0214911<br/>Kane<br/><br/>This Small Business Innovation Research Phase I Project proposes to develop an enhanced spectral interferometry method for biological and biomedical applications. This method will provide rapid, high resolution optical imaging and can be easily coupled with fiber optics for in-vivo applications using endoscopes, catheters and similar devices. The Phase I Project will demontrate the utility of enhance spectral interferometry for cross-sectional imaging in biological tissues. In the follow on Phase II Project, a fiber<br/>optic imaging spectral interferometer capable of high speed will be developed.<br/><br/>The commercial applications of this project are in the area of biomedical devices and instrumentation. This technology will be applied to a variety of biomedical research and clinical needs including monitoring of tissue response to drugs or radiation exposure, detection of cancerous and pre-cancerous tissues, and the imaging of venous and arterial structures and ocular pathologies.