This Small Business Innovative Research Phase I project will develop and deliver an indium gallium arsenide (InGaAs) active pixel focal plane array (FPA) capable of phase sensitive detection. The FPA will be sensitive to the short-wave infrared (0.9 `m to 1.7 `m) making it suitable for use with eye safe lasers. Each pixel of the FPA will act as a lock-in amplifier allowing the imager to detect low power modulated signals in the presence of high background illumination. <br/> This functionality will be useful in search and rescue operations by enabling detection and location of a low power signal beacon. In tracking applications it will dramatically reduce the power of the eye-safe laser required for operation in a sunlit background. Important commercial applications include near infrared spectroscopy. The phase sensitive imaging technology that will emerge from this program will represent a substantial advance and will be applicable to all spectral bands.