This Small Business Innovation Research Phase I research project will explore the possibilities for an affordable and fully accessible network that provides clear specification interpretation tools and the means to document key design characteristics. The effort has the potential to provide advancements that will completely transform century-old practices. This will, in turn, transform the Extended Enterprise-and specifically Production Systems-because the root of successful attainment of quality, product reliability and integrity, production planning, and scheduling is the assurance that all components fully meet the design intent. The ability to achieve such innovations as efficient flow lines, just-in-time inventory practices, and a fully integrated supply chain are dependent on material and components that are near-perfect from the beginning and remain that way over the life of the product. Achievement of the Collaborative Product Definition Management research vision will enable realization of these essential objectives.<br/><br/>If successful this solution will reduce the time and effort to generate product specifications. By meeting design intent products will go to market after a shorter development time and at a lower cost.