The current document has for object to generalize all closed compression chamber motor machines as a single motor machine and consequentially, as a single invention. It will be demonstrated, from the form point of view as well as their support methods point of view, that the motor machines existing before our work, as well as the ones already presented through these works, can all be understood in a unified way, to further allow the materialization of multiple variations which we will dictate the formation and combination rules. Amongst these machines, we'll note, for example, that understanding retro-rotary motor machines will allow the understanding of triangular engines, poly turbines, differential semi turbines, rotary cylinder machines, standard, Slinky, with peripheral cylinders and many more. The current invention's goal will be to demonstrate in a unified manner the principal machine types, mechanical support types of compressive parts and geometric types of compressive parts. Finally, we'll define certain particularities, such as the use of eccentric, polycammed and overlapping gears, as well as a few types of specific support balancing techniques and certain types of gas management possible by these types of machines.
With the current invention, we intend to show that all closed chamber motor machines, realized as a motor, compressor, pump, collecting machine, can be heard under a global and unique definition which allows, in a very general manner, to specify the function of compressive parts, in relation to the motor function.
We'll also show more abundantly that all motor parts of a motor machine can be controlled by a united mechanical corpus, and that all geometrical shapes of the compressive area, could be motivated correctly by the said mechanical corpus.
Through the current disclosure, we'll show consequentially the variation rules of this unified definition, and we'll show, once again, consequentially, that the former art of machines, such as piston and rotary engines, are but particular cases in this general definition.
For the purpose of this disclosure, we'll allow the intervention of both these types of machines, as well as a previously released set of patents and patent applications, of the said inventor, and to which a portion will be submitted firstly. As we'll see, the group of machines we could possibly achieve is of much larger potential, but will remain synthetic. The group of patents and patent applications of the said inventor, previous to the present one in question, is necessary to the proper understanding of the current invention. I'm submitting this list at the end of the current disclosure and separating these patent applications, in order of priority.
The group of applications taking the priority demand of the current and necessary to the proper exposition of the current are the following:
Brief Recapitulation of Basic Motor Machines, Previous to Our Own Work
By observing the previous works in motor machinery, and if we set aside reaction engines, we can further distinguish two main categories of motor machines, which we can designate in the further manner:
In a general manner, the machines in which compressive parts have an alternative rectilinear movement are machines in which the compressive parts are realized with the aid of cylindrical pistons, whereas the machines in which the compressive part movement is non-rectilinear are either paddle machines or multi-paddle machines, which we have already named paddle structured. On a final remark, we'll note that our differential type machines, in their most simple form, are realized with the help of paddles, these paddles having a perfectly circular motion, but corrected in speed, which will produce the motor action.
These two main types of machines are already known for their fundamental variants which are, for piston driven motor machines:
Our previous works have shoed that we could conceive in different manners the compressive parts of a piston driven engine, by inserting the pistons in what we have named a rotor cylinder (
In another manner, in our first works relative to motor machines—paddle machines in particular—we have demonstrated that we could produce machines in which the pistons were actually rocker arm pistons with alternative movement, mounted the machine's rotary core. (
Finally, in our most recent works, we have demonstrated that we could conceive a new generation of machines which we have named retrorotary, which the most elementary image was the triangular boomerang engine (
Always prior to the present situation, we have also made evident that the poly turbine machine types—which the first to have presented paddles organized in this paddle structured manner was Wilson (1978)—were birotary machines, which has allowed to demonstrate diverse, pertinent mechanisation methods of compressive parts, which have turned out to be greatly misunderstood in motorology (
Always prior to the present situation, we have demonstrated that the poly inductive methods allowed us to switch the compressive parts between each other, this time in their speed and not in the shape of their course, in such a manner as to realize compressions and dilatations necessary for combustion and expansion (
Finally, we have also shoed that the fundamental machines, as much post rotary, as retro rotary or even bi rotary, were but the most elementary generation of figures for each of these categories, for which we have given the formation rules of the relation of the number of sides which hold the paddles in relation to that of the sides of the cylinders (
Lastly, please note that we have named, once again, prior to the present context, many mechanical support methods of the compressive parts of these machines, methods which we have separated, as we will demonstrate here more specifically in methods by exterior observation and methods by interior observation.
We can itemize the methods already exposed in our previous patents and patent application in the following manner:
a) The methods exposed by ourselves beforehand, which are the following:
b) The methods already exposed by ourselves in our patent applications, specifically those holding a priority demand of the following manner, as well as the methods exposed currently which are the following:
The objectives of the current invention are, on one part, to show that by adding new technical solutions allowing support for the compressive parts of post, retro and bi rotary machines to those already elaborated by ourselves, before the current project, we'll obtain a complete mechanical corpus, which not only will allow the realization, by diverse mechanical means, of a same machine, but in addition, allow afterwards to support all types of compressive parts of all machines with closed compressive parts, whether they be paddle or piston.
The unification of the mechanical corpus will allow us not only to seize all the mechanization possibilities of the same machine, but also to show, in a unified manner, that all the possible variants of compressive parts of motor machines can be motivated by this same corpus, and to be considered as variants of a single and identical motor machine.
The specifications and generalizations divulged to the current demand will show even, from the mechanical point of view, that there is no fundamental difference between piston and paddle machines and that they both emerge from a same mechanical corpus and are for this reason unified under the general idea of a motor machine. Another objective of the current invention is to specify that this general idea of the machine will subdivide into different categories, which also divide into variants and so forth, forming a vast group of sub machines, all emerging from a single machine. One final idea of the current invention is to show that diverse realizations of compressive part types can be produced and mechanized always through the same mechanical corpus and can be, for these reasons, part of the current generalization and unification.
In fact, the objective of the current invention is to show that the compressive parts of all machines, whether they function by rotor cylinder, sliding paddle, poly rectilinear machines said Slikke, simple or poly cammed peripheral rectilinear machines, poly cammed semi turbine type machines, anti turbine type machines, central explosion machines, pure hybrid machines, poly rotary type machines, can all, since they can be supported by identical mechanical structures, can be considered poly inductive machines (
Similarly, machines issued from the composition or combination of these machines, act in the same manner, like for example, traction driven semi turbines and poly turbines, meta turbine type machines, poly inductive rotor cylinder, auto pumped machines, peripheral rotary machines (
Having showed the group of support methods of machines, the group of machines, the final object of the current invention will be evidently to show that all these support methods apply to all these machines, which guarantee the homogeneousness of the current not only of the current invention, but also from the group of works on our object of study.
Fundamental Differences Between Rectilinear Compressive Part Motor Machines and Non Rectilinear Compressive Part Machines
Lets note firsthand that what distinguishes and characterizes piston machines and paddle machines is in fact a geometric difference, the first characterized by a movement of the compressive part in a alternative and rectilinear manner and the second by a non rectilinear movement. After distinguishing this, it seems evident to mention the two following pertinent points:
The piston-type compressive part motor machine characterize themselves generally by an interstice between the piston and the crankpin or the eccentric of the crankshaft. The main function of this interstice, or ligatural part, is not only to unify mechanically these two parts but also to carry out the geometric correction between the dynamic rectiligno-alternative movement of the piston and the circular motion of the crankshaft. This part, which we'll name interstice or ligatural, is generally realized, in motors and compressors of the type, as a free rod form.
A second characteristic of these types of machines consist in which we could call the orientation of the compressive part is also free, mechanically speaking. In fact, the orientation of the piston is obtained by its insertion, inside the cylinder by a sliding manner. As for its positional aspect, it is partially assured by the sliding of the piston in the cylinder. In fact, without this sliding, the orientation and the positioning of the piston would be very much random in relation to the circular action of the crankshaft. The sliding action of the piston inside the cylinder then realizes, without undue friction, an essential participation of the mechanical movement, and which allows an appreciated economy of pieces, once built with a single piston. In fact, the possibility, in this type of machine, to equally partition the pressure of each side of the compressive area, the piston, has contributed to allow a simply real simply partial mechanization of it, which has allowed to minimize the number of fabrication pieces, in proportion to those machines in which we must assure the totality of the positional and orientation movement.
The non-rectilinear compressive part machines are generally characterized by the two following assertions;
In fact, the compressive parts of the non-rectilinear compressive part machines, being the paddles, are generally attached directly in a rotary manner to the eccentric of the crankshaft. This direct coupling has for main effect to deport the movement differences of the mechanical and compressive parts on the orientation aspect of the said parts, which by consequence, forces the realization of these machines with an irregular shaped cylinder, this form absorbing this difference in question.
To the contrary of what's happening in rectilinear compressive part machines, the actions of the extremeties of the paddles are irregular and unequal in relation to each other.
To adequately realize these machines we must, as a general rule, realize not only a positional control of the compressive part, but also an orientation control. This can be realized by using a cylinder as an internal eccentric. With concern to realize the machine without friction in the gasified areas, many mechanics can be, as we have demonstrated and which we will demonstrate once again, used with excellent results.
Base Definition
The two general groups of motor machines which we have briefly précised allows us to enounce here a base definition which will remain invariable not only for these two groups, but also for any motor machines with closed expansion chambers.
In fact, we can define a motor machine as being a machine having the property to transform a non-circular movement, or even circular yet irregular movement of the compressive parts, to a regular circular motion of the motor parts.
Given that the basic examples of this definition are in fact
We can determine two main classes of motor machines, according to whether they're driven by rectilinear action of compressive parts, being piston driven, or by semi-rotary action, being paddle or paddle structure driven. It is important to note that the preceding definition is not limited to these units of this past art, but is rather a general definition which will allow the correct designating, under a same designation, of all motor machines with closed cylinders.
Comprehension of the Definition
Such a definition implies that we have necessarily constructed a mechanical modification method of the irregular movement in form or in speed, of the regular rotation movement of the motor parts.
The base rule of all machines will remain the same. Therefore, in piston machines, standard and orbital type, the alternative rectilinear movement of the piston is transformed into circular movement. In another manner, in the case of said rotor cylinder machines, in which the pistons are vertical, horizontal, or horizontalo-peripherial, the rectilinear alternative movement of the piston is also in part circular and differentiates as well, of another manner of perfectly regular and circular movement of the crankshaft (
As we have stated, the particularity of piston machines is to produce a mechanical control of the piston which an important part is produced by the cylindrated parts. In fact, in these machines, the cylinder participates to the aspect of positional control and orientation control of the pistons, and this all by realizing a minimal level of friction, which cannot be the case in paddle machines. But, this doesn't prevent the base definition which has just been given, but simply allows us to understand the particular case of these machines, offering the possibility to realize them by passing by mechanical support methods that are exact and autonomous, without disastrous consequences. As we will see further, if we want to totally mechanically support the piston, and this without any cylindrical help, we'll see that the piston machines, of simple belonging, are in fact, machines requiring important technologies.
Base Mechanical Methods of Piston Machines
In the matter that relates to piston driven compressive part machines, we'll enounce that we can index six mechanical coupling methods to couple the irregular compression parts to the regular parts of motorization, and that we can name them in the following manner:
The most known of these methods is that which we have named “by linking free rod”. In conventional piston motors, a rod links the purely rectilinear alternative movements of the pistons to the circular movements of the crankshaft's crankpin (
In a second manner to realize the coupling of the differential movements of the pistons and of the crankshaft is realized by what we'll call the sliding correction (
In a third manner to realize the corrections of the two figure forms realized by the compressive parts and that of the crankshaft will be said to be by inflection. (
In a fourth manner to realize the adequate coupling of compressive parts to mechanical parts (
In this method, we'll mount on the crankpin of a crankshaft an eccentric mounted with an induction gear, this gear being coupled to a support gear, of internal type support, and twice it's size, the internal support being mounted firmly on the inside of the machine. This arrangement will allow to realize a movement perfectly rectilinear and alternative of the induction eccentric, to which will be connected the piston, or pistons. Another manner exists, said to be that of bi rotation. This method, which allows like the first, to control the positional aspect of the piston, doesn't allow the control of the orientation aspect, which still needs the runner through the cylinder (
A final method allows us to correct the differences of the movement between the action of the piston and the action of the crankshaft, which will be to allow the alternative oscillation of the cylinder in which works the piston (
Up to now, we have demonstrated;
These unifications and differentiations allow us, already at this stage to enounce many variants, specific according to the ligatural methods used, and if the geometry is more specific of their compressive parts, answer to the general definition which we have brought forwards at the beginning of this exposition.
We are now in measure to compose a first table. It is to be noted that we have placed an X on the units consisting of public property, to the furthest extent of our knowledge. These units aren't presented in such a manner as to conform to homogeneousness, but rather, they have been subtracted from our claims, of all presentation to which intellectual property in this matter.
Base Support Methods for Simple Paddle Machines
The following matters will have for goal to clarify the relation that the paddle type machines establish between the elements and by consequence that which distinguishes them geometrically from piston machines. The following argument must be held as being the foundation of our conception. In basic paddle machines, the ligatural methods such as the corrective rod are subtracted and consequentially, the compressive part, conceived as a paddle, is mounted with a very determined rotary coordination and directly on the crankpin of the crank shaft. Consequentially, a part of the differences between the movement of the crankshaft and that of the paddle is realized as a combination form of the paddle's rotation, in both positional and orientation manners.
Consequentially, since the cylinder absorbs, by it's specific form, in part the differences between the movement of the paddle and that of the crankshaft.
The two main combination methods between these elements are
a) The runner (
b) Mechanical induction, which the base method is mono induction (
The Runner
Like before, the runner can be used as a ligatural method of two movements of the compressive marts and motor parts of the machine.
It is noticeable that the ligatural methods presented in the first pages of this exposé, as for example the runner, are also applicable to paddle machines, which confirms the homogeneousness of all machines. However, even if paddle machines can accept ligatural methods, such as running parts, when they're produced for uses which don't require much effort, it remains that when machines realized in goal of an appreciable effort, we must aim to produce mechanics which assure a total control of the paddle, as much positional as orientation. The reason being, as we have already mentioned, that the opposite parts of the surfaces of compressive parts are submitted to different actions which cannot result of an equal push, as it is the case in piston machines.
Mechanical Induction
We demonstrate abundantly in the following exposé that many adequate support methods for the paddle machines' paddles are possible, and it forms a complete mechanical corpus, not only applicable to these machines, but to all motor machines.
For the moment, in this part of our expose, we will be sure to mention that the motor machine's paddles can be totally controlled and motivated as much positional as orientation, as it appears in the previous art of Wankle engines, or even in our triangular motors, being motivated by post rotary mono induction, and the second by retro rotary mono induction. These examples lead us directly to the focus of our next object, which will rest upon the general classes of paddle machines.
The General Geometric Classes of Paddle Machines
Simple paddle machine forms a) post rotary
As we have already mentioned, the paddle driven motor machines are specific by the direct attachment of the compressive parts to the motor parts, which leads to a swerving of the movement differentiations between the compressive parts and the mechanical parts towards the exterior of the system, and consequentially the obligation to realize these machines with irregular cylinders, reminiscent, although rounded, to base geometrical shapes.
The following explanations will have as goal to demonstrate that machines with non rectilinear compressive part movement, meaning paddle machines, can be differentiated and classified as retro rotary machines, post rotary machines or bi rotary machines depending on certain geometrical and mechanical criteria.
To ease the comprehension, we'll begin the exposition by the differences that we'll find firstly on a mechanical level during their realizations in their most elementary form, in other words, by the bias of a mechanic said to be by mono induction.
A first version of the post inductive type of motor machines, in which the compressive parts are supported by post rotary mono induction is given to us in the well known Rotary Engine, also known as the Wankle Engine, named after his inventor. In this type of machine, a triangular paddle, armed with an internal gear, is mounted on the crankshaft eccentric in such a way so that the paddle's gear, which we'll name induction gear be coupled to an external type gear, set up rigidly in the side of the machine and which we will name support gear.
Furthermore, in our relative works to triangular engines, said Boomerang engines, we have also emitted the possibility that these engines could be realized by a mono inductive method, comprising, as previously, of an induction gear and a support gear. However, we'll note a fundamental difference between these two types of mono induction by the types of gears used. In fact, in the Wankle engine, the induction gear is of internal type and the support gear is of external type, but in the Boomerang engine, the induction gear is of internal type and the support gear is internal (
We'll note that in the group of our works, we constantly use the expressions induction gears and support gears, these nomenclatures relating them as much as possible to their immediate functions, being for the first to induct the movement of the compressive part, and for the second, to serve as support to the action of the second. In our works on the mechanical structures allowing effective support of the paddles of our motor machines, we frequently use gears mounted in a planetary manner, in relation to a second type of gears which serve as a support point. In the group of our works, for a better comprehension, we name the gears fixed directly on the paddle and which lead it in its movement, the induction gears. These induction gears are supported in their movement by fixed gears which we'll name support gears. In addition, we'll refer to the lexicon which we have produced at the end of this disclosure.
Dynamico Mechanical Differences of Post and Retro Rotary Machines
Post Rotary Machines
As we have previously stated, the differences of the gear types used for the realization of the machines will have as consequence the creation of totally different and specific machine classes. We'll name a machine, post rotary machine once the action of the paddle, or the swabbed part, observed by an outside observer, acts in a post rotary sense, in other words, in the same direction of the rotation of the eccentric. (
From a fundamental mechanical point of view, in other words, mono inductive mechanics, this action, reduced, but in the same sense, is obtained, as we have seen, by using an external type support gear, and by coupling the said gear to the internal induction gear of the paddle.
Retro Rotary Machines
The triangular engine, also known as Boomerang, for the imagery that it realizes during the movement of its paddle, is the most representative of retro rotary engines. The geometric shape of this machine is rather known as being realized by a binary type paddle, turning in a cylinder for a quasi triangular shape. To obtain the movement of this motor machine, once realized in a mono inductive manner as well, we'll mount rotarily a paddle provided with an inductive gear on the crankshaft's eccentric, in such a manner that this induction gear is to be coupled to a support gear set up rigidly in the side of the engine. We have armed the paddle, this time being a paddle of binary form, of an external type gear.
