The present invention is related to the wireless communication system particularly to the packet communication that requires carrier frequency offset (CFO) estimation in each received packet from different transmitters.
Robust carrier frequency offset estimation and correction is paramount to high mobility and extended range wireless communications such as in the vehicular or non-terrestrial network (NTN) environment. The initial CFO is generally significant due to low cost commercial components and high speed platform (e.g., vehicle or satellite) movement. The typical oscillator for use in commercial standards is 20 parts per million (PPM). In theory the phase information between two selected signal samples represents the frequency offset information. However, the phase measurement often does not represent the true phase information due to 2π crossing event that is known as phase ambiguity. When it occurs, the frequency estimate is bad if it is not treated accordingly. A computational algorithm derived from the Diophantine equations is disclosed to solve the challenges of the phase ambiguity. The disclosed method not only produces robust performance in the demanding conditions but also offers scalable computational complexity. It is shown that the complexity is noticeably less compared to that of the maximum likelihood (ML) approach with comparable performances. The method is applicable to both single input single output (SISO) and multiple input multiple output (MIMO) wireless communications.
A method for use to determine the carrier frequency offset (CFO) estimate derived from the Diophantine equations is disclosed. Mathematically, the CFO estimation can be obtained directly from the unwrapped phase information ( ) of a plurality of complex signal samples, that is, Φ=2πfT=2πn+ϕ, where f is the quantity of the CFO, T is the duration of the complex signal samples used, and ϕ is the phase measurement for the duration T apart and |ϕ|≤π, called wrapped phase. The integer n indicates the number of 2π crossing in the T interval and its sign reflects its offset direction from the intended carrier frequency. The unwrapped phase can be reconstructed by a plurality of the wrapped phase measurements (ϕi, at a subinterval Ti=diŤ, i=1 . . . . N, |ϕi|<π, N>1) in which Ť is the time lag unit for di, 0<d1<d2< . . . <dN are relatively prime integers, and Φi=2πfTi=2πni+ϕi. The parameter ni represents the 2π folding factor of the unwrapped phase Φi normally unknown. It is understood that the frequency estimation error Δf is related to the phase measurement error ΔϕN resulting from the added noise and/or channel fading in the observation interval TN, i.e., Δf=ΔϕN/2π/TN, provided that nN is correctly determined. It is shown that a larger TN will result in a smaller frequency estimation error given a phase error in the measurement. In a communication system, the selection of TN is generally a tradeoff against ΔϕN due to the preamble resource. When |nN|>0, it means the phase ambiguity resulting from 2π crossing occurs in the phase measurements. A computational algorithm that aims at accurate nN calculation is disclosed in this invention. It's shown later that the method in this disclosure achieves robust CFO estimation in the SNR as low as 0 dB in the presence of vehicular multipath fading compared to those obtained from the maximum likelihood approaches in the open literature.
The present invention discloses a design method to solve carrier frequency offset (CFO) estimation reliably using the phase measurements from the selected time intervals that are associated with a relative prime sequence. The underlying computational framework 106 is constructed based on the classical linear Diophantine equations (homogeneous and nonhomogeneous).
Without loss of generality and for brevity, the classical SISO additive white Gaussian noise (AWGN) communication channel is employed to illustrate the computational algorithm. Thus, Ir is set to 1 in
The received baseband sample r (n) in complex representation is shown as follows
where θ is the initial phase of the received sample at n=0, s (n) represents the transmitted signal, and w(n) is the AWGN with the variance 2σ2. The L-STF is at very beginning of the WLAN preamble for each packet. It has 10 repeated signal pattern {αt, t=1 . . . 16}, in which αt is a known complex signal. Denote the number of repeated signal pattern by K. As a result, Ns=16 and K=10 from the IEEE WLAN L-STF will be used in the exemplified illustrations. In the real world of operation, the first one or two signal patterns is used for signal detection. As such, less than 10 repeated patterns is available for the CFO estimation. The property of the periodic preamble is shown below
For a diϵ{d1, d2, . . . , dN}, the processed signal sample Wdi(n) is defined as the lag product of two received samples with the time lag di units as follows
where * indicates the complex conjugate operation. Denote Zdi as follows
where Xs is the desired signal and Xw is the unwanted signal as shown below
The properties in Eqs. (2a) and (2b) have been employed to yield Xs and Xw. As shown in Eq. (4b), the phase measurement ϕi is the angle of Zdi corrupted by noise. Zdi is the noise reduction version of Wdi(n) via the “integrate and dump” operation so the SNR is improved accordingly before turning into the phase measurement.
For a non-periodic preamble as illustrated in
where {ŝ(n)} is the power-normalized {s(n)}, and Ns is a selection such that |f·Ns·Δt|<½. The operator ← refers to content replacement to keep the same notation.
