This Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR)Phase I project proposes to develop a portable, sealed, self-contained laboratory-on-a-chip using magnetohydrodynamic (MHD) based microfluidic technology to perform chemical analyses of body fluids. These labs-on-a-chip are small, lightweight, consume minimal reagents and power and can be preprogrammed to automate most of the functions of the device such as pumping, mixing, separation and detection. This innovative MHD pumping technology will be integrated with a self-contained microelectrochemical immunoassay detection method for the development of a sealed, fully automated and adaptable lab analysis system for standalone and point-of-care detection applications. The rapid, simultaneous assessment of proteins, lipids, hormones, carbohydrates, vitamins and clinical drugs in blood (or other body fluids) is feasible. <br/><br/>The broader impact of this rapid, automated detection device for quantitation of blood chemistry components would allow the health status of a patient to be determined within a single trip to the doctors office or hospital. Any necessary therapeutic measures could begin immediately. Specific examples include the frequent monitoring of hormone levels for diagnosis and control of premenopausal or menopausal symptoms, monitoring of the health of a pregnancy, diagnosis and control of thyroid and pituitary disorders or other hormone regulation systems.