This SBIR Phase I project will focus on the development of a thermally activated cross-linkable thermoplastic adhesive film. Although many thermoplastic adhesive films are available, none are capable of being cross-linked as they are applied. The addition of the cross linking functionality will allow the bonded joints thus created to be used at a higher temperature, closer to the original film melting point, without loss of performance due to softening or creep of the adhesive. <br/><br/>The prime application for the development of the cross-linkable adhesive film is for bonding of polypropylene composite skins to foam cores for the manufacture of structural sandwich panels. The new adhesive film will allow bonding at a sufficiently low temperature to avoid damage to the foam while enabling the panel to be used at a temperature close to the film application temperature, thus extending the temperature range at which the panels may be used. This will significantly broaden the application range for these lightweight sandwich panels in transport and infrastructure applications. Additionally the cross-linkable adhesive films have potential uses in other areas including apparel and automotive interiors where more durable, higher temperature bonds are of value.