Not Applicable
This invention relates to optical weapon sights such as riflescopes which superimpose a reticle pattern on an image of the target.
A riflescope is an optical weapon sight used for precision aiming. Essentially, a riflescope is a Keplerian telescope with a reticle or cross hairs added to mark the “point of aim”. In shooting and hunting literature, a riflescope is also called a “scope” for short.
A riflescope must be mounted on a rifle such that its point of aim is aligned with the rifle's barrel. In practice, it is hardly possible to achieve a precise alignment due to mechanical tolerances. The trajectory of the bullet must be considered as well. In view of these considerations, riflescopes often include a mechanism to make precise vertical and horizontal adjustments to the point of aim. In riflescope literature, an adjustment in the horizontal direction is called “windage adjustment”, a vertical adjustment is called “elevation adjustment”. Riflemen usually adjust a scope for elevation and windage by test shooting the rifle at a shooting range. This process is called “zeroing-in”.
Early riflescopes were equipped with external adjustment mechanisms built into the mounts. Their point of aim was adjusted by micrometer windage and elevation mechanisms that tilted the entire scope laterally and/or vertically. An advantage of an externally-adjusted riflescope is that all the lens elements and the reticle remain centered on the same optical axis, providing highest image quality. A disadvantage of this solution is that the precision micrometer movements must be able to support the entire riflescope under recoil. The external adjustment mechanism is also bulky, heavy and susceptible to mud and dirt when used in the field.
Most modern riflescopes use an internal-adjustment mechanism. Two rotating knobs (turrets) protruding from the main body of the scope allow the shooter to adjust the precise lateral position of the reticle inside the riflescope. Turning the knobs moves the reticle assembly inside the main tube against spring pressure. The knobs have clearly marked graduations around their circumference and many have a ball-detent system that “clicks” as they are turned. Each graduation or click represents a change in reticle position such that the point of aim is shifted by a small amount on the target. In modern riflescopes the graduations are commonly expressed as 1 cm at 100 m or 0.5 inch at 100 yards.
The opto-mechanical design of a typical riflescope with internal-adjustment mechanism is shown in
The purpose of the opto-mechanical arrangement shown in
The mechanical adjustment method described above has several fundamental weaknesses. Two notable weaknesses are:
As a result of weaknesses (a), elevation and windage adjustments even in highest-priced riflescopes currently on the market are not repeatable. This problem has become known in recent years and is referred to as “zero retention problem” or “tracking problem” in the hunting and shooting literature. Weakness (b) is not widely-known or discussed in the literature on riflescopes.
In recent years, a series of optical adjustment methods have been devised by the present inventor replace the mechanical adjustment method described above. These methods include:
The first three solutions cited above utilize a pair of wedge prisms to adjust the riflescope's point of aim in each direction (horizontal or vertical). The fourth solution suggests attaching one or more wedge prisms (selected from a pre-designed collection) during the zeroing-in process. It may not be convenient to use this latter solution if a re-adjustment is required in the field (e.g. due to a change in the type or brand of the ammunition used). Therefore, a need still exists for an optical elevation and windage correction solution which uses a minimal number of wedge prisms and is adjustable in the field.
This invention discloses a riflescope wherein the point of aim is adjusted by a pair of thin wedge prisms. The prisms arc positioned in front of the objective lens such that one prism deviates the line of sight in the horizontal direction and the other in the vertical direction. It is shown, using the geometric properties of a tangent to a circle, that rotating each prism by a small amount (say ±10°) produces a practically straight shift in the point of aim of the rifle scope.
The rifle scope introduced in this invention has several significant advantages over the prior art:
The process of adjusting or correcting the line of sight of a riflescope such that the point of aim (POA) shown by the riflescope matches the point of impact (POI) of the weapon is called “zeroing-in”. Since a rifles bullet follows a ballistic trajectory, a rifle is zeroed-in at a known distance, say 100 m. At common shooting distances (say 0 to 300 m), the rifle's point of impact will be slightly above or below the point of aim. The “line of sight” is a hypothetical line or axis that extends from the the riflescope towards the point of aim as designated by the cross-hairs inside the riflescope.
This invention is concerned with manipulations of the line of sight by very small angles. Small angles are measured in minutes of arc (MOA) or milliradians (mil). For the purpose of zeroing-in a riflescope, 1 MOA is considered to be equal to an angle subtended by a 1 inch line at 100 yards. Similarly, 1 mil corresponds to the angle subtended by a 10 cm line at 100 m.
