Society’s reliance on technology and digital spaces has led to a rapid growth in cyber-based criminal activities that threaten national security. This generated a critical need for developing educational practices that prepare the current and future workforce to investigate cyber threats and process digital evidence. Strategies to achieve effective balance of theoretical and practical education are yet to be fully determined. To address the need for effective and balanced educational practices, this project will introduce active-learning pedagogy into an existing computer forensics curriculum. Its effect will then be measured based on student success and development of industry-relevant skills. Measurement will be accomplished in three ways. First, through evaluating the appropriate balance, and ordering, of forensic, computer science, and criminal justice courses needed to develop a strong theoretical understanding. Second, through introducing classroom training with hardware and software currently used within the discipline, to develop strong practical skills for entry-level positions. Third, through providing hands-on internships that require processing of digital evidence from active criminal investigations to provide work experience and job training. As San Jose State University is both a Hispanic-Serving Institution and an Asian American and Pacific Islander-Serving Institution, a focus will be placed on how these curricular changes contribute to the diversification of the cybersecurity workforce.<br/> <br/>Computer forensic (CF) investigators require a unique education balancing forensics, computer science, and criminal justice. This includes not only a theoretical foundation, but also practical experience processing digital evidence. To meet these needs, education will incorporate training on the technologies and current best practices used within the discipline through hands-on experiences with the latest trends in sources (devices) of digital evidence. Existing learning environments will be modified in three different ways and evaluated to measure the impacts on student success and workplace preparedness, especially among underrepresented groups. First, by identifying how students’ navigational path (e.g., order of courses, pre-existing knowledge) within the interdisciplinary coursework impacts the successful completion of the program, and how modifications to these pathways can increase student success. Second, by introducing active-learning pedagogy into the classroom and training on hardware and software currently used by CF practitioners. Third, by developing a laboratory infrastructure for students to complete internships where they can conduct digital evidence investigations on active criminal cases. <br/> <br/>The effectiveness of these modifications will be measured through interviews with CF practitioners on the skill sets required for the discipline, surveys of student navigation and activities, surveys of laboratory intern experiences, and surveys of graduates' abilities to successfully transition into careers within the discipline. Results will be disseminated through online open-source educational materials, presentations to criminal justice agencies and higher education institutions, and peer-reviewed publications. Dissemination of results will aid the development of effective CF curriculum at other institutions. <br/> <br/>This project is supported by the Secure and Trustworthy Cyberspace (SaTC) program, which funds proposals that address cybersecurity and privacy, and in this case specifically cybersecurity education. The SaTC program aligns with the Federal Cybersecurity Research and Development Strategic Plan and the National Privacy Research Strategy to protect and preserve the growing social and economic benefits of cyber systems while ensuring security and privacy.<br/><br/>This award reflects NSF's statutory mission and has been deemed worthy of support through evaluation using the Foundation's intellectual merit and broader impacts review criteria.