1. Field of Disclosure
A method is disclosed for harmonic and interharmonic measurement in power systems using a high-resolution Subspace-Least Mean Square (S-LMS) method. The method provides higher frequency resolution, enhanced noise tolerance, and improved performance under fundamental frequency deviations as compared with present methods. The speed, accuracy, and resilience of the S-LMS method can be further increased by three schemes. The S-LMS method of the present disclosure may be used for applications such as power quality analyzers, synchronized phasor measurement, dynamic equivalencing, and smart meters.
2. Description of Related Art
The increasing uses of renewable energy resources and of power electronic devices have resulted in severe harmonic and interharmonic distortions in power system signals. Modern power electronic converters generate a wide spectrum of harmonics and interharmonics. Accurate measurement of harmonics and interharmonics are of fundamental importance for power quality issues and power system health, and functions as the basis for harmonic/interharmonic mitigation measures and devices.
At least two methods are used currently to measure power system harmonics and interharmonics. Discrete Fourier transform (DFT) is a widely-used tool for analyzing harmonics. DFT assumes that only harmonics are present in power system signals, and that periodicity intervals are fixed. However, in real-world power systems, interharmonics often exist with time-varying or long periodicity intervals. Thus, DFT suffers from significant leakage and picket fence effects, and also the significant problem of resolution because of several invalid assumptions made in this method, such as zero data or repetitive data outside of the duration of observations. DFT is able to accurately capture harmonics under synchronous sampling situations. However, if both interharmonic and harmonic components exist in the test signal, or during serious dynamic events (e.g., loss of synchronism and slow oscillation), measurement accuracy of DFT is inevitably lower than in the steady state without harmonic or off-harmonic disturbances.
A second method that is currently used to measure power system harmonics and interharmonics is windowed DFT, which was developed to reduce the spectral leakage and picket fence effects found with conventional DFT, in order to improve measurement precision. However, a disadvantage of windowed DFT is that frequency resolution is decreased compared to conventional DFT, meaning a longer data window is required. This makes windowed DFT unsuitable for measuring interharmonics which are usually unstable and time-varying.
The present disclosure provides a high resolution Subspace-Least Mean Square (S-LMS) method for harmonic and interharmonic measurement in power systems. The S-LMS method is robust and accurate, and provides higher frequency resolution, enhanced tolerance of noise, and better performance under fundamental frequency deviations as compared with the conventional methods described above.
The S-LMS method combines the strengths of the Subspace concept and the Least Mean Square approach for harmonic and interharmonic measurement, providing accurate estimations of any harmonics and interharmonics even in noisy environments and/or fast dynamic conditions with a data sampling window of only 33.3 milliseconds (ms). The S-LMS method thereby provides fast and highly accurate phasor, harmonic, and interharmonic measurements for power system monitoring and control.
The speed of the S-LMS method can be further increased by each of three schemes: (1) a “sparsity” (or “heuristic”) scheme that permits a sparse number of candidate frequencies to be scanned to reduce searching loads; (2) a “catch-and-pinpoint” scheme that employs an iterative multisectional search approach to accelerate location of harmonics and interharmonics; and (3) a “hybrid” scheme that combines the “sparsity” and “catch-and-pinpoint” schemes to achieve still greater increases in speed as compared with the original S-LMS method. By using both the real-valued and imaginary-valued components of the signal, each of the schemes (heuristic—Heu, catch-and-pinpoint—CP, and hybrid—Hyb) increases or improves the speed, accuracy, resiliency, and robustness of the S-LMS method.
Signal vectors and noise vectors are, in general, complex-valued. By adopting only the real-valued component of these complex vectors, each of the above schemes can have a corresponding real-implemented version (i.e., HeuR, CPR, and HybR) that further increases speed and accuracy of the method as compared with the original S-LMS method.
Thus, including the three “real-implemented” versions, the present disclosure provides a total of six different schemes to improve the speed, accuracy, resiliency, and robustness of the S-LMS method.
