Routing of data packet traffic to a common destination egress queue from a plurality of subscribers each contracting for respective bandwidth of data flow, a method of and apparatus for fairly sharing excess bandwidth and packet dropping amongst the subscribers and with the granularity of contracted traffic flow

In the routing of data traffic to a common destination egress queue from a plurality of customer subscribers each contracting for respective allocations of bandwidth of data flow, a technique and system for fairly sharing any underutilized excess bandwidth and for data dropping amongst over-subscribers, while guaranteeing each subscriber its contracted-for bandwidth, and further enabling billing over-subscribers for their share of received excess bandwidth—all while maintaining the granularity of the contracted traffic flow.

This invention deals with data packet routing and the like to a common destination egress queue and with transmission along a common communication fiber optic link(s) from pluralities of subscribers for data traffic transmission, each contracting for respective allocated and subscribed bandwidths of data traffic flow; the invention being more particularly concerned with the utilization and sharing of available excess bandwidth and packet dropping amongst the subscribers in a fair manner, accommodating the granularity of the contracted traffic flow.


In order to prevent interference amongst various subscriber-contracted data packet traffic flows in a router targeting transmission to the same destination egress, and ultimately along a common transmission fiber optic link(s) or the like, a mechanism is needed to enable such a router to maintain fairness among all the contracted flows to the same egress queue, in terms of excess bandwidth sharing and in accommodatable data packet dropping or discarding. The router, moreover, is required to be capable of providing guaranteed contracted-for service in terms of bandwidth, latency, jitter and drop rate characteristics within Service Level Agreement (SLA).

Prior art routing has heretofore been subject to the limitations of inefficient useage of egress bandwidth and of unfair dropping of competing ingress port data traffic under conditions of congestion.

Specifically, in prevailing architectures, when a plurality of ingress ports sends variable-sized data packets to a given egress queue, they do so without knowledge of the egress queue data. The contribution of an individual port to a given egress queue is accordingly limited totally by the nature of the incoming data on that port. This gives rise to two problems, as follows.

First, since traffic patterns in networks are bursty and dynamically changing over a given time duration, a particular port (say Port A) may not actually send the pre-subscribed or contracted-for average data rate to a particular egress. Thus it does not fully utilize its contracted bandwidth over time. In such instances, another port (say Port B) may have a need to send more than its average contracted data rate. So, in reality, Port B should be able to utilize “unused” bandwidth from Port A to send the data. Since, however, there is no knowledge of unused available bandwidth at Port B, Port B usually ends up dropping the traffic that dynamically exceeds its average data rate, resulting in inefficient usage of egress bandwidth.

Secondly, in cases where a plurality of ingress ports have a need to send data to a given egress port, there are times where the egress port is oversubscribed and congested. Some of the intended traffic targeted to this egress port must accordingly be dropped. This drop, however, needs to be fair among all the competing ingress ports. If one of the ingress ports is contributing much more to congestion, then it should experience more drops than other ingress ports that are not contributing so much to congestion. Prevailing architectures, unfortunately, do not allow the drop decision to be functioning with regard to both the egress queue depth and the ingress traffic behavior. This inability, therefore, results in unfair drops using present-day conventional techniques. In particular, prior RED (Random Early Detect/Discard) mechanisms apply a drop probability function based on queue depths of a virtual output queue maintained on the ingress side, as described, for example, in an article entitled “Random Early Detection gateways for Congestion Avoidance” by S. Floyd and V. Jacobson appearing in IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking, August 1993. They do not take into account the actual queue depth of the actual egress queue.

As will later be explained, the present invention, on the other hand, allows for the proper usage of the actual egress queue depth-based drops, meeting the true intent of RED mechanisms that is not achieved by queue depth-based drops based on a virtual egress or conventional output queue postulation on the ingress side as is done in currently input buffered switch/router systems.

Present-day Random Early Detection is thus an output queue based mechanism, wherein the data drop (or mark) probability is proportional to the aggregation of the input data rate only. It is unable to identify where a packet comes from at an output or egress queue when the drop (mark) decision is made. When congestion has been detected at an output queue, therefore, the RED function randomly drops the data packet irrespective of how much bandwidth a customer may have contract-subscribed. The higher data rate one sends, indeed, the more packets that are dropped. The prior RED systems may, indeed, drop packets from a subscriber who is not exceeding its contract. Based on TCP protocol, that customer may thus unfairly be forced to reduce its output rate even though that customer has actually paid for that rate.

