The present invention relates to multi-hop networks.
Multi hop networks operate under a routing selection operation, and preferably include some type of routing optimization. Some approaches to these issues model the network as a graph and use metrics to define optimal routes. Other approaches have been suggested as well. None of the route selection and optimization methods provide a desired level of performance. Accordingly new methods and/or apparatus providing improved performance are required.
The present invention provided improved route selection and route optimization capabilities in a multi-hopping network.
In accordance with one aspect of the present invention, a multihop routing method in a multi-hop network having a plurality of nodes including a Base Station (BS), a Mobile Station (MS) and at least one Relay Station (RS) is provided. The method includes executing a Network Entry Process for Relay Stations for growing the multihop network from a BS by applying Route Report messages and Route Maintenance messages that specify routing connections.
In accordance with a further aspect of the present invention, the method includes the step of starting with a first Base Station as the first node of the multihop network.
In accordance with further aspects of the present invention, the method can also include the steps of: entering a first RS with a relaying subsystem disabled into the multihop network and enabling a first RS relaying subsystem.
In accordance with further aspects of the present invention, the method can further include the steps of: discovering by the first RS its identifiable neighbors, including Mobile Stations and Relay Stations, reporting by the first RS to the BS in a Route Report message and reporting by the BS to all nodes in the network by a Route Maintenance message.
In accordance with further aspects of the present invention, the method can also include the steps of: identifying a second RS with switched off relaying subsystem by the first RS as a node in the network, enabling the relaying subsystem of the second RS, and reporting by the first RS to the BS in a Route Report message.
The method of the present invention can also provide reporting on a continuous basis by the first RS with a Route Report message of all available paths including quality information. In accordance with a further aspect of the BS reports to all nodes in a Route Maintenance message.
In accordance with another aspect of the present invention, a second RS can execute the steps of the first RS as previously set forth.
In accordance with other aspects of the present invention, a Route Report is sent by a RS to a BS on a dedicated connection. The Route Report can include a timestamp and a sequence number and a quality measure for a reported connection.
The BS can set up a routing and reporting of the routing in a Route Maintenance message by the BS. A Route Maintenance message can include a block structure having: a Relay ID field, a field identifying a number of sub-blocks, a field identifying a number of items in a Routing Table. It can also include a number of sub-blocks when the field identifying the number of sub-blocks is not zero and a Routing Table. A sub-block can have the same structure as the block structure.
The Routing Table can include: a CID, a Direction Indicator, an optional indicator providing a method of encoding and an optional indicator providing a method of modulation.
A system that performs the previously described steps is also provided in accordance with another aspect of the present invention.
Several aspects of the present invention are related to routing of data in a communication network. The following table shows the elementary design of a routing device.
Routing is usually done on every network device, which is able to forward data and has at least two different links to other members of the network. It is important to note the difference between the algorithm and the protocol. Several protocols are using the same algorithm. The job of an algorithm is to calculate the solution, but the job of a protocol is to transport the required data by using messages. These are exchanged between the different routing devices in addition to the usual data traffic.
The solution to the routing problem is provided by graph theory. This is quite straightforward, because every computer network can be drawn as a graph. The computers (or routers) are the nodes and the connections (or links) are the edges inside the graph.
Either directed or undirected edges can be used. In the first case, there is a symmetric connection between the participants. Sometimes it is useful to model the connection between the participants as asymmetric. An example would be different up-link and down-link throughput which are quite often used in cable or DSL modems. An introduction into the used algorithms and the required proofs is given by T. H. Cormen. Introduction to Algorithms, Second Edition, The MIT Press, 2001. Several of the concepts applied to the aspects of the present invention are described in the cited book.
Single-Source Shortest Path Problem
For a transmission, a member of a network requires a path to be used to another member. Using the language of graph theory, this is called a “Single-Source Shortest Path” problem, where loop-free paths to all possible destinations are calculated at the same time. Theoretically every possible path could be used, but in practice it should be optimized. Graph theory is using weighted edges for modeling this requirement. This weight is a cost, which is a quality measurement for this edge. The goal of the optimization is to find a path with minimized cost. For this reason the problem is a special form of a linear program with the path minimization as objective function.