The sparsity, catch-and-pinpoint, and hybrid schemes can also improve the accuracy of harmonics measurements for high-voltage (HV) power systems where interharmonics are often negligible. By using the sparsity of power system signals, these schemes are not only faster but also more accurate and more robust as compared with the original S-LMS method.
a) is a magnified view of a portion of the DFT spectrum in
a) is a magnified view of a portion of the DFT spectrum in
a) is a magnified view of a portion of the DFT spectrum in
a) is a magnified view of a portion of the DFT spectrum in
a) is a magnified view of a portion of the DFT spectrum in
a) is a magnified view of a portion of the DFT spectrum in
a) illustrates the original S-LMS method with all frequencies from zero to Nyquist frequency scanned as candidate frequencies, and
The present disclosure provides a high-resolution method for harmonic and interharmonic measurement in power systems based on a “Subspace-Least Mean Square” (S-LMS) method, which is a combination of Subspace (S) and Least Mean Square (LMS) methods.
The S-LMS method of the present disclosure provides accurate estimates of any harmonics and interharmonics, even in noisy environments and/or fast dynamic conditions with a data sampling window of only 33.3 milliseconds (ms).
The S-LMS method is able to directly estimate phasors, including frequency, magnitude and phase angles for power system states containing harmonics, interharmonics, and noise.
Power system signals are non-stationary and nonlinear, because power systems are nonlinear, and thus, power electronic controls are nonlinear as well. The S-LMS method of the present disclosure can provide ultra-high resolution phasor estimation for any power system signals. In addition, the S-LMS method is able to deal with nonlinear signals with noises, and thus is a unique and excellent method for directly measuring not only power system signals, but also any sinusoidal signals.
Thus, the S-LMS method provides fast and highly accurate phasor, harmonic, and interharmonic measurements for power system monitoring and real-time control.
The present disclosure further provides three schemes by which the speed of the S-LMS method can be further increased: (1) a “sparsity” scheme that permits a sparse number of candidate frequencies to be scanned to reduce searching loads; (2) a “catch-and-pinpoint” scheme that employs an iterative multisectional search approach to accelerate location of harmonics and interharmonics; and (3) a “hybrid” scheme that combines the “sparsity” and “catch-and-pinpoint” schemes to achieve still greater increases in speed as compared with the original S-LMS method. The sparsity, catch-and-pinpoint, and hybrid schemes can also improve the accuracy of harmonics measurements for high-voltage (HV) power systems where interharmonics are often negligible. By using the sparsity of power system signals, these schemes are not only faster but also more accurate and more robust as compared with the original S-LMS method. These enhanced schemes are disclosed below.
The present method also uses Subspace methods to measure power system frequencies. As used herein, “Subspace” methods use stochastic signals modeled by a sum of random sinusoidal signals in background noise with known covariance function. The zeros of the z transform of the eigenvector corresponding to the minimum eigenvalue of the covariance matrix lie on the unit circle, and the frequencies of the sinusoids can be extracted from angular positions of the zeros. The eigenvectors can be divided into two orthogonal groups: eigenvectors spanning the signal space and those spanning the noise space. The eigenvectors spanning the noise space are the one whose eigenvalues are the smallest. A major advantage of Subspace methods is high frequency resolution which is independent of data window length.
“Least Mean Square” (LMS) methods, as used herein, mean the approximate solution of overdetermined systems; i.e., sets of equations for which there are more equations than unknowns. “Least squares” means that the overall solution minimizes the sum of the squares of the errors made in solving every single equation. Least Mean Square methods provide an elegant and powerful approach for signal processing in time-domain, and can provide the solution for overdefined equation sets when more measurements than states are represented in the estimation problems. Among the benefits of LMS is its increased immunity to noise, as well as its numerical robustness.
The frequencies of the signal can be obtained by searching the zeros of a frequency function which is constructed using the eigenvector corresponding to the smallest eigenvalue of autocorrelation matrix.
A least mean square (LMS) approach is used to calculate amplitudes and phase angles of harmonic and interharmonic components, based on the computed frequencies and time domain measurements of the signal.
The S-LMS method provides ultra-high frequency resolution, e.g., 0.2 Hz for a data window length of 1/30 seconds, which cannot be obtained by any conventional method for harmonic and interharmonic measurement currently used for power systems.
Also, different than other subspace methods, the present S-LMS method does not require counting the number of sinusoids in the test signal for computation of the spectrum. This not only reduces computation burden but also increases accuracy.