Using the traditional RED mechanisms, accordingly, a service provider is not able to guarantee allocated bandwidth to a customer for TCP traffic. The packets from that customer may indeed be dropped because of misbehavior of other customers. This forces a customer to reduce its data transferring rate even if the customer never over-subscribed. A service provider has no way, thus, to guarantee the promised bandwidth with current RED mechanisms. Since the traditional RED mechanism drops packets based on data accumulation of the output queue only, unfairness results among input flows similar to the above-described example.

In accordance with the present invention, on the other hand, fairness is introduced wherein a packet cannot be dropped just based on the rate of traffic alone. The invention rather enforces the rule that no packet should be dropped by the data flow switch for “in-contract traffic” under the guaranteed bandwidth provided for that flow.

Over-subscribed flows, however, may violate their respective contracts in different degrees. One that over-subscribes bandwidth, however, should be penalized. In practice, some flows under-subscribe the bandwidth of their contracts, while others over-subscribe their allocated bandwidth. The extra bandwidth available from under-subscribed flows may be less than the bandwidth over-subscribed by others, so this excess bandwidth should be fairly distributed to those over-subscribed flows. In accordance with the invention, therefore, the percentage of excess bandwidth a flow may receive is proportional to the amount of bandwidth in its contract. In other words, the out-of-contract traffic should be dropped proportionally to its rate of over-subscribing. This may be expressed mathematically as follows:

where R is the rate of traffic flow, Rcontract is the bandwidth the customer bought in its contract, Rdrop is the drop rate of the flow, T is the traffic flow, and D is the amount of data dropped. Since the nature of IP traffic is bursty, the fairness of sharing available excess bandwidth and of the data packet drops from all traffic flows is even more important and is addressed by the present invention.

Mechanisms for implementing such fairness include also input data packet forward processing systems for policing the provision of fair service for all input flows. This cuts the over-subscribed traffic irrespective of the bandwidth actually existing at the egress side. Bandwidth that is not used by other customer-flows at that moment, however, is lost. In addition, most Internet based TCP/IP traffic is, by nature, very bursty with the bursts of different traffic flow usually do not happening at the same phase. The matter of how to share the bandwidth, however, is one of most critical aspects of the Internet switch. Input policing is not an ideal mechanism for managing such bursty traffic—it wastes bandwidth and resources and money.

Further under the present invention, accordingly, the input or ingress packet forward processing system is caused to allow over-subscribed traffic to be transferred if there is excess bandwidth available. The processing also provides a weight account for the extra bandwidth that a customer consumes, and a mechanism to enable the service provider appropriately to charge for it.

Under the invention, the packet-dropping decision is consolidated into one traffic management (TM) process in view of the fact that an end node actually has no idea as to the reason that its packet was dropped. A packet dropped for some management reason is, indeed, not distinguished from one dropped by the RED mechanism. An end node may reduce the amount of data supposedly to avoid congestion, whereas, in actual fact, no congestion may even exist. The real drop probability is then higher than necessary. Based upon the above, the present invention, as previously stated, consolidates the drop functions into one entity.

As earlier noted, in order to maximize the throughput, passing or dropping decisions must also be based on the actual output queue situation. Hence the output buffer switch is also necessary efficiently to share the resources in handling bursty traffic such as TCP/IP traffic, and, indeed, creates a new business revenue path for service providers.

By nature, this preferred electronic switch fabric (ESF) is indeed an output buffer switch, and such precisely provides the output queue status to allow making control decisions wisely.