It is evident that the disclosed method is applied to any non-preamble data, for example like a phase-shifted keying (PSK) signal once the modulation is removed with other techniques.
In a MIMO system having It transmit and Ir receive paths, the received signal at the kth receive path is
where {hkl} is the complex channel characteristic from the lth transmit path to the kth receive path. A MIMO system generally utilizes a periodic orthogonal sequence in the preamble to aid channel estimation, that is Σn=1Nsŝk(n)ŝ*l(n)=0, for k≠l and Σn=1Nsŝk(n)ŝ*l(n)=1, for k=l. Applying ŝk(n) to the kth receive path to remove the preamble modulation as
and taking advantage of the orthogonal property, Zdi for the MIMO system can be shown having the same form as the SISO system
where Xs,k is the desired and Xw,k is the unwanted signal at the kth receive path.
Eq. (10) is a result from assuming the same clock for each transmit path such as in an Access Point device of the WLAN or the synchronized multiple clocks such as in the base stations of the 4G/5G mobile communications. The synchronizations among multiple oscillators in a base station or a general near-by area can be achieved by the same computational technique discussed in this disclosure. It will be illustrated briefly later on.
{ϕ1, ϕ2, . . . , ϕN} obtained from Zdi for each diϵ{d1, d2, . . . , dN} is then applied to the Diophantine framework to calculate the CFO estimate in the following.
An unwrapped phase (denoted as Φi) is referred to a true phase mathematically. But in the measurement it can only be represented by its remainder of the Euclidean division of 2π. The remainder is called the wrapped phase (denoted as ϕi), namely,
where Ť is the time unit used by di and −π≤ϕi<π. As shown previously, Ť=Ns·Δt. The integer ni representing the phase folding factor is function of the CFO f to be estimated and the interval diŤ·Ť is a design choice but follows |fŤ|<½ and thus |ni|<di/2.
The following linear Diophantine equations are considered in the algorithm derivation.
where {{acute over (m)}q} and {iq}, q=1, 2, . . . , N, are all integers. (N−1) homogeneous and one nonhomogeneous equations are needed for processing N phase measurements {ϕ1, ϕ2, . . . , ϕN}. {{acute over (m)}q} is to be replaced by {mpq} subsequently to represent multiple homogenous equations. The index p with 1≤p≤(N−1) indicates up to N−1 sets of {{acute over (m)}q} employed. All N−1 sets have to be pairwise independent.
To illustrate the insights of the computational algorithm in the following, N=3 is used as an example to ensure clarity. The extension to N>3 is immediate. Dividing 2π on both sides of Eq. (11) results in the following three expressions
where φi=ϕi/2π, so |φi|≤½; n3 associated with the longest interval d3 is to be solved in order to compute the frequency estimate. Applying the linear Diophantine questions on the left side of Eqs. (14a), (14b), (14c) leads to the following three equations (fŤ is dropped for brevity)
Firstly, dividing Eqs. (15a) and (15b) by d3, multiplying them by integer c1 and c2, respectively, and then adding them to Eq. (15c), result in the following expression
This is effectively adding zero sums from Eqs. (15a) and (15b) to Eq. (15c). Since the terms d1/d3 and d2/d3 are not only non-zeros but also distinct positive fractional numbers appearing in an integer equation, the immediate condition among others for Eq. (16) to hold is to make c1 and c2 such that c1m11+c2m21+i1d3=0, c1m12+c2m22+i2d3=0, and c1m13+c2m23+i3d3−1=0. From the first two zero terms, it is justified that {c1, c2} must exist because {mpq} are independent in any two rows by selection. If the {c1, c2} obtained from the two zero terms can also make c1m13+c2m23+i3d3−1=0, Eq. (16) is validated. Putting these three zero terms into a matrix form leads to
Note that −1 has been absorbed into c1 and c2 maintaining the validity of Eq. (17). Since the prerequisite of forming more than one set of homogeneous equations is that they must be independent pairwise, | m11m22−m12m21| must be nonzero. This guarantees that c=[c1 c2]T can be obtained from the top two rows of Eq. (17). The superscript T indicates the transpose operation. To prove the third row of Eq. (17), denote the 2×3 M and 2×2 U matrices and 2×1 m3 vector as follows
Furthermore, denote =[d1 d2]T, and ĭ=[i1 i2]T. Eqs. (15a) and (15b) can be rewritten in a matrix form as
On the other hand, the top two rows of Eq. (17) can be rewritten as
Plugging Eq. (19a) and (19b) into the left of the third row of Eq. (17) becomes
QED. It will be shown next that the third row equality of Eq. (17) is the key to solve the 2π crossing number nN that is in turn needed to calculate the CFO f. The extension to prove Eq. (17) in a generic N>3 is readily straightforward simply replacing 3 by N and adding associated terms up to N.