In addition, the eigenvector corresponding to the smallest eigenvalue of autocorrelation matrix, namely minimum eigenvector, are used to obtain frequencies. Unlike Pisarenko's method, which also uses the minimum eigenvector, for the present method, the length of the minimum eigenvector can be an arbitrary number larger than the number of the sinusoids. This eliminates the need to estimate the number of the sinusoidals, and also implies better noise resistance of S-LMS method than Pisarenko's method because more information can be used to estimate frequencies.
Further, Subspace and Least Mean Square methods are combined to obtain accurate harmonic and interharmonic measurement. Although there may be some spurious values in frequency measurement, these spurious values can be treated as noise because they will have very low amplitude after LMS calculations.
The present S-LMS method performs well in a very low SNR environment. It is difficult for other subspace methods to estimate the number of sinusoids (harmonics or interharmonics) under low SNR conditions. The present S-LMS method avoids the estimation of the number of sinusoids. Therefore, the S-LMS method of the present disclosure provides highly stable performance even in very noisy environments.
The S-LMS method of the present disclosure provides accurate phasor, harmonic, and interharmonic measurements for power system monitoring. The method has applications including power quality analyzers, synchronized phasor measurement, situational awareness, dynamic equivalencing, and smart meters.
As a parameter estimation method for sinusoidal models, the S-LMS method of the present disclosure has other applications in analyzing, modeling and manipulating time-series such as speech and audio signals, and radar and sonar signals. For instance, the S-LMS method can be used to estimate delay and Doppler profiles from Frequency Modulated Continuous Wave (FMCW) channel data with in-band interference, to analyze interharmonics in electric power systems and submarine systems, and to estimate sinusoidal parameters for speech sinusoidal models. The method can also be directly applied to parameter estimation of sinusoidal FM signals for radar systems, multi-path communication channels, helicopter recognition, and sonar.
An exemplary embodiment of the present disclosure provides a power system signal x(n) that consists of L spectral components and additive white Gaussian noise (AWGN) w(n) according to equation (1):
where Ai=|Ai|ejφ
The autocorrelation matrix of x(n), Rx, is an N-by-N Hermitian matrix; i.e., Rx=RxH, where the symbol H indicates the conjugate transpose of a matrix. Rx can be expressed in terms of its eigendecomposition, in equation (2):
where Λ=diag(λ1, λ2, . . . λn) contains the eigenvalues of Rx in descending order, V=[v1, v2, . . . vN] is the matrix of corresponding eigenvectors. The matrix V can be split into two matrices: the N×L matrix of signal eigenvectors VS=[v1, v2, . . . vL] and N×(N−L) matrix of noise eigenvectors Vn=[vL+1, vL+2, . . . vN].
Obviously, the eigenvector vn corresponding to the smallest eigenvalues must be a noise eigenvector and is orthogonal to the signal subspace, or vN⊥VS. The following equation (3), therefore, can be obtained:
s=0 (3)
The signal subspace can be spanned, as in equation (4):
, . . . e
L] (4)
where ei=[1 ejω
A generalized subspace function (6) can then be constructed, with the left-hand side of equation (5) denoted as H(ω):
Equations (5) and (6) show that, if ωi is a frequency of the signal, then H(ω)=0. Therefore, the frequencies of the signal can be obtained by searching the zeros of H(ω).
To locate the zeros of H(ω), equation (6) can be implemented using the discretized form as equation (7):
H(ω)=H(mΔω)=E1νN (7)
The Δω is the step size in screening signal frequencies, which may be adjusted adaptively. The dimension of E1 is inversely proportional to Δω. Therefore, if the value of Δω is too small, the computation burden of the present method will be heavy. Otherwise, if Δω is too large, the precision of results will be compromised.
To fulfill the combined requirements for accuracy and computation burden, a Δω=2π×0.1/fs (rad) is set, where fs is the sampling rate.
After all frequency values are obtained, a matrix E2 can be constructed, shown as (8):
where M can be any value that is larger than L. Where Y is a column vector of signal measurements Y=[x(1), x(2), . . . , x(M+1)]T, then the following relationship (9) holds:
A=Y (9)
where A=[A1, A2, . . . , AL]T and Ai=|Ai|ejφ
Matrix A carries the information of amplitudes and phase angles of all harmonic/interharmonic components, including fundamental frequency component. To compute A, the least mean square (LMS) method is used to give the results in equation (10):
A=(E2HE2)−1E2HY (10)
As disclosed above, frequencies of the signal are obtained by searching the roots for H(ω)=0. However, through these experiments, it was noticed that due to the existence of noise, the zeros points of H(ω) may be lifted to some small values slightly above zero. Therefore, locating the zeros of H(ω) can be realized by searching the minimum peaks of H(ω) below a threshold h, as follows.
