This invention relates to wrapping a cardboard around an article or a bundle of articles to provide structural support to the article or bundle to prevent crushing of the article.
Packaging bundles on a pallets required placing the bundles in a box to prevent the bundles from being crushed during stacking. Using cardboard box increased the cost of the manufacturing. This created a need to provide a bundle to that was more resistant to crushing that be packaged on a pallet without the need for a cardboard box.
The use of cardboard inserts to provide structural integrity to a bundle was described in U.S. patent application Ser. No. 13/453,931 filed on Apr. 23, 2012. The inventor was Alain Cerf. This application is incorporated by reference in its entirety. U.S. Pat. No. 5,934,049 filed on Aug. 10, 1999 is incorporated by reference in its entirety.
One of the objectives of the invention is to resolve the problem of wrapping a bundle with cardboard without using glue to hold the cardboard flaps in place before wrapping the bundle with a heat shrink film. A bundle is defined a single article or a collection of articles. By eliminating the gluing of the cardboard, a heat shrink machine can operate at a faster speed. Another objective of the invention is to use two U shaped cardboard as described in the above application. This alleviates the problem associated with using a single large piece of cardboard to provide stacking support for a large bundle. Another objective is to use an insert where the bundle is placed on the insert and the flaps of the insert are pressed against the bundle. The objectives of this invention are achieved by restraining the flaps surrounding the bundle while traveling on a conveyor prior to film wrapping the bundle and heat shrinking the film.
An article or a bundle of articles 4 having a u shaped cardboard at each or end of the article or a cardboard insert that provides structural support to a bundle is placed on a dead plate 6 located substantially parallel to bucket conveyor 9. The plate is slightly above elements 10 and 11 and extends as close as possible to element 11 to facilitate the placement of the bundle in the buckets defined by elements 10 and 11.
A pusher 12 moves a collated bundle 4, having guides 14 to hold the flaps in place, on a plate 3 to an elevator 5. When the flying conveyors are substantially stopped or stopped, the elevator 5 lifts the collated bundle 4 through vertical transfer guides to substantially the same level as the dead plate 6 so that the bundle is between flying bars 7 and 8. The vertical transfer guides 15 maintain the flaps in a restrained position.
Flying bar 7 travels on flying bar conveyor 9. Flying bar 8 travels on flying bar conveyor 10. The position of the flying bars can be adjusted to accommodate the size of the bundle. After the bundle is placed between the flying bars 7 and 8, the flying conveyors begin to move causing flying bar 8 to push against the bundle. Fly bar 8 moves the bundle on the dead plate toward bucket package conveyor 16 while the fly bars 7 and 8 prevent the flaps from opening away from the bundle. The movement of fly bar conveyors is synchronized with the movement with the bucket conveyor 9. The bucket conveyor is moving at the same speed as the flying bar conveyors. The bundle is pushed off the dead plate by fly bar 8. Fly bar conveyors are arranged so that fly bars 7 and 8 guide the bundle off the dead plate into the bucket. When the flying bars 7 and 8 releases the bundle as the flying bars move up, the bucket conveyor stops and a bucket is positioned underneath the bundle to receive the bundle. Elements 10 and 11 which can be the sides of the bucket restrain the flaps of the bundle when the bundle rests in the bucket. Once the fly bars clear the height of the bundle, the flying bar conveyors stop and a new bundle on elevator 5 is inserted between fly bars 7 and 8. After the bundle is inserted between fly bars 7 and 8, the fly bar conveyors and bucket conveyor restart the cycle. If there is no product available to be placed in the bucket, only the bucket conveyor will move.
The heat shrink film 17 comes off roll 18 and is threaded so that film covers the bucket so that when the bundle is placed on the bucket, the bundle rests on the film. The film continues in a substantial vertical direction onto roll 21 so that the bundle can push against the plane of the film causing the film to wrap around the bundle. As the bundle passes the sealing bar 19, the sealing bar comes down and heat seals and cuts the film thereby presenting the next bundle a continuous plane of film for wrapping.