This Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) Phase I Project proposes to refine the novel Gene Engine Technology foruse in effective and inexpensive genomic analysis. The specific objectives of this project are to experimentally determine the actual limits of applicability of the Gene Engine TM technology and to develop all components needed for its use in high-resolution genomic mapping. To accomplish this, fluorescent sequence-specific tags will be designed and methodsdeveloped for their attachment to DNA targets. Microfluidic system will be improved to reliably stretch long DNA fragments. Algorithms needed for data processing and DNA map building will be developed. During the Phase I study, mixture of DNA fragments up to 200 kilobases long will be analyzed. Further development will lead to design and commercialization of an instrument capable of analyzing genomes up to 10 megabases in length.<br/><br/>The commercial applications of this project will be for rapid screening of populations as well as for personalized genetic analysis in clinical settings in the form of routine laboratory tests.