Reverse-turn mimetics and method relating thereto

Conformationally constrained compounds which mimic the secondary structure of reverse-turn regions of biologically active peptides and proteins are disclosed. Such reverse-turn mimetic structures have utility over a wide range of fields, including use as diagnostic and therapeutic agents. Libraries containing the reverse-turn mimetic structures of this invention are also disclosed as well as methods for screening the same to identify biologically active members. The invention also relates to the use of such compounds for inhibiting or treating disorders modulated by Wnt-signaling pathway, such as cancer, especially colorectal cancer, restenosis associated with angioplasty, polycystic kidney disease, aberrant angiogenesis disease, rheumatoid arthritis disease, tuberous sclerosis complex, Alzheimer's disease, excess hair growth or loss, or ulcerative colitis.


[0002] 1. Field of the Invention

[0003] The present invention relates generally to reverse-turn mimetic structures and to a chemical library relating thereto. The invention also relates to applications in the treatment of medical conditions, e.g., cancer diseases, and pharmaceutical compositions comprising the mimetics.

[0004] 2. Description of the Related Art

[0005] Random screening of molecules for possible activity as therapeutic agents has occurred for many years and resulted in a number of important drug discoveries. While advances in molecular biology and computational chemistry have led to increased interest in what has been termed “rational drug design”, such techniques have not proven as fast or reliable as initially predicted. Thus, in recent years there has been a renewed interest and return to random drug screening. To this end, particular strides having been made in new technologies based on the development of combinatorial chemistry libraries, and the screening of such libraries in search for biologically active members.

[0006] In general, combinatorial chemistry libraries are simply a collection of molecules. Such libraries vary by the chemical species within the library, as well as the methods employed to both generate the library members and identify which members interact with biological targets of interest. While this field is still young, methods for generating and screening libraries have already become quite diverse and sophisticated. For example, a recent review of various combinatorial chemical libraries has identified a number of such techniques (Dolle, J. Com. Chem., 2(3): 383-433, 2000), including the use of both tagged and untagged library members (Janda, Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 91:10779-10785, 1994).

[0007] Initially, combinatorial chemistry libraries were generally limited to members of peptide or nucleotide origin. To this end, the techniques of Houghten et al. illustrate an example of what is termed a “dual-defined iterative” method to assemble soluble combinatorial peptide libraries via split synthesis techniques (Nature (London) 354:84-86, 1991; Biotechniques 13:412-421, 1992; Bioorg. Med. Chem. Lett. 3:405-412, 1993). By this technique, soluble peptide libraries containing tens of millions of members have been obtained. Such libraries have been shown to be effective in the identification of opioid peptides, such as methionine- and leucine-enkephalin (Dooley and Houghten, Life Sci. 52, 1509-1517, 1993), and a N-acylated peptide library has been used to identify acetalins, which are potent opioid antagonists (Dooley et al., Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 90:10811-10815, 1993. More recently, an all D-amino acid opioid peptide library has been constructed and screened for analgesic activity against the mu (“m”) opioid receptor (Dooley et al, Science 266:2019-2022, 1994).

[0008] While combinatorial libraries containing members of peptide and nucleotide origin are of significant value, there is still a need in the art for libraries containing members of different origin. For example, traditional peptide libraries to a large extent merely vary the amino acid sequence to generate library members. While it is well recognized that the secondary structures of peptides are important to biological activity, such peptide libraries do not impart a constrained secondary structure to its library members.

[0009] To this end, some researchers have cyclized peptides with disulfide bridges in an attempt to provide a more constrained secondary structure (Tumelty et al., J. Chem. Soc. 1067-68, 1994; Eichler et al., Peptide Res. 7:300-306, 1994). However, such cyclized peptides are generally still quite flexible and are poorly bioavailable, and thus have met with only limited success.

[0010] More recently, non-peptide compounds have been developed which more closely mimic the secondary structure of reverse-turns found in biologically active proteins or peptides. For example, U.S. Pat. No. 5,440,013 to Kahn and published PCT applications nos. WO94/03494, WO01/00210A1, and WO01/16135A2 to Kahn each disclose conformationally constrained, non-peptidic compounds, which mimic the three-dimensional structure of reverse-turns. In addition, U.S. Pat. No. 5,929,237 and its continuation-in-part U.S. Pat. No. 6,013,458, both to Kahn, disclose conformationally constrained compounds which mimic the secondary structure of reverse-turn regions of biologically active peptides and proteins. The synthesis and identification of conformationally constrained, reverse-turn mimetics and their application to diseases were well reviewed by Obrecht (Advances in Med. Chem., 4, 1-68, 1999).

[0011] While significant advances have been made in the synthesis and identification of conformationally constrained, reverse-turn mimetics, there remains a need in the art for small molecules which mimic the secondary structure of peptides. There is also a need in the art for libraries containing such members, as well as techniques for synthesizing and screening the library members against targets of interest, particularly biological targets, to identify bioactive library members.

[0012] The present invention also fulfills these needs, and provides further related advantages by providing confomationally constrained compounds which mimic the secondary structure of reverse-turn regions of biologically active peptides and proteins.

[0013] Wnt signaling pathway regulates a variety of processes including cell growth, oncogenesis, and development (Moon et al., 1997, Trends Genet. 13, 157-162: Miller et al., 1999, Oncogene 18, 7860-7872: Nusse and Varmus, 1992, Cell 69, 1073-1087: Cadigan and Nusse, 1997, Genes Dev. 11, 3286-3305: Peifer and Polakis, 2000 Science 287, 1606-1609: Polakis 2000, Genes Dev. 14, 1837-1851). Wnt signaling pathway has been intensely studied in a variety of organisms. The activation of TCF4/β-catenin mediated transcription by Wnt signal transduction has been found to play a key role in its biological functions (Molenaar et al., 1996, Cell 86:391-399; Gat et al., 1998 Cell 95:605-614; Orford et al., 1999 J. Cell. Biol. 146:855-868; Bienz and Clevers, 2000, Cell 103:311-20).

[0014] In the absence of Wnt signals, tumor suppressor gene adenomatous polyposis coli (APC) simultaneously interacts with the serine kinase glycogen synthase kinase (GSK)-3β and β-catenin (Su et al., 1993, Science 262, 1734-1737: Yost et al., 1996 Genes Dev. 10, 1443-1454: Hayashi et al., 1997, Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA, 94, 242-247: Sakanaka et al., 1998, Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA, 95, 3020-3023: Sakanaka and William, 1999, J. Biol. Chem 274, 14090-14093). Phosphorylation of APC by GSK-3β regulates the interaction of APC with β-catenin, which in turn may regulate the signaling function of β-catenin (B. Rubinfeld et al., Science 272, 1023, 1996). Wnt signaling stabilizes β-catenin allowing its translocation to the nucleus where it interacts with members of the lymphoid enhancer factor (LEF1)/T-cell factor (TCF4) family of transcription factors (Behrens et al., 1996 Nature 382, 638-642: Hsu et al., 1998, Mol. Cell. Biol. 18, 4807-4818: Roose et all., 1999 Science 285, 1923-1926).

[0015] Recently c-myc, a known oncogene, was shown to be a target gene for β-catenin/TCF4-mediated transcription (He et al., 1998 Science 281 1509-1512: Kolligs et al., 1999 Mol. Cell. Biol. 19, 5696-5706). Many other important genes, including cyclin D1, and metalloproteinase, which are also involved in oncogenesis, have been identified to be regulated by TCF4/bata-catenin transcriptional pathway (Crawford et al., 1999, Oncogene 18, 2883-2891: Shtutman et al., 1999, Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA., 11, 5522-5527: Tetsu and McCormick, 1999 Nature, 398, 422-426).

[0016] Moreover, overexpression of several downstream mediators of Wnt signaling has been found to regulate apoptosis (Moris et al., 1996, Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA, 93, 7950-7954: He et al., 1999, Cell 99, 335-345: Orford et al, 1999 J. Cell. Biol., 146, 855-868: Strovel and Sussman, 1999, Exp. Cell. Res., 253, 637-648). Overexpression of APC in human colorectal cancer cells induced apoptosis (Moris et al., 1996, Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA., 93, 7950-7954), ectopic expression of β-catenin inhibited apoptosis associated with loss of attachment to extracellular matrix (Orford et al, 1999, J. Cell Biol. 146, 855-868). Inhibition of TCF4/β-catenin transcription by expression of dominant-negative mutant of TCF4 blocked Wnt-1-mediated cell survival and rendered cells sensitive to apoptotic stimuli such as anti-cancer agent (Shaoqiong Chen et al., 2001, J. Cell. Biol., 152, 1, 87-96) and APC mutation inhibits apoptosis by allowing constitutive survivin expression, a well-known anti-apoptotic protein (Tao Zhang et al., 2001, Cancer Research, 62, 8664-8667).

[0017] Although mutations in the Wnt gene have not been found in human cancer, a mutation in APC or β-catenin, as is the case in the majority of colorectal tumors, results in inappropriate activation of TCF4, overexpression of c-myc and production of neoplastic growth (Bubinfeld et al, 1997, Science, 275, 1790-1792: Morin et al, 1997, Science, 275, 1787-1790: Casa et al, 1999, Cell. Growth. Differ. 10, 369-376). The tumor suppressor gene (APC) is lost or inactivated in 85% of colorectal cancers and in a variety of other cancers as well (Kinzler and Vogelstein, 1996, Cell 87, 159-170). APC's principal role is that of a negative regulator of the Wnt signal transduction cascade. A center feature of this pathway involves the modulation of the stability and localization of a cytosolic pool of β-catenin by interaction with a large Axin-based complex that includes APC. This interaction results in phosphorylation of β-catenin thereby targeting it for degradation.

[0018] CREB binding proteins (CBP)/p300 were identified initially in protein interaction assays, first through its association with the transcription factor CREB (Chrivia et al, 1993, Nature, 365, 855-859) and later through its interaction with the adenoviral-transforming protein ElA (Stein et al., 1990, J. Viol., 64, 4421-4427: Eckner et al., 1994, Genes. Dev., 8, 869-884). CBP had a potential to participate in variety of cellular functions including transcriptional coactivator function (Shikama et al., 1997, Trends. Cell. Biol., 7, 230-236: Janknecht and Hunter, 1996, Nature, 383, 22-23). CBP/p300 potentiates β-catenin-mediated activation of the siamois promoter, a known Wnt target (Hecht et al, 2000, EMBO J. 19, 8, 1839-1850). β-catenin interacts directly with the CREB-binding domain of CBP and β-catenin synergizes with CBP to stimulate the transcriptional activation of TCF4/β-catenin (Ken-Ichi Takemaru and Randall T. Moon, 2000 J. Cell. Biol., 149, 2, 249-254).


[0019] From this background, it is seen that TCF4/β-catenin and CBP complex of Wnt pathway can be taken as target molecules for the regulation of cell growth, oncogenesis and apoptosis of cells, etc. Accordingly, the present invention addresses a need for compounds that block TCF4/β-catenin transcriptional pathway by inhibiting CBP, and therefore can be used for treatment of cancer, especially colorectal cancer.

[0020] In brief, the present invention is directed to a new type of conformationally constrained compounds, which mimic the secondary structure of reverse-turn regions of biologically active peptides and proteins. This invention also discloses libraries containing such compounds, as well as the synthesis and screening thereof.

[0021] The compounds of the present invention have the following general formula (I):

[0022] wherein A is —(CHR3)— or —(C═O)—, B is —(CHR4)— or —(C═O)—, D is —(CHR5)— or —(C═O)—, E is -(ZR6)— or —(C═O)—, G is —(XR7)n—, —(CHR7)—(NR8)—, —(C═O)—(XR9)—, or —(C═O)—, W is —Y(C═O)—, —(C═O)NH—, —(SO2)— or is absent, Y is oxygen or sulfur, X and Z is independently nitrogen or CH, n=0 or 1; and R1, R2, R3, R4, R5, R6, R7, R8 and R9 are the same or different and independently selected from an amino acid side chain moiety or derivative thereof, the remainder of the molecule, a linker and a solid support, and stereoisomers thereof.

[0023] In an embodiment wherein A is —(CHR3)—, B is —(C═O)—, D is —(CHR5)—, E is —(C═O)—, and G is —(XR7)n—, the compounds of this invention have the following formula (II):

[0024] wherein W, X, Y and n are as defined above, and R1, R2, R3, R5 and R7 are as defined in the following detailed description.

[0025] In an embodiment wherein A is —(C═O)—, B is —(CHR4)—, D is —(C═O)—, E is -(ZR6)—, and G is —(C═O)—(XR9)—, the compounds of this invention have the following formula (III):

[0026] wherein W, X and Y are as defined above, Z is nitrogen or CH (with the proviso that when Z is CH, then X is nitrogen), and R1, R2, R4, R6 and R9 are as defined in the following detailed description.

[0027] In an embodiment wherein A is —(C═O)—, B is —(CHR4)—, D is —(C═O)—, E is -(ZR6)—, and G is (XR7)n—, the compounds of this invention have the following general formula (IV):

[0028] wherein W, Y and n are as defined above, Z is nitrogen or CH (when Z is nitrogen, then n is zero, and when Z is CH, then X is nitrogen and n is not zero), and R1, R2, R4, R6 and R7, are as defined in the following detailed description.

[0029] The present invention is also directed to libraries containing one or more compounds of formula (I) above, as well as methods for synthesizing such libraries and methods for screening the same to identify biologically active compounds. Compositions containing a compound of this invention in combination with a pharmaceutically acceptable carrier or diluent are also disclosed.

[0030] Especially, the present invention relates to methods of using the compounds and compositionas for treating disorders, including cancers, which are associated with Wnt signaling pathway. It further relates to methods for preventing disorders, including cancer, that are associated with Wnt signaling pathway.

[0031] These and other aspects of this invention will be apparent upon reference to the attached figure and following detailed description. To this end, various references are set forth herein, which describe in more detail certain procedures, compounds and/or compositions, and are incorporated by reference in their entirety.


FIG. 1 provides a general synthetic scheme for preparing reverse-turn mimetics of the present invention.

FIG. 2 provides a general synthetic scheme for preparing reverse-turn mimetics of the present invention.

FIG. 3 shows a graph based on the measurement of IC50 for a compound of the present invention using SW480 cells, wherein cell growth inhibition on SW480 cells is measured at various concentrations of the compound prepared in Example 4 in order to obtain the IC50 value. Specifically, the degree of inhibition in firefly and renilla luciferase activities by said test compound was determined. As a result, the IC50 of the test compound against SW480 cell growth was found as disclosed in Table 4. Detailed procedures are the same as disclosed in Example 6.


[0035] The present invention is directed to conformationally constrained compounds that mimic the secondary structure of reverse-turn regions of biological peptide and proteins (also referred to herein as “reverse-turn mimetics”, and is also directed to chemical libraries relating thereto.

[0036] The reverse-turn mimetic structures of the present invention are useful as bioactive agents, including (but not limited to) use as diagnostic, prophylactic and/or therapeutic agents. The reverse-turn mimetic structure libraries of this invention are useful in the identification of bioactive agents having such uses. In the practice of the present invention, the libraries may contain from tens to hundreds to thousands (or greater) of individual reverse-turn structures (also referred to herein as “members”).

[0037] In one aspect of the present invention, a reverse-turn mimetic structure is disclosed having the following formula (I):

[0038] wherein A is —(CHR3)— or —(C═O)—, B is —(CHR4)— or —(C═O)—, D is —(CHR5)— or —(C═O)—, E is -(ZR6)— or —(C═O)—, G is —(XR7)n—, —(CHR7)—(NR8)—, —(C═O)—(XR9)—, or —(C═O)—, W is —Y(C═O)—, —(C═O)NH—, —(SO2)— or nothing, Y is oxygen or sulfur, X and Z is independently nitrogen or CH, n=0 or 1; and R1, R2, R3, R4, R5, R6, R7, R8 and R9 are the same or different and independently selected from an amino acid side chain moiety or derivative thereof, the remainder of the molecule, a linker and a solid support, and stereoisomers thereof.

[0039] In one embodiment, R., R2, R3, R4, R5, R6, R7, R8 and R9 are independently selected from the group consisting of aminoC2-5alkyl, guanidineC2-5alkyl, C1-4alkylguanidinoC2-5alkyl, diC1-4alkylguanidino-C2-5alkyl, amidinoC2-5alkyl, C1-4alkylamidinoC2-5alkyl, diC1-4alkylamidinoC2-5alkyl, C1-3alkoxy, phenyl, substituted phenyl (where the substituents are independently selected from one or more of amino, amidino, guanidino, hydrazino, amidazonyl, C1-4alkylamino, C1-4dialkylamino, halogen, perfluoro C1-4alkyl, C1-4alkyl, C1-3alkoxy, nitro, carboxy, cyano, sulfuryl or hydroxyl), benzyl, substituted benzyl (where the substituents on the benzyl are independently selected from one or more of amino, amidino, guanidino, hydrazino, amidazonyl, C1-4alkylamino, C1-4dialkylamino, halogen, perfluoro C1-4alkyl, C1-3alkoxy, nitro, carboxy, cyano, sulfuryl or hydroxyl), naphthyl, substituted naphthyl (where the substituents are independently selected from one or more of amino, amidino, guanidino, hydrazino, amidazonyl, C1-4alkylamino, C1-4dialkylamino, halogen, perfluoro C1-4alkyl, C1-4alkyl, C1-3alkoxy, nitro, carboxy, cyano, sulfuryl or hydroxyl), bis-phenyl methyl, substituted bis-phenyl methyl (where the substituents are independently selected from one or more of amino, amidino, guanidino, hydrazino, amidazonyl, C1-4alkylamino, C1-4dialkylamino, halogen, perfluoro C1-4alkyl, C1-4alkyl, C1-3alkoxy, nitro, carboxy, cyano, sulfuryl or hydroxyl), pyridyl, substituted pyridyl, (where the substituents are independently selected from one or more of amino amidino, guanidino, hydrazino, amidazonyl, C1-4alkylamino, C1-4dialkylamino, halogen, perfluoro C1-4alkyl, C1-4alkyl, C1-3alkoxy, nitro, carboxy, cyano, sulfuryl or hydroxyl), pyridylC1-4alkyl, substituted pyridylC1-4alkyl (where the pyridine substituents are independently selected from one or more of amino, amidino, guanidino, hydrazino, amidazonyl, C1-4alkylamino, C1-4dialkylamino, halogen, perfluoro C1-4alkyl, C1-4alkyl, C1-3alkoxy, nitro, carboxy, cyano, sulfuryl or hydroxyl), pyrimidylC1-4alkyl, substituted pyrimidylC1-4alkyl (where the pyrimidine substituents are independently selected from one or more of amino, amidino, guanidino, hydrazino, amidazonyl, C1-4alkylamino, C1-4dialkylamino, halogen, perfluoro C1-4alkyl, C1-4alkyl, C1-3alkoxy, nitro, carboxy, cyano, sulfuryl or hydroxyl), triazin-2-yl-C1-4alkyl, substituted triazin-2-yl-C1l4alkyl (where the triazine substituents are independently selected from one or more of amino, amidino, guanidino, hydrazino, amidazonyl, C1-4alkylamino, C1-4dialkylamino, halogen, perfluoro C1-4alkyl, C1-4alkyl, C1-3alkoxy, nitro, carboxy, cyano, sulfuryl or hydroxyl), imidazoC1-4alkyl, substituted imidazol C1-4alkl (where the imidazole sustituents are independently selected from one or more of amino, amidino, guanidino, hydrazino, amidazonyl, C1-4alkylamino, C1-4dialkylamino, halogen, perfluoro C1-4alkyl, C1-4alkyl, C1-3alkoxy, nitro, carboxy, cyano, sulfuryl or hydroxyl), imidazolinylC1-4alkyl, N-amidinopiperazinyl-N—C0-4alkyl, hydroxyC2-5alkyl, C1-5alkylaminoC2-5alkyl, hydroxyC2-5alkyl, C1-5alkylaminoC2-5alkyl, C1-5dialkylaminoC2-5alkyl, N-amidinopiperidinylC1-4alkyl and 4-aminocyclohexylC0-2alkyl.