In the diagrams, the horizontal direction is represented by the x-axis while the vertical direction is represented by the y-axis. The z-axis usually points towards the target and is considered being the same as the telescopic sight's optical axis. Angles will be denoted by lower case Greek letters. Vectors are denoted in lowercase boldface. In the Euclidean space, a deviation vector a is represented by its Cartesian coordinates (ax, ay) or polar coordinates (α, ω) where α≙∥a∥ is the magnitude and ω≙∠a is the angle (orientation) associated with said deviation vector.
Positions of optical elements are described with reference to the direction of light propagation. Therefore, when element A is said to be before element B, this means light will pass through element A before entering element B.
The present invention is based on the confluence of several distinct observations and principles from optics, geometry, and mathematics. These principles are briefly described below.
When a ray of light enters a transparent material such as glass, the ray's direction is deflected, based on both the entrance angle (measured relative to the normal to the surface) and the material's refractive index in accordance to Snell's law. A beam passing through a wedge prism is deflected twice: once entering, and again when exiting. The sum of these two deflections produces the deviation angle α which is given by
α=ϕ−ξ+sin−1(√{square root over (n2−sin2ϕ)}×sin ξ−sin ϕ cos ξ). (1)
In the above formula α is the beam deviation angle, ξ is the apex angle of the prism, ϕ is the incidence angle of the incoming beam as shown in
α=(n−1)ξ. (2)
Riflescopes have a relatively limited real field of view ranging from about 2° to about 10°. Therefore, if a thin wedge prism with a very small apex angle is positioned in front of the objective lens of a riflescope, the incidence angle ϕ will be less than ±5° and (2) will be valid. This means the deviation produced in the line of sight will be solely determined by the prism's apex angle ξ and glass index of refraction n.
As shown in
The constant deviation property described above allows us to represent the deviation produced by a thin wedge prism as a vector a in the coordinate space. With reference to
With reference to
2. (3)
The above equation can be expanded such that the cartesian coordinates (ax, ay) of the resulting total deviation are expressed in terms of the deviation powers α1=∥a1∥ and α2=∥a2∥ and the orientation angles ω1=∠a1 and ω2=∠a2 of the two wedge prisms:
x=α1 cos ω1+α2 cos ω2
y=α1 sin ω1+α2 sin ω2 (4)
The arrangement shown in
In theory, two rotatable prisms can produce any desired deviation amount from a minimum of |α1−α2| to a maximum of α1+α2 in any desired direction. However, full-range two-dimensional beam steering using Risley prisms is not practical because the inverse problem of finding the rotation angles ω1 and ω2 such that the point-of-aim is moved to a given location (ax, ay) is “ill-posed”.
The mathematical term “well-posed” stems from a definition given by French mathematician Jacques Hadamard (1865-1963). He believed that mathematical models of physical phenomena should have the properties that:
Problems that fail to satisfy all of Hadamard's conditions are termed “ill-posed”. Solving the inverse of the system of nonlinear equations (4) is an ill-posed problem because the solution is not unique. Furthermore, the solutions are not continuous functions of the coordinate data (ax, ay) [4], [5], [6], [7].
In the next subsection, we introduce additional restrictions to the above problem in order to provide a well-posed beam deviator solution suitable for use in a riflescope.
Consider the vector diagram shown in
Now imagine that we “perturb” the orientation of the prisms slightly by rotating the horizontally-oriented prism by a small angle θ1 or by rotating the vertically-oriented prism by a small angle θ2 as shown in
With reference to
{tilde over (x)}=α
2 sin θ2+α1(cos θ1−1)
{tilde over (y)}=α
1 sin θ1+α2(cos θ2−1) (5)
For small angles and when the angles are measured in radian, sin θ≈θ and cos θ≈1. Therefore, for small rotation angles the above formulae can be simplified as
{tilde over (x)}≈α
2θ2(θ2 small)
{tilde over (y)}≈α
1θ1(θ1 small) (6)
The above formulae show that we can produce a “practically horizontal” shift in the line of sight by rotating the vertically-oriented wedge prism and a “practically vertical” shift in the line of sight by rotating the horizontally-oriented wedge prism. In the present invention, the approximation of sin θ with θ is not critical. The critical requirement is that the magnitude of the interference terms α1(cos θ1−1) and α2(cos θ2−1) are kept small so that rotating the prisms individually would produce a straight shift to the point of aim.
