The idea started with the intention of creating a golf tee that can be reused, set at a predetermined height, and can be used for a continuous 100 plus practice shots.
This invention will also help to reduce the use of thousands of plastics and wood broken golf practice tees around the field when practicing.
It will also reduce the amount of time that a golfer spends looking for said broken tees, and placing the standard wood or plastic golf tees to practice again. The golf tee practice device is designed to stay in the grass for a minimum of 100 plus shots of practice, reducing waste and getting more time to practice.
The purpose of this invention is to give you more time to practice with set height for your ball every time instead of putting and wasting other standard golf tee for every ball. This invention will increase practice and make it easy to use for the user. The invention also includes many distinct parts later explained to reduce stress on driver, allow for predetermined height, and system to lock the system down for 100 plus practice shots.
On FIG. 1 we see the completed device that goes attached to the solid ground, with numbers corresponding to its various parts.
On FIG. 17 we see the same system but on a steel plate instead for concrete floor or fake grass. This would be used in a commercial setting.
On FIG. 21 we see the same system with a plastic base and container support for sand, water, beer or sodas as a cooler, or plants for commercial or individual purposes.
The Rotating Golf Tee practice device will contain all plastic parts in the main system, with a reversible arm for right and left-handed people. It will contain, rubber material as not damage the driver, one main post with different heights, 2 locking washer to set wanted height, one main base to support the position on ground, 4 bottom locking system under the base to lock the stakes and expand them to create greater resistance between the ground, and 4 stainless steel stakes.
Other versions include one with a steel base for commercial use on cement or fake grass. And another one to be used with a decorative plastic container that can be used with sand, water, or function as a cooler or planter for commercial or individual use.
On FIG. 1 we see the complete system to stay on the ground (grass-soil).
- 1. Main arm golf ball support.
- 1A—flexible arm bending at swing shot.
- 2. Two bushings inside arm to easy rotation/reduce friction.
- 3. Locking washer for different heights.
- 4. Main post containing different heights.
- 5. Base.
- 6. Flexible locking system for stakes.
- 7. Stainless Steel Stakes.
FIG. 2 top view for right and left-handed person, (8) right-handed, (9) left-handed.
FIG. 3 Front view from right-handed person.
FIG. 4 Right side view.
FIG. 5 Left side view.
FIG. 6 Back view.
FIG. 7 Isometric view.
FIG. 8 Exploded view of all components. (1B) ball location and reversible position for different height, (2A) two bushing location inside the arm system, (4A) main post located from the bottom of base, (4B) main post section going inside the ground, (5A) Text for invention information or custom commercial text, (6A) locking parts for stakes, (7A) stainless steel stakes.
FIG. 9 bottom view, (6B) locking parts with angle section to expand stakes and increase resistance between the stakes and ground.
FIG. 10 Left side view with grass section for better perspective in the low position.
FIG. 11 Left side view with grass section for better perspective in the high position.
FIG. 12 Left side view with ten different high positions.
FIG. 13 Left side view with ten different low positions.
FIG. 14 Cross view of all components.
FIG. 15 Custom tool to push in the stake into the ground.
FIG. 16 Same custom tool (12) A with a different end to pull up the stake out of ground easier.
FIG. 17 Same complete system with a steel plate (13) for concrete floor or fake grass, same adjustable high and reversible arm.
FIG. 18 Front view of steel plate system.
FIG. 19 Left side view of steel plate system.
FIG. 20 explodes view of the steel base system, (14) main post without bottom stake, and same adjustable positions, (15) rubber feet for the steel plate.
FIG. 21 Same complete system with plastic base and container for custom product, same adjustable high and reversible arm, (16) plastic base, (17) container, (18) cover, (16 & 17) could be one solid plastic part.
FIG. 22 Open container, (19) purpose of filling with water, sand, planter, or beer and soda cooler. Custom made for especial occasions or customers.
Rotating Golf Tee for mats, on FIG. 23 and FIG. 24 we see the same system with an option or changing the main post to adapt to the golfing mat (20), attached with a custom washer to support the main post and for stability (21). FIG. 23 is the higher position, and FIG. 24 is the lower position just flipping the main arm. On FIG. 25 is the BOM assembly view.