In this type of machine, when mounted mono inductively, the type of gear to use is contrary to that of post rotary machines. In fact, in this type of machine, the support gear is of internal type whereas the induction gear is of external type. This coupling of the gears produces a strong retro rotation of the paddle. The produced result, which defines retro rotary machines in general, is that, when examined by an outside observer, the paddle of this type of machines realizes a rotation in the opposite direction of that of the crankshaft. This is why we call this type of machine, retro rotary machine.
We'll show further that in the current expose like transforming base shapes of machines, and in addition, by which methods we can come to support post rotary type machines by mechanical structures having to normally support retro rotary machines.
Bi Rotary Machines
A bi rotary machine defines itself as a machine in which the paddles or paddle structures are supported by post and retro rotary mechanics in combination.
The most relevant example of this type of machine is given to us by poly turbines. It is therefore important to mention that the poly turbines must be considered as bi rotary machines since, always from the outside observer point of view, the paddle is driven in part in the same direction of the motor part, and in part in the opposite direction (
We'll couple the first to an external type support gear, in such a manner as to realize a post rotation, and the second on an internal type support gear in a manner to realize a retro rotation. Two crank pins directly or indirectly connected to the induction gears receive two rods which in turn are at their extremity, connected one to the other. The resulting, during the rotation of the group, of the course realized by the attachment point will be a bi rotary course. If the induction gears and the support gears are realized by reason of one on two, the form realized will be elliptic, and consequentially, we could connect to this attachment point, if it is produced in a redoubled manner, the two opposite points of the paddle structure.
As we will demonstrate more abundantly in the current exposé, many other support methods are possible, and this first method is not the most mechanically simplified. We have however preferred to resent this one first, since by this juxtaposed and contrary double mono induction, we can more easily put in focus the bi rotary aspect of the mechanic. From the point of view of an outside observer, one of the two secondary crankshaft's crankpins acts in the direction of the paddle, and the second acts 'in the opposite direction.
The inventor of the first types of pistonnated parts, which we have named poly turbines, was Wilson (1978), who didn't have a conscience of differences between post, retro and bi rotary mechanical structures, and this is why he was stubborn in realizing the first mechanical version support methods for these engines, which are by nature bi mechanical, thinking that their nature was simply post mechanical. The result was an incapacity to realize the anticipated cylinder forms, a large amount of parts and pieces, negative or even ridiculous couplings, and in addition, a large amount of friction between the parts.
It would be too tiresome to comment totally the realization difficulties that the inventor had to surpass.
We'll simply simplify the proposition by stating that this type of machine is, by nature a bi rotary engine, in other words, in which the form obtained is realized by the contest of two types of rotation. This is also the case, at the limit, of piston engines, when we preoccupy ourselves with but the positional aspect of the piston. These motors, which become rectilinear rod engines, constitute the limit figure between bi rotary and retro rotary figures.
We could conclude, from a mechanical point of view, the fundamental differences between motor machines said to be post rotary, retro rotary and bi rotary, in which the first define themselves as machines in which the paddle has it's orientation course in the same direction as it's positional course, or even in the same direction of that of it's eccentric, whereas inversely, retro rotary machines define themselves as machines in which the paddle's orientation course is in opposite direction of it's positional course, or even in opposite direction of the crank pin or support eccentric. As for bi rotary machines, as they use a combination of both mechanics, the paddle, or paddle structure of this machine is, at the same time, in the same direction and in the opposite of its support mechanic.
Geometric differences Between These Types of Machines
We'll construct more intuitively an idea of the matter which follows by imagining the paddles of post and retro rotary machines as planetary objects of a support mechanic, the first turning in the sense of the mechanic, and the second in the opposite. This will help us grasp intuitively that the form of these paddles are not round, but binary, triangular, or other, but the resulting form will be totally different depending on the direction or the counter direction of its rotation.
This leads us to define a second fundamental difference between these three types of machines, which is rather geometrical. We have determined in a precise manner these differences by what we have named the rule of determination of the relations of the number of sides of the paddles in relation to that of the machines (
In fact, we'll observe that, in the post rotary class of machines, the number of paddle sides is always superior to that of the cylinder (
As for differential semi turbines, the number of their paddles is completely variable (
Generalizations of Geometric Considerations
We have presented, up to now, the three main types of poly inductive machines and how to differentiate them with ease.
The following matters will have as goal to demonstrate that the already exposed machines are not isolated machines, but rather machines comprising a part within a series of machines which we could name the post rotary, retro rotary and bi rotary series.
In our previous patent applications, we have demonstrated that post rotary series are definable, other than their aspects relate to the direction of the rotation of the paddle and the crank shaft, as geometric figures obeying to the rule of which number of paddle sides is always superior to that of their cylinder (
We can now observe that triangular paddle engines are not isolated machines, but rather elements of a more general machine class.
The side determination rule demonstrates, this time from the geometric point of view, the main difference, not only with triangular engines, but also retro rotary engines in general towards post and bi rotary engines. In fact, as we have done before, we can conclude that this rule will produce more units of this machine type. For all these machines the rule, that the number of paddle sides is always inferior by one to that of the cylinder, remains invariable. For example, for a hypothetical one sided paddle, the cylinder will have two sides, understood as two arcs folded as a quasi circle. For a two sided paddle, we have seen a three sided environment, which is the geometry of the triangular Boomerang engine. As we have done previously, we can follow up by saying that a three sided paddle can saunter in a four sided cylinder, which, we'll remark, is much different of the cylindrical environment of a post rotary. We can realize with a retro rotary machine with triangular paddle twice as much explosion by rotation than for a post rotary triangular paddle machine (
A four sided paddle will turn in a cylindrical universe of five sides, and so forth.
Finally, we have also showed the generalizations of geometric ratios of paddle structure engines, in other words, poly turbine type rotary machines. In these machines, the number of paddle sides is always twice as much as the sides of the cylinder.
The limit figure is the rectilinear engine, in which the number of sides is of one and two. The four sided paddle structured poly turbine is the most probable though. It is realizable in a two sided cylindrical universe, of almost elliptical proportions. The six sided paddle structure is realizable in a quasi triangular cylindrical universe and so forth. During the determination of the machines, we hold a supplemental determination factor. In fact, starting from this rule, we'll understand better that a machine, with a triangular paddle for example, could be totally different, and even contrary, depending on the type of mechanic used and depending on which type of cylinder geometry is used (
Thus, in addition to the mechanical differences relative to the direction of turning of the paddles and crankshafts, the ratio of sides of the paddle and cylinder are of a great importance to demonstrate the nature of a given type of machine.
We must additionally note a final type of difference, issued from these last, which will be that of the coupling. In fact, we can note that in these machines, since the crankshaft acts in opposite direction of the paddle, retro rotary machines, whereas the parts act in the same direction for post rotary machines, the high dead time will but much more restraint in retro rotary machines than in piston machines and post rotary (
The Two Main Exterior Support Methods of Compressive Parts
As we have previously mentioned, in that which relates to paddle machines, we can identify two large base paddle support methods, according to whether they are by runner or by a purely mechanical support method. The obvious deprivation of support methods including runners is that of friction, not only on the pieces or the runner and the runner, but also, in the case of paddle machines, on the surface of the cylinder, serving as both a cylinder as well as the eccentric support for the alternatively rectilinear action of the paddle.
This is why we have developed many support methods of the compressive parts, purely mechanically, in other words, allowing a paddle action completely independent mechanically from the surface of the cylinder.
Exterior Examiner and Interior Examiner
As we have previously demonstrated, we can determine the rotary type more easily, by stating, from an exterior examiner's point of view, the relation of the direction of the rotation of the paddles and mechanical parts supporting them and directing them. Wheras the post rotary machines, the paddles go, although at a somewhat reduced speed, in the same direction as the mechanical parts, in the retro rotary machine types, the paddles move, as we have demonstrated, in the opposite direction of mechanical parts supporting them; in the bi rotary type of engine, the support mechanics of the paddle structures are distributed between these two support types, being the origin of the name's meaning
We can index into two the support mechanics allowing to mechanically realize the observations resulting of this exterior observation.
Mono Inductive Method
The mono inductive mechanic, which we have commented previously, is currently used in Wankle engines. But on the other hand, as previously exposed, by changing the induction and support gears' types, we can realize totally different machines with this method, retro actively used. We'll find in our previously released patent applications, the retro rotary actualizations, in which they result, of which is the Boomerang engine (
Poly Inductive Method
In our patent, titled Poly induction engine, we have also demonstrated that we could obtain much better performances, as much relatively to the coupling to the material resistance of the engine by using a method by which the paddle was doubly supported.
The base idea of this method consists of demonstrating and determining that the course of points situated between the corners of the paddles and its center realizes a double arc form, in the direction of the cylinder, whereas the course of points located between the middle of each side of the paddle and the center followed a course, also as a double arc, but this time, this form being vertically realized (
It would be cautious to consult our previous patents and patent applications to this effect. For the current circumstances, it is only necessary to recapitulate and to pursue the comprehension of which this method is also a method issued from the observation of on observer situated outside the machine. In fact, even in this method, we see very clearly that once applied to a post inductive machine, this method allows to realize, in said post inductive machines, a post rotary movement of the gears and induction cams, whereas in the retro rotary machines, the gears and induction eccentrics are lead retroactively in the direction of the paddle (
Methods Issued From the Observation of an Interior Observer
As we will demonstrate more abundantly further, the location of observation of elements allows us to modify totally the idea which we have made links between the elements and allow us, in direct deduction, to realize different support mechanics and for many, even more pertinent and general. To be more precise, at hand are mechanization methods issued from the observation of an interior examine, positioned on the crankshaft of the machine, a method which we will name relative mechanization methods, in comparison to the first, which we will call absolute mechanization methods.
In our previous works, and even in the current disclosure, we have displayed and we will showcase a group of part support methods for post retro and bi rotary machines, which we could classify in the following manner, in which the first part is issued from our previous works and the second being issued from our current works:
First part, our previous works
Second part, being the current work
It is understood that we have not created these methods one after the other. But, after having put many forwards, we have finally understood the essential difference of these methods as a whole, in comparison to the two previously exposed methods. This difference, contrarily to those already exposed, is in the fact that these methods seem to have in common to all run from the observation of the course of the elements, realized by an interior observer, more specifically, situated on the paddle or crankshaft.
In fact, whether it be in a post rotary machine, or in a retro rotary machine, when we observe the movement of the paddle from a location situated on the crankshaft, we'll observe that, in all cases, the paddle realizes a movement opposite to that of the crankshaft, and that which characterizes, from this point of view, the retro rotary machines and post rotary, is a difference of degree, in other words, simply, a difference of the speed of the retro rotation of the paddle in relation to the crankshaft in a post rotary machine, and the rotation of the paddle in relation to the crankshaft in a post rotary machine (
What distinguishes itself in this statement is of the greatest importance and can be summed up as the two ideas which follow. Firstly, in the previous methods, issued from exterior observation, it would appear as though each of the elements, crankshaft and paddle synchronize themselves with the side of the machine, and as if this synchronization resulted in the desired movement of the paddle. In fact, we'll note in both these methods that the crankshaft doesn't have any effect on orientation with the paddle. In the methods issued from interior observation, since we'll always observe the retro rotation of the paddle in relation to that of the crankshaft, we'll attempt to organize these two movements one in relation to the other, even if we must continue to do so indirectly. In fact, we'll be able to organize the govern not as the first mechanics did, by coordinating the two movements of the paddle and the crankshaft from a same point of the machine, but rather as by coordinating the whole, piece by piece, by intermediate of a point of the machine, of the aspects, not only the position, but also the orientation of the crankshaft and the paddle.
A second statement emanates also from these demonstrations and is demonstrates that these mechanical support methods which will be issued from the observation said by interior, will be applicable as much to retro rotary machines, than post rotary, the differences between them remain geometric, and must simply be calibrated on the mechanical level.
In Depth Description of Each of These Methods
As we have mentioned, some of these methods have already been commented in our previous works, and others are original to priority demands of the current disclosure as well as the current disclosure itself.
However, much like in the current disclosure, we will also show that we can combine them between each other to obtain new types of cylinders for a same machine, or even for new machine types. It is important for us to recapitulate all, independently from the fact that have, or have not been previously disclosed. This is why we will produce here an extensive precis of them, taking caution to note, for previously disclosed methods, the patents and patent applications from which they originated.
Semi Transmission Method
The most obvious example of this coordination is given in the method by semi transmission, which we have amply commented in our previous works.
In this support method (
It is therefore important to draw a first conclusion from the preceding assertion, as well as the first application method, which we will be able to formulate that, when using the same methods, including, contrarily to the first, the same support and induction gears, could be used in retro and post rotary machines, since we'll simply need to calibrate the gears in such a way as to diminish or increase at this point the retro rotation speed of the paddle in relation to that of the crankshaft, in such a manner so that for an exterior observer, we'll conserve the premises of the first methods, to know the opposite movements, or in the same direction of the paddle and crankshaft which oppose these types of machine.
This statement is also one of the most important since it allows, by realizing motor machine supports with retro rotary prominence methods, to realize, retro rotary machine qualities in post rotary machines, and oppositely, to realize post rotary machine qualities, which we have demonstrated more in detail in our works relative to hoop gear support methods.
Hoop Gear Method
The hoop gear method has also been disclosed in our previous works, and the current has for main objective to specify that its application covers post, retro and bi rotary machine groups.
In this type of support mechanic (
The hoop gear is mounted in a rotary manner on the crankshaft's sleeve in such a way to couple indirectly the support and induction gears. The movement of the crankshaft leads the retro rotation of the hoop gear, the retro rotation which is transmitted, by it's exterior face, to the induction gear and to the paddle. This method assures extreme paddle fluidity, and will have as main quality to allow an attack of the paddle, provided with an external type induction gear, from the exterior, from the top. This will considerably limit the after effects, neutralizing the power of the engine, when mounted in a conventional manner.
By Hoop Gear to Anterior Coupling
The method said by hoop gear to anterior coupling is a method similar to the method said by hoop gear, but which the particularity is that the hoop gear doesn't command directly the paddle's gears. In this method (
In the current case, the set up of the axe supporting the linking support gears will be in part located between the center of the paddle and the center of the crankshaft, and consequentially the paddle will be attacked by its anterior side, which is where the term anterior coupling has been derived from.
By Hoop Gear to Posterior Coupling
The method by hoop gear to posterior coupling is a method similar to the previous method, except that in what concerns the support axe of the linking gears is in part prolonged to the exterior of the crankshaft (
Method by Internal Juxtaposed Gears
The method by internal juxtaposed gears, which we will find the extensive commentary in our patent applications annexed, consists to set up rigidly, in the side of the machine, an internal type gear (
We'll then set up on this eccentric a gear, or a group of linking gears, the support axe of this gear being connected rigidly to the eccentric, being the gear. This linking gear will be in part coupled to a support gear as well as to the paddle's induction gear. The paddle, provided this time around, with an internal type gear, will be mounted in a rotary manner on this eccentric, in such a way so that it's gear is coupled to one of the linking gears.
Method by Internal Superposed Gears
In the method by internal superposed gears (
The paddle is mounted in a rotary manner on the crankshaft's crankpin, and is provided with an internal gear, connected by its closest part to the center of the machine to the linking gear.
Internal Gear Method
In this set up method, we make obvious that the double post rotation of the elements results in a retro rotation of the compressive part. The retro rotation, , as we have already shown, is in relation the crankshaft always present in machines post retro and bi rotary.
In this method (
We see very clearly that the post rotation of the crankshaft will lead to the post rotation of the intermediate gear, which in turn, leads the retro rotation of the paddle's orientation. As we have already pointed out, wince this method puts in perspective the paddle and the crankshaft, and is issued from an interior observation, it applies itself as well to post retro or bi rotary machines, depending on the stressing of the retro speed which we have produced on the paddle by the calibrating of the gears.
Method by Intermediate Hoop Gear
The method said by intermediate hoop gear (
Spur Gear Method
In this method, as is in the preceding method, we set up in the machine a support gear in a rigid manner and a crankshaft, in a rotary manner. This time, however, we'll produce an elongation of the crankshaft, by the part before its main sleeve, and the crankpin (
We then set up an axe, in a rotary manner, in the elongation mentioned, and we'll mount on this axe, two gears, which we'll name linking gears, the first of these gears being coupled to the support gear and the second, to the induction gear.
The rotation of the crankshaft will lead a post rotation of the linking gears which will, in turn, lead to the retro rotation of the paddle's orientation.
Method by Post active Central Gears
In the method said by active central gears, a central support gear is set up in a post rotary manner in the machine's body, in which there is also a crankshaft is also set up in a rotary manner (
The paddle, provided with an external type induction gear, will then be mounted on the crankshaft's crankpin in such a manner so that its gear is coupled to the post active support gear. The action of the retro rotary orientation of the paddle will then be produced in course of rotation.
Method by Post Active Gear With Double Linking Gear
In this method (
Method by Paddle Hoop Gear
This paddle hoop gear method consists of supporting the paddle simply by gears, with a minimal amount of two (
Method by Gear Like Structures
In this gear like structure method, we'll suppose, out of preference, four dynamic support gears mounted in a rotary manner on or by the axes set up rigidly inside the machine. The center of rotation of these gears will be off-center, which is why we'll qualify them as eccentric (
A paddle, provided with an internal type support gear will then be set up by this gear, on the post active support gear group.
The resulting action of the paddle will be the desired movement. This realization is interesting since it allows the realization of the machine with deep centers. However, many motorization methods will be possible, for example, by providing the paddle with an extrusion by which it is mounted on the crankshaft's eccentric, or even by mounting each eccentric gear with a non eccentric one, these gears being connected to a central gear, activating the central axe.