With reference to
q=2α sin(θmax) (7)
The curvature factor C is then defined as p/q:
The curvature factor C effectively measures the belly to hight ratio of the perturbation arc produced by rotating each prism. It increases approximately linearly as the rotation range is increased:
The table below shows the curvature factor expressed as a percentage for several representative rotation ranges:
The curvature factor C is very helpful when designing the proper rotation range. Obviously, smaller values for C are preferred but the designer must also consider the range of useful adjustments the system can provide. To help quantify the relation between rotation range and the maximum useful adjustment provided, we define the efficiency factor R as the ratio of the desired deviation range q to the prism's intrinsic deviation power α:
The the efficiency factor R increases approximately linearly with rotation range as shown in Table II below:
A person skilled in the art can use the formulae provided above to design an optically adjustable riflescope that suits a wide variety of applications. To illustrate the design process, we will provide three sample designs below. In the first example, we limit the allowable rotation range of the prisms to ±10°. In the next two examples, we increase the rotation range to ±15° and ±30°, respectively. The performance criteria for these three designs is the same: Design a partially rotatable wedge prism system that deviate the point of aim of a riflescope within a square range 1 m wide and 1 m tall at a distance of 100 m.
From Table I, we find that the curvature factor for a system with maximum rotation range of ±10° is 4.3%. This means the interference between elevation and windage adjustments will be at most 4.3 cm at the full adjustment range of 1 m. The interference error is significantly less near the center of the adjustment range so the maximum value of 4.3 cm is quite acceptable.
The industry standard for adjustment resolution (click value) in riflescopes is 1 cm at 100 m (0.1 MIL) in Europe and 1/2 MOA in the United States. If we accept the European standard of 1 cm per click, there the prisms' mount must be able to provide a rotational resolution of 20°/100=0.2°.
The curvature factor for a rotation range of ±15° is 6.5%. This means the interference error will be at most 6.5 cm. For this design, the prisms' mount must be able to provide rotational resolution of 30°/100=0.3°.
The curvature factor for a rotation range of ±30° is 13%. This means the interference error will increased to 13 cm which is more than the previous two designs but still acceptable. The benefit of allowing a larger rotation range is that the rotation resolution can be decreased: For this design, the prisms' mount should have a rotational resolution of 60°/100=0.6° which can be very easily achieved.
The prism specifications and the resulting interference error for each design choice are summarized in Table III below. As seen in this table, an increased rotation range allows the use of thinner prisms (apex angle is decreased). It also relaxes the required rotational precision so the prism mounts become easier to design and manufacture. However, the amount of interference between elevation and windage adjustments increases. While an increased interference might seem unacceptable at first, we will demonstrate in Section VII-E that interference is not as critical as it may seem. This is because a user can repeat the adjustment process to get an exact zero even when a non-negligible amount of interference between elevation and windage adjustments exists.
In the previous section we described, an adjustment method, for riflescopes wherein two rotatable wedge prisms with very small apex angles are positioned such that one prism's deviation axis points in the horizontal direction and the other one's deviation axis points in the vertical direction (see
The straight shifts introduced as a result of rotating the prisms are small “differential” or “perturbation” components which are created in addition to the “base deviation” produced by each prism at zero-rotation position. In this invention, we only need these small perturbation components so we have to somehow cancel the base deviation produced by the two rotatable wedge prisms. One way to achieve zero net deviation when θ1 and θ2 are zero is to add a third non-rotating prism as shown in
3=−(a1+a2) when θ1=θ2=0 (11)
For the purpose of the present invention, it is not critical if the third wedge prism is positioned before or after the rotatable wedge prisms. The addition of this third wedge prism provides an opportunity to cancel out much of the chromatic abberations produced by the rotatable wedge prisms as well.
In previous sections, we discussed that a three-prism beam deviation system as shown in
In this section we demonstrate that even when a noticeable curvature in elevation and windage adjustments is allowed, the resulting interference error can be completely eliminated by repeating the zeroing-in process. This is to say, if a shooter zeros-in his rifle using a riflescope that works based on the approximation principle described in Section VII-C, he might not get a perfect zero the first time. But if he repeats the zeroing-in process (i.e. shoot the rifle again and adjust the prisms's rotation angle to compensate for the observed aiming error) he will get a perfect zero. In precise terms, we prove that the zeroing-in process shall converge to the exact solution if the rotation range of the prisms is less than
A sufficient condition for a series of approximate solutions to converge to an exact solution is that the Euclidian distance between the approximate solution and the exact solution is reduced after each step. When applied to our optical beam steering system, this implies that the magnitude of the windage error produced when elevation is being adjusted must be smaller than the magnitude of elevation adjustment provided. Similarly, the magnitude of the elevation error produced when windage is being adjusted must be smaller than the magnitude of windage adjustment provided.