Assume that H(ωi+Δω) and H(ωi−Δω) are the consecutive forward and backward values of H(ωi), respectively. If H(ωi)<h and H(ωi)<H(ωi±Δω), then H(ωi) is treated as zero and ωi is picked as one of the frequencies of the harmonic/interharmonic components of the signal. Otherwise, H(ωi) is treated as non-zero or H(ωi)≠0, and hence ωi is not a frequency of any signal components.
Referring now to the drawings, particularly
The first example uses a signal with a single frequency x(n)=cos(2πf1t), where f1=60 Hz. The waveforms of H(ω) for this case are computed and shown in
a) is a magnified view of
The second example is a signal with multiple frequencies x(n)=cos(2πf1t)+0.1 cos(2πf2t)+0.01 cos(2πf3t)+0.01 cos(2πf4t), where f1=60 Hz, f2=128 Hz, f3=288 Hz, and f4=360 Hz. The waveform of H(ω) in this case is shown in
a) is a magnified view of
S-LMS can be adjusted to various sample frequencies and data window lengths. A sample frequency is chosen as 3840 Hz and a data window length as 1/30 s. The reasons are as follows: According to the Nyquist Theorem, the sampling frequency should be at least twice the highest frequency of interest. Information in high frequency components will be missing if sampling frequency is too low, whereas very high sampling frequency will dramatically increase the complexity in hardware and software implementations for S-LMS. Given a nominal frequency of 60 Hz, a sampling frequency of 3840 Hz is selected in this example so that the components within a frequency range of 0 to 1920 Hz can be captured, meaning phasors and higher frequency components up to 31st harmonics and corresponding interharmonics can be accurately estimated. With such sampling frequencies, the experimental data show that:
For power system signals, the SNR is usually between 50 dB and 70 dB. Therefore, a data window length of 1/30 seconds is recommended.
The experiments below were performed to validate the effectiveness of the S-LMS method of the present disclosure, and to demonstrate its ultra-high frequency resolution, enhanced noise immunity, and capability of handling fundamental frequency deviations. For all test cases below, the sampling frequency is set at 3840 Hz. The data window length is 1/30 seconds, meaning 128 sample points under the 3840 Hz sampling rate.
Two cases were investigated to show the high frequency resolution of the S-LMS method of the present disclosure.
Case 1:
where values of Ai, fi, and φi are given in Table I below. The test signal is composed of five tones: fundamental frequency component at 60 Hz, 9th harmonic at 540 Hz, and three interharmonic components at 98 Hz, 252 Hz and 312 Hz.
The spectra obtained by Discrete Fourier transform (DFT) and by S-LMS are illustrated in
Case 2: x(t)=cos(2πf1t+φ1)+0.2 cos(2πf2t+φ2), where f1=60 Hz, f2=60.2 Hz, φ1=0, and φ2=π/6.
Case 2 was a study to verify the ultra-high resolution of S-LMS. The test signal carries two components with a frequency difference of Δf=0.2 Hz. To separate these two components in Case 2, the DFT method needs a data window length longer than 1/Δf, that is, at least 5 seconds. In contrast, S-LMS does not have such stringent limitations, and can separate the two components accurately with a data window of 1/30 seconds.
a) and
In Case 3, S-LMS was also studied under various noise levels.
Case 3:
where w(n) is a white noise such that SNR is 50 dB, and values of Ai, fi, and φi are given in Table III below.
The signal in Case 3 is similar to that in Case 1, with the only exception of the 50 dB white noise.
From these results, it can be seen that S-LMS provided high levels of precision even in a noisy environment, while DFT failed to give accurate measurements with the 50 dB noise.
As shown in
Large frequency excursion will occur under dynamic or stressed conditions. Even under normal conditions, fundamental frequency deviations up to ±2 Hz may still be allowed. Case 4 was a performance test under fundamental frequency variations for S-LMS implementation.
where w(n) is a white noise at a SNR of 50 dB, and values of Ai, fi, and φi are given in Table V below.