There are two algorithms with quite similar performance available, which will solve this problem. The first one is the Bellman-Ford algorithm. The best possible implementation is Q(VE). The advantage here is that non negative weights are allowed. Details are described in T. H. Cormen. Introduction to Algorithms, Second Edition, The MIT Press, 2001, section 24.1. The second algorithm is the Dijkstra algorithm. With the assumption, that weights are always non-negative, a faster algorithm is available. It's best implementation is O(E+V log V). Details are described in T. H. Cormen. Introduction to Algorithms, Second Edition, The MIT Press, 2001, section 24.3 and in R. Perlman. Interconnections Second Edition, Bridges, Routers, Switches, and Internetworking Procotols. Addision-Wesley Professional Computing Series, 1999. Penman, page 317ff.
Cost of a Link
For demonstration purposes, the cost or weight of a link is usually a fixed number (often “1”) and are equal for every edge. The resulting length of the shortest path is the lowest number of nodes, which have to be passed when going straight to the target. This concept is called Shortest Path First (SPF) Metric in the routing language. From the point of view of graph theory, different costs are equal to different distances between towns. In this case, the number of towns to pass is irrelevant, only the shortest total distance is preferred. This idea is used in further routing metrics.
Concepts of Wired Routing Protocols
Routing was originally developed for wired connections. Later it was extended by the special needs of wireless connections. This explains why the original classification only regards the wired protocols. The algorithms identified previously are usually implemented as a distributed system. Here several computers are participating in the calculation of the result, by comparing different paths. If only one computer is comparing every possible path, then it is a centralized implementation. A distributed system has to agree on a certain organization. There are several strategies available. Every wired routing protocol can be classified by the following criteria: adaptive or non-adaptive; pro-active or reactive; Distance-Vector or Link-State. The relationships between these criteria are shown in
Non-adaptive systems are using fixed routing tables, which are manually maintained. For this reason they don't allow addition or removal of stations during run-time. Adaptive systems are using a routing protocol to dynamically adapt changes to the paths between stations. Reactive systems don't prepare any routes in advance. The advantage is that they remain silent on the network, until a route is requested. The disadvantage is the delay in the connection setup, until the route is discovered by a flood message. Pro-active systems maintain routing tables for every destination in advance. For this reason they are also sometimes called table-driven protocols. The pros and cons are opposite to reactive systems. Distance-Vector systems are first receiving the distances from all nodes and will then tell their neighbors about their distances to each node.
Comparison Distance-Vector vs. Link-State-Routing
In R. Perlman. Interconnections Second Edition, Bridges, Routers, Switches, and Internetworking Procotols. Addision-Wesley Professional Computing Series, 1999, section 12.1.1, Perlman is reporting about the “count to infinity” problem and slow convergence speed in Distance-Vector routing. The “count to infinity” situation will result in an endless loop during the route selection process. In section 12.3 Perlman adds furthermore, that “convergence is the truly critical point”. For this reason Link-State-Routing should be preferred.
Source-Routing is a third concept, besides Distance-Vector and Link-State Routing. The main idea is, to include a path inside the packet header, which is modified by each hop, which will forward the package. For a Route Discovery, a node is sending a Route Discovery Package including the target ID to each of its neighbors, which will add their ID in the package header, before they forward it again to each of their neighbors. Loops can be discovered by a node by inspecting the source path for its own ID. When the package arrives at the target, the package header contains a valid path to the source node. Usually several Route Discovery Packets will arrive at the target, each with different paths. The target has to reply with a Route Identification Packet, which is sent along the preferred path.
Advanced Concepts of Wireless Routing
Wireless routing introduced the idea of an ad hoc or mesh network, where every participation station is a network client and a router at the same time. Protocols for such self organizing networks could be classified by the additional criteria, which are provided hereafter.
Mobility and Convergence Speed
Routers are usually at fixed places in the wired world. The mobility in the wireless world is introducing a new performance factor, namely the convergence speed. This is the time, which is required by the routing protocol, to adapt the whole routing to the new locations of the stations.
Multicast Routing on Broadcast Media
Furthermore wireless routing protocols can adapt the broadcast nature of radio transmissions for multicast. In contrast to a wired world, where multicasts have to be replicated at several ports, this is not necessary in the wireless case. However not every wireless routing protocol is taking advantage of this benefit.
Common Case Traffic
Only some routing protocols are assuming a non homogenous traffic distribution. Usually there is a special node inside the wireless network, that acts as a gateway e.g. to the Internet. Therefore the traffic is increasing very much, if the distance to this gateway is becoming smaller. This will cause several congestion problems, if the routing is via a low throughput link close to the gateway.
Existing Routing Solutions
The common routing technologies are using a distributed algorithm implementations, because there shouldn't be any central point of failure. To stay independent of the OSI media access layer 2, they are implemented inside layer 3.
