9860477<br/> This Small Business Innovation Research Phase I project addresses the development of Pt-Mo alloys as promising CO-tolerant catalysts for application in fuel cells operating on hydrogen from reformed hydrocarbons. In this project, three well-established synthetic methods to prepare high dispersion supported Pt-Mo alloys. T/J Technologies, Inc. has extensive experience in the dispersion of bifunctional Pt-Ru electrocatalysts on early transition metal carbide supports. Drawing on this area of expertise, a systematic investigate of three synthetic methods for dispersing the alloy catalysts on Vulcan XC-72 to produce alloys of varying composition and microstructure. The company will characterize the composition and microstructure of the supported catalysts using electron microscopy and x-ray microanalysis. Stripping voltammetry measurements will be performed using electrocatalysts deposited onto glassy carbon electrodes. Rotating disk methods will be used to measure electro-oxidation activity under defined mass transport conditions. In phase II, catalyst microstructure, weight loading, and particle size distributions will be optimized to improve electrochemical activity.<br/> Reducing the cost of CO tolerant catalysts addresses a key impediment to the commercialization of PEM fuel cells for vehicle propulsion and off-grid electric power generation.