[0040] In one embodiment, R1, R2, R6 of E, and R7, R8 and R9 of G are the same or different and represent the remainder of the compound, and R3 of A, R4 of B or R5 of D is selected from an amino acid side chain moiety or derivative thereof. As used herein, the term “remainder of the compound” means any moiety, agent, compound, support, molecule, linker, amino acid, peptide or protein covalently attached to the reverse-turn mimetic structure at R1, R2, R5, R6, R7, R8 and/or R9 positions. This term also includes amino acid side chain moieties and derivatives thereof.

[0041] In another embodiment R3 of A, R5 of D, R6 of E, and R7, R8, and R9 of G are the same or different and represent the remainder of the compound, while one or more of, and in one aspect all of, R1, R2 and R4 of B represent an amino acid sidechain. In this case, the term “remainder of the compound” means any moiety, agent, compound, support, molecule, linker, amino acid, peptide or protein covalently attached to the reverse-turn mimetic structure at R3, R5, R6, R7, R8 and/or R9 positions. This term also includes amino acid side chain moieties and derivatives thereof.

[0042] As used herein, the term “remainder of the compound” means any moiety, agent, compound, support, molecule, atom, linker, amino acid, peptide or protein covalently attached to the reverse-turn mimetic structure. This term also includes amino acid side chain moieties and derivatives thereof. In one aspect of the invention, any one or more of the R1, R2, R3, R4, R5, R6, R7, R8 and/or R9 positions may represent the remainder of the compound. In one aspect of the invention, one or more of R1, R2 and R4 represents an amino acid side chain moiety or a derivative thereof.

[0043] As used herein, the term “amino acid side chain moiety” represents any amino acid side chain moiety present in naturally occurring proteins including (but not limited to) the naturally occurring amino acid side chain moieties identified in Table 1. Other naturally occurring amino acid side chain moieties of this invention include (but are not limited to) the side chain moieties of 3,5-dibromotyrosine, 3,5-diiodotyrosine, hydroxylysine, γ-carboxyglutamate, phosphotyrosine and phosphoserine. In addition, glycosylated amino acid side chains may also be used in the practice of this invention, including (but not limited to) glycosylated threonine, serine and asparagine.
1TABLE 1Amino Acid Side Chain MoietyAmino Acid—HGlycine—CH3Alanine—CH(CH3)2Valine—CH2 CH(CH3)2Leucine—CH(CH3)CH2CH3Isoleucine—(CH2)4NH3+Lysine—(CH2)3NHC(NH2)NH2+Arginine6Histidine—CH2COOAspartic acid—CH2CH2COOGlutamic acid—CH2CONH2Asparagine—CH2CH2CONH2Glutamine7Phenylalanine8Tyrosine9Tryptophan—CH2SHCysteine—CH2CH2SCH3Methionine—CH2OHSerine—CH(OH)CH3Threonine10Proline11Hydroxyproline

[0044] In addition to naturally occurring amino acid side chain moieties, the amino acid side chain moieties of the present invention also include various derivatives thereof. As used herein, a “derivative” of an amino acid side chain moiety includes modifications and/or variations to naturally occurring amino acid side chain moieties. For example, the amino acid side chain moieties of alanine, valine, leucine, isoleucine and phenylalanine may generally be classified as lower chain alkyl, aryl, or arylalkyl moieties. Derivatives of amino acid side chain moieties include other straight chain or branched, cyclic or noncyclic, substituted or unsubstituted, saturated or unsaturated lower chain alkyl, aryl or arylalkyl moieties.

[0045] As used herein, “lower chain alkyl moieties” contain from 1-12 carbon atoms, “lower chain aryl moieties” contain from 6-12 carbon atoms and “lower chain aralkyl moieties” contain from 7-12 carbon atoms. Thus, in one embodiment, the amino acid side chain derivative is selected from a C1-12 alkyl, a C6-12 aryl and a C7-12 arylalkyl, and in a more preferred embodiment, from a C1-7 alkyl, a C6-10 aryl and a C7-11 arylalkyl.

[0046] Amino side chain derivatives of this invention further include substituted derivatives of lower chain alkyl, aryl, and arylalkyl moieties, wherein the substituent is selected from (but is not limited to) one or more of the following chemical moieties: —OH, —OR, —COOH, —COOR, —CONH2, —NH2, —NHR, —NRR, —SH, —SR, —SO2R, —SO2H, —SOR and halogen (including F, Cl, Br and I), wherein each occurrence of R is independently selected from straight chain or branched, cyclic or noncyclic, substituted or unsubstituted, saturated or unsaturated lower chain alkyl, aryl and aralkyl moieties. Moreover, cyclic lower chain alkyl, aryl and arylalkyl moieties of this invention include naphthalene, as well as heterocyclic compounds such as thiophene, pyrrole, furan, imidazole, oxazole, thiazole, pyrazole, 3-pyrroline, pyrrolidine, pyridine, pyrimidine, purine, quinoline, isoquinoline and carbazole. Amino acid side chain derivatives further include heteroalkyl derivatives of the alkyl portion of the lower chain alkyl and aralkyl moieties, including (but not limited to) alkyl and aralkyl phosphonates and silanes.

[0047] Representative R1, R2, R3, R4, R5, R6, R7, RB and R9 moieties specifically include (but are not limited to) —OH, —OR, —COR, —COOR, —CONH2, —CONR, —CONRR, —NH2, —NHR, —NRR, —SO2R and —COSR, wherein each occurrence of R is as defined above.

[0048] In a further embodiment, and in addition to being an amino acid side chain moiety or derivative thereof (or the remainder of the compound in the case of R1, R2, R3, R5, R6, R7, R8 and R9), R1, R2, R3, R4, R5, R6, R7, R8 or R9 may be a linker facilitating the linkage of the compound to another moiety or compound. For example, the compounds of this invention may be linked to one or more known compounds, such as biotin, for use in diagnostic or screening assay. Furthermore, R1, R2, R3, R4, R5, R6, R7, R8 or R9 may be a linker joining the compound to a solid support (such as a support used in solid phase peptide synthesis) or alternatively, may be the support itself. In this embodiment, linkage to another moiety or compound, or to a solid support, is preferable at the R1, R2, R7 or R9, or R9 position, and more preferably at the R1 or R2 position.

[0049] In the embodiment wherein A is —(CHR3)—, B is —(C═O)—, D is —(CHR5)—, E is —(C═O)—, and G is —(XR7)n—, the reverse turn mimetic compound of this invention has the following formula (II):

[0050] wherein R1, R2, R3, R5, R7, W, X and n are as defined above. In a preferred embodiment, R1, R2 and R7 represent the remainder of the compound, and R3 or R5 is selected from an amino acid side chain moiety.

[0051] In the embodiment wherein A is —(C═O)—, B is —(CHR4)—, D is —(C═O)—, E is -(ZR6)—, G is —(C═O)—(XR9)—, the reverse turn mimetic compound of this invention has the following general formula (III):

[0052] wherein R1, R2, R4, R6, R9, W and X are as defined above, Z is nitrogen or CH (when Z is CH, then X is nitrogen). In a preferred embodiment, R1, R2, R6 and R9 represent the remainder of the compound, and R4 is selected from an amino acid side chain moiety.

[0053] In a more specific embodiment wherein A is —(C═O)—, B is —(CHR4)—, D is —(C═O)—, E is -(ZR6)—, and G is (XR7)n—, the reverse turn mimetic compound of this invention has the following formula (IV):

[0054] wherein R1, R2, R4, R6, R7, W, X and n are as defined above, and Z is nitrogen or CH (when Z is nitrogen, then n is zero, and when Z is CH, then X is nitrogen and n is not zero). In a preferred embodiment, R1, R2, R6 and R7 represent the remainder of the compound, and R4 is selected from an amino acid side chain moiety. In one aspect, R6 or R7 is selected from an amino acid side chain moiety when Z and X are both CH.

[0055] These compounds may be prepared by utilizing appropriate starting component molecules (hereinafter referred to as “component pieces”). Briefly, in the synthesis of reverse-turn mimetic structures having formula (I), first and second component pieces are coupled to form a combined first-second intermediate, if necessary, third and/or fourth component pieces are coupled to form a combined third-fourth intermediate (or, if commercially available, a single third intermediate may be used), the combined first-second intermediate and third-fourth intermediate (or third intermediate) are then coupled to provide a first-second-third-fourth intermediate (or first-second-third intermediate) which is cyclized to yield the reverse-turn mimetic structures of this invention. Alternatively, the reverse-turn mimetic structures of formula (I) may be prepared by sequential coupling of the individual component pieces either stepwise in solution or by solid phase synthesis as commonly practiced in solid phase peptide synthesis.

[0056] Specific component pieces and the assembly thereof to prepare compounds of the present invention are illustrated in FIG. 1. For example, a “first component piece” may have the following formula S1:

[0057] wherein R2 is as defined above, and R is a protective group suitable for use in peptide synthesis, where this protection group may be joined to a polymeric support to enable solid-phase synthesis. Suitable R groups include alkyl groups and, in a preferred embodiment, R is a methyl group. In FIG. 1, one of the R groups is a polymeric (solid) support, indicated by “Pol” in the Figure. Such first component pieces may be readily synthesized by reductive amination of H2N—R2 with CH(OR)2—CHO, or by a displacement reaction between H2N—R2 and CH(OR)2—CH2-LG (wherein LG refers to a leaving group, e.g., a halogen (Hal) group).

[0058] A “second component piece” may have the following formula S2:

[0059] where P is an amino protection group suitable for use in peptide synthesis, L1 is hydroxyl or a carboxyl-activation group, and R4 is as defined above. Preferred protection groups include t-butyl dimethylsilyl (TBDMS), t-butyloxycarbonyl (BOC), methyloxycarbonyl (MOC), 9H-fluorenylmethyloxycarbonyl (FMOC), and allyloxycarbonyl (Alloc). N-Protected amino acids are commercially available; for example, FMOC amino acids are available from a variety of sources. In order for the second component piece to be reactive with the first component piece, L1 is a carboxyl-activation group, and the conversion of carboxyl groups to activated carboxyl groups may be readily achieved by methods known in the art for the activation of carboxyl groups. Suitable activated carboxylic acid groups include acid halides where L, is a halide such as chloride or bromide, acid anhydrides where L1 is an acyl group such as acetyl, reactive esters such as an N-hydroxysuccinimide esters and pentafluorophenyl esters, and other activated intermediates such as the active intermediate formed in a coupling reaction using a carbodiimide such as dicyclohexylcarbodiimide (DCC). Accordingly, commercially available N-protected amino acids may be converted to carboxylic activated forms by means known to one of skill in the art.

[0060] In the case of the azido derivative of an amino acid serving as the second component piece, such compounds may be prepared from the corresponding amino acid by the reaction disclosed by Zaloom et al. (J. Org. Chem. 46:5173-76, 1981).

[0061] Alternatively, the first component piece of the invention may have the following formula S1′:

[0062] wherein R is as defined above and L2 is a leaving group such as halogen atom or tosyl group, and the second component piece of the invention may have the following formula S2′:

[0063] wherein R2, R4 and P are as defined above,

[0064] A “third component piece” of this invention may have the following formula S3:

[0065] where G, E, L1 and L2 are as defined above. Suitable third component pieces are commercially available from a variety of sources or can be prepared by methods well known in organic chemistry.

[0066] In FIG. 1, the compound of formula (1) has —(C═O)— for A, —(CHR4)— for B, —(C═O)— for D, and —(CR6)— for E. Compounds of formula (1) wherein a carbonyl group is at position B and an R group is at position B, i.e., compounds wherein A is —(CHR3)— and B is —(C═O)—, may be prepared in a manner analogous to that shown in FIG. 1, as illustrated in FIG. 2. FIG. 2 also illustrates adding a fourth component piece to the first-second-third component intermediate, rather than attaching the fourth component piece to the third component piece prior to reaction with the first-second intermediate piece. In addition, FIG. 2 illustrates the prepartion of compounds of the present invention wherein D is —(CHR5)— (rather than —(C═O)— as in FIG. 1), and E is —(C═O)— (rather than —(CHR6)— as in FIG. 1). Finally, FIG. 2 illustrates the preparation of compounds wherein G is NR7.

[0067] Thus, as illustrated above, the reverse-turn mimetic compounds of formula (I) may be synthesized by reacting a first component piece with a second component piece to yield a combined first-second intermediate, followed by reacting the combined first-second intermediate with third component pieces sequentially to provide a combined first-second-third-fourth intermediate, and then cyclizing this intermediate to yield the reverse-turn mimetic structure.

[0068] The syntheses of representative component pieces of this invention are described in Preparation Examples and working Examples.

[0069] The reverse-turn mimetic structures of formula (III) and (IV) may be made by techniques analogous to the modular component synthesis disclosed above, but with appropriate modifications to the component pieces.

[0070] The reverse-turn mimetic structures of the present invention are useful as bioactive agents, such as diagnostic, prophylactic, and therapeutic agents. For example, the reverse-turn mimetic structures of the present invention may be used for modulating a cell signaling transcription factor related peptides in a warm-blooded animal, by a method comprising administering to the animal an effective amount of the compound of formula (I).

[0071] Further, the reverse-turn mimetic structures of the present invention may also be effective for inhibiting peptide binding to PTB domains in a warm-blooded animal; for modulating G protein coupled receptor (GPCR) and ion channel in a warm-blooded animal; for modulating cytokines in a warm-blooded animal.

[0072] Meanwhile, it has been found that the compounds of the formula (I), especially compounds of formula (VI) are effective for inhibiting or treating disorders modulated by Wnt-signaling pathway, such as cancer, especially colorectal cancer.

[0073] wherein, Ra is a bicyclic aryl group having 8 to 11 ring members, which may have 1 to 3 heteroatoms selected from nitrogen, oxygen or sulfur, and Rb is a monocyclic aryl group having 5 to 7 ring members, which may have 1 to 2 heteroatoms selected from nitrogen, oxygen or sulfur, and an aryl group in the compound may have one or more substituents selected from a group consisting of halide, hydroxy, cyano, lower alkyl, and lower alkoxy group.

[0074] In another aspect, it is an object of the present invention to provide a pharmaceutical composition comprising a safe and effective amount of the compound having general formula (VI) and pharmaceutically acceptable carrier, which can be used for treatment of disorders modulated by Wnt signaling pathway, especially by TCF4-β-catenin-CBP complex.

[0075] Further, the present invention is to provide a method for inhibiting the growth of tumor cells by using the above-described composition of the present invention; a method for inducing apoptosis of tumor cells by using the above-described composition of the present invention; a method for treating a disorder modulated by TCF4-β catenin-CBP complex by using the above-described composition of the present invention; and a method of treating cancer such as colorectal cancer by administering the composition of the present invention together with other anti-cancer agent such as 5-fluorouracil (5-FU), taxol, cisplatin, mitomycin C, tegafur, raltitrexed, capecitabine, and irinotecan, etc.

[0076] In a preferred embodiment of the present invention, the compound of the present invention has a (6S,10R)-configuration as follows:

[0077] wherein Ra and Rb have the same meanings as defined above.

[0078] In another aspect of this invention, libraries containing reverse-turn mimetic structures of the present invention are disclosed. Once assembled, the libraries of the present invention may be screened to identify individual members having bioactivity. Such screening of the libraries for bioactive members may involve; for example, evaluating the binding activity of the members of the library or evaluating the effect the library members have on a functional assay. Screening is normally accomplished by contacting the library members (or a subset of library members) with a target of interest, such as, for example, an antibody, enzyme, receptor or cell line. Library members which are capable of interacting with the target of interest, are referred to herein as “bioactive library members” or “bioactive mimetics”. For example, a bioactive mimetic may be a library member which is capable of binding to an antibody or receptor, or which is capable of inhibiting an enzyme, or which is capable of eliciting or antagonizing a functional response associated, for example, with a cell line. In other words, the screening of the libraries of the present invention determines which library members are capable of interacting with one or more biological targets of interest. Furthermore, when interaction does occur, the bioactive mimetic (or mimetics) may then be identified from the library members. The identification of a single (or limited number) of bioactive mimetic(s) from the library yields reverse-turn mimetic structures which are themselves biologically active, and thus are useful as diagnostic, prophylactic or therapeutic agents, and may further be used to significantly advance identification of lead compounds in these fields.

[0079] Synthesis of the peptide mimetics of the library of the present invention may be accomplished using known peptide synthesis techniques, in combination with the first, second and third component pieces of this invention. More specifically, any amino acid sequence may be added to the N-terminal and/or C-terminal of the conformationally constrained reverse-turn mimetic. To this end, the mimetics may be synthesized on a solid support (such as PAM resin) by known techniques (see, e.g., John M. Stewart and Janis D. Young, Solid Phase Peptide Synthesis, 1984, Pierce Chemical Comp., Rockford, Ill.) or on a silyl-linked resin by alcohol attachment (see Randolph et al., J. Am Chem. Soc. 117:5712-14, 1995).

[0080] In addition, a combination of both solution and solid phase synthesis techniques may be utilized to synthesize the peptide mimetics of this invention. For example, a solid support may be utilized to synthesize the linear peptide sequence up to the point that the conformationally constrained reverse-turn is added to the sequence. A suitable conformationally constrained reverse-turn mimetic structure which has been previously synthesized by solution synthesis techniques may then be added as the next “amino acid” to the solid phase synthesis (i.e., the conformationally constrained reverse-turn mimetic, which has both an N-terminus and a C-terminus, may be utilized as the next amino acid to be added to the linear peptide). Upon incorporation of the conformationally constrained reverse-turn mimetic structures into the sequence, additional amino acids may then be added to complete the peptide bound to the solid support. Alternatively, the linear N-terminus and C-terminus protected peptide sequences may be synthesized on a solid support, removed from the support, and then coupled to the conformationally constrained reverse-turn mimetic structures in solution using known solution coupling techniques.