Eqs. (15a) and (15b) can be rewritten to the following, replacing d; by the right hand side of Eqs. (14a), (14b), and (14c)
In the noise free condition, m11φ1+m12φ2+m13φ3 and m21φ1+m22φ2+m23φ3 are integers due to summing to zero with some other integers. Denote them as follows
Note that η1 and η2 are the results of multiplying the normalized received phases with the {mpq} coefficients. Following the same arithmetic procedure leading to Eq. (16), multiplying Eqs. (20a) and (20b) by c1 and c2, respectively, and combining them lead to
Applying the equality terms in Eq. (17) into Eq. (22), it becomes
Applying modulo d3 onto Eq. (23), n3 can be determined as
Recall that |n3|<d3/2. If n3>d3/2 from Eq. (24a), n3 is adjusted to
n3 obtained here is then applied to Eq. (14c) to calculate the CFO f estimate.
Up to this point, the noise free condition is considered in the algorithm derivation. The only requirements are that all integers {mpq} and {iq} for p=1, 2, N−1, and q=1, 2, . . . , N must satisfy the linear Diophantine equations in Eqs. (12) and (13), respectively, and that {mpq, q=1, 2, . . . , N} set must be pairwise independent for any two p's. In another word, given a selected d=[d1, d2, . . . , dN] design, there are multiple M and c that the algorithm will work. However, in the real world of operation, added noise and/or channel fading may introduce unwanted signal in the received samples, and thus the phase measurements {ϕ1, ϕ2, . . . , ϕN}, equivalently {φ1, φ2, . . . , φN}, are corrupted. The following is to assess what additional considerations are needed in finding M and c to ensure high reliability of the algorithm.
Denote the unwanted signal in φi as εi and define the following
Adding the unwanted term εi to each φi in Eqs. (20a) and (20b), η1+Δη1 and η2+Δη2 are no longer integers that are required for the computing n3 correctly according to Eq. (24a) or Eq. (24b). Hence, it requires that the algorithm perform a function such as rounding off (η1+Δη1) and (η2+Δη2), respectively, to obtain η1 and η2 correctly before calculating n3. As a result, |Δη1|<½ and |Δη2|<½ are two additional requirements in selecting M in order for getting reliable n3 calculation and subsequently reliable frequency estimate. Since εi is a noise term in each φi, there is a distribution associated with it. It can be stated that M is selected such that
where ζ is normally a very small number such as 10−2 or less. It's often related to the packet error rate designed in a wireless communication system. The paper entitled “Distribution of the Phase Angle between Two Vectors Perturbed by Gaussian Noise” by R. F. Pawula, S. O. Rice, J. H. Roberts in IEEE Transactions on Communication, August 1982 is a good reference for determining the probabilities shown in Eqs. (26a) and (26b). From the system design point of view, M is selected such that ση1 and θη2 are minimized in which
As shown, θηk (k=1, 2, . . . , N−1) is determined by the elements in M and all σεi, i=1, 2, . . . , N. Intuitively, the absolute value of mpq as small as possible is preferred in forming M for any given {σεi}. On the other hand, σεi is the result from noise reduction for a given di. Eq. (6) shows how it is related to the noise reduction process. As shown, σεi are not the same because di are distinct. From the system design perspective, minimizing σεi resulting from noise reduction is preferred to ensure reliable calculation (i.e., smaller σηk) given an M matrix. The processes of selecting the rows for M and minimizing {θεi} are separate tasks but they both are related to the d vector. The ultimate objective is that they must meet or exceed the error probability specified in the design requirements as shown in Eqs. (26a) and (26b).
In summary, the computational algorithm derived from the Diophantine equations is illustrated in
As shown in Eq. (28), there are two factors determining the accuracy of the f estimate, nN and ϕN. The unwanted error of ON can be compensated by choosing a larger dN. However, a larger dN may result in larger εN because less noise reduction effect results from smaller K−dN according to Eqs. (5) and (6). Consequently it is not a favorable condition for obtaining accurate nN. In the system design, two steps are generally considered. The first is to choose N and dN to ensure reliable nN calculation. The f estimate can be further refined 307 to gain more accuracy by employing θkj, the angle of Zkj, in which dN<kj<K, j=1, . . . . J, and J is the number of terms used to performance refinement. Recall that K is the available replicas of the repeated preamble. The following is the refinement procedure 307.