Wired Routing for IEEE 802.3 Systems
Example for Distance Vector Routing: RIP. According to R. Perlman. Interconnections Second Edition, Bridges, Routers, Switches, and Internetworking Procotols. Addision-Wesley Professional Computing Series, 1999, section 14.2 the Routing Information Protocol (RIP) is using only two packet types: one for requests and another one for responses. A response can either be triggered by a periodic timer, a request or an update of a cost.
Command requests
IP address
Command responses
IP address (repeated for multiple responses inside one packet)
metric (repeated for multiple responses inside one packet)
Example for Link State Routing: OSPF
In R. Perlman. Interconnections Second Edition, Bridges, Routers, Switches, and Internetworking Procotols. Addision-Wesley Professional Computing Series, 1999, section 14.4.10 Perlman briefly describes the packages of Open Shortest Path First (OSPF). The following list is a summarizing of the content.
Hello Packets between neighbors
Database Description Packets
Link State Request, Link State Update, Link State Acknowledgment
Link State Advertisement (Router, Network, Summary, AS External)
unique Node-ID
List of directly connected neighbors
Sequence number
Hello Packets are useful to introduce neighbor routers to each other. The Database Description Packets will be used to dump the whole routing database from one memory to another. This will speed-up the network entry process and avoids additional communication overhead. Request, Update and Acknowledgment are for managing the advertisements. Finally the advertisements contain the required information for the route calculation.
Wireless Routing for IEEE 802.11 Systems
The following major protocols are available for mesh routing in 802.11 systems. They commonly use the Shortest Path First Metric. Furthermore there are usually real-world implementations available. Advanced protocols may be using more improved ideas. For example, advanced protocols could comprise a combination of different strategies or using a different routing metric.
Highly Dynamic Destination-Sequenced Distance-Vector Protocol (DSDV)
The DSDV protocol described in C. Perkins and P. Bhagwat, “Highly dynamic destination-sequenced distance-vector routing,” 1994 was one of the first protocols for mesh routing. Like its wired RIP protocol example, it uses a reactive Distance-Vector approach. Furthermore it applies sequence numbers to fix the “count to infinity” problem.
Ad Hoc On-Demand Distance Vector (AODV)
The AODV protocol was published by Perkins in C. Perkins, “Ad hoc on demand distance vector (aodv) routing,” 1997. AODV is a Distance-Vector protocol, which is using a reactive strategy. It relies on source and destination sequence numbers to eliminate the count-to-infinity Distance-Vector problem and ensures loop-free behavior at every time. It comprises the following elements:
Route Request
Hop Count
Broadcast ID
Destination IP Address
Destination Sequence Number
Source IP Address
Source Sequence Number
Route Reply
Hop Count
Destination IP Address
Destination Sequence Number
Source if Address
This protocol is also capable of multicast routing. It even includes simple Quality-of-Service (QoS) support for maximum delay and minimum bandwidth constraints.
Dynamic Source Routing (DSR)
In D. B. Johnson and D. A. Maltz, “Dynamic source routing in ad hoc wireless networks,” 1996, the authors describe the Dynamic Source Routing.
Open Link State Routing (OLSR)
The OLSR is a pro-active Link-State-Routing protocol, which is described in T. Clausen, P. J. (editors), C. Adjih, A. Laouiti, P. Minet, P. Muhlethaler, A. Qayyum, and L. Viennot, “Optimized link state routing protocol (olsr),” RFC 3626, October 2003. It introduces Multipoint Relays (MPRs) for improving the flooding of the network with command messages. A MPR is regular node, which was selected by the OLSR protocol. The protocol uses three groups of messages:
Topology Control Messages are reporting the neighborhood of one node to the network. For this reason they are using following field structure:
Advertised Neighbor Sequence Number
List with Advertised Neighbor Main Addresses
Performance Comparison
A performance comparison of DSR, Temporally-Ordered-Routing Algorithm (TORA), DSDV, and AODV is provided in J. Broch, D. A. Maltz, D. B. Johnson, Y.-C. Hu, and J. Jetcheva, “A performance comparison of multi-hop wireless ad hoc network routing protocols,” in Mobile Computing and Networking, pages 85-97, 1998. Especially in mobility situation, DSR and AODV are outperforming DSDV. In J. J. Garcia-Luna-Aceves and M. Spohn, “Transmission-efficient routing in wireless networks using link-state information,” Mobile Networks and Applications, 6(3):223-238, 2001, it is shown trough simulation experiments, that Source-tree adaptive routing (STAR) will outperform DSR.