By eccentric Gear
In the current set up, we'll provide each piston with a fixed axe, preferably three, these three axes being preferably mounted on symmetrical lines, like for example, those crossing the paddle of each point to the center, or even those crossing each center sideways towards the center (
These specific gears, said eccentric gears will be mounted on these axes in such a manner to be coupled as well as applied on a support gear set up rigidly in the side of the machine.
Consequentially, the movement of the paddle will be assured. To prevent the separation, or the uncoupling of the induction gears to the support gear, we'll be able to add a linking plate, connecting the centers, the reattachment points, or even any other point, from the moment they're symmetrical. We'll even be able to connect the gears by an internal hoop gear pivoting eccentrically during the course of rotation.
Consequentially, the three following motorizations will be possible, by either, firstly, an eccentric placed in the center of the paddle, this eccentric having a strongly diminished friction. A second manner will be to use the gear's centers, which will transmit their centered action to a central axe. Finally, we'll be able to use off-centered supports, or the hoop gear, these final pieces being provided with an internal gear activating an exit axe.
To adequately complete the machine, we'll use a means to link, between them, the eccentric gears. They could be held between themselves by a linking plate. If this linking plate is connected in a central manner, it could also serve as a motorization method.
By Retro or Post Active Centro-Peripherial Support
In this method (
The induction eccentric, which will govern the paddle orientation, will be activated in a conventional manner. As for the master, central eccentric, which governs the positional aspect of the paddle, will be activated by a method, for example by the mediation of an intermediate hoop gear, by the induction gear. In another manner, it will be activated by the support of a hoop or intermediate gear, to a second induction gear, the second being coupled to the support gear. Finally, the use of this knowledge will allow us to produce poly turbines or other paddle machines. We'll note that these poly inductive support methods proposed will allow not only the support of the paddle points, but also the opposite sides.
Method by Deported Attack Gear
Another support method has for objective to deport the attack point on the paddle on the side towards the center, in such a manner to, as much for retro rotary machines as for post rotary machines, allow us to profit from the retro rotary effect on the paddle as well as it's lever effect. This method is a hybrid one, concluded from internal superposed gear methods as well as internal juxtaposed gears (
To do this, we'll use a support mechanic formed of a group of gears, a fixed support gear and crankshaft support gear. A first variant of this manner of doing will consist of using a fixed support type gear of internal type set up in the side of the machine and the secondary support gear of the central eccentric, will be an external type gear, mounted in a rotary manner to it's extremity, in such a manner as to couple the fixed support gear and the paddle's induction gear. The induction gear of the paddle will be an internal type induction gear mounted rigidly on the paddle. In the second variant, the fixed and induction type support gears and will rather be external. This guidance solution recalls the hoop method and intermediate gear method. However, by this solution, we have successfully deported the induction gears'attack point in such a manner as to increase the lever effect. This solution thus comprises of a few supplementary gears, but in the cases where the power is necessary and we can allow this augmentation, this method will strongly be valid and pertinent.
Such a fitting of gears will allow to off-set the orientation's attack point on the paddle of the opposite side of it's retro rotation, which will allow to increase significantly, either by the length of the central eccentric, it's reach of on the paddle of the opposite side of it's retro rotation, which will allow to increase significantly, either by the length of the central eccentric, it's reach of flow and lever. This method brings much aid as much for post rotary machines, as for retro rotary ones.
Main Deductions of the Support Methods as a Whole
We must deduce from the final methods the following statement, one of the most important, which consists of noting that, when machines are supported by mechanics issued from exterior observation, being mechanics said by mono and poly induction, post and retro rotary machines are completely opposite one another.
In adition, when the machine are observed from mechanics issued from the observation of an interior observatory, situated either on the crankshaft or the paddle, these machines caracterise themselves by differences, rather than similarities. This statement is one of the most pivotal since it allows us to state that all mechanics issued from this type of observation apply as well to retro rotary machines as to post rotary machines, which allows us to consider a certain generalization within the machines. We now have fifteen parts support methods to add to those already commented.
We can now, at this point produce a new, more complete table of the variants of all motor machines, including the final parts of the current disclosure. We'll add the mainly the differentials realized in the current section, being:
Thirdly, that a set of support methods pat enough to adequately support the paddles can be indexed.
Piston Machines as Mechanical Induction Machines
As we have already brought to attention, the extremely abundant and generalized use of piston engines, using as the main ligature method, a combination of rods, running pistons and cylinder, leads automatically to believe that these forms of engine realization are generic, which is false in our opinion is false. In our opinion, the equal pressure on the compressive parts is the main factor allowing us to totally neglect the realization of the machine by a totally mechanical control of the positional aspects and the orientation of the compressive parts. The natural equality of the push on the compressive parts has thus allowed us to use, on the practical lever of shortcuts, which can not however, alter the conceptual nature of these machines. As we have already noted, if we try to produce these machines with a perfect mechanical coordination of the compressive parts, this time, as in paddle machines, totally independent of the cylinders, we'll realize the real complexity of these machines which, after analyses an alternative, difficultly realizable aspect of orientation.
The following section will demonstrate that we can control mechanically, without any ligature method, the strictly positional aspect of the piston by one or the other of the support methods of the mechanical block previously proposed, which will prove beyond a doubt that piston machines, in spite of their generalization of their positional control as a running form are all good and well, conceptually, of motor machines of the same order as paddle motor machines, and emerge from the same general definition initially given.
In this realization we'll apply the retro rotary mono induction method to pistonnated compressive part machine. To realize this type of machine, we'll install in this machine a conventional type crankshaft. On it's crankpin, we'll set up in a rotary manner an eccentric, of equal radius to that of the crankshaft, and we'll provide it with an external type gear which we'll name induction gear. We'll then set up in the side of the machine an internal type gear, which we'll name support gear, this gear being double the size of the induction gear. The two gears just described sill be coupled to one another. We'll be able to hear the eccentric as a rod in which the directional aspect is governed, or even as a secondary layered crankshaft, as it'll seem necessary. The piston, directly or by means of fixed rods, depending on the scenario, will be attached to this eccentric. The post active movement of crankshaft's crankpin will lead the retro rotation of the eccentric, and we'll notice that, by observing the ensemble for a rotation, that the vertical movements of the rotary parts will add up, whereas the lateral parts of these movements will cancel themselves out. Consequentially, the movement of the eccentric will be alternative and perfectly rectilinear. (
As we have already more precisely commented, a second manner to build the movement in an alternative rectilinear one will this time be bi rotary. If we couple in fact, by some means, two crankshafts in such a manner so that they turn contrary to one another, and to which we'll attach each of these crankshafts, to a rod, linked between each other at their other extremity, we'll realize that during the rotations, the extremities by which the rods are linked produces a perfect rectilinear alternative, to which can be attached the piston (
In both previous manners, the orientation aspect of the piston will be controlled in a convetionnal manner, in other words, by the running of the piston in the cylinder, but it's orientation aspect will be totally controlled by the mechanical induction paddle.
In fact, if we push the analysis furthers, we'll realize that we can consider the purely rectilinear action machine, in other words, a simple piston machine, as if it was a limit machine between the post, retro and bi rotary machines.
The consequences of this final realization will have as effect that the rectilinear mechanic, allowing a direct support of the pistons, or even by fixed rod, will allow to realize a strictly rectilinear action of the said part. This contribution will allow, from this point on to isolate the inferior part of the casing's cylinder, and consequentially produce the machine with a two time gas management, without need to add any burning oil, the lower part of the cylinder serving as an aspiration pump of fresh gas to be injected in the cylinder.
Piston Machines as Mechanico Inductive Machines: Generalization Methods
We have thus determined in our first demonstration that piston machines, from a positional view of the displacement of the said, being in fact machines describing the limit figures of retro and bi rotary machines.
The following matters will have for object to generalize, for piston machines, the use of all support methods previously exposed, which will prove beyond a doubt, the mechanico-inductive aspect of these machines. We'll show that in fact, we can use suitably all these methods applied to rotary machines, to activate the central piston axe of piston machines, and this as in mechanical induction machines, without the use of any rod.
A first generalization of the use of these methods will be given to us by the hoop gear method.
In fact, in this realization, we'll be able to show in the machine, a crankshaft on theclankpin on which, as previously, we'll install an eccentric, or a rod provided with an external type induction gear. Then we'll link these two gears by a hoop gear, mounted in a rotary manner on the sleeve of the crankshaft. We'll note that, if these gears, or even the length of the eccentric is correctly calibrated, the hoop gear, as in previous versions, will realize a retro rotation during the rotation of the crankshaft, which, transmitting itself to the induction gears and to its eccentric, will cancel out the lateral aspect of the said and will add the vertical aspect to that of the crankshaft (
A third example, will be that of the use of the intermediate gear method. We'll show as previously the crankshaft inside the machine, and we'll mount on it's crankpin an eccentric, or a rod, as previously provided with an induction gear. We'll then mount in a fixed manner in the side of the machine or on an axe to this effect, a support gear. We'll then couple the support and induction gears by means of an external type tiers gear, said intermediate gear, this gear being mounted in a rotary manner on the crankshaft's sleeve (
We'll then be able to take all the methods previously exposed and realize with them the mechanico-inductive support of the positional aspect of the piston machine's pistons. In fact, we'll automatically obtain many new rectilinear action machines, adding themselves, to the already patented methods by mono inductive retro rotation.
We'll then produce, in addition to rectinilear rod engines, for example, by anterior, by posterior, hoop gear, by semi transmission, by internal juxtaposed gears, by internal superposed gears, by intermediate gears, by spur gear, and so forth (
In each of these cases, it will be the goal to systematically replace the paddle connected to the induction bears by an eccentric or a rod mounted with an axe and to connect one of these parts to the pistons of these machines. In all of these realizations, the crankpins or the eccentric of these machines will produce with great exactitude the rectilinear we've been searching for, and could consequentially activate the pistons without any positional governing effort of the cylinders.
We have just automatically determined more than sixteen ways of realizing piston machines in which pistons will be activated directly by the mechanics, or even, by resortingto rods in which the action will be purely rectilinear.
This is of high importance since all and each of these methods, like the first method by mono inductive retro rotation, could allow us to close off the cambers, at the bottom of the piston and isolate them in the crater. We'll be able to consequentially produce, with all these manners without exception, motors with two time gas management, but this time around without any necessity to add combustible oils to the combustion gas.
Each of these engines could not only replace actual two time engines effectively, but also, since the burning gases will be more pure, they could replace four time engines as well.
Generalizations of the Group of Shapes of Piston Engines
As we have demonstrated, amongst ligature shapes already enounced by us in the beginning of analysis, that said by mechanical induction could be heard under all the diverse forms which we have commented.
In addition, we have also showed, in figure ten, that the piston machines could be realized as a form consisting of many machine geometries, as for example, standard, orbital, by rotor cylinder, etc.
It is then important to mention that the mechanical extentions which we have produced, by taking for example the standard form of realization of piston machines, apply automatically to all other forms of piston motor machines. In other terms, we'll be able to differentiate many types of orbital piston machines not only by their ligature type usedy, by free rod, by runner, by flexible rod, and so forth, but to go further in the precisitons, once they have been realized by mechanical induction, by précising the type of mechanical induction used. In fact, we must necessarily deduce that we have established that we could realize orbital engines by cutting off the rods in sixteen different mechanico-inductive ways already indexed. We'll then be able to realize orbital engines by mechanico inductive ligatures, said by retro mechanical mono induction, or even by mechanico inductive ligature said by intermediate gear, and so forth.
These possibilities will remain more realizable for machines, rather than pistons, which have to be vertically, obliquely or horizontally set up.
In the same manner, we could realize rotor cylinder engines with, for each piston, an action of the sort.
The group of these methods will also be applicable to differential machines, in the measure in which we realize the commanding horizontal rectilinear action of the paddles. This is why we'll add this possibility to the current table, a table which will give a range of variables of more than three hundred possibilities of motor machines.
The group of these final precisions helps us widen the table of the group of motor machines in such a manner to consider these new variants. The new table will thus be the following. As previously, we'll add an X to machines which are already of public use.
Paddle Machines: Towards Ideal Shapes for Cylinder Machines
As we have already mentioned many times, the post rotary, retro rotary and simply, rotary machines are base machines, which we can obtain, by mono induction or by poly induction with non modified simple gears, or with the previous methods.
The most general characteristics of these figures are to the effect that generally, the post rotary figures are more rounded, whereas retro rotary figures are sharper. The bi rotary figures are situated between both. We'll obtain a decent image of these figures by observing the course of the points situated on the planetary gears mounted in a post and in a retro rotary manner, in the machine (
During their realizations as all sorts of motor machines, compressors, capitation machines, engines, which we could note that the more obtuse shapes of post rotary machines allow easier, in their cylinders, the construction of compression. The shapes vary from very blunt to slightly blunt, depending on if we place the point course in the most approached manner, or furthest manner from the center or the circumference of the planetary gear, said inductive.
As for retro rotary machines, we are forced to notice that the compression ratio which they build, in direct consequence to the sharp aspect of their cylinder is minimal.
As for that which relates to bi rotary type machines, such as poly turbines, the compression is acceptable.
Contrarily, as we have already demonstrated, the coupling relations are much more interesting in retro rotary machines, since the system formed by the crankshaft and its paddle deconstruct themselves much quicker. This increased deconstruction is obtained by the fact that the paddle displaces in opposite direction to that of the crankshaft. Contrarily to post inductive type machines, the couple is weak enough, the system constituted of the crankshaft and the paddle deconstruct themselves more difficultly, the crankshaft displacing itself in the direction of the paddle.
As for bi rotary machines, as for the case of the compression, the couple being half realized in a post and retro rotary manner, we are at the level of that between the two capacities of the first machines. However, as we have already demonstrated, the specific form of the paddle structure, allowing to support in only two opposite points, makes possible to realize the machine without any dead time. But the causes of this fact are geometric, and we won't delay on this aspect much longer, preferring for the moment to encircle the mechanical aspect.
Following these statements, the following propositions will thus have for object to demonstrate that we can, for these first three types of machines propose the realization of them with, for each of them, redesigned cylinder shapes, in other words, corrected in such a manner to realize an optimal compression rate, which will allow, as we'll see, to correct simultaneously the relative faults to the coupling and consequentially to present machines in which the coupling and compression will be perfectly calibrated.
Mainly for these types of machines, the objectives to realize are, for post rotary machines, to diminish the width of the cylinder arcs forming their compressive and offensive phases, whereas oppositely for retro and bi rotary machines, to augment the bombing of the arcs and their respective cylinders. Simply put, it'll be the case to render the post rotary machine cylinders, more post rotary, and to render retro rotary and rotary cylinders, more retro rotary. This is why we speak of post rotary hybrid machines, retro rotary hybrid machines, and bi rotary hybrid machines.
In the following pages, we'll demonstrate for all of these machines, how to realize them, this time around, with curves and ideal cylinder shapes, which make their compression and couplings optimal.
To accomplish this, we'll show four proceedings of appropriate mechanical modifications, which the application will have for result the correct realization of ideal cylinder shapes. Relatively to these ideal forms, we'll find the detail of these considerations in the pre-cited demands. As for proceedings the form modification, we'll also find these in our patent application titled Geometric considerations of poly inductive set ups of post and retro rotary machines.
We can index the main modification proceedings of cylinder for in the following manner. It is a matter of the following proceedings:
Afterwards, we'll show that we can even use these proceedings in composition, allowing thus to operate in a same moment many levels of modifications and allowing thus to realize more complex machines, with more irregular cylinders, such as quasi rectangular cylinders, machines designated by the term Metaturbines.
General Problem
To better understand the objectives of the current section, we'll give certain specifications relative to the general problem posed. As we have already mentioned, the three base classes of machines all suffer from geometric defaults of the cylinder shape, realizing for certain compression surpluses, and for others, a lack of compression.
The three base examples are clear on this subject. Firstly for post rotary geometry engines, in which the first example is the Wankle engine, even supported by a retro mechanic structure or bi mechanic, the cylinder is too rounded and too large for its height, which leads an excess of compression which we must diminish by cutting off a part of the paddle (
In the case of retro rotary engines, which the main example is the triangular Boomerang engine, the standard solutions result in a strong couple, but consequentially results in a lack of compression. In these cases, the compressive parts will construct a better compression if these parts would be more rounded (
As for poly turbines, contrarily to Wankle geometry engines, and similarly to those of triangular geometry, these cylinders should be rounded and widened, such as we have mentioned in our first patents to this subject.
Correction Methods
Runner Method
As for all first degree machines, the first method of correction is the runner method. We could, in fact, use the runner to correct a first degree induction, to bring it to a second degree, and thus correct the curve of the cylinder. The most illustrative example of this procedure applied to mechano inductive machines, is that of the triangular engine.
In this type of engine, to operate a runner type correction, we'll need to set up in a non inductive and retro rotary way the rotor which will serve as paddle support. This rotor will be planetary and will produce the same action of the paddle, in this type of engine (
Method by Free Rod
The rotor of the machine, for example, post inductive, could, rather than directly supporting the paddle, support by means of free rods. The rods must be connected between themselves by gears conserving their angular intact relations. This method doesn't seem easily utilizable, so we won't comment on it more abundantly (
By Active Center
A fourth method, of advantageous correction of the machine shapes will be designated as the active support gear. For a better comprehension of this method, we'll use the post rotary Wankle geometry engine, however, mounted from our poly induction method with two supports, and opposite courses, as well as the base type retro rotary machine, the triangular Boomerang engine.