The invention, indeed, preferably uses in its best mode, the type of output-buffered shared memory system described for the data-switch fabric system (ESF) switch router in U.S. patent application publication No. 2003/0043 828 A1, Mar. 6, 2003, Method Of Scalable Non-Blocking Shared Memory Output-Buffered Switching Of Variable Length Data and Packets From Pluralities Of Ports At Full Line Rate, And Apparatus Therefor (U.S. patent application Ser. No. 09/941,144, filed Aug. 28, 2001). This system, moreover, is preferably addressed by the technique of U.S. patent application publication No. 2003/0120594A1, Jun. 26, 2003, Method Of Addressing Sequential Data Packets From A Plurality Of Input Data Line Cards For Shared Memory Storage And The Like, And Novel Address Generator Therefor (U.S. patent application Ser. No. 10/026,166, filed Dec. 21, 2001, now U.S. Pat. No. 6,684,317. Other systems may also be suitable for some applications, but the use of these preferred shared-memory techniques, however, provides the advantage of scalable-port non-blocking shared-memory output-buffered variable length queued data switching and with sequential data packet addressing particularly adapted for such shared memory output-buffered switch fabrics and related memories.

Such output buffered switching alone, however, may not always be better than the earlier described input buffer switching for the purposes herein. An input buffer switch, indeed, has the advantage over an output buffer switch that it is capable of identifying different traffic flows, and therefore makes a measure of flow-based fairness dropping possible. It also allows the switch to drop data packets from only “out-of-contract traffic flow”, and provides a bandwidth-based billing mechanism for bursty traffic flow, as previously mentioned. In addition, it completely avoids global synchronization from traditional RED mechanisms.

The present invention, accordingly, in its previously described novel approach of consolidating the drop functions into a single entity, provides both input packet forward processing system capability and an output buffer switch capability and in combination to support a much more sophisticated and improved type of flow-based fairness dropping. The invention, moreover, unlike current input buffer switching systems where buffering is required in view of limitations in switching in the switch fabric, does not use buffer switching in the input or ingress.

In summary, therefore, the passing or dropping decision under the invention, is made based upon both destination queue status and input flow status, with the ESF providing the information on both statuses.

The invention, furthermore, again unlike the prior art, bases the drop probability function on two parameters: (1) the over-subscribing rate of current data flow, and (2) the actual egress queue depth. Depending upon the egress port situation, over-subscribed packets may or may not go through the switch. The drop rate mode is proportional to the ratio of data flow over-subscribing, with data flow being characterized by bandwidth and burst size.

To make implementation possible in practice, in accordance with a further novel feature of the invention, the over-subscribing rate is digitized with three conditions or “colors”; (1) in-contract; (2) out-of-contract but in burst size; and (3) out of both contract and burst size. There is one drop probability function per “color”, and the three of them together implement a three-dimensional function that provides the new results attained herein.

Under the invention, thus, data packets from an under-subscribed or under-used allocated flow are guaranteed not to be dropped when the destination egress queue is not over-booked. Packets from over-subscribed flows, moreover, are dropped only when either no excess bandwidth is allowed for that flow, or no excess bandwidth is available at the destination egress port. Excess bandwidth from under-subscribed or under-used flows are desirably distributed amongst the over-subscribed flows proportionally to the contracted bandwidth of each flow, or distributed based upon other factors, such as being controlled by the setting of a pre-specified set of drop functions or the like. Thus, by default, the drop rate of each flow is proportional to the percentage of over-subscribed bandwidths, or is controlled by setting the drop function in a way so as to be intentionally biased toward certain flows.

The methodology of the invention for attaining an improved fair distribution to the over-subscribed flows, moreover, is easily configured, where desired, to simulate traditional RED mechanisms, though with the distinct improvements earlier discussed.

The technique of the invention is of quite broad application, furthermore, being particularly useful in the transmission of variable length data packets and with configurable adaptive output scheduling for enabling simultaneous transmission on a common transmission link, as of fiber optics, of differentiated services for various different traffic types. These may range from high priority real-time voice, to financial transactions or the like, and in a converged network environment as described in co-pending U.S. patent application Ser. No. 10/702,152, “Method Of And Apparatus For Variable Length Data Packet Transmission With Configurable Adaptive Output Scheduling Enabling Transmission On The Same Transmission Link(s) Of Differentiated Services For Various Traffic Types, filed Nov. 5, 2003. Such a system, indeed, provides for the execution of the various different QOS (quality of service) algorithms used with such various different traffic types while co-existing in a converged network environment and also while simultaneously preserving the respective different service characteristics for real-time or high-priority traffic and providing for supplemental bandwidth allocation, all the while addressing maximal link utilization. This result is attained, moreover, through fine and balanced control of which type of traffic is transmitted on the link for a given duration, and how much of that traffic is transmitted on the link.