Advanced Routing Metrics
In D. S. J. De Couto, D. Aguayo, B. A. Chambers, and R. Morris, “Performance of multihop wireless networks: Shortest path is not enough,” in Proceedings of the First Workshop on Hot Topics in Networks (HotNets-I), Princeton, N.J., October 2002. ACM SIGCOMM, experiences with wireless routing are provided. For the tests described in the cited article, two wireless test beds and different wireless routing protocols are used. Often minimum hop-count routes are chosen, which are problematic because of too many retransmissions due to bad signal quality. Therefore it was suggested to pay more attention to link quality. Several papers exist that describe attempts for providing routing costs. These are shown in the following table for an overview.
The above table refers to the following publications:
Wireless Routing for HiperLAN/2
HiperLAN/2 is another wireless transmission system with centralized bandwidth management. Similar to IEEE 802.16 systems, relays should help to increase the total throughput. There are several papers available which describe the routing decisions in these systems: a first one S. Mengesha and H. Karl, “Relay routing and scheduling for capacity improvement in cellular wlans, 2003,” and a second one: A. Vaios, K. Oikonomou, and I. Stavrakakis, “A centralized routing scheme supporting ad hoc networking in dual mode hiperlan/2,” 2003. Both articles use Signal to Interference plus Noise Ratio (SINR) based information about throughput to compare two links.
Routing in IEEE 802.16, Concept and Algorithm
Like in every other routing model, the Dijkstra Algorithm will be used to setup a tree with the shortest paths. This algorithm requires a connection matrix, which contains every possible connection in the system and the assigned cost for using it.
The values of the minimal Signal-to-Noise Ratio (SNR) are from C. Hoymann, “Analysis and performance evaluation of the ofdm-based metropolitan area network IEEE 802.16.”, Computer Networks, Selected Papers from the European Wireless 2004 Conference, 49(3):341-363, October 2005, Table 3.
Routing Protocol
For collecting the required Dijkstra input data, communication in the network is necessary. A routing protocol will be provided as an aspect of the present invention, which is adapted to the special needs of IEEE 802.16. Existing routing protocols are implemented inside OSI layer 3. In the present case of wireless routing it is much more straightforward, to integrate the protocol inside IEEE 802.16 and OSI layer 2, which is unusual, but not impossible. It has the advantage of transparency to the higher layers and avoids modifications to the protocols residing in the higher layers. The following list is a collection of assumptions, which are necessary for the described protocol:
A unique relay dedicated connection such as a management connection used in IEEE 802.16 between each RS and BS is available
The relay dedicated connection is routed through the existing network, at least in the 3 hop case.
RS to RS communication is possible, at least in the 3 hop case.
Broadcasts are repeated, if coverage extension is required.
No communication without bandwidth management by the BS is possible.
Network Entry Process for Relays
One of the core components of IEEE 802.16 is the centralized bandwidth management by the base station. For this reason, the base station has always to be included in the network. The simplest network is the BS alone, which is extended step-by-step by additional neighborhoods. Each of them will form another network hop. In detail this process is:
2. The MS in transmission range to the BS will follow the regular network entry process. RS close to the BS will also enter the network by the regular process, but their relaying subsystem is turned off at this time. Therefore they behave as “usual” MS as shown in
3. The RS1 has discovered three new neighbors as shown in
(a) RS1 will report possible routings to the BS via its relay dedicated connection such as a management connection in a Route Report message.
(b) The BS will reply with a Route Maintenance message to the whole network, which will setup the routes for the new MS and RS2. Furthermore it might change the routing for the first mobile station to include the freshly discovered paths.
(c) RS1 is updating the possible path list, by sending Route Report messages regularly. All available routes are reported, with updated quality information. If a path is not available any more, it is not included in the report and the BS will answer with an updated Route Maintenance message.
(d) The established routing enables RS2 to open its dedicated connections, i.e., management connections, and to turn on its relaying subsystem.
4. In
Route Report
A Route Report message is sent by each relay to the base station via the according dedicated such as a management connection used in IEEE 802.16 connection. Its contents are illustrated in table 901 of
Route Maintenance
The BS will setup the routing for each connection and will summarize the results in a Route Maintenance message. Different connections, with the same source and target, could use different paths, because of for instance QoS requirements. Therefore the usage of stations IDs like 48-bit MAC addresses is not possible. Instead Connection Identifiers (CIDs) are used. In theory, the BS could send individually a routing table for each relay via the relay dedicated or management connection. This would increase the number of overhead packages and for at least 3 hop scenarios, some data would be transmitted twice.