[0081] In another aspect of this invention, methods for constructing the libraries are disclosed. Traditional combinatorial chemistry techniques (see, e.g., Gallop et al., J. Med. Chem. 37:1233-1251, 1994) permit a vast number of compounds to be rapidly prepared by the sequential combination of reagents to a basic molecular scaffold. Combinatorial techniques have been used to construct peptide libraries derived from the naturally occurring amino acids. For example, by taking 20 mixtures of 20 suitably protected and different amino acids and coupling each with one of the 20 amino acids, a library of 400 (i.e., 202) dipeptides is created. Repeating the procedure seven times results in the preparation of a peptide library comprised of about 26 billion (i.e., 208) octapeptides.

[0082] Specifically, synthesis of the peptide mimetics of the library of the present invention may be accomplished using known peptide synthesis techniques, for example, the General Scheme of [4,4,0] Reverse-Turn Mimetic Library as follows:

[0083] Synthesis of the peptide mimetics of the libraries of the present invention was accomplished using a FlexChem Reactor Block which has 96 well plates by known techniques. In the above scheme ‘Pol’ represents a bromoacetal resin (Advanced ChemTech) and detailed procedure is illustrated below.

[0084] Step 1

[0085] A bromoacetal resin (37 mg, 0.98 mmol/g) and a solution of R2-amine in DMSO (1.4 mL) were placed in a Robbins block (FlexChem) having 96 well plates. The reaction mixture was shaken at 60° C. using a rotating oven [Robbins Scientific] for 12 hours. The resin was washed with DMF, MeOH, and then DCM

[0086] Step 2

[0087] A solution of commercial available FmocAmino Acids (4 equiv.), PyBob (4 equiv.), HOAt (4 equiv.), and DIEA (12 equiv.) in DMF was added to the resin. After the reaction mixture was shaken for 12 hours at room temperature, the resin was washed with DMF, MeOH, and then DCM.

[0088] Step 3

[0089] To the resin swollen by DMF before reaction was added 25% piperidine in DMF and the reaction mixture was shaken for 30 min at room temperature. This deprotection step was repeated again and the resin was washed with DMF, Methanol, and then DCM. A solution of hydrazine acid (4 equiv.), HOBt (4 equiv.), and DIC (4 equiv.) in DMF was added to the resin and the reaction mixture was shaken for 12 hours at room temperature. The resin was washed with DMF, MeOH, and then DCM.

[0090] Step 4a (Where Hydrazine Acid is MOC Carbamate)

[0091] The resin obtained in Step 3 was treated with formic acid (1.2 mL each well) for 18 hours at room temperature. After the resin was removed by filtration, the filtrate was condensed under a reduced pressure using SpeedVac [SAVANT] to give the product as oil. The product was diluted with 50% water/acetonitrile and then lyophilized after freezing.

[0092] Step 4b (Where Fmoc Hydrazine Acid is Used to Make Urea Through Isocynate)

[0093] To the resin swollen by DMF before reaction was added 25% piperidine in DMF and the reaction mixture was shaken for 30 min at room temperature. This deprotection step was repeated again and the resin was washed with DMF, Methanol, then DCM. To the resin swollen by DCM before reaction was added isocynate (5 equiv.) in DCM. After the reaction mixture was shaken for 12 hours at room temperature the resin was washed with DMF, MeOH, then DCM. The resin was treated with formic acid (1.2 mL each well) for 18 hours at room temperature. After the resin was removed by filtration, the filtrate was condensed under a reduced pressure using SpeedVac [SAVANT] to give the product as oil. The product was diluted with 50% water/acetonitrile and then lyophilized after freezing.

[0094] Step 4c (Where Fmoc-hydrazine Acid is Used to Make Urea Through Active Carbamate)

[0095] To the resin swollen by DMF before reaction was added 25% piperidine in DMF and the reaction mixture was shaken for 30 min at room temperature. This deprotection step was repeated again and the resin was washed with DMF, MeOH, and then DCM. To the resin swollen by DCM before reaction was added p-nitrophenyl chloroformate (5 equiv.) and diisopropyl ethylamine (5 equiv.) in DCM. After the reaction mixture was shaken for 12 hours at room temperature, the resin was washed with DMF, MeOH, and then DCM. To the resin was added primary amines in DCM for 12 hours at room temperature and the resin was washed with DMF, MeOH, and then DCM. After reaction the resin was treated with formic acid (1.2 mL each well) for 18 hours at room temperature. After the resin was removed by filtration, the filtrate was condensed under a reduced pressure using SpeedVac [SAVANT] to give the product as oil. The product was diluted with 50% water/acetonitrile and then lyophilized after freezing.

[0096] To generate these block libraries the key intermediate hydrazine acids were synthesized according to the procedure illustrated in Preparation Examples.

[0097] Table 2 shows a [4,4,0] Reverse turn mimetics library which can be prepared according to the present invention, of which representative preparation is given in Example 4
2TABLE 2THE[4,4,0]REVERSE TURN MIMETICS LIBRARY23NoR2R4R7R1—Y′Mol. WeightM + H12,4-Cl2-benzyl4-HO-benzylAllylOCH353353422,4-Cl2-benzyl4-NO2-benzylAllylOCH356256332,4-Cl2-benzyl2,4-F2-benzylAllylOCH355355442,4-Cl2-benzyl4-Cl-benzylAllylOCH355255352,4-Cl2-benzyl2,2-bisphenylethylAllylOCH359459562,4-Cl2-benzyl3-t-Bu-4-HO-benzylAllylOCH359059172,4-Cl2-benzyl4-Me-benzylAllylOCH353153282,4-Cl2-benzylCyclohexylmethylAllylOCH352352492,4-Cl2-benzyl4-F-benzylAllylOCH3535536102,4-Cl2-benzyl2-Cl-benzylAllylOCH3552553112,4-Cl2-benzyl2,4-Cl2-benzylAllylOCH3586587122,4-Cl2-benzylNaphth-2-ylmethylAllylOCH3567568132,4-Cl2-benzyl4-HO-benzylBenzylOCH3583584142,4-Cl2-benzyl4-NO2-benzylBenzylOCH3612613152,4-Cl2-benzyl2,4-F2-benzylBenzylOCH3603604162,4-Cl2-benzyl4-Cl-benzylBenzylOCH3602603172,4-Cl2-benzyl2,2-bisphenylethylBenzylOCH3644645182,4-Cl2-benzyl3-t-Bu-4-HO-benzylBenzylOCH3640641192,4-Cl2-benzyl4-Me-benzylBenzylOCH3582583202,4-Cl2-benzylCyclohexylmethylBenzylOCH3574575212,4-Cl2-benzyl4-F-benzylBenzylOCH3585586222,4-Cl2-benzyl2-Cl-benzylBenzylOCH3602603232,4-Cl2-benzyl2,4-Cl2-benzylBenzylOCH3636637242,4-Cl2-benzylNaphth-2-ylmethylBenzylOCH3618619252,4-Cl2-benzyl4-HO-benzylAllylOCH3479480262,4-Cl2-benzyl4-NO2-benzylAllylOCH3508509272,4-Cl2-benzyl2,4-F2-benzylAllylOCH3499500282,4-Cl2-benzyl4-Cl-benzylAllylOCH349749829Phenethyl2,2-bisphenylethylAllylOCH353954030Phenethyl3-t-Bu-4-HO-benzyAllylOCH353553631Phenethyl4-Me-benzylAllylOCH347747832PhenethylCyclohexylmethylAllylOCH346947033Phenethyl4-F-benzylAllylOCH348148234Phenethyl2-Cl-benzylAllylOCH349749835Phenethyl2,4-Cl2-benzylAllylOCH353153236PhenethylNaphth-2-ylmethylAllylOCH351351437Phenethyl4-HO-benzylBenzylOCH352953038Phenethyl4-NO2-benzylBenzylOCH355855939Phenethyl2,4-F2-benzylBenzylOCH354955040Phenethyl4-Cl-benzylBenzylOCH354754841Phenethyl2,2-bisphenylethylBenzylOCH358959042Phenethyl3-t-Bu-4-HO-benzyBenzylOCH358558643Phenethyl4-Me-benzylBenzylOCH352752844PhenethylCyclohexyl-methylBenzylOCH351952045Phenethyl4-F-benzylBenzylOCH353153246Phenethyl2-Cl-benzylBenzylOCH354754847Phenethyl2,4-Cl2-benzylBenzylOCH358258348PhenethylNaphth-2-ylmethylBenzylOCH356356449Phenethyl4-HO-benzylAllylOCH349749850Phenethyl4-NO2-benzylAllylOCH352652751Phenethyl2,4-F2-benzylAllylOCH351751852Phenethyl4-Cl-benzylAllylOCH3515516534-F-phenylethyl2,2-bisphenylethylAllylOCH3557558544-F-phenylethyl3-t-Bu-4-HO-benzylAllylOCH3553554554-F-phenylethyl4-Me-benzylAllylOCH3495496564-F-phenylethylCyclohexyl-methylAllylOCH3487488574-F-phenylethyl4-F-benzylAllylOCH3499500584-F-phenylethyl2-Cl-benzylAllylOCH3515516594-F-phenylethyl2,4-Cl2-benzylAllylOCH3549550604-F-phenylethylNaphth-2-ylmethylAllylOCH3531532614-F-phenylethyl4-HO-benzylBenzylOCH3547548624-F-phenylethyl4-NO2-benzylBenzylOCH3576577634-F-phenylethyl2,4-F2-benzylBenzylOCH3567568644-F-phenylethyl4-Cl-benzylBenzylOCH3565566654-F-phenylethyl2,2-bisphenylethylBenzylOCH3607608664-F-phenylethyl3-t-Bu-4-HO-benzyBenzylOCH3603604674-F-phenylethyl4-Me-benzylBenzylOCH3545546684-F-phenylethylCyclohexyl-methylBenzylOCH3537538694-F-phenylethyl4-F-benzylBenzylOCH3549550704-F-phenylethyl2-Cl-benzylBenzylOCH3565566714-F-phenylethyl2,4-Cl2-benzylBenzylOCH3599600724-F-phenylethylNaphth-2-ylmethylBenzylOCH3581582734-F-phenylethyl4-HO-benzylAllylOCH3509510744-F-phenylethyl4-NO2-benzylAllylOCH3538539754-F-phenylethyl2,4-F2-benzylAllylOCH3529530764-F-phenylethyl4-Cl-benzylAllylOCH3527528774-MeO-phenylethyl2,2-bisphenylethylAllylOCH3569570784-MeO-phenylethyl3-t-Bu-4-HO-benzyAllylOCH3565566794-MeO-phenylethyl4-Me-benzylAllylOCH3507508804-MeO-phenylethylCyclohexyl-methylAllylOCH3499500814-MeO-phenylethyl4-F-benzylAllylOCH3511512824-MeO-phenylethyl2-Cl-benzylAllylOCH3527528834-MeO-phenylethyl2,4-Cl2-benzylAllylOCH3561562844-MeO-phenylethylNaphth-2-ylmethylAllylOCH3543544854-MeO-phenylethyl4-HO-benzylBenzylOCH3559560864-MeO-phenylethyl4-NO2-benzylBenzylOCH3588589874-MeO-phenylethyl2,4-F2-benzylBenzylOCH3579580884-MeO-phenylethyl4-Cl-benzylBenzylOCH3577578894-MeO-phenylethyl2,2-bisphenylethylBenzylOCH3619620904-MeO-phenylethyl3-t-Bu-4-HO-benzylBenzylOCH3615616914-MeO-phenylethyl4-Me-benzylBenzylOCH3557558924-MeO-phenylethylCyclohexylmethylBenzylOCH3549550934-MeO-phenylethyl4-F-benzylBenzylOCH3561562944-MeO-phenylethyl2-Cl-benzylBenzylOCH3577578954-MeO-phenylethyl2,4-Cl2-benzylBenzylOCH3612613964-MeO-phenylethylNaphth-2-ylmethylBenzylOCH359359497Isoamyl4-HO-benzylStyrylmethylOCH352152298Isoamyl4-NO2-benzylStyrylmethylOCH355055199Isoamyl2,4-F2-benzylStyrylmethylOCH3541542100Isoamyl4-Cl-benzylStyrylmethylOCH3539540101Isoamyl2,2-bisphenylethylStyrylmethylOCH3581582102Isoamyl3-t-Bu-4-HO-benzyStyrylmethylOCH3497498103Isoamyl4-Me-benzylStyrylmethylOCH3519520104IsoamylCyclohexylmethylStyrylmethylOCH3511512105Isoamyl4-F-benzylStyrylmethylOCH3523524106Isoamyl2-Cl-benzylStyrylmethylOCH3539540107Isoamyl2,4-Cl2-benzylStyrylmethylOCH3574575108IsoamylNaphth-2-ylmethylStyrylmethylOCH3555556109Isoamyl4-HO-benzyl2,6-Cl2-benzylOCH3563564110Isoamyl4-NO2-benzyl2,6-Cl2-benzylOCH3592593111Isoamyl2,4-F2-benzyl2,6-Cl2-benzylOCH3583584112Isoamyl4-Cl-benzyl2,6-Cl2-benzylOCH358258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514515196Phenethyl4-HO-benzylMethyl((R)-α-542543methylbenzyl)amino197Phenethyl4-HO-benzylMethylBenzylamino528529198Phenethyl4-HO-benzylMethyl(4-MeO-phenyl)amino544545199Phenethyl4-HO-benzylMethyl(4-Br-phenyl)amino592593200Phenethyl4-HO-benzylMethyl(4-CF3-phenyl)amino582583201Phenethyl4-HO-benzylMethylPentylamino508509202Phenethyl4-HO-benzylMethyl(2-Phenylethyl)amino542543203Phenethyl4-HO-benzylMethyl(4-MeO-benzyl)amino558559204Phenethyl4-HO-benzylMethylCyclohexylamino5205212052,2-bisphenylethyl4-HO-benzylMethyl(4-Me-phenyl)amino6046052062,2-bisphenylethyl4-HO-benzylMethyl(4-Cl-phenyl)amino6246252072,2-bisphenylethyl4-HO-benzylMethylPhenylamino5905912082,2-bisphenylethyl4-HO-benzylMethyl((R)-α-618619methylbenzyl)amino2092,2-bisphenylethyl4-HO-benzylMethylBenzylamino6046052102,2-bisphenylethyl4-HO-benzylMethyl(4-MeO-phenyl)amino6206212112,2-bisphenylethyl4-HO-benzylMethyl(4-Br-phenyl)amino6696702122,2-bisphenylethyl4-HO-benzylMethyl(4-CF3-phenyl)amino6586592132,2-bisphenylethyl4-HO-benzylMethylPentylamino5845852142,2-bisphenylethyl4-HO-benzylMethyl(2-Phenylethyl)amino6186192152,2-bisphenylethyl4-HO-benzylMethyl(4-MeO-benzyl)amino6346352162,2-bisphenylethyl4-HO-benzylMethylCyclohexylamino596597217Phenethyl3,4-Cl2-benzylMethyl(4-Me-phenyl)amino581582218Phenethyl3,4-Cl2-benzylMethyl(4-Cl-phenyl)amino601602219Phenethyl3,4-Cl2-benzylMethylPhenylamino566567220Phenethyl3,4-Cl2-benzylMethyl((R)-α-595596methylbenzyl)amino221Phenethyl3,4-Cl2-benzylMethylBenzylamino581582222Phenethyl3,4-Cl2-benzylMethyl(4-MeO-phenyl)amino597598223Phenethyl3,4-Cl2-benzylMethyl(4-Br-phenyl)amino645646224Phenethyl3,4-Cl2-benzylMethyl(4-CF3-phenyl)amino634635225Phenethyl3,4-Cl2-benzylMethylPentylamino561562226Phenethyl3,4-Cl2-benzylMethyl(2-Phenylethyl)amino595596227Phenethyl3,4-Cl2-benzylMethyl(4-MeO-benzyl)amino611612228Phenethyl3,4-Cl2-benzylMethylCyclohexylamino5735742292,2-bisphenylethyl3,4-Cl2-benzylMethyl(4-Me-phenyl)amino6576582302,2-bisphenylethyl3,4-Cl2-benzylMethyl(4-Cl-phenyl)amino6776782312,2-bisphenylethyl3,4-Cl2-benzylMethylPhenylamino6436442322,2-bisphenylethyl3,4-Cl2-benzylMethyl((R)-α-671672methylbenzyl)amino2332,2-bisphenylethyl3,4-Cl2-benzylMethylBenzylamino6576582342,2-bisphenylethyl3,4-Cl2-benzylMethyl(4-MeO-phenyl)amino6736742352,2-bisphenylethyl3,4-Cl2-benzylMethyl(4-Br-phenyl)amino7217222362,2-bisphenylethyl3,4-Cl2-benzylMethyl(4-CF3-phenyl)amino7117122372,2-bisphenylethyl3,4-Cl2-benzylMethylPentylamino6376382382,2-bisphenylethyl3,4-Cl2-benzylMethyl(2-Phenylethyl)amino6716722392,2-bisphenylethyl3,4-Cl2-benzylMethyl(4-MeO-benzyl)amino6876882402,2-bisphenylethyl3,4-Cl2-benzylMethylCyclohexylamino649650241Isoamyl4-HO-benzylMethyl(4-Me-phenyl)amino478479242Isoamyl4-HO-benzylMethyl(4-Cl-phenyl)amino498499243Isoamyl4-HO-benzyl- MethylPhenylamino464465244Isoamyl4-HO-benzylMethyl((R)-α-492493methylbenzyl)amino245Isoamyl4-HO-benzylMethylBenzylamino478479246Isoamyl4-HO-benzylMethyl(4-MeO-phenyl)amino494495247Isoamyl4-HO-benzylMethyl(4-Br-phenyl)amino542543248Isoamyl4-HO-benzylMethyl(4-CF3-phenyl)amino532533249Isoamyl4-HO-benzylMethylPentylamino458459250Isoamyl4-HO-benzylMethyl(2-Phenylethyl)amino492493251Isoamyl4-HO-benzylMethyl(4-MeO-benzyl)amino508509252Isoamyl4-HO-benzylMethylCyclohexylamino470471253Isoamyl4-HO-benzylMethyl(4-Me-phenyl)amino554555254Isoamyl4-HO-benzylMethyl(4-Cl-phenyl)amino 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607608benzylamino467Naphthyl-1-ylmethyl4-HO-benzylMethylThioturan-2-yl-584585methylamino468Naphthyl-1-ylmethyl4-HO-benzylMethyl4-NO2-benzylamino609610469Naphthyl-1-ylmethyl4-HO-benzylMethylBnO5655664704-Methoxy-naphthyl-4-HO-benzylMethylBenzylamino5945951-ylmethyl471Naphthyl-1-ylmethyl4-HO-benzylMethylPhenethyl563564472Naphthyl-1-ylmethyl4-Methoxy-benzylMethylBenzylamino578579473Naphthyl-1-ylmethyl4-HO-benzylMethyl4-CF3-phenylamino618619474Naphthyl-1-ylmethyl4-NO2-benzylMethyl4-CF3-phenylamino647648475Naphthyl-1-ylmethyl4-NO2-benzylMethylBenzylamino593594476BenzylNaphthyl-1-ylmethyl4-CN-benzylOCH3574575477Thiofuran-2-yl-methylNaphthyl-1-ylmethyl4-CN-benzylOCH35945954784-Dimethylamino-Naphthyl-1-ylmethyl4-CN-benzylOCH3617618benzyl479PhenethylNaphthyl-1-ylmethyl4-CN-benzylOCH35885894808-Quinoline-lyl-4-HO-benzylMethylBenzylamino565566methyl4814-PyridylmethylNaphthyl-1-ylmethylBenzylOCH35505514823,4-DimethoxybenzylNaphthyl-1-ylmethylBenzylOCH36096104834-Dimethoxy-Naphthyl-1-ylmethylBenzylOCH3623624phenethyl484Thiofuran-2-yl-methylNaphthyl-1-ylmethylBenzylOCH3569570485Naphthyl-1-ylmethyl3-PyridylmethylMethylBenzylamino549550486Naphthyl-1-ylmethylPentafluorobenzylMethylBenzylamino638639487Naphthyl-1-ylmethyl3-F-4-HO-benzylMethylBenzylamino5825834884-F-phenethyl4-Methyl-benzylMethyl4-CF3-phenylamino5985994894-Methoxyphenethyl4-Methyl-benzylMethyl4-CF3-phenylamino6106114903,4-Dimethoxy-4-Methyl-benzylMethyl4-CF3-phenylamino640641phenethyl491Naphthyl-1-ylmethyl4-Methyl-benzylMethyl4-CF3-phenylamino6166174923,4-DimethoxybenzylNaphthyl-1-ylmethyl4-CN-benzylOCH36346354933,4-Dimethoxy-Naphthyl-1-ylmethyl4-CN-benzylOCH3648649phenethyl4944-Quinoline-lyl-4-HO-benzylMethylBenzylamino565566methyl4952-Pyridylmethyl4-Methyl-benzylMethyl4-CF3-phenylamino5675684963-Pyridylmethyl4-Methyl-benzylMethyl4-CF3-phenylamino5675684973,4-Dimethoxybenzyl4-Methyl-benzylMethyl4-CF3-phenylamino6266274984-Methyl-benzyl4-Methyl-benzylMethyl4-CF3-phenylamino580581499Thiofuran-2-yl-methyl4-Methyl-benzylMethyl4-CF3-phenylamino5725735004-CF3-benzyl4-Methyl-benzylMethyl4-CF3-phenylamino6346355012,6-F2-benzyl4-Methyl-benzylMethyl4-CF3-phenylamino6026035024-F-benzyl4-Methyl-benzylMethyl4-CF3-phenylamino584585503Thiofuran-2-yl-ethyl4-Methyl-benzylMethyl4-CF3-phenylamino5865875043,4-Cl2-benzyl4-Methyl-benzylMethyl4-CF3-phenylamino6346355054-CO2H-Benzyl4-HO-benzylMethylBenzylamino558559506Naphthyl-1-ylmethyl3-t-Bu-4-HO-benzylMethylBenzylamino620621507Naphthyl-1-ylmethyl3,4-(OH)2-benzylMethylBenzylamino5805815082-F-benzyl4-HO-benzylMethylBenzylamino5325335093-F-benzyl4-HO-benzylMethylBenzylamino5325335104-F-benzyl4-HO-benzylMethylBenzylamino5325335112,4-F2-benzyl4-HO-benzylMethylBenzylamino5505515122,6-F2-benzyl4-HO-benzylMethylBenzylamino5505515132,5-F2-benzyl4-HO-benzylMethylBenzylamino5505515143-CF3-benyl4-HO-benzylMethylBenzylamino5825835154-CF3-benyl4-HO-benzylMethylBenzylamino5825835163,4,5-F3-benyl4-HO-benzylMethylBenzylamino5685695172-Cl-benzyl4-HO-benzylMethylBenzylamino5485495183-Cl-benzyl4-HO-benzylMethylBenzylamino5485495192,4-Cl2-benzyl4-HO-benzylMethylBenzylamino582583520(S)-Methylphenyl4-HO-benzylMethylBenzylamino528529521(R)-Methylphenyl4-HO-benzylMethylBenzylamino5285295224-Methyl-benzyl4-HO-benzylMethylBenzylamino5285295234-Methoxybenzyl4-HO-benzylMethylBenzylamino5445455243,4-Dimethoxybenzyl4-HO-benzylMethylBenzylamino574575525Furan-2-yl-4-HO-benzylMethylBenzylamino504505methylamino526(R)-Methylnaphthyl-1-4-HO-benzylMethylBenzylamino578579ylmethyl527(S)-Methylnaphthyl-1-4-HO-benzylMethylBenzylamino578579ylmethyl528Naphthyl-1-ylmethyl3-Oxy-pyridin-1-MethylBenzylamino565566ylmethyl529(R)-alpha-4-HO-benzylMethylBenzylamino578579methylbenzyl530Naphthyl-2-ylmethyl4-HO-benzylMethylBenzylamino5645655314-F-naphthyl-1-4-HO-benzylMethylBenzylamino582583ylmethyl5322-Methoxybenzyl4-HO-benzylMethylBenzylamino5445455334-Cl-benzyl4-HO-benzylMethylBenzylamino5485495343,4-Cl2-benzyl4-HO-benzylMethylBenzylamino5825835352-CF3Obenzyl4-HO-benzylMethylBenzylamino5985995362-CF3Sbenzyl4-HO-benzylMethylBenzylamino6146155372-CF3benzyl4-HO-benzylMethylBenzylamino5825835385-Quinoline-lyl-4-HO-benzylMethylBenzylamino565566methyl5398-Quinoline-1yl-3-t-Bu-4-HO-benzylMethylBenzylamino621622methyl5408-Quinoline-1yl-4-NO2-benzylMethylBenzylamino594595methyl5418-Quinoline-1yl-(1H-Pyrrol-2-yl)-MethylBenzylamino538539methylmethyl542Naphthyl-1-ylmethyl4-Benzyloxy-MethylBenzylamino697698carbonylaminobenzyl5432,3-Cl2-benzyl4-HO-benzylMethylBenzylamino582583544Pentafluorobenzyl4-HO-benzylMethylBenzylamino604605545Benzyl4-HO-benzylMethylBenzylamino514515546Quinoxaline-5yl-4-HO-benzylMethylBenzylamino566567methyl5478-Quinoline-1yl-3-PyridylmethylMethylBenzylamino550551methyl5488-Quinoline-1yl-PentafluorobenzylMethylBenzylamino639640methyl549Naphthyl-1-ylmethyl4-HO-benzylMethylBenzylamino(thiourea)580581550Naphthyl-1-ylmethyl4-Amino-benzylMethylBenzylamino5635645513,4,5-tri-4-Amino-benzylMethylBenzylamino603604Methoxybenzyl552Naphthyl-1-ylmethyl4-PyridylmethylMethylBenzylamino549550553Naphthyl-1-ylmethyl(R) 4-HO-phenylMethylBenzylamino5505515542-HO-3-Methoxy-4-HO-benzylMethylBenzylamino560561benzyl555Naphthyl-1-ylmethyl3-Nitro-4-HO—MethylBenzylamino609610benzyl556Naphthyl-1-ylmethyl4-CO2H—CH2O—MethylBenzylamino622623benzyl557Naphthyl-1-ylmethyl1-Naphtoylamino-MethylBenzylamino641642methyl558Naphthyl-1-ylmethyl4-Oxy-pyridylmethylMethylBenzylamino5655665594-F-alpha-4-HO-benzylMethylBenzylamino546547methylbenzyl560Naphthyl-1-ylmethylBenzoylaminoethylMethylBenzylamino6056065618-Quinoline-1yl-3,4-(OH)2-benzylMethylBenzylamino581582methyl562-N,N-Dimethylamino-4-HO-benzylMethylBenzylamino557558benzyl563Naphthyl-1-ylmethyl(R) 4-F-benzylMethylBenzylamino609610564Naphthyl-1-ylmethyl4-HO-benzylMethyl2-Chloroethylamino536537565Naphthyl-1-ylmethyl4-HO-phenethylMethylBenzylamino5785795664-F-benzyl3-F,4-HO-benzylMethylBenzylamino5505515672,4-F2-benzyl3-F,4-HO-benzylMethylBenzylamino5685695683-CF3benzyl(R) 4-HO-phenylMethylBenzylamino568569569(S)-Methylnaphthyl-1-(R) 4-HO-phenylMethylBenzylamino514515ylmethyl570(R)-Methylnaphthyl-1-(R) 4-HO-phenylMethylBenzylamino514515ylmethyl5712,3,6-F3-benzyl(R) 4-HO-phenylMethylBenzylamino5545555723-F-benzyl(R) 4-HO-phenylMethylBenzylamino5185195734-Cl-benzyl(R) 4-HO-phenylMethylBenzylamino5345355743-Cl-benzyl(R) 4-HO-phenylMethylBenzylamino5345355752-Cl-benzyl(R) 4-HO-phenylMethylBenzylamino5345355763,4-Cl2-benzyl(R) 4-HO-phenylMethylBenzylamino5685695773-CF3O-benzyl(R) 4-HO-phenylMethylBenzylamino5845855784-F-benzyl(R) 4-HO-phenylMethylBenzylamino5185195792,4-F2-benzyl(R) 4-HO-phenylMethylBenzylamino5365375803-(2-Chloro-ethyl)-4-HO-benzylMethylBenzylamino634635ureido]-benzyl5813-Aminobenzyl4-HO-benzylMethylBenzylamino5295305823-N-4-HO-benzylMethylBenzylamino543544Methylaminobenzyl5833-N,N-4-HO-benzylMethylBenzylamino557558Dimethylaminobenzyl5841H-Benzoimidazol-4-4-HO-benzylMethylBenzylamino554555ylmethyl5852-HO-benzyl4-HO-benzylMethylBenzylamino5305315862-Pyridylmethyl4-HO-benzylMethylBenzylamino5155165874-Pyridylmethyl4-HO-benzylMethylBenzylamino5155165888-quinolin-2-ylmethyl4-HO-benzylMethylBenzylamino5655665898-Benzofuran-4-4-HO-benzylMethylBenzylamino554555ylmethyl590Naphthyl-1-ylmethyl4-HO-phenylMethylBenzylamino5505515914-F-benzyl4-HO-phenylMethylBenzylamino5185195922,4-F2-benzyl4-HO-phenylMethylBenzylamino536537593(R)-Toluylmethyl4-HO-benzylMethylBenzylamino542543594(S)-Toluylmethyl4-HO-benzylMethylBenzylamino5425435951,2 3,4-tetrahydro-4-HO-benzylMethylBenzylamino554555naphthalen-2-yl596Naphthyl-1-ylmethyl3,4-MethylBenzylamino608609Dimethoxybenzyl5972-Dimethylamino-6-F-4-HO-benzylMethylBenzylamino575576benzyl5982-4-HO-benzylMethylBenzylamino557558Dimethylaminobenzyl599Naphthyl-1-ylmethyl4-CN-benzylMethylBenzylamino5735746004-F-2-CF3-benzyl4-HO-benzylMethylBenzylamino5996006014-Cl-2-4-HO-benzylMethylBenzylamino591592Dimethylaminobenzyl6023-N,N-4-HO-benzylMethylBenzylamino571572Ethylmethyllamino-benzyl6033-Diethylaminobenzyl4-HO-benzylMethylBenzylamino5855866044-Cl-3-4-HO-benzylMethylBenzylamino591592Dimethylaminobenzyl6054-F-2-4-HO-benzylMethylBenzylamino575576Dimethylaminobenzyl6063,5-(CH3)2-2-4-HO-benzylMethylBenzylamino585586Dimethylamino-benzyl6073-(CH3)-2-4-HO-benzylMethylBenzylamino571572Dimethylaminobenzyl6086-(CH3)-2-4-HO-benzylMethylBenzylamino571572Dimethylaminobenzyl6093,4-F2-2-4-HO-benzylMethylBenzylamino593594Dimethylaminobenzyl

