Twelve pieces made in equal size and thickness, each piece is one-third part of a Hexagonal, a rhombus.
The twelve rhombus can be placed to form four hexagonal shapes.
Each set of three rhombus making a hexagonal (counting both sides of each rhombus) has a twenty-one count, with a seven count on each Rhombus, a one/six count, a two/five count, three/four count. Each playing board must contain a total of twelve rhombuses.
Each hexagonal, by manipulating the rhombus can show eight abstract views, in numerical codes. No two rhombus has a seven count view. No sevens are seen in the hexagonal, no five/two, no six/one, and no three/four. No two like numbers in a hexagonal view.
The twelve rhombus placed on a hexagon play board can show an optic view of six hexagonal shapes.
I. By manipulating the rhombuses, there are many absolute abstract games, by forming the hexagonal view, to produce thirty-six view patterns from twenty-four count to sixty count. Through manipulation of rhombuses a hundred and forty-four plus views may be created.
Any one of the thirty-six views can be changed by adding or subtracting the rhombus, by moving or turning over each or all pieces in order to accomplish the count.
II, The play board can be used as a tool to form items for different projects, such as designing, screen printing logo for caps, pictures and inlaid pieces for table games, a table for playing, electronic/digital game, and many other applications.