The test signal in Case 4 is a variation of the signal in Case 1, with 0.1 Hz deviation in fundamental frequency and 0.9 Hz deviation in the 9th harmonic.
Under extreme situations such as voltage collapses or transient instabilities, frequency deviations could be large. To study the performance of S-LMS in these situations, a fundamental frequency deviation up to 20 Hz and the 9th harmonic frequency deviation up to 180 Hz were studied using the model of Case 4. The results are summarized in Table VI and in
a) and 16(b) are the spectra obtained using DFT and S-LMS methods, respectively.
Test Using Field Data from Event Recorder
Further studies were conducted of S-LMS using a real-world power system signal recorded in the field.
To test whether these harmonic/interharmonic components actually exist, or are just some spurious numerical results introduced by the S-LMS method itself, the data window of the test signal was extended to 1/20 seconds, based on the reasonable assumption that harmonic/interharmonic components do not change during such a short time span.
By comparing the results from the two different data window lengths, it was found that:
Therefore, this experiment answers the questions being tested, i.e., (1) S-LMS is more accurate than DFT, and (2) the harmonic/interharmonic components identified by S-LMS actually exist in the voltage signal.
With this real-world test case, the data show that that S-LMS provides more accurate estimations for phasor, harmonic and interharmonic measurements.
Despite its improved precision in
The speed of the S-LMS method can be further increased by a “sparsity” scheme using the unique characteristics of power system signals. The “sparsity” scheme is also called the “heuristic” scheme herein without a change in meaning.
Searching for the entire frequencies from dc to Nyquist frequency is a time-consuming task, especially when a small frequency step size (high resolution) is practiced. Fortunately, when dealing with power system signals (current or voltage signals), prior knowledge about the characteristics of the signal can be applied.
Power system signals at any condition have significant energy at the fundamental frequency which is at or around the nominal frequency; thus, the fundamental frequency could be simply found by selecting high-resolution candidate frequencies around the nominal frequency.
Another unique feature of power system signals is that the signals may contain some harmonics which are integer multiples of the fundamental frequency (either the fundamental frequency is nominal or off-nominal). Once the fundamental frequency is estimated, the only potential candidates for the harmonics are the integer multiples of that fundamental frequency. Therefore, instead of using a series of candidate frequencies around each possible harmonic, only one candidate frequency, which is an integer multiple of the fundamental frequency (already determined in the first step), has to be tested. In other words, for each harmonic, one single candidate is tested to check whether it is orthogonal to noise vectors or not. If the orthogonality condition is met, the candidate frequency is an existing harmonic in the original signal; otherwise, that harmonic does not exist in the signal. In fact, using the sparsity scheme, instead of scanning a large number of candidate frequencies, as in the original S-LMS method above, only a very sparse number of frequencies needs to be scanned. This sparsity scheme enormously eliminates the computation effort for finding harmonic components.
The computational burden of calculating the subspace function H(ω) can be roughly (assuming that the calculations are linearly dependent on the number of candidate signals) represented as follows. Assuming the frequency resolution to be δf, the number of calculations would be, as in equation (11):
In the sparsity scheme, only the data around the nominal frequency of f0 and within a limited domain of 2Δf are sought. For example, if Δf=5 Hz, the domain of search is [f0−Δf, f0+Δf]=[55 Hz, 65 Hz]. Therefore, the number of calculations for the sparsity scheme would be, as in equation (12):
Hence the speed enhancement ratio r would be given by equation (13):
which is, in fact, the ratio of whole possible signals (i.e., fNyq) to the region around the fundamental frequency in which the fundamental frequency is sought (i.e., 2Δf). For example, fs=3840 Hz and Δf=5 Hz, then r=192.