[0098] In addition, synthesis of the peptide mimetics of the library of the present invention may be accomplished using the General Scheme of [4,3,0] Reverse-Turn Mimetic Library as follows:

[0099] Synthesis of the peptide mimetics of the bicyclic template libraries of the present invention was accomplished using FlexChem Reactor Block which has 96 well plate by known techniques. In the above scheme ‘Pol’ represents Bromoacetal resin (Advanced ChemTech) and detailed procedure is illustrated below.

[0100] Step 1

[0101] The bromoacetal resin (1.6 mmol/g) and a solution of R1 amine in DMSO (2M solution) were placed in 96 well Robbins block (FlexChem). The reaction mixture was shaken at 60° C. using rotating oven [Robbins Scientific] for 12 hours. The resin was washed with DMF, MeOH, and then DCM

[0102] Step 2

[0103] A solution of commercial available Fmoc-Amino Acids (4 equiv.), PyBob (4 equiv.), HOAt (4 equiv.), and DIEA (12 equiv.) in DMF was added to the resin. After the reaction mixture was shaken for 12 hours at room temperature, the resin was washed with DMF, MeOH, and then DCM.

[0104] Step 3

[0105] To the resin swollen by DMF before reaction was added 25% piperidine in DMF. After the reaction mixture was shaken for 30 min at room temperature. This deprotection step was repeated again and then washed with DMF, Methanol, then DCM. A solution of hydrazine carbamoyl chloride (4 equiv.), HOBt (4 equiv.), and DIC (4 equiv.) in DMF was added to the resin. After the reaction mixture was shaken for 12 hours at room temperature, the resin was washed with DMF, MeOH, and then DCM.

[0106] Step 4

[0107] To the resin swollen by DMF before reaction was added 25% piperidine in DMF. After the reaction mixture was shaken for 30 min at room temperature. This deprotection step was repeated again and then washed with DMF, Methanol, then DCM. To the resin swollen by DCM before reaction was added R1-isocynate (5 equiv.) in DCM. After the reaction mixture was shaken for 12 hours at room temperature the resin was washed with DMF, MeOH, then DCM.

[0108] Step 5

[0109] The resin was treated with formic acid (1.2 mL each well) for 18 hours at room temperature. After the resin was removed by filtration, the filtrate was condensed under reduced pressure using SpeedVac [SAVANT] to give the product as oil. These products were diluted with 50% water/acetonitrile and then lyophilized after freezing.