The refinement is an important merit resulting from the structured computational framework. J can be zero to save computational loading if the performance has been met. When J=0, Eqs. (29a) (29b) and (29c) are skipped. Taking advantage of the structured framework, that is choosing d=[d1, d2, . . . , dN] and M to maximize the reliability of computing nN and subsequently perform frequency estimate refinement using the phases of the longer time lags is a novel idea. It facilitates the merits of scalable computational complexity and tradeoffs.
The performance of the disclosed method is evaluated via extensive simulations. The IEEE WLAN preamble is employed as the example; specifically K=9 and Ns=16 periodic preamble is used. The first period is used for detection. In addition to the AWGN, the Highway non-line-of-sight (NLOS) channel model in the ETSI (European Telecommunication Standards Institute) standard: Intelligent Transport System Access Layer (ETSI 103 257-1) is considered in the performance evaluation. Two computational methods from the open literature are also evaluated for the performance comparison. They are Maximum Likelihood (ML) based on “Maximum Likelihood Timing and Carrier Frequency Offset Estimation for OFDM Systems With Periodic Preambles” by H. T. Hsieh and W. R. Wu published in IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, October 2009, and Nonlinear Least Squares (NLS) based on “Carrier Frequency Offset Estimation for OFDM-Based WLANs” by J. Li, G. Liu, and G. B. Giannakis published in IEEE Signal Processing Letters, March 2001. The NLS method is selected mainly as the performance reference due to that it uses extensive search approach. It's non-implementable in hardware but provides the theoretical insight. The ML method is commonly considered in academia and industry. It often leads to some variants due to different assumptions to implement in the hardware. Two cases from the disclosure are evaluated. They are labelled LP and LP+. The LP is referred to the computational procedure as shown in Eq. (28). The LP+ is referred to including additional refinement as shown in Eqs. (29a), (29b), and (29c) following the LP procedure. Specifically, N=2 (two phase measurements) and dN=3 (the longest time lag for computing nN) are implemented in the simulations; that is, Z1 and Z3 are used for the frequency estimate. Subsequently Z7 is used for estimate refinement. 30,000 packets are generated in the simulations for the AWGN and the NLOS vehicular environment separately. The CFO to be estimated in the simulations is uniformly distributed over ±40 PPM. The IEEE WLAN standard specifies 20 PPM for each device to operate in its network. To ensure meaningful comparisons, the same input waveform is evaluated by the four approaches in parallel in each trial. The results are shown in
As mentioned earlier, the disclosed method can be used to synchronize two separate oscillators. It is illustrated briefly herein. The objective is to estimate the relative PPM (denoted as rPPM) of the carrier 2 with respective to the carrier 1. The carriers can be measured on the wire or wirelessly. They are denoted by f1 and f2, respectively, and related as f1=(1+rPPM)·f2. It is assumed that the oscillator 1 transmits a carrier the oscillator 2. In the ideal condition, they are the same frequency but they are not in reality due to the presence of rPPM. The task is to estimate rPPM at the oscillator 2. The RF front end designs can be various. Without loss of generality, the under-sampling approach is considered for illustration. Denote fs as the sampling rate. Let's choose f2=N·fs and denote the carrier signal received at the oscillator 2 as
where p=rPPM, w(t) is AWGN. The digitalized version of Eq. (30a) is represented as
Take the lag product of two digitized samples with the time lag K, it can be represented as
where uK is the lumped noise term, Ox is the wrapped phase resulting from non-zero rPPM and εK is the angular noise. The true phase resulting from non-zero rPPM can be represented as 2πnK+φK+εK. Again, nK is not shown in the phase measurement but can be computed using the disclosed method. Then the p is obtained as
Recall that εK is the angular noise determined by the SNR. It is a limiting factor to obtain high accuracy of the p estimate. Since N and K are design parameters they can be chosen to attain desired accuracy of the p estimate given εK. When N·K is large enough to result in |nK|>0, multiple ZK will be needed to resolve nK. As a result, the disclosed method can be employed to perform the computation. A numerical example is provided as follows. Let's assume two separate 1 ppm oscillators. The rPPM is thus +/−2 ppm. A 2 GHz carrier is transmitted from the oscillator 1 to the oscillator 2 with the SNR being 15 dB. Since the oscillator 2 is the receiver, set f2=2 GHz and f1 is then equal to 2·(1+rPPM) GHz. By design, choose fs=1 MHz. Let's further choose two K values K1=100 and K2=300, i.e., using two phases Arg (ZK1) and Arg (ZK2), to compute nK. K value is K2 in this example. It's shown that the rPPM is reduced from +/−2 ppm to a sigma of 0.05 ppm in 0.3 milli-sec. It is the statistics from 10,000 independent trials. A smaller sigma can be achieved accordingly by choosing proper N and K.
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63472259 | Jun 2023 | US |