This Small Business Innovative Research (SBIR) Phase I project proposes a unique rolled-ribbon cell for a <br/>Lithium-ion battery that has inherent cost advantages for a NGV FreedomCar compact <br/>pulse-power application. It can meet the cost requirements and deliver thousands of <br/>pulses and recharges. The battery is formed by stacking large capacity (5-10Ah), sealed, <br/>125mm diameter, button cells to optimize power capability. The battery design projects <br/>power at 2-4kW/kg and power density at 7.5kW/liter similar to a ultracapacitor, with 20 <br/>times greater specific energy at 70-90Wh/kg . Of particular importance to high-power <br/>battery, the rolled-ribbon design overcomes safety concerns by its unique internal heat <br/>dissipation. Perpendicularly oriented electrode foils remove heat from the electrode <br/>interface to the disc-cell hardware without crossing Celgard separator. The high temperature stability of Lithium ion will be enhanced with a flame retardant electrolyte <br/>additive. <br/><br/>The NGV FreedomCar can anticipate a viable safe, high power Li-ion battery using the <br/>rolled-ribbon cell design, that is more compact and cost-effective than ultracapacitors or <br/>other high-power batteries. Improved performance and temperature stability for Li-ion <br/>battery can enhance prospects for the civilian hybrid vehicle market. Gasoline savings <br/>will reduce air pollution and oil imports.