[0110] Table 3 shows a [4,3,0] reverse turn mimetics library which can be prepared according to the present invention, of which representative preparation is given in Example 5.
3TABLE 3THE[4,3,0]REVERSE TURN MIMETICS LIBRARY25Mol.NoR2R4R6R1WeightM + H610Isoamyl4-HO-phenylMethylPhenyl466467611Isoamyl4-HO-phenylMethyl4-Me-phenyl480481612Isoamyl4-HO-phenylMethyl3,5-Me2-phenyl494495613Isoamyl4-HO-phenylMethyl4-MeO-phenyl496497614Isoamyl4-HO-phenylMethyl4-CF3-phenyl534535615Isoamyl4-HO-phenylMethylCyclohexyl472473616Isoamyl4-HO-phenylMethylBenzyl480481617Isoamyl4-HO-phenylMethyl26494495618Isoamyl4-HO-phenylMethyl4-MeO-benzyl510511619Isoamyl4-HO-phenylMethylPhenethyl494495620Isoamyl4-HO-phenylMethylPentyl460461621Isoamyl4-HO-phenylMethylHexyl474475622Benzyl4-HO-phenylMethylPhenyl486487623Benzyl4-HO-phenylMethyl4-Me-phenyl500501624Benzyl4-HO-phenylMethyl3,5-Me2-phenyl514515625Benzyl4-HO-phenylMethyl4-MeO-phenyl516517626Benzyl4-HO-phenylMethyl4-CF3-phenyl554555627Benzyl4-HO-phenylMethylCyclohexyl492493628Benzyl4-HO-phenylMethylBenzyl500501629Benzyl4-HO-phenylMethyl27514515630Benzyl4-HO-phenylMethyl4-MeO-benzyl530531631Benzyl4-HO-phenylMethylPhenethyl514515632Benzyl4-HO-phenylMethylPentyl480481633Benzyl4-HO-phenylMethylHexyl494495634Naphth-1-ylmethyl4-HO-phenylMethylPhenyl536537635Naphth-1-ylmethyl4-HO-phenylMethyl4-Me-phenyl550551636Naphth-1-ylmethyl4-HO-phenylMethyl3,5-Me2-phenyl564565637Naphth-1-ylmethyl4-HO-phenylMethyl4-MeO-phenyl566567638Naphth-1-ylmethyl4-HO-phenylMethyl4-CF3-phenyl604605639Naphth-1-ylmethyl4-HO-phenylMethylCyclohexyl542543640Naphth-1-ylmethyl4-HO-phenylMethylBenzyl550551641Naphth-1-ylmethyl4-HO-phenylMethyl28564565642Naphth-1-ylmethyl4-HO-phenylMethyl4-MeO-benzyl580581643Naphth-1-ylmethyl4-HO-phenylMethylPhenethyl564565644Naphth-1-ylmethyl4-HO-phenylMethylPentyl530531645Naphth-1-ylmethyl4-HO-phenylMethylHexyl544545646Cyclohexylmethyl4-HO-phenylMethylPhenyl492493647Cyclohexylmethyl4-HO-phenylMethyl4-Me-phenyl506507648Cyclohexylmethyl4-HO-phenylMethyl3,5-Me2-phenyl520521649Cyclohexylmethyl4-HO-phenylMethyl4-MeO-phenyl522523650Cyclohexylmethyl4-HO-phenylMethyl4-CF3-phenyl560561651Cyclohexylmethyl4-HO-phenylMethylCyclohexyl468469652Cyclohexylmethyl4-HO-phenylMethylBenzyl506507653Cyclohexylmethyl4-HO-phenylMethyl29520521654Cyclohexylmethyl4-HO-phenylMethyl4-MeO-benzyl536537655Cyclohexylmethyl4-HO-phenylMethylPhenethyl520521656Cyclohexylmethyl4-HO-phenylMethylPentyl486487657Cyclohexylmethyl4-HO-phenylMethylHexyl5005016584-methylbenzyl4-HO-phenylMethylPhenyl5005016594-methylbenzyl4-HO-phenylMethyl4-Me-phenyl5145156604-methylbenzyl4-HO-phenylMethyl3,5-Me2-phenyl5285296614-methylbenzyl4-HO-phenylMethyl4-MeO-phenyl5305316624-methylbenzyl4-HO-phenylMethyl4-CF3-phenyl5685696634-methylbenzyl4-HO-phenylMethylCyclohexyl5065076644-methylbenzyl4-HO-phenylMethylBenzyl5145156654-methylbenzyl4-HO-phenylMethyl305285296664-methylbenzyl4-HO-phenylMethyl4-MeO-benzyl5445456674-methylbenzyl4-HO-phenylMethylPhenethyl5285296684-methylbenzyl4-HO-phenylMethylPentyl4944956694-methylbenzyl4-HO-phenylMethylHexyl508509670Methoxypropyl4-HO-phenylMethylPhenyl468469671Methoxypropyl4-HO-phenylMethyl4-Me-phenyl482483672Methoxypropyl4-HO-phenylMethyl3,5-Me2-phenyl496497673Methoxypropyl4-HO-phenylMethyl4-MeO-phenyl498499674Methoxypropyl4-HO-phenylMethyl4-CF3-phenyl536537675Methoxypropyl4-HO-phenylMethylCyclohexyl474475676Methoxypropyl4-HO-phenylMethylBenzyl482483677Methoxypropyl4-HO-phenylMethyl31496497678Methoxypropyl4-HO-phenylMethyl4-MeO-benzyl512513679Methoxypropyl4-HO-phenylMethylPhenethyl496497680Methoxypropyl4-HO-phenylMethylPentyl462463681Methoxypropyl4-HO-phenylMethylHexyl476477682Phenethyl4-HO-phenylMethylPhenyl500501683Phenethyl4-HO-phenylMethyl4-Me-phenyl514515684Phenethyl4-HO-phenylMethyl3,5-Me2-phenyl528529685Phenethyl4-HO-phenylMethyl4-MeO-phenyl530531686Phenethyl4-HO-phenylMethyl4-CF3-phenyl568569687Phenethyl4-HO-phenylMethylCyclohexyl506507688Phenethyl4-HO-phenylMethylBenzyl514515689Phenethyl4-HO-phenylMethyl32528529690Phenethyl4-HO-phenylMethyl4-MeO-benzyl544545691Phenethyl4-HO-phenylMethylPhenethyl528529692Phenethyl4-HO-phenylMethylPentyl494495693Phenethyl4-HO-phenylMethylHexyl5085096942,2-bisphenylethyl4-HO-phenylMethylPhenyl5765776952,2-bisphenylethyl4-HO-phenylMethyl4-Me-phenyl5905916962,2-bisphenylethyl4-HO-phenylMethyl3,5-Me2-phenyl6046056972,2-bisphenylethyl4-HO-phenylMethyl4-MeO-phenyl6066076982,2-bisphenylethyl4-HO-phenylMethyl4-CF3-phenyl6446456992,2-bisphenylethyl4-HO-phenylMethylCyclohexyl5825837002,2-bisphenylethyl4-HO-phenylMethylBenzyl5865877012,2-bisphenylethyl4-HO-phenylMethyl336046057022,2-bisphenylethyl4-HO-phenylMethyl4-MeO-benzyl6206217032,2-bisphenylethyl4-HO-phenylMethylPhenethyl6046057042,2-bisphenylethyl4-HO-phenylMethylPentyl5705717052,2-bisphenylethyl4-HO-phenylMethylHexyl584585706Naphth-1-ylmethylBenzylMethylPhenyl520521707Naphth-1-ylmethylBenzylMethyl4-Me-phenyl534535708Naphth-1-ylmethylBenzylMethyl3,5-Me2-phenyl548549709Naphth-1-ylmethylBenzylMethyl4-MeO-phenyl550551710Naphth-1-ylmethylBenzylMethyl4-CF3-phenyl588589711Naphth-1-ylmethylBenzylMethylCyclohexyl526527712Naphth-1-ylmethylBenzylMethylBenzyl534535713Naphth-1-ylmethylBenzylMethyl34548549714Naphth-1-ylmethylBenzylMethyl4-MeO-benzyl564565715Naphth-1-ylmethylBenzylMethylPhenethyl548549716Naphth-1-ylmethylBenzylMethylPentyl514515717Naphth-1-ylmethylBenzylMethylHexyl528529718Naphth-1-ylmethyl35MethylPhenyl498499719Naphth-1-ylmethyl36Methyl4-Me-phenyl512513720Naphth-1-ylmethyl37Methyl3,5-Me2-phenyl526527721Naphth-1-ylmethyl38Methyl4-MeO-phenyl528529722Naphth-1-ylmethyl39Methyl4-CF3-phenyl566567723Naphth-1-ylmethyl40MethylCyclohexyl504505724Naphth-1-ylmethyl41MethylBenzyl512513725Naphth-1-ylmethyl42Methyl43526527726Naphth-1-ylmethyl44Methyl4-MeO-benzyl542543727Naphth-1-ylmethyl45MethylPhenethyl526527728Naphth-1-ylmethyl46MethylPentyl492493729Naphth-1-ylmethyl47MethylHexyl506507730Naphth-1-ylmethylNaphth-1-ylmethylMethylPhenyl570571731Naphth-1-ylmethylNaphth-1-ylmethylMethyl4-Me-phenyl584585732Naphth-1-ylmethylNaphth-1-ylmethylMethyl3,5-Me2-phenyl598599733Naphth-1-ylmethylNaphth-1-ylmethylMethyl4-MeO-phenyl600601734Naphth-1-ylmethylNaphth-1-ylmethylMethyl4-CF3-phenyl638639735Naphth-1-ylmethylNaphth-1-ylmethylMethylCyclohexyl576577736Naphth-1-ylmethylNaphth-1-ylmethylMethylBenzyl584585737Naphth-1-ylmethylNaphth-1-ylmethylMethyl48598599738Naphth-1-ylmethylNaphth-1-ylmethylMethyl4-MeO-benzyl614615739Naphth-1-ylmethylNaphth-1-ylmethylMethylPhenethyl598599740Naphth-1-ylmethylNaphth-1-ylmethylMethylPentyl564565741Naphth-1-ylmethylNaphth-1-ylmethylMethylHexyl578579742Naphth-1-ylmethylCyclohexylmethylMethylPhenyl526527743Naphth-1-ylmethylCyclohexylmethylMethyl4-Me-phenyl540541744Naphth-1-ylmethylCyclohexylmethylMethyl3,5-Me2-phenyl554555745Naphth-1-ylmethylCyclohexylmethylMethyl4-MeO-phenyl556557746Naphth-1-ylmethylCyclohexylmethylMethyl4-CF3-phenyl594595747Naphth-1-ylmethylCyclohexylmethylMethylCyclohexyl532533748Naphth-1-ylmethylCyclohexylmethylMethylBenzyl540541749Naphth-1-ylmethylCyclohexylmethylMethyl49554555750Naphth-1-ylmethylCyclohexylmethylMethyl4-MeO-benzyl570571751Naphth-1-ylmethylCyclohexylmethylMethylPhenethyl554555752Naphth-1-ylmethylCyclohexylmethylMethylPentyl520521753Naphth-1-ylmethylCyclohexylmethylMethylHexyl534535754Naphth-1-ylmethyl4-chlorobenzylMethylPhenyl554555755Naphth-1-ylmethyl4-chlorobenzylMethyl4-Me-phenyl568569756Naphth-1-ylmethyl4-chlorobenzylMethyl3,5-Me2-phenyl582583757Naphth-1-ylmethyl4-chlorobenzylMethyl4-MeO-phenyl584585758Naphth-1-ylmethyl4-chlorobenzylMethyl4-CF3-phenyl622623759Naphth-1-ylmethyl4-chlorobenzylMethylCyclohexyl560561760Naphth-1-ylmethyl4-chlorobenzylMethylBenzyl568569761Naphth-1-ylmethyl4-chlorobenzylMethyl50582583762Naphth-1-ylmethyl4-chlorobenzylMethyl4-MeO-benzyl598599763Naphth-1-ylmethyl4-chlorobenzylMethylPhenethyl582583764Naphth-1-ylmethyl4-chlorobenzylMethylPentyl548549765Naphth-1-ylmethyl4-chlorobenzylMethylHexyl562563766Naphth-1-ylmethylMethylMethylPhenyl444445767Naphth-1-ylmethylMethylMethyl4-Me-phenyl458459768Naphth-1-ylmethylMethylMethyl3,5-Me2-phenyl472473769Naphth-1-ylmethylMethylMethyl4-MeO-phenyl474475770Naphth-1-ylmethylMethylMethyl4-CF3-phenyl512513771Naphth-1-ylmethylMethylMethylCyclohexyl450451772Naphth-1-ylmethylMethylMethylBenzyl458459773Naphth-1-ylmethylMethylMethyl51472473774Naphth-1-ylmethylMethylMethyl4-MeO-benzyl488489775Naphth-1-ylmethylMethylMethylPhenethyl472473776Naphth-1-ylmethylMethylMethylPentyl438439777Naphth-1-ylmethylMethylMethylHexyl452453778Naphth-1-ylmethylIsobutylMethylPhenyl486487779Naphth-1-ylmethylIsobutylMethyl4-Me-phenyl500501780Naphth-1-ylmethylIsobutylMethyl3,5-Me2-phenyl514515781Naphth-1-ylmethylIsobutylMethyl4-MeO-phenyl516517782Naphth-1-ylmethylIsobutylMethyl4-CF3-phenyl554555783Naphth-1-ylmethylIsobutylMethylCyclohexyl492493784Naphth-1-ylmethylIsobutylMethylBenzyl500501785Naphth-1-ylmethylIsobutylMethyl52514515786Naphth-1-ylmethylIsobutylMethyl4-MeO-benzyl530531787Naphth-1-ylmethylIsobutylMethylPhenethyl514515788Naphth-1-ylmethylIsobutylMethylPentyl480481789Naphth-1-ylmethylIsobutylMethylHexyl494495790Naphth-1-ylmethylMethylthioethylMethylPhenyl504505791Naphth-1-ylmethylMethylthioethylMethyl4-Me-phenyl518519792Naphth-1-ylmethylMethylthioethylMethyl3,5-Me2-phenyl532533793Naphth-1-ylmethylMethylthioethylMethyl4-MeO-phenyl534535794Naphth-1-ylmethylMethylthioethylMethyl4-CF3-phenyl572573795Naphth-1-ylmethylMethylthioethylMethylCyclohexyl510511796Naphth-1-ylmethylMethylthioethylMethylBenzyl518519797Naphth-1-ylmethylMethylthioethylMethyl53532533798Naphth-1-ylmethylMethylthioethylMethyl4-MeO-benzyl548549799Naphth-1-ylmethylMethylthioethylMethylPhenethyl532533800Naphth-1-ylmethylMethylthioethylMethylPentyl498499801Naphth-1-ylmethylMethylthioethylMethylHexyl512513

[0111] In a further aspect of this invention, the present invention provides methods for screening the libraries for bioactivity and isolating bioactive library members.

[0112] In yet another aspect, the present invention provides a method for carrying out a binding assay. The method includes providing a composition that includes a first co-activator, an interacting protein, and a test compound. The amino acid structure of the first co-activator includes a binding motif of LXXLL, LXXLI or FxxFF wherein X is any amino acid. The method further includes detecting an alteration in binding between the first co-activator and the interacting protein due to the presence of the compound, and then characterizing the test compound in terms of its effect on the binding.

[0113] The assay may be carried out by any means that can measure the effect of a test compound on the binding between two proteins. Many such assays are known in the art and can be utilized in the method of the present invention, including the so-called Two-Hybrid and Split-Hybrid systems.

[0114] The Two-Hybrid system, and various means to carry out an assay using this system, are described in, e.g., U.S. Pat. No. 6,410,245. The Split-Hybrid system has been described by, e.g., Hsiu-Ming Shiu et al. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA, 93:13896-13901, November 1996; and John D. Crispino, et al. Molecular Cell, 3:1-20, February 1999. In the Split-Hybrid system, a fusion protein is utilized where protein X is fused to the lexA DNA binding domains (pLexA) and protein Y is fused to the transcription activator VP16 (pSHM.1-LacZ). Interaction between lexA-X and VP16-Y leads to the expression of the Tetracycline repressor protein (TetR). TetR prevents transcription of the HIS3 reporter gene, making the cells unable to grow on media lacking histidine. Disruption of protein-protein interaction will restore the ability of the cells to grow on such media by shutting down expression of the tetracycline repressor. Accordingly, compounds of the present invention may be added to the growing cells, and if the addition of the compound restores the ability of the cells to grow on the media, the compound may be seen as an effective disruptor of the protein-protein interaction.

[0115] The yeast strains required to make the Split-Hybrid system work can be employed with two hybrid LexANP16 constructs such as those described by Stanley M. Hollenberg, et al. Molecular and Cellular Biology 15(7):3813-3822, July 1995. A useful modification of the Split-Hybrid system was utilized by Takemaru, K. I. and Moon, R. T. J. of Cell Biol. 149:249-254, 2000.

[0116] Other assay formats are also suitable. For example, reporter gene assays for AP-1, ELISA, for example, blocking the production of IL-2 by a T-cell line after stimulation with CD3 and CD28 to look for inhibitors of IL-2 transcription. Direct binding assays (between coactivators and their partners) can be performed by surface plasmon resonance spectroscopy (Biacore, Sweden, manufactures suitable instruments) or ELISA.

[0117] Exemplary transcriptional regulators include, without limitation, VP16, VP64, p300, CBP, PCAF, SRC1 PvALF, AtHD2A and ERF-2. See, for example, Robyr et al. (2000) Mol. Endocrinol. 14:329-347; Collingwood et al. (1999) J. Mol. Endocrinol. 23:255-275; Leo et al. (2000) Gene 245:1-11; Manteuffel-Cymborowska (1999) Acta Biochim. Pol. 46:77-89; McKenna et al. (1999) J. Steroid Biochem. Mol. Biol. 69:3-12; Malik et al. (2000) Trends Biochem. Sci. 25:277-283; and Lemon et al. (1999) Curr. Opin. Genet Dev. 9:499-504. Other exemplary transcription factors include, without limitation, OsGAI, HALF-1, C1, AP1, ARF-5, -6, -7, and -8, CPRF1, CPRF4, MYC-RP/GP, and TRAB1. See, for example, Ogawa et al. (2000) Gene 245:21-29; Okanami et al. (1996) Genes Cells 1:87-99; Goff et al. (1991) Genes Dev. 5:298-309; Cho et al. (1999) Plant Mol. Biol. 40:419-429; Ulmason et al. (1999) Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 96:5844-5849; Sprenger-Haussels et al. (2000) Plant J. 22:1-8; Gong et al. (1999) Plant Mol. Biol. 41:33-44; and Hobo et al. (1999) Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 96:15, 348-15, 353.

[0118] In a preferred embodiment, the transcriptional coactivator is a human transcriptional coactivator. In another preferred embodiment, the transcriptional coactivator is a member of the p300/CBP family of co-activators which have histone acetyltransferase activity. p300 is described for example by Eckner et al, 1994 and CBP by Bannister and Kouzarides, 1996. For the purposes of the present invention, reference to p300/CBP refers to human allelic and synthetic variants of p300, and to other mammalian variants and allelic and synthetic variants thereof, as well as fragments of said human and mammalian forms of p300. In one aspect of the assay, the interacting protein is a transcription factor or a second co-activator.

[0119] In one aspect of the assay, the interacting protein is any one of RIP140; SRC-1 (NCoA-1); TIF2 (GRIP-1; SRC-2); p (CIP; RAC3; ACTR; AIB-1; TRAM-1; SRC-3); CBP (p300); TRAPs (DRIPs); PGC-1; CARM-1; PRIP (ASC-2; AIB3; RAP250; NRC); GT-198; and SHARP (CoAA; p68; p72). In another aspect of the assay, the interacting protein is any one of TAL 1; p73; MDm2; TBP; HIF-1; Ets-1; RXR; p65; AP-1; Pit-1; HNF-4; Stat2; HPV E2; BRCA1; p45 (NF-E2); c-Jun; c-myb; Tax; Sap 1; YY1; SREBP; ATF-1; ATF-4; Cubitus; Interruptus; Gli3; MRF; AFT-2; JMY; dMad; PyLT: HPV E6; CITTA; Tat; SF-1; E2F; junB; RNA helicase A; C/EBP β; GATA-1; Neuro D; Microphthalimia; E1A; TFIIB; p53; P/CAF; Twist; Myo D; pp9O RSK; c-Fos; and SV40 Large T. In another aspect of the assay, the interacting protein is any one of ERAP140; RIP140; RIP160; Trip1; SWI1 (SNF); ARA70; RAP46; TIF1; TIF2; GRIP1; and TRAP. In another aspect of the invention, the interacting protein is any one of VP16; VP64; p300; CBP; PCAF; SRC1 PvALF; AtHD2A; ERF-2; OsGAI; HALF-1; C1; AP-1; ARF-5; ARF-6; ARF-7; ARF-8; CPRF1; CPRF4; MYC-RP/GP; and TRAB1. In another aspect of the invention, the first co-activator is CBP or p300.

[0120] The test compound is selected from compounds as described herein. For example, compounds having the formula (I), (II), (III), (IV), (VI) and (VIa). Typically, a test compound will be evaluated at several different concentrations, where these concentrations will be selected, in part, based on the conditions of the assay, e.g., the concentrations of the first co-activator and the interacting protein. Concentrations in the range of about 0.1 to 10 μM are typical. In one aspect, the assay evaluates the relative efficacy of two compounds to affect the binding interaction between two proteins, where at least one of those two compounds is a compound of the present invention. The more effective compound can than serve as a reference compound in a study of the relationship between compound structure and compound activity.

[0121] The libraries of the present invention were screened for bioactivity by various techniques and methods. In general, the screening assay may be performed by (1) contacting the mimetics of a library with a biological target of interest, such as a receptor, to allow binding between the mimetics of the library and the target to occur, and (2) detecting the binding event by an appropriate assay, such as the calorimetric assay disclosed by Lam et al. (Nature 354:82-84, 1991) or Griminski et al. (Biotechnology 12:1008-1011, 1994) (both of which are incorporated herein by reference). In a preferred embodiment, the library members are in solution and the target is immobilized on a solid phase. Alternatively, the library may be immobilized on a solid phase and may be probed by contacting it with the target in solution.