As we have already mentioned, the contrary courses of the points located on the lines from the centers to the points and on the lines of these centers of the sides to the centers, realize, one horizontally, and the other vertically, the courses of a double arc, realizable by crankpins or eccentrics mounted rigidly to induction gears coupled to support gears. The relation of the number of arcs to realize, forces literally a certain relation of gear size. In the current case, a relation of one by two is imperative, whereas in triangular engines, a relation of one by three, as well as an internal type support gear are imperative. As we have demonstrated previously, we can modify the amplitude of the arcs formed according to how we set up the crankpin in a manner more or less approached to the circumference of the induction gear or it's center of rotation, such as demonstrated in
To accomplish this, we must understand that the relation of the gears play directly on the height and width relations of the realized shapes. Consequentially, to modify these gears, without modifying the relations, we must abolish their absolute position inside the machine. In fact, if we follow a point situated directly on the circumference of the induction gear during its rotation, the height of the realized shape will be half of that of its width. We can however voluntarily modify this relation from the moment where we subtract the absolute and static aspect of the support gear and which we have realize the machine, this time, with the aid of an active support gear. In the case of the Wankle geometry engine, for example, if we use a support gear twice the size of its initial size, it is certain that we'll modify the width and height relation of the form realized, by diminishing the width of the machine in relation to its height. But, as this gear is too large, we must imprint a post rotary action to cancel out this effect. This could be produced by a small post rotary semi transmission, such as the one commented previously.
In the case of retro and bi rotary machines, we must realize the opposite effect, to know how to enlarge the cylinder by rounding. In the case of triangular engines for example, we'll need to choose the largest induction gear, in such a manner that the arc relations don't get modified, we'll need to consequentially imprint to the support gear a retro rotary action, also by small semi transmission.
It is to be noted that we'll be able to modify the same figures by opposite relations of gears, for example, oppositely by augmenting the size of the induction gears in Wankle geometries (
This is why we'll specify these types of machines as being, for example, post inductive with post active or retro active support gears.
Small semi transmissions could easily execute the post or retro activation work of the support gears. We must put in relation these gears with the crankshaft in such a manner to obtain the discounted result. It'll be the case to garnish the axe of the crankshaft and the semi transmission gear's support gear, united to each other by a third gear, mounted in a rotary manner in the machine, and which will be used as an accelerator gear or inversing gear.
Method by Hoop Gear, Intermediate Gear, and Intermediate Hoop Gear
During the exposition of these methods, we have supposed that the lengths of the hoop, intermediate or intermediate hoop gears be standard.
The current section has simply for effect to comment the idea that the sizes of these gears are very variable, and no matter what size they are, they'll always have the same incidence relation of the support gear's gears versus that of the induction gear's gears. In other terms, a same given rotation of the crankshaft for a same gear support, will always have a retreat effect of the same number of teeth of the hoop, intermediate or intermediate hoop gear, whatever it's size and, secondly, this last gear will always have the same retro rotary effect on the induction gear, whatever it's size (
What emanates from this affirmation is that we can vary the size of the hoop, intermediate, or intermediate hoop gear, without varying the rotation relation of the planetary induction gear and consequentially, the paddle which is attached. In other terms, we can modify the distance relations between the gears without changing the revolution relations of these gears.
We'll then be able to modify the geometry of these figures. For example, we could reduce the lateral shape of the post rotary machines, or even augment it in the post rotary machines.
By Geometric Addition
The method by geometric addition will be strongly used. In fact, from a geometric point of view, we can demonstrate that an addition of a segment of a given length to a piece turning in a retro planetary way produces the exact same course of that realized by bi inductive mechanics. In fact, we'll see that by adding a segment to a retro rotary system, the realized shape, firstly retro rotary, passes progressively to its limit form, then, by adding the segment, becomes bi rotary. (
The most illustrated case is that realized by a planetary mounted in a retro rotary manner in a gear, thus of internal type, twice its size. The shape created, once the crankpin is located between the center of this gear and its circumference is of retro rotary type. Once the crank pin is located, at its limit, on the circumference, we realize, as previously demonstrated, an alternative segment. Now, if we add to the system a segment, represented by a geometric rod, we pass in the field of bi rotary shapes, which the ellipse is one of the main figures.
The obtained form is thus equivalent to that which we'd have obtained by a mechanical bi structure and is thus consequentially bi mechanical.
The geometric addition has thus allowed the necessary correction to change the machine category and level.
We'll note that the geometric rod could be, afterwards, as we'll demonstrate further, applied to all methods of the mechanical corpus exposed to the present, and realize the same results of that which we have just demonstrated, which will allow to realize many adequate poly turbine support methods.
Method by Combination of Juxtaposition and Layering Methods
Another manner to adequately modify the course of the paddles will be that of a combination of methods.
The best ways to conceive an exact idea of this method will be to well understand that we can correct the course of the paddle by producing a correction which will modify the first form obtained, said first degree form (
We can, in another manner, think of things differently. In fact, up to now, in all the studied machines, we have supposed a course of paddle center, in other words, a circular positional course.
In the current method, we'll treat in a differentiated manner the orientation and position aspect of the paddle. However, we suppose that there exists a certain correlation between both of them. In fact, we suppose that modifications brought to the positional course of the paddle will have an incidence on the course of its extremities, and consequentially on the form of the cylinder realized by the said, during its double rotation, from the position and orientation aspects.
We'll then induce in the center of the paddle a non circular movement, all while continuing the mechanization of it's orientation in such a manner so that during its new positional course, it's orientation course will not be modified.
We'll thus always produce the machine with specific mechanical inductions of the position and orientation aspects. The two most common machines, being triangular Boomerang engines and the Wankle geometry engines will serve as examples . . . .
In the first, we'll aim to replace the circular course of the center of the paddle by a clover shaped course, each of the petals of this clover approaching to the sides. We'll thus produce a retro rotary mono inductive mechanic, governing the eccentric on which will be set up the paddle. In addition, as we intend to keep the paddle's retro rotation similar to that of the original machine, we'll activate, also by mono induction, this time layered, which will assure the orientation governing. The rotary figure realized by the paddle will thus be a combination of both these figures, and consequentially, through its retro rotation, it'll go deeper into each side, realizing thus strong compression rates (
The example of the Wankle type geometry engine will be similar, by its mechanic, but completely different when it comes to the result. As we have already demonstrated, this type of machine suffers from over compression, caused by its excessive rounding of the lateral parts of the cylinder and its lack of compression.
A modification by layered method combination will correct both these problems at once.
As previously, we'll abandon the idea of realizing a circular positional course of the paddle. In the current case, we'll realize a center course of the paddle which will have for object to reduce the lateral movement of the parts. We'll then produce a course of the center of the paddle which is less large than high, thus elliptical and vertical. To do this, we'll use a structure similar to that already showed for the support for poly turbines by the addition of a geometric rod. We'll thus use a retro rotary mono inductive structure with the addition of a geometric rod, taking form as an eccentric in this case. This eccentric will thus realize an elliptical course and will receive the paddle. A second mono inductive structure, this time layered, will couple the paddle, by it's induction gear, to the support gear, set up at the height of the crankpin on the crankshaft, which will allow to realize a movement of the paddle similar to the original orientation movement, in spite of the modifications brought to its positional course.
By observing the mechanic, we'll realize that in addition to having cancelled out the over compression of the machine, we have also strongly increased the descending torque, since the double reversed crankshaft which supports the paddle not only has an adequate total length, but also acts as a lever.
Particularizations and Generalizations of the Combination Method
It is important to mention that the control of the positional parts of the eccentrics and the orientation aspect of the paddles can be made as much from retro rotary mechanics as from post rotary mechanics, depending on the figure and the correction chosen.
It is also important to mention that the paddles could also be provided with an induction gear of either internal or external type. In the later case, if they can be activated by an external type support gear, set up rigidly on the crankshaft at the height of the crankpins, or even by a linking gear (
It is to be noted that, which is of the uttermost importance, that we must in addition, enounce here a general combination rule not only for mono inductions between themselves, in a juxtaposed or layered manner, but all the inductions forming the corpus by inductive methods given up to present. In fact, we must consider as an important rule that all method can be combined with another, in a layered or juxtaposed manner, to carry out the positional control and the orientation of the paddles and in this manner, coupled by an induction, for example, by mono induction, by hoop gear, to the side of the machine (
A final figure case in these matters is that of the case in which the paddle will be provided with an external type induction gear and will be linked directly to a support gear in the side of the engine.
In this case, we'll need to realize either a paddle induction gear, either an irregular support gear, in such a manner that the support and induction gears remain coupled to one another in all point of the rotation, in lack of the irregularity of the displacement of this induction gear issued from it's eccentric course.
We'll call these irregular gears, eccentric gears and polycamed gears (
Eccentric Gears and Polycammed Gears
We'll find in our previously cited patent applications, the detail of the current section, which presents only the main characteristics of the eccentric and polycammed gears applied to motor machines.
As we have demonstrated, we can couple an irregular shaped gear to a regular shaped gear if the displacement of one of the two gears is in itself irregular (
We can also set up in a rotary manner on the fixed axesby coupling two simple irregular shaped gears, or even by center of the eccentric's rotation, in such a manner so that they always remain coupled. To do this, we couple these said eccentric gears in such a manner so that the standing and lying positions of one be alternatively complementary of the standing and lying positions of the other (
We can also modify the turning relation of these gears and by conserving one which will remain eccentric, and by producing a second, which the center of rotation will be well centered, but which the form will be irregular, it as well in a manner to posess more than standing or lying part, these standing and lying parts being alternatively coupled to standing and lying complementary parts in the eccentric gears (
We can now render the relations of these gears even more complex by combining to polycammed gears. Finally, we can, realize these gears as other types, such as internal gears, by tooth rack.
In the same manner in which we can assemble as other formulas than on the fixed axes, which for example here as planetary paddles, or even as induction gear or support gear form (
Application Rules in Motorology of the Eccentric and Polycammed Gears
The three following rules can be put forwards, relatively to the use of such types of gears in motor machines
The first rule can be interpreted in the following manner; once a polycammed gear is coupled in a planetary manner to a second polycammed gear, the center of rotation of the planetary polycammed gear has a perfectly circular course in spite of the irregularities of it's gears. The rotation speed of the planetary gear is however affected, in that in which it undergoes alternatively accelerations and decelerations. This is why we'll give also to these gears the name accelerative gears (
This rule allows us to realize retro and post rotary machines, in which the cylinder figures could be modified by the acceleration and the deceleration of the paddles to which is connected the gears, which become support gears and polycammed induction gears.
In retro rotary machines as in post inductive machines, we'll obtain excellent results during the application of such gears, these results being similar to those of other modifications already exposed. In addition, we'll reduce the dead time in post inductive machines and increase their torque (
This first rule will also find applications in semi differential turbines (
The second rule which states the equal distance of the centers of the planetary eccentric gears to the surfaces of the support gear shows that the realized form by the course of its centers of the planetary gears is a parallel form to that of the support gears (
The third rule implies that a same point located on the planetary gears is always from equal distance of a same point, on a gear on another planetary gear (
A third rule flows directly from the first two, which is that of the use of polycammed gears can be realized in all corpus methods already commented, by replacing standard gears located in the corpus, and which has for effect to modify the speeds of the parts, the form of the cylinder, and/or machine levels.
This rule thus allows us to support paddles from complex second or third degree machines such as poly turbines, or even metaturbines to produce a polycammed action of the first degree machine paddles supported by poly inductive methods (
Generalisation Rule
We must, finally, mention that the polycammed gears can be employed as a replacement for all gear participating to the mechanical corpus mentioned previously to produce modifications of the form of compressive parts, or of motor part dynamics.
We'll be able to, for example, produce semi transmission mechanics with induction gears and eccentric support and/or polycammed. We'll be able to react in the same manner for example, with hoop gear methods, or even intermediate gears (
Geometric Comprehension of Course Modification Methods and of Compressive Part Dynamics and of Obtained Cylinder Forms
In the previous pages we have demonstrated how to modify machines in such a manner to improve and balance the qualities.
In fact, we have improved the qualities by modifying the forms of these machines in such a manner to give to post rotary machines a retro rotary tone and inversely, in a manner to give to retro rotary machines a post rotary tone.
We can deduce that if we place on a same line retro and post rotary machines, the ideal machines, in which the compression and the torque will be optimal, will situate themselves between bi rotary machines and post rotary.
Conclusion and Recapitulation of Correction and Production Methods of Ideal Cylinders
The final comments can be synthesized in the following manner. All machine figure can be corrected or realize by producing a different control of the central positioning of the course of the paddle and its orientation.
The techniques can aim to conserve a regular central movement, but to produce accelerative variations—deccelerative of the orientation movement of the paddle. This is what happens with the application of eccentric and polycammed gears, that these machines be produced by mono induction, by poly induction, by semi transmission, or even by any other method belonging to the corpus of methods previously commented. In another manner, we could modify the positional course of the paddle which will lead, by diverse combined ligature mechanisms, a global movement of the paddle corrected according to the demanded calibration parameters.
The control techniques can be realized by many means, depending on whether the support gears and paddle gears are internal or external, and depending on whether the paddle support gears will be fixed or active, thus being linking gears . . . .
We must also differentiate the manners in which the paddle gears are coupled to a support gear located on the crankshaft, to a support gears located on the side of the machine.
In this second case, it must be used, as we have demonstrated, a new type of gear which we have named polycammed or eccentric, this gear having to be used here either on the paddle, like the orientation induction gear, either in the side of the machine, as polycammed support gear (
We must note, finally, that we'll be able to realize from the coupling of two irregular gears, eccentric or poly cammed, a type of correction allowing the realization of objectives similar to the previous.
We must finally mention that, since the cylinder corrections can be realized only by mechanical corrections, and that, as we have already noted, the cylinder corrections lead in each machines, added qualities of complementary machines, these qualities are also notable on the mechanical level.
We can give the two following examples to demonstrate. Firstly, the poly cammed realization of Wankle type engines, not only reduces the width of the cylinder, but increases the power of the coupling of the machine, accelerating the paddle to the opportune moment (
A second example, always applied to the post rotary Wankle geometry engine consists to demonstrate that when the shape of the cylinder is corrected by reducing the width, by oval course of the position aspect of the course of the paddle, we increase, by the addition of the crankshafts, one directed towards the outside, and the other, geometrically subtractive towards the inside, the machine's coupling (
We can currently construct a table even more complete of the range of variations of the mother motor machine. To do this, we'll add to the previous tables the correction modes realized on machines and if this mode is by juxtaposition and combination of methods, we'll specify the methods participating to this combination by layer or juxtaposition.
Generalization of Poly Turbine Support Methods
We have already shown, at
As we have already mentioned, the corrected first degree figures can always be produced by method combinations, and we must specify that the second degree figures can be them just as much. This assertion allows us to verify more than four hundred adequate support methods of poly turbines, issued from the mechanical corpus provided in the current work. We must also specify that the correction method by addition of geometric rod is not only simple by realization, but also for poly turbines as for rectilinear rod machines generalizable to all the methods (
Generalizations of Assets to Rotor Cylinder Machines
The following statements will demonstrate that when rotor cylinder machines are built with an activation mechanic of active pistons, these machines have a mechanical structure identical to that of poly turbines and consequentially, all support methods which we have generalized for the previous ones, will apply themselves automatically for these, which will prove, beyond any doubt, their belonging to the general definition rule of all motor machine enounced to the present.
In fact, if we follow attentively the displacement of a piston displacing alternatively twice every cylinder rotation, we'll see that it realizes exactly an ellipse similar to that of the points of the paddles of poly turbines. If it displaces three times by rotation, it's displacement will also be equivalent to that of the displacement of the paddles of a three sided poly turbine (
Engine Degrees and Levels
The following commentary will have for goal to show another resulting aspect of geometric corrections effected, which consists of showing that we can determine, from a comprehension of these corrections, a determination of the degree of a machine, depending on the number of modifications effected.
Although we'll use for example the Wankle, Boomerang, and polyturbine geometry engines, all these rules will apply, as we'll see further, to all post and retro mechanic machines seen in this disclosure.
We know that we can, in a planetary manner (
We can now imagine that the courses aren't synchronized, which adds to the complexity of the obtained figure, which we'll name resulting figure.
We can now claim that the method by layering and juxtaposition already shown can realize these curbs.
Equivalence Rule of the Procedure of Figure Modification
It is important to note that the other modification methods of the figures arrive to the same results.
For example, the addition of a geometric rod to a retro rotary structure realizes a very adequate machine support for poly turbine types, and efficiently replaces support by double bi rotary crankshaft which we have already exposed (
In another manner, the poly cam support in mono induction is equivalent, and can be used by replacement, either the double support, either the geometric addition (
The composition of these methods allows us, obviously, to fabricate machines which would require two levels of layered poly cams. In machines, for example, such as poly turbines, but this time with a single poly inductive support level, modified by addition or poly cammation (
In the previous statements, we have demonstrated, first and foremost, the main types of machines, being post, retro and bi rotary machines. On a second level, we have shown that there exist two large classes of support mechanics for these types of machines from which they derive from the observation of the conduct of the master pieces by an exterior observer where, from which we proceeded to an observation from an interior observer, in other words, more precisely located on the crankshaft, or the paddle itself. In the third part of our proposition, we have demonstrated that we can then, not only for point of observation questions, but for form modification reasons, produce machines which would be of a post rotary prominence, or of retro rotary prominence, wince each of them, by its geometry would comprise also an opposite stock. In the fourth part, we have demonstrated how to realize these simply prominent hybrid figures.