The present invention brings to such converged network environments, moreover, a further universal refinement of the before-mentioned guaranteeing of contracted-for-bandwidth to respective customers, and of the novel RED mechanism for providing vastly improved fairness in the sharing of unused bandwidth with the over-subscribing customer data flows and in the data dropping—all consolidated into a single entity, as earlier mentioned, that also enables the new business opportunity for billing for over-subscribed usages of excess available bandwidth.


A principal object of the invention, therefore, is to provide a new and improved method of and apparatus for data packet routing to a common egress from a plurality of subscribers, each contracting for respective bandwidths of data flow, and that shall not be subject to the above-described and other limitations in prior art approaches, but that, to the contrary, shall provide for fairly sharing excess bandwidth and packet dropping amongst the subscribers and with the granularity of contracted traffic flow and the guaranteeing of the contracted bandwidth of the respective subscribers.

A further object is to provide a novel excess bandwidth sharing methodology of more general utility as well, including a technique for billing for the use of over-subscribed customer bandwidth made available from other customer under-usage of its contracted-for bandwidth.

Still a further object is to provide the above novel results with a single network for all types of services and service priorities and with improved network utilization and billing capability.

Other and further objects will be hereinafter pointed out and are more fully delineated in the appended claims.


In summary, however, the invention, in one of its broader aspects, embraces a method of guaranteeing the respective bandwidths contractually allocated to a plurality of data communication subscribing customers for sending their respective data packets through respective ingresses of a switch/router to one or more common egresses for transmission along communication links of predetermined data flow capacity, while protecting against one or more of such customers using more than its allocated bandwidth to the detriment of the guaranteed contract-subscribed bandwidths of other customers, the method comprising, monitoring the data flow for each customer at its respective ingress to determine conformance with the allocated subscribed bandwidths; in the event of an attempt by one customer to exceed its allocated bandwidth, determining at said ingresses if other customers may be underutilizing their allocated bandwidths, thus providing free or excess capacity; in the event that there is no such underutilization, thereupon, in fairness to the other customers, guaranteeing each customer its allocated bandwidth if desired, and restricting said one customer from exceeding its allocated bandwidth by dropping the excess; but in the event that underutilization of bandwidth indicating excess capacity is monitored, permitting such exceeding of its allocated bandwidth by said one customer but only to the extent of such excess capacity.

In the event that there is a plurality of over-subscribing customer flows, the invention provides for the fair allocation sharing of unused bandwidth of other customers and for enabling billing for such over-subscribed usage. This is effected by using both the monitoring of the input or ingress packet forward processing of the respective customer ingress data flows, and also output buffered switching to provide information on the actual (not a virtual) output or egress queue situation; such that switch data-passing or data-dropping decisions are based precisely on the actual output queue status. This enables control decisions to be made and with efficient sharing of the bandwidth resources to handle bursty traffic, such as TCP/IP traffic, and also, as before stated, creates a new revenue path or source for billing by service providers.

To aid in the above, the data dropping probability function used by the present invention in its preferred form, has two parameters—the over-subscribing rate of current data flow, and the actual (real-time) egress or output queue depth. Depending upon the egress port situation or status, over-subscribed data packets may or may not go through the switch. The drop rate is adjusted to be proportional to the rate that a flow is over-subscribed. The flow is characterized by bandwidth and burst size. In implementation, the over-subscribing rate is digitized, as earlier discussed, with three situation components or “colors”—(1) within contract; (2) out-of-contract but within burst size; and (3) out-of-contract and burst size—with one drop function per color, such that the three together implement a three-dimensional drop function.

Preferred and best mode designs and implementations are hereinafter detailed.