[0122] Table 4 below shows compounds for bioactivity test selected from the library of the present invention and IC50 values thereof, which are measured by the Reporter gene assay as described in Example 6.
4TABLE 4IC50(μM) OF SELECTED LIBRARY COMPOUNDSNoSTRUCTUREM.W.IC50(μM)154580.712.8255579.612.6356632.513.9457617.611.8558564.66.8659564.66.1760564.62.2861531.614.5962531.66.71063531.64.01164531.64.61265549.69.01366549.66.41467549.617.71568581.64.21669567.63.81770548.014.31871548.03.31972582.511.52073527.65.12174527.65.02275543.610.42376573.610.72477563.75.02578581.63.02679543.67.12780543.65.22881548.07.52982582.53.83083597.67.53184613.711.93285581.64.13386564.613.03487565.64.43588579.711.43689549.612.53790545.62.33891556.77.13992564.69.74093553.67.04194541.613.64295574.718.24396556.75.24497599.61.34598591.12.24699570.74.447100584.73.548101570.710.949102592.61.450103574.61.351104584.74.8

[0123] It has been found according to the present invention that compounds of general formula (I), and especially the compounds of general formula (VI), can inhibit CBP-mediated transcriptional activation in cancer cells due to their specific binding to CBP. This conclusion is supported by immunoprecipitation of CBP of SW480 cells with compounds of the present invention.

[0124] The compounds of the present invention can also inhibit the survivin expression in SW480 cells, and therefore, inhibit the oncogenic activity in cancer cells. The compounds of the present invention can be used for inhibiting cancer cells, and thus, would be useful for the regulation of cell growth. Supporting such results, the compounds of the present invention further shows that it can induce the caspase-3 activation in SW480 cells, and therefore, induce the apoptotic activity in cells. The compounds of the present invention can be also advantageously used for inducing apoptosis in cells.

[0125] To confirm the oncogenic activity in cancer cell in in vitro MTS cytotoxicity assay was tested by following method.

[0126] (1) Cytotoxicity Test

[0127] SW480 or HCT116 cells were placed into 96 well microplate (104cells/well) and incubated for 24 hours at 37° C. The cells were treated with TCF4 compound at various concentrations for 24 hours. 20 μl of MTS solution (Promega) was added into each well and incubated for 2 hours at 37° C. Cell viability was measured by reading the absorbance at 490 nm using microplate reader (Molecular Device) and cytotoxicity of a compound at each concentration was calculated.

[0128] (2) Growth Inhibition Assay

[0129] SW480 or HCT116 cells were placed into 96 well microplate (104cells/well) and incubated for 24 hours at 37° C. 20 μl of [3-(4,5-diimethylthiazol-2-yl)-5-(3-carboxyphenyl)-2-(4-sulfophenyl)-2H-tetrazolium, inner salt](MTS) solution (Promega) was added into each well and the absorbance after 2 hour incubation at 37° C. (negative control) was read. And then, the cells were treated with TCF4 compound at various concentrations for 48 hours. 20 μl of MTS solution (Promega) was added into each well and incubated for 2 hour at 37° C. Cell viability was measured by reading the absorbance at 490 nm using a microplate reader (Molecular device) and cytotoxicity of a compound at each concentration was calculated.

[0130] The results of oncogenic activity for selected library compounds were shown in the Table 5. The compound numbers is Table 5 are unrelated to the compound numbers in Table 4.
5TABLE 5ONCOGENIC ACTIVITY BY MTS OR SULFORHODAMINE B ASSAYFOR SELECTED LIBRARY COMPOUNDSGrowth Inhibition(GI50, uM)CompoundStructureSW480HCT11611052.281.7821062.582.2331072.732.3941081.991.9151092.322.0661103.963.9171111.220.738112<0.3<0.391132.361.92101142.341.66111151.971.30121162.541.48131171.651.59141182.702.10151191.681.34161204.182.95171211.120.74181224.633.52191232.661.17201245.022.75211255.251.67221266.583.26231273.925.412412813.791.672512924.531.812613023.893.062713111.71.13281323.575.472913315.987.933013414.055.4

[0131] In other aspects the present invention provides a pharmaceutical composition containing a compound having the general formula (I), or the general formula (II), or the general formula (III), or the general formula (IV), or the general formula (VI). For the preparation of the pharmaceutical composition containing the present compounds, a skilled person in the art can use publicly known knowledge and techniques that are known in the pertinent art. Generally known varieties of carriers and other additives are used for the preparation of the composition of the present invention. The pharmaceutical compositions of this invention may be administered in standard manner for the disease condition that is desired to be treated, for example by oral, rectal or parenteral administration.

[0132] For these purposes, the compounds of the present invention may be formulated by means known in the art into a form of, for example, tablets, capsules, aqueous or oily solutions or suspension, (lipid) emulsions, dispersible powders, suppositories, ointments, creams, drops and sterile injectable aqueous or oily solutions or suspensions.

[0133] A suitable pharmaceutical composition of the present invention is one suitable for oral administration in unit dosage form such as, for example a tablet or capsule which contains from about 1 mg to about 1 g of the compound of this invention.

[0134] In another aspect, a pharmaceutical composition of the present invention is one suitable for intravenous, subcutaneous or intramuscular injection. A patient may receive, for example, an intravenous, subcutaneous or intramuscular dose of about 1 μg/kg to about 1 g/kg of the compound of the present invention. The intravenous, subcutaneous and intramuscular dose may be given by means of a bolus injection. Alternatively the intravenous dose may be given by continuous infusion over a period of time.

[0135] Alternatively a patient will receive a daily oral dose which is approximately equivalent to the daily parenteral dose, the composition being administered 1 to 4 times per day.

[0136] The following table illustrates representative pharmaceutical dosage forms containing the compound or pharmaceutically-acceptable salt thereof for therapeutics or prophylactic use in humans:
6Tablet 1mg/tabletCompound100Lactose Ph. Eur.179Croscarmellose sodium12.0Polyvinylpyrrolidone6Magnesium stearate3.0



Tablet 2


Lactose Ph. Eur.

Croscarmellose sodium


Magnesium stearate



Tablet 3


Lactose Ph. Eur.

Croscarmellose sodium


Magnesium stearate



Lactose Ph. Eur.

Croscarmellose sodium

Magnesium stearate

Injection I
(50 mg/ml)


Isotonic aqueous solution
to 100%

[0139] The pharmaceutical composition containing the compound of general formulae (I) or (II) or (III) or (IV) or (VI) can be used for treatment of disorders modulated by Wnt signaling pathway, especially cancer, more especially colorectal cancer.

[0140] In one aspect, the present invention provides compounds that inhibit the binding of a radiolabeled enkephalin derivative to the δ and μ opiate receptors. Accordingly, the reverse-turn mimetics of the present invention may be used as receptor agonists and as potential analgesic agents.

[0141] In another aspect of the present invention, a method for inhibiting the growth of tumor cell in a subject in which the method comprises administering to a tumor cell a safe and effective amount of the compounds of the present invention is disclosed. The composition containing such compounds also can be used for the inhibition of tumor cells. Thus, this method can be useful to treat cancer in a mammalian subject. It can be advantageously used for treating colorectal cancer.

[0142] In another aspect of the present invention, a method for treating a disorder modulated by Wnt signaling pathway in which the method comprises administering to a patient a safe and effective amount of the compounds having general formula (I), especially the compound of general formula (VI) is disclosed. Pharmaceutical composition containing the compound of the present invention can be also used for this purpose. In this connection, it is found in the present invention that the compounds having general formula (I), especially the compound of general formula (VI) or the pharmaceutical composition containing thereof can be useful for the treatment of disorder modulated by TCF4-βcatenin-CBP complex, which is believed to be responsible for initiating the overexpression of cancer cells related to Wnt signaling pathway. Thus, it is another aspect of the present invention to provide a method for the treatment of disorder modulated by TCF4-βcatenin-CBP complex, using the compounds having the general formula (I), especially the compound of general formula (VI).

[0143] Further, because the treatment of cancer is also closely related to inducing apoptosis in cancer cells in a subject, the present invention is also directed to a method of inducing apoptosis in cancer cells using the compounds of general formula (I), especially the compound of general formula (VI).

[0144] It has been known from previous art that 5-FU [Fluorouracil; 5-fluoro-2,4(1H, 3H)-pyrimidinedione] can induce apoptosis in cultured oral cancer cells (D. Tong et al., Oral Oncology 36, 2000 236-241). Further, it is also known that colon cancer has a sensitivity to 5-FU (D. Arango et al., Cancer Research 61, 2001 4910-4915). In the present invention, therefore, the combination of 5-FU having established anti-cancer activity and the compounds of formula (I), especially the compound of general formula (VI) of the present invention is prepared and tested against SW480 cell lines. As a result, it is found that the combination of 5-FU with the compounds of the present invention, especially TCF4 compound, has a remarkable effect for inhibiting cancer cell growth such as SW480 cells.

[0145] Therefore, it is yet another aspect of the present invention to provide a method of treating cancer, which comprises administering to a subject a safe and effective amounts of the compound having formula (I) of claim 1, especially the compound of general formula (VI), together with other anti-cancer agent such as 5-Fu.

[0146] Compounds of the present invention have been shown to inhibit the expression of survivin. Blanc-Brude et al., Nat. Medicine 8:987 (2002), have shown that survivin is a critical regulator of smooth muscle cell apoptosis which is important in pathological vessel-wall remodeling. Accordingly, another aspect of the present invention provides a method of treating or preventing restenosis associated with angioplasty comprising administering to a subject in need thereof a safe and effective amount of a reverse-turn mimetic of the present invention. In one embodiment the invention treats the restenosis, i.e., administration of a reverse-turn mimetic of the present invention to a subject having restenosis achieves a reduction in the severity, extent, or degree, etc. of the restenosis. In another embodiment the invention prevents the restenosis, i.e., administration of a reverse-turn mimetic of the present invention to a subject that is anticipated to develop new or additional restenosis achieves a reduction in the anticipated severity, extent, or degree, etc. of the restenosis. Optionally, the subject is a mammalian subject.

[0147] Compounds of the present invention have been shown to inhibit TCF/B-catenin transcription. Rodova et al., J. Biol. Chem. 277:29577 (2002), have shown that PKD-1 promoter is a target of the B-catenin/TCF pathway. Accordingly, another aspect of the present invention provides a method of treating or preventing polycystic kidney disease comprising administering to a subject in need thereof a safe and effective amount of a reverse-turn mimetic of the present invention. In one embodiment the invention treats the polycystic kidney disease, i.e., administration of a reverse-turn mimetic of the present invention to a subject having polycystic kidney disease achieves a reduction in the severity, extent, or degree, etc. of the polycystic kidney disease. In another embodiment the invention prevents polycystic kidney disease, i.e., administration of a reverse-turn mimetic of the present invention to a subject that is anticipated to develop new or additional polycystic kidney disease achieves a reduction in the anticipated severity, extent, or degree, etc. of the polycystic kidney disease. Optionally, the subject is a mammalian subject.

[0148] Compounds of the present invention have been shown to inhibit the expression of Wnt signaling. Hanai et al., J. Cell Bio. 158:529 (2002), have shown that endostatin, a known anti-angiogenic factor, inhibits Wnt signaling. Accordingly, another aspect of the present invention provides a method of treating or preventing aberrant angiogenesis disease comprising administering to a subject in need thereof a safe and effective amount of a reverse-turn mimetic of the present invention. In one embodiment the invention treats the aberrant angiogenesis disease, i.e., administration of a reverse-turn mimetic of the present invention to a subject having aberrant angiogenesis disease achieves a reduction in the severity, extent, or degree, etc. of the aberrant angiogenesis disease. In another embodiment the invention prevents aberrant angiogenesis disease, i.e., administration of a reverse-turn mimetic of the present invention to a subject that is anticipated to develop new or additional aberrant angiogenesis disease achieves a reduction in the anticipated severity, extent, or degree, etc. of the aberrant angiogenesis disease. Optionally, the subject is a mammalian subject.

[0149] Compounds of the present invention have been shown to inhibit the expression of Wnt signalling. Sen et al., P.N.A.S. (USA) 97:2791 (2000), have shown that mammals with rheumatoid arthritis demonstrate increased expression of Wnt and Fz in RA synovial tissue. Accordingly, another aspect of the present invention provides a method of treating or preventing rheumatoid arthritis disease comprising administering to a subject in need thereof a safe and effective amount of a reverse-turn mimetic of the present invention. In one embodiment the invention treats the rheumatoid arthritis disease, i.e., administration of a reverse-turn mimetic of the present invention to a subject having rheumatoid arthritis disease achieves a reduction in the severity, extent, or degree, etc. of the rheumatoid arthritis disease. In another embodiment the invention prevents rheumatoid arthritis disease, i.e., administration of a reverse-turn mimetic of the present invention to a subject that is anticipated to develop new or additional rheumatoid arthritis disease achieves a reduction in the anticipated severity, extent, or degree, etc. of the rheumatoid arthritis disease. Optionally, the subject is a mammalian subject.

[0150] Compounds of the present invention have been shown to inhibit the expression of Wnt signalling. Uthoff et al., Int. J. Oncol. 19:803 (2001), have shown that differential upregulation of disheveled and fz (Wnt pathway molecules) occurs in ulcerative colitis (compared to Chron's disease patients). Accordingly, another aspect of the present invention provides a method of treating or preventing ulcerative colitis comprising administering to a subject in need thereof a safe and effective amount of a reverse-turn mimetic the present invention. In one embodiment the invention treats the ulcerative colitis, i.e., administration of a reverse-turn mimetic of the present invention to a subject having ulcerative colitis achieves a reduction in the severity, extent, or degree, etc. of the ulcerative colitis. In another embodiment the invention prevents ulcerative colitis, i.e., administration of a reverse-turn mimetic of the present invention to a subject that is anticipated to develop new or additional ulcerative colitis achieves a reduction in the anticipated severity, extent, or degree, etc. of the ulcerative colitis. Optionally, the subject is a mammalian subject.

[0151] Compounds of the present invention have been shown to inhibit Wnt TCF/catenin signalling. Accordingly, another aspect of the invention provides a method of treating or preventing tuberious sclerosis complex (TSC) comprising administering to a subject in need thereof a safe and effective amount of a reverse-turn mimetic the present invention. Subjects having TSC typically develop multiple focal lesions in the brain, heart, kidney and other tissues (see, e.g., Gomez, M. R. Brain Dev. 17(suppl): 55-57 (1995)). Studies in mammalian cells have shown that overexpression of TSC1 (which expresses hamartin) and TSC2 (which expresses tuberin) negatively regulates cell proliferation and induces G1/S arrest (see, e.g., Miloloza, A. et al., Hum. Mol. Genet. 9: 1721-1727 (2000)). Other studies have shown that hamartin and tuberin function at the level of the 13-catenin degradation complex, and more specifically that these proteins negatively regulate beta-catenin stability and activity by participating in the beta-catenin degradation complex (see, e.g., Mak, B. C., et al. J. Biol. Chem. 278(8): 5947-5951, (2003)). Beta-catenin is a 95-kDa protein that participates in cell adhesion through its association with members of the membrane-bound cadherin family, and in cell proliferation and differentiation as a key component of the WntAWingless pathway (see, e.g., Daniels, D. L., et al., Trends Biochem. Sci. 26: 672-678 (2001)). Misregulation of this pathway has been shown to be oncogenic in humans and rodents. The present invention provides compounds that modulate β-catenin activity, and particularly its interactions with other proteins, and accordingly may be used in the treatment of TSC. Thus, in one embodiment the invention treats TSC, i.e., administration of a reverse-turn mimetic of the present invention to a subject having TSC achieves a reduction in the severity, extent, or degree, etc. of the TSC. In another embodiment the invention prevents TSC, i.e., administration of a reverse-turn mimetic of the present invention to a subject that is anticipated to develop new or additional TSC achieves a reduction in the anticipated severity, extent, or degree, etc. of the TSC. Optionally, the subject is a mammalian subject.

[0152] Compounds of the present invention have been shown to inhibit the expression of Wnt signalling. The Kaposi's sarcoma-associated herpesvirus (KSHV) latency-associated nuclear antigen (LANA) is expressed in all KSHV-associated tumors, including Kaposi's sarcoma (KS) and β-cell malignancies such as primary effusion lymphoma (PEL) and multicentric Castleman's disease. Fujimuro, M. et al., Nature Medicine 9(3):300-306 (2003), have shown that LANA acts to stabilize β-catenin, apparently by redistribtution of the negative regular GSK-3 β. The present invention provides compounds and methods for inhibiting β-catenin protein interactions, e.g., β-catenin/TCF complex formation. Thus, the compounds of the present invention thwart the LANA-induced accumulation of β-catenin/TCF complex and, at least in part, the consequences of KSHV infection. Accordingly, another aspect of the present invention provides a method of treating or preventing conditions due to infection by Karposi's sarcoma-associated herpesvirus (KSHV). Such conditions include KSHV-associated tumors, including Kaposi's sarcoma (KS) and primary effusion lymphoma (PEL). The method comprises administering to a subject in need thereof a safe and effective amount of a reverse-turn mimetic the present invention. In one embodiment the invention treats the KSHV-associated tumor, i.e., administration of a reverse-turn mimetic of the present invention to a subject having a KSHV-associated tumor achieves a reduction in the severity, extent, or degree, etc. of the tumor. In another embodiment the invention prevents a KSHV-associated tumor, i.e., administration of a reverse-turn mimetic of the present invention to a subject that is anticipated to develop new or additional KSHV-associated tumors achieves a reduction in the anticipated severity, extent, or degree, etc. of the tumor. Optionally, the subject is a mammalian subject.

[0153] LEF/TCF DNA-binding proteins act in concert with activated β-catenin (the product of Wnt signaling) to transactivate downstream target genes. DasGupta, R. and Fuchs, E. Development 126(20):4557-68 (1999) demonstrated the importance of activated LEF/TCF complexes at distinct times in hair development and cycling when changes in cell fate and differentiation commitments take place. Furthermore, in skin morphogenesis, β-catenin has been shown to be essential for hair follicle formation, its overexpression causing the “furry” phenotype in mice (Gat, U., et al. Cell 95:605-614 (1998) and Fuchs, E. Harvey Lect. 94:47-48 (1999). See also Xia, X. et al. Proc. Natl. Aad. Sci. USA 98:10863-10868 (2001). Compounds of the present invention have been shown to inhibit the expression of Wnt signaling, and interfere with formation of β-catenin complexes. Accordingly, the present invention provides a method for modulating hair growth comprising administering to a subject in need thereof a safe and effective amount of a reverse-turn mimetic the present invention, where the amount is effective to modulate hair growth in the subject. Optionally, the subject is a mammalian subject.