Interchangeability of Mechanics Rule (Brothers, Parents, Children)
It is important to note before going any further that in the current disclosure, to note that we have distinguished geometric forms of the post, retro, and bi rotary nature of the post, retro and bi rotary mechanics. In fact, we must state that in their initial form, we can create a mechanic of a retro rotary form with a retro rotary type mechanic, and in the same manner, a post rotary form with a post rotary mechanic. We must also add, that the modifications presented previously allowing more independent types of figure mechanics, when realized in a second degree. In fact, we can from these modifications realize post rotary figures from modified retro rotary mechanics and vice versa Both these types of modified mechanics could realize bi mechanical figures, for which we have produced a retro rotary polycammed mechanic and afterwards a post rotary polycammed mechanic. Generally however, to pass from a post rotary mechanic to a bi rotary one, we'll need a correction and to a retro rotary mechanic, two corrections, and inversely.
The corrections will thus be useable to increace the complexity of the cylinder, and consequentially obtain polyturbines, metaturbines, but also to obtain a geometry opposed to the mechanical structure.
Machine Layering and Degrees Laws
We'll find precisions relative to the following propos in our patent application titles Combinatory guiding and guiding level summary.
First Degree Machines
We call first degree machines, machines which could be produced with basic, non layered, non geometrically added, non eccentricised or polycammed mono induction or poly mono induction or poly induction. First degree machines are thus basic post and retro rotary machines, non modified wich as Wankle geometry engines and subjacent to n sides, which the paddles are motivated by the corpus methods of the current disclosure.
Second Degree Machines
We can distinguish two types of second degree machines.
We call second degree machines basic bi rotary machines, such as for example, poly turbines, or even rotor cylinder engines with a sinusoidal piston course.
We can also class as second degree machines, basic mono inductive machines to which we have produced a corrective modification, by one of the previous proceedings demonstrated, in other words, by geometric addition, polycamation, mechanization layering, and other forms of ligatures such as runner method and so forth.
In summary, second degree machines are:
We can classify third degree machines according to the fact that they are in a natural way, by the natural curve of their cylinder, or even if they are an inferior degree machine having undergone alterations
We call these types of machines metaturbines, in which the cylinders are irregular, quasi—rectangular. In the same manner, Slinky type rotor cylinder machines, as well as rotor cylinder machines, of peripheral piston types, which we will comment further in the current disclosure can be considered as third degree machines. Finally, balloon cylinder machines, which we will comment on further as well, can also be considered as being third degree machines. Finally, the conventional piston machines, once the position and orientation aspect of the pistons are simultaneously controlled, are theird degree machines.
This machines are all third degree machines for the reason that the natural form of their cylinder or even of the course of their compressive parts, always need three levels of mechanical induction to realize the support methods. At the limit, if we proceed by mono induction, we should layer three levels of induction to realize these machines.
We must also consider as third degree machines, second degree machines having undergone two composition alterations, such as for example a geometric alteration and a poly cam alteration, a structure layering and polycam alteration, etc, or even second degree machines having undergone an alteration.
We can thus define by examples first degree machines, for example, post and retro rotary machines having undergone two alterations like third degree machines. Another example is that of piston engines which we have produced with a rectilinear rod, but which the rod will be oblique and which consequentially we'll need to produce a polycammed gear to bring it back to the vertical rectilinear course of the piston. The differential semi turbines, rotor cylinder machines, mounted with poly cammed gears will also be third degree machines. Poly turbines, which we have over rounded the cylinder will also be of this nature
In summary, third degree machines are:
Generally, we can deduce that a machine will be of the same number of degrees as the number of inductions necessary to the correct motivation of these compressive parts.
In another manner, we can also understand the degree of the machines according to the number of inductions and corrections brought to the inductions, these corrections being equivalent to an induction itself.
A final manner to understand the degree of a machine will be that a machine of a superior degree can be constructed by using the paddle of an inferior machine as a supplementary support piece to the support of its own compressive parts. In these senses poly turbines are Wankle machines in which the paddles become support rods for the paddle structure, wheras the metaturbines can be assimilated to machines in which the paddle structure becomes in turn a support structure in which we have attached paddles.
We'll understand better in this figured manner the notion of machine degrees and why, more the degree is raised, more the mechanical support realizations are complex and abundant in number.
Anti Corrections
We also demonstrate that we can use a support method, for example of second degree, to support a first degree machine. In this case we must effect a third correction, or a reestablishing type, which will cancel out the effects of the first correction.
A probable case is the construction of a mono inductive machine, for example a Wankle geometry with mono inductive supports added with geometric rods, supports which would be most appropriate, as we have already demonstrated, a poly turbine machine, of second degree. We'll need to produce supports with polycammed gears in a manner to conserve the equal distance between the connecting points of the geometry rods and the paddle.
Modification of Machine Degrees
The current section has for object to show that we can
The first case will be that of a second degree machine, being poly turbines, which we'll realize with first degree mechanics having undergone a degree of correction. In fact, to realize a machine of a second degree nature, we can use first degree mechanics to then bring a correction.
An interesting example of this consists to realize the polyturbine, as we have already shown for machines of a two degree nature, with a first level corrected mechanic. For example, the case of the mechanized poly turbine by a retro rotary mono induction, to which is added a geometric rod.
As we have already shown, we could generalize this last idea by saying that all first level mechanics forming the mechanical corpus could be with a correction, such as for example a geometric rod, become support methods which are very suitable for the poly turbine, which regroups more than two hundred methods for this machine.
The machine could thus be, for example, built by hoop gear and geometric rod, by semi transmission and geometric rod, by spur gear and runner correction and so forth
As we have already mentioned, if we agree to only occupy ourselves with the positional aspect of the pistons, this could be heard as a first degree machine, and in this sense can be realized by an induction method, which the simplest is by retro rotary mono induction with no other corrections brought.
We can however note that we can build this machine in such a manner so that the rectilinear action realized by the mechanic isn't in the direction of the cylinder, but rather, for example, oblique. Many examples could be produced, but we will content ourselves with only two. The first case is that of first degree vertical rectilinear action machine which we'll transform in a second degree vertical rectilinear action machine.
We'll note that if we organize the gears in such a manner, so that the rectilinear action realized by the mechanics of the machine be not vertical, but rather oblique, we must bring a re-establishment correction, for example, by realizing the machine by poly cammed gears, which will make this machine a third degree machine.
In addition to the second degree machine, this new machine will possess speed accelerations and decelerations which could be synchronized with the thermodynamic determinations of the machine (
Consequentially, a form of ligature will be necessary, as for example, the runner or even the free rod, uniting the piston to this mechanic.
This machine is thus said a second degree machine, excluding the orientation aspect of the piston, realized by the cylinder.
All correction methods already demonstrated are applicable, which notably that by eccentric and polycammed gears. We have realized the fact that we'll be able to economize the corrective rod by using polycammed gears, straightening the oblique to a rectilinear. This new rectilinear will have dynamic qualities that the first one won't possess, in other words, it realizes accelerations and decelerations consequentially to the polycamation which will allow to tae the increasing and decreasing speeds of the piston at the beginning and end of the course for a larger compressive power and a larger expansive power, without supplementary pieces added.
We'll note that all the mechanics up to the currently exposed to realize rectilinear action could in this manner be oblique and then corrected.
We'll note, in a final analysis, that, as we have already mentioned, post rotary forms can be supported by corrected retro rotary mechanics and vice versa. These methods could be pertinent for notably transforming machines with a compressive prominence to motor machines, and vice versa.
Poly Turbines; Generalizations of the Support Methods
As we have already explained, some machines have a natural level. For example, poly turbines, with their circular sinusoidal cylinder, can be defined geometrically as bi rotary type machines, the forms situated between conventional retro and post rotary forms.
This is why the most expressive basic mechanics, allowing to adequately support the extremities of the paddle structures are methods using in combination retro and post rotary inductions but, as we have already demonstrated, we can carry out corrections to the base figures, and these corrections can be at this point accentuated so we can finally realize post rotary geometric figures, with corrected retro rotary mechanics, as we can contrarily realize retro rotary figures with retro rotary mechanics. The theoretical explanation of this realization consists of proposing a first level support method, corrected by a corrective method can be an adequate realization method of the second level machine. This being said, we can now generalize support methods of the paddle structure of the poly turbine, by saying that all the retro rotary methods of the first level already mentioned in the general mechanical corpus could be added to a correction to realize assembly methods for poly turbines. The simplest method will be that by adding a geometric rod.
We could for example adequately support the poly turbine with the aid of a hoop gear mechanic, added to a geometric rod, or even the intermediate gear mechanic, as previously added to a geometric rod, or even from the heel gear mechanic, added to a geometric rod and so forth. We'll note that all these corrective methods are usable, but the rigidity aspect of the geometric rods seems the most relevant to show more in detail.
For these machines, we'll proceed as for rectilinear rod engines in which we have forced the rectilinear alternative to produce in an oblique manner to then correct it in a poly cammed way. In fact, we could produce the elliptical movement in an oblique maner, and then correct in a polycammed manner, for example. We'll thus have a machine of a natural level brought to a third level, in which we'll be able to profit from new accelerations and decelerations.
Metatrubine Support
As we have already mentioned, meta turbines are machines in which the third level is the natural level. We must, to adequately support the paddle extremities, bring two mechanical corrections, being a mono induction, added by the decentered, oblique, geometric rods.
We must however remark that the center of the paddles of these machines, which oscilate by their extremeties, traverse to the contrary a circular sinusoidal course, which is a second degree course.
We can thus state that if as for piston machines, we intend to support only the position aspect of the course of the paddles, leaving the cylinder govern the orientation aspect of the paddles, we can realize the machine with mechanics governing the center of the paddles and all of the second degree mechanics, or of corrected first degree could be efficient. We'll then use all the previously exposed mechanics allowing us to support the ends of the paddle structures of poly turbines, or even the pistons from rotor cylinder machines, which demonstrates well the genesis of the whole machine.
However, if we intend on governing also the orientations of the paddles in a mechanical manner, and autonomous from the cylinder, we must produce third degree mechanics, in other words, add to each of the mechanics a supplemental correction. We'll then have a very impressive selection of over a thousand mechanics. We'll take attention to preferably use mechanics using poly cammed gears and geometric rods, because these mechanics don't add any pieces free from the basic mono inductive mechanics, which is very pertinent in motorology.
This brings us to a final statement, relative to the machine degrees. We could state that we can always add free paddles on the adequately motivated parts to create a more complex machine of a degree higher. We can thus, for example, add pivoting paddles to a first degree rotor, which will render it a second degree machine. We could even add oscilating paddles on support pieces similar to paddles of inferior machines. We'll then create third degree machines. We can push the application by attaching paddles to structures similar to that of paddle structures, this time used as support structures. We end with very complex fourth degree machines, in which the paddle is the only part whose positional aspect is controlled, and for these reasons, probably won't be produced frequently.
In addition, we can ally these two types of support and produce the support of each paddle of these machines with, in the center of the second degree support structure, and in the ends of the paddles, of third degree, which allows more than seven hundred support variations possible for these types of machine, supports which won't be necessary to index here, one by one, since the concept of their realization is enounced here.
We can thus add yet another these components to our initial table, including generalized poly turbines and meta turbines, since, as we have demonstrated, these machines aren't isolated machines, but rather machines which obey to the same mechanical corpus allowing to support all motor part of a motor machine.
We'll also add to this new table, in addition to the determination for each machine, the number of its degree. The basic support method used and/or correction methods used.
Interchangeability of Mechanics Rule
All the mechanics mentioned above are machines in which the stock has different degrees and ways more or less close to retro, post, or bi mechanical machines.
This is why we can affirm as a rule that all the current mechanics apply, not only to basic machines, but to all types of machines presented.
We can, for example, apply with success retro rotary type mechanics to rotor cylinder machines to support their piston, and these mechanics will be used efficiently because they'll allow to cut off some rods.
For the same engines, we could also apply hoop mechanics, semi transmission, post induction with geometric addition, and in addition, apply, as for basic machines, layered mechanics, etc which realizes more than four hundred types of mechanics by type of machines.
Thus all mechanics will be realizable for all types of engines, which we give here for example the slinky engine, either with a hoop gear mechanic, a retro rotary poly induction mechanic, an intermediate gear mechanic, and so forth.
Up to date, we have shown that there are three main classes of paddle machines realizable, whose type can be determined depending on the construction manner, being either mono inductive or poly inductive, post rotary, retro rotary, or bi rotary. We have shown that it's the case of generalizations for which we have submitted appropriate side rules.
We have then demonstrated that two large mechanic support groups can be possible for these machines, depending on whether the compressive and mechanical parts are being observed from the interior or exterior.
This has allowed us to create absolute types of mechanics
We have then demonstrated that these three types of machines could be realized in a less strict manner, bringing each type complementary qualities of complementary generation of machines, which allows us to rather mention the post rotary prominence of the machine, to retro rotary prominence, to bi rotary prominence, the ideal machines being located between bi rotary and post rotary forms.
These distinctions have allowed us to show that we can establish machine degrees depending on the number of layered inductions necessary to realize an adequate support method.
The following statements will have for objective to show, both the homogeneity and the variability of the mechanical group that we have already demonstrated, that the post, retro, and bi rotary machines can be realized by many compression figures, all of which are supported by this same mechanical group.
Well show that the complexity of the movement of the paddles or paddle structures can be reduced by using pistons, aligned by vertical periphery (poly inductive rotor cylinder machines), by horizontal periphery (horizontal piston rotor cylinder machines), central (central explosion machines), or even with a rectilinear-circular course (slinky machine).
From another point of view, we'll show that poly inductive machines can also have many paddle conceptions, thus realizing peripheral paddles (poly inductive rotor cylinder paddle machines), by traction paddles (poly inductive traction machine), by differential paddles (differential poly induction machine), or by central paddles (central paddle machine).
Piston Machines, as Fourth Degree Machines
Piston machine realizations, as simple in their current realizations, mask their complex reality. In fact, the equal distribution of the forces on the piston minimizing the friction on the cylinder makes the orientation control useless, adequately realized by the running of the piston through the cylinder. The following matters will simply have for effect to demonstrate that if we intended to produce the position and orientation support of the piston, this machine could be in reality a third, or even fourth degree engine.
We have seen up to here that all the first degree methods suffice to adequately support the piston from its only positional point of view. We'll realize that if we intend to also support its orientation point of view, and consequentially without any incidence of the cylinder, we'll always need to produce the machine in its corrected, bi rotary aspect. We'll produce the machine for example by double support of the crankshaft, reattached to two opposite parts of the piston (
We thus see that if we intend on supporting in a total and autonomous manner the compressive part of this machine and that we must mechanically realize the form of its course, this machine answers to all the criteria of machines previously exposed, the inductions having to be doubly produced. This assertion reinforces the general idea that we defend that all machines answer to the mechanical corpus of support, of ligatures, and of corrections stated in the current disclosure, which the rods and runners are but the most elementary expression, applicable preferably in certain more particular contexts.
Subsidiary Motor Machine Figures
We have established up to here that the basic geometric forms for which the application of the corpus of mechanization is realizable are mainly rectilinear compressive part machines, being either pistons, or geometric compressive parts, being either post rotary, retro rotary or bi rotary engines.
In the same manner we have showed that the forms derived directly from them, geometrically, such as for example the orbital engine, answers to the same mechanical corpus, and must be comprised in the current disclosure, and asserted under all its mechanical forms not yet patented before the currently exposed.
In the same manner we have shown more subtle forms, as for example rotor cylinder engines, could be considered as hybrid machines, located halfway between the machines already exposed, somewhere along the lines of a piston machine, but rotary.
The following objectives will have as objective to show that subsidiary machine forms, emanating from basic geometries or even basic mechanics which can be realized and to be considered variants of the general definition of motor machines since the general mechanical corpus can be applied in an adequate manner. The following matters will cover these geometric variants of the compressive parts, for which we comment the stock.
The group of these machines could thus be indexed in the following manner:
As we have demonstrated, by the interchangeability laws of the mechanics for various machine types, we can recognize whether or not it's of a poly inductive type of machine in the measure where we can apply to it favorably, one of the previously commented support methods, this method depending on the degree of the machine, also modified by methods we have commented, either by addition, dynamic support gear, gear polycamation, or layering.
The following matters will thus have for goal to present new machines or even present machines for which we have already obtained a patent, but this time, shown with poly inductive methods.
Poly Inductive Rotor Cylinder Machines
As we have already seen in the current disclosure, once the rotor cylinder machine is produced with a dynamic action of the mechanical parts motivating the pistons, proving to be a machine belonging to the mechanical group described previously.
Central Explosion Machines
We can note that, due to our first mechanizations of central explosion machines (
Poly Rectilinear Slinky Machine Types
The slinky piston machines (
We'll note that all the realization mechanics of rectilinear rod machines are applicable here to the piston of slinky type of machine, taking care to calibrate the mechanics in such a manner to realize many piston extensions and retractions per rotation, through the rotation of the rotor cylinder. We can thus realize slinky machine mechanics by using mono induction, hoop gear inductions, intermediate gears, and so forth Also while taking care to realize the necessary geometric additions in such a manner so that the piston passes correctly by the center.
Slinky type machines can be considered as second level retro mechanical machines, since we must add to the system a supplementary correction, allowing the coordination the rotor cylinder movement with that of the piston. Many methods are possible. We'll choose to alter the speed of the rotor by the use of polycammed gears, or even by altering the speed of the piston, also by such gears. We could also simply add a rod or a runner to the piston.
In fact, here we find characteristics of rotor cylinder machines, rectilinear rod machines, and triangular machines. The current situation is that, for example, when we intend on giving to the pistonnated part three rectilinear movements per turn, as if we're putting in rotation a rectilinear rod machine. A simple retro rotary mechanic will be necessary, by taking care to produce it in such a manner so that the center of its eccentric or induction crank pin passes by the center. For this reason we need that the rectilinear action be as perfect as possible, we could, if necessary, use polycammed gears to assure this.
Simple or Polycammed Rectilinear Peripheral Machines (
We can note, as for the preceding, these machines are limit geometry machines, where we suppose, for example when realized in a triangular manner, doesn't realize a retro rotary mechanic passing by the center, but realizes a perfect triangle.
