This Phase I Small Business Innovation Research Phase I aims to develop a near-infrared, laser-based spectroscopy instrument for detecting carbon monoxide, carbon dioxide, and methane in the Arctic as indicators of pollution transport. This instrument will be the first low-cost, remotely operated,<br/>high-sensitivity, high-accuracy sensor capable of continuously obtaining, storing, and transmitting data without the need for on-site calibration. It will achieve a significant advance in the accuracy of CO measurements, thereby enhancing studies of pollution transport into the Arctic by allowing multi-year studies and comparisons between distant field sites. It will enable the atmospheric chemistry and Arctic climate scientific communities to generate accurate and reliable models of global pollution generation,<br/>chemistry, and transport. <br/> This instrument can be used as a medical diagnostic for pulmonary distress detection. It will also enable power plants and other industrial operations to improve the efficiency of their stacks, thereby decreasing emissions and increasing productivity.