The other solution is to broadcast one recursive structure, which contains the whole tree at the same time. This will avoid the duplicate transmission of routing data in the at least 3 hop scenario. In the use case of coverage extension, it is assumed that the broadcast will be replicated to cover the whole area of a cell.
The routing table of
A simulation was created to put the routing algorithm into the context of IEEE 802.16 and to visualize its output. In simulations, the necessary data structures are created to randomly place mobile stations inside a predefined area. Next the connection matrix is filled by looking up the cost values according to the path loss model. Afterwards the Spanning Tree for down link is calculated and outputted for visualization. Routing in down- and uplink could be different. For this reason the connection matrix is filled a second time with different uplink values.
Simulation Model
Stations: The base station of the model is located in the centre of the area. Four relay stations are placed in a square in the middle between base stations and area border. Furthermore the mobile stations are added with random coordinates.
Connections: The path loss model is using a target SINR at the maximum distance of:
10 dB when BS/RS is sending
5 dB when MS is sending
The maximum distance is from the origin to one of the area corners. This means that the BS could reach every other station in the downlink, at least with a robust encoding. This is equal to the requested use case of throughput enhancement. On the other side, mobile stations which are far away from the base station cannot directly connect, because of the much lower transmission power. Furthermore RS to RS connections, which are required for more than two hops are allowed.
Spanning Tree: Each picture comprises the resulting Spanning Tree. In the uplink a mobile station is only transmitting to the base station. For this reason, in this case only the part of the tree which is necessary to reach the base station is shown.
3 Hops
Stronger SINR Between BS and RS
Furthermore the model was improved with a better signal for transmissions between BS-RS and RS-RS. The used target SINR for this group of connections is 15 dB. No changes to the routing were visible in the result.
3 Hops
Stronger SINR Between BS and RS
Furthermore the model was improved with a better signal for transmissions between BS-RS and RS-RS. The used target SINR for this group of connections is 15 dB. No changes to the routing were visible in the result.
QoS and Routing
The previous cost calculation for routing assumes that as much data as possible should be transported inside the whole cell at the same time. The following table provides an overview of the existing QoS scheduling services in IEEE 802.16.
The table can be compacted to the following cases:
When a connection requires certain constraints by its QoS profile, the optimization goal has to be changed. This variation will only affect this single connection and not the other ones.
Minimum Reserved Traffic Rate Constraint
A goal is this case should be to find the path with the maximum traffic rate. When the maximum possible traffic rate is lower than the minimal required one, then it is known that there is no path available. Otherwise the connection should be established using a path meeting, even if it would violate the previous optimization goal.
Maximum Latency Constraint
The calculation of the maximum latency is quite straightforward when a relay has to wait for the next frame until it can retransmit the data. In this case the relaying latency is calculated by number of hops times frame interval. The internal table data structure of the Dijkstra algorithm can be easily extended by an additional field, which will store the current number of hops for the to be probed path. Furthermore the relax condition of the algorithm has to be extended to:
1. Check if the delay constraint is violated. If that is the case, the currently probed sub-path is abandoned.
Combined Routing and Bandwidth Grand Messages
An IEEE 802.16 relay needs actually two information items for retransmitting:
The routing tells the relay what to repeat. This is the Route Maintenance message from an earlier section.
Bandwidth Assignment
The bandwidth assignment tells the relay when to repeat or listen. This assignment is contained in the Uplink/Downlink (UL/DL)-Maps.
For the bandwidth scheduling several models can be provided. In a first model, the relay station will schedule the UL-/DL-maps by itself. It will use time slots, which were delegated from the base station to the relay. Therefore the base station still has the control over the total time, which is delegated to the relay. In that case, the routing information needs to be transmitted separately.
In a second model when both bandwidth and routing information are distributed by the base station alone, then another possibility is possible, by unifying the currently separately transmitted routing and bandwidth assignment information.
In accordance with one aspect of the present invention a routing system for multihop relay transmission in a WiMax wireless network is provided. Relevant nodes such as relay stations and a base station in the network have capabilities either by computer programs running on processors or by electronic circuits for:
identifying neighboring nodes,
including neighboring relay nodes in a routing solution, and
reporting to a Base Station on the status of connections and nodes
Further more the Base Station has the capabilities, based on provided input by Relay Stations in for instance Route Report messages to create routing tables and inform Relay stations through Route Maintenance messages of a routing set-up including routing over multiple Relay Stations. As stated before certain conditions should be met, including a unique relay dedicated or management connection between each RS and the BS, even if an RS has its relaying function switched off.