The significance of the foregoing sparsity (or heuristic) scheme or method is not restricted to cutting the computational burden, but also makes the estimation of harmonic frequencies more resilient to noise. This noise-resilient harmonic estimation stems from the fact that, in the original (i.e., unenhanced) S-LMS method, detection of the fundamental and harmonic frequencies is performed by searching the local minima of the subspace function. When the signal samples are noisy, these local minima are disturbed and deviate from their true positions. Since the fundamental frequency always has a high amplitude, its corresponding local minimum deviates insignificantly compared to the deviation of the local minima of the harmonics. Therefore, in the original S-LMS method, estimation of harmonic frequencies is not as resilient to noise as the estimation of the fundamental frequency is resilient to noise.
x(t)=cos(2π60t)+0.05 cos(2π300t+30°)+0.02 cos(2π420t+25°) (14)
The subspace function is plotted in two cases: (1) noise-free signal and (2) noisy signal (SNR=50 dB). As shown in
Harmonic components are, by far, prone to noise compared to the fundamental. Hence, for noisy signals, proportional to the noise level, the subspace function is tilted around the harmonic components. This results in some harmonic estimation error. When the foregoing sparsity scheme is applied, however, the estimation of harmonic frequencies, instead of being based on the local minima of subspace function, is based on checking the orthogonality condition of integer multiples of the fundamental frequency (already estimated). Thus, the accuracy of detecting the harmonics becomes more resilient to noise as that of the fundamental.
As noted above, another approach to enhance the speed of the S-LMS method is the “catch-and-pinpoint” scheme. The catch-and-pinpoint scheme starts from a bird's-eye view broad scan with a rough estimate (e.g., accuracy of 5 Hz) of existing frequencies and continues with iterative fine-tuning around the suspected signals caught in the broad scan. In the first iteration (bird's-eye view step), candidate frequencies are selected over all possible spectrums (from dc to Nyquist frequency), but with very low resolution (e.g., 5 Hz), so that the computation burden becomes very low. Once very rough estimates of existing frequencies are obtained, in the next iteration, the candidate frequencies are selected with higher resolution and around the existing rough-resolution caught frequencies. This iterative method is continued until frequency components are determined with desired accuracy.
Note that different choices of parameters of the method result in different final resolutions and affect the speed of the method as well. For example, the selection of a higher value for δf in the first iteration results in faster speed; however, for interharmonics estimation or to deal with noise, lower initial δf is favorable. The choice of initial frequency resolution, therefore, is a matter of tradeoff. The simulation showed that the initial frequency resolution of δf=5 Hz is a good value for this tradeoff. The values used in simulations in this disclosure are as follows: ITR=4, SC=10, and δf in the first iteration is 5 Hz. These parameters result in the final frequency resolution of δf=0.005 Hz.
Note that in each iteration, after detection of the existing frequencies, the LMS method is applied to find the amplitude and phase of those tones. If the amplitude of an existing frequency is less than a threshold value, that tone is considered as a spurious frequency and discarded.
The following example demonstrates how the catch-and-pinpoint scheme works. The test signal is composed of the fundamental frequency and two interharmonics, as in equation (15):
x(t)=cos(2π60t)+0.05 cos(2π252t+30°)+0.003 cos(2π457.23t+25°) (15)
The catch-and-pinpoint scheme with parameters δf=5 Hz, SC=10 and ITR=4 is employed. This means that the scheme has 4 iterations. In the first iteration, the whole spectrum from dc to Nyquist frequency is scanned with a coarse frequency step size of δf=5 Hz. Since SC=10, in the second, third, and fourth iterations, the frequency step sizes are δf=0.5 Hz, δf=0.05 Hz, and δf=0.005 Hz, respectively.
In the second iteration, δfnew=δfold/SC=0.5 Hz and the candidate signals are selected with this resolution and in a 3-Hz neighborhood (because δfold/2+δfnew=3 Hz) around the detected frequencies in the first iteration (i.e., around 60 Hz, 250 Hz and 455 Hz). Therefore, as illustrated in
In the third iteration, δfnew=δfold/SC=0.05 Hz and the candidate signals are selected with this resolution and in a 0.3-Hz neighborhood (because δfold/2+δfnew=0.3 Hz) around the detected frequencies in the second iteration (i.e., around 60.0 Hz, 252.0 Hz, and 457.0 Hz). Therefore, as shown in
In the fourth iteration, δfnew=δfold/SC=0.005 Hz and the candidate signals are selected with this resolution and in a 0.03-Hz neighborhood (because δfold/2+δfnew=0.03 Hz) around the detected frequencies in the second iteration (i.e., around 60.00 Hz, 252.00 Hz, and 457.25 Hz). Therefore, as shown in
Thus, the higher the amplitude of a tone, the lower the subspace function values in the neighborhood of that tone. This can be seen clearly in
Table VII shows the frequency, amplitude, and phase of all three tones in the four iterations above. As Table VII shows, the frequency as well as the amplitude and phase are detected roughly in the first iteration and then tuned to the true values in the next iterations. Table VII also demonstrates that, despite the frequency and phase which need several iterations to be tuned to the true values, amplitude is less sensitive to the resolution of the frequency used in the scheme, and the exact amplitude is obtained in the first iteration.
