9318063 McClure Rochester General Hospital (RGH) has an extensive internal network (RGHNET) that services all of the buildings on the campus, providing state-of-the-art computing and communications services to over 1500 educators, researchers, clinicians, administrators and students. A major teaching facility offering primary, secondary and tertiary levels of care, Rochester General Hospital is constantly seeking innovative technologies that maximize the abilities of hospital staff. The following are a few important examples of the wide range of services available through the INTERNET that can enhance productivity and clinical care at Rochester General. Physicians participating in clinical trials can log patient-care data and share this data on a national basis, surgeons will have access to vascular and trauma registries and medical images, administrators and residents in the independent residency programs will have access to the AAMC electronic residency application service, nurse researchers will have access to the Sigma Theta Tau National Nursing Research Library, educators can use the INTERNET to acquire and transmit curricular materials, pharmacists will be able to exchange protocols for new drugs, and the library will use the INTERNET to offer enhanced reference and document delivery services. Such access will greatly assist the hospital in "building a superior system of care which meets the lifelong health needs of our community." Initially, the clinicians, educators and researchers at Rochester General will be the primary users of the INTERNET. But the impact of the INTERNET link will extend beyond RGH to its corporate partners. As well, the circuit librarians based in the Health Sciences Library will provide INTERNET training and linkages to the practitioners in the rural hospitals surrounding Rochester.