The invention will now be described in connection with the following illustrative drawings, FIG. 1 of which (A, B and C) illustrates data throughput time windows of exemplary traffic flow;

FIG. 2 is a schematic system block diagram for implementing the operation of the invention in preferred form;

FIG. 3 is a graph illustrating the excess data drop probability from one of the three earlier-mentioned “colors” or situations as a function of the actually monitored output or egress queue depth; and

FIG. 4 is a flow chart for the operation of the system of FIG. 2.


The invention will first be generally explained in connection with the overall switch-routing diagrammatic system of FIG. 2, wherein the electronic switch fabric ESF is shown with exemplary input or ingress data packet flows applied to a plurality of flow monitors C0 through C63 at the ingress I from a source of a corresponding plurality of line cards LC0-LC63 to respective packet drop or acceptance decision gates Gate 0 through Gate 63 for transmission through a switch/router SR to a common egress queue at E for transmitting customer data packets to a transmission link such as a fiber-optic transmission path L to a destination, with the before-described adaptive output scheduling at S.

The particular hardware or software or combination implementation by specific structures or functions or types of switching fabric ESF, router SR, input packet forward processors and decision gates and output buffer switches at E or type of transmission link L, may be of many well-known types, including those specifically described in the before-referenced publications and applications—but these are not per se the novelty of the present invention which lies, rather, in the methodology and system operation of such structures in the novel arrangement and manner earlier discussed to attain the new results of the invention.

Description herein therefore centers on such novel operational methodology of the invention and not on the details of the myriad of alternative known useable specific switching fabrics and the like. Such are accordingly illustrated in generalized form so as not to detract from the features of the novelty of the present invention. In preferred or best mode form, however, such structures are preferably those of the previously cited and described patent applications, as earlier and later mentioned.

As also before described, the invention takes advantage of both the use of input or ingress data packet forward processing for its capability of identifying the input flow status of the different input data packet flows from the plurality of respective bandwidth-contracting customers (block I in FIG. 4) and the use of output or egress buffer switching E to provide actual destination queue status. This is communicated by path F, FIG. 2, to the ingress data packet forward processing system that enables making fairness in data packet dropping decisions possible and from only “out-of-contract” traffic flow (and, as before-described); providing a bandwidth-based billing mechanism, even for bursty traffic flow as before described); and the output buffer switch supports the admitting or passing, or the dropping decision, (FIG. 4, block IV), as also previously described, done in cooperation with the input buffer packet monitoring and forward processing. The passing or dropping decision is thus made, in accordance with the invention, based both upon destination queue status and input flow status, the system providing the information for both statuses.

In general, a bandwidth R that a service provider allocates to a customer may be represented as:

where S is the total amount of data transferred in bits, and t is the time. In a discrete system, this has to be digitized as follows:

where the minimum Δt is limited by the cycle of a clock-driven chip. In a packet switch, once a data line input card starts transferring a packet, it has to finish it before the next one. The packet size may vary, for example, from 8 bytes to 64,000 bytes. During that time, one traffic flow always takes 100 percent of the bandwidth, and it may take many cycles. The rate of a traffic flow is only meaningful in the context of a time window—in effect, serving as a low pass filter. When slicing along the time access, it smoothes the throughput of a traffic flow as shown in FIGS. 1A, B and C. FIG. 1A represents such traffic flow through a line, either taking 100% of the line rate or nothing. The time window is illustrated at FIG. 1B, and the rate of traffic flow is calculated based on such a time window. The average bandwidth that a traffic flow takes during such a time window is shown in FIG. 1C.

The time window, moreover, is longer than the time needed to transfer the maximum size packet Pmax, using the bandwidth assigned to that customer flow Rflow. So the minimum time window size is

as otherwise, the maximum size packets will always be dropped. The longer the time window, the larger burst the ESF can absorb. A large time window, however, requires more memory space for the destination queue, and it comes with worse latency and jitter.

Another important parameter is the pace that the time window slices. When the pace gets smaller, irregularity of traffic flow controlling will be more accurate. The pace must be smaller than the time window. Since the traffic flows come from the line cards LC0 . . . LC63 into the ESF, FIG. 2, and the status of the data flows is also monitored there at C0 . . . C63, the fastness of the pace can be adjusted by the hardware implementation, which, of course, is heavily related to how many customer data-packet flows a line card LC can monitor.

