This Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) Phase I project will design and evaluate a Software Development Platform for the rapid prototyping and implementation of applications that will personalize the communications experience of a wide variety of Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP) enterprise phone users leading to large productivity gains in industry, government, and academic settings. The proposed product shall provide the capability to make an audio voice connection (telephone call) over a packetized data network. This capability will take advantage of the data networks that exist within enterprises (Local Area Networks), and of the infrastructure of enterprise-to-enterprise networks (Wide Area Networks). The proposed product will ultimately take advantage of the global network infrastructure found in the Internet. The "advantages" being leveraged include both cost and functional capabilities found only in a combined voice and data network. <br/><br/>This proposed development opens a window of opportunity for new ODM (Original Design Manufacturers) to enter the market provided that they present cost-advantaged, first to market, disruptive technology offerings that may appeal to the enterprise customers of current OEMs (Original Equipment Manufacturers) that may or may not have VoIP phones in their product portfolio.