This Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) Phase I project will develop a new approach for removing tars from gasified biomass, which will enable the cost effective and efficient use of biomass to produce power, liquid fuels and value added chemicals. The objective of this project is develop an improved catalyst and catalytic approach that will convert residual hydrocarbons and tars in gasified biomass into hydrogen, and carbon oxides, thereby upgrading the quality of the synthesis gas before further processing. The approach is based on a newly invented catalyst material that has been demonstrated to have high activity and stability for biomass gasification applications. The Phase I work will focus on development of the new catalyst and demonstrating the new catalyst and catalytic approach for tar removal and hydrocarbon reforming. The Phase I research results will enable reductions in cost and improvements in efficiency of biomass conversion processes. <br/><br/>The broader impacts (commercial potential) of this technology will possibly lessen dependence on the use of fossil fuels, especially petroleum and natural gas. The use of fossil fuels for heat and power contributes to environmental pollution and global warming. There is no single solution to the pending energy crisis, but rather a combination of solutions will be required to meet future energy needs (including wind, solar, hydrogen, biomass, and/or fuel cells). This project focuses on catalyst technology that is needed for the biomass option, and specifically offers technology that will make it technically and economically feasible to make biomass a significant part of the nation's energy future.