This Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) Phase I Project will investigate the merits and<br/>feasibility of an Adaptive Compact Fuel Reformer (ACFR) using an Ultra-Fine Homogeneous<br/>Atomizer based on an autothermal process. Diesel reformer is the key to provide syngas (H2+CO) for<br/>fuel cell auxiliary power unit (APU) which can significantly reduce engine idling fuel cost. Hydrogen<br/>rich syngas with EGR is effective for simultaneously reducing engine NOx and PM emissions.<br/>However, most diesel reformers face challenges of auto-ignition control, coking and fuel slip, size<br/>and weight reduction, and durability issues, etc. The key innovation of the adaptive compact fuel<br/>reformer is an ultra-fine atomizer, which has an innovative micro-circular orifice coupling ultra-thin<br/>layer of fuel spray, steam and air flow simultaneously. The atomizer can produce very small fuel<br/>droplets (~10 micron) and homogenous mixture, which can be quickly vaporized and converted into<br/>syngas in a small space without auto-ignition, coking and slip. The Phase I work will complete the<br/>key design work for the fuel reformer and conduct lab bench scale testing for key components.<br/>The broader/commercial impacts of this research are significant potential benefits for US<br/>energy security and environment protection. The potential customers include engine OEMs and auto<br/>makers. The industry-university collaborated research will help graduate students carry on<br/>fundamental research while providing deeper understanding of diesel fuel reformation for commercial<br/>applications.