The “hybrid” scheme is a combination of the sparsity and the catch-an-pinpoint schemes disclosed above. In the hybrid scheme, first, the fundamental frequency is sought by the catch-and-pinpoint scheme since, at the first step, the object of interest is finding the fundamental frequency. Here, the first iteration of catch-and-pinpoint spans only the neighborhood of the fundamental frequency. Once the fundamental frequency is detected, the existence of any harmonic frequency is tested by investigating whether or not its corresponding signal vector is orthogonal to the noise vector.
The following provides experimental data to compare the speed and accuracy of the sparsity (heuristic), catch-and-pinpoint, and hybrid schemes to that of the original S-LMS method. The dynamic behavior of the methods is also provided using different time-varying frequency patterns. Further, field data are used for performance verification.
The following schemes have been implemented and tested.
The above results are obtained for a sampling rate of 3840 (N=64). If higher order harmonics are of interest, the sampling rate should be increased. This would increase the computational burden. In the original S-LMS method, the major burden is in constructing the subspace function and searching for its minima. For example, while the Org for N=64 takes about 371 ms, the calculation of the autocorrelation matrix and its eigenvalues and eigenvectors takes only 1.3 ms, which is negligible compared to the whole processing time. Since the above enhancement schemes (heuristic, catch-and-pinpoint, and hybrid) reduce the computational burden dramatically, for these schemes the computational load of the autocorrelation matrix calculation is no longer negligible. However, the final processing time for enhanced versions of the method will still be in the range of several milliseconds. For example, simulations for N=140 or a sampling rate of 8.4 kHz showed that Org mean processing time becomes 2634 ms while the calculation of eigenvalues and eigenvectors becomes 7.8 ms. As reported above, these values for N=64 were 371 ms and 1.3 ms, respectively. The processing time for HybR, for example, will increase from 2.2 ms (for N=64) to 9.8 ms (for N=140).
The accuracy of the heuristic (sparsity), catch-and-pinpoint, and hybrid schemes in terms of frequency, phase and amplitude are provided below. First, the accuracy of the various schemes is compared using the noise-free signal. Then, noisy signals are used for accuracy assessment. The test signal is composed of the fundamental component, 5th, 7th, 11th, and 13th harmonics and one interharmonics component. The mathematical expression of the test signal is in equation (16):
A=[1, 0.05, 0.05, 0.04, 0.04, 0.02]
f=[ffund,5ffund, 7ffund,11ffund,13ffund,457], ffund=60.1
The amplitudes are adopted in accordance with reference to a statement that for the AEP 12.47/7.2-kV distribution system in the late 80s, the minimum voltage distortion is 1%, and may possibly exceed 5% for short terms.
The error indices are the absolute error for frequency and phase, and relative error for amplitude. Errors of phase are in degrees. Mathematically, these indices are expressed as follows in the following equations (17):
Table VIII shows the simulation result for the noise-free signal.
In this test case, the neglect of interharmonics in the heuristic-based methods (i.e., in Heu, Hyb, HeuR, and HybR) causes error in the estimation harmonic phasors, despite the fact that the method has estimated the frequency of the harmonic components perfectly. The reason is because the amplitude of the interharmonic is comparable to that of the harmonic components and the energy of this missing significant interharmonic is distributed to other signal phasors. Simulations showed (not included herein) that when the level of the interharmonic is negligible compared to that of harmonics, the results of heuristic-based methods converge to that of the original. Therefore, while the heuristic-based methods can be used for frequency and harmonic estimation even in the presence of high amplitude interharmonics, the heuristic-based methods can be used for harmonic amplitude and phase estimation when the interharmonic components are negligible compared to the harmonic components. In summary:
Table IX shows the results for SNR of 50 dB.
Table X provides the results of simulation for SNR of 30 dB.
