This Small Business Innovative Research (SBIR) Phase I project will address the critical need for a commercial rheo-meter that can be used to measure all three shear flow properties of a molten thermoplastic. Currently available commercial rheo-meters can measure at best only two of the three independent shear flow properties, which are the viscosity, first normal stress difference (N1), and second normal stress difference (N2). The objective of the proposed project is to demonstrate proof-of-principle for a novel rheo-meter plate with monolithically integrated miniature pressure sensors fabricated using micro-electro-mechanical systems technology. It will be shown that this novel rheo-meter plate can be used to extend the capabilities of conventional rheo-meters, enabling measurement of all three shear flow properties with greater accuracy than previously possible.<br/><br/>The innovative rheo-meter plate will allow smaller sample sizes to be used, with greater control over sample thickness during testing and should lead to better design and control of manufacturing processes with polymeric materials and spectrometers.