William R. Meredith, Jr., "Influence of Leaf Morphology on Lint Yield of Cotton-Enhancement by the Sub Okra Trait," Crop Science, vol. 24, pp. 855 to 857, Sep.-Oct. 1984. |
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Vesta G. Meyer, "Male Sterility from Gossypium harknessii," J. of Heredity, vol. 66, pp. 23 to 27 (1975). |
Joseph O. Moffett, Lee S. Stith, and Charles W. Shipman, "Producing Hybrid Cotton Seed on the High Plains of Texas," Beltwide Cotton Production Research Conference Proceedings, Atlanta, GA, pp. 90 to 92 (1977). |
J. B. Weaver, Jr., "Present Status of Fertility Restoration in Cytoplasmic Male-Sterile Upland Cotton," Beltwide Cotton Production Research Conferences Proceedings, Atlanta, GA, pp. 95 to 96 (1977). |
Joseph O. Moffett, Lee S. Stith, and Charles W. Shipman, "Producing Hybrid Cotton Seed on a Field Scale by Using Honey Bees as Pollinators," Beltwide Cotton Production Research Conferences Proceedings, Dallas TX, pp. 77 to 79 (1978). |
W. R. Meredith, Jr., Vesta Meyer, B. W. Hanny, and J. C. Bailey, "Influence of Five Gossypium Species Cytoplasms on Yield, Yield Components, Fiber Properties, and Insect Resistance in Upland Cotton," Crop Science, vol. 19, pp. 647 to 650, Sep.-Oct., 1979. |
Richard H. Sheetz and James B. Weaver, Jr., "Pima Fertility Enhancer Factor: Inheritance and Use in Hybrid Cotton Production," Beltwide Cotton Production Research Conferences Proceedings, St. Louis, MO, p. 82 (1980). |
R. H. Sheetz and J. B. Weaver, Jr., "Inheritance of a Fertility Enhancer Factor from Pima Cotton when Transferred into Upland Cotton with Gossypium harknessii Brandegee Cytoplasm," Crop Science, vol. 20, pp. 272 to 275, Mar.-Apr., 1980. |
Delbert C. Hess, "Hybrid Cotton Development," Beltwide Cotton Mechanization-Production Research Conference Proceedings, New Orleans, LA, pp. 28 to 29 (1981). |
J. E. Quisenberry and R. E. Dilbeck, "Stormproof Boll in Upland Cotton III. Genotype-Environment Interaction and Genetic Analysis," Crop Science, vol. 21, pp. 511 to 514, Jul.-Aug., 1981. |
James B. Weaver, Jr., "Recent Significant Observations on the Development of Hybrid Cotton," Beltwide Cotton Production Research Conferences Proceedings, Las Vegas, NV, pp. 88 to 90 (1982). |
James B. Weaver, Jr., "Interspecific Hybrid Cotton as a Trap Crop for Boll Weevil Control," Beltwide Cotton Production Research Conferences Proceedings, Las Vegas, NV, pp. 207 to 209 (1982). |
Frank L. Carter, Dick D. Davis and Elbert R. Jaycox, "Effect of Planting Pattern on Cross Pollination in Hybrid NX-1 Seed Production," Beltwide Cotton Production Conferences Proceedings, Atlanta, GA, pp. 130 to 131 (1984). |
J. B. Weaver, "Hybrid Cotton Sets a Good Weevil Trap," Progressive Farmer, Aug., 1984. |
J. A. Andries, J. E. Jones, L. W. Sloane, and J. G. Marshall, "Effects of Okra Leaf Shap on Boll Rot, Yield and Other Important Characters of Upland Cotton, Gossypium hirsutum L.," Crop Science, vol. 9, pp. 705 to 710, Nov.-Dec., 1969. |
J. A. Andries, J. E. Jones, L. W. Sloane, and J. G. Marshall, "Effects of Supra Okra Leaf Shap on Boll Rot, Yield, and Other Characters of Upland Cotton, Gossypium hirsutum L.," Crop Science, vol. 10, pp. 403 to 407, Jul.-Aug., 1970. |
J. E. Jones, "Effect of Morphological Characters of Cotton on Insects and Pathogens," Beltwide Cotton Production Research Conferences Proceedings, Las Vegas, NV, pp. 88 to 92 (1972). |
J. E. Jones, W. D. Caldwell, M. R. Milam, and D. F. Clower, "Gumbo and Pronto: Two New Open-Canopy Varieties of Cotton," Circular No. 103, Louisiana State University, Dec., 1976. |
W. D. Caldwell, D. R. Melville, A. M. Pavloff, and J. E. Jones, "Agronomic Studies of Okra and Supra Okra Leaf Cotton," Beltwide Cotton Production Research Conferences Proceedings, Las Vegas, NV, pp. 83 to 84 (1977). |
L. S. Bird, F. M. Bourland, R. G. Percy, J. E. Hood, and D. L. Bush, "Additional Progress in Developing Okra Leaf, Frego Bract and Glabrous Multi-Adversity Resistant Cottons," Beltwide Cotton Production Research Conferences Proceedings, Atlanta, GA, pp. 107 to 109 (1977). |
J. B. Weaver, Jr., "Observations on Bee Activity in Several Genotypes of Cotton," Beltwide Cotton Production Research Conferences Proceedings, Dallas, TX, pp. 76 to 77 (1978). |
Jack E. Jones, D. T. Bowman, J. W. Brand, W. D. Caldwell, and D. F. Clower, "Genetic Improvement of Open-Canopy Cottons," Beltwide Cotton Production Research Conferences Proceedings, St. Louis, MO, pp. 72 to 74 (1980). |
F. Karami, D. R. Krieg, and J. E. Quisenberry, "Water Relations and Carbon-14 Assimilation of Cotton with Different Leaf Morphology," Crop Science, vol. 20, pp. 421 to 426, Jul.-Aug., 1980. |
Jack E. Jones, "The Present State of the Art and Science of Cotton Breeding for Leaf-Morphological Types," Beltwide Cotton Production Research Conferences Proceedings, Las Vegas, NV, pp. 93 to 99 (1982). |
J. W. Weaver, Jr. and Ralph Graham, "Behavior of Boll Weevils on Cytoplasmic Male-Sterile Cotton in Isolated Plots," Beltwide Cotton Production Research Conferences Proceedings, Atlanta, GA, pp. 100 to 102 (1977). |
K. N. Gururajan and K. Srinivasan, "Note on the Use of Okra-Leaf Male-Sterile Line in the Production of Hybrid Cotton," Indian J. Agric. Sci., vol. 52(1), pp. 20 to 21, Jan., 1982. |