In simulations, the threshold for filtering the spurious frequencies introduced by spurious minima of the subspace function was set at 0.01. Simulation for signals with an SNR of 30 dB showed that Org and CP introduce some spurious tones (not shown in Table X). These spurious tones are shown in Table XI, below:
In Table XI, the frequencies of the spurious tones have been shown as a multiple of the fundamental frequency (i.e., f=k ffund). The methods have been used without prefiltering the samples.
In highly noisy environments, the original S-LMS method (Org) and the catch-and-pinpoint (CP) method need reinforcement by prefiltering. Yet another option is to use a wider data window in the LMS method. For example, simulations showed a data window of 2.5 cycles in the LMS section of the method filters these spurious tones.
Despite Org and CP, the heuristic-based methods do not introduce any spurious frequency even for highly noisy signals with an SNR of 30 dB and with an LMS data window of one cycle. Therefore, in addition to their faster speed, the heuristic-based methods provide more robust estimations as well.
Based on the results provided in Tables VII through XI, the following conclusions can be made:
The dynamic behavior of the enhancement schemes above (heuristic (sparsity) (Heu), catch-and-pinpoint (CP), and hybrid (Hyb), as well as their “real” counterparts with real-valued construction of the subspace function H(f): HeuR, CPR and HybR, respectively) is also provided herein. Since the basis of each of the above schemes is based on the subspace method and calculation of the autocorrelation matrix, the expectation would be that each would have a similar dynamic response. However, simulations showed that Org, CP, Heu, and Hyb have the same dynamic response, and HeuR and HybR have a little different dynamic response. For this reason, only the dynamic responses of Hyb (representative of Org, CP, Heu, and Hyb) and HybR (representative of HeuR and HybR) are provided in
Case 1: Step Change in Frequency
The test signal is assumed to have a step change of 0.1 Hz in frequency.
Case 2: Ramp Change in Frequency
The test signal has a 1-Hz/second frequency change starting two cycles after the time reference.
Case 3: Modulation in Frequency
The test signal is the nominal frequency modulated by a 6-Hz subsynchronous frequency and a 1-Hz swing frequency. Mathematically, the test signal is provided in equation (18):
f=60+sin(2π6t)+0.5 sin(2π1t) (18)
Field data are used to show the effectiveness of the S-LMS method.
Comparison with Other Methods
ffund is the fundamental frequency, and w(t) is additive noise. The methods are compared with respect to their ability to estimate the amplitude of the fundamental and harmonic tones.
Simulations showed that, while HybR is resilient to both off-nominal conditions and noise, DFT is severely affected by off-nominal conditions and Prony is extremely sensitive to noise.
The present disclosure provides a Subspace-Least Mean Square (S-LMS) method for fundamental, harmonic, and interharmonic frequency and phasor measurements in power systems. S-LMS provides a high-resolution and highly accurate estimation of the fundamental frequency, harmonics, interharmonics, and their corresponding amplitudes and phases. S-LMS is highly resilient to noise.
In addition, the speed, accuracy, resilience, and/or robustness of the S-LMS method can be enhanced by each of three schemes: (1) heuristic/sparsity (to find harmonics), (2) catch-and-pinpoint (to find both harmonics and interharmonics), and (3) a hybrid of the heuristic/sparsity and catch-and-pinpoint schemes. By using both the real-valued and imaginary-valued components of the signal, each of the schemes (Heu, CP, and Hyb) increases the speed, resiliency, and robustness of the S-LMS method. Moreover, by focusing on just the real-valued component of the signal, each of the schemes (i.e., HeuR, CPR, and HybR) can further increase the speed as compared with the original S-LMS method.
It should be understood that the foregoing description is only illustrative of the present disclosure. Various alternatives and modifications can be devised by those skilled in the art without departing from the disclosure. Accordingly, the present disclosure is intended to embrace all such alternatives, modifications, and variances that fall within the scope of the disclosure.
This application claims the benefit of U.S. Provisional Application No. 61/581,535, filed on Dec. 29, 2011, the entire contents of which are incorporated by reference herein.
This invention was made with government support under Contract No. DE-EE0003226, awarded by the Golden Field Office, U.S. Department of Energy. The government has certain rights in the invention.
Number | Date | Country | |
61581535 | Dec 2011 | US |