This Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) Phase I research project will develop Raman spectroscopy as a novel analytical tool to monitor and control chemistry in small-scale reactors (microliter to milliliter). Small scale reactors are being developed to: (1) create new chemical reaction processes; (2) increase yields of existing processes; and, (3) replace scaling-up by numbering-up production. Rapid optimization and successful process operation of these reactors requires analytical measurements to identify and quantify (+/-1%) all reactants and products in real-time (e.g. 1 min), preferably without requiring sample preparation. This Phase I project will demonstrate feasibility by measuring reactants and products during the esterification of benzoic acid. Protecting carboxylic acid groups by esterification is an often-used reaction during the synthesis of pharmaceuticals. Raman spectroscopy will be first used to monitor this reaction in a small-scale reactor under a variety of conditions and then use the real-time data to control yield<br/><br/>If successful the development of the proposed analytical tool will aid the development and use of small-scale reactors. The proposed analytical tool will be marketed to the Chemical Manufacturing Industry, where it will aid the development of new drugs for clinical trials (pharmaceutical companies), the development of synthetics used in fuels and lubricants (petrochemical companies), and the development of stronger-lighter composites (chemical and manufacturing companies).