Barnstead/Thermolyne, "Big Bill" Orbital Shaker Specifications. |
Boekel Industries, Inc., Orbitron Rotator Model I and II Brochure (undated). |
Corning, Pulse Motor Stirrer Brochure. |
Denley, Orbital Shaker Model A500 MK II Brochure (undated). |
Edmund Buhler, Modek KS Specifications (undated). |
Fisher Scientific, Portable Shaers--Models G2 and R2 Specifications. |
Gallenkamp, Orbital Shaker Specifications. |
GFL Shakers Specifications (undated). |
Hanna Instruments; Professional Magnetic Stirrer Specifications. |
IRA-Works, IKA Small and Large Shakers; Analytical Mills Brochure (undated). |
Open Air Orbital Shakers; Model 4626, Model 4628, Model 4645 Specifications. |
Open Air Orbital Shakers; Bench Top Orbit Shakers Specifications (undated). |
Luckham, R/100/TW Rotatest Orbital Shaker Catalogue (undated). |
Denley (Luckham Division) 768 Timers/Time Switches; Cam Timer-Gear Assembly. |
Innova, Portable Gyrotory Platform Shaker Specifications (undated). |
Prolabo of Paris, Nouveaux agitateurs magnetiques "Rotamag" Specifications. |
Precision, Orbital Shakers Specifications. |
Stuart Scientific, Shakers and Rollers Specifications (undated). |
Stovall Life Science Inc.; The Belly Dancer Specifications. |
Techne, Laboratory Equipment Specifications (undated). |
B. Braun Melsungen AG, TU-1 Specifications. |
Variomag-U.S.A., Electronic Stirrers Specifications (undated). |