[0154] Alzheimer's disease (AD) is a neurodegenerative disease with progressive dementia. This disease is accompanied by three main structural changes in the brain, namely, i) intracellular protein deposits (also known as neurofibrillary tangles, or NFT), ii) extracellular protein deposits termed amyloid plaques that are surrounded by dystrophic neuritis, and iii) diffuse loss of neurons. Developmental studies have shown that familial forms of AD (FAD)-linked presenilin (PS) proteins function as components in the Notch signal transduction cascase and that β-catenin and GSK-3β are transducers of the Wnt signaling pathway (De Ferrari, G. V. and Inestrosa N. C., Brain Res. Rev. 33(1):1-12, August 2000). Both pathways have been connected through Dishevelled (Dvl) protein, a known transducer of the Wnt pathway, and are thought to have an important role in brain development. See also Hartmann, D. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 2001, 98(19):10522-10523. Compounds of the present invention have been shown to inhibit the expression of Wnt signaling, and interfere with formation of β-catenin complexes. Accordingly, the present invention provides a method for treating or preventing Alzheimer's disease (AD) comprising administering to a subject in need thereof a safe and effective amount of a reverse-turn mimetic the present invention, where the amount is effective to treat or prevent AD in the subject. Optionally, the subject is a mammalian subject.

[0155] The following non-limiting examples illustrate the compounds, compositions, and methods of use of this invention.


Preparation Example 1

Preparation of (N-Fmoc-N—R3—Hydrazino)-Acetic Acid

[0156] (1) Preparation of N-Fmoc-N′-Methyl Hydrazine

[0157] 2 L, two-neck, round-bottomed-flask was fitted with a glass stopper and a calcium tube. A solution of methylhydrazine sulfate (20 g, 139 mmol, where R3 is methyl) in THF (300 mL) was added and a solution of DiBoc (33 g, 153 mmol) in THF was added. Saturated sodium bicarbonate aqueous solution (500 mL) was added dropwise via addition funnel over 2 hours with vigorous stirring. After 6 hours, a solution of Fmoc-Cl (39 g, 153 mmol) in THF was added slowly. The resulting suspension was stirred for 6 hours at 0° C. The mixture was extracted with ethyl acetate (EA, 500 mL) and the organic layer was retained. The solution was dried with sodium sulfate and evaporated in vacuo. The next step proceeded without purification.

[0158] A 1 L, two-necked, round-bottom-flask was fitted with a glass stopper and a calcium tube. A solution of the product from the previous step in MeOH (300 mL) was added and conc. HCl (30 mL, 12 N) was added slowly via addition funnel with magnetic stirring in ice water bath and stirred overnight. The mixture was extracted with EA (1000 mL) and the organic layer was retained. The solution was dried with sodium sulfate and evaporated in vacuo. The residue was purified by recrystallization with n-hexane and EA to give N-Fmoc-N′-methyl hydrazine (32.2 g, 83%). 1HNMR (DMSO-D6) δ 7.90˜7.88 (d, J=6 Hz, 2H,), δ 7.73˜7.70 (d, J=9 Hz, 2H,), 7.44˜7.31 (m, 4H), 4.52˜4.50 (d, J=6 Hz, 2H), 4.31˜4.26 (t, J=6 Hz, 1H), 2.69 (s, 1H).

[0159] (2) Preparation of (N-Fmoc-N′-Methyl-Hydrazino)-Acetic Acid T-Butyl Ester

[0160] 1 L, two-necked, round-bottom-flask was fifted with a glass stopper and reflux condenser connected to a calcium tube. A solution of N-Fmoc-N′-methyl hydrazine (20 g, 75 mmol) in toluene (300 mL) was added. A solution of t-butylbromo acetate (22 g, 111 mmol) in toluene (50 mL) was added slowly. Cs2CO3 (49 g, 149 mmol) was added slowly. NaI (11 g, 74 mmol) was added slowly with vigorous stirring. The reaction mixture was stirred at reflux temperature over 1 day. The product mixture was filtered and extracted with EA (500 mL). The solution was dried over sodium sulfate and evaporated in vacuo. The product was purified by chromatography with hexane:EA=2:1 solution to give (N-Fmoc-N′-methyl-hydrazino)-acetic acid t-butyl ester (19.8 g, 70%).


H-NMR (CDCl3-d) δ 7.78˜7.75 (d, J=9 Hz, 2H,), δ 7.61˜7.59 (d, J=6 Hz, 2H,), 7.43˜7.26 (m, 4H), 4.42˜4.40 (d, J=6 Hz, 2H), 4.23 (b, 1H), 3.57 (s, 2H), 2.78 (s, 3H), 1.50 (s, 9H).

[0162] (3) Preparation of (N-Fmoc-N′-Methyl-Hydrazino)-Acetic Acid

[0163] 1 L, two-neck, round-bottomed-flask was fitted with a glass stopper and reflux condenser connected to a calcium tube. (N-Fmoc-N′-methyl-hydrazino)-acetic acid t-butyl ester (20 g, 52 mmol) was added. A solution of HCl (150 mL, 4 M solution in dioxane) was added slowly with vigorous stirring in an ice water bath. The reaction mixture was stirred at RT over 1 day. The solution was concentrated completely under reduced pressure at 40° C. A saturated aq. NaHCO3 solution (100 mL) was added and the aqueous layer was washed with diethyl ether (100 mL). Conc. HCl was added dropwise slowly at 0° C. (pH 2-3). The mixture was extracted and the organic layer was retained (500 mL7 MC). The solution was dried with sodium sulfate and evaporated in vacuo. The residue was purified by recrystallization with n-hexane and ethyl acetate to give (N-Fmoc-N′-methyl-hydrazino)-acetic acid (12 g, 72%). 1H-NMR (DMSO-d6) δ 12.38 (s, 1H), 8.56 (b, 1H), 7.89˜7.86 (d, J=9 Hz, 2H,), 7.70˜7.67 (d, J=9 Hz, 2H,), 7.43˜7.29 (m, 4H), 4.29˜4.27 (d, J=6 Hz, 2H), 4.25˜4.20 (t, J=6 Hz, 1H), 3.47 (s, 2H), 2.56 (s, 3H).

Preparation Example 2

Preparation of (N-Moc-N′-R7-Hydrazino)-Acetic Acid

[0164] (1) Preparation of (N′-Methoxycarbonyl-Hydrazino)-Acetic Acid Ethyl Ester

[0165] MOC—NH—NH2 (50 g, 0.55 mol) was dissolved in DMF (300 ml), and then ethyl bromoacetate (68 ml, 0.555 mol) and potassium carbonate (77 g, 0.555 mol) were added to the reaction vessel. The mixture was warmed to 50° C. for 5 hours. After the reaction was completed, the mixture was filtered, and diluted with EtOAc, and washed with brine (3 times). The crude product was purified by column (eluent: Hex/EtOAc=4/1) to provide 72 of colorless oil.

[0166] (2) [N—R7—N′-Methoxycarbonyl-Hydrazino]-Acetic Acid Ethyl Ester

[0167] The ethyl ester (10 g, 0.05 mol), potassium carbonate (6.9 g, 0.05 mol), and R7-bromide (14.1 g, 0.06 mol) were dissolved in DMF (200 ml), and The mixture was warmed to 50° C. for 5 hours. After the reaction was completed, the mixture was filtered, and diluted with EA, and washed with brine (3 times). The crude product was purified by Chromatography (eluent: Hex/EtOAc=4/1).

[0168] (3) [N—R7—N′-Methoxycarbonyl-Hydrazino]-Acetic Acid

[0169] The alkylated ethyl ester (9.5 g, 0.03 mol) was dissolved in THF/water (1/1, ml), and added 2N NaOH (28.3 ml) solution at 0° C. The mixture was stirred at RT for 2 hours. After the starting ester was not detected on UV, the solution was diluted with EA, then separated. The aqueous layer was acidified to pH 3˜4 by 1N HCl, and the compound was extracted by DCM (3 times). The combined organic layer was dried over MgSO4, and evaporated to give a yellow solid.

example 1



[0171] (1) Preparation of Nβ-Moc-Nα-Benzyl-Hydrazinoglycine

[0172] This compound was prepared according to literature procedure. (Cheguillaume et. al., Synlett 2000, 3, 331)

[0173] (2) Preparation of 1-Methoxycarbonyl-2,8-Dibenzyl-6-Methyl-4,7-Dioxo-Hexahydro-Pyrazino[2,1-c][1,2,4]Triazine

[0174] Bromoacetal resin (60 mg, 0.98 mmol/g) and a solution of benzyl amine in DMSO (2.5 ml, 2 M) were placed in vial with screw cap. The reaction mixture was shaken at 60° C. using rotating oven [Robbins Scientific] for 12 hours. The resin was collected by filtration, and washed with DMF, then DCM, to provide a first component piece.

[0175] A solution of Fmoc-alanine (4 equiv., commercially available, the second component piece), HATU (PerSeptive Biosystems, 4 equiv.), and DIEA (4 equiv.) in NMP (Advanced ChemTech) was added to the resin. After the reaction mixture was shaken for 4 hours at room temperature, the resin was collected by filtration and washed with DMF, DCM, and then DMF.

[0176] To the resin was added 20% piperidine in DMF. After the reaction mixture was shaken for 8 min at room temperature, the resin was collected by filtration and washed with DMF, DCM, and then DMF.

[0177] A solution of Nβ-Moc-Nα-benzyl-hydrazinoglycine (4 equiv., compound (3) in preparative example 2, where R7 is benzyl, 3rd component piece), HOBT [Advanced ChemTech] (4 equiv.), and DIC (4 equiv.) in DMF was added to the resin prepared above. After the reaction mixture was shaken for 3 hours at room temperature, the resin was collected by filtration and washed with DMF, DCM, and then MeOH. The resin was dried in vacuo at room temperature.

[0178] The resin was treated with formic acid (2.5 ml) for 18 hours at room temperature. After the resin was removed by filtration, the filtrate was condensed under reduced pressure to give the product as an oil. 1H-NMR (400 MHz, CDCl3) δ ppm; 1.51 (d, 3H), 2.99 (m, 1H), 3.39 (d, 1H), 3.69 (m, 1H), 3.75 (m, 1H), 3.82 (s, 3H), 4.02 (d, 1H), 4.24 (d, 1H), 4.39 (d, 1H), 4.75 (d, 1H), 5.14 (q, 1H), 5.58 (dd, 1H), 7.10-7.38 (m, 10H).

Example 2



[0180] (1) Preparation of N′-Fmoc-N-Methyl-Hydrazinocarbonyl Chloride

[0181] An ice-cooled biphasic mixture of N-methyl hydrazine carboxylic acid 9H-fluoren-9-ylmethyl ester (107 mg, 0.4 mmol) in 15 ml of CH2Cl2 and 15 ml of saturated aq. NaHCO3 was rapidly stirred while 1.93 M phosgene in toluene (1.03 ml, 2 mmol) was added as a single portion. The reaction mixture was stirred for 30 min, the organic phase was collected, and the aqueous phase was extracted with CH2Cl2. The combined organic layers were dried over MgSO4, filtered, and concentrated in vacuo to afford 128 mg (97%) of carbamoyl chloride as a foamy solid. [Caution: Phosgene vapor is highly toxic. Use it in a hood]. This product was used for the following solid phase synthesis without further purification.

[0182] (2) Preparation of 2,5-Dimethyl-7-Benzyl-3,6-Dioxo-Hexahydro-[1,2,4]Triazolo[4,5-a]Pyrazine-1-Carboxylic Acid Benzylamide

[0183] Bromoacetal resin (30 mg, 0.98 mmol/g) and a solution of benzyl amine in DMSO (1.5 ml, 2 M) were placed in vial with screw cap. The reaction mixture was shaken at 60° C. using rotating oven [Robbins Scientific] for 12 hours. The resin was collected by filtration, and washed with DMF, then DCM, to provide the first component piece.

[0184] A solution of Fmoc-alanine (3 equiv., second component piece, commercially available), HATU (PerSeptive Biosystems, 3 equiv.), and DIEA (3 equiv.) in NMP (Advanced ChemTech) was added to the resin. After the reaction mixture was shaken for 4 hours at room temperature, the resin was collected by filtration and washed with DMF, DCM, and then DMF, to thereby add the second component piece to the first component piece.

[0185] To the resin was added 20% piperidine in DMF. After the reaction mixture was shaken for 8 min at room temperature, the resin was collected by filtration and washed with DMF, DCM, and then DMF.

[0186] A solution of N′-Fmoc-N-methyl-hydrazinocarbonyl chloride (combined third and fourth component pieces, 5 equiv.) obtained in the above step (1), DIEA (5 equiv.) in DCM was added to the resin prepared above. After the reaction mixture was shaken for 4 hours at room temperature, the resin was collected by filtration and washed with DMF, DCM, and DMF.

[0187] To the resin was added 20% piperidine in DMF (10 ml for 1 g of the resin). After the reaction mixture was shaken for 8 min at room temperature, the resin was collected by filtration and washed with DMF, DCM, and then DMF.

[0188] The resin was treated with a mixture of benzyl isocyanate (4 equiv.) and DIEA (4 equiv.) in DCM for 4 hours at room temperature. Then, the resin was collected by filteration and washed with DMF, DCM, and then MeOH. The resin was dried in vacuo at room temperature.

[0189] The resin was treated with formic acid for 14 hours at room temperature. After the resin was removed by filtration, the filtrate was condensed under reduced pressure to give the product as an oil.


H-NMR (400 MHz, CDCl3) δ ppm; 1.48 (d, 3H), 2.98 (s, 3H), 3.18 (m, 1H), 3.46 (m, 1H), 4.37-4.74 (m, 5H), 5.66 (dd, 1H), 6.18 (m, 1H), 7.10-7.40 (m, 10H).

Example 3

Preparation of 2,5,7-Trimethyl-3,6-Dioxo-Hexahydro-[1,2,4]Triazolo[4,5-A]Pyrazine-1-Carboxylic Acid Benzylamide

[0191] The title compound is prepared according to the same procedure as described in Example 2, but reacting bromoacetal resin with a solution of methyl amine instead of benzyl amine. 1H-NMR (400 MHz, CDCl3) δ ppm; 1.48 (d, 3H), 2.99 (s, 3H), 3.03 (s, 3H), 3.38 (m, 1H), 3.53 (dd, 1H), 4.36 (dd, 1H), 4.52 (q, 1H), 4.59 (dd, 1H), 5.72 (dd, 1H), 6.19 (br.t, 1H), 7.10-7.38 (m, 5H).

Example 4

Preparation of 2-Methyl-5-(P-Hydroxyphenylmethyl)-7-Naphthylmethyl-3,6-Dioxo-Hexahydro-[1,2,4]Triazolo[4,5-A]Pyrazine-1-Carboxylic Acid Benzylamide

[0192] Bromoacetal resin (30 mg, 0.98 mmol/g) and a solution of naphthylmethyl amine in DMSO (1.5 ml, 2 M) were placed in vial with screw cap. The reaction mixture was shaken at 60° C. using rotating oven [Robbins Scientific] for 12 hours. The resin was collected by filtration, and washed with DMF, then DCM to provide the first component piece.

[0193] A solution of Fmoc-Tyr(OBut)-OH (3 equiv.), HATU (PerSeptive Biosystems, 3 equiv.), and DIEA (3 equiv.) in NMP (Advanced ChemTech) was added to the resin. After the reaction mixture was shaken for 4 hours at room temperature, the resin was collected by filtration and washed with DMF, DCM, and then DMF, to thereby add the second component piece to the first component piece.

[0194] To the resin was added 20% piperidine in DMF. After the reaction mixture was shaken for 8 min at room temperature, the resin was collected by filtration and washed with DMF, DCM, and then DMF.

[0195] A solution of N′-Fmoc-N-methyl-hydrazinocarbonyl chloride (5 equiv.), DIEA (5 equiv.) in DCM was added to the resin prepared above. After the reaction mixture was shaken for 4 hours at room temperature, the resin was collected by filtration and washed with DMF, DCM, and DMF.

[0196] To the resin was added 20% piperidine in DMF (10 ml for 1 g of the resin). After the reaction mixture was shaken for 8 min at room temperature, the resin was collected by filtration and washed with DMF, DCM, and then DMF.

[0197] The resin was treated with a mixture of benzyl isocyanate (4 equiv.) and DIEA (4 equiv.) in DCM for 4 hours at room temperature. Then, the resin was collected by filteration and washed with DMF, DCM, and then MeOH. The resin was dried in vacuo at room temperature.

[0198] The resin was treated with formic acid for 14 hours at room temperature. After the resin was removed by filtration, the filtrate was condensed under reduced pressure to give the product as an oil.


H-NMR (400 MHz, CDCl3) δ ppm; 2.80-2.98 (m, 5H), 3.21-3.37 (m, 2H), 4.22-4.52 (m, 2H), 4.59 (t, 1H), 4.71 (d, 1H), 5.02 (dd, 1H), 5.35 (d, 1H), 5.51 (d, 1H), 6.66 (t, 2H), 6.94 (dd, 2H), 7.21-8.21 (m, 12H).

Example 5

Preparation of 2-Methyl-6-(P-Hydroxyphenylmethyl)-8-Naphthyl-4,7-Dioxo-Hexahydro-Pyrazino[2,1-c][1,2,4]Triazine-1-Carboxylic Acid Benzylamide

[0200] Bromoacetal resin (60 mg, 0.98 mmol/g) and a solution of naphthyl amine in DMSO (2.5 ml, 2 M) were placed in vial with screw cap. The reaction mixture was shaken at 60° C. using rotating oven [Robbins Scientific] for 12 hours. The resin was collected by filtration, and washed with DMF, then DCM.

[0201] A solution of Fmoc-Tyr(OBut)-OH (4 equiv.), HATU [PerSeptive Biosystems] (4 equiv.), and DIEA (4 equiv.) in NMP (Advanced ChemTech) was added to the resin. After the reaction mixture was shaken for 4 hours at room temperature, the resin was collected by filtration and washed with DMF, DCM, and then DMF.

[0202] To the resin was added 20% piperidine in DMF. After the reaction mixture was shaken for 8 min at room temperature, the resin was collected by filtration and washed with DMF, DCM, and then DMF.

[0203] A solution of Nβ-Fmoc-Nα-benzyl-hyrazinoglycine (4 equiv.), HOBT [Advanced ChemTech] (4 equiv.), and DIC (4 equiv.) in DMF was added to the resin prepared above. After the reaction mixture was shaken for 3 hours at room temperature, the resin was collected by filtration and washed with DMF, and then DCM. To the resin was added 20% piperidine in DMF (10 ml for 1 g of the resin). After the reaction mixture was shaken for 8 min at room temperature, the resin was collected by filtration and washed with DMF, DCM, and then DMF.

[0204] The resin was treated with a mixture of benzyl isocyanate (4 equiv.) and DIEA (4 equiv.) in DCM for 4 hours at room temperature. Then, the resin was collected by filteration and washed with DMF, DCM, and then MeOH. After the resin was dried in vacuo at room temperatur, the resin was treated with formic acid (2.5 ml) for 18 hours at room temperature. The resin was removed by filtration, and the filtrate was condensed under reduced pressure to give the product as an oil.


