This Small Business Innovation Research Phase I project will create a Building Energy Conservation Optimization Network (BECON). BECON will reduce energy consumed by lighting, HVAC and other systems in buildings. BECON enables the optimal control and scheduling of environmental factors in a building, including lighting, heating, cooling and ventilation among others. BECON involves: (1) An illumination-based audit and control system to monitor accurately, on a frequent, timely and inexpensive basis, the energy requirements and usage in a building, enhancing the capability of a building energy management system; and (2) Electronic lighting ballasts which can control and reduce energy usage based on lighting requirements.<br/><br/>The broader impacts of BECON include substantial energy conservation and efficiency within buildings plus the inexpensive availability of monitoring systems customized for individual buildings without extensive sensor installations. Since BECON is based on the dual use of lights for illumination and for data transmission, BECON transmitters can be designed also to provide assistive information to blind, deaf and other disabled users, enabling inexpensive enhanced compliance with the Americans with Disabilities <br/>ACT.