Returning to FIG. 2, each gate Gate 0 through Gate 63 in this example, makes a data packet admission or drop decision based upon the actual egress queue depth “d”—information fed back to the gates along the dash line F of FIG. 2. The before-mentioned packet data flow monitoring and the “color” assignment or decision for the data packets earlier described and schematically represented at “C”, and further explained hereinafter and in FIG. 4, is performed in the respective dataflow monitors C0 . . . C63. The programming of drop probability curves, illustrated in FIG. 3, is effected in the Gates 0 . . . 63, schematically represented at “P”, and, in the light of the egress queue depth information “d”, action is taken on the packet data coloring to admit or drop the packet flow to the router switch SR.

Considering further the information C on the “color” of the packet, it was earlier described that, in accordance with the invention in preferred form, the over-subscribing rate is digitized for three conditions or “colors”, say “green”, “yellow” or “red” indicated in respective shading in FIG. 2 and as represented in the flow chart of FIG. 4—(1) for a customer data packet flow that is within the customer bandwidth allocation of the subscribed contract; (2) for a customer data packet flow that is out-of-contract but within a characterized predetermined flow burst size; and (3) for a customer data packet flow that is both out-of-contract and outside such burst size.

In FIG. 3, a typical drop probability curve is plotted illustrative of one of these “color” conditions, as a function of actual monitored egress queue depth “d”, and that is made known at the input packet forward processing gates as before discussed (feedback path F, FIG. 2). This exemplary drop probability curve shows rising probability of excess data drop, up to the 100% drop decision at the highest threshold “d”. The curves for the three colors together, implement a three-dimensional probability drop function block III, FIG. 4, and ultimately control the admit or drop decision block IV, FIG. 4.

It should be noted, furthermore, that data packets that pass through more nodes between their source and the destination, have higher drop probability. Since the total number of packets which do not make it to the destination may be higher, the overall bandwidth utilization will be lower.

Modifications will also occur to those skilled in this art and such are considered to fall within the spirit and scope of the invention as defined in the appended claims.