H-NMR (400 MHz, CDCl3) δ ppm; 2.73 (s, 3H), 3.13 (d, 1H), 3.21-3.38 (m, 3H), 3.55 (d, 1H), 3.75 (t, 1H), 4.22 (dd, 1H), 4.36 (dd, 1H), 4.79 (d, 1H), 5.22 (t, 1H), 5.47 (m, 2H), 6.68 (d, 2H), 6.99 (d, 2H), 7.21-8.21 (m, 12H);

[0206] MS (m/z, ESI) 564.1 (MH+) 586.3 (MNa+).

Example 6

Bioassay for the Measurement of IC50 Against SW480 Cells and Cytotoxicity Test on the Cell Lines

[0207] Test compound was prepared in the Example 4

[0208] a. Reporter Gene Assay

[0209] SW480 cells were transfected with the usage of Superfect™ transfect reagent (Qiagen, 301307). Cells were trypsinized briefly 1 day before transfection and plated on 6 well plate (5×105 cells/well) so that they were 50-80% confluent on the day of transfection.

[0210] Four microgram (TOPFlash) and one microgram (pRL-null) of DNAs were diluted in 150 μl of serum-free medium, and 30 μl of Superfect™ transfect reagent was added. The DNA-Superfect mixture was incubated at room temperature for 15 min, and then, 1 ml of 10% FBS DMEM was added to this complex for an additional 3 hours of incubation. While complexes were forming, cells were washed with PBS twice without antibiotics.

[0211] The DNA-Superfect™ transfect reagent complexes were applied to the cells before incubating at 37° C. at 5% CO2 for 3 hours. After incubation, recovery medium with 10% FBS was added to bring the final volume to 1.18 ml. After 3 hours incubation, the cells were harvested and reseeded to 96 well plate (3×104 cells/well). After overnight incubation at 37° C. at 5% CO2, the cells were treated with the test compound for 24 hours. Finally, the activity was checked by means of luciferase assay (Promega, E1960).

FIG. 3 illustrates the results of the measurement of IC50 of the above compound for SW480 cells.

[0213] i. Sulforhodamine B (SRB) Assay

[0214] Growth inhibitory effect of the above compound on the cells listed below was measured by the sulforhodamine B assay. SW480 cells in 100 μl media were plated in each well of 96-well plate and allowed to attach for 24 hours. Compound was added to the wells to produce the desired final concentrations, and the plates were incubated at 37° C. for 48 hours. The cells were then fixed by gentle addition of 100 μl of cold (4° C.) 10% trichloroacetic acid to each well, followed by incubation at 4° C. for 1 hour. Plates were washed with deionized water five times and allowed to air dry. The cells were then stained by addition of 100 μl SRB solution (0.4% SRB(w/v) in 1% acetic acid (v/v)) to wells for 15 min. After staining, the plates were quickly washed five times with 1% acetic acid to remove any unbound dye, and allowed to air dry. Bound dye was solubilized with 10 mmol/L Tris base (pH 10.5) prior to reading the plates. The optical density (OD) was read on a plate reader at a wavelength of 515 nm with Molecular Device. Inhibition of growth was expressed as relative viability (% of control) and GI50 was calculated from concentration-response curves after log/probit transformation.

[0215] Table 6 shows in vitro cyctotoxicity (SRB) assay data for the compound obtained in Example 4
9TABLE 6OriginCellExample 4Cisplatin5-FUColonT841.134>101.816LOVO0.532>101.029HT291.694>105.334DLD-11.775>10>10COLO2051.136>101.130CACO-21.201>100.451SW480-Kribb1.137>10>10SW480-CWP0.9804.502>10SW6201.426>105.570KM121.451>102.729HCT152.042>101.179HCT1160.96 >101.039HCC29981.047>105.486786-01.4173.3470.584LeukemiaHL601.243>107.010RPMI82261.1.177>10>10K562/VIN1.640>107.071K562/ADR7.682>10>10K5621.247>106.133ProstatePC31.207>10>10HT10801.469>100.798LungA5491.386>101.007NCI H4601.498>101.397NCI H231.2965.1762.254Renal2930.7316.6412.015CAKI-10.467>100.925ACHN1.2635.0195.062MelanomaRPMI79510.9365.0100.920M142.2893.4471.225HMV-II4.8343.1900.695HMV-I1.1535.4782.110G3610.5844.8271.539CRL15791.8300.699>10A4311.0833.7220.404A2531.3982.0842.926UACC620.563>101.093SK-MEL-281.291>10>10SK-MEL-50.888>102.434LOX-IMVI1.526>10>10A3751.391>101.464BreastMCF7/ADR9.4879.907>10MCF77.355>101.751

Example 7

Min Mouse Model

[0216] Selected compounds of the present invention were evaluated in the min mouse model to evaluate their efficacy as anit-cancer agents. The min mouse model is a widely used model to test for this type of efficacy. The results are shown in Table 7.
10TABLE 7MIN MOUSE MODEL DATAPolyp Number (Mean ± S.D.)% Inhi-SmallP (total)bitionGroupIntestineColonTotalVs. VHvs. VHWild Type 0.0 ± 0.00.0 ± 0.00.0 ± 0.0Vehicle65.8 ± 15.91.8 ± 1.567.7 ± 15.3CWP23131269.2 ± 20.81.7 ± 1.571.4 ± 23.0−100 mpkCWP23131246.1 ± 17.11.1 ± 1.247.0 ± 16.9<0.0131−300 mpkCWP23128145.2 ± 22.11.4 ± 0.946.8 ± 17.0<0.0131−300 mpkSulindac48.0 ± 20.70.5 ± 0.548.5 ± 20.9<0.0528−160 ppm

[0217] It will be appreciated that, although specific embodiments of the invention have been described herein for the purposes of illustration, various modifications may be made without departing from the spirit and scope of the invention. Accordingly, the invention is not limited except by the appended claims.


[0218] The compounds of the invention which mimic the secondary structure of reverse-turn regions of biologically active peptides and proteins, can inhibit the expression of survivin, TCF/β-catenin transcription, and the expression of Wnt signaling. Therefore, the present invention can provide a pharmaceutical composition and/or a method for inhibiting the growth of tumor cell in a mammalian subject, for treating cancer in combination with other anti-neoplastic agents, for treating or preventing diseases such as restenosis associated with angioplasty, polycystic kidney disease, aberrant angiogenesis disease, rheumatoid arthritis disease and ulcerative colitis, as well as a method of identifying a biologically active compound, and a library of compounds.

[0219] All of the above U.S. patents, U.S. patent application publications, U.S. patent applications, foreign patents, foreign patent applications and non-patent publications referred to in this specification and/or listed in the Application Data Sheet, including U.S. patent application Ser. No. 10/087,443 filed on Mar. 1, 2002, and U.S. patent application Ser. No. 09/976,470 filed on Oct. 12, 2001, are incorporated herein by reference.

[0220] From the foregoing it will be appreciated that, although specific embodiments of the invention have been described herein for purposes of illustration, various modifications may be made without deviating from the spirit and scope of the invention. Accordingly, the invention is not limited except as by the appended claims.

  • 1. A compound having the following general formula (I):
  • 2. The compound of claim 1, wherein R., R2, R3, R4, R5, R6, R7, R8 and R9 are independently selected from the group consisting of aminoC2-5alkyl, guanidinoC2-5alkyl, C1-4alkylguanidinoC2-5alkyl, diC1-4alkylguanidino-C2-5alkyl, amidinoC2-5alkyl, C1-4alkylamidinoC2-5alkyl, diC1-4alkylamidinoC2-5alkyl, C1-3alkoxy, Phenyl, substituted phenyl(where the substituents are independently selected from one or more of amino, amidino, guanidino, hydrazino, amidazonyl, C1-4alkylamino, C1-4dialkylamino, halogen, perfluoro C1-4alkyl, C1-4alkyl, C1-3alkoxy, nitro, carboxy, cyano, sulfuryl or hydroxyl), benzyl, substituted benzyl (where the substituents on the benzyl are independently selected from one or more of amino, amidino, guanidino, hydrazino, amidazonyl, C1-4alkylamino, Cli4dialkylamino, halogen, perfluoro C1-4alkyl, C1-3alkoxy, nitro, carboxy, cyano, sulfuryl or hydroxyl), naphthyl, substituted naphthyl (where the substituents are independently selected from one or more of amino, amidino, guanidino, hydrazino, amidazonyl, C1-4alkylamino, C1-4dialkylamino, halogen, perfluoro C1-4alkyl, C1-4alkyl, C1-3alkoxy, nitro, carboxy, cyano, sulfuryl or hydroxyl), bis-phenyl methyl, substituted bis-phenyl methyl (where the substituents are independently selected from one or more of amino, amidino, guanidino, hydrazino, amidazonyl, C1-4alkylamino, C1-4dialkylamino, halogen, perfluoro C1-4alkyl, C1-4alkyl, C1-3alkoxy, nitro, carboxy, cyano, sulfuryl or hydroxyl), pyridyl, substituted pyridyl, (where the substituents are independently selected from one or more of amino amidino, guanidino, hydrazino, amidazonyl, C1-4alkylamino, C1-4dialkylamino, halogen, perfluoro C1-4alkyl, C1-4alkyl, C1-3alkoxy, nitro, carboxy, cyano, sulfuryl or hydroxyl), pyridylC1-4alkyl, substituted pyridylC1-4alkyl (where the pyridine substituents are independently selected from one or more of amino, amidino, guanidino, hydrazino, amidazonyl, C1-4alkylamino, C1-4dialkylamino, halogen, perfluoro C1-4alkyl, C1-4alkyl, C1-3alkoxy, nitro, carboxy, cyano, sulfuryl or hydroxyl), pyrimidylC1-4alkyl, substituted pyrimidylC1-4alkyl (where the pyrimidine substituents are independently selected from one or more of amino, amidino, guanidino, hydrazino, amidazonyl, C1-4alkylamino, C1-4dialkylamino, halogen, perfluoro C1-4alkyl, C1-4alkyl, C1-3alkoxy or nitro, carboxy, cyano, sulfuryl or hydroxyl), triazin-2-yl-C1-4alkyl, substituted triazin-2-yl-C1-4alkyl (where the triazine substituents are independently selected from one or more of amino, amidino, guanidino, hydrazino, amidazonyl, C1-4alkylamino, C1-4dialkylamino, halogen, perfluoro C1-4alkyl, C1-4alkyl, C1-3alkoxy, nitro, carboxy, cyano, sulfuryl or hydroxyl), imidazoC1-4alkyl, substituted imidazol C1-4alkl (where the imidazole sustituents are independently selected from one or more of amino, amidino, guanidino, hydrazino, amidazonyl, C1-4alkylamino, C1-4dialkylamino, halogen, perfluoro C1-4alkyl, C1-4alkyl, C1-3alkoxy, nitro, carboxy, cyano, sulfuryl or hydroxyl), imidazolinylC1-4alkyl, N-amidinopiperazinyl-N—C0-4alkyl, hydroxyC2-5alkyl, C1-5alkylaminoC2-5alkyl, hydroxyC2-5alkyl, C1-5alkylaminoC2-5alkyl, C1-5dialkylaminoC2-5alkyl, N-amidinopiperidinylC1-4alkyl and 4-aminocyclohexylC0-2alkyl.
  • 3. The compound of claim 1, wherein A is —(CHR3)—, B is —(C═O)—, D is —(CHR5)—, E is —(C═O)—, G is —(XR7)n—, and the compound has the following general formula (II):
  • 4. The compound of claim 1, wherein A is —(C═O)—, B is —(CHR4)—, D is —(C═O)—, E is -(ZR6)—, G is —(C═O)—(XR9)—, and the compound has the following general formula (III):
  • 5. The compound of claim 1, wherein A is —(C═O)—, B is —(CHR4)—, D is —(C═O)—, E is -(ZR6)—, G is (XR7)n—, and the compound has the following general formula (IV):
  • 6. The compound of claim 5, wherein the compound has the following general formula (VI):
  • 7. The compound of claim 6, wherein Ra is naphthyl, quinolinyl or isoquinolinyl group, and Rb is phenyl, pyridyl or piperidyl, all of which may be substituted with one or more substituents selected from a group consisting of halide, hydroxy, cyano, lower alkyl, and lower alkoxy group.
  • 8. The compound of claim 6, wherein Ra is naphthyl, and Rb is phenyl, which may be substituted with one or more substituents selected from a group consisting of halide, hydroxy, cyano, lower alkyl, and lower alkoxy group.
  • 9. The compound of claim 1, wherein R1, R2, R3, R4, R5, R6, R7, R8 or R9 is joined to a solid support or solid support derivatives.
  • 10. The compound of claim 2, wherein R., R2, R3, R4, R5, R6, R7, R8 or R9 is joined to a solid support or solid support derivatives.
  • 11. The compound of claim 3, wherein R., R2, R3, R4, R5, R6, R7, R8 or R9 is joined to a solid support or solid support derivatives.
  • 12. A pharmaceutical composition comprising a compound according to any one of claims 1-8 and pharmaceutically acceptable carrier.
  • 13. A pharmaceutical composition of claim 12, the composition comprising a safe and effective amount of the compound.
  • 14. A library of compounds, comprising at least one compound according to any one of claims 1-8.
  • 15. A method of identifying a biologically active compound, comprising contacting the library of claim 14 with a target to detect or screen the biologically active compound.
  • 16. A method for carrying out a binding assay, comprising: a) providing a composition comprising a first co-activator and an interacting protein, said first co-activator comprising a binding motif of LXXLL, LXXLI or FxxFF wherein X is any amino acid; b) combining the first co-activator and the interacting protein with a test compound; and c) detecting alteration in binding between the first co-activator and the interacting protein in the presence of the compound; wherein the test compound is selected from a compound of any one of claims 1-8.
  • 17. The method of claim 16, wherein said interacting protein is a transcription factor or a second co-activator.
  • 18. The method of claim 16, wherein said interacting protein is selected from the group consisting of RIP140; SRC-1 (NCoA-1); TIF2 (GRIP-1; SRC-2); p (CIP; RAC3; ACTR; AIB-1; TRAM-1; SRC-3); CBP (p300); TRAPs (DRIPs); PGC-1; CARM-1; PRIP (ASC-2; AIB3; RAP250; NRC); GT-198; and SHARP(CoAA; p68; p72).
  • 19. The method of claim 16, wherein said interacting protein is selected from the group consisting of TAL 1; p73; MDm2; TBP; HIF-1; Ets-1; RXR; p65; AP-1; Pit-1; HNF-4; Stat2; HPV E2; BRCA1; p45 (NF-E2); c-Jun; c-myb; Tax; Sap 1; YY1; SREBP; ATF-1; ATF-4; Cubitus; Interruptus; Gli3; MRF; AFT-2; JMY; dMad; PyLT: HPV E6; CITTA; Tat; SF-1; E2F; junB; RNA helicase A; C/EBP β; GATA-1; Neuro D; Microphthalimia; E1A; TFIIB; p53; P/CAF; Twist; Myo D; pp9O RSK; c-Fos; and SV40 Large T.
  • 20. The method of claim 16, wherein said interacting protein is selected from the group consisting of ERAP140; RIP140; RIP160; Trip1; SWI1 (SNF); ARA70; RAP46; TIF1; TIF2; GRIP1; and TRAP.
  • 21. The method of claim 16, wherein said interacting protein is selected from the group consisting of VP16; VP64; p300; CBP; PCAF; SRC1 PvALF; AtHD2A; ERF-2; OsGAI; HALF-1; C1; AP-1; ARF-5; ARF-6; ARF-7; ARF-8; CPRF1; CPRF4; MYC-RP/GP; and TRAB1.
  • 22. The method of claim 16, wherein said first co-activator is CBP or p300.
  • 23. A method for inhibiting the growth of tumor cell in a mammalian subject, the method comprising administering to a tumor cell an amount of the compound according to any one of claims 1-8, or a composition according to claims 12 or 13, where the amount is effective to inhibit the growth of the tumor cell in the mammalian subject.
  • 24. A method of claim 23 wherein the tumor cell is a colorectal cell.
  • 25. A method of treating or preventing cancer comprising administering to a subject in need thereof an amount of a compound according to any one of claims 1-8, or a composition according to claims 12 or 13, in combination with an anti-neoplastic agent, where the amount is effective to treat or prevent the cancer.
  • 26. The method of claim 25 wherein the neoplastic agent is 5-FU, taxol, cisplatin, mitomycin C, tegafur, raltitrexed, capecitabine, or irinotecan.
  • 27. A method of treating or preventing restenosis associated with angioplasty comprising administering to a subject in need thereof an amount of a compound according to any one of claims 1-8, or a composition according to claims 12 or 13, where the amount is effective to prevent the restenosis.
  • 28. A method of treating or preventing polycystic kidney disease comprising administering to a subject in need thereof an amount of a compound according to any one of claims 1-8, or a composition according to claims 12 or 13, where the amount is effective to treat the polycystic kidney disease.
  • 29. A method of treating or preventing aberrant angiogenesis disease comprising administering to a subject in need thereof an amount of a compound according to any one of claims 1-8, or a composition according to claims 12 or 13, where the amount is effective to treat the aberrant angiogenesis disease.
  • 30. A method of treating or preventing rheumatoid arthritis disease comprising administering to a subject in need thereof an amount of a compound according to any one of claims 1-8, or a composition according to claims 12 or 13, where the amount is effective to treat the rheumatoid arthritis disease.
  • 31. A method of treating or preventing ulcerative colitis comprising administering to a subject in need thereof an amount of a compound according to any one of claims 1-8, or a composition according to claims 12 or 13, where the amount is effective to treat the ulcerative colitis.
  • 32. A method for treating or preventing tuberous sclerosis complex (TSC) comprising administering to a subject in need thereof an amount of a compound of any of claims 1-8, or a composition of claims 12 or 13, where the amount is effective to treat or prevent TSC.
  • 33. A method for treating or preventing a KSHV-associated tumor comprising administering to a subject in need thereof an amount of a compound of any of claims 1-8, or a composition of claims 12 or 13, where the amount is effective to treat or prevent the KSHV-associated tumor.
  • 34. A method for modulating hair growth comprising administering to a subject in need thereof an amount of a compound of any of claims 1-8, or a composition of claims 12 or 13, where the amount is effective to modulate hair growth on the subject.
  • 35. A method of treating or preventing Alzheimer's disease comprising administering to a subject in need thereof an amount of a compound according to any one of claims 1-8, or a composition according to claims 12 or 13, where the amount is effective to treat or prevent Alzheimer's disease.

[0001] This application is a continuation-in-part of U.S. patent application Ser. No. 10/087,443 filed on March 01, 2002, now pending, which is a continuation-in-part of U.S. patent application Ser. No. 09/976,470 filed on Oct. 12, 2001, now abandoned. The entire disclosures of these two applications are incorporated by reference.

Continuation in Parts (2)
Number Date Country
Parent 10087443 Mar 2002 US
Child 10411877 Apr 2003 US
Parent 09976470 Oct 2001 US
Child 10087443 Mar 2002 US