The differences between the retro mechanical realization of this triangle and will allow, without any use of a rod the rectilinear horizontal displacement of a piston through a rotating cylinder.
As for the previous cases, all the mechanics are applicable, although we give but two examples here, either by retro rotary mono induction, or by poly induction. In the same manner, the polycamation and other modifications are applicable. In a final case, we must mention that the number of pistons is variable as well as the number of “aller retour” per turn. The differential use of the force between the pistons is also realizable. Even then, we could state that many mechanics allow the governing the horizontal “aller retours” of the pistons, without using rods.
Polycammed Semi Turbine Machines
As we have already mentioned in our introduction, motor machines define themselves when there is a difference between the regular circular movement of the motor parts and the irregular non circular movement, and even the circular movement of the compressive parts.
The differential semi turbines situate themselves in this machine category. As before, all the previously exposed mechanics can serve to govern the paddles. Such as we have already exposed beforehand, the simplest version is by simple poly induction, coupled to a runner.
As we have already demonstrated, the differential semi turbines can be with great advantage realized from polycammed gears (
Antiturbine Machine Types
In these machines (
Traction Driven Semi Turbines and Poly Turbines
A third version of machines, said traction driven poly inductive, consists simply, for example, for semi turbines, to show that the power produced, can be realized by the traction between two support points (
Poly Inductive Peripheral Machines
As for rotor cylinder machines (
Machine Compositions
As we have seen up to now, many machine variants can be created, all these machines having the common characteristic of being able to see their compressive part being driven by a same logical group of mechanics issued from internal or external observation.
As we'll be able to remark here, we could realize these machines in combination, these combinations having for goal to adequately realize two possible objectives. The first will be to realize by combining, machines with a compressive prominence to machines with a depressive prominence, in such a manner to realize optimal pump and motor parts.
The second reason will allow the de synchronization of the two combinatory parts of the machines in such a manner as to mislead the dead point of the machine, in other words, to control the de perdition of one of the systems by the combined system.
Combined Successive Piston Machines
In this type of machine (
Compositional, Auto Pumped Machines
It is apparent in these figures that we can create a combination law between retro and post rotary machines and by showing that a same machine can comprise for a same paddle, an exterior post rotary movement, as well as an internal retro rotary movement, and this with the same mechanic (
Generalizations of Meta turbine Machines (
As we have seen previously, we can create more irregular machine cylinders, such as quasi rectangular cylinders, rectangular-triangular, and so forth, by the use of two layered alterations of basic post or retro rotary mechanics. Such is the example for the case of metaturbines with quasi rectangular geometry, for which the simplest realization is produced from a retro rotary mechanic, done with a first correction of geometric addition type, and with a second polycammed correction. As with inferior level machines, these machines can be understood as machine classes, realized through many figures in series and according to a rule of the sides.
Pure Hybrid Machines
In the same order of ideas, we can speak of a cylinder machine whose appearance has been simplified such as balloon cylinder machines (
Machine Compressive Part Rules
Division of Movement
In certain machines, we can turn to the division of movement. In fact, man machine movements are composed of a combination or an addition of circular movement and of one or many other movements. We can then divide the movement of many machines, by keeping only a part of the movement, even strictly circular, to the eccentric or the crankshaft, or even if we want total or partial movement execution.
This is the case, for example, for oscillating or rotor cylinder engines. We'll note that we can find engines in which the cylinder will not produce a circular action, but will with one of the first or second degree figures. Other machines will be possible by dividing the movement in such manners so that the cylinder movement is circular, but that of the poly inductive crankshaft is rectilinear.
All of these machines also fit in the current invention since they all answer, as their cylinder is also mechanical, to methods previously enunced in the mechanical corpus.
Stability and Movement
Consequentially, some motivated machine pieces, other than the crankshaft, can become static and certain static pieces can become active.
Compressive Part Motivation Modes
In all the machines indexed here, we'll note that all the compressive parts can be motivated, as much by push as by traction. The simplest example consists of the push or traction motivation of a piston machine.
We'll note that even the same attributes can be indifferently granted to all types of machines, these machines remaining explicitly in the field of the current invention.
Vertical, Horizontal, or Oblique Action of the Piston Type Compressive Parts
We'll note, more specifically for our rotor cylinder machines, that the pistons can be set up vertically, horizontally, or in an oblique manner in the center of the machine.
In all cases, and this to fortiori if their mechanization methods are of the currently disclosed mechanics, it is the case that they are rotor cylinder machines, covered by the current disclosure.
For example, we can just as well set up a group, not only peripherally, but also, horizontally in the center and activate the pistons by poly inductive, mono inductive, hoop, etc, sub sets allowing to cut off rods and these machines will be in the field of the current disclosure.
In the same manner, in all machine we can interchange the centrality to the exteriority without changing the genesis of the machine. We can also interchange the pieces in movement to static pieces and vice versa without changing the genesis. We could even interchange the eccentricity and circularity without changing the genesis of the machine.
Standard, Central and Peripheral Action
Whether it is for a paddle, piston, or paddle structure engine, the compressive parts can be set up in a standard manner, in periphery, and in the center, and their support by the corpus of mechanical methods enunced will assure the belonging to the current invention.
In the multiple realizations of all machines described in our previous works, in the current works, we have demonstrated how to realize, with the least explosive effort, the largest systematic deconstruction, which, by opposition to conventional rotary type engines, will be a guarantee of the resistance to premature wear. It remains that, practically all machines presented by us, need, on one level or another, and in diverse quantities, gears. It is thus important to specify that all these machines can also advantageously use overlapping type gears (
Before concluding the matter of the current patent application, it is important to mention that all the machines shown here can be used with different variants, for example, as a compressor, artificial hard, pumps and as well as engines.
As we have already showed in our patent application relative to poly inductive machines titled bridges for machines took up again in our international patent, we can use in an advantageous manner eccentrics by replacing induction gear axes mounted in a rotary manner on the crankshaft's sleeves or even of the conventional crankshafts provided with crankpins, in such a manner to be able to cross, by other axes, the machine lengthwise and thus assure to all the elements an equal, balanced support from each side.
The current simply has for object to generalize this technique to all machines presented in the current disclosure and in the group of our works. Everywhere where this is necessary in fact, we could change conventional crankshafts by eccentrics and allow
Selector Fork
In the same manner, we intend by generalizing that the induction gear support if it is preferably produced by axes mounted in a rotary manner on the crankshaft's sleeves will be advantageously realized with the aid of selector forks, either internal or external, allowing to determine the position of the gears as being located between the two parts of the fork, and consequentially the best possible support
Free Support Gears
A third support method could also be realized in all the cases where we judge it pertinent, notably in the cases where we can't use the first two methods, in which, for example, we'd prefer not to cross the machine lengthwise.
In these cases, as we demonstrate in our application . . . and titled . . . we can produce a sleeve for the crankshaft in the part opposite to the main sleeve, and set up in a rotary manner a or many support gears, these gears being, like the induction gear, coupled to the support gear.
The crankshaft will thus assist in its support, of these gears supporting the support gears.
The Isolation of Compressive and Mechanical Parts
In summary, the current invention intends to prove that retro rotary type machines, which the main form is the triangular engine, rectilinear rod machines, post rotary machines, poly turbine machines, rotor cylinder machines, peripheral piston machines, differential semi turbines, meta turbines, and all other motor machine, all work under the same corpus of support mechanics for compressive parts, and, depending on the case, one or more mechanization levels, and for this, constitutes one and only one machine which is claimed here, in all its forms, not already made evident up to this day.
Brief Lexicon
Post rotary figure: figure in which the number of paddle sides is superior by one to that of the cylinder
Retro rotary figure: Figure in which the number of paddle sides is inferior by one to that of the cylinder
Bi rotary figure: figure in which the number of paddle sides or paddle structure is double to that of the cylinder
Post inductive mechanics: Mechanics producing the movement in the same direction, but slowed down, of the paddle
Retro rotary mechanics: Mechanics producing an inversed direction paddle movement
Bi rotary mechanic: mechanics used by combining post and retro rotary mechanics
Support gear: a gear supporting the induction gear; is defined as layered or orientation if it governs the orientation of the paddle in combined constructions. Can also be instigated to modify the size relation
Induction gear: gear fixed firmly on the paddle
Linking gears: gears uniting in certain cases, notably when the paddle gear is of internal type, the support and induction gears
Semi transmission gear: set of gears governing the turning of the crankshaft and of support gears or of active links
Eccentric and polycammed gears, defined as accelerative gears: irregular gears, built in such a manner to be able to act as a coupling when on rigid axes and planetary axes
Mechanical corpus: group of support methods for compressive parts of a given machine
Degree: number of mono induction layers required to activate the compressive parts. Can also signify the number of induction layers and of corrections
List of Patents and Patent Applications
[1 to 36]
a) and b) show respectively methods said by anterior coupling hoop gear and exterior coupling hoop gear
Figures c) and d) show principally post and retro rotary paddle machines, supported in a mono inductive manner. The post rotary machine, specifically a triangular paddle machine, is generally called Wankle engine, named after the inventor. The triangular retro rotary machine, also known as Boomerang, has its geometric form disclosed in our previous patent poly inductive energetic machine
In these types of machines, the rod is subtracted, and this has for result that the compressive part, realized as a paddle, the orientation aspect must be controlled as well as the position aspect. In fact, the positioning of the paddle is assured by an eccentric, set up in a rotary manner inside the machine, whereas it's orientation is assured by a post rotary mono inductive mechanic, in other words, leading the paddle in the same direction of the crankshaft.
In 1d), we find paddle structure machines, which the first realization of this type of compressive part was produced by Wilson (1978). In fact, the pistonnated part is realized by paddles assembled as a flexible quadrilateral. The paddle's alternative form modification from square to lozenge allows the paddles to follow the quasi-elliptical shape of the cylinder.
It is important to mention here the original movement aspect of each paddle of this paddle structure, which is both rotary and oscillatory
We have already mentioned that Wilson did not realize the true nature of this type of machine and for this reason did not fulfill the correct and viable support structure of the paddle structure. We have to this day realized this work and proposed many pertinent support methods for these paddle structures. For more ample details, our patents treating of this matter are consultable.
In b) we find a rectilinear mechanization motor. In these machines, the rectilinear movement of the piston is obtained by the assembly of an eccentric 17 on a master-crankshaft's crankpin 16. The eccentric is provided with an induction gear 18, coupled to an internal type support gear 19, this gear being rigidly fixed in the side of the machine.
c shows that we can also produce the machine in a rotary manner with central pistons 14b or even with the aid of running paddles 19.
Figure b makes evident, by its retro rotary mechanic corrected in a post rotary manner by the action of the geometric rod 24, the bi rotary aspect of the poly turbine
Figure c shows that the differences can be considered between two circular movements of the same center 25, in the measures where the crankshaft's movement is regular 26, and that of the accelero-decelerative paddles 27, which shows that all motor machine answers to the general definition which we have made in our disclosure.
In fact, whatever the type of machine exposed here, as much from the compressive part point of view as its mechanization methods, this basic rule is verifiable and applicable. We'll see more abundantly in the following pages that diverse complexity degrees can intervene between the regularity of the circular movement of the motorizing part and the irregularity of the movement of the compressive parts.
For the moment, however, the current figure's objective is not to show this previous definition more specifically.
In figure a), we can see that the power is equalized in a conventional piston engine, is given by the dynamic difference which is produced between the realization of an alternative rectilinear movement 41 and by the compressive part, here being a piston 42, and the regular circular movement 43 of the crankshaft's crankpin 44.
In figure b), we have realized the motor machine under its orbital form. The fundamental difference between this type of engine and the standard piston engine is before all geometric, the piston compression organs, cylinders 45 being set up each at a specific angle 44, and connected to a same crankpin 45, whereas in a conventional engine, it is rather the crankpins which are differentiated.
The dynamico-mechanical structure thus remains the same as in standard piston engines, since as before, the alternative rectilinear movement of each piston 46 is transferred into a circular movement.
We find in c) a third version of the pistonnated compressive part engine, said rotor cylinder engine. The particularity of this engine is that the cylinder, which we have named rotor cylinder, has a dynamic function since it is mounted in a rotary manner in the machine. The irregular differential actions of the piston courses 49 and of the cylinder 50, serve as a crankshaft, resulting in engine movement, and realizes the definition given before.
In d) in which is realized a rotary Wankle engine, the movement of the compressive parts realized by the paddle 51 has a form approaching that of an eight, and is transformed into a circular movement 52, realized under the form of an eccentric.
In figure f), the irregular movement of the compressive pat, being the paddle 53, this time in a triangular Boomerang engine, is also transformed in a regular and rotary movement of the crankshaft 54.
Also in f), the alternative-rotary movement of each of the paddles of the paddle structure of the poly turbine is transformed into a circular movement of the crankshaft 56.
We'll note that the movements of the crankshafts of machines mounted in e and f is possible in e, are opposite to that of the compressive parts, paddles, and paddle structures, which makes machines of a retro rotary nature, or of retro rotary stock, bi mechanical depending on the case. Figure h) also represents a motor machine respecting the general definition which we have given to the disclosure. In this machine, the piston is set up horizontally in relation to the center of the machine and their alternative and irregular movements are transformed into a regular circular movement 61.
In g of the same figure, we reproduce our differential semi turbine. The particularity of this machine consists that the paddles, as well as the crankshaft turn in a perfectly circular manner. The motor difference consists in that of the difference between the movement of the paddles and the movement of the crankshaft, which is thus not of a geometric order, but rather dynamic. In fact, whereas the movement of the paddles, although circular, is alternatively accelerative and decelerative, that of the crankshaft is regular 59.
Of course there exists, as we have mentioned, in other motor machine variants, according to which, for example, the action of the compressive parts is by traction, by push, etc, but the previous examples seem sufficient to show that the definition given remains pertinent no matter the machine.
Paddle machines are characterized by the fact that the compressive parts are mounted directly on the crankshaft's eccentric 73 or the crankpin 74.
The differences between the movements of the compressive and motor parts are thus deported towards the exterior of the system, affecting directly the course of the compressive parts and consequentially, the form of the cylinder 75. Not only the positional aspect, but also the orientation of the compressive parts themselves, the paddles, must also be controlled. This is realized by many methods already exposed by ourselves, as well as by mono induction, realized in post rotary engines with a figure eight cylinder of the Wankle type 76.
In a), the most common, we find the free rod 90. Fixed freely from its superior extremity to the piston axe 91, and from its inferior extremity to the crankshaft's crankpin 82, it easily transforms, due to its flexibility, the alternative-rectilinear movement of the piston in an inferior circular movement.
In b), we find the correction by runner. This type of correction is frequently used in other devices, notably in jigsaws. Here, the rod 90 is connected by the top 93 in a fixed manner to the piston. At the base of this rod is set up, also in a fixed manner, a piece provided with a lateral runner 94, in which will be engaged in a running manner the crankshaft's crankpin 95.
The later action of the crankshaft 96 in course of rotation will be absorbed by the runner, and will consequentially be cancelled 97. As for its vertical action, it will be transmitted directly to the piston.
The third ligature method of the pistons and the crankshaft could be said by flexible rod. We'll suppose in this method a rod realized with a flexible material coupled by the top in a rigid manner to the piston 98 and by the bottom in a free manner to the crankshaft's crankpin 99. In this realization the flexibility 100, of the rod will absorb the lateral aspect of the displacement of the crankshaft but will guarantee the transmission of the vertical relation between itself and the piston.
The fourth method of ligature of the pistonnated compressive parts to the motor parts of the crankshaft will be said by oscillating cylinder.
In this method, each cylinder is set up in an oscillating manner 101 in the machine. The rod and even the piston could thus directly be connected to the crankshaft's eccentric 103, the lateral aspect of the movement of the crankshaft's eccentric will thus be absorbed by the oscillatory quality of the cylinder, whereas the vertical aspect will conserve it's incidence on the piston.
Another ligature method of the compressive and motorized parts will be said by mechanical induction. As we'll see more frequently in the following figures, this method can be realized by many ways, which will form the mechanical corpus of the current disclosure, and which we'll present for the moment but the most elementary form for this type of support.
In the current mechanic, we set up in a rotary manner on the crankshaft's crankpin 104 an eccentric 105 which the radius is equal to that of the crankshaft. This eccentric is provided with a rigid induction gear 106, this gear being coupled to an internal gear, twice its size, set up sturdily in the side of the machine, which we'll name support gear 107.
The post rotary action of the crankshaft 108 will lead the retro rotary action of the eccentric and the vertical aspects of each of the movements will be added whereas the lateral aspects will be cancelled. The action of the eccentric will thus be alternative and rectilinear, which allows a control or support of the piston without a mechanico-inductive type rod.
In f), of this previous figure, we can note that we can lead the piston in a perfectly rectilinear manner by the competition of two sets of crankshafts 90a) 90b) mounted in an antirotary manner between themselves.
For example, here in a) we have a conventionally produced orbital engine. In b), we have realized it with runner rods. In c), the engine is realized with flexible rods. In d), we have produced the machine with oscillating cylinders, and in e), with a basic mechanic from the range of mechanical methods which we'll expose more in detail further in the current description.
In a), we have the basic rotor cylinder, realizing a single alternative movement of each piston per turn. In b), it is realized with a ligature of the running rod type. In c), it is realized with flexible rods. In d), it is realized with oscillating cylinders.
The first method is by running action of the paddle, set up in a rotor, being installed in a rotary manner inside the machine.
In the two figures, quasi circular and quasi triangular, the paddle 110 is set up, in a running manner 111 in a rotor named the turbine core 112, set up in a rotary manner 113 inside of it.
In both these cases, the combined action of the rotor and of the eccentricity of the cylinder used as cam produces the desired movement of the paddle.
