The Riot swing is a completely new aerial motion entertainment device for children using one or two springs to adjust for the riders weight. Adults can play on a larger swing with three or more springs. It is completely unique in it’s flying actions and movements from all other swings. Unlike other swings, it has a control tether that is connected to the bottom of the spring or springs that suspends the swing above the ground. The parent of the child holds the control tether which can safely control the unlimited multi directional movements and actions of the swing. Making the swings movements as gentle or as lively as is appropriate for their child’s safety. The up and down motion of the spring allows the swing to move freely in all three dimensions. Riding face down flat on a swing is unique.
1. The swing platform that rider lays flat on their stomach holding the handles (7.)
2. Coil springs that can be used singularly or quickly attached to two by clip (6.)
3. Suspension rope attached to tree limb or other structure connected to springs (2.)
4. Control safety tether connected to springs (2.) with two split handles.
5. Four platform suspension ropes.
6. Metal clip for quick attachment of second, or more, springs.
7. Two handles for hand holds for rider balance.
The Riot swing is suspended on a rope, chain, cable, or any other forms of strap that is strong enough to hold up over three hundred pounds of weight. That rope is connected to a natural tree limb or a constructed structure sufficient to bare that weight. The springs are connected to that rope. The control tether is connected to the bottom of the springs. The swing platform is connected to the bottom of the springs also. The tree’s trunk or supporting structure is at least fifteen feet away from where the swing hangs straight down on the rope. This is to allow a safe range of free movement of the swing. So the parent can use the control tether to rock the swing back, forth, sideways, up, down, around in circles and bouncing into any combination of movements they chose for the safety of the child.
The platform of the swing may have a cut-away on each side for access when climbing onto the swing. The platform has two rope, metal or plastic handles firmly attached to the front of the platform for the child to hold onto. While they are laying flat on their stomach for safety and easy balance control. The platform is suspended by four equal length ropes, chains, cables, or any other forms of plastic straps that are strong enough to safely hold up over three hundred pounds of weight. Attached from the bottom of the springs to each of the four corners of the platform to create a perfectly balanced platform surface to lay on.
The Swing is able to preform these freely balanced movements due to matching one or more springs to the riders weight. There will be one, two or more springs that are easily and safely detached or attached so that the swing is completely adjustable to each child’s different weight. One spring for a child that is light weight. Connect the second spring for a heavier child. Three or more springs for different weight adults.
The split parental control tether, ropes, chains or cables are always attached to the bottom of the springs as to have direct control over the movement and direction of the swing platform. The parent controlling the swing should hold or stake the tether a safe distance as to keep the swing from ever touching the trunk of the tree or any structure, bush or object that could cause injury. One of the tether ropes may be anchored to any solid object like a stake so the other tether rope can be held by the swing rider as to control the movements of the swing by themselves. Two parents can each hold a tether rope as to increase the different movements of the swing beyond what one parent can create.