9861166<br/> This Small Business Innovative Research Phase I project addresses a fundamental hindrance to the development of the Direct Methanol Fuel Cell (DMFC). Currently, a major obstacle inhibiting DMFC performance is the phenomenon of methanol crossover through the polymer electrolyte membrane, which causes cathode depolarization resulting in significant performance loss. This Phase I program extends PSI's expertise in developing high performance electrocatalysts and electrodes for this system into the area of methanol permeation. Our approach is to utilize the unique structural and electrical properties of carbon nanotubes to create a composite membrane structure, which will inhibit methanol crossover while maintaining high electrical and ionic conductivity. Successful completion of this Phase I effort will result in a power density increase of as much as 20% for the DMFC.<br/> Successful development of the technology will substantially improve the performance and cost effectiveness of direct methanol fuel cells for both military and commercial applications.