As we have already mentioned many times, this type of very elementary mechanization, though proving sufficient in specific applications requiring very little power, such as small pumps, or compressors, would only be used conveniently in heavier motorology, in which more power and pressure on the elements would be realized.
In fact, we could note that it is an art very well known in the matter of that paddle turns one third of a rotation for ever complete rotation of the crankshaft.
These statements bring us to specify that the dead time of retro rotary machines, is for this reason, much weaker than the piston machine and that in the post rotary machines, in their most elementary forms, to piston engines and to retro rotary engine, in their most elementary form, that is to say triangular boomerang engines, we notice that at the halfway point of decent of each of these units, the post rotary coupling of the machine is weak, whereas that of the piston engine is mid-strength and that of the triangular engine is much more powerful.
The combined action of these rotations will describe a perfectly bi rotary form, in other words, allowing the oscillation of the paddle.
We 'll note that, as we have previously defined, post rotary machines are defined geometrically as machines in which the number of paddle sides is superior to that of the cylinder in which it is motivated, by one, as shown in a), whereas retro rotary machines are caracterised by a geometry, making evident that the number of paddle sides is inferior by one to that of the cylinder in which it is being motivated, such as demonstrated in b) of the same figure. As for bi rotary machines, such as those exposed in c), the number of sides of the paddle structure is double that of the cylinder. In d) we can see that the number ofpaddles per cylinder, for all machines of differential semi turbine type, is variable up to n paddles. In e) we see, as we'll state abundantly hereafter, that the meta turbines can also be produced by generalizations.
The three following fundamental differences assure more power from bi and retro rotary machines, than from post rotary machines. In fact, the number of explosions per paddle sides in a retro rotary engine is superior since the number of sides of its cylinder is superior by two to that of post rotary machines. In fact, as we have already shown that a three sided paddle, when the machine is set up in a rotary manner, voyages in a four sided cylinder, whereas when the machine is set up post rotarily, the paddle voyages in a two sided universe.
In a retro rotary machine with a triangular paddle, each paddle side produces the four times necessary to the combustion, twice by turn, whereas in a post rotary type of machine, a paddle of the same side number produces but two.
These two types of mono induction will thus produce in their most simple expression, when realized by post rotary mono induction, post rotary eight shaped cylinder engine of Wankle geometry and, when realized by retro rotary mono induction, triangular Boomerang engines.
This method by mono induction consists of mounting the paddle 150 on a crankpin 151 or eccentric 152 of the crankshaft. We'll mount rigidly to the paddle of a post rotary machine, taking in account the side rule, an internal type gear which we'll name induction gear 153. We'll couple this gear to an external type gear 154, this gear being set up rigidly in the side of the machine. This gear coupling will reduce the speed of the paddle which will consequentially conserve a movement in the same direction of that of the crankshaft.
Retro rotary type machines mounted in a mono inductive manner, will have mounted on the side of their paddle, in this particular case, an external type induction gear 154, and in the side of the machine, an internal type support gear 155.
This type of gear, contrarily to simply reducing the action of the paddle in relation to that of the crankshaft, will lead it in a planetary movement opposite of that of retro rotary machines.
If we pursue the comparison analyze of the two courses, this time from a dynamic level, we notice that the distance between the two points each realizing their opposite figure is always equidistant. In fact, if we imagine a line uniting the lowest level of one of these courses, 167, to the highest level of the complementary course 168, and that we follow the displacement of this line connecting the two points during their respective courses, we'll note that the length of this line is invariable, and that the distance separating these two points is thus equidistant, for all specific emplacement of these two points in question, which is illustrated by the points a) b) c) d) e) f) of the current figure.
This invariability is very important because it allows the supposition that this line on the material level can be replaced by a rigid piece, for example a paddle.
This set up has the following main advantages, a better repartition of the load and push on two different pressure points, diminishing the friction of this type of machine, when mounted with a central eccentric, and b) the dynamic blockage of the rear push on the paddle, increasing the front power of the machine.
This type of method also verifies the post rotary aspect of the machine, in what concerns the secondary crankshaft, or even the eccentrics that will turn in the same direction 175 as the main crankshaft, as well as in the same direction of that of the paddle 176.
Here the gears, being induction gears 169 will, to realize the pre-described objectives, be coupled to an internal type support gear 191, this gear being set up in a fixed manner in the side of the machine.
As previously, we'll mount the paddle on the eccentrics or the crankpins 182, and we'll obtain, during the rotation of the crankshaft and the retro rotation of the eccentrics and the triangular course desired.
It's from this type of observation that we have already elaborated mono induction and poly induction methods already commented.
For a better comprehension, we suppose in fact in c) and d) that the paddle hasn't turned on its axe at all after a quarter rotation of the crankshaft. We have thus positioned the paddle in b) and c) as if it was rigidly fixed to the crankshaft. In figures c) and d) we see very well that to replace the paddles to specific positions that they must occupy at these dynamic moments of the machine, we must apply a retro rotation to each of them, much lighter 100 for post rotary machines and more pronounced 101 for retro rotary machines.
We can in fact, state that a retro rotation of the paddle of a post rotary machine will be approximately in the order of 60 degrees whereas retro rotary machines, here triangular, will be of approximately 130 degrees.
In other words, it's saying that seen from the angle of an observer located on the crankshaft or on the paddle, we'll note that in both these cases, there is a retro rotation of the paddle in relation to the crankshaft, and that they are before all, differences of the degree of retro rotation which characterize these two types of machines.
It is thus of the uttermost importance to note the two following points:
The movement of the paddle will be realized not by resorting to the positional character of the crankshaft and orientation character of the machine, but rather by both the position and orientation character of the crankshaft.
The complete explanation is as follows. In a) we see the basic structure receiving the paddle later on. In c), a crankshaft 120 is set up in a rotary manner in the body of the machine and is built in such a manner to be able to receive in a rotary manner a hoop gear 121. A support gear 122 is set up in a fixed manner in the side of the machine, preferably by the means of an axe. The hoop gear is set up in a rotary manner in the basin of the crankshaft's sleeve to this effect 123, in such a manner as to be coupled to the support gear.
We'll note that the hoop gear could also be set up in a rotary manner from an axe, or even replaced by another means such as a chain.
In b) of the same figure, we observe that the rotation of the crankshaft 126 leads the orientation retro rotation of the hoop gear, and that if a mark 127 is put on the gear, this mark will back up to 128, 129, 130 in course of the crankshaft's rotation.
Consequentially, if a gear 131 is engaged in a rotary manner on the crankshaft's crankpin in such a manner to be coupled to the hoop gear 132, the retro rotation of this part will automatically lead to the retro rotation of this gear 133, and will thus produce the retro rotation of the paddle's orientation which is attached. This is what happens in c1) and c2) since the paddles 134 will be provided with induction gears 131 and will be set up in a rotary manner on the crankshaft's crankpin 136, in such a manner so that the induction gear is coupled to the hoop gear, this gear having it's course controlled as we have previously explained and commented, by it's coupling to a support gear simultaneously to the rotary action of the crankshaft.
The advantages of having such a mechanic are admittedly, first and foremost a great fluidity resulting of the use of a crankpin 140, in opposition to that of an eccentric as it's the case in standard versions. In a second case, we must mention the other important advantage which consists of allowing an attack of the paddle's induction gear, this time externally, from the top, which removes the effect of the continued back push in these types of engines.
In the current support method, a crankshaft 152, provided with a crankpin 153, or an eccentric 154, will be set up in a rotary manner inside the machine, and a paddle 155 provided with an internal type gear 151 will be set up on the crankpin or the eccentric.
The crankshaft will possess, on the anterior 156 or posterior 157 sides a support crankpin 158 of the linking gear, on which will be set up in a rotary manner the liking gear 150, this gear being coupled to both the paddle's gear as well as the hoop gear.
The hoop gear will, beforehand but not obligatorily, be mounted in a rotary manner on the crankshaft's sleeve, by it's intrusion in a basin where with the aid of an axe, in such a manner to couple the linking gear with the support gear.
The crankshaft's rotation will lead the retro rotation of the hoop gear, which in turn leads the retro rotation of the linking gear, which consequentially, leads to that of the paddle gear and to the paddle to which it is connected.
In c1), the linking gear is placed on top, for a more forwards attack which could be interesting in the case of retro rotary machines. In a) and b), it is placed closer to the center for a more backwards attack of the paddle. The diagrammatic figuration of these possibilities is shown in d) the general idea of it is to properly show the versatility of the use of the hoop gear, which coupled in this manner, allows to find the perfect balance of post and retro rotary push on the same paddle, in such a manner to balance these pushes, to totally cutting off the counter push.
The exterior linking gear is coupled 174 to the support gear whereas the interior linking gear is coupled to the internal paddle gear 175, this gear being mounted on the crankshaft's eccentric.
The crankshaft's rotation will lead the double retro rotation of the linking gears, which will lead the paddle in a retro rotary manner.
One of the main differences between this method and the previous one, is that the support gear will be of internal type and will be set up rigidly in the side of the machine 181. A support axe 172 for the ling gears 183 will be set up in a rotary manner on the crankshaft's sleeve. The paddle 184 provided with an internal induction gear 185 which will be set up in a rotary manner on the crankpin or the crankshaft's eccentric. The linking gear located on the exterior side of the crankshaft will be coupled to the support gear 187 and the second to the paddle gear 188.
The functioning will be the following; the rotation of the crankshaft will lead the retro rotation of the double linking gear 179 which will, in turn, lead to the orientation retro rotation of the paddle, in course of its position rotation 180.
In this type of support, as always, a crankshaft 200 provided with an eccentric or a crankpin 201 is set up in a rotary manner in the center of the machine. In its side is set up an external support gear 202. The paddle is provided 204 with an induction gear 205 and is set up in a rotary way on the crankpin or the crankshaft's eccentric. An intermediate gear 206 is set up in a rotary manner on or by an axe from the crankshaft's crankpin 207, in such a manner as to indirectly couple the support gears of the machine and the paddle's induction gear.
This gear is set up in such a manner as to couple the induction paddle's induction gears 204 and the support gear 202.
The functioning of the machine shows that during the post rotation of the crankshaft 208, the intermediate gear, being itself a planetary gear to the support gear, undergoes a post rotation 209 which leads in turn, by it's complementary side, the paddle's orientation's retro rotation 209b) in course of it's positional rotation. As previously, since the position and orientation aspects of the paddle aren't absolute, but rather relative to that of the crankshaft, this method applies as much to post rotary machines as retro rotary ones, in which it will suffice to calibrate the gears.
This realization allows us to enounce the rule according to which we can change an external paddle gear for an internal gear and a linking gear, and inversely, without modifying the machine's structure.
The paddle 213, provided with an induction gear 214, will be set up on the crankshaft's crankpin 215. Two linking gears 216 will be connected rigidly and set up in a rotary manner by means of an axe at the crankshaft's spur, in such a manner as to couple the machine's support gear to the paddle's induction gear.
The functioning of the machine is in effect only under the rotation of the crankshaft 219, the linking planetary gears mounted on the crankshaft's spur will be lead post actively 220, which will activate the paddle orientation's retro activation 221 during it's position's rotation.
Here, consequentially, a crankshaft 230 is set up in a rotary manner inside the machine and a central gear 231 is set up in a free and rotary manner in the center on or by a central axe to this effect, in such a manner as to be coupled to the induction gear's paddle. To obtain the desired orientation effect of the paddle, we'll thus need in course of positional rotation to motivate the central gear in a post active way.
In fact, to obtain a retro rotation 232 of the paddle during it's position's rotation 233, we'll need to produce a post action of the central active support gear superior to that of the crankshaft.
To do this, many means could be used. Among the simplest, there's the following; we'll provide the support axes of the central gear and the crankshaft with gears 234, 236 these gears being coupled indirectly by a double gear, which we'll name accelerator gears 237, these pieces being set up in a rotary manner in the side of the machine.
The functioning of the machine will thus be the following. During the rotation of the crankshaft 239, the accelerator gears will lead the accelerated turning of the support gear, which will produce a retro rotary effect 232 on the paddle by means of it's induction gear.
However, the activation method of the central gear is different. Here, we resort to an internal support gear 253. A spur gear 254 is coupled to the post active support gear, activating the doubled linking gears 256 constituting the central pot active gear with the effect we know.
The functioning consists, during the rotation of the crankshaft 257, the central linking gears are lead into post rotation 258, which leads the paddle's orientation's retro rotation 250 during the paddle's position's rotation.
We thus suppose a crankshaft 260 set up in a rotary manner inside the machine. We suppose that, on the crankshaft's sleeve there is set up two gear support axes 261, or even, the two first supporting the free gears and the third, active link gear. We'll note that the machine will be realizable with a single support and the free gear, which we have produced with two for a better stability. We'll note that in the case of a single free gear, it could also be set up in the center of the machine and not on the sleeve. An internal paddle gear will be fixed rigidly in the center of the paddle 268, and a support gear will be, as in the previous versions, fixed rigidly inside the machine. A gear, or a double linking gear 253, will be set up in a rotary manner on the axe of the superior crankpin, and will couple the rigid paddle hoop gear and the machine's support gear.
The functioning of the machine consists that during the rotation of the crankshaft 267, the linking gear will be brought in retro rotation 268 and will thus lead the orientation's retro rotation of the paddle, applied by its fixed hoop gear, to both the linking gear and to the free support gears.
In this method the paddle is as before provided with a fixed hoop gear 270 which serves as support, both orientationally and positionally.
As before, it is possible to construct the machine with less gears, but by an ideal support and a better comprehension, we suppose here that four gears, said eccentric, because the direction of rotation is outside of a gear center being set up in a rotary manner in four fixed spots of the machine, either on or by four fixed axes 272 to it.
The functioning is to the effect that the functioning of the paddle turning positionally the gears will modify itself, such as demonstrated in b) and will thus realize desired machine forms.
The motor axe could thus be set up by one of the gears 273, or even on a central polycammed retro rotary gear 274, set up between the four eccentric induction gears.
In such a manner to conserve the eccentric gears well coupled to the support gear, we'll produce a support brace connected either to the center of these gears, either also in an off-centered manner 284, opposite of the first.
The crankshaft could be an eccentric set up in the machine 285 or a double eccentric 286. The interest of the current mechanic will be that the movement of the paddle could be made in a totally independent way of the crankshaft's eccentric, which will have for result that the friction on it will be reduced to a maximum.
In the case of retro rotary machines, the peripheral eccentric and the central eccentric could be controlled by a hoop gear 292 coupled to the induction gear for each of these elements 293, 294, as well as the support gear 295.
In its first installation type, the intermediate hoop gear is attached interiorly to the support gear and exteriorly to the induction gear, and for result that the retro rotation 298 leads the post rotation 299 of the induction gear. In its second installation type, the intermediate hoop gear is coupled by its exterior surface to the support gear, and by it's interior surface to the induction gear and for result that its post rotation 300 leads as well the post rotation of the induction gear.
An intermediate gear could have for effect to connect the gears of each of these eccentrics and peripherals.
The use of the intermediate hoop gear and the intermediate hoop offers, in addition to much more geometrical flexibility. As we'll show in the variety and the liberty of realization of machine forms, these pieces being much less submitted to the forced size relations of the gears in relation with their required rotation numbers.
The types of arrangements will thus allow to realize not only post rotary machines with bi rotary cylinders, but also allows the realization of more post rotary, bi rotary machines, as for example, poly turbines.
All these mechanics also apply to derived retro rotary figures, such as for example three sided paddle figures, in square-like cylinders, or even four sided paddle figures in a five sided cylinder. We must simply, for these figures, calibrate these gears.
We find in 36a), the mono induction paddle support, in 36b), by poly induction. The two methods being methods deduced from the exterior observation. In 36c), we find the method by semi transmission, in 36d), by hoop gear, in 36e), by anterior and posterior hoop gears, in 36f) by internal juxtaposed gear, in 36g) by internal superposed gear we find a realization, in 36h) by intermediate gear, in 36i) by intermediate posterior gear, 36j) by intermediate hoop gear, and in 36k) by spur gear.
In a) of this figure, we find the piston motor machine supported by this method. A crankshaft 210 is set up in a rotary manner in the machine, on its crankpin 311 is set up in a rotary manner an eccentric 312 of a same radius of that of the crankshaft. This eccentric is provided firmly with an induction gear 313, this gear being coupled to an internal support gear 314, in the side of the machine.
In b), we find the bi rotary method, in which two crankshafts, each provided with a rod, supporting the piston in turn. The pistons 315 are attached by fixed rods, or directly to the eccentric since its attachment will be perfectly rectilinear 316.
In a) we'll use selector forks 318 to balance the support of the subsidiary crankshaft axe.
In b), we'll realize this subsidiary crankshaft as an eccentric 319.
In c), we'll support the crankshaft also in its interior portion, by a circular bulge to this effect, serving as additional range 320.
In d), we'll add an interior support to the crankshaft as the form of a spur gear freely coupled to the support gear.
In a), the crankshaft 320 receives in a rotary manner the hoop gear 321, this gear being coupled in its lower part to the support gear 322, set up rigidly inside the machine. On the crankshaft's crankpin 323, there's an eccentric set up in a rotary manner 324, provided with an induction gear 325, in such a manner so that this induction gear is coupled to the superior part 326 of the hoop gear.
The correct gear calibration and the side of the eccentric of radius equal to the distance separating the gear centers assure a purely rectilinear trajectory of the eccentric 327, or of the crankpin, and will thus correctly support the pistons 328 without rods or even free rods.
b) shows the application of the method by semi transmission. In this method, an eccentric 329 is set up in a rotary manner in the machine and is provided with a semi transmission gear 331. A second eccentric 330, double the size is set up on the first and is provided with an induction gear 332. A dynamic support gear 333 is coupled to it and is by means of an axe 334 provided with a semi transmission gear 335. The two semi transmission gears being indirectly coupled by resorting to an inversion gear 336, set up in a rotary manner inside the machine. The pistons are connected directly or by rod to the superior eccentric 337 which realizes a perfectly rectilinear movement.
c) shows the realization of a rectilinear engine from the method said by intermediate gear.
