NSF SBIR Phase I Proposal 1013698<br/><br/>Proposal Title:<br/>Functionally Integrated Self-powered Flexible and Conformal Sensor System Components<br/><br/>Abstract:<br/><br/>This Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) Phase I project focuses on developing a flexible, rugged, conformal form factor, self-powered system with integrated generation, harvesting, storage, sensing, and communication capability. The flexible form factor is suitable and designed for broad ranges of applications in small and large areas with conventional and autonomous deployment capability. To date most energy harvesting and autonomous sensor systems are limited to a single scavengable source with custom fabricated large form factors (~10-100 cm3) resulting in costly implementations, limited applications and commercial deployment. Consequently, this proposal focuses on integration of micropower harvesting, efficient energy management circuits and systems along with demonstrated range of thin-film multifunction materials such as flexible complementary metal-oxide-semiconductor (CMOS) circuits, solar cells and organic light emitting diodes (OLEDs), and high efficiency piezoelectric materials. The goal of this proposal will address the critical tasks of integration of energy generation, harvesting, storage, sensing, monitoring and communication circuit functions in a compact flexible form factor, envisioned to be the first such attempt to create a standalone conformal system. The thin-film processes proven individually are being designed to be integrated in linear, manufacturable, low cost and high volume compatible processes.<br/><br/>The broader impact/commercial potential of this project involves broad range of defense, industrial, and consumer applications that require self-powered and long life autonomous electronic systems that are emerging as one of the critical application segments in the coming decade. These span wireless sensor networks, remote structural health monitoring, inaccessible temperature and humidity sensing, radio-frequency identification (RFID) tags, and implantable biosensors. In addition, reduction in the size and power consumption of sensors and CMOS circuitry has increased proliferation of remote sensing especially in hazardous and inaccessible environments. Along with the fundamental form factor and active life limitation concern with batteries is their charging and replacement can be tedious and expensive. Development of multifunctional thin-film materials and their integration in generic and specific application solutions is proposed during the current and subsequent grant phases, and their commercialization. These systems can be envisioned to be implemented in flexible, conformal form factors suitable for broader applications such as smart fabrics, sports, health care, supply chain management, labels, credit cards, bio sensing patches and large area field deployment even in environments where conventional button cells are not practical making the solutions enabling at least three of the ten significant emerging technologies of the coming decade.