This Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) Phase I project will demonstrate method of depositing high density and reproducible epitaxial metal oxide thin films using a spin-on deposition technique. This method is not limited to the oxides, but can be used to deposit thin films of nitrides, carbides, and sulfides as well. The project will focus mainly on process development in which only a few selected metal oxides will be used. The thickness of the film's can be controlled over a wide range from few nanometers to several micrometers. The process is organic solvent-free and avoids typical problems encountered with sol-gel processes, which makes it attractive for commercialization. Both conducting and dielectric films can be deposited. <br/><br/>The broader impact/commercial potential from this technology will be improved and lower cost manufacturing processes for thin films of simple or complex oxides, where Chemical Vapor Deposition (CVD) or sol-gel methods are currently used. The ability to deposit high-density epitaxial films without the need of expensive vacuum or CVD equipment could revolutionize the field of epitaxial coatings and lead to efficient devices, such as electronic devices, sensors and micro-actuators.