Accordingly a system for multihop routing is provided.
The methods and systems of the present invention can be applied to any type of multi-hop networks.
The following references are generally descriptive of the background of the present invention and are hereby incorporated herein by reference: [1] B. Awerbuch, D. Holmer, and H. Rubens. High throughput route selection in multi-rate ad hoc wireless networks, 2003. [2] J. Broch, D. A. Maltz, D. B. Johnson, Y.-C. Hu, and J. Jetcheva. A performance comparison of multi-hop wireless ad hoc network routing protocols. In Mobile Computing and Networking, pages 85-97, 1998. [3] T. Clausen, P. J. (editors), C. Adjih, A. Laouiti, P. Minet, P. Muhlethaler, A. Qayyum, and L. Viennot. Optimized link state routing protocol (olsr). RFC 3626, October 2003. Network Working Group. [4] T. H. Cormen. Introduction to Algorithms, Second Edition. The MIT Press, 2001. [5] D. S. J. D. Couto, D. Aguayo, J. Bicket, and R. Morris. A high-throughput path metric for multi-hop wireless routing. In MobiCom '03: Proceedings of the 9th annual international conference on Mobile computing and networking, pages 134-146, New York, N.Y., USA, 2003. ACM Press. ISBN 1-58113-753-2. [6] D. S. J. De Couto, D. Aguayo, B. A. Chambers, and R. Morris. Performance of multihop wireless networks: Shortest path is not enough. In Proceedings of the First Workshop on Hot Topics in Networks (HotNets-I), Princeton, N.J., October 2002. ACM SIGCOMM. [7] R. Draves, J. Padhye, and B. Zill. Routing in multi-radio, multi-hop wireless mesh networks. In MobiCom '04: Proceedings of the 10th annual international conference on Mobile computing and networking, pages 114-128, New York, N.Y., USA, 2004. ACM Press. ISBN 1-58113-868-7. [8] J. J. Garcia-Luna-Aceves and M. Spohn. Transmission-efficient routing in wireless networks using link-state information. Mobile Networks and Applications, 6(3):223-238, 2001. [9] C. Hoymann. Analysis and performance evaluation of the ofdm-based metropolitan area network IEEE 802.16. Computer Networks, Selected Papers from the European Wireless 2004 Conference, 49(3):341-363, October 2005. [10] L. Iannone and S. Fdida. Mrs: a simple cross-layer heuristic to improve throughput capacity in wireless mesh networks. In CoNEXT '05: Proceedings of the 2005 ACM conference on Emerging network experiment and technology, pages 21-30, New York, N.Y., USA, 2005. ACM Press. ISBN 1-59593-197-X. [11] D. B. Johnson and D. A. Maltz. Dynamic source routing in ad hoc wireless networks, 1996. [12] S. Mengesha and H. Karl. Relay routing and scheduling for capacity improvement in cellular wlans, 2003. [13] C. Perkins. Ad hoc on demand distance vector (aodv) routing, 1997. [14] C. Perkins and P. Bhagwat. Highly dynamic destination-sequenced distance-vector routing, 1994. [15] R. Perlman. Interconnections Second Edition, Bridges, Routers, Switches, and Internetworking Procotols. Addision-Wesley Professional Computing Series, 1999. [16] A. Vaios, K. Oikonomou, and I. Stavrakakis. A centralized routing scheme supporting ad hoc networking in dual mode hiperlan/2, 2003; [17] IEEE Std 802.16e, IEEE Standard for Local and Metropolitan Area Networks, Part 16: Air Interface for Fixed and Mobile Broadband Wireless Access System, 2005; [18] IEEE Std 802.16, IEEE Standard for Local and Metropolitan Area Networks, Part 16: Air Interface for Fixed Broadband Wireless Access Systems, 2004.
While there have been shown, described and pointed out fundamental novel features of the invention as applied to preferred embodiments thereof, it will be understood that various omissions and substitutions and changes in the form and details of the device illustrated and in its operation may be made by those skilled in the art without departing from the spirit of the invention. It is the intention, therefore, to be limited only as indicated by the scope of the claims appended hereto.
This application claims the benefit of U.S. Provisional Application No. 60/836,317 filed Aug. 8, 2006, which is incorporated herein by reference.
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