  • 1. A method of guaranteeing the respective bandwidths contractually allocated to a plurality of data communication customers for sending their respective data packets through respective ingresses of a switch/router to one or more common egresses for transmission along communication links of predetermined dataflow capacity, while protecting against one or more of such customers using more than its allocated bandwidth to the detriment of the guaranteed bandwidth of other customers, the method comprising, monitoring the dataflow from each customer at its respective ingress to determine conformance with the allocated bandwidth; in the event of an attempt by one customer to exceed its allocated bandwidth, determining at said ingresses if other customers may be underutilizing their allocated bandwidths, thus providing free or excess capacity; in the event that there is no such underutilization, thereupon, in fairness to the other customers, restricting said one customer from exceeding its allocated bandwidth and dropping the excess data; but in the event that underutilization of bandwidth indicating excess capacity is monitored, permitting such exceeding of its allocated bandwidth by said one customer but to the extent only of such excess capacity.
  • 2. The method of claim 1 wherein said one customer is additionally billed for the extent of the exceeding of its allocated bandwidth.
  • 3. The method of claim 1 wherein there are a plurality of customers over-subscribing their respective contract-allocated bandwidths and wherein, to the extent of such excess bandwidth capacity, fair shares of excess bandwidth are determined and allocated to the over-subscribing customers.
  • 4. The method of claim 3 wherein, the customers receiving such allocated shares of excess bandwidth are respectively billed for their respective shares.
  • 5. The method of claim 3 wherein the fair sharing of excess bandwidth is allocated substantially proportionately to the rate of customer over-subscribing data flow.
  • 6. The method of claim 3 wherein both the customer ingress data flow and the actual egress queue depth are monitored to provide actual destination queue depth status and to communicate such to the ingress to support the data dropping decision.
  • 7. The method of claim 6 wherein the ingress data flow monitoring further provides information for enabling the billing of over-subscribing customers who are allocated a share of said excess bandwidth for their said share.
  • 8. The method of claim 6 wherein said monitoring of excess data sharing and data dropping is effected through cooperative ingress data packet forward processing and egress buffer switching.
  • 9. The method of claim 8 wherein a drop probability function is generated in response to the rate of over-subscribing bandwidth data flow and the actual egress queue depth for enabling said excess bandwidth sharing and data dropping decision.
  • 10. The method of claim 9 wherein said drop probability function is provided as a digitized input for each of three conditions or “colors”; (1) customer data flow within the customer allocated contract, (2) out-of-contract but within predetermined burst size, and (3) both out-of-contract and out-of-burst size.
  • 11. The method of claim 10 wherein said three conditions or “colors” combine to provide a three-dimensional drop probability function.
  • 12. Apparatus for guaranteeing the respective bandwidths contractually allocated to a plurality of data communication customers for sending their respective data packets through respective ingresses of a switch/router to one or more common egresses for transmission along communication links of predetermined dataflow capacity, while protecting against one or more of such customers using more than its allocated bandwidth to the detriment of the guaranteed bandwidth of other customers, the apparatus having, in combination, means for monitoring the dataflow from each customer at its respective ingress to determine conformance with the allocated bandwidth; means operable in the event of an attempt by one customer to exceed its allocated bandwidth, for determining at said ingresses if other customers may be underutilizing their allocated bandwidths, thus providing free or excess capacity; means operable in the event that there is no such underutilization, for thereupon, in fairness to the other customers, restricting said one customer from exceeding its allocated bandwidth and dropping the excess data; but in the event that underutilization of bandwidth indicating excess capacity is monitored, permitting such exceeding of its allocated bandwidth by said one customer but to the extent only of such excess capacity.
  • 13. The apparatus of claim 12 wherein means is provided for additionally billing said one customer for the extent of the exceeding of its allocated bandwidth.
  • 14. The apparatus of claim 12 wherein there are a plurality of customers over-subscribing their respective contract-allocated bandwidths and wherein, means is provided for determining and allocating fair shares of excess bandwidth to the respective over-subscribing customers to the extent of such excess bandwidth capacity
  • 15. The apparatus of claim 14 wherein the customers receiving such allocated shares of excess bandwidth are respectively billed for their respective shares.
  • 16. The apparatus of claim 14 wherein the means for allocating fair sharing of excess bandwidth effects such substantially proportionately to the rate of customer over-subscribing data flow.
  • 17. The apparatus of claim 14 wherein means is provided for monitoring both the customer ingress data flow and the actual egress queue depth to provide actual destination queue depth status and to communicate such to the ingress to support the data dropping decision.
  • 18. The apparatus of claim 17 wherein the ingress data flow monitoring means further provides information for enabling the billing of over-subscribing customers who are allocated a share of said excess bandwidth for their said share.
  • 19. The apparatus of claim 17 wherein cooperative ingress data packet forward processing and egress buffer switching means are provided for controlling the excess data sharing and data dropping.
  • 20. The apparatus of claim 19 wherein a drop probability function is generated in response to the rate of over-subscribing bandwidth data flow and the actual egress queue depth for enabling said excess bandwidth sharing and data dropping decisions.
  • 21. The apparatus of claim 20 wherein said drop probability function is provided as a digitized input for each of three conditions or “colors”; (1) customer data flow within the customer allocated contract, (2) out-of-contract but within predetermined burst size, and (3) both out-of-contract and out-of-burst size.
  • 22. The apparatus of claim 21 wherein said three conditions or “colors” combine to provide a three-dimensional drop probability function.
  • 23. The apparatus of claim 21 wherein a plurality of packet data flow monitors is provided respectively fed data packets from a corresponding plurality of data line cards, and each setting an appropriate “color” for the respected data packets.
  • 24. The apparatus of claim 23 wherein the respective “color” data packet flows are applied to corresponding drop-decision gates each fed with information on the actual egress queue depth and each programming its drop probability function and acting on the respective data packet “color” to communicate a pass or drop decision as to said switch router feeding the egress queue.
  • 25. The apparatus of claim 24 wherein an adaptive data schedule is provided in the egress.
  • 26. The apparatus of claim 25 wherein said output data scheduler enables transmission on said communication link(s) of differentiated services for various different types of data packet flow from said line cards.