This Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) Phase I project will research passive components in electronic circuits increases, new interconnect technologies, such as embedded passives, are under development to optimize utilization of board real estate. For embedded passives, dimensional accuracy translates into control over component values, and so there is a need for high-precision fabrication processes. TPL has developed soft lithography micro-contact printing, an additive process that can fabricate near-net-shape structures with features between 100 microns and the sub-micron scale. The innovation exploits the compositional flexibility of sol-gel chemistry to synthesize powder-free inks with a wide range of materials properties that can be patterned with high resolution using the novel micro-contact printing technology. <br/><br/>Potential commercial applications effort will demonstrate the feasibility of micro-contact printing for application to high-density interconnects solutions, and could be an enabling technology for high-precision embedded passives. The PI has pioneered the use of micro-contact printing as a novel interconnect technology while TPL has extensive experience in developing packaging solutions for the electronics industry.