In this method, the crankshaft 340 is set up in a rotary manner inside the machine and on its crankpin, there's an eccentric 341 is set up in a rotary manner and is provided with an induction gear 342. The support gears 343 and the induction gear 342 are coupled by means of a third gear, being the intermediate gear 344. The pistons are directly, or by means of fixed rods connected to the induction eccentric 341.
d) shows the support method said by central most active gear. In this method, a first eccentric 350, provided with a crankpin is set up in a rotary manner inside the machine, and is provided with an axe finished by a semi transmission gear. A post active centered gear is set up on an axe crossing that of the main eccentric, and is provided as well with a semi transmission gear. The two semi transmission gears are coupled by linking accelerator gears 355.
On the crankshaft's crankpin 356 is then set up in a rotary manner an induction eccentric 357, which is provided with an induction gear 358 coupled to a dynamic, post active support gear.
The piston 359 will thus be coupled directly or by means of a fixed rod to the induction eccentric which realizes a perfectly rectilinear alternative.
We can deduce from the previous explanations that the piston machines are also mechanical induction machines and that consequentially, of all other support methods of the mechanical corpus previously exposed will be correctly applicable in such a manner to realize a support for mechanical pistonnated parts. In all cases, it'll suffice that, as we have shown, the paddle be replaced by an eccentric or even by a secondary crankshaft, which is provided with a crankpin, these two last pieces receiving in a fixed way the induction gears, and consequentially being motivated not only positionally, but also orientationally by the mechanical group.
The pistons 359 will thus be directly coupled or by means of a fixed rod to the induction eccentric.
In b), the planetary gear 364 is one third of the size of the support gear 365 which is of internal type this time around. The realized shape is said to be of retro rotary geometry. We'll note that an increase of the distance between the point of rotation and its center 366 will produce an increase of the flattening of the triangular shape realized 365b).
In c) we see the course realized by a point connected to two planetaries turning in opposite direction, the form realized being bi rotary. We'll return to this subject later on, but lets enounce now that the bi rotary forms are also those which mechanically, allow geometrically the oscillatory movement realization, which we'll comment in detail during our statements relative to poly turbines.
For the moment, we'll note more precisely that when these figures represent paddle machine cylinders, they appear non-ideal and must be corrected to respect the optimal compression ratio of internal combustion machines.
Relatively to post rotary machines, the rounding is too ample and realizes a compression rate which is much too important. This is why it is an art to cut off a certain quantity of material on the paddle surface to deaden this compression excess. The following matters will have for object to show that a compression reduction by a cylinder transformation will allow, to not only obtain corrective results relatively to this element, but also, in reason of the new support mechanics elaborated, simultaneously increase the machine coupling. We'll thus aim to realize compression drops by realizing cylinders which the amplitude of its width will be reduced 370.
Contrarily, in what concerns retro rotary figures, we'll need to give them amplitude by reducing the corners of the figures which are their own 371 and by increasing the rounding of the sides 372.
As well as for bi rotary machines, particularly the poly turbine, we'll need to give them a post rotation, if we want to express ourselves in this manner, and to enlarge the amplitude 373 and to reduce the height 374.
We'll need to imagine the form corrections and their basic mechanics to allow the realization of new cylinders.
We'll note that this type of realization reiterates the fault of the first, although this time on a second level since the cylinder eccentrics complete the mechanical action and is necessary to the paddle movement.
We'll note that all the previously exposed realizations allow the production of an rectilinear alternative movement, can be used in a layered manner to control the alternative aspect of the paddle displacement.
In d) the lateral displacement of the paddle during these positional and orientational rotations is produced with the use of rods.
Ideally to increase the compression of Boomerang engines and to diminish that of post rotary Wankle geometry engines, we'll need to round off the cylinders of one and to attenuate the width of the other.
To do this, we'll falsify the dimensional relation of the gears. We'll use, for example, for triangular engines a ratio of one on four 404, and the ratio of that of Wankle engines, established, for example, at on to one 405. To compensate for these changes, we'll activate post actively the support gear 407 of the triangular engine, and we'll activate retro actively that of the post rotary engines 408. We'll thus conserve, in lack of modification of gear size ratio, the same number of incidences of one on the others, and consequentially the same number of revolutions per rotation of the planetary gears.
The number of induction gear revolutions and consequentially that of the paddles will be identical, and this independently of their distance in a) or of their closeness to the center in b).
The obtained cylinder form will thus be less inserted into the corners 409, for triangular engines, and weaker in the rounding of post rotary machines.
The post action or retro action of the support gear commented, could be obtained from small accelerative semi transmissions or inversive already commented, or by another means. We'll note that the corrected retro rotary engine takes, so to speak, a certain post rotary connotation, whereas the post rotary engine, for its part, conversely a retro rotary connotation. We'll note in addition that the motorization exits could be produced by use of accelerative or inversive gear axes, which will allow it to realize both post and retro rotary forces.
With these methods, it is in fact possible to falsify voluntarily the distance ratios between the gears without falsifying the turning ratio. A second example of these qualities will be that which allows the contrary, to elongate the width of the cylinder of a poly turbine type of machine, here with the help of an intermediate hoop gear.
In a), the intermediate gear is reduced 423.
In c), the geometric addition allows to pass from the retro rotary form 432 to the bi rotary form 443.
In fact, we'll state that the geometric addition realized on a mono inductive retro rotary mechanic produces exactly the same form of that realized by a mechanic in opposite double inductions, which we have said, bi rotary, or bi inductive 433. We'll show more specifically further how we'll be able to generalize this type of correction to all basic mechanics to support poly turbine type machines.
Here in a), we suppose the realization of a Boomerang machine, which the movement govern of the paddle center will be realized by a planetary retro induction of triangular type.
In b1) and b2), we imagine on the obtained movement 450,451 a second, smaller circular action 452,453 in extent and here, in opposite direction.
We can state that this correction corrects the basic form and renders is much more appropriate 454,455.
The way to realize these objectives will be to renounce to realize a positional course of the paddle center which will be circular. In the case of the triangular engine, the central course could be in tri-points 460 whereas in the post rotary engine, it could be oval and vertical 461.
We can resume the two current figures by saying that we can effectuate an additional superposed correction mechanic of the initial form, or even that we can correct the form of its central evolution which, sums everything, will be realized in the same type of superposed mechanics.
It is very important to note that all support method of compressive parts already commented by ourselves, comprised within the mechanical corpus of motor machines, either by mono induction, poly induction, by hoop, intermediate gears, and so forth, can be used in combination with all method of this same corpus to realize the machine. In these combination methods, one will be produced to control the specific positional course of the machine and the other to realize its orientational course.
In fact, a machine could thus be produced in positional control from a mono induction and produces an orientational control by,hoop gear. In another manner, another machine could use a first level positional control by hoop gear, and a second, for orientational control, by mono induction.
We thus realize that the possibilities of mechanical variants are of approximately four hundred for a single machine, since each corpus method can be combined to another to produce a positional and orientational control of the paddle. We'll comment but two combinatory possibilities here. We'll find many other combination possibilities in our two patent applications to this matter, serving as priority to the current which we'll annex the figures at the end of the present one.
In the current figure, we've modified the exterior course of the paddle by modifying the central course of it. To do this, we have used two mono inductions, one retro rotary, and the other post rotary. In fact, we've set up in a rotary manner, inside the machine, a crankshaft 800. On it's crankpin we have set up, also rotarily, an eccentric 801, provided with a positional induction gear 802. This gear is coupled to an internal type support gear 804. This set forms the first induction, that which will result in the triangular movement 805 of the positional eccentric.
The second induction, this time of post rotary type, will be constituted of the following elements. On the crankshaft will be fixed rigidly, at the crankpin's height, an internal type gear, which we'll name orientational, or layered, support 806. On the paddle will be set up rigidly the orientational, or layered, induction gear 807, here of internal type and which will be coupled to the orientational support gear.
This second set will assure the retro rotation of the paddle during the realization of it's triangular course, which will produce the desired form.
In 48.3b), the two combined method are rather, on the first level, in b1) the method by mono induction, and in b2), that by poly induction.
The figure shows thus that we can consider to just title the rotor cylinder machine, already under Canadian patent with a fixed axe, as a mechanico inductive machine, in the measure where we consider the action inferior of the rod, not as attached to a fixed point, but rather motivated my a ligature means, which the methods by mechanical induction. We can at this point conceive retro rotary or post rotary mechanics, with the help of semi transmission, will activate the crankshaft in opposite or same direction, but at accelerated rotor speed. The first and second series of figures a) and b) show in I these cases, the rotor and crankshaft displacement in opposite direction or in accelerated post rotation.
In c), we can observe that the piston displacement is elliptical 504 which has as consequence that we can consider the machine as bi rotary, and thus, realize a set of mechanics, and especially, allow the piston support by mechanics identical to that of poly turbines and consequentially without rods.
In this case, the mechanization shows that this type of machine is, if we intend to make the rotor turn in a regular way, bi rotarily, thus of the same type as paddle structured poly turbines. In fact, if we observe attentively the displacement of the piston, we notice that they follow an elliptical trajectory, identical to that of the points of the paddles of poly turbine paddle structures.
In b), the machine is constructed with each piston supported by a retro rotary mechanic, provided with a geometric rod 514.
In c), we show that in the case where we would want to realize the machine with a post rotary mono induction, we must first polycam it 515 to obtain a correct governing of the piston without a rod.
In d), we show that if we want to proceed to the use of a standard post rotary mechanic, we'll need to polycam the rotary action of the rotor 516 in a manner to render it irregular, we could without geometric addition, or polycammation of the support structure, realize the machine without any rod, whether by post or retro induction.
In a), we find the piston governed by retro rotary mono induction, added with a geometric rod. In b) we find the piston activated by a hoop gear mechanic, added with a geometric rod. In c) we find an intermediate gear mechanic added with a geometric rod. All these mechanics could thus be used by adding to them certain corrections, here, for example with the geometric rod.
We can say that all method allowing the realization of poly turbines, could constitute the first two levels of meta turbine realization, upon which we 'll carry out another correction. We thus have more than a thousand mechanical support possibilities.
As for piston machines, retro rotary, post rotary, rotor cylinder machines, poly turbines, and meta turbines could thus have their compressive parts motivated by all mechanics indexed in the present corpus, and are thus, for this reason an integral part of machines extended to the general definition given above.
In this machine, a rotor 520 provided with a transversal cylinder 521 is set up rotarily 522 in the machine's cylinder. A piston 523 is set up in a running manner in the cylinder and will have, during to rotation of the rotor, a rectilinear alternative acton 524a) depending on the number of return trips of the piston, here for example, three, we'll see that the real resulting shape of course of the piston will be quasi triangular 524b), belonging to that realized by a retro rotary mono inductive mechanic.
There are two main ways of realizing this movement. We can firstly realize an alternative rectilinear secondary movement, subordinated to the rotary movement of the rotor. We'll note that we can also realize machines by treating interiorly the rectilinear alternative movement of the piston, for example by a mini mono inductive mechanic, rectilinear in course of rotation, the secondary crankshaft in this manner could for example, retro activate by hoop gear 531. We'll note that in this case, all the rectilinear mechanics realizations of the mechanical corpus exposed before hand could be used in layeres and thus allows us to adequately realize the machine, and the cylinder forms when it is necessary. In this case, we could realize the rectilinear alternative movement by all the previously demonstrated means, and synchronize this movement, by means such as gears with the rotation of the rotor cylinder.
A second way will be to produce an exterior induction, exactly producing the desired movement with a single induction.
To do this, we must beforehand however notice that the induction's course must pass by the machine's center. We must thus add to the retro rotary mono inductive mechanic a geometric rod 526 to realize this aspect of its course. In addition, we'll notice that the addition of this rod forces the enlargement of the obtained petal shape 257, at the top of the course. We must thus aim for the thinning of this superior rounding to allow the adequacy of the piston movement and that of the rotor. We'll thus need to produce the mono induction with polycammed gears which will slow down the speed of the mechanics in these parts in such a manner so they become adequate, in its width at the rotation of the rotor.
In another manner, we could contrarily accelerate and slow alternatively the action of the rotor 528 to hold in account this geometry. In this case, it's rather the speed of the rotor's rotation which we'll need to make irregular, in c). We'll thus need to realize its movement with a mechanical induction, fabricated with eccentric and polycammed gears.
Wee thus see that these types of machines, of very simple belonging, are in fact third degree machines, in other words, needing a first induction and to levels of corrections afterwards.
In this type of machine, the rotor cylinder 540 is set up rotarliy in the main cylinder of the machine, and is provided with cylinders horizontally set up 541 which the number is variable. Pistons 542 are introduced in these cylinders 541 and will have in course of rotation of the rotor an alternative rectilinear action. We can connect these pistons by diverse ligature means exposed, free rods 544, runners, mono inductions 543 set up in a planetary manner. However, we can also study more attentively the alternative piston movement in course of the rotor cylinder's rotation and observe the phenomenon that the pistons produce a form which reminds of that of the paddle points of retro rotary figures. We can realize that the action of the pistons can, as in all machines described, be introduced by the diverse means consisting of the mechanical corpus of general motor machines. In fact, we could state that we can proceed to a direct piston support by retro mechanical mono induction 557, as for example here, a mono induction realizing a triangular form As before, we could synchronize the movement of the rotor with the aid of eccentric and polycammed gears if it is necessary.
In another manner, we could, if we desire a more characterized action of the piston, add to the mono induction, to a first degree induction added with a geometric rod 556, and afterwards, of a certain manner, an anti correction by polycammed gear, which will guarantee the amplitude of the piston movement but also it's correct triangular
In all these cases, the piston passes alternatively to the center of the cylinder 558, and then at its extremities 559.
We'll note that the machine can be realized conventionally, in other words pushed on the compressive parts in support on the cylinder, 564, we could thus realize the power in a differential manner, using the power developed by a posterior piston, in differential support on the anterior piston 565.
In fact, here we use an eccentric polycammed gear to realize the paddle support and this with result that we could cut off ligature means of the machine and realize it with paddles directly coupled to the crankpins of the induction gears. These possibilities are issued from the report that we make turn the eccentric gears 570, or polycammed, in a planetary manner, a support gear 571, external or internal also polycammed, 572, the distance connecting the center of the support gear, or even of the support crankshafts, and the eccentric center of rotation of the induction gear 575 is invariable.
The eccentric deformities have an accelerative incidence 576 decelerative 577, on the eccentrics at the same time as decelerative 578 accelerative on the crankshaft 579.
Consequentially, these crankshafts can be replaced by paddles 580 which will go through accelerations and decelerations complementary to one another which will produce their distance fluctuation and by consequence, the compression and expansion of the gasses between them.
Induction means, such as those previously enounced, in the general mechanical corpus of the current work, support each of the interior paddle extremities 593 in course of rotation. This movement will cause folding 594 and the alternative rectification of the paddle 595, which will cause alternatively the bringing together 596 and taking away 596 between themselves, creating gas compressions and expansions.
A common explosion chamber 655 will allow the explosion to, especially on the exterior piston, break 656 the high dead time of the front piston. In b), the combination is done with two piston parts assembled.
In both these machines, here shown post rotarily mono inductively 633 and retro rotarily mono inductively 634, we have extruded the original eccentric 635, by keeping on each side an eccentric part 636, each of these parts being connected to the other by intermediate of a crankpin. We know that the eccentrics of post rotary machines, turn three times faster than the paddles 638, whereas eccentrics of retro rotary machines turn in opposite direction of their own paddles 639.
We can thus set up in the paddle cylinders pistons 640, ligatured by some means, such as a rod, to the eccentrics'crankpins. The differential actions of the paddles and crankpins will produce the alternative rectilinear actions of the pistons in their respective cylinder, during the rotation of the said cylinders.
We'll thus produce an increase and diminishing of compression depending on the positioning of the crankpins.
We could for example set up the crankpins in such a manner so that the top of the ascent of the pistons be in advance or retarded on that of the paddle, and consequentially, produces a compensation of pressure of one of the parts during the start of the other, annihilating the dead time of one of the parts, without loss of compression during its start of descent.
As for meta turbines, the cylinders can be generated, always by keeping a rectangular aspect, giving space for alterations in the domain of the length of the sides. Their cylinders are characterized by an irregular cylinder of rectangular form 660, rectangulo-triangaloid 661, and rectangulo-squaroid 662, etc
We could simple use a positional mechanic of oval course 671 and leave the surface of the cylinder, as in a piston machine, effectuate the orientational work of the piston displacement. The advantage of these machines will be the possibility to set up the spark plug in the side which would allow an explosion outside of the mechanical dead time.
Here, the support gear is fixed firmly on the eccentric and of centered manner, which creates the same geometry that if it was, like in the other versions, centered with the crankpin.
Number | Date | Country | Kind |
2385608 | May 2002 | CA | national |
2386353 | May 2002 | CA | national |
2386355 | May 2002 | CA | national |
2386350 | May 2002 | CA | national |
2386349 | May 2002 | CA | national |
2401687 | Sep 2002 | CA | national |
2401678 | Sep 2002 | CA | national |
2407284 | Nov 2002 | CA | national |
2410787 | Nov 2002 | CA | national |
2410789 | Nov 2002 | CA | national |
2410848 | Dec 2002 | CA | national |
2417138 | Jan 2003 | CA | national |
2421097 | Mar 2003 | CA | national |
Filing Document | Filing Date | Country | Kind | 371c Date |
PCT/CA03/00713 | 5/16/2003 | WO | 2/23/2006 |