm top computers, network computers, mobile devices, or any processor-controlled device capable of executing a web browser or other type of application for interacting with the system.
Although only one computer system 1000 is shown in detail, system 1000 may use multiple computer systems or servers as necessary or desired to support the users and may also use back-up or redundant servers to prevent network downtime in the event of a failure of a particular server. In addition, although computer system 1000 is depicted with various components, one skilled in the art will appreciate that the system can contain additional or different components. In addition, although aspects of an implementation consistent with the above are described as being stored in a memory, one skilled in the art will appreciate that these aspects can also be stored on or read from other types of computer program products or computer-readable media, such as secondary storage devices, including hard disks, floppy disks, or CD-ROM; or other forms of RAM or ROM. The computer-readable media may include instructions for controlling the computer system 1000, to perform a particular method, such as methods described above.
The present disclosure is not to be limited in terms of the particular embodiments described in this application, which are intended as illustrations of various aspects. Many modifications and variations can be made without departing from its spirit and scope, as may be apparent. Functionally equivalent methods and apparatuses within the scope of the disclosure, in addition to those enumerated herein, may be apparent from the foregoing representative descriptions. Such modifications and variations are intended to fall within the scope of the appended representative claims. The present disclosure is to be limited only by the terms of the appended representative claims, along with the full scope of equivalents to which such representative claims are entitled. It is also to be understood that the terminology used herein is for the purpose of describing particular embodiments only, and is not intended to be limiting.
Number | Name | Date | Kind |
7203718 | Fu | Apr 2007 | B1 |
20130187694 | Joung | Jul 2013 | A1 |
20210111707 | Paquelet | Apr 2021 | A1 |
Entry |
Liu et al,“A Resampling Method Based on Filter Designed by Window Function Considering Frequency Aliasing”, IEEE, pp. 1018-5030. (Year: 2020). |
Number | Date | Country | |
Parent | PCT/CN2021/077673 | Feb 2021 | US |
Child | 17215945 | US |