This Small Business Innovation Research Phase I project proposes to test the effectiveness, efficiency and safety of a pilot-scale Hyper-concentrated Dissolved Ozone (HYDOZTM) Injector system for use within municipal drinking water treatment plants for prevention and removal of disinfection byproducts (DBP), removal of off-flavors from algae (MIB and geosmin), and disinfection of bacteria.. This patent-pending technology is a novel method for more efficient, controllable and safe transfer of ozone from gas phase to liquid solution at high concentrations. HYDOZ treatment will be compared to chlorination and will occur at two locations within the pilot-plant: at the flow inlet structure of the pilot plant and at the flow outlet prior to post-treatment chlorination. <br/><br/>HYDOZ technology will provide drinking water treatment facilities with an economic alternative to reduce the concentration of disinfection byproducts (DBPs) as mandated by the Stage II DBP rules that were enacted in January 2006 while simultaneously realizing benefits of improved treatment of pathogens and reduction of off-flavors in drinking water. The expanded use of ozone in drinking water treatment facilities will improve the safety and quality of drinking water in the U.S. and abroad.