There is an increasingly large array of spoken language interfaces available, such as virtual assistants and telephone customer service interfaces. These technologies both (1) recognize the words spoken by a user and (2) extract actionable information, such as the topic of the user's query and the degree of match between the query and documents in a database. Such applications are typically treated as a pipeline of automatic speech transcription followed by text processing to extract the meaning. This project aims to develop technology that directly extracts meaning from speech, while using a variety of linguistic information along the way. This approach is intended to mitigate the effects of speech recognition errors, as well as to use all of the meaning-bearing information in speech, such as intonation. This work is expected to have long-term broad impact through technological advances, as well as immediate broad impact through the PI's involvement in local schools and mentoring for a diverse set of visiting students.<br/><br/>The technical goals of this work are (1) to do high-quality natural language processing directly on speech; (2) to seamlessly integrate domain knowledge into end-to-end speech models; (3) improve the performance-vs.-resources tradeoff; and (4) develop models for embedding arbitrary speech signals into meaning-bearing representations. The process of mapping from speech to meaning can be viewed as a hierarchy of tasks, from the most basic acoustic-phonetic tasks to the deepest semantic tasks. The experimental work will focus on two task hierarchies: a "retrieval" hierarchy including query-by-example search, keyword spotting, semantic speech search; and a "recognition" hierarchy including phonetic recognition, word recognition, parsing, and topic identification. The main technical approaches to be developed include hierarchical multitask learning methods for incorporating domain knowledge and mitigating low-data settings, as well as new models for acoustic-semantic speech embedding.<br/><br/>This award reflects NSF's statutory mission and has been deemed worthy of support through evaluation using the Foundation's intellectual merit and broader impacts review criteria.