This Small Business Innovation Research Program (SBIR) Phase I project will develop leap-ahead improvement to public safety radio networks (PSRN). The problems associated with communication during a catastrophic event are well documented. One area of particular concern is the unreliability of PSRN. Generally speaking the PSRN performance is worst when the system is needed most; in the early stages of a disaster response. For example, the 9-11 Commission Recommendation Card released on Sept. 1, 2011, specifically identified the PSRN for first responders as a major weakness in disaster preparedness. Further, the simple allocation of additional spectrum in public safety radio bands will not fully address the problem. Taking into account the unique restrictions attached to PSRN, this project will provide leap-ahead improvement in efficiency of wireless communication bandwidth by minimizing the harmful effects of interference and allowing graceful degradation of wireless systems. The program will utilize recently developed RF interference cancellation technologies and apply them to commercial wireless communication applications. Further new resource allocation algorithms will be developed. The initial focus will be on public safety radio networks, but can be applied a wide range of wireless systems.<br/><br/>The broader impact/commercial potential of this project is to address the demand for RF bandwidth which has been growing exponentially. This demand is driven by almost unlimited consumer demand for wireless communication services. Though broadband wireless access networks appear to be ubiquitous, we are rapidly running out of bandwidth as the radio spectrum becomes more crowded. By 2015, the demand for data traffic is expected to increase by over 3000%, according to Bernstein Research. To accommodate such an increase in usage, cell towers are being located closer together, thus increasing their interference. In addition, the Federal Communication Commission regulates bandwidth usage with a very static allocation approach. As a result, large amounts of spectrum are underutilized while other parts of the spectrum are saturated, creating unnecessary bottlenecks. The proposed program will demonstrate technology that will substantially improve the efficiency of spectrum usage.