By differentiating the equations (5) we can calculate the differential contribution to elevation d{tilde over (y)} and the differential contribution d{tilde over (x)} to windage when the elevation prism is rotated by a small amount dθ1:
d{tilde over (x)}=(−α1 sin θ1)dθ1
d{tilde over (y)}=(α1 cos θ1)dθ1 (12)
Then, using (1:2), we can calculate the condition for convergence of the approximate solution to the exact solution as follows:
A similar result can be shown for the case where windage prism alone is being rotated by an amount dθ2:
Now consider that this system is beeing used to adjust the point of aim of a riflescope within a 1 square meter grid at a distance of 100 m. We can simulate the-zeroing process using a computer to see how many adjustment steps it will take to bring the point of impact in alignment with the point of aim.
For each plot, a different initial point of impact on the 1 m square gird is selected. The computer program then adjusts the riflescope by changing the rotation angles θ1 and θ2 in successive steps until the point of impact arrives to within 1 cm of the point of aim. The numbers 1,2,3 etc. poisoned near each point of impact show the number of iterations that has led to that point of impact. The point of impact with no number is the initial point of impact.
These plots show that after each adjustment step the point of impact moves closer to the point of aim and that the iterative zeroing process is convergent.
The above mathematical analysis implies that if the rotation range of prisms is reduced, a faster convergence to the exact solution can be expected. Extensive computer simulations performed by the inventor show that the convergence rate is indeed very fast when rotation range is limited to ±30° or less. In most practical cases a precise correction to the point of aim (error on target less than 1 cm at 100 m) is achieved after just two steps.
A first preferred embodiment of the invention is shown in
The objective lens 1 has an optical axis 50 which constitutes the optical axis of the riflescope. All the subsequent lenses or elements are centered on this optical axis. The image formed by an objective lens is upside down and laterally reversed. Therefore, an image erector prism 17 is positioned between the objective lens 1 and the objective focal plane 11 to produce an erect image of the target at (or near) the objective focal plane 11. Persons skilled in the art are familiar with image erector prisms and can choose a suitable image erector prism such as a Schmidt-Pechan prism or an Abbe-Koenig prism for use in this invention.
An eyepiece lens 5 is positioned at the rear end of the housing 30. The eyepiece lens 5 is positioned such that its focal plane 55 is coplanar with (or close to) the objective focal plane 11. The eyepiece lens 5 produces a magnified virtual image of the target that a user can see if he positions his eye at a proper position behind the eyepiece lens. In riflescope literature, the eyepiece focal plane 55 is referred to as “the second focal plane” of the riflescope.
A pair of thin wedge prisms 41 and 42 are mounted at the front end of the housing 30 in front of the objective lens 1. As illustrated in
The user can adjust the riflescope for elevation by changing θ1 and for windage by changing θ2.
A second preferred embodiment of the invention is illustrated in
The deviation axis of the non-rotatable wedge prism 43 is oriented diagonally such that it produces a deviation in the opposite direction of the net deviation produced by the rotatable wedge prisms 41 and 42. More precisely, the wedge prism 43 is chosen and mounted such
3=0 when θ1=θ2=0 (15)
In the above formula, the a3 represents the deviation vector associated with the non-rotatable prism 43. The vectors a1 and a2 represent the deviations produced by the rotatable prisms 41 and 42 while at their rest (or reference) positions. As discussed previously in Section VII-D, the above choice for the non-rotatable prism ensures that the line of sight will be coaxial with the optical axis 50 when θ1 and θ2 are zero. This is a very convenient feature (although not necessary) for a riflescope.
Another feature of the riflescope presented in this embodiment is that the third wedge prism 43 cancels out many of the optical abberations produced by the first two prisms 41 and 42. Specifically, when θ1 and θ2 are zero, all the aberrations including chromatic dispersion will be cancelled as the three wedge prisms act as a plane parallel plate.
The second embodiment of the invention uses a lens group 8 as image erector. In
Persons skilled in the art are familiar with designing an erector system that comprises a lens group. Said lens group may comprise a single positive lens, a compound lens (such as a doublet or a triplet), a pair of positive lenses or a pair of compound lenses. When the lens group 8 comprises a pair of lenses, it can be designed such that it produces variable magnification (zoom). This is often achieved by mounting the lenses in a sub-assembly which allows the user to change the spacing between them via a spiral cam, Any of the fixed or variable-magnification configurations used in the riflescopes commercially sold today can be used for this invention as well.
As in the previous embodiment, the user can adjust the riflescope for elevation and windage by changing the rotation angles θ1 and θ2 associated with wedge prisms 41 and 42, respectively.
A preferred mechanism for rotating the wedge prisms is shown in
A first function of the worm drive mechanism shown in
Therefore, a 20-tooth worm wheel reduces the rotational speed by the ratio of 20:1 and a 240-tooth worm wheel can produce a 240:1 reduction in the ratio of the prism rotation angle θ to the knob rotation angle λ. This significant feature of the worm drive mechanism allows for extremely precise adjustments to the point of aim of the riflescope.
A second, equally significant, function of the worm drive mechanism is to provide “self-locking”. Unlike with ordinary gear trains, the direction of power or torque transmission in a worm gear mechanism is not reversible when using large reduction ratios. This is due to the greater friction involved between the worm screw and worm-wheel, and is especially prevalent when a single-start (one spiral) worm is used. This feature eliminates the possibility of the rotatable prisms 41 or 42 turning on their own.
The worm derive mechanism should be equipped with a means for limiting the rotation angle of the worm wheel to a maximum angle less than 45°. In
There are practical advantages in notifying the user as to how much elevation or windage adjustment has bee dialed in the riflescope. A simple mechanism for doing this is shown in
It is preferred that the spacings between the hash marks 72 are chosen such that they display the true amount of linear adjustment measured in units such as cm at 100 cm or inches 100 yards. For small rotation angles, the spacings between the hash marks can be proportional to the rotation angle θ of the worm wheel from its reference position. However, it would be more precise if the hash mark spacings are proportional to sin(θ) as discussed in the mathematical analysis in Section VII-C.
The reference marker 71 and the hash marks 72 together form indicia that notify the user of the amount of elevation and windage adjustments dialed into the riflescope. Persons skilled in the art can design other display methods to notify the user of the amount of elevation and windage adjustments dialed into the riflescope. For the purpose of this invention, such display methods would be considered equivalent to the indicia shown in
A wedge prism deviates light beams of different color at slightly different angles. This is because the refraction index n in (1) depends on the wavelength of the light ray being refracted by the prism. One can obtain the value of n for standard red (C=656 nm), green (e=546 nm) and blue (F=486 nm) wavelengths from glass manufacturers such as Schott AG of Mainz, Germany. Since the exact amount of deviation produced by a wedge prism is wavelength dependent, a certain amount of “color dispersion” or “chromatic error” will be introduced when prisms are used for deviating natural fight.
With reference to
Since the wedge prisms used in the present invention have very small deviation power, the chromatic error will be negligible. Nonetheless, it might be advantageous for some special applications to further reduce chromatic color separation. This can be achieved by using achromatic wedge prisms.
With reference to
The design of achromatic prisms is well-known in the field of optics. Persons skilled in the art can easily design achromatic prisms suitable for use in the present invention.
The riflescope disclosed in this invention can be used in much the same way as conventional riflescopes. A shooter should mount the rifscope on his rifle using rings or rails or any other well-known forms of mounting. It is best to use high quality mounts so that the optical axis of the riflescope is as close to being parallel with the rifle's barrel as possible. Once the riflescope is securely attached to the rifle, the user must test-fire the rifle at a shooting range or other suitable place aiming at a target positioned at a known distance (say 100 m). The shooter must then observe the point of impact of his rifle and measure the horizontal and vertical distance between the point of impact and the point of aim on target. If a correction is needed, the shooter can dial in the required horizontal adjustment by changing the angle θ2 associated with wedge prism 42. A vertical adjustment can be dialed in by changing the angle θ1 associated with wedge prism 41. The shooter should now fire the rifle again to verify his corrected point of impact. If the point of impact still does not match the point of aim, the shooter can adjust the rotation angles θ1 and θ2 again to compensate for the reaming small discrepancy. Once adjusted, the riflescope will provide an extremely reliable point of aim.
A riflescope according to this invention has significant advantages over the prior art including but not limited to:
The foregoing disclosure is believed to be sufficient to enable an ordinary person skilled in the art to build and use the invention. In addition, the description of specific embodiments will so fully reveal the general nature of the invention that others can, by applying current knowledge, readily modify and/or adapt for various applications such specific embodiments without undue experimentation and without departing from the generic concept. For example:
Therefore, such adaptations and modifications should and are intended to be comprehended within the meaning and range of equivalents of the disclosed embodiments.
It is to be understood that the phraseology or terminology herein is for the purpose of description and not of limitation, such that the terminology or phraseology of the present specification is to be interpreted by the skilled artisan in light of the teachings and guidance presented herein, in combination with the knowledge of one of ordinary skill in the art. Thus, the scope of the invention should be determined by the appended claims and their legal equivalents